WMR Booklet Final

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 How to Pray the  

World Mission Rosary 
Archdiocese of Cincinnati 
Mission Office 
World Mission Rosary
The Mission Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
enthusiastically embraces the challenge of our baptismal
In February of 1951, Each decade of the World commitment to Jesus Christ, and are privileged to participate in
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Mission Rosary calls to mind His mission, embodied in the Church, to build unity among all
(national director of the an area where the Church peoples in the world.
Society for the Propagation of continues her evangelizing
the Faith from 1950 to 1966), mission: We hope you will join us in our work through the many
in a The Catholic Hour radio GREEN for the forests and activities offered by the Mission Office. We invite you to contact
address, inaugurated a World grasslands of AFRICA; us if you need any additional information.
Mission Rosary. “We must BLUE for the ocean
pray, and not for ourselves, surrounding the ISLANDS OF Services Offered: The Mission Office is the local office of the
but for the world. To this THE PACIFIC; Pontifical Mission Societies which support the 1,150 struggling
end, I have designed the WHITE symbolizing EUROPE, mission diocese around the world. The Pontifical Mission
Societies are:
World Mission Rosary. Each of the seat of the Holy Father,
The Society for the Propagation of the Faith
the five decades is of a shepherd of the world;
The Holy Childhood Association
different color to represent RED calling to mind the fire of The Society of St. Peter the Apostle
the continents.” Praying this faith that brought The Pontifical Missionary Union.
Rosary, Archbishop Sheen missionaries to the AMERICAS
said, would “aid the Holy YELLOW, the morning light of Programs are offered to schools and churches to promote and
Father and his Society for the the East, for ASIA. educate concerning short and long term mission work,
Propagation of the Faith by immersion trip advice, twinning between parishes of the
supplying him with practical Our Holy Father, Pope John Archdiocese of Cincinnati and mission sites, and about
support, as well as prayers, Paul II, encouraged everyone mission/global solidarity efforts in general. The Mission Office
for the poor mission to “intensify your praying of provides opportunities for mission experiences, celebrations of
territories of the world.” the Rosary…to obtain from solidarity and spiritual and financial support of the missions.
the Lord those graces that We promote the support of both home and foreign missions.
the Church and humanity
especially need." www.catholiccincinnati.org/mission
www.onefamilyinmission.org (national office)
www.worldmissionrosary.org (pray the rosary online)
The Holy Childhood Association How to say the Rosary
Do you know the history of the Holy Childhood Association, one of
only four mission societies to be designated as “Pontifical”? Begin the rosary by holding the On the first bead, pray the Our
Crucifix and making the Sign of Father:
French Bishop Charles de Forbin-Janson founded the Holy Childhood
Association in 1843. Deeply affected by the distress of Chinese children the Cross. Then pray the Our Father, Who art in heaven,  
abandoned in the streets, he was moved to found a society similar to the Apostles Creed: hallowed be Thy name; Thy 
Propagation of the Faith -- but for children. He was convinced that I believe in God, the Father  kingdom come; Thy will be done on 
children rich in faith and love are capable of playing their own part in the almighty, creator of heaven and  earth as it is in heaven. Give us this 
Church's mission - and even of stirring adults to show the same earth. I believe in Jesus Christ,  day our daily bread; and forgive us 
generous spirit. God’s only Son, our Lord, who was  our trespasses as we forgive those 
HCA was established in 1846 in the United States, first in New Orleans conceived by the Holy Spirit, born  who trespass against us; and lead 
and later in Baltimore. Today, its National Office is located in New York of the Virgin Mary, suffered under  us not into temptation, but deliver 
City with diocesan HCA offices nationwide. HCA was raised to the status Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died,  us from evil, AMEN 
of "Pontifical" in 1922 by Pope Pius XI. and was buried; he descended to 
the dead. On the third day he rose  On the next three beads, recite
again; he ascended into heaven, he  the Hail Mary:
Mission Education Programs is seated at the right hand of the  Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is 
available through the HCA Father, and he will come again to  with thee. Blessed art thou amongst 
A variety of Mission Education Programs are available from the HCA. judge the living and the dead. I  women, and blessed is the fruit of 
Through HCA’s Membership Program, students are invited to make a believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy  thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary,  
special commitment as missionaries and become members for $1.25 Catholic church, the communion of  Mother of God, pray for us sinners, 
each. They receive a bookmark, prayer card, membership card and a saints, the forgiveness of sins, the  now and at the hour of our death, 
subscription to the HCA newsletter, “It’s Our World”. The newsletter resurrection of the body, and the  AMEN. 
