Grocery Management

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Siddhant Institute of Computer Application



“Grocery Management System”




Siddhant Kakde






Apart from the efforts of myself, the success of the project depends largely on the
encouragement and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to express
my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful
completion of this project.

I would like to express a deep sense of gratitude to Director Prof. Nitin Shrirao
and our Head of the department Prof. Reshma Mavkar for their cordial support as
they give the permission to use all required equipment and the necessary material
to complete the project.

I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to Prof. Reshma Mavkar for her
guidance and supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding
the project and also for the support in completing the project.

Finally I also extend my heartiest thanks to my parents, friends and well wishers for
being with me and extending encouragement throughout the project.

This is to certify that the Mini project report entitled, “Grocery Management”
being submitted herewith for the internal work of the degree of MASTER OF
COMPUTER APPLICATION (SEM-I) to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune is the
result of the original project work completed by Siddhant Sanjay Kakde under the
supervision and guidance of Prof. Reshma Mavkar and to the best of my
knowledge and belief, the work embodies in this Project has not formed earlier the
basis for the award of any Degree of similar title or any other University or
examining body.


Place: Pune

Prof. Reshma Mavkar Prof. Reshma Mavkar Prof. Nitin Shrirao

Project Guide Head Of Department Director

Internal Examiner External Examiner


Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................. 4
Revision History.................................................................................................................................... 4

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Benefits
1.4 Abbreviations
1.5 References
2. Overall Description
2.1 Overview
2.2 Features
2.3 Project Abstract
2.4 Project
2.5 Product Functionality
3. Software and Hardware Requirements.
3.1 Software Requirement
3.2 Hardware Requirement.
3.3 Software Tools
3.4 Communications Interfaces.
4. Analysis & Design.
4.1 ER-Diagram
4.2 UML Diagram
4.3 5. Other Non-functional Requirements
5.1 Coding Standard For Component
. 5.2 Coding Standard For Class
5.3 Coding Standard For Interface
5.4 Coding Standard For Methods
6. Other Requirements
Appendix A: Glossary
Appendix B: Analysis Models
Appendix C: To Be Determined List
Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version

1. Introduction:-

1.1 Purpose:
The purpose of a Grocery Management System is to automate the
process of managing inventory and customer sales in a grocery store.
It allows store managers to track product availability, manage staff
members, set pricing, manage customer accounts, generate reports
and analyse sales patterns. The system also helps in streamlining
store operations, reducing costs, and improving customer service.
1.2 Scope:
A Grocery Management System (GMS) is a software system
designed to manage the operations of a grocery store. The GMS is
used to track inventory, process orders, generate reports, and
manage customer information. It also provides financial analysis and
forecasting capabilities.
1.3 Benefits:
A grocery management system helps streamline the processes
involved in running a grocery store. This allows for quicker checkout
times, more accurate inventory tracking, and better customer
1.4 Abbreviations:
(b)NetBeans 12.3.
1.5 Reference:
IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements
Specification- IEEE

2. Overall Description:
Grocery Management System is a comprehensive software solution
for small to mid-sized grocery stores. It provides an efficient way to
manage inventory, store operations, and financials. It is designed to help
streamline store operations, optimize customer service, reduce costs,
and increase profits. With its user-friendly interface, it is easy to use and
provides users with real-time insights into their store operations.
Overall, Grocery Management System is an effective tool for grocery
store owners to improve their business.

2.1 Over View:

The rest of this SRS document describes the various system
requirements, interfaces, features and functionalities in detail.

2.2 Features:

1. Automated Inventory Management: Automatically

track inventory levels and alert when it’s time to restock.

2. Employee Management: Manage employee

information, schedules, roles, and commissions.

3. Securely store and encrypt employee data, as well

as control user access to the application.

