Szlachetko 2018
Szlachetko 2018
Szlachetko 2018
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Kubas, A. M. Cielak, K. Sokoowski, L. Makolski, J. Czapla-Masztafiak, J. Sa and J. Lewinski, Mater. Horiz.,
2018, DOI: 10.1039/C8MH00106E.
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Zinc oxide (ZnO) is one of the most versatile semiconductor Conceptual insights
material with multifarious potential applications. Easily accessible Among diverse strategies employed for the preparation of
alkylzinc alkoxides have been widely exploited as single-source semiconductor materials, single source precursor (SSP)
precursors of ZnO-based nanomaterials but their multi-step approach is widely regarded as one of the most promising for
decomposition pathways have not been understood in details. the preparation of bulk, thin-film, and nanocrystalline
Herein, the formation mechanism of ZnO nanocrystals via solid- materials. However, one of the key obstacles hampering
state thermal decomposition of a model pre-organised alkylzinc rational design of SSP precursors is the scarcity of mechanistic
alkoxide precursor, i.e. [tBuZn(μ3-OtBu)]4, is elucidated using in situ insights that are derived nowadays by state-of-the-art
valence-to-core X-ray emission (v2c-XES) and high energy combination of in situ spectroscopic measurements and
resolution off-resonant spectroscopy (HEROS) in conjunction with theoretical simulations. Herein, we track in situ formation of
theoretical calculations. Combination of in situ spectroscopic ZnO NCs via thermal decomposition of a preorganised alkylzinc
measurements and theoretical simulations indicate that the alkoxide using valence-to-core X-ray emission (v2c-XES) and
precursor structural evolution is initiated by homolytic cleavage of high energy resolution off-resonant spectroscopy (HEROS). The
the R-Zn bond which leads to the formation of a transient radical detailed in situ study on the decomposition process of the zinc
[•Zn(μ3-OR)][RZn(μ3-OR)]3 species, which is responsible for the alkoxide precursor, supported by computer simulations,
initial decomposition process. The ensuing multistep revealed that any nucleation and growth of a semiconducting
transformations involve the formation of intermediate radical zinc ZnO phase is preceded by cascade transformations involving the
oxo-alkoxide clusters with gapless electronic states. Hitherto, the formation of previously unreported intermediate radical zinc
formation of clusters of this type has not been considered neither oxo-alkoxide clusters with gapless electronic states. In this
as intermediate structures en-route to a semiconductor ZnO phase process homolytic cleavage of the R-Zn bond is responsible for
nor as potential species accounting for various defect states of ZnO the initial thermal decomposition process.
NCs, particularly the singly charged oxygen vacancy, Vo+.
nanomaterials and the research about their preparation1c,d,e,2
and utilisation3 have made an immense progress in the past
Introduction three decades. The development in the area has been
Design and preparation of well-defined nanomaterials in a accompanied by an advanced knowledge concerning various
controlled manner remains tremendous challenge and is aspects of semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs) formation, i.e.
acknowledged to be the biggest obstacle for exploitation of chemical reaction pathways of decomposition of NCs’
many nanoscale phenomena.1 This interest has triggered precursors as well as pre-nucleation, nucleation and growth
intense studies on the chemistry of semiconductor processes. However, in many cases the chemistry of intimate
steps of transformations from initial precursors to NCs is still not
well understood due to the high complexity of the reactions
a. Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences Kasprzaka 44/52, involved, and has remained a subject of constant debates.1c,e,3
01-224 Warsaw, Poland
b. Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences Radzikowskiego 152, Among diverse strategies employed for the preparation of
31-342 Kraków, Poland semiconductor NCs, the single source precursor (SSP) approach
c. Faculty of Chemistry Warsaw University of Technology Noakowskiego 3, 00-664
Warsaw, Poland
is widely regarded as one of the most effective method for
d. Physical Chemistry Division, Departament of Chemistry, Ångström Laboratory, fabrication of thin-film and nanocrystalline materials.4
Uppsala University, Lägerhyddsvägen 1, 75120 Uppsala, Sweden However, in most cases the SSPs are empirically designed and
† Footnotes relating to the title and/or authors should appear here.