comes three times each school year and their teacher will receive a life everlasting. AMEN. 
teacher’s guide to the newsletter. Each newsletter focuses on an On the next bead, pray the
individual country. For details on this and other HCA programs go to Glory Be:
www.onefamilyinmission.org or phone 513-421-3131 ext 2632. Glory be to the Father, and to the 
Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it 
was in the beginning, is now, and 
Students… HCA has fun for you! ever  shall be, world without end, 
Students, HCA has a website for you: www.hcakids.org. You can
Then, announce the First
download games and learn about students in other parts of the world
who are just like you. There is an artwork contest and stories from Mystery...
various missionaries. Check it out!
The Joyful Mysteries  The Mission Mysteries 
Said on Monday and Saturday Said for the missions on special occasions

The first Joyful The second Joyful The third Joyful The fourth Mission The fifth Mission Concluding the Rosary  
Mystery Mystery Mystery Mystery Mystery  
The Annunciation The Visitation The Nativity of Jesus Jesus sends out His The Conversion of Paul
Say the Hail Holy
The archangel Gabriel  Mary visits her cousin  Jesus is Born!   Disciples In a very stunning change,  
announces to Mary that she  Elizabeth, who is pregnant  Mission Intention Jesus sends His followers to  through the grace of God,  Hail, holy Queen, Mother of 
shall conceive the Son of  with John the Baptist  For the children of the  bring the Good News to  Paul stops persecuting  mercy, our life, our 
God.  Mission Intention world, especially those who  others.  Christians and starts  sweetness and our hope. To 
Mission Intention That missionaries who  are poor and homeless, that  Mission Intention preaching the Good News.    thee do we cry, poor 
That the good news of a  travel long roads bearing  they may know the love of  That all who bring the Good  Mission Intention banished children of Eve. 
Savior, first announced to  Christ may be strengthened  Jesus.    News to others may do so  May we experience true 
To thee do we send up our 
Mary, may be proclaimed to  in faith and holiness.    Reflection with the same love and  conversion of heart daily 
sighs, mourning and 
all the world.   Reflection Mary, you gave birth to  enthusiasm of the first  through our prayer and 
weeping in this valley of 
Reflection Mary, you visited Elizabeth  Jesus, God’s own son. At  missionaries of Jesus.   good works.  
tears. Turn then, most 
You listened to the word of  in her need. Each of you  the foot of His cross, you  Reflection Reflection
The disciples went to  gracious Advocate, thine 
God announced by the  was moved by the Holy  became my mother. Raise  Paul transformed the 
others, heedless of the  eyes of mercy toward us, 
angel Gabriel. You believed  Spirit to praise God for  me as your own child. Raise  Church from a small sect of 
danger to themselves and  and after this our exile, 
and became the Mother of  what God had done for you.  me as God’s own child.  Judaism to a truly universal 
filled with the Holy Spirit.  show unto us the blessed 
God. Teach me to listen to  Teach me to be attentive to  Take care of all of God’s  church, teaching us that we 
Help me to consider my  fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O 
the Word and keep it. May  how the Spirit is  present in  children, especially those  must never dismiss others 
own missionary vocation  clement, O loving, O sweet 
it take root in my heart,  my life and the lives of   who do not know God.    as beyond God’s reach, 
whether it be in my own  Virgin Mary! 
