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English for Academic and

Professional Purposes

Creative Writing – Grade 12
Quarter 3 – Module 12: Title: Preparing Concept Paper: Religion
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education Division of Pasig City

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Jenorie P. San Agustin

Editor: Julius Cezar Napallatan
Reviewer: Rowena D. Roxas
Coordinator: Maria Criselda M. Reyes
Management Team: Ma. Evalou Concepcion A. Agustin
OIC-Schools Division Superintendent
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5. Norlyn D. Conde, Ed. D., MAPEH
6. Wilma Q. Del Rosario, LRMS
7. Ma. Teresita E. Herrera, Ed. D., Filipino
8. Perlita M. Ignacio, Ph. D., ESP/SPED
9. Dulce O. Santos, Ed. D., Kinder/MTB
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English for Academic and
Professional Purposes

Quarter 3
Self-Learning Module12
Preparing a Concept Paper: Religion

Introductory Message
For the Facilitator:

Welcome to the English for Academic and Professional Purposes: Self-Learning

Module 12 on Preparing Concept Paper: Religion!

This Self-Learning Module was collaboratively designed, developed and

reviewed by educators from the Schools Division Office of Pasig City headed by its
Officer-in-Charge Schools Division Superintendent, Ma. Evalou Concepcion A.
Agustin, in partnership with the City Government of Pasig through its mayor,
Honorable Victor Ma. Regis N. Sotto. The writers utilized the standards set by the K
to 12 Curriculum using the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) in
developing this instructional resource.

This learning material hopes to engage the learners in guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Further, this also aims to help learners
acquire the needed 21st century skills especially the 5 Cs, namely: Communication,
Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Character while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Moreover, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the Learner:

Welcome to the English for Academic and Professional Purposes: Self-

Learning Module on Preparing a Concept Paper: Religion!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be enabled to process the contents of the learning material while being an active

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

Expectations - This points to the set of knowledge and skills

that you will learn after completing the module.

Pretest - This measures your prior knowledge about the lesson

at hand.

Recap - This part of the module provides a review of concepts

and skills that you already know about a previous lesson.

Lesson - This section discusses the topic in the module.

Activities - This is a set of activities that you need to perform.

Wrap-Up - This section summarizes the concepts and

application of the lesson.

Valuing - This part integrates a desirable moral value in the


Posttest - This measures how much you have learned from the
entire module.


This is your self-instructional learner module in English 12. All the activities
provided in this lesson will help you learn and understand: Concept Paper:


Direction: Put ✓ if the statement relates to Religion and X if it is not.

_____ 1. Hinduism includes the worship of many gods and the belief that
after you die you return to life in a different form.
_____ 2. Catholicism comprises the faith, practice, or system of Catholic
_____ 3. The Bible is a sacred scripture of Christians comprising the Old
Testament and New Testament.
_____ 4. The legislative branch of the government is responsible to the
making of laws.
_____ 5. The martial law imposed by the government throughout the city
stopped the riots.


We have learned that an important academic paper that the student

must learn to read and write critically is the concept paper. Presenting
samples of brief as well as full-blown concept papers from different areas of
knowledge, this does not only clarify what a concept paper is and its contents,
but also foregrounds the values it communicates, the strategies that may be
employed in reading and writing, and the characteristics of a well-written
concept paper.


‘Acceptance of religious diversity leads to peace’

By: Cyril John Barlongo

RELIGIOUS extremism and

violence in some parts of the
world have been causing deaths
and displacements of thousands
of people, destroying properties
and stunting the respective
countries’ economy. In the
Philippines different religious
beliefs are also breeding violence
to a certain extent.

To discuss the current concerns

of Islam and Christianity on
religious extremisms and violence, an interreligious dialogue between Muslims and
Christians was held on Wednesday at the University of Santo Tomas (UST) in Manila.
The conference was titled “The Approach of Islam and Christianity Toward Religious
Extremism and Violence.”

“We must admit in all honesty that their [Muslims and Christians] grief and
actions are rooted in their misjudgments of the principles of their religions,” Prof.
Rasoul Rasoulipour, high consultant of Center for Interreligious Dialogue and
Civilization, dean at the Department of Letters and Human Sciences in Kharazmi
University, and head of Department of Theology at Shahid Motahari University,
Tehran, Iran, said at the conference.

Rasoulipour said the problem the world is facing is a clash of misconceptions,

instead of a clash of civilizations.

Interreligious dialogue plays a very serious role. To have a constructive

discourse, we need to take into consideration a dialogue between Christianity and
Islam, he said.

Prof. Bagher Talebi of the University of the Religions of Qom, Iran, agrees.
“Interreligious dialogue promotes peace among human beings. There would be no
peace between religions without this kind of dialogue,” Talebi said at the conference.

One major cause of extremism and violence is terrorism, a complex

phenomenon that requires united effort by everyone who believes in peace and
goodwill, Rasoulipour said.

“The primary principle of each religion is human dignity. In other words, prior
to considering the concept of religion we have to acknowledge that, we are all humans
and that humanity is the body of nature. Respect it…dignity is inherent in
humanity,” Rasoulipour said.

