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F. Wang, Z. Xiao, C. Li, L. B. Kong, W. Que and K. Zhou, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, DOI:
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50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798. Graphite carbons are the conventional anode materials for LIBs
c. Key Laboratory for Microstructural Control of Metallic Materials of Jiangxi
and SCs, which suffer the drawbacks of limited specific capacity (~
Province, Nanchang Hangkong University, Nanchang 330063, P. R. China.
d. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, 372 mA h g–1) and cycling life. Therefore, new anode materials with
Jingdezhen 333403, P.R. China. high capacity, long cycling lifetime and high safety are urgently
e. Electronic Materials Research Laboratory, School of Electronic and Information
demanded. Significant achievements have been gained in the
Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, Shaanxi, China. *Email:
[email protected] (WX Que) search of alternative anode materials with high capacity, such as Si,
f. School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological
intermetallic alloys and transition metal oxides. Although Si and
University, 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798. Email: [email protected] (K
alloy materials have high theoretical specific capacities, they suffer
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 1
from large volume changes during lithium intercalation/- In the past decades, although many high-quality 64-66
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deintercalation. For example, the volume expansion ratio of Si DOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
have been published, covering the preparation of iron-based oxides
electrodes after lithium insertion can reach 400%.53, 54 As one of and their applications in LIBs or SCs, no attention has been made to
transition metals, iron-based materials are considered as one of the low-dimensional nanostructured (1D and 2D) iron oxides. More
most promising anode materials for LIBs and SCs. Firstly, it has recently, a few of reviews67, 68 have referred to the preparations
Lastly, it is less toxic and greener than other transition metal electrodes, the analysis of the relationship of different
oxides/hydroxides. Therefore, many papers have been published morphologies, composition and electrochemical performance are
regarding the synthesis and application of iron-based nanomaterials the main highlights of this review article.
over the past five years. (Fig. 1b-c)
2 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
which had an average diameter of 150 nm. Microstructural analysis facilitated the controlling over the crystal morphology. 83
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indicated that these Fe2O3 nanorods are formed through the 85 DOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
Srinivasan’s group studied the controlled formation of α- Fe2O3
assembly of Fe2O3 nanoparticles. nanorods by using different vicinal diamine derivatives, such as
In recent years, hydrothermal method has been widely used the ethylenediamine, N-methylethylenediamine, 2, 3-diaminobutane, 1,
prepare nanorods.74-77 For instance, Balogun et al.58 prepared α- 2-diaminopropane. Due to the electron density enhancement (+M
The sample has a specfic surface area of 26.81 m2 g–1, which is N-methylethylenediamine. Through the selection of the SCAs and
larger than that of Fe2O3 nanosheets. the adjustment of the Fe3+ concentration, the Fe2O3 nanorods could
be controlled to have lengths in the range from 240‒400 nm and
aspect ratios of 2.6‒5.7. The nanorods, with lengths of 240‒280 nm
and aspect ratios of 2.6‒3.0 exhibited optimized electrochemical
2.1.2 Fe2O3 Nanowires
Fe2O3 nanowires are mainly used for biocatalysis and sensors.69 In
recent years, they have been explored as electrode materials for
LIBs and SCs. Fe2O3 nanowires can be efficiently synthesized by
using the traditional methods, such as chemical precipitation.
Wang’s group2 mixed FeCl3 solution with NaBH4 aqueous solution to
obtain a precipitate, which was annealed at 500℃ to form Fe/Fe2O3
nanowires with a core-shell structure. The Fe/Fe2O3 nanowires have
lengths from several micrometers to tens of micrometers and
diameters of 80-130 nm. The shell thickness of the nanowire is
about 4.0 nm, as observed in Fig. 3a-b. Lu’s group29 developed Pt-
doped Fe2O3 nanowires by using electrospinning. The Fe2O3
Fig.2 SEM (a) and TEM (b) images of the Fe2O3 nanorods [Reprinted with
nanowires contained some micropores, with a diameter of about
permission from Ref. 16, Copyright 2016, Nature]. SEM images of the products
obtained at different volume ratios of aqueous FeCl 3 solution to 1, 2- 100 nm. Pt doping has a significant effect on morphology of the
propanediamine, (c) without 1, 2-propanediamine and (d) 1/1 [Reprinted with nanowires, as demonstrated in Fig. 3c-d. With increasing content of
permission from Ref.44, Copyright 2009, IOP]. Pt, the nanoparticles become more and more compact, so that the
porosity of the nanowires was gradually reduced, but the cracks on
The crystal structure of nanorods has a significant effect on their the walls became more obvious. With acetylacetone iron as
electrochemical properties.78-81 Controlling the morphology of the precursor and polyvinyl pyrrolidone as raw material, Sivakumar’s
nanorods is an effective strategy to improve the electrochemical team86 synthesized Fe2O3 porous nanofibres by using
properties of Fe2O3 as electrodes for LIBs and SCs. A variety of electrospinning. The nanofibers have diameters in the range of
shape controlling agents (SCA) have been used to assist the 700‒750 nm, with specific surface area of about 61 m2 g–1, average
hydrothermal synthesis of nanorods, in order to control their pore size of 5.7 nm and pore volume of 0.087 cm3 g–1.
morphologies.82, 83 With ferrous sulphate (FeSO4·7H2O) and sodium Bioinspired strategy is a new method to synthesize
acetate (CH3COONa) as raw materials, Chaudhari et al 84 nanomaterials. Hierarchical FeOOH nanostructure array was
synthesized porous Fe2O3 nanorods by using a wet chemical synthesized by using a bioinspired gas–liquid diffusion method at
approach. CH3COONa was used as the precipitating agent, which the air–water interface.87 Similarly, Huang and co-workers15
slowly released hydroxide ions during the reaction, so as to control fabricated a Fe2O3 nanowire network@graphene transparent film
the growth rate of the nanorods. Li et al.44 prepared uniform α- (FNW@Gr-TF) by using a bioinspired gas‒liquid diffusion method at
Fe2O3 nanorods with aspect ratio of >10 by using 1, 2- the air-solution interface. During the reaction process, NH3
propanediamine-assisted hydrothermal method. The results vaporized and diffused into the ferrous sulfate solution. At the gas-
showed that 1, 2-propanediamine not only provided OH- during the liquid junction, NH3 reacted with ferrous sulfate to form a yellow
formation of the Fe2O3 nanorods, but also played an important role film. Excess NH3 continued to diffuse into the solution, reacting with
in determining the morphology of the nanorods, as illustrated in the ferrous sulfate solution underneath the top layer, where
Fig. 2c-d. The SCA adjusted the substituents on the diamine unit to nanowires were developed from the nucleus and grew towards the
affect the electron density and the steric interaction, which solution. The reaction ended to generate Fe 2O3 nanowires with a
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 3
diameter of 10.5 nm. Then, ITO/PET substrate and graphene sheets high as the template channels. Geng and co-workers 1 have
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were respectively introduced as the substrate and the conductive DOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
synthesized a layer of Fe2O3 on the surface of silver nanowires to
layer. Nanowire layer with a thickness of about 500 nm showed a form Ag@Fe2O3 nanocables similar to the coaxial cable structure.
porous network structure. After the thin and transparent graphene When Ag was corroded by aqueous ammonia, the Ag@Fe2O3
wrapped the Fe2O3 nanowire layers, there are still many nanocables were transformed into hollow Fe2O3 nanotubes.
nm, as seen in Fig. 4d. The Fe2O3 nanotubes possess a BET surface
area of as high as 149 m2 g–1.
