HA-CO2 Capture
HA-CO2 Capture
HA-CO2 Capture
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Materials Chemistry A
Materials for energy and sustainability
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Skakle and I. Gibson, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, DOI: 10.1039/C7TA09334A.
Volume 4 Number 1 7 January 2016 Pages 1–330 This is an Accepted Manuscript, which has been through the
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DOI: 10.1039/C7TA09334A
Nowicki, Skakle and Gibson: Table of Contents entry
DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x
of sodium, containing approximately 14 wt% carbonate was successfully prepared by an aqueous precipitation reaction
followed by a thermal treatment under a stream of CO2 gas at 500°C. In order to reach this level of carbonation, CO2 gas
was constantly supplied to the reactant mixture during precipitation. Another hydroxyapatite prepared with sodium
carbonate, Na2CO3, in non-carbonated water but following the same methodology, incorporated a higher level
(approximately 17 wt%) of carbonate. This increase was likely a result of additional carbonate provided by the sodium
carbonate starting material. The underlying aim of this work was to examine the possibility of using hydroxyapatites to
incorporate carbon dioxide from gas recovered from post-combustion carbon capture (PC-CC) techniques. As the chemical
composition of these materials resembles bone mineral, it may be possible to use the final product in agriculture as a slow-
release fertilizer and thus make use of the products.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 1
concomitant carbonate substitution introduced through the had higher carbonate content than the sample prepared using
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water used in the aqueous synthesis and/or the NaHCO3, assuming this mass loss was entirely due to CO213.
DOI: 10.1039/C7TA09334A
calcining/sintering atmosphere12. To maintain charge balance While the use of Na2CO3 could provide sources of both sodium
this substitution also requires equimolar substitution of and carbonate ions to try to maximise the carbonate
carbonate ions for hydroxyl ions. This substitution mechanism incorporation in apatite compositions, it would be beneficial to
(PO4)3- + Ca2+ (CO3)2- + M+ using sodium chloride (NaCl) as the source of sodium ions, with
where M can be Na+, NH4+, or K+. This gives the substitution
+ carbonate ions being introduced by addition of CO2 gas into the
mechanism Ca10-xMx(PO4)6-x(CO3)x(OH2). precipitation reaction and also during calcining. Analysis of
The wide availability and low cost of sodium chloride made it an these precipitated and heated samples allowed an evaluation
attractive choice to use as the source of these co-substituting of the most favourable conditions for the carbonation of the co-
cations in this work over another more expensive reagent. substituted apatite to be made.
Moreover, with further development it may be possible to
utilise sea water directly in the synthesis of this material
although this would present its own challenges due to the 2. Experimental
presence of other dissolved ions that may substitute into the
2.1. Sample Preparation
apatite. There is extensive research on the substitution of
Sodium-carbonate co-substituted hydroxyapatite compositions
sodium ions into the hydroxyapatite lattice in pursuit of a high-
were synthesised at room temperature according to the above
quality bone replacement material, but little specifically using
formula Ca10-xMx(PO4)6-x(CO3)x(OH2). The method was based on
NaCl in the preparation of the apatite. Sodium-carbonate co-
an established aqueous precipitation method that involved
substituted hydroxyapatite, with sodium and carbonate
adding a phosphoric acid solution dropwise to an aqueous
contents in the typical range of bone mineral, was prepared by
suspension of calcium hydroxide18 with substitution values of
soaking HA prepared from calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and
0.5≤x≤3.0 (in the above formula) using NaCl as the source of
ortho-phosphoric acid (H3PO4) in a solution of NaHCO3 at 60
sodium ions in the reactant mixture. This mechanism focuses
°C17. The researchers reported that the carbonate content of
on balancing charge on the calcium and phosphate sites of HA,
the apatites increased alongside the sodium content. Apatites
with any carbonate for hydroxyl substitution considered to
with no sodium substitution displayed a carbonate content of
occur independently. Three series of apatites were precipitated
1.3 wt%; this rose to a maximum of 6.0 wt% when the degree
using each reagent; each series was identical except for the
of sodium incorporation rose to 1.5 wt%, with the vast majority
variable of the introduction of CO2 gas into the phosphate
(94%) of this carbonate situating on the B-site 17. Stephen et al.
solution reactant. The three were as follows:
substituted sodium ions into the HA structure by way of an
1) No CO2 gas was used in the first series, named “No CO2”.
aqueous precipitation reaction. In their study, compositions of
2) CO2 gas was bubbled into the phosphate reactant solution for
single-phase sodium-carbonate co-substituted HA with
approximately 30 minutes (until the pH approached pH=4) prior
substitution values of x=0.32 and Ca/P ratios of 1.70 were
to the start of addition of this solution to the Ca(OH)2
prepared using either Na2CO3 or NaHCO3 as the source of the
suspension. This was named “CO2-I”.
sodium and carbonate co-substituting cations. Their
3) CO2 gas was bubbled into the phosphate solution throughout
preparations were designed in such a way that carbonate would
the addition of this to the Ca(OH)2 suspension. The dissolution
substitute onto the hydroxyl and phosphate sites so the overall
of the CO2 gas into the water and subsequent evolution of
(Ca+Na)/(P+C) ratio was 1.67, i.e. that of a stoichiometric HA.
carbonate (CO3) and hydrogen-carbonate (HCO3) groups did not
These precipitates were subsequently sintered at 900 °C in an
affect the temperature of the phosphate solution and by
atmosphere of CO2 and H2O. Afterward, the carbonate contents
extension the reactant mixture to any significant extent. This
of these compositions were estimated by heating the samples
was named “No-CO2-ii”.
at 1300 °C for 24 hours in air and measuring the mass loss.