To address the root of these misconceptions in the Philippines, the Christian

and Islamic groups in the country are planning to organize symposia an d publish
relevant materials that promote mutual understanding and respect between Islam
and Christianity, and to advocate the inclusion of world religions and interreligious
dialogue as a subject or course in the curriculum of secondary and tertiary education
and seminaries.

They are also committed to dialogue with the Catholic Educational Association
of the Philippines and the Department of Education Technical Panel on Textbook to
form a commission tasked to review, evaluate and ascertain the cultural, historical
and religious sensitivity of instructional materials used in all educational levels in
the country.

“We, as believers, are asked to worship God. One of the best types of
worshiping God is through dialogue. And we, brothers and sisters, must keep our
faith with God. People are responsible to participate in this type of event [dialogue]
and [make it an] occasion to see each other, meet each other, talk with each other
and exchange our experiences and feelings, and to share our joys and sorrows,”
Rasoulipour said.

As a citizen of this country, everybody’s participation in this interfaith dialogue

is important to fully understand and enlighten our assumptions and to have a unity
of faith, he said.

“Unfortunately, the pure and beauty, faith and peace of religion are misused
and abused by some acts of believers by [waging] war. Unfortunately, it has been the
impression nowadays among the believers and nonbelievers that religion in society
is not making peace, but making war,” Rasoulipour said. The believer, he said, “need
to participate and be involved in this type of gathering, to inform our brothers and
sisters that the true message and mission of all religion is peace, to talk with the
nonbelievers and to inform them the message—peace.”

Acceptance of diversity is the foundation of dialogue and is essential that all

discourses demand serious attention, he added.

The dialogue was a collaboration among the Iranian Embassy in Manila,

Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines, UST, Episcopal Commission on
Interreligious Dialogue and Center for Interreligious Dialogue to promote peace
among religions like Islam and Christianity. I t was attended by representatives from
various schools, colleges and universities, faculty members, individuals and religious


Activity 1

Directions: The author eloquently and elegantly described diversity in Religion in the
selection that you have just read. In the idea map below, fill in the details to describe
what diversity in religion is based on the selection that you have just read.

Description Idea-Map


Detail # 1

Detail # 2

Detail # 3

Activity 2

Choose from any of the following quotes on diversity in religion. It must be a quote
that you like or that struck you most.

1. ‘’Religion is the organization of spirituality into something that became the

hand maiden of conquerors. Nearly all religions were brought to people and
imposed on people by conquerors, and used as the framework to control their
minds.” John Henrik Clarke

2. “While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and

remember that everyone else and everything else are also God's creation.”
Maya Angelou

3. “Persecution is not an original feature in any religion; but it is always the

strongly marked feature of all religions established by law.” Thomas Paine

4. “Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams - they all have different names, but they all
contain water. Just as religions do - they all contain truths.” Muhammad Ali

5. “Religions that teach brotherly love have been used as an excuse for
persecution, and our profoundest scientific insight is made into a means of
mass destruction. “Bertrand Russell.

Write a two to three-paragraph composition about the quote that you have chosen.
First, brainstorm and outline your ideas using this description idea-map.

Topic: (the quote that you chose)

Detail # 1

Detail # 2

Detail # 3

Detail # 4

B. After brainstorming write your 3-paragraph composition here.


To wrap-up everything that we discussed in this lesson, the three important things
I learned for today’s lesson are …

1. _______________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________


The primary principle of each religion is human dignity. In other words, prior
to considering the concept of religion we have to acknowledge that, we are all humans
and that humanity is the body of nature. Respect it, dignity is inherent in humanity.

Understanding leads to acceptance. When we understand, we cannot hate.
Understanding allows us to stand in another person's shoes and see from their point
of view. We don't have to adopt all the other religions. Understanding allows us to be
respectful of another's theology and methods of worship.

The importance of understanding other religions is to allow us to realize the

beauty of faith and how each person has his or her own way of pursuing a higher
spiritual fulfillment. Also, we also understand how many like Buddha, Jesus,
Muhammad and Krishna, have delivered the same Word of God, which is to love one
another and serve the good of all sentient beings.

On a more practical level, it helps build social cohesion and ensure that no
one can use religion as a means to divide a country.


After writing, revise your work. Use the following checklist in evaluating your work.

Yes No

1. Do the details explain the topic that I choose?

2. Are there enough details to explain the topic?

3. Are there irrelevant details?

4. Do the paragraphs logically connect to each other?

5. Are the sentences logically related to each other?

6. Are my opinions believable/acceptable?

7. Did I write an ending that relate to the topic?

Rubric for Assessment of Concept Paper

Criteria Score
Thesis Statement

Body Paragraphs
Sentence flow, variety
Spelling, punctuation,


5. X

each other.
parties which is necessary to understand
enables a peaceful dialogue between
Detail # 3 Acceptance of diversity 4. X
Detail # 2 Interreligious dialogue 3. ✓

violence and terrorism.

extremists as an excuse for spreading
Detail # 1 Religious diversity is used by 2. ✓
diversity leads to peace
Answers may vary Topic: Acceptance of religious 1. ✓
Posttest Activity Pretest

BusinessMirror. BusinessMirror, July 6, 2020. https://businessmirror.com.ph/.

Azul, Kharla Jane. “Writing a Concept Paper.” LinkedIn SlideShare, September 16,
2018. https://www.slideshare.net/kharlajaneazul/writing-a-concept-paper.


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