Fig. 3 SEM (a) and HRTEM (b) images of the Fe@Fe2O3 nanowires [Reprinted with
permission from Ref.2, Copyright 2016, Wiley]. SEM images of the products obtained
at different mole number ratios of Pt to Fe 2O3: (c) 0 and (d) 3 mol% [Reprinted with
permission from Ref.29, Copyright 2018, Elsevier]. SEM (e) and TEM (f) images of the
graphene wrapped Fe2O3 nanowires [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 15,
Copyright 2017, IOP]. SEM (g) and TEM (h) images of the Ag NWs@Fe 2O3 nanowires
[Reprinted with permission from Ref.1, Copyright 2015, Wiley].
4 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
precursors. The Fe2O3 nanotubes retained tubular morphology, oriented and acid etching method.6, 95, 96 Lu et al.94 prepared
View ArticleFe2 O3
without collapse after calcination. Many nanosheets are randomly nanodiscs by using hydrothermal method with DOI:NaAc
as the control
distributed on the surface of the Fe2O3 nanotubes, as observed in agent. It has been well known that the hydrolysis of Fe 3 + produces
Fig.4e-g. The tubular structure and high surface area allow the H+, as shown in Eq. (1). As the concentration of H+ in FeCl3 solution
electrode material to provide more electroactive sites and greater is sufficiently high, the hydrolysis of Fe (H2O)63+ is inhibited. Without
agent, a composite coating was prepared on the surface of concentrations of OH- and H+ have a significant effect on
hydrothermally synthesized Fe2O3 nanotubes. The Fe2O3 nanotubes morphology of the final products.97
have lengths of 300-400 nm and an outer diameter of about 90 nm,
2Fe(H2O)63+ ↔ Fe2O3 + 6H+ + 12H2O (1)
as shown in Fig. 4h-i. Fig. 4h shows that Fe2O3 nanotubes contained
pores, as indicated by the arrows. CH3COO- + H+ →CH3COOH (2)
2.2 2D Fe2O3 Nanostructure
CH3COO- + H2O ↔ CH3COOH + OH- (3)
The lateral dimension of 2D nanosheets is at least two orders of
magnitude greater than the thickness, which well combine the
advantages of 0D and 1D nanostructures. 2D nanosheets have
unique mechanical properties that can be wrinkled and twisted or
even folded into 3D nanostructures. Therefore, 2D nanosheets have
the ability to buffer the lithiation/delithiation volume change of
lithium ions.91 In addition, nanosheets have a larger surface area
and shorter Li+ ion diffusion paths. They also provide 2D
transmission channels between layers to facilitate pseudocapacitive
storage of the electrodes.92 These superficial special electronic
structures make nanosheets well suited for energy devices, thus
attracting much interest in recent years.93
Chen’s group16 used a hydrothermal method to prepare Fe2O3
nanosheets with exposure of (001) plane. The nanostructure
exhibited a discharge capacity of 865 mA h g–1 at the rate of 200 mA
g–1 over 80 cycles, which is higher than that (456 mA h g–1) of Fe2O3
Fig. 5 SEM (a, b) images of the ultrathin Fe2O3 nanosheets. [Reprinted with
nanorods by 90%. Firstly, the (001) plane of hermatite has a high permission from Ref.6, Copyright 2017, Elsevier]. SEM images of the Fe2O3 nanosheets
packing density of Fe3+ and O2-, which is a key factor to high free of Ni2+ ions (c) and with 0.85 wt% of NiCl2 (d). [Reprinted with permission from
electronchemical performance. In comparison, (010) facet is the Ref.27, Copyright 2014, Royal Society of Chemistry]. SEM image (e) of the as-
mainly exposed crystal plane in nanorods, with a ratio of (010) synthesized Fe2O3 nanosheets [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 46, Copyright
2016, Royal Society of Chemistry].
plane to (001) plane to 77:23. The proportion of (001) plane in
nanosheets is almost 100%. Secondly, the charge transfer
resistances of Fe2O3 nanosheets is 53 Ω, which is smaller than that In order to better tailor the crystal morphology and explore the
(179 Ω) for Fe2O3 nanorods. As a result, Fe2O3 nanosheets offer crystal growth mechanism, studies indicated that it is possible to
more conductive pathway and lower Li+ migration resistance. control the directional growth of Fe2O3 nanocrystals by introducing
Thirdly, according to potentiostatic intermittent titration data, the foreign matters or ions. For instance, Al3 + and Ni2+ ions have been
average DLi+ value of nanosheets is 2.2 × 1010 cm2 s–1, which is shown to be suitable crystal growth control agents.98 Jin et al.6
increased by about 15.7% as compared with that of the nanorods. synthesized Fe2O3 nanosheets with a thickness of 1.3 nm by using
The high kinetic parameters are responsible for the discharge cycle hydrothermal method, as shown in Fig. 5a-b. It was found that the
stability and rate ability. addition of Al3+ is crucial for the formation of Fe2O3 nanosheets.
Due the anisotropic structure of Fe2O3 crystals, it is possible to Fe2O3 nanoparticles synthesized without the presence of Al3+ were
enlarge the exposure of (001) facet and control the growth of Fe2O3 irregular in shape. When Al3+ ions were added, they would be
nanostructures along the [001] direction.94 Fe2O3 nanosheets along adsorbed onto the (001) surface of the Fe 2O3 nanoparticles.
the [001] direction with preferentially exposed (001) facet have Therefore, Fe2O3 nanoparticles grew preferentially along the [100]
been grown by using hydro/solvothermal, template-assisted direction, while the growth of (001) is inhibited. Jin’s group 27
prepared Fe2O3 hexagonal nanoplates by using a molten salt method
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 5
with the assistance of Ni2+ ions. The thickness and morphology of the of the surface deposition can be carried out simultaneously, with
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Fe2O3 nanoplates could be tailored by controlling the content of Ni2+. The DOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
the formation of a dense coating on the template surface.
Ni2+ ions were adsorbed onto the (001) facet through coordination Li’s group20 reported the synthesis of Ag-Fe2O 3 hollow spheres by
bonding with the O atoms, resulting in slower growth along the (001) using Ag@C nanospheres templates. Fig. 6a schematic diagram
planes. With increasing content of Ni2+, the nanosheets became more describing the synthesis process of Ag-Fe2O 3 nanospheres. The
nanostructures were obtained, with thicknesses of 103‒165 nm. uniformly distributed on the surface of the Fe 2O 3 spheres. Chen’s
The Fe2O3 nanofilms were free-standing, with a relatively rough group61 fabricated ultrafine Fe2O 3 nanoparticles embedded in
surface due to the assembly of nanoparticles. Because of the nitrogen-doped hollow carbon spheres by pyrolyzing Fe-based
presence of internal differential stress, the Fe2O3 nanofilms were zeolite imidazole framework (Fe-ZIF). The Fe-ZIF precursor is
prone to wrinkling and bending. It is expected that such a structural composed of Fe2+ ions and 2-methylimidazolate linker. When the
feature should be very effective to buffer the lithium/delithiation Fe-ZIF precursor was annealed in air at 620 ℃ , the 2-
induced strain. Wu’s team46 synthesized a spinous Fe2O3 nanosheet methylimidazolate linker was converted to a nitrogen-doped carbon
hierarchical structures on Ni foam substrate by using a network as carbon and nitrogen sources. At the same time, Fe2+
hydrothermal process. The as-synthesized spinous Fe2O3 sample ions were oxidized to form Fe2O3 nanoparticles, which were
consists of a large number of nanosheets, with thicknesses at uniformly dispersed in the nitrogen-doped carbon network. This
nanometer scale, as seen in Fig. 5e. unique structure can effectively prevent agglomeration of the Fe2O3
2.3 3D Fe2O3 Nanostructures nanoparticles. In addition, Fe atoms served as catalyst to promote
The synthesis of 3D Fe2O3 nanostructures of Fe2O3 has been rapid carbonation of the carbon-containing linker, leaving a hollow
extensively reported in the open literature. Various 3D Fe2O3 structure. When such Fe2O3 nanospheres are used as electrode
nanostructures, such as spherical nanostructure,20, 61, 99, 100 hollow material of LIBs, the hollow structure can act as a reservoir for Li+
nanostructure,11, 38, 101 nanoarray,8, 25, 39 flower-like nanostructure4, ions and electrolytes, effectively accommodate huge volumetric
10, 102 and microbox structure, 103 have been synthesized, by using changes and shorten the path of Li+ ion diffusion and electron
different synthetic methods. transfer.
