Results: What Electronic Gadgets Do You Use For Online Learning? Choose One

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The researchers asked five (5) voluntary students from the grade 11 sections of the STEM
strand to answer some questions regarding the topic, “Utilization of Electronic Gadgets as an
Effective Learning Tool for Grade 11 Students of Pasig Catholic College.”

The respondents are students from the following sections: Archdiocese of Capiz,
Archdiocese of Caceres-Ozamis, Archdiocese of Cebu, Archdiocese of Davao, Archdiocese of
Jaro, Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan, Archdiocese of Manila, Archdiocese of Nueva
Segovia, Archdiocese of Zamboanga-CDO, Archdiocese of San Fernando, which total for fifty
(50) respondents. Included below are the collected data on the survey that the students answered

Table 1:

Question Personal Cellular Laptop Ipad Tablet

Computer Phone
What electronic
gadgets do you use for
15 (30%) 4 (8%) 29 (58%) 2 (4%) 0 (0%)
online learning?
Choose one (1)

Table 1 shows that majority, or 58% of the respondents use laptop as their electronic gadget for
online learning. Following the leading data is the 15 or 30% of the respondents use personal
computer. Next, are 4 or 8% of the respondents use cellular phone, 2 or 4% for ipad, and 0 or
0% for tablet. Therefore, no data was collected for the tablet which respondents use for online

Table 2:

Question Hanging Slow Old Overheatin Poor Device

or freezing Device Fashione g Battery Malfunctio
device d Device Life n
What are the common
issues in using
38 (76%) 35 (70%) 5 (10%) 18 (36%) 20 (40%) 19
electronic devices
during online class?
Choose three (3).

In table 2, it shows that the most common issue when using the electronic device during online
class is hanging or freezing device which occurred to 38 or 76% of the respondents. Second to
the most common issue is slow device with 35 or 70% of the respondents. Following the data is
the poor battery life which 20 or 40% of the respondents experienced during online class. Next,
is the device malfunction which occurred to 19 or 38% of the respondents. Only 20 or 40% chose
overheating and, only 5 or 10% for old fashioned device.

Table 3:

Table 3 presents six (6) questions about their experiences on how electronic equipment affects
their learning performance along with physical and mental health.

Questions Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
I can immediately open websites
used in class due to the kind of 6 (12%) 26 (52%) 14 (28%) 1 (2%) 3 (6%)
processing I have
I can use it for school work’s
purposes anytime and anywhere. 15 (30%) 15 (30%) 16 (32%) 2 (4%) 2 (4%)
I am struggling to keep up with
my classes due to various common
6 (12%) 8 (16%) 21 (42%) 12 (24%) 3 (6%)
problems with my devices
I find it difficult to attend class
because of the common issues that
3 (6%) 6 (12%) 27 (54%) 8 (16%) 6 (12%)
I am experiencing with my
I almost had a failing mark
because of my device’s difficulties. 4 (8%) 4 (8%) 8 (16%) 19 (38%) 15 (30%)
I am sometimes feeling unwell
because of how often I use my
gadgets during online classes.
(specifically uncomfortable body 16 (32%) 13 (26%) 9 (18%) 7 (14%) 5 (10%)
position, long screen time, fatigue
headache, procrastination and

First, “I can immediately open websites used in class due to the kind of processing I have”
includes that majority of the respondents chose agree with 26 or 52% of the respondents. It
shows that they can open websites in class with low chance of getting lags. Following this is
neutral with 14 or 28% of the respondents—an acceptable or efficient device. Next, is the
strongly agree with 6 or 12% of the respondents can open any websites without lags during
class. Moreover, disagree got 1 or 2% while strongly disagree got 3 or 6% of the respondents,
which means that 4 respondents can rarely open or cannot open any websites while taking class.
Second, “I can use it for school work’s purposes anytime and anywhere” contains the majority
of the votes with the neutral option which got 16 or 32% of the respondents. It tells that the
students can sometimes use their electronic device for school work’s purposes anytime and
anywhere. Strongly agree and agree both got 15 or 30% of the respondents—indicates that the
students can mostly use their electronic device for school work’s purposes anytime and
anywhere. Same as disagree and strongly disagree both got 2 or 4% of the respondents, which
tells that they cannot use their electronic device for school work’s purposes anytime and

Third, “I am struggling to keep up with my classes due to various common problems with my
devices” indicates that the majority of respondents with 21 or 42% chose neutral. It shows that
they rarely feel struggles to keep up with classes. Leading next is disagree with 12 or 24% of the
respondents. Next is the agree option with 8 or 16% of the respondents, while strong agree
garnered 6 or 12% respondents. The strongly disagree option collected only 3 or 6% of the
respondents, which means that they never experience struggles while taking online class.

Fourth, “I find it difficult to attend class because of the common issues that I am experiencing
with my gadgets” incudes the majority of the respondents vote neutral with 27 or 54% of the
respondents. It shows that they are fine with the gadget that they are currently using to attend
classes. Following is the disagree with 8 or 16% of the respondents, while agree and strongly
disagree both collected 6 or 12% of the respondents. Strongly agree garnered only 3 or 6% of the
respondents—indicates that they have difficulties to attend class regarding to the gadget they use.

Fifth, “I almost had a failing mark because of my device’s difficulties” comprises the majority of
the votes with the disagree option which got 19 or 38% of the respondents. it shows that they do
not have a failing mark because of their device’s troubles. Following the leading data, strongly
disagree got 15 or 30% of the respondents. Next, is the neutral with 8 or 16% of the respondents.
Moreover, both strongly agree and agree garnered 4 or 8% of the respondents—it shows that
they almost had a failing mark due to their device’s difficulties.

Sixth, “I am sometimes feeling unwell because of how often I use my gadgets during online
classes. (specifically uncomfortable body position, long screen time, fatigue headache,
procrastination and such)” contains the majority of the votes with the strongly agree option
which got 16 or 32% of the respondents. It indicates that most respondents is not feeling well due
to how frequently they use their gadgets during online class. Following this, is agree with 13 or
26% of the respondents sometimes feel unwell during online class. Next is neutral with 9 or 18%
of the respondents, while disagree collected 7 or 14% of the respondents. Lastly, is the strongly
disagree with only 5 or 10% of the respondents—indicates that they can keep up with the
gadgets they use during online class, no matter how often they use their devices.

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