Illithid Dungeon Plan
Illithid Dungeon Plan
Illithid Dungeon Plan
• Party visits the soul brokerage during business hours. Drow is a cult
leader, and trying to hide it
• Sprinkle in hints that he’s hiding something. If all else fails, get the lich
to tell the warlock to visit again in the night
• Shop should be abandoned at night, but left unlocked. Investigation
reveals the presence of a hidden door into the basement
Room 2: Dungeon Entrance
• A dark, cave-like structure, created artificially.
• Exit to the Shop in the South. Branches to the North, to the East, and
to the West
Room 3: Western Passage
• 2 drow walking past in robes, deep in conversation about missing
members. One voice concern, whereas the other is reassuring,
claiming they’ve reached their true potential and are advancing the
group’s agenda. They’re talking about the infected in the Barracks
• If attacked, the drow fight to the death. Commoner statblock
• Passage continues North, into the Barracks
Room 4: Barracks
• Where the illithid soldiers spend their time
• 6 infected drow, using commoner statblock. Don’t talk, act like
zombies. The infected are always hostile to intruders. Killing them
causes the tadpoles to spawn (1hp, 10ft movement. Only attack is to
possess). Eddie gets infected instantly
Room 5: Eastern Passage
• 2 drow walking past in robes, deep in conversation about the
salvation they’ll find in the new world
• If attacked, the drow fight to the death. Commoner statblock
• Passage continues North, into the Memorial
Room 6: Memorial
• Those who have died advancing the cult’s goals are memorialised
here. There are 6 stone crypts sealed with slabs, each containing a
skeleton with a dead tadpole inside. DC15 Strength check to open,
advantage if using a crowbar or similar prying instrument
• There’s a wall with the 6 names engraved onto it, with room for many
more (think like a war memorial). At the bottom are the words
“Brothers and Sisters, killed in the name of progress by those too
ignorant to understand it”
• The names are Quevryn Godeani, Divirahc Freana, Beleth Aleani,
Iimtyrr Orlyani, Jysual Noquth and Zesuque Torani
Room 7: Northern Passage
• 2 drow walking past in robes, deep in conversation about the cult’s
rituals. They don’t understand them, but they don’t argue about
them. They are unaware of the tadpoles, or of the infection
• If attacked, the drow fight to the death. Commoner statblock
• Passage continues North, into the Stage
Room 8: Stage
• The room is vast, and contains pews facing a central altar and 2 doors (one
in the East, one in the West) on a stage. The altar is currently empty, but it
bears recent signs of humanoid sacrifice
• About 10 drow here (commoner statblock again) sat in the pews. They
currently have their heads bowed and eyes closed in prayer
• If the party draw attention to themselves, the drow are not immediately
hostile. Though wary, they engage in conversation and answer some
questions – questions about the cult are ignored
• The door to the East leads to the Prison. The door to the West leads to the
Reliquary. There is a hidden switch on the altar, which lowers the stage to
the Elder Brain. Alhoon uses it in his rituals for dramatic effect
Room 9: Prison
• Stone walls. Dark, damp, dismal. Humanoid skeletons, some fresh, some less so.
Sets of manacles on the walls – some of the skeletons are still trapped by these.
Alhoon uses this room to imprison any infected during ceremorphosis as a
precaution. Once it ends, Alhoon transfers them to the Barracks
• One living human in manacles. Screams and writhes in agony, and is covered in
sweat. Wearing only rags, Missing right eye
• Introduces himself as Besim Sharpbrook. Tells the party he was kidnapped and
doesn’t know how long he’s been captive for due to a lack of light (it’s been about
2 weeks). He says the drow in charge carved out his right eye after some time
and forced something wriggly inside. Besim has been in agony ever since – this is
a side effect of the tadpole eating his brain
• After a few words, Besim collapses to the ground. If the party attempt to shake
him awake, they notice a vacant look in his eye. He’s completely unresponsive to
any stimulus – his brain has been consumed
Room 10: Reliquary
• Alhoon keeps illithid relics here to prepare for his rituals. The relics
are of no use to the party, with the exception of the dagger. They are:
• A copper urn filled with a briny solution, used to transport the tadpoles from
the Elder Brain to the Altar for the ritual
• A curved, ornate dagger (uses the dagger statblock) used in the ritual. Alhoon
uses it to carve out the eye of any potential host who isn’t a drow, and to
carve open the forehead of any being used to feed the illithids
• A jury-rigged striator, used by Alhoon to write in poor Qualith
• A collapsible cage of wires, mesh and needles (a thought extruder)
Room 11: Elder Brain
• A large room, empty save for a pool of water. Closer inspection reveals the presence of something
in the water. What it is is unclear. There’s a door to the North, leading to Alhoon’s Quarters
• When the party finds the elder brain, Alhoon steps out of the door and monologues:
• “Fascinating, isn’t it? The common illithid spawns from one of these, and in death they are
reunited. A beautiful cycle of death and rebirth, fitting such striking creatures. We can truly learn
a lot from them”
• Alhoon tries to persuade the party to join his cult. If they refuse, he’ll target either the fighter or
the artificer with a suggestion spell, asking them to reconsider. If they fail, he’ll implant a tadpole
in them and then break concentration
• When asked about Adam, he reveals that Adam gave him protection from the sun (he does not
reveal that this is suncream)
• Upon death, a tadpole leaves Alhoon’s body
• If a PC is wielding the sacrificial dagger, Alhoon will be furious, calling the PC a defiler and a
Room 12: Alhoon’s Quarters
• There isn’t much there. There are some texts Alhoon wrote about
illithids, but they’re written in what looks to be a poor attempt at
Qualith and thus indecipherable.
• Looking through the room reveals correspondence between Adam
and Alhoon. Adam was apparently trying to arrange a deal: Adam
would give Alhoon a device to protect him from the sun (suncream),
and in return Alhoon would fix Adam’s shoe. Inspecting the first letter
will reveal he sent it to “that drow’s sole brokerage”