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Chapter IV Group 3 1

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Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter summarizes the results of the study’s data analysis and
interpretation, which aimed to know study of causes and effects of truancy on
a student. The information in this chapter was organized in accordance with
the study’s problems.

1. Profile of the respondents

Table 1. Frequency Distribution of the respondents According to their sex.

Sex Frequency Percentage
Male 21 36.8%
Female 36 63.2%
Total 57 100%

For this table shows that there are more women (36) with a percentage of
63.2% than men (21) with a percentage of 36.8% who answered our survey.

Table 2. Frequency Distribution of the respondents According to their

Age Frequency Percentage
15 years old 1 1.8%
16 years old 41 71.9%
17 years old 14 24.6%
18 years old and above 1 1.8%
Total 57 100%

This table shows the age of the respondents and 16 years old is the highest
percentage (71.9%) or 41 respondents followed by 17 years old with a
percentage of (24.6%) or 14 respondents and the least are 15 years old and 18
years and above with the same percentage of (1.8%) or 1 respondent.
Table 3. Frequency Distribution of the respondents According to their

Strand Frequency Percentage

Stem 12 21.1%
Humss 13 22.8%
Abm 19 33.3%
Tvl 7 12.3%
Ict 6 10.5%
Total 57 100%

And for this table showing the most strand that responded to our survey was
ABM with 19 respondents or 33.3% percentage followed by HUMSS with 13
respondents or 22.8% and STEM with 12 respondents or 21.1% percentage
followed by TVL with 7 respondents or 12.3% percentage and the last is ICT
with 6 respondents or 10.5% percentage.

2. What are the reasons for the respondent’s truancy?

Table 4. Distribution of Responses under Statement of the Problem No. 2

Distribution of Distribution of
responses Responses in %

Yes No Yes No
1. Have you ever skipped school? 14 43 24.6 75.4% N/A

2. Are your parents/guardians 30 27 52.6 47.4% N/A

aware that you are not
attending classes?
3. Do you keep away from school 13 44 22.8% 77.2% 4
because of lack of interest?

4. Do you skip school because of 12 45 21.1% 78.9% 5

work or occupational purposes?

5. Have you ever skipped school 15 42 26.3% 73.7% 3

because laziness?

6. Have you ever skipped school 21 26 54.3% 45.6% 2

because of household reasons
(family problem, household
chores, etc.)
7. Have you skipped school 6 51 10.5% 89.5% 7
because you want to escape
from academic responsibility?
8. Were you ever absent for any 36 21 63.2% 36.8% 1
physical or mental health
9. Were you ever absent in school 10 47 17.5% 82.5% 6
in place for any leisure
activities? (Going out with
friends, gaming, watching
movies, etc.)

As shown here in this table are the answers to the causes/reasons of truancy.
In questioner number 1, 14 respondents answered yes with a percentage of
24.6% in no, there are 43 respondents with a 75.4% percentage, it shows that
not many people skip school.
In questionnaire number 2 there are 30 answers of yes with a 52.6%
percentage and no has 27 responses with a 47.4% percentage and because of
this more parents/guardians know that their child does not attending to their
In questionnaire number 3 the respondents who answered of yes are 13 with
22.8% percentage and the respondents who answered no is 44 and the
percentage is 77.2% and because of this more respondents do not stay away
from school due to the loss of interest in school. The result of this show’s it
ranks 4 in causes of truancy.
For the questionnaire number 4 the response to yes is 12 with 21.1%
percentage and the no has 45 responses with 78.9% percentage and because of
the result shows that the respondents answered no in skipping school because
of work or occupational purposes. The result shows that it ranks 5 in causes of
And for questionnaire number 5 the response of yes is 15 with 26.3% and the
no has 42 responses with 73.7% percentage, in this result it shows many
respondents not skipping school because of laziness. The result shows it ranks
3 in causes of truancy.
In questionnaire number 6 the response to yes is 21 and the percentage is
54.3% for the response of no it is 26 with a percentage of 45.6% and because of
the result it shows that there are many answered no who not skipping school
because of household reasons (family problem, household chores, etc.)The
result shown it ranks 2 in causes of truancy.
In questionnaire 7 the response of yes is 6 with a percentage of 10.5% and in
the response of no is 51 with a percentage of 89.5% and because of this the
result it is shown that more respondents answered no for their response to not
skipping school due to escaping academic responsibility. The result shown It
ranks 7 in causes of truancy.
In questionnaire 8 the response of yes has 36 with 63.2% percentage and for
no it has 21 responses with 36.8% percentage and because of this many
answered yes because they are absent from physical or mental health. The
result shown It ranks 1 in causes of truancy.
For number 9 questionnaire the response of yes is 10 with a percentage of
17.5% and the response to no is 47 with a percentage of 82.5% this result
shows that many answered no, they are not absent in school in place for any
leisure activities (Going out with friends, gaming, watching movies, etc.) The
result shown It ranks 6 it in causes of truancy.
In questionnaire number 10 the question is (Any reason for being absent not
stated above please indicate:) and the result is the majority who say
none/nothing the second result is sick/sickness/Health issue/Mental health
followed by Overslept/ Sleep and the next results are family problems and the
last one is that they are late in classes.