2.3.1 Spherical Structures
3D spherical nanostructures have been widely studied for the
applications not only in LIBs and SCs but also in water treatment
and sensors. In this section, the synthesis of 3D Fe2O3 spherical
nanostructures will be presented. Based on whether a template is
used or not, there are two categories: (i) template synthesis20, 61, 104
and (ii) template-free method.100,70,105 Template-based Approaches
Template synthesis is a simple and stable strategy to obtain
spherical nanostructures. By selecting specific template, one can
readily control shape, size and uniformity of the final products. In
general, template synthesis consists mainly of four steps: (1)
synthesis of the template, (2) modification of the template surface,
(3) deposition of the designed material and (4) deletion of the
template. Each step is important, but their importance is slightly
Fig. 6(a) Schematic illustration of template-guidance synthesis mechanism of the Ag-
different case by case. For instance, the second step to introduce
Fe2O3 nanospheres, (b) SEM images of the Ag@C templates and (c) Ag-Fe2O3
functional groups on the template surface can effectively solve the composites. [Reprinted with permission from Ref.20, Copyright 2017, Nature].
problem of incompatibility between the template surface and the
shell material. The third step requires effective deposition of the Similar to the traditional template, sacrificial template is also an
designed material on the shell material at the micro-nano level, effective approach in controlling the structural orientation and
which is generally considered to be the most challenging step. The determining shape and size of the sphere. However, the significant
second step of the template surface modification and the third step difference is that the sacrificial template is partially or completely
consumed during the reaction. The sacrificial template forms the
6 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
shell structure by sacrificing the template itself, so that additional nanosphere surface. After polymerization and carbonization
View Articlein N2,
surface functionalization steps can be omitted. Therefore, this droplets of the spray pyrolysis were convertedDOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
into FeOx-carbon
method is generally considered to be more efficient, especially composite spherical powders (Scheme 1-a-②). The FeOx powders
when the template is completely depleted during the shell were then reduced to dozens of nanometers of Fe nanocrystals and
formation process. These attractive features have been applied uniformly dispersed in the carbon microspheres (Scheme 1-a-③
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 7
value of the solution increases greatly. The Fe(OH)3 phase is then accommodates volume expansion on the one hand and reduces
View the
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dehydrated to obtain Fe2O3 particles. DOI:
loss of volumetric energy density on the other 10.1039/C8TA01683F
In addition to the hydro/solvothermal method, heat treatment
has been used to prepare microspheres, such as spray pyrolysis and
thermal annealing. Zhang et al.117 developed a ‘spray drying-
8 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
2.3.3 Flower-like Structures precursor of Fe2O3 and the flower-like structure View self-assembly
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Flower-like structure has high specific surface area, which is process. When ethylene glycol forms an ironDOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
alkoxide with FeCl 3, H+
conducive to the diffusion and adsorption of ions and electrons. ions are generated as a by-product. Hydrolysis of urea produces OH-
Various flower-like structures have been prepared and used as ions to neutralize H+ ions, which favors the precursor synthesis.
electrode materials for LIBs and SCs.121-123 Shivakumara's team124 Liang et al.42 prepared 3D flower-like Fe2O3 nanostructure through
foil. FeSO4·7H2O, urea and NH4F were dissolved in deionized (DI) flower-like microspheres was about 6.8 μm. This flower structure
water. The solution and the pretreated copper foil were had a rough surface, which consisted of numerous randomly
hydrothermally treated at 80℃ for 12 h. The product was finally arranged rice-like granular particles, as demonstrated in Fig. 8e.
annealed in Ar at 450℃. In the early stages of reaction, the 2.3.4 Nanoarrays
nanoparticles first aggregated into flower-like dodecahedrons. With large surface area and hierarchical structure, nanoarrays,
Then, petals grew out and started to divide. Large petals divided which could provide high surface area and short transmission paths
into layered nanosheets, thus leaving enough room between them for electron and ion conduction, are ideal candidates for electrode
and finally forming the 3D framework (Fig. 8a). The flower-like materials of SCs. There are various strategies to prepare
Fe2O3 structure has a high BET specific surface area of 16.1 m2 g–1. nanoarrays, which can be roughly divided into top-down and
Lu’s group10 prepared a porous α-Fe2O3 microscopic flower-like bottom-up categories. The former mainly involves etching,
structure, which was derived from FeSO4(OH) precursors removing unnecessary parts and preserving the desired material
synthesized by using a simple ethanol-mediated method. array. The latter is a step-by-step growth of a given material,
Fe2(SO4)3·xH2O was added to absolute ethanol and stirred for 3 h, removing the intermediate process material, leading to hierarchical
followed by hydrothermal reaction at 150℃ for 24 h. The resulting array structure. Fe2O3 nanoarray is mainly prepared by using
yellow colored precursor was calcined at 700℃, yielding hybrid bottom-up method.
structure of Fe2O3 with an average diameter of about 2 μm. The
flower-like structure is composed of a large number of
nanoparticles nanoporous bodies, as illustrated in Fig. 8b-c.
Fig. 8(a) SEM image of the 3D flower-like Fe2O3 [Reprinted with permission from
Ref.4, Copyright 2015, Wiley]. (b, c) SEM images of the as-prepared porous α-Fe2O3
microflowers. [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 10, Copyright 2017, Elsevier]. (d)
SEM image of the Fe2O3 microflowers. [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 31,
Copyright 2014, Elsevier]. (e) SEM image of the α-Fe2O3 microflowers. [Reprinted
with permission from Ref.42, Copyright 2013, Elsevier].
Fig. 9 (a) SEM images of the NiCo2S4 NNAs and (b) hierarchical NiCo 2S4@Fe2O3 core-
shell NNAs. [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 8, Copyright 2016, Elsevier]. (c)
In order to better control the flower-like structures, various Schematic illustration of fabrication of the Fe2O3/Ppy nanostructure and (d) TEM
adjuvants are used during the synthesis of iron oxides. Wang et al image of the Fe2O3/PPy. [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 25, Copyright 2017,
102 synthesized Fe O with a 3D flower-like structure with urea as Wiley]. (e) TEM image of the NiNTAs@Fe 2O3 nanoneedles. [Reprinted with
2 3
the control agent. Urea plays a decisive role in the synthesis of the permission from Ref.39, Copyright 2017, Wiley].
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 9
In order to solve the problem of low conductivity of iron oxide, ℃, Fe2O3 nanoparticles grew up, forming porous Fe2OView
3 microboxes.
