Knight No.1
Knight No.1
Knight No.1
of the Immaculata
Immaculata —
Mediatrix of all graces
born of a Virgin as foretold by the prophet Isaiah, "Behold,
a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call his
name Emmanuel." Through the Mother of Light we were
September delivered from death. Read more:
12 th
ving for the deliverance of Christian Europe.
The devotion to the Holy Name of Mary should spread
simultaneously with the adoration of the Name of Jesus.
September At the Name of Jesus every knee is bent; at the Name of
Mary every head is bowed. Read more:
15 th
Her Compassion. To understand this double liturgy, we
must know that Mary is also the Mother of the Mystical
Body. Mary's great sorrows began at the prediction of Sime-
September on that a sword would pierce her heart. Read more: http://
September — October 2016 (No. 1)
and distributes
all graces
The Catholic Church honours our Blessed Mother with
so many beautiful titles including that of
"Mediatrix of all graces".
Mary obtains and distributes all graces
ith what motherly af-
fection is she always
endeavoring to assist us! In
the same manner as Jesus is
our mediator of right with His
eternal Father, because by the
merits of His Passion He ob-
tains pardon for penitent sin-
ners, so Mary is Mediatrix by
divine favour with her Son,
and is such a Mediatrix that
her Son grants her every re-
September — October 2016 (No. 1)
ll kinds of graces are "now" is said every moment in
distributed by her, even, the Church by thousands of
in a sense, those of the sacra- Christians who thus ask for the
ments; for she merited them grace of the present moment.
for us in union with Christ on This grace is the most individu-
Calvary. In addition, she dis- al of graces; it varies with each
poses us, by her prayer, to ap- of us, and for each one of us at
proach the sacraments and to every moment. If we are dis-
receive them well. At times she tracted while saying this word,
even sends us a priest, without Mary, who is not distracted,
whom this sacramental help knows our spiritual needs of
would not be given to us. every instant, and prays for us,
and obtains for us all the grac-
• Not only every kind of es that we receive. This teach-
grace is distributed to us by ing, contained in the faith of
Mary, but every grace in par- the Church and expressed by
Mary obtains and distributes all graces
the common prayers (lex or- she gives us her command "Do
andi lex credendi), is based on whatever He tells you."
Scripture and tradition. 3. Through her, He
strengthened the faith of John
During Our Lady earth- on Calvary, saying to him:
ly life, Mary appears in "Behold thy mother."
Scripture as the distributor of 4. By her the Holy Ghost
graces: came down upon the apostles,
1. Through Mary, Jesus for she was praying with them
sanctified the Precursor when in the cenacle on Pentecost
she went to visit her cous- day when the Holy Ghost de-
in Elizabeth and sang the scended in the form of tongues
Magnificat. of fire.
2. Through His mother, Jesus
confirmed the faith of the dis- After the assumption and her
ciples at Cana, by granting the entrance into glory, Mary is the
miracle that she asked. Also distributor of all graces. M
September — October 2016 (No. 1)
The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide
September — October 2016 (No. 1)
The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide
September — October 2016 (No. 1)
The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide
September — October 2016 (No. 1)
our salvation and to give honor versary of Fatima and M.I. 100th
to God, because Our Lord Jesus anniversary
Christ did it in that way. Our Lord I would like to express my
Jesus lived together with Our gratitude to Father Karl Stehlin,
Lady for 30 years, and He said to Father Thomas Onoda, to all
"I gave you an example", "follow those who worked for this retreat
me". He loved His mother in pu- and to the Immaculata!
blic life as well as private life.
It was very important for the Deo gratias!
preparation for the 100th anni- Odanaka Agnes (Japan)
The Perfect Devotion
to the Blessed Virgin Mary
This flyer concerns Marian Retreat according St. Louis
Grignion de Montfort and the act of total consecration
to Jesus through Mary.
The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide
plea. The plea for joining the I set about looking for a date
Militia Immaculatae. Well, the for my consecration. I first lo-
seed was planted in my head, oked at the 15th August, the
and most importantly in my feast day of the Assumption of
heart. This was something that Our Lady. Then as I was rese-
I had to do. arching I noticed that Saint
As soon as I got home, I star- Maximilian Kolbe’s feast day
ted researching everything that was on the 14th of August. I saw
I could on the Militia Imma- this as a signal grace, and stra-
culatae and the story of Saint ight away decided to ask Father
Maximilian Kolbe. And what an Johnson if it was possible for
incredible story that was. What me to be consecrated on Sunday
an awe inspiring human being. the 14th August 2016 by sending
Having been blessed with a vi- him an email in the week. Well,
sion from Our Lady at the ten- Father Johnson never read my
September — October 2016 (No. 1)
The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide
September — October 2016 (No. 1)
The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide
September — October 2016 (No. 1)
crushes the head of the serpent. Let our beacon in the cold, dark night.
us hear the Church’s prayer of the Take us under your victorious ban-
consecration of a banner: ner and we will fight against the big
Lord Jesus Christ, whose Church dragon. Now and at the hour of our
is like a well ordered battle-array, death.”
bless this banner; and grant that
all who fight under this standard The whole world for Jesus thro-
for your sake, O Lord God, may ugh the Immaculate!
by the prayers of the most Blessed United under the banner of the
Virgin Mary overcome their visi- Immaculate.
ble and invisible enemies in this Benjamin Aepli
The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide
September — October 2016 (No. 1)
The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide
September — October 2016 (No. 1)
Our Lady says through the mouth is all grace of the way and of the
of scripture: "I am the mother of truth, in me is all hope of life and of
fair love, and of fear, and of know- virtue." (Ecclesiasticus 24–25) She
ledge, and of holy hope. In me is our only Hope!
The little sparks from M.I. Worldwide
The Militia Immaculatae is an army of Knights of
Mary Immaculate which works for the conversion of all
men to God, whether they be Protestants, or Jews, or
Muslims, & in particular the Freemasons, and that all
become saints, under the patronage and through the
mediation of the Immaculate Virgin.
The Militia Immaculatae was founded by St. Maximi-
lian Maria Kolbe on September 17, 1917. Since 1937 Militia
Immaculatae is also called the Knights of the Immaculata.