grow and blossom, for my      even when their previous 
life and that of others too.       home or somewhere far  actions show them to be our  Pray the Rosary Prayer:
      away.  enemies.   O God, whose only 
Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… begotten Son, by His life, 
Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each death and resurrection, has 
of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… purchased for us the 
Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: rewards of eternal 
Pray the Fatima Prayer: salvation, grant, we beseech 
Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer:
thee, that while meditating 
O my Jesus, forgive us our  On the next large bead, On the next large bead, On the next large bead, Now, say the closing prayers… on these mysteries of the 
sins, save us from the fires  announce the third Mystery...  announce the fourth Mystery... announce the fifth Mystery…
most holy rosary of the 
of hell, lead all souls to  Blessed Virgin Mary, that 
heaven, especially those  we may both imitate what 
who are in most need of  they contain and obtain 
Thy mercy, AMEN  what they promise through 
On the next large bead, Christ our Lord, Amen. 
announce the second Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
have mercy on us. 
Immaculate Heart of Mary, 
pray for us.  
Make the Sign of the Cross.
The Mission Mysteries  The Joyful Mysteries 
Said for the missions on special occasions Said on Monday and Saturday

The first Mission The second Mission The third Mission The fourth Joyful The fifth Joyful Mystery Concluding the Rosary  
Mystery Mystery Mystery Mystery Finding Jesus in the Temple  
The Visit of the Magi Jesus speaks with the Jesus cures the Centurion’s The Presentation Mary and Joseph find the 
Say the Hail Holy
Three strangers arrive from  Samaritan Woman Servant Mary and Joseph present  young Jesus teaching the  Queen…
the east.  Jesus speaks to someone  Jesus cures the servant of a  Jesus in the Temple.   Rabbis in the Temple.   Hail, holy Queen, Mother of 
Mission Intention considered unworthy.   Roman soldier.  Mission Intention Mission Intention mercy, our life, our 
That all who seek Jesus will  Mission Intention Mission Intention That Catholic families  That all the people of the  sweetness and our hope. To 
find Jesus.   Father, help us to  That all who are ill,  throughout the world, by  world that live in sorrow  thee do we cry, poor 
Reflection understand that all people  especially those who face  the example of their lives,   may find in the Gospel  banished children of Eve. 
The Magi were astrologers  are Your children and that  the hardship of poverty  may show the love of Christ  message of Jesus new life  To thee do we send up our 
from Persia. When Jesus  all people deserve respect.  come to know Jesus’   to their neighbors.   and peace.   sighs, mourning and 
was born, they read in the  Reflection healing presence.    Reflection Reflection
weeping in this valley of 
stars that there was a  Jesus scandalized his  Reflection Mary, when Jesus was a  Mary, when you lost Jesus, 
followers by speaking to a  The Romans and the Jews  tears. Turn then, most 
newborn King of the Jews.  little boy, you offered him  you searched and found 
woman and a non‐Jew. But  were enemies. Yet, this  gracious Advocate, thine 
This mission teaches us that  to the service of God. We  him. When I am lost, help 
Jesus knows all of God’s  centurion was friendly to  eyes of mercy toward us, 
all who seek God with an  pray also to be servants of  me to find Jesus. Teach me 
children are worthy of  the Jews.  He was desperate  and after this our exile, 
open heart will be guided to  God and servants of each  to help others experience 
respect and love.  In  to save his servant. His faith  show unto us the blessed 
the Lord  other.   the joy of  finding Jesus in 
addition, Jesus gave the  impressed Jesus. And Jesus  fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O 
    their lives.  
woman a deep desire to  used this example to teach  clement, O loving, O sweet 
know God and to have her  the people of God.   Virgin Mary! 
