Remote Learning: Social Studies School Based Assessment 2021
Remote Learning: Social Studies School Based Assessment 2021
Remote Learning: Social Studies School Based Assessment 2021
Remote learning
Name of group members:
Elizabeth Ramsook
Miguel Sandy
Selena Subhan
Cassidy Noel
David Rivers
Marica Charles
Candidate number:
Territory: Trinidad
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Table of Contents
Problem Statement ……………...………………………………………………………………3
Reasons for Choosing the topic…………….…………………………………………………....4
Method of Investigation ……………………………………………………………………...….5
Instrument used of Data collection…..…………………………………………………………..6
Procedure for Data Collection…………………………………………………............................9
Presentation of Data ………...………………………………………………………………….10
Statement of Findings……..……………………………………………………………………16
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Problem statement
What are the positive and negative effects that remote learning has on the
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Reason for choosing this topic
The topic remote learning was chosen to investigate how online schooling has
Because of this a agreement had been made that there would be school over
the internet. Everyone has a different opinion on how remote learning has
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Method of investigation
In order to obtain the necessary information to proceed with this SBA, I chose
Method is faster and more convenient considering it will save time and money.
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Instruments used to collect data
Introductory letter
My group and I are currently conducting research for our Social studies SBA.
This SBA is based on the negative and positive affects that Remote learning
Believe that you could really help to complete this SBA. I would appreciate if
You can fill out this simple questionnaire. Thank you in advance for your
Thank you,
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The Questionnaire
1. Age
○ 12-14
○ 18-20
2. Gender
○ Female
3. Form
○ Form1-3
○Form 4-5
O ○Yes
O ○No
○ Sometimes
○ Never
O ○ always
○ Physical schooling
○ online schooling
O ○yes
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O ○ no
O ○Yes
O ○No
O ○not really
11. Are you comfortable navigating the internet and using emails for online?
O ○sometimes
O ○not at all
O ○barely
O ○Yes
O ○no
14. Do you think that there should be physical classes during the pandemic?
O ○Yes
O ○No
O ○yes
O ○no
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17. Do you feel depressed and stressed with online learning?
O not really
O ○sometimes
O ○not at all
O Yes
O No
19. Do you face difficulties with internet connectivity to attend online classes?
O Yes
O No
Fifteen (15) closed ended questions and four (4) open ended questions.
Students of the Open Bible school body. With all ages ranging with
Another member of the group collected the data. Students who attend
Bible High School. The researcher along with the assistant distributed
the links to the online questionnaire, which was then collected through
the application used. This procedure was used to gather all the relative
information needed.
Presentation of data
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Figure 1: The majority of the students were 15-17 and the least number of and
Figure 2: A pie chart showing how much of the students were in forming 1-3 and
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Figure 2 shows that the large majority of students are between the forms of 4-
5, this suggests that we should get a greater input of data regarding our topic
Figure 3: A column chart showing how much students attend their zoom online
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Figure 3 shows that the majority of students joined the online zoom class
Whereas the least number would go to the students that didn’t, so we know
Figure 4: A horizontal bar that shows if students feel depressed and stressed
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Figure 4 shows how unfortunate that most of the students that attend online
Classes are becoming stressed and even depressed, which means that maybe
The online classes are even worse than and physical classes
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Figure 5: A pie chart showing the opinions from students one whether they
School, maybe due to the stress of online school they rather physical school
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Analysis of interpretation of data
Of males and females. The information that was gathered states that 75% of
The students belong to the form 4& 5 classes while 25% belongs to the form 1-3
Classes. Most of the students also stated that they prefer physical
The age group of people who answered the questions ranged from 12 to 20
Students. The highest number of respondents came from age bracket 16-17 at
67.3%, the second highest from 12-14 at 17.3% and the lowest from 17-18 at
15.4%. It is know that students ages 12-17 collected and answered the
Figure 3 shows that the majority of students choose yes which means that
They joined all of their classes, a few chose sometimes which means that they
Would have missed a couple of classes and very few chose no which means
Figure 4 shows that the majority of students choose yes which means that
They were stressed and depressed about online school, a few chose sometimes
Which means they had moments when they would get those feelings and the
Least number of students chose no which means they were fortunate to not
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Statement of finding
The main reason for the increasing level of students not attending online
Classes in open bible high school is because of internet connectivity and lack of
The main problem that the students of open bible high school are faced with
When using remote learning is having problems navigating the internet and
In order to reduce the problem faced by students of the open bible high school
Surpassed. For a better concentration in the class room without the lack of
Internet connectivity.
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Recommendations and implementation strategies
After analysing the data collected from the questionnaire, the researchers are
Now making the following recommendations to assist students with the lack of
Firstly, the researcher recommends that the school allow students without
Device and internet connection to enter the compound and use the devices
That was provided by the government. Teachers can take turns with
Supervision of the students in the I.T lab. This justification is likely to work
After analysing the data collected from the questionnaire, the researchers are
Now making the following recommendations for the students who are finding
The researcher recommends that the teachers all decide on one platform
To which they would like to use for online classes and the submission on work.
In this way, students wouldn’t have to use zoom, Google meets, Google
Classroom, Gmail and What’s app. If the teachers decided that they would only
Use Google Classroom, this is likely to work because students can also
Communicate with teachers via this app. This would cause less complications.
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