3. What are the effects of truancy for the respondents?

Table 4. Distribution of Responses under Statement of the Problem No. 2

Distribution of Distribution of
responses Responses in %

Yes No Yes No
1. Were you grades affected 28 29 49.1% 50.9% 3
negatively for not attending
2. Have you ever seen any 21 36 36.8% 63.2% 7
positive effect of your
absenteeism in any area of
your school performance?
3. Have you ever failed a quiz, 38 19 66.7% 33.3% 2
activity, or exam because of
being absent?
4. Are you able to catch-up with 49 8 86% 14% 1
the lessons you’ve missed?

5. Was your attention ever 26 31 45.6% 54.4% 4

called by your teacher for
being absent?
6. Were you given any sanctions 7 50 12.3% 87.7% 9
or punishment by your
teacher for being absent?
7. Were your parents informed 24 33 42.1% 57.9% 5
by the school of the number
of absences you committed?
8. Were you given any 14 43 24.6% 75.4% 8
punishment by your parents
for being absent?
9. Have you gotten any low 23 34 40.4% 59.6% 6
grades in any of your school
subjects for being absent?

As shown here in this table are the answers to the effects of truancy.
For questionnaire number 1 the response to yes is 28 with a percentage of
49.1% and for response in no 29 with a percentage of 50.9% for this result it
shown that there is only one response gap of no to yes. The result it is rank 3
to effects of truancy.
For questionnaire number 2 there is a response of 21 whose percentage is
36.8% and for no it has 36 responses whose percentage is 63.2% and therefore
they have not seen any positive effect of your absenteeism in any area of your
school performance. The result show it is rank 7 in effect of truancy.
For questionnaire number 3 the response for yes is 38 with a percentage of
66.7% while the number of responses for no is 19 with a percentage of 33.3%
the result shows yes they failed a quiz, activity, or exam because of being
absent. The result show it is rank 2 in effect of truancy.
For questionnaire number 4 the number of response in yes is 49 with a
percentage of 86% while in the number of response in no is 8 with a percentage
of 14% the result show that the respondents able to catch-up with the lessons
they missed. And the result show it is rank 1 in effect of truancy.
For the questionnaire number 5 the number of response in yes is 26 with a
percentage of 45.6% while the number of response in no is 31 with a
percentage of 54.4% for the result it is show that they have no attention ever
called by the teacher for being absent. And for the rank it is show in the result
is rank 4 in effect of truancy.
In questionnaire number 6 the number of yes responses is 7 with a percentage
of 12.3% while in the no is 50 response with a percentage of 87.7%. The result
shows that they no have any sanctions or punishment by their teacher for
being absent. The result shows it is rank 9 in effect of truancy.
For questionnaire number 7 the number of yes response is 24 with a
percentage of 42.1% while the number for response in no is 33 with a
percentage of 57.9% the result shows that parents is not informed by the
school of the number of absences respondents committed. The result show it is
rank 5 in effects of truancy.
For questionnaire number 8 the number of yes response is 14 with a
percentage of 24.6% while the number for response in no is 43 with a
percentage of 75.4% the result shows they have no any punishment by the
respondents parents for being absent committed. The result show it is rank 8
in effects of truancy.
For questionnaire number 9 the number of yes response is 23 with a
percentage of 40.4% while the number for response in no is 34 with a
percentage of 59.6% the result shows they don’t gotten any low grades in any
subjects for being absent. The result show it is rank 6 in effects of truancy.
In questionnaire number 10 the question is (Any effect of truancy on your
school performance not stated above please indicate:) and the result is the
majority who say none/nothing the second result is losing friends followed by
lazy/laziness and the next results are lack of confidence/Self
doubt/Overthinking and the last one is Poor academic achievements.

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