  people know God too.         Pray the Rosary Prayer:
          O God, whose only 
Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… begotten Son, by His life, 
Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each death and resurrection, has 
of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… purchased for us the 
Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: rewards of eternal 
Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer: salvation, grant, we beseech 
Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer:
thee, that while meditating 
O my Jesus, forgive us our  On the next large bead, On the next large bead, On the next large bead, Now, say the closing prayers… on these mysteries of the 
sins, save us from the fires  announce the third Mystery... announce the fourth Mystery... announce the fifth Mystery…
most holy rosary of the 
of hell, lead all souls to  Blessed Virgin Mary, that 
heaven, especially those  we may both imitate what 
who are in most need of  they contain and obtain 
Thy mercy, AMEN  what they promise through 
On the next large bead, Christ our Lord, Amen. 
announce the second Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
have mercy on us. 
Immaculate Heart of Mary, 
pray for us.  
Make the Sign of the Cross.
The Sorrowful Mysteries  The Luminous Mysteries 
Said on Tuesday and Friday Said on Thursday

The first Sorrowful The second Sorrowful The third Sorrowful The fourth Luminous The fifth Luminous Concluding the Rosary  
Mystery Mystery Mystery Mystery Mystery  
The Agony in the Garden The Scourging at the Pillar The Crowning with Thorns The Transfiguration The Institution of the
Say the Hail Holy
Jesus sweats water and  Pilot has Jesus whipped.   Roman solders crown Jesus’  Christ is transfigured as the  Eucharist
blood while in prayer on  Mission Intention head with thorns.   Father, Son, and Spirit.   Jesus offers the first Mass at 
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of 
the night before his passion.  That all who suffer in body,  Mission Intention Mission Intention the Last Supper establishing 
mercy, our life, our 
Mission Intention especially the hungry, may  That all who suffer in  That those whose faith in  the Sacramental foundation 
sweetness and our hope. To 
That all in the world who  be fed through our sharing.     despair, especially refugees,   God is tested every day  for all Christians.  
thee do we cry, poor 
persevere in faith may feel  Reflection may find hope in Christ’s  through the struggles of  Mission Intention
banished children of Eve. 
the presence of the Lord.    Lord Jesus, forgive me for  promise of eternal  their daily lives may be an  The Mass reminds us that 
To thee do we send up our 
Reflection the times I have been  happiness.    example to others who  we who eat Christ’s Body 
sighs, mourning and 
Lord Jesus, you accepted  indifferent to the sufferings  Reflection doubt, yet do not struggle  and drink His Blood are 
weeping in this valley of 
being like us even to the  of my brothers and sisters  Lord Jesus, I am sorry for  for the basics of life.  sent to continue His mission 
tears. Turn then, most 
point of death. In prayer,  around the world. Help me  all the times I hurt you by  Reflection to the world. May we take 
gracious Advocate, thine 
you realized that this was  offer my own pain and  hurting others. Teach me to  Lord, your disciples saw  to heart this mandate. 
eyes of mercy toward us, 
the Father’s will. We pray  suffering on behalf of all  grow in kindness and  who You really are, the Son  Reflection
Lord Jesus, You gave Your  and after this our exile, 
that our suffering and  who serve in the missionary  generous love so that I may  of God. I want to be Your 
life for us. You prepare a  show unto us the blessed 
weaknesses and those of all  work of the Church.    grow to become more like  disciple. I want to listen to 
table for all people to share  fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O 
humanity may be sanctified    you.   You, learn from You and 
in Your life. Make me a  clement, O loving, O sweet 
by your Spirit and united to      become like You. May Your 
server and sharer at this  Virgin Mary! 
your suffering for the life of      Spirit transform me into 
the world.          Your likeness.  banquet.   Pray the Rosary Prayer:
          O God, whose only 
Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… begotten Son, by His life, 
Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each death and resurrection, has 
of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… purchased for us the 
Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: rewards of eternal 
Pray the Fatima Prayer: salvation, grant, we beseech 
Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer:
thee, that while meditating 
O my Jesus, forgive us our  On the next large bead, On the next large bead, On the next large bead, Now, say the closing prayers…
on these mysteries of the 
sins, save us from the fires  announce the third Mystery… announce the fourth Mystery… announce the fifth Mystery…
most holy rosary of the 
of hell, lead all souls to  Blessed Virgin Mary, that 
heaven, especially those  we may both imitate what 
who are in most need of  they contain and obtain 
Thy mercy, AMEN  what they promise through 
On the next large bead, Christ our Lord, Amen. 
announce the second Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
have mercy on us. 