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materials with high conductivity are usually used in either the core Further increase in annealing temperature DOI:resulted
in further
or the shell of the arrays. Zhai’s group8 designed and fabricated growth of the Fe2O3 nanocrystals, thus leading to the formation of
hierarchical core-shell heterostrucure composities which consisited nanoplatelets. Fe2O3 hierarchical microboxes were produced at 650
of NiCo2S4 nanoneedle arrays (NNAs) and Fe2O3 nanorods (NRs). A ℃. Therefore, morphology and structure of the Fe2O3 microboxes
(porous Fe2O3) would ensure a high charge storage capacity of the an attractive anode material for LIBs and SCs, owing to its high
Fe2O3 composites. capacity, environmental friendliness and high electrical
Several special treatment methods have been used in the conductivity. However, the stress caused by the volume expansion
preparation process to improve the stability of the nanoarray, such during charging and discharging leads to poor cycle stability of the
as sacrificial template or adhesive film layer. Hu’s group25 Fe3O4 electrode and low rate capability. In this case, low
synthesized tectorum-like Fe2O3/polypyrrole (PPy) nanoarrays. The dimensional Fe3O4 nanostructures could be solution to these
preparation process includes the growth of Fe2O3 nanoarrays from problems. This is because nanostructures ensure a high contact
sacrificial ZnO templates and the in-situ vapor-phase polymerization area with the electrolyte and can buffer strain and volume changes
of PPy on surface of the nanoarrays. The formation of the to avoid structural changes or cracks. Gupta’s team127 synthesized
Fe2O3/PPy on the conductive carbon cloth is shown in Fig. 9c. The nearly monodisperse Fe3O4 nanocrystals by using a wet chemical
ZnO nanorods with diameters of 100-300 nm were transformed into method, with an average particle size of 8 ± 2 nm. Zhang et al.128
tectorum-like Fe2O3 nanoarrays in Fe(NO3)3 aqueous solution. The prepared carbon-encapsulated Fe3O4 nanoparticles by using a
surface of the Fe2O3 nanoarray was coated with PPy layer with an hydrothermal reaction combined with heat treatment. It was found
optimized thickness of 3 nm by adjusting the amount of PPy. The that crystal morphology and particle size of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles
length and diameter of the Fe2O3/PPy arrays were about 1 μm and could be controlled by adjusting the concentration of iron nitrate
250 nm, respectively. The array was made up of nanosheets that and glucose solution during the reaction process.
are tens of nanometers in thickness, as demonstrated in Fig. 9d. The 1D nanowire can promote the transport of electron and lithium
PPy shell was uniformly attached to surface of the Fe2O3 cores. Xia’s ion, which is advantageous for achieving high rate performance.
team39 deposited iron oxide nano-needles on ultrafine Ni nanotube Manthiram’s group129 prepared Fe3O4 single crystal nanowires and
arrays (NiNTAs) to form NiNTAs@Fe2O3 nanostructures with a carbon-coated Fe3O4 nanowires by using a microwave assisted
hybrid core-shell structure. ZnO nanorod arrays were used as the hydrothermal method. Xia and co-workers130 synthesized Fe3O4
template, while an Au film was sputtered on its surface before an nanotubes by using a two-step hydrothermal method. Firstly, Fe2O3
ultrathin Ni film was coated through electrodeposition. Finally, nanotubes were obtained by using a hydrothermal method. Then, a
Fe2O3 nano-needles were deposited. Interestingly, the thin layer of thin carbon layer was coated on surface of the nanotubes by using
Au (thickness of about 5 nm) sputtered on the ZnO nanorods with another hydrothermal treatment step. The Fe2O3 nanotubes were
an average diameter of 150 nm ensured the uniform growth of the completely reduced and converted to Fe3O4 nanotubes after
Ni nanofilm on the ZnO nanorod. Representative TEM image of the thermal annealing. O'Neill et al.131 prepared 1D Fe3O4 nanowires by
nanostructure is shown in Fig. 9e. Without the presence of the Au using a spray deposition method. They were wrapped with carbon
film on the ZnO nanorods, uniform Ni film could not be formed, nanotubes to form composite electrode for SCs. Doong’s group 132
instead, the Ni film was non-uniform and discontinuous, composing deposited Fe3O4 nanoparticles on the surface of halloysite
of large Ni particles. nanotubes to get Fe3O4 nanotubes by using a coprecipitation
2.3.5 Other Structures method.
Zheng et al.126 prepared an iron oxide hollow nanoshuttle, which
was used as electrode of SCs. The hollow nanoshuttles had average
wall thickness and length of 30 nm and 100 nm, respectively. Zhang
and co-workers103 synthesized a series of Fe2O3 microboxes with
various shell structures by annealing Prussian blue (PB) microcubes.
The microboxes were made up of numerious nanoparticles. As the
annealing temperature was increased, the particles on the surfaces Fig. 10 SEM images of the Fe−ethylene glycolate nanosheets with different
grew up accordingly. The Prussian blue microcubes were converted thicknesses, synthesized at different concentrations of sodium citrate: (a) 370
nm/10 mM, (b) 110 nm/15 mM and (c) 23 nm/20 mM. [Reprinted with permission
into hollow Fe2O3 microboxes by thermally induced oxidative
from Ref.23, Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society].
decompostion at 350℃. When the annealing temperature was 550
10 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
The unique structure of 2D nanosheets also ensures high smooth. However, if the content was too high (98 View wt%), the
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conductivity, while the spacing in between the sheets is able to microspheres had a macroporous sponge-like DOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
structure and the
alleviate the problem of volume expansion. Gu et al.133 prepared surface was rather rough. Wan’s group140 synthesized porous 3D
Cu/Fe3O4 core–shell nanorod array by using a hydrolysis-coupled nanohybrids. N-doped carbon (NC) was used to encapsulate the
redox reaction. Thin Fe3O4 nanosheets are uniformly assembled on Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The Fe3O4@NC nanoparticles were connected
concentration of sodium citrate was increased from 15 mM to 20 repeated Li+ insertion/extraction. Therefore, hollow structured
mM, average thickness of the Fe-ethylene glycolate nanosheets was electrode will have high cycling stability. Various methods have
decreased from 370 nm to 23 nm, because the growth in the c-axis been employed to prepare hollow porous Fe3O4 nanostructure,
direction was more severely inhibited than that in the a-b direction such as self-assembly, ion exchange, solid state decomposition and
as the sodium citrate concentration was increased. Fig. 10a-c shows chemical etching.141-145
SEM images of the Fe−ethylene glycolate nanosheets obtained at
different concentrations of sodium citrate. In addition, the Fe–
ethylene glycolate nanosheets tended to be curved, preventing
them from close packing in the thickness direction. Similar results
have been reported by others in the literature.94, 97 Xin et al.134
prepared a hierarchical structure of Fe3O4 nanosheets by annealing
nanosheet ferric alkoxide precursors in N2. Huang et al.135 deposited
porous Fe3O4 nanosheets by using chemical bath. The nanosheets
consisted of nanoribbons with a width of less than 10 nm.
3.2 3D Nanostructures
Due to special physical reasons such as Ostwald ripening,136
spherical or flower-shaped 3D Fe3O4 nanostructures have been
synthesized through stacking. Sun’s group137 synthesized Fe3O4
microflowers by using a solvothermal method combined with
subsequent thermal annealing. When the Fe3+ solution was mixed
with urea and ethylene glycol, burst nucleation occurred, resulting
in the aggregation of supersaturated nuclei. Subsequently,
Fig. 11 (a, b) SEM images of the Fe3O4 hollow microspheres [Reprinted with
nanoparticles began to form and grow. Due to Ostwald ripening, permission from Ref.19, Copyright 2013, Wiley]. (c, d) SEM and TEM images of the hollow
these nanoparticles with an average size of 10 nm were Fe3O4 nanostructure (inset: magnified image). [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 45,
interconnected and assembled into nanosheets with an average Copyright 2014, Royal Society of Chemistry]. (e) SEM image revealing the hierarchical
thickness of 60 nm. In order to minimize the energy of the system, porous structure of the C-C-Fe3O4 hollow spheres. [Reprinted with permission from
Ref.7, Copyright 2015, Elsevier].