2.3 Project Abstraction:

This paper presents a grocery management desktop
application developed using Java and the JavaFX library. The purpose of
this application is to provide an easy-to-use, user-friendly interface for
grocery store owners to manage their inventory, and employees in an
efficient manner. The application includes features such as an inventory
management system, a employee management system, order
management system, and a payment system.
The application also provides an intuitive user interface which
allows users to quickly and easily add, edit, and remove items from the
inventory. Additionally, the application provides a secure login system to
ensure the data remains secure. This application is intended to save time
and resources for the grocery store owner by providing a
comprehensive way to manage the store. It is a management system
aiming to give the safe storing of

2.4 Project Objective:

A Grocery Management software where admin can
add/view/delete Items and also can add/view/edit/delete
labour, check and manage inventory.

2.5 Project Functionality:

Can login

Can add/view/edit/delete Items

Can add/view/edit/delete Labours

Can manage order

Can logout
Software and Hardware Requirements:

3.1Software Requirement:

• Language used: Java

• Database used: MySQL
3.2 Hardware Requirement:- Laptop
processors : Above i3

• RAM: 4GB

• Hard disk: 256 GB

3.3 Software Tool Used:

NetBeans was used for developed to the whole project.

NetBeans IDE is a free and open-source integrated development

environment for application development on Windows, Mac, Linux, and
Solaris operating systems. The IDE simplifies the development of web,
enterprise, desktop, and mobile applications that use the Java and HTML5
NetBeans is coded in Java and runs on most operating systems with a Java
Virtual Machine (JVM), including Solaris, Mac OS, and Linux.
NetBeans manages the following platform features and components:
• User settings
• Windows (placement, appearance, etc.)
• NetBeans Visual Library
• Storage
• Integrated development tools
• Framework wizard
4.Analysis & Design:

4.1 UML Diagrams:

4.1.1 ER-Diagram:
4.1.2 Class Diagram:
4.1.3 Activity Diagram:
4.1.4 Use Case:
4.1.5Sequence diagram:

5.Other Non-Functional Requirement:

5.1 Coding Standards for Components:

It is recommended to write components name by its purpose.
This approach improves the readability and maintainability of

5.2 Coding Standards for Classes: Usually class name should be

noun starting with uppercase letter. If it contains multiple word
than every inner word should start with uppercase.
Eg: String, StringBuffer, Dog.

5.3 Coding Standards for Interface: Usually interface name should

be adjective starting with uppercase letter. If it contains multiple word
than every inner word should start with uppercase. Eg: Runnable,
Serializable, Comparable.
5.4 Coding Standards for Methods: Usually method name should
either be verb or verb noun combination starting with lower letter. If it
contains multiple word than every inner word should start with uppercase.

6. Other Requirements:
6.1 System Implementation:
When a user install setup, and run software, then first of all
program displaying Welcome page.

Firstly, you have to Run the project.

1. Admin Login:
Admin section are already generated username and password . i.e.
Username: Sid
Password: BlackSoul

2.Admin Interface:
After the admin can login, then they can option on Item Management,
Labour Management, Order Management.
3.Item Management:

4.Add Items:
5. View Item:
6. Delete Item:

7. Modify Item:
8.Labour Management:

9.Add Labour:
10. View Labour:

11. Delete Labour:

12.Update Labour:

13.Order Management:

The main objective of this application is to automate the complete
operations of the Groceries. It manages all the information about Grocery
items and Employees. The project is totally built at administrative end and
thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access. The purpose of the
project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for
managing the Employees and Items.

Key points in my project: -

1. Only admin can login in system.

2. Admin can add, delete and update item, labour details and edit them
The Grocery Management System is an invaluable tool for
grocery stores to help manage their inventory, increase profits,
and provide a better customer experience. By implementing the
Grocery Management System, grocery stores can save time,
money, and resources while giving customers the best possible

Note: - This software is presently working in 32-bit architecture

windows operating system. Hence, we are expanding this project
also in 64-bit architecture windows.

o Books Referred:

Complete Reference Android

Android Tutorial

o Websites Referred:


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