Immaculate Heart of Mary, 
pray for us.  
Make the Sign of the Cross.
The Luminous Mysteries  The Sorrowful Mysteries 
Said on Thursday Said on Tuesday and Friday

The first Luminous The second Luminous The third Luminous The fourth Sorrowful The fifth Sorrowful Concluding the Rosary  
Mystery Mystery Mystery Mystery Mystery  
The Baptism in the Jordan The Wedding at Cana The Proclamation of the Jesus Carries the Cross. The Crucifixion
Say the Hail Holy
The Father declares Jesus  Jesus changes water into  Kingdom of God and Call to Jesus meets his mother and  Jesus is nailed to the cross 
the Beloved Son.  wine, His first public  Conversion falls three times on this way  and dies before his mother  Hail, holy Queen, Mother of 
Mission Intention miracle.   Jesus calls to conversion  to Calvary.   and John the Apostle  mercy, our life, our 
That all who do not know  Mission Intention and forgives the sins of all  Mission Intention Mission Intention sweetness and our hope. To 
Jesus, especially the  Father, we hear often of the  who draw near to Him.  For the church in the United  That those who hunger and 
thee do we cry, poor 
children, can come to hear  generosity of the poor to the  Mission Intention States, that through prayer  thirst for justice may work 
Father, we know that  banished children of Eve. 
of his great love.    poor, may all come to know  and sacrifice we may help  peacefully and successfully 
To thee do we send up our 
Reflection the joy of giving from their  missionaries come from all  bear the burdens of our  toward their goal.   
sighs, mourning and 
Lord Jesus, You were  need and not only from  cultures. Help us to  brothers and sisters  Reflection
understand that we too are  weeping in this valley of 
baptized by John. You  their surplus.    worldwide and that we  Lord, help me remember 
tears. Turn then, most 
befriended all people. Free  Reflection missionaries by virtue of  may see and celebrate their  how great your love is fro 
our baptism.   gracious Advocate, thine 
me from feeling I’m better  Jesus, You introduced Your  gifts to the church.   me and the world. Teach 
Reflection eyes of mercy toward us, 
than others.  May all of us  disciples to Your mother at  Reflection me to love myself as you 
Lord Jesus, rule in my heart  and after this our exile, 
get closer to You.  the wedding in Cana. She  Lord, you accepted the  love me and to love others 
and help me spread the  show unto us the blessed 
  teaches us to follow Your  burden of the cross. Give  as you love them.  
Good News of Your love  fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O 
  will. Show me Your love so  me the grace, courage and   
and peace throughout the  clement, O loving, O sweet 
  that I may too believe.   sincere desire to take up my   
world so that someday all  Virgin Mary! 
    cross daily and follow you.     
    may be one in Your name.       Pray the Rosary Prayer:
          O God, whose only 
Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… begotten Son, by His life, 
Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each death and resurrection, has 
of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… purchased for us the 
Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be:  rewards of eternal 
Pray the Fatima Prayer: salvation, grant, we beseech 
Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer:
thee, that while meditating 
O my Jesus, forgive us our  On the next large bead, On the next large bead, On the next large bead, Now, say the closing prayers…
announce the fourth Mystery...
on these mysteries of the 
sins, save us from the fires  announce the third Mystery... announce the fifth Mystery…
most holy rosary of the 
of hell, lead all souls to  Blessed Virgin Mary, that 
heaven, especially those  we may both imitate what 
who are in most need of  they contain and obtain 
Thy mercy, AMEN  what they promise through 
On the next large bead, Christ our Lord, Amen. 
announce the second Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
Mystery… have mercy on us. 