the nanosheets are crosslinked together to form a microflower with
diameters of 3‒6 μm. Zhu and Xu114 prepared Fe3O4 mesoporous
microspheres by using a solvothermal method without the use of
surfactants. Fe(NO3)3 and tartaric acid were dissolved in Hollow nanostructures include hollow spheres, multi-shell hollow
dimethylformamide solvent and reacted at 160℃ for 8 h to prepare structure, hollow nanocapsules and yolk-shell structure. Lou's
ferrous tartrate (C4H4O6Fe) precursor microspheres. The group19 synthesized a hollow microsphere composed of Fe3O4
microspheres were further calcined in N2 at 400℃, leading to Fe3O4 nanoplates by using a solvothermal method. The uniform sphere
mesoporous microspheres. The as-prepared Fe3O4 mesoporous with a diameter of about 5 μm was hollow inside, whereas the wall
microspheres had a high specific surface area of 122.3 m2 g–1. He’s of the sphere is made up of nanoplate through stacking. These
group138 fabricated Fe3O4@C nanospheres with ferrocene as the Fe wedged plates had a certain curvature to construct the spherical
sources by suing a solvothermal method. Suh’s group 139 prepared structure, as demonstrated in Fig. 11a-b. Similar Fe3O4 hollow
Fe3O4@carbon microspheres through suspension polymerization spheres were reported by Geng and co-workers45 by using a
combined with heat treatment. Surface morphology of hydrothermal method combined with heat treatment. The Fe 3O4
microspheres varied with the content of Fe3O4 nanoparticles. With hollow nanospheres had an average diameter of about 200 nm,
lower content (72 wt%), the microsphere surface was relatively with a rather rough surface. The hollow spheres were made of
nanocrystals with a diameter of about 10 nm, as seen in Fig. 11c-d.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 11
He’s team7 prepared Fe3O4 double carbon-shelled hollow spheres, β-FeOOH during annealing, some pores were left on View the Article
surface of
where a double C-C-SiO2 hollow sphere was used as a hard the materials. At the same time, the core DOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
volume shrank at high
template. 2, 4-Dihydroxybenzoic acid-formaldehyde was coated on calcination temperatures, creating void spaces inside the carbon
surface of the C-C-SiO2 particles through in-situ polymerization. Fe3+ shell. The β-FeOOH@PDA core-shell nanostructure was then
ions were locked through the electrical attraction between the transformed to Fe3O4@N-C yolk shell nanostructure. The Fe3O4@N-
12 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
and nanoparticles can also effectively inhibit the re-accumulation of morphology. The rGO NSs had high surface area and View
large reaction
Article Online
graphene and the iron-based nanoparticles. Also, the composite edge, which was favorable for the attachmentDOI:
the nanoparticles.
maintains a high active surface area. In recent years, many iron Fe3O4 nanoparticles about 50-200 nm in size were uniformly
oxide and graphene composites have been reported in the open dispersed in the framework of rGO nanoparticles. The edges of the
literature34, 157-163. Yu’s group164 prepared Fe2O3/graphene hybrids rGO NSs prevented the agglomeration of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles,
Zapien’s group166 prepared Fe3O4 nanoparticles and graphene promising performances for LIBs and SCs.
composites by using a thermal evaporation-induced anhydrous
strategy. The Fe3O4 nanoparticles with sizes of 10-20 nm were
uniformly anchored onto graphene sheets, which prevented the
agglomeration of the graphene sheets. Choi and Kang3 prepared
Fe3O4/graphene composite powder by using a spray pyrolysis
process. During the drying process, the graphene sheets were bent
due to shrinkage. A plurality of curved graphene sheets were
agglomerated into the hollow Fe3O4/graphene balls (Fig. 12a-b). Fig.
12j shows formation process of the hollow Fe3O4/graphene balls
and the mechanism of lithium intercalation/deintercalation. BET
surface area of the Fe3O4/graphene balls was up to 130 m2 g–1. Hu
et al.167 prepared a sandwich-structured graphene-Fe3O4-carbon
composite. The composite was characterized with high mass
content of Fe3O4 (85%), ultrafine Fe3O4 particles (~5 nm) and high
carbon layer coverage of the Fe3O4 surface. Zhao et al.168 prepared
a carbon-coated Fe3O4 quantum dots/graphene composite by a
hydrothermal method. In that composite, the graphene nanosheets
showed curly and wavy morphology, while the Fe3O4 nanoparticles
with sizes of 7-10 nm were immobilized on the graphene
Gao et al.169 synthesized a quasi-hexagonal Fe2O3 nanoplates/-
graphene composite by using a solvothermal method. It was found
that, as the concentration of FeCl3 was increased, the morphology
of the Fe2O3 nanosheets became more and more regular. Fe 2O3
nanosheets with sizes of 20-80 nm were uniformly dispersed on the
surface of rGO, so that their agglomeration was prevented. Xu’s
group170 prepared Fe3O4@graphene composites on graphene by Fig. 12 (a, b) SEM and TEM images of the Fe3O4/graphene hollow balls [Reprinted
etching an FeAl alloy. The Al was selectively leached from the FeAl with permission from Ref.3, Copyright 2014, Elsevier]. (c) SEM images of the 3D rGO
alloy with NaOH solution. During the etching process, the number NSs [Reprinted with permission from Ref.28, Copyright 2017, American Chemical
of octahedron nanoparticles was increased and the shape became Society]. (d, e) SEM and TEM images of the Fe3O4/CNF necklaces. [Reprinted with
permission from Ref.41, Copyright2015, Royal Society of Chemistry]. (f, g) SEM and
more and more regular. Longer corrosion time (48 h) was conducive
TEM images of the Fe2O3/SWCNT composites [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 50,
to the formation of uniform Fe3O4 octahedron. Fe atoms underwent Copyright 2017, IOP]. (h, i) TEM images of the urchin-like Fe3O4@N-C composites
natural oxidation and aggregation to produce Fe3O4 octahedrons of [Reprinted with permission from Ref.55, Copyright 2016, Elsevier]. (j) Schematic
about 500 nm in size. The positively charged Fe3O4 octahedron was illustration of formation of the hollow Fe3O4/graphene balls and the lithium
intercalation/deintercalation mechanism [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 3,
fixed on the graphene by using an electrostatic assembly method.
Copyright 2014, Elsevier].
Kumar and co-workers28 synthesized 3D hybrid composite of
Fe3O4 nanoparticles embedded in the network of reduced graphene
oxide nanosheets (rGO NSs) by using in-situ microwave method. Due to its super high conductivity, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) can
The rGO NSs had a cotton-like fluffy structure, as observed in Fig. be used as the conductive substrate and skeleton of composite
12c The surface of the rGO NSs presented a microscopic open electrode materials.60 Its composites have been studied extensively
structure and interconnects with each other to form a network as electrode materials for energy storage systems, including both
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 13
LIBs and SCs. Gao et al.171 prepared a hybrid film which is composed sources. During high temperature carbonization, α-FeOOH was
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of α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles and single-walled carbon nanotube converted to oxide and the outer carbon DOI: shell10.1039/C8TA01683F
also turned into
(SWCNT). Shang’s group50 synthesized Fe/SWCNT films by using a hollow carbon tubes, as shown in Fig. 12h-i. On the one hand, water
chemical vapor deposition method, which was converted to molecules evaporated from the α-FeOOH framework, leaving pores
Fe2O3/SWCNT composite film through thermal annealing. When the in the original spinous process surface. On the other hand, the
Wang et al.174 prepared Fe-Fe2O3@N-doped C nanoparticles internal void space to relieve the volumetric expansion during
uniformly anchored to N-doped carbon nanotubes (NCNTs). The lithiation/delithiation.