A calcium + sodium suspension was prepared by dissolving NaCl
Although the extent of B-type substitution (the magnitude of
(>99.5% assay, Fisher Scientific, UK) followed by dispersing
the x-value) was designed to be the same no matter which
Ca(OH)2 (98% assay, VWR, UK) in approximately 150 ml of
sodium reagent was used, the sample precipitated using Na2CO3
2 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
distilled water, while mixed with a magnetic stirrer. value reported. Two assumptions were made in Online
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Concentrated ammonium hydroxide solution (30 ml) was added interpretation of carbon analysis in DOI: terms of reporting
to this suspension to ensure that the pH did not fall below an carbonate contents. Firstly, it was assumed that all of the
acceptable limit (pH=9-11) to avoid the formation of calcium- carbon detected by the equipment was present as CO2 which is
deficient impurity phases19,20 upon the introduction of the reasonable as the equipment flooded the sample with oxygen,
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 3
Figure 1: Normalised X-ray diffraction patterns of dried, as-prepared apatites precipitated using NaCl with substitution values
ranging from x=0.5 to x=3.0 and differing phosphate solution conditions (a) No-CO2, (b) CO2-i and (c) CO2-ii. Peaks corresponding
to aragonite (○) and calcite (●) are marked accordingly
to synthetic hydroxyapatite25,26, which were observed in each increasing carbonate-for-hydroxyl substitution on the A-site of
sample. the apatite structure, as has been observed by Rehman and
Each of these bands remained clearly resolved even at the Bonfield25. An OH stretch band around 3570 cm-1 was also
highest substitution values. Additionally, a shoulder on the left- observed (see Figure 2(b, d, f)) at low levels of substitution,
hand side of the ν4 phosphate band at 630-640 cm-1, particularly in apatites of the No-CO2 series, behaving in the
corresponding to an OH librational vibration, was observed at same manner as the OH libration peak, again likely a
low x-values in all three series. However it progressively consequence of carbonate substitution. ν2 and ν3 carbonate
decreased in intensity as the degree of substitution rose, almost bands situated between 870-880 cm-1 and 1300-1600 cm-1
disappearing in the CO2-ii series as the limit of substitution was respectively were also present in every spectra shown in Figure
approached. This decrease in intensity may be associated with 2(a, c, e), increasing in intensity with the x-value in each series.
4 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
Figure 2: Normalised FT-IR absorbance spectra of as-prepared apatites precipitated using NaCl as the source of sodium ions with
substitution values between x=0.5 and x=2.5 and differing phosphate solution conditions (a, b) No-CO2, (c, d) CO2-i and (e, f) CO2-
ii. Only single-phase samples were presented here.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 5
6 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 7
Although the OH stretching bands appeared quite weakly in the B-site. Although not used in the determination ofViewtheArticle
precipitates of these apatites, the heat treatment effectively of the carbonate groups in the apatite, itDOI:
is worth noting that
caused them to disappear above a substitution value of x=0.5, the profile of the ν3 carbonate band (Figure 7(b)), also changed
evidenced by the spectra between 4000-3400 cm-1 in Figure markedly after being exposed to the thermal treatment, with a
6(b). Like the precipitates, the intensity of the ν2 and ν3 peak about 1480 cm-1 and a shoulder on the left of the peak
8 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
Figueiredo et al. reported that calcining hydroxyapatite at 600 sample where x=0 was not included as the mechanism ofOnline
View Article CO3
°C caused a significant increase in the total porosity of the substitution was likely to be different). Thereafter an
DOI: 10.1039/C7TA09334A
apatite31 and so further work should be carried out to optimise expression between these two parameters for this sodium-
the heating conditions to maximise the carbonate content of carbonate co-substituted hydroxyapatite system precipitated
the apatite, either through direct substitution or adsorption on using NaCl, with a high level of carbonate incorporation was
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 9
of other species such as lattice water between 250-300 °C and bone graft implants. Further, a nanoscaleViewcarbonate-
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300-400 °C causing a change in the a parameter not directly substituted apatite such as that producedDOI:in this work may have
caused by the substitution of carbonate39. It is a combination potential application as a fertiliser/soil treatment if the
of all of these factors which lead to incredibly scattered data solubility is sufficiently high. Not only is this method sensitive
and thus a poorly fitting trend line, which would not have towards the environment, it would also improve the economics
The present study utilised a gas source that contained 100% CO2
and if a process based on the results described here was to be 5. Conflicts of interest
utilised in capturing CO2 from power plant waste gas a number
of considerations would need to be studied. In particular, waste There are no conflicts to declare.
gas would contain significantly less CO2 that the pure gas used
here. Additionally, the feasibility of capturing carbonate with a
precipitation reaction using a batch process may not be feasible. 6. Acknowledgments
In aqueous precipitation reactions of calcium phosphates that
Published on 02 January 2018. Downloaded by Fudan University on 03/01/2018 08:42:47.
use poorly soluble calcium hydroxide as a reactant the available The authors would like to acknowledge the University of
free calcium ions in solution at any time is small, and this will be Aberdeen for providing financial support, the advice of Dr Jo
the rate limiting step of formation of the apatite phase. The Duncan with regards to the identification of phases from XRD
quantity of carbonate ions in the reaction solution at any time and Mr Colin Taylor at the UoA School of Geosciences for
does not therefore need to be high and it is envisaged that support in obtaining the carbonate analysis
continuously flowing a waste gas containing significantly less
CO2 through the phosphoric acid reactant during synthesis,
analogous to process CO2-ii, would provide sufficient carbonate 7. References
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