P 54 Holiday Testing Procedure R1
P 54 Holiday Testing Procedure R1
P 54 Holiday Testing Procedure R1
2. SCOPE:................................................................................................................................................... 3
4. DEFINITIONS: ........................................................................................................................................ 3
6. EQUIPMENT: ......................................................................................................................................... 6
8. REPORTING: .......................................................................................................................................... 6
9. SAFETY: ................................................................................................................................................. 6
This procedure is applicable to all corrosion and inspection section personnel involved in
carrying out holiday detection on corrosion protective coatings. The Holiday Test is to be
carried out 100% for the AG/UG offshore pipeline coated with FBE & HSS by using portable,
low amperage, adjustable voltage, and pulse type holiday detector employing an audible
signalling device.
4.1 A Holiday – A term that describes a discontinuity in a protective coating that lowers the
dielectric strength of the coating.
4.3 Telegraphing – Current travelling through a moisture and / or salt path to a discontinuity,
giving an erroneous indication.
5.1 General
5.1.1 The personnel performing the test shall be competent and experience, well versed in the
techniques to perform with proficiency certificate.
5.1.2 Holiday testing is carried out on corrosion protective coatings to identify discontinuities
that significantly reduce the effectiveness of the coating.
5.1.3 Testing is carried out using low and high voltage DC equipment depending on the type and
thickness of coating to be inspected.
A specific test voltage shall be defined and approved by company for use on coating dry film
thickness. Refer Table 1 for the voltage range.
NOTE: Visual inspection shall be cleared & accepted prior Holiday testing commencement.
5.1.5 Establish the average coating thickness by checking with a calibrated coating thickness
5.1.6 Select the appropriate holiday detection equipment and accessories / probes for the
thickness and coating / wrapping type to be inspected.
5.1.7 Ensure the battery for the equipment has adequate charge for the inspection work.
5.1.8 For pre-checks as listed below & operations of the equipment refer the given sections
(Section 5.0 to 10.0) of the manufacturer’s manual (as attached).
a) Test batteries
b) Connect leads
c) Select probe
d) Connect high voltage return to substrate
e) Check operation of high voltage return connection
f) Set test voltage
g) Set alarm sensitivity
h) Check for correct operation
i) Inspect coating for flaws
5.1.10 The following approved work permits are required for conducting holiday detection
a. Hot Work Permit for high voltage testing inside fenced limits of operating units.
c. General Work permits on new facilities that are outside fenced areas of operating units.
5.2 Methodology
5.2.1 The Visual inspection of the AG/UG offshore pipeline coated with FBE & HSS is
carried out to see that the overlap is correctly maintained and there are no
wrinkles, voids, blisters, pinholes, open seams, entrapped air or any other defects
likely to cause failure of the coating.
5.2.2 The calibration report for the Holiday detector will be submitted for review before
carrying out Holiday detector testing.
5.2.3 The electrode of the holiday detector, which is in the form of a wire brush or roller
contacted on pipeline surfaces.
5.2.4 The voltage of the holiday detector is set by the operator using the adjustable knob.
At no point of time the voltage will be allowed to go beyond 15kV. To ensure
proper inspection voltage the equipment shall be grounded properly, and the voltage
adjusted in accordance with the instructions of the equipment manufacturer.
5.2.5 After the voltage adjustment the electrode shall be passed over the Coated surface
one time only at the rate of approx. 15 m /min. If the electrode shall be passed over
the coated surface, the current to the electrode should be immediately cut off to
avoid damaging the coating.
5.2.6 Apply sufficient pressure to maintain contact with the surface.
5.2.7 Scan the area 100% to ensure the quality of the coating throughout the pipe.
5.2.8 The location of the holiday should be marked using chalk/crayon. That 3” on either
side of defective portion of the tape is to be cut opened and removed and fresh tape
of that size or slightly larger than that is to be applied using the same application
procedure. The repaired area shall then be retested once again with the holiday
5.2.9 The report for the above test will be documented as per approved format.
5.2.10 For FJC voltage shall be as per the project spec requirement : Holiday detection at
5kV/mm + 5kV
Name: DC Holiday Detector
Make: Elcometer
Range: 0.5-30kV
Model: 266
7.1 All coating repair shall be as per code, project spec and approve coating application or repair
procedure PF-10982024004-TP-GDNGEN-01902-PRO-A4. R1
8.1 Results of the holiday testing shall be reported on GR Holiday Detection Report format (GR-
9.1The surface must be clean and dry.
9.2 Any salts or any other debris, grease on the surface shall be removed.
9.3 Prior to conducting tests ensure that the area is free from solvents or explosive vapors.
9.4 When testing is carried out in an enclosed space, ensure that the pipeline is electrically
9.5 Gloves for electrical shock protection, goggles and/ or face shield, isolated shoes.
9.6 Testing to be performed in a dry area. No water on the ground allowed in testing area. If
encountered, operator to be protected by elevated isolated/ non-conductive podiums.
9.7 Barricade the testing area for non-related personnel and trespassers.
9.8 Specified voltage for the tested coating shall not be exceeded.
10.1 Report Format
10.2 Earlier Procedure Demonstration Report & RFI
10.3 Operators GR Qualification Certificates
10.4 Relevant Sections of Operating Manual
TEL: 00973 17 811757 FAX: 00973 17 811767
Email: [email protected] GR REPORT NO:
www.global-remote.net DATE:
No. GRB/NDT/HOLT/21/44
This is to certify that Mr. Praveen Kumar J. has been trained and has
sufficient and satisfactorily work experience in operating the following and
similar Holiday Testing Equipment and evaluating its results.
Instrument Details:
S.No. Manufacturer Model
01 Elcometer (DC Holiday Detector) 266
This certificate is being issued on the 05th Day of November 2021 and
valid upto the 24 months from the date of issue.
___________ ______________
Naveen Seth Jaison P.I
NDT Level-III Director
This is to certify that Mr. Vijayendran R. has been trained and has
sufficient and satisfactorily work experience in operating the following and
similar Holiday Testing Equipment and evaluating its results.
Instrument Details:
S.No. Manufacturer Model
01 Elcometer (DC Holiday Detector) 266
This certificate is being issued on the 05th Day of November 2021 and
valid upto the 24 months from the date of issue.
___________ ______________
Naveen Seth Jaison P.I
NDT Level-III Director
Attachment 10.4
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