nano-Fe-Fe2O3 particles had core-shell structure, consisting of a Fe- 4.2 Iron Oxides Nanocomposites with Other Metal Oxides
Fe2O3 core and an N-doped C shell with an average diameter of Due to their higher theoretical capacities (1494 mA h g–1 for SnO2,
about 10 nm. The N-doped C shell effectively interconnected the 1232 mA h g–1 for MnO2, and 890 mA h g–1 for Co3O4), SnO2, MnO2
Fe-Fe2O3 with the CNTs scaffold, which can improve the and Co3O4 have been chosen to construct the heterostructures with
mass/charge transfer properties and structural stability. Sun’s iron oxide. Solvothermal and hydrothermal methods are the most
group63 developed Fe2O3@CNTs composites by depositing Fe2O3 commonly used ones to prepare Fe2O3/SnO2 heterostructures. Liu’s
nanoparticles on carbon nanotubes through atomic layer team186 and Yang’s team187 synthesized Fe3O4@SnO2 and
deposition. The Fe2O3 nanoparticles were uniformly distributed on Fe2O3@SnO2 core–shell nanorods by using hydrothermal process.
the CNTs. The size of Fe2O3 nanoparticles was increased with Yu’s group188 grown 1D SnO2 nanorods on 2D Fe2O3 nanoflakes to
increasing number of atomic layer deposition cycles. form a comb-shaped heterostructure. Jin et al.189 prepared SnO2
In addition, explosive detonation is the process of generating hollow spheres by using solvothermal method first, onto which a
very high temperatures and pressures in a very short period of layer of Fe2O3 was coated. The hierarchical Fe2O3/SnO2 hollow
time, where a large amount of heat is released due to the spheres offer breathable aggregate which can buffer the volume
conversion of the chemical energy involved in the energy molecules expansion during the charge/discharge process. Moreover, the
into heat energy. In recent years detonation has been used to unique porous structure of the hollow sphere and nanosized
prepare bamboo-like carbon nanotubes.175 Chen’s team62 has network can provide faster ion diffusion and better cycling stability.
prepared a Fe3O4-Fe@CNT composite by detonation method. In the In addition, flame-assisted spray method has been employed by Li
preparation process, bamboo carbon nanotubes wrapped with et al.190 to decompose iron and tin precursors to prepare core-shell
Fe3O4/Fe flakes were prepared by one-step detonation using Fe2O3@SnO2 heterostructures. He’s group191 prepared a N-doped
ferrocene as carbon source and using hexane to generate high amorphous carbon coated Fe3O4@SnO2 coaxial nanofiber by using
temperature and high pressure. Fe3O4 flakes and iron nanoparticles electrospinning technology combined with chemical bath
were generated during the detonation assisted decomposition and deposition.
were finally encapsulated in carbon nanotubes. The resulting Yang’s group9 prepared MnO2/Fe2O3 dendrites nanorods through
carbon nanotubes have a bamboo-like structure, presenting a hydrothermal reaction. MnO2 nanorods with diameters of 30-120
multi-section entangled morphology. Nanotubes (about 18-20 nm were employed as the skeleton of the dendritic nanorods.
nodes) are more than 600 nm in length and 20-30 nm in diameter. During the hydrothermal process of FeOOH, a large number of tiny
In addition to graphene and carbon nanotubes, a variety of other Fe2O3 nanorods were deposited on the surface of the nanorod
carbonaceous organic and inorganic materials have been used as framework. The Fe2O3 nanorods with an average diameter of 30 nm
carbon sources. Graphite and porous carbon were used as inorganic and a length of 140 nm were deposited perpendicularly onto the
carbon sources to prepare iron oxide and carbon composites by sides of the MnO2 nanorods, resulting in typical branched
Yang et al.176 and Ye et al.177. Sucrose178, glucose179, melamine180, nanostructures, as demonstrated in Fig. 13a-d. The Fe2O3 branches
ethylene glycol181, petroleum pitch182, petroleum alkali lignin183, were arranged nearly quadruplicate on the side of the MnO 2
gelatin56 and other organic matter as a carbon source, have been nanorods, forming high yields of branched nanostructures. The
widely studied. Polymers can also be used as a carbon source. For specific surface area of the dendritic nanorodes reached 32.7 m2 g–
instance He et al.184 and Pan et al.185 synthesized iron oxide/carbon 1. These branched nanostructures should be beneficial to increase
composites with polyacrylonitrile and polydimethyldiallylammo- reaction sites and interface area during the discharge/charge
nium as carbon sources, respectively. Chen et al.55 prepared N- process, thus achieving high specific capacity. Wang’s group192
doped urchin-like Fe3O4@C composite by using hydrothermal prepared α-Fe2O3 nanotube@MnO2 nanosheet hierarchical
method. Urchin-like hydroxyferric oxide (α-FeOOH) was used as a networks for electrodes of SCs. Zhao et al.32 obtained Mn3O4/Fe3O4
template and polydopamine (PDA) was used as carbon and nitrogen
14 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
nano-flower by etching Mn5Fe5Al90 alloys. In this case, the more with iron oxide. Owing to high Li-insertion voltage and Viewzero-strain
Article Online
active components of the alloys are removed, so that voids are DOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
insertion, spinel Li4Ti5O12 has attracted considerable attention.195-198
formed inside the materials. NaOH solution was used as the etchant Diao’s group199 synthesized a core-shell α-Fe2O3@ Li4Ti5O12
to selectively etch the Al atoms from the Mn5Fe5Al90 alloy. Then, the composite through a facile hydrothermal reaction. The spinel
exposed Fe and Mn atoms were rapidly oxidized to form oxide Li4Ti5O12 wrapped α-Fe2O3 ellipsoids, which broke the vast majority
Finally, the nanowires were transferred to a Fe source reaction nanoparticles were uniformly dispersed in the pore walls of the 2D
solution. After the replacement reaction, Fe2O3@Co3O4 nanowires mesoporous carbon. The average particle size of RuO2-Fe2O3 was
were formed, as shown in Fig. 13g-h. Wu’s team193 synthesized 1.96 nm. The RuO2-Fe2O3/OMC composites had a large pore volume
Fe2O3@Co3O4 composites by using a two-step hydrothermal of 1.01 cm3 g–1, an appropriate pore size of 4.3 nm and a high
method. The α-Fe2O3 nanosheets were covered with a layer of well specific surface area of 768 m2 g–1. The nanocomposite particles
aligned Co3O4 particles. Similarly, Yang et al.194 fabricated Co3O4 would not block the mesoporous channels and also enhance the
nanowire@Fe2O3 nanorods by using hydrothermal method. electron and ion conduction.
4.3 Iron Oxide Nanocomposites with Conductive Polymers
Conductive polymers can be used to improve the electrochemical
performance of energy storage devices, thus having attracted a
great deal of interest in recent years.201, 202 Polyaniline (PANI) has a
small particle size and high electrical conductivity, which can
enlarge high specific surface area and provide fast electron
transport. PANI not only acts as a host material for
insertion/extraction of Li+ ions but also serves as an intermediate
between the active material and the electrolyteto facilitating the Li+
ion insertion/extraction process. Wang et al.203 developed
Fe2O3/PANI composite through the in-situ polymerization of aniline,
while the Fe2O3 was synthesized by using hydrothermal synthesis.
Lee’s group24 fabricated a hierarchical Fe2O3@PANI core-shell
hollow structure, in which urchin-like Fe2O3 spheres were
synthesized by using a template-free sonochemical method. PANI
was then coated on surface of the Fe2O3 spheres. Fig. 14a shows a
schematic diagram of the synthesis process. A representative TME
image of the Fe2O3@PANI nanocomposite is shown in Fig. 14b.