Electronic Supplementary Information (ESI) available: [details of any the transformation conditions are painstakingly optimised using
supplementary information available should be included here]. See
DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 1
trial and error approaches, and the predictive character is View Article Online
strongly limited. Metal alkoxides represent likely the most DOI: 10.1039/C8MH00106E
important class of SSP used in solution and solid-state synthetic
routes leading to metal oxide semiconductor NCs.5,6 In these
transformations, the formation of metal–oxygen–metal bridged
Scheme 1. Proposed first steps in thermal decomposition of alkylzinc alkoxides to
bonds represents the first step towards the build-up of the solid ZnO NCs: β hydrogen atom abstraction from an alkoxide group (gas-phase, path
1) and homolytic cleavage of a R-Zn bond (solid-state, path 2).
metal oxide structures, however the mechanisms for these oxo
bridges formation are manifold. In aqueous systems the water
resolution off-resonant spectroscopy (HEROS). Analysis of the
molecules usually donate the oxygen atom for oxide formation
experimental data along with theoretical calculations indicate
via complex hydrolysis and condensation processes.5,6 In turn,
that any nucleation and growth of a semiconducting ZnO phase
in nonhydrolytic sol-gel processes carried out in organic
2 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
Figure 3. Experimental and theoretical v2c-XES and HEROS spectra for the
predesigned cluster 1 along with the electronic density of states contributions to
valence and conduction states.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 3
bond lengths (in Å, black). For structure IIA that possess an open-shell character,
Löwdin spin populations are given in italic/magenta for key atoms in (C) while the
isosurface of the singly-occupied molecular orbital (SOMO) is given in panel (D).
4 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
Scheme 2. Representation of the proposed [tBuZn(µ3-OtBu)] solid state thermal decomposition steps and the intermediate structures evolutions; the species are
assigned to the experimentally derived regions I-III that correspond to certain band-gap ranges (see Figure 2).
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 5
model heterocubane alkylzinc alkoxide to ZnO nanoclusters. Mathematical and Computational Modelling under grant no.
The reported mechanistic insights into the thermolysis of the G64-9. We also thank Dr M. K. Leszczyński for his assistance with
organometallic SSP indicates the formation of previously TEM measurements and data analysis.
unreported open-shell radical zinc oxo-alkoxide clusters with
gapless electronic states as the key steps en route to
semiconductor ZnO NCs. The proposed intermediate zinc- and
Notes and references
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Conflicts of interest 8 In the solid state processes involving SSPs, the organic
There are no conflicts to declare. residues are usually removed through the formation of
volatile organics species under thermal conditions which can
be further analysed by various analytical techniques.
9 A. Tiwari and B. Raj, in Reactions and mechanisms in thermal
Acknowledgements analysis of advanced materials; Hoboken, New Jersey: John
Wiley & Sons, 2015.
The authors acknowledge for the access to the SuperXAS 10 H. Morkoç and U. Özgür in Zinc Oxide: Fundamentals,
beamline at the Swiss Light Source. We also acknowledge the Materials and Device Technology; Willey-VCH: Weinheim,
National Science Centre for partial support under grants no. 2009.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 6
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19 The positions of valence bands were obtained from fit of
Gaussian function to first spectral derivative. The obtained
inflection points on high-energy side of v2c-XES gave the
inflection point on low energy side of HEROS spectra.
20 We note, that unlike optical band-gap measurements, the X-
ray spectroscopy measurements do not allow determining
the absolute band-gap values, but permit to observe changes
as relative energies. This effect is due to the screening of a
deep lying 1s core-hole state that affects measured energy
positions of valence/conduction states. Within the
femtosecond time scale of scattering process, the core-hole
acts onto the electronic states of the atom and as
consequence leads to the shift of the electronic states
energies. For this reason, the band-gap values as extracted
from v2c-XES and HEROS measurements will differ in
absolute values to the gap values as measured with optical
probes. Nonetheless, we would like to stress, that beside the
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 7