Immaculate Heart of Mary, 
pray for us.  
Make the Sign of the Cross.
The Glorious Mysteries  The Glorious Mysteries 
Said on Wednesday and Sunday Said on Wednesday and Sunday

The first Glorious The second Glorious The third Glorious The fourth Glorious The fifth Glorious Concluding the Rosary  
Mystery Mystery Mystery Mystery Mystery  
The Resurrection The Ascension The Descent of the Holy The Assumption The Coronation
Say the Hail Holy
Jesus rises from the dead.  Jesus leaves the Apostles  Spirit Mary is taken, bodily, into  Mary is crowned Queen of 
Mission Intention and, bodily, ascends into  The Apostles receive the  heaven by God.    Heaven and Earth.    Hail, holy Queen, Mother of 
For the Church worldwide,  heaven.   Holy Spirit in tongues of  Mission Intention Mission Intention mercy, our life, our 
that our faith in the risen  Mission Intention fire in the upper room with  That Mary, who gave the  That through the 
sweetness and our hope. To 
Christ may draw others to  That Christ, who lived as  Mary.   human body of Christ to the  intercession of Mary, young 
thee do we cry, poor 
Him.    man and returned to the  Mission Intention world, inspire us who form  men and women will offer 
banished children of Eve. 
Reflection Father,  will grant to all  For our Holy Father, that  the body of Christ on Earth  their lives to God as priests, 
To thee do we send up our 
Lord Jesus, help me  people knowledge of the  the Holy Spirit will grant  to proclaim God’s message  religious sisters & brothers 
sighs, mourning and 
experience the joy of the  way to eternal life.   him wisdom, fortitude and  to all peoples.   and lay missionaries in 
weeping in this valley of 
resurrection each day and  Reflection holiness as he leads our  Reflection service to their neighbors.  
tears. Turn then, most 
to share this joy with others.  Lord Jesus, by your Holy  church.    Mary, you were glorified,  Reflection
gracious Advocate, thine 
  Spirit, draw me up towards  Reflection sharing completely in God’s  Mary, I want you to be my 
Lord, please send your  eyes of mercy toward us, 
  Yourself and to all that is  own life, because of your  queen, to reign in every 
Spirit upon me. May the  and after this our exile, 
  good, holy and true. I offer  obedience to God’s word.  aspect of my life, so that 
gifts of the Holy Spirit help  show unto us the blessed 
  this prayer for all people,  Help me to follow God’s  you may submit me to the 
me be a better missionary  fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O 
  especially those who have  word and do God’s will.   reign of your Son Jesus. 
so I may help bring about  clement, O loving, O sweet 
  yet to hear the Good News.      
Your Kingdom.    Virgin Mary! 
          Pray the Rosary Prayer:
Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… Pray the Our Father… O God, whose only 
Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each Say a Hail Mary on each begotten Son, by His life, 
of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… of the next ten beads… death and resurrection, has 
Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: Pray the Glory Be: purchased for us the 
Pray the Fatima Prayer: rewards of eternal 
Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer: Pray the Fatima Prayer:
salvation, grant, we beseech 
O my Jesus, forgive us our  On the next large bead, On the next large bead, On the next large bead, Now, say the closing prayers…   thee, that while meditating 
sins, save us from the fires  announce the third Mystery... announce the fourth Mystery... announce the fifth Mystery…
on these mysteries of the 
of hell, lead all souls to  most holy rosary of the 
heaven, especially those  Blessed Virgin Mary, that 
who are in most need of  we may both imitate what 
Thy mercy, AMEN  they contain and obtain 
On the next large bead, what they promise through 
announce the second Mystery… Christ our Lord, Amen. 
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, 
have mercy on us. 
Immaculate Heart of Mary, 
pray for us.  
Make the Sign of the Cross.

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