Fig. 13 SEM images of (a) MnO2 nanorods, (b) branched nanorods of MnO2/FeOOH
and (c) branched nanorods of MnO2/Fe2O3. (d) Schematic diagram of formation of Fig. 14 (a) Schematic diagram illustrating the procedure to fabricate hierarchical
the MnO2/Fe2O3 branched nanostructures [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 9, Fe2O3@PANI through simultaneous in- and exterior construction, (b) TEM images of the
Copyright 2013, Wiley]. (e, f) SEM images of the Mn3O4/Fe3O4 sample after Fe2O3@PANI samples [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 24, Copyright 2013, Wiley].
dealloying Mn5Fe5Al90 alloy for 10 h in 2 M NaOH solution [Reprinted with permission
from Ref.32, Copyright 2015, Elsevier]. (g, h) SEM and TEM images of the
Fe2O3@Co3O4 nanowire array [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 43, Copyright As an ultra-stable conductive polymer, poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxy-
2013, Elsevier]. (i, j) SEM and TEM images of the α-Fe2O3@Ni(OH)2 nanosheet thiophene) (PEDOT) not only can effectively improve the
hybrids [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 52, Copyright 2016, Nature]. conductivity of the material, but also can be used as a protective
layer to prevent structural damage.204, 205 Lu’s group206 designed
and prepared Ti-doped Fe2O3@PEDOT nanorod arrays on carbon
In addition to the above three oxides, there have also been cloth. In the composites, Ti doped Fe2O3 nanorods form the core,
reports on other oxides used to form complex heterostructures conductive PEDOT layer is the shell, and the carbon cloth is the
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 15
carrier. Ti4+ partially replaced Fe3+ and some Fe3+ ions were polymerization process combined with carbonization. ViewThe
accordingly reduced to Fe2+. In this way, the donor concentration in DOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
polymerization not only inhibited the agglomeration and growth of
Fe2O3 was significantly increased, thus making it possible to the metal oxide particles, but also provided excellent conductivity
increase its capacitance. The unique core/shell composite should be pathways after carbonization. Sun’s group212 prepared reduced
a promising candidate of electrode, with high conductivity, the large graphene-Fe3O4-SnO2-C quaternary hybrid nanocomposites by using
16 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
introduction of fluoride anions enhanced the conductivity of the nanostructures on Ni foam through electrodeposition. This
View Article Online
materials. Fluorine doped β-FeOOH as the electrode material can nanostructure has a large number of surfaceDOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
active sites, while the
solve the low energy density problem. amorphous characteristics of the FeOOH would promote the
diffusion and reaction of electrolyte ions, thus improving the
capacitive properties of the materials.
2017, Royal Society of Chemistry]. nanowires in the composite was about 10 nm, while the thickness
of the PPy coating was about 3 nm. Yuan’s group 222 prepared Ti-
doped FeOOH quantum dot (QD)/graphene (GN) composites. The
FeOOH has also been incorporated with other materials, such as composites were then uniformly dispersed on a bacterial cellulose
metal oxides and carbonaceous materials, to form composites. (BC) substrate for form flexible capacitor electrode. The Ti-doped
Zhang et al.216 synthesized a CoFe2O4/FeOOH hierarchical electrode FeOOH QD/GN material acted as the active material, while the BC
nanocomposite for supercapacitor by using a hydrothermal ensured flexibility and mechanical strength of the flexible SCs.
method. Flower-like CoFe2O4/FeOOH nanostructure was obtained Electronic devices such as foldable displays and self-powered
by adjusting the urea content. Lv et al.35 obatined urchin-like α- transparent LCD displays require electrode materials to have not
FeOOH@MnO2 core-shell hollow microspheres by using a two-step only high power/energy density but also high transparency. In order
hydrothermal method. The first step was to prepare urchin-like α- to meet these requirements, asymmetric transparent flexible
FeOOH hollow spheres composed of nanorods. The second step supercapacitors have emerged. The application of carbon materials
was to grow ribbon-shaped MnO2 nanostructures on surface of the in transparent electrodes is limited by their low theoretical specific
hollow spheres to form urchin-like α-FeOOH@MnO core-shell capacitance and low transmittance. Due to their high specific
hollow microspheres. As shown in Fig. 16b, the middle black part is pseudocapacitive effect, transition metal hydroxide materials can
FeOOH while the outer white bar is MnO2. Hao’s group217 prepared be used as transparent microstructured electrodes. Zhang et al. 223
a FeOOH nanoparticle modified nitrogen-doped graphene fabricated transparent graphene-coated FeOOH nanowire arrays
composite. In the synthesis process, urea acted as not only a and Co(OH)2 nanosheet films by using a bioinspired method. Both
reductant and dopant for N-doped graphene, but also a hydroxyl nanostructures were encapsulated in a graphene shell and
donor for the precipitation of the metal hydroxides. FeOOH exhibited a porous structure, which have been evaluated as
nanorods were grown on graphene sheets through the combined transparent asymmetric pseudocapacitor electrode. The unique
action of N-doped graphene and urea. Zhang’s group218 developed structure of the composite materials provided a large effective
ultrafine α-FeOOH nanorods/graphene oxide composites as the contact area and high electrical conductivity, offering a 3D
electrode material of supercapacitors by using a hydrothermal transmission path for ions and electrons. O'Neill and co-workers131
method. Graphene oxide and iron acetate were used as the raw employed a spray deposition method to prepare mesoporous
materials through direct reaction without the use of any additives. porous composite electrodes, in which 1D Fe3O4/FeOOH nanowires
The α-FeOOH nanorods had an average diameter 6 nm and an were entangled with carbon nanotubes. FeOx and carbon
average length of 75 nm. nanotubes, with similar size, were closely ‘entangled’ together after
Although iron hydroxide is a promising supercapacitor electrode spraying. Self-supporting networks were formed by friction,
in terms of its crystal structure, the material is hard to expand or whereas voids with diameters of 50-250 nm were formed in
contract to limit ion penetration and diffusion. In comparison, between the two 1D materials. Transparent electrode materials
amorphous materials could exhibit excellent electrochemical require some porosity to improve electrode transparency, but voids
performances due to the disordered structure. Wu’s group36 reduce material density and capacitance. Therefore, a trade-off
synthesized amorphous FeOOH/MnO2 composites, which were should be established between the two aspects.
made into electrodes on PET, paper and textile substrates by using
screen printing. The supercapacitors on all three substrates were
highly flexible and could be bent without sacrificing device 6. Synthesis of Iron Sulfide (FeS2) Nanomaterials
performance. Xia’s group30 prepared amorphous FeOOH quantum Iron sulfide (FeS2) has the typical characteristics of metal sulfides,
dots/graphene hybrid nanosheets. The amorphous FeOOH high theoretical capacity (890 mA h g–1), low cost and
quantum dots with an average size of 2 nm were tightly anchored environmentally friendliness, which is considered as promising
on the graphene sheets, forming continuous mesoporous nanofilm. electrode materials. FeS2 can be used as either cathode or anode
Wong’s group219 prepared amorphous fish scale FeOOH because its voltage platform occurs at about 1.5 V.224-227 However,
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 17
FeS2 electrode has poor electrochemical reversibility. During the Besides synthetic carbon, graphene and carbon nanotubes have
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first discharge, highly active Fe0 and high resistance Li2S are formed, also been used to form composites with FeSDOI: 2, in10.1039/C8TA01683F
order to improve
which cannot be completely reversed. In addition, the produced the conductivity of the electrode material and enhance the
lithium polysulfides (Li2Sx, 2 <x <8) have high solubility in the mechanical strength and structural stability. Lee’s group 13 used
electrolyte solution and diffuse to the lithium metal electrode to reduced graphene oxide to coat FeS2, leading to FeS2/rGO
previously formed through solid-phase reactions, such as ball synthesized FeS2@hierarchical porous carbon (HPC) composites by
milling FeC2O4·2H2O powder, S powder and glucose mixture.229 reacting FeS2 nanocrystals with HPC. The Fe ions adsorbed in the
Nanostructures of FeS2 electrodes have been proven to exhibit HPC were first calcined to form Fe3O4 and then reacted with sulfur
enhanced electrochemical performances. Wang’s team230 in vacuum to obtain FeS2. The HPC would ensure a high conductive
synthesized 1D porous FeS2@C nanowires as anode materials of network, while its porous structure would have a buffer effect for
LIBs. The composite nanowires consist of an inner core of FeS2 and the volume change. Park and Sridhar233 prepared FeS2-CNF
an outer thin amorphous carbon layer. The 1D FeS2@C composites, in which FeS2 was crosslinked to carbon nanofibers
nanostructures have short distances for electron transport and ion (CNFs). Through microwave pyrolysis, ferrocene was decomposed
diffusion, high surface area for the reaction, and more space to into iron, followed by sulfation with L-cysteine, so that the resulting
accommodate volumetric changes in lithium ion insertion/removal FeS2 nanoflakes were crosslinked with CNFs. Tao’s team234
processes. The carbon layer outside the nanowires can inhibit the developed pyrite modified sulfur-doped carbon (FeS2@S-C) fibers
internal polysulfide dissolution in the electrolyte. Yang’s team231 by using biological templates. Cotton was used as the biological
utlized a hydrothermal method to polymerize glucose on the template and served as the carbon source. The FeS2 nanoparticles
surface of FeS2 nanocrystals, followed by carbonization through were uniformly attached to the carbon fibers.
