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The Power of Love - with Stations of the Cross: From the Church of Mary Immaculate, Warwick, England Including Music and Meditations
The Power of Love - with Stations of the Cross: From the Church of Mary Immaculate, Warwick, England Including Music and Meditations
The Power of Love - with Stations of the Cross: From the Church of Mary Immaculate, Warwick, England Including Music and Meditations
Ebook80 pages27 minutes

The Power of Love - with Stations of the Cross: From the Church of Mary Immaculate, Warwick, England Including Music and Meditations

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The well-known Catholic tradition of The Stations of the Cross focuses our attention on the immense love Jesus has for us by undergoing His Passion and Death. By His Cross, Jesus united us to His Father, our Father, bringing us to know His healing and Light as we journey with Him throughout our ordinary everyday lives. This book, with meditations, pauses at each Station made by Jesus, contemplating the depth of His love while mindful of all He gained for us through His powerful Resurrection.
Release dateNov 6, 2014
The Power of Love - with Stations of the Cross: From the Church of Mary Immaculate, Warwick, England Including Music and Meditations

J A Russell

With the coming of Vatican ll in the 1960s, the author, as a Catholic mother of young children, welcomed the invitation to become a catechist involved with preparation for the sacraments of first confession and holy communion. She found that the more she expressed her faith, the more her faith was strengthened. It was certainty in God’s presence in the sacraments that enabled her to continue practicing her faith in times of adversity, with constant awareness of living in the light of God’s presence on the journey back to him. It is through a deep and continuous relationship as daughter of a loving father who is here with us in every aspect of our lives—whether serving him at home in the kitchen or at the altar in church, suffering in illness, or running freely along a beach—that the author wishes to encourage the reader to also seek a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit of God, holding on to the promises Jesus gives in the gospels. As a young person, the author found a great sense of God’s omnipresence through traveling widely and attending mass in foreign countries (mass still being said in Latin), being greatly influenced by the beauty and wonder of creation. Throughout a time of suffering, it was a great comfort to her to experience this same God present in her difficulties—still loving, still guiding, and patiently leading her into a deep experience of his powerful healing and grace. The author has great devotion to the mother of God and over the years has found immense joy as a Eucharistic minister. As a Catholic, she has seen the coming together of Christians in shared services. She has love of prayer, singing, and composing sacred music and is author of several inspiring books on God’s powerful presence, having a long-held desire to share the wonder of God’s life and healing light, which remain with us throughout even the simplest of things in our everyday life.

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    The Power of Love - with Stations of the Cross - J A Russell

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    © 2014, 2015 J A Russell. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked NJB are from The New Jerusalem Bible, copyright © 1985 by Darton, Longman & Todd, Ltd. and Doubleday, a division of Random House, Inc. Reprinted by Permission.

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    Let justice

    flow like water

    and integrity

    like an unfailing stream

    Amos 5:24.



    On my first visit to the Holy Land I was struck by the apparent familiarity of many of the Holy Places. They resembled quite closely the pictures on the walls of this Church of St. Mary Immaculate in Warwick. One can only guess that the painter had visited those sites herself and painted these canvasses from memory.

    The idea of the Stations of the Cross is very natural. People have always wished to visit and revisit places that held special memories for them, sad or otherwise. We know that already in the earliest times Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Land went from place to place where tradition said that a particular event of our Lord’s journey to Calvary took place.

    This book represents the very personal reflections of the author, who went on a pilgrimage from this parish some years ago. May they be an inspiration to readers to follow in the steps of Jesus and come to have a greater appreciation of the love that led him to give his life for us.

    Canon E.M. Stewart

    August 2008

    Parish Priest 1985-2010



    Stations of the Cross with

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