Store - Management VB Net 2008

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The following subsections of Software Requirement Specifications Document

should facilitate in providing the entire overview of the Information system “Store

Management System” under development. This document aims at defining the

overall software requirements for your end users. Efforts have been made to define

the requirements of the Information system exhaustively and accurately.

Table of Contents

Title Page No.

Bonafide Certificate 2

Certificate 3

Candidate’s Declaration 4

Acknowledgement 5

Abstract 6

List of Tables 10

List of Figures 11


S.NO. Description Page no.

1. Introduction 12

1.1 Objective Of The system

1.2 Project Scope

2. Problem Statement 13

3. Software Requirements Analysis 13

3.1Functional Requirements
3.2Non functional Requirements
3.3Use case Report
3.4 Technologies used

4 Software Model used 17

5 Design 18

6. Implementation 18

6.1 Modules of system

7. Applications 27

8. Conclusion 28

9. Limitations and Future Enhancement 29

10. Bibliography/References 30

List of Table

Table Name Page No

1. Login_user Table 21

2. employee Table 21

3. supplier Table 22

4. order Table 22

5. stocks Table 22

6. billing Table 23

List of Figure

Figure Name Page no

1. Use Case diagram 18

2. Sequence Diagram 19

3. ER Diagram

4. Home Page 23

5. Admin Login Page 24

6. Employee Login page 24

7. Admin Jobs Page 24

8. Place order Page 25

9. Update stocks Page 27

10. Enroll\Unenroll employee Page 26

11.Add/Remove supplier Page 27

12. Billing Page 29

1 .Introduction:

The main purpose of “Store Management System” is to manage the products of
the shop by removing the traditional paper system. It also states the various
constraints which the system will abide to. This document further leads to the clear
vision of the software requirements, specifications and capabilities. These are to be
exposed to the development, testing team and end users of the software.

1.2 Scope:
The software product “Store Management System” will be an application that
will be used for maintaining the records of the products in a shop in an organized
manner and to replace old paper work system. The application will manage the
information about stock details, employee details, placed order details, supplier
information and billing details. Specific reports will also be generated regarding
the placed orders and received stocks.

2. Problem Statement:
Store Management has been a tedious job for a long time in any shop. It requires a
lot of time and labor in day to day billing, stock updating, order placement, etc.

Also most of the Store management systems are web based applications which
require internet connectivity. But internet connectivity is not possible in many
parts of the country due its geographical locations. So at our initiative to make a
management system which does not require internet connectivity as well as less
manpower we present the “Value Mart Management System”.

In this system, an employee after getting registered by the admin can perform
billing tasks very easily and with least knowledge of the system. On the other hand
the admin himself can manage the stocks at his shop, can place orders when the
products become out of stock, can enroll and unenroll employees, add and delete
suppliers’ information and also generate a profit loss statement until the current
payment of bill. The different machines in the shop can communicate through
radio waves or can work in a LAN.

3. Software Requirement Analysis:


1. Admin will register all the employees and suppliers for the Store.
2. Admin can place an order.
3. Admin can unenroll employee or delete suppliers’ information.
4. Admin can update stocks.
5. Admin can generate a profit loss statement.
6. Employee can prepare a bill.

 Front-end -- Visual Studio 2008

 Back-end -- SQL server express

 Platform -- Windows XP and above


 Screen resolution of at least 1366x768- required for proper and

complete viewing of screen. Higher resolution would not be a


 Support for printer (dot-matrix/DeskJet/inkjet etc. - any will do) -

that is, appropriate drivers are Installed and printers are connected

properly. Printers will be required for printing the bills.


3.4C# – Application Architecture

3.5SQL server express Management Studio-Database Architecture

3.6Visual Studio 08– Integrated Development Environment

Front-end and back-end selection

An important issue for the development of a project is the selection of
suitable front-end and back-end. When we decided to develop the project we
went through an extensive study to determine the most suitable platform that
suits the needs of the organization as well as helps in development of the
The aspects of our study included the following factors.

Front-end selection:
1. It must have a GUI that assists employees that are not from IT
2. Scalability and extensibility.
3. Flexibility.
4. Robustness.
5. According to the organization requirement and the culture.
6. Must provide excellent reporting features with good printing support.
7. Platform independent.
8. Easy to debug and maintain.
9. Event driven programming facility.
10. Front end must support some popular back end like Ms Access.

According to the above stated features we selected Visual Studio 2008 as the
front-end for developing our project.

Back-end Selection:
1. Multiple user support.
2. Efficient data handling.
3. Provide inherent features for security.
4. Efficient data retrieval and maintenance.
5. Stored procedures.
6. Popularity.
7. Operating System compatible.
8. Easy to install.
9. Various drivers must be available.
10. Easy to implant with the Front-end.

According to above stated features we selected SQL Server Express
Management Studio as the backend.
The technical feasibility is frequently the most difficult area encountered at
this stage. It is essential that the process of analysis and definition be
conducted in parallel with an assessment to technical feasibility. It centers
on the existing computer system and to what extent it can support the
proposed system.
4. Model Used

The Incremental model has been used in this project

 It is a method of software development where the model is designed,

implemented and tested incrementally until the product is finished.
 It involves both development and maintenance. The product is defined as
finished when it satisfies all of its requirements.

5. Design:

5.1.1Use-case Model:

5.1.2 Sequence Diagram:

Detailed Design

Database Design:
5.2.1 ER Diagram


6.1 Enroll / Unenroll Employee

The admin, after logging in, can register an employee by entering
employee id, employee name and other details of the employee. The admin can
also unenroll an employee by entering the employee id. Any employee can login to
make the bill. The information is stored in the employee table.



6.2 Add / Remove Supplier Information

The admin can add the information of a supplier in the supplier table
by entering the supplier id, supplier name and other details. The admin can also
delete the supplier information by entering the supplier id.


6.3 Supply chain management

The admin can place order and update stocks after receiving the
stocks from the supplier.



6.4 Generate Balance sheet

The admin can generate a balance sheet by entering the “from date”
and “to date”. All the orders placed between these dates will be selected and a
profit statement will be generated.

6.5 Prepare Bill

The employee can generate a bill by logging in as employee and
entering the product id and the quantity bought by the customer. The total is
calculated as:
Total = (price-seasonal discount) * quantity
The total is displayed in a textbox while the Grand total is displayed with the help
of a crystal report.


7.1 Home page

7.2 Admin Login

7.3 Admin Jobs

7.4 Generate Balance Sheet

7.5 Place an Order

7.6 Enroll/Unenroll an employee

7.7 View Stocks

7.8 Update after Receiving Stocks

7.9 Add/Remove Supplier Information

7.10 View Employee Details

7.11 Billing

This SRS document is prepared for a better design of Store Managment. The
functional and other requirements of the application are described and the
needs of the users are stated throughout the document.


LIMITATION: The software needs that the database server should be in a
certain range of the client if wireless connectivity is being used.

FUTURE ENHANCEMENT: The database can be manipulated to keep

track of the everyday day sales and the sale by each employee. With this
manipulation the software can be integrated with an “Incentive Calculation
System” which can further be integrated with an HR management system.


S. No. Document Title/Book Source/Author

1. ASP.Net Black Book Belmaks Solution Content Team,
Dreamtech Software Development Team

2. Sample SRS

3. Software Engineering Roger S. Pressman

4. Database System Abraham Silberschatz

Concepts Henry F. Korth


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