thermal annealing, thus form FeS2@C composites. Yu’s group226 In order to increase the specific area of FeS 2, porous structures
synthesized FeS2@C porous nano-octahedra by using a self- and flower-shaped structures have been proposed. He et al.26
sacrificing template routes. During carbonization of the carbon-rich synthesized FeS2 anchored on 3D graphene foam by using
polysaccharide layer coated on FeS2 octahedra, the partially hydrothermal method. During the hydrothermal reaction, FeS2
encapsulated FeS2 was decomposed into FeS to a certain degree. particles self-assembled into cauliflower-shaped nanostructures
Hydrochloric acid was used to remove the acid-soluble FeS, leaving with sizes of 1-2 μm, as demonstrated in Fig. 17b. The cauliflower-
void space that can buffer the volumetric expansion of lithium like structure would be able to reduce the volume expansion and
intercalation. prevent the FeS2 aggregation during cycling. Shen’s group235
prepared a flower-like FeS2/graphene airgel composite by using a
hydrothermal self-assembly method. Ma et al.40 fabricated porous
micro/nanostructured FeS2 microspheres (PPMS) by using
solvothermal method. The PPMS was a stack of nanosheets that
have many pores of about 100 nm in size, as seen in Fig. 17c.
The electrical conductivity of marcasite (m-FeS2) is higher than
that of pyrite p-FeS2, due to its lower semiconductor gap, stronger
Fe-S bonds and less S-S interaction. Therefore, m-FeS2 should be
more suitable as electrode material. However, m-FeS2 is rarely
studied due to the difficulty in synthesis. Zhang’s group22 prepared
m-FeS2 and carbon nanofiber composites (m-FeS2/CNFs) with a
cluster structure by using hydrothermal method. The m-FeS2
particles were uniformly distributed on the CNFs and intertwined
with the CNFs to form a grape-like hybrid morphology, as illustrated
in Fig. 17d. When Li+ ions are inserted, the m-FeS2/CNFs composite
Fig. 17 (a) SEM image of the FeS2/RGO composite [Reprinted with is transformed into a mimosa leaf-opening shape. In the same way,
permission from Ref.5, Copyright 2015, Royal Society of Chemistry]. (b) SEM image of it turns into a closed mimosa when Li+ ions are detached.
the 3D GF-FeS2 [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 26, Copyright 2016, Elsevier]. (c)
SEM image of the pyrite porous microspheres [Reprinted with permission from
Ref.40, Copyright 2017, Elsevier]. (d) SEM image of the m-FeS2/CNFs composite
[Reprinted with permission from Ref.22, Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society].
18 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
7. Potential Applications discharging processes of LIBs are accompanied by charge and Online
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transfer in between the electrodes. Therefore, DOI:the
performance of
Iron-based materials have been extensively studied for a wide
the electrode greatly affects the performance of the battery.
range of applications in photocatalytic, water treatment, gas
Commercial graphite anode can provide lithium ion storage space
sensors, magnetic storage, superconductors, lithium batteries and
with little change in volume and thus has high structural stability,
higher demands on the energy density of LIBs. Therefore, the large area to contact with the electrolyte and porosity to buffer the
performance of LIBs batteries must be significantly improved. It is volumetric change. Representative Fe-based materials and their
well known that LIBs are composed of anodes and cathodes, which electrochemical performances as anode of LIBs are listed in Table 1.
are separated by an ion-permeable membrane. Meanwhile, lithium
ions in the electrolyte connect the two electrodes. The charging and
Table 1 Representative Fe-based materials and their electrochemical performances as anode of LIBs
γ-Fe2O3 Solvothermal nanospheres 1077.9 mA h g–1 after 140 cycles at 100 mA g–1 2015 100
Fe2O3 e-beam deposition+ etching nanomembranes 808 mA h g–1 after 1000 cycles at 2 C 2014 51
Ag/α-Fe2O3 hydrothermal hollow spheres 953.2 mA h g–1 after 200 cycles at 100 mA g–1 2017 20
Fe2O3@N-C pyrolysis spheres 1142 mA h g–1 after 100 cycles at 1 A g–1 2015 61
Fe3O4/C solvothermal hollow spheres 1300 mA h g–1 after 100 cycles at 100 mA g–1 2017 176
FeOx@C hydrothermal+hydrolysis+cor yolk shell 810 mA h g–1 after 1000 cycles at 0.2 C 2014 101
m-FeS2/CNFs hydrothermal grape-like 1399.5 mA h g–1 after 100 cycles at 100 mA g–1 2017 22
Fe2O3@CNTs atomic layer deposition Tube-like 859.7 mA h g–1 after 400 cycles at 500 mA g–1 2017 63
Fe2O3/SWNT chemical vapor deposition Tube-like 1007.1 mA h g–1 after 100 cycles at 200 mA g–1 2017 50
FeS2/rGO solvothermal microspheres 970 mAh g–1 after 300 cycles at 890 mA g–1 2015 13
SnO2-Fe2O3@C Polymerization++heat nanospheres 1000 mA h g–1 after 380 cycles at 400 mA g–1 2014 211
Fe2O3@polyaniline polymerization +chemical Unchin-like 893 mA h g–1 after 100 cycles at 0.1 C 2013 24
poly(ST-AN) hydrothermal Mesoporous- 1293 mA h g–1 after 100 cycles at 500 mA g–1 2016 208
Fe3O4/VOx@C hydrolysis+ion exchange microboxes 742 mA h g–1 after 400 cycles at 500 mA g–1 2017 145
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 19
7.1.1. Iron-based Material and their Composite Electrodes of 907 mA h g–1 in the first cycle and 720 mA h g–1 after
View 100
In order to improve the electrochemical performance of iron-based at 1C current density. DOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
20 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
reversible capacity increased dramatically to 1216 mA h g–1. The the interconnected voids in the flower-shaped structure. WhenOnline
View Article the
capacity retention of the 392th cycle reached 135.8%, as observed in DOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
Mn3O4/Fe3O4 electrode was charged and discharged at 300 mA g–1,
Fig. 18c-d. The high electrochemical performance could be ascribed the initial capacity was as high as 1510 mA h g–1 and the reversible
to the synergistic effect of the Fe3O4@NP NPs and the PrMGO capacity was 1040 mA h g–1 after 200 cycles.
substrate. After the rate test, the structure of the composite
Li+ ions were detached, the m-FeS2 particles would return to closed
mimosa shape, as illustrated in Fig. 19a. This change in morphology
created opportunity for Li+ ion insertion, thus resulting in enhanced
electrochemical performance. The m-FeS2/CNFs electrode had a
high reversible capacity of 1399.5 mA h g–1 after 100 cycles at a
current density of 100 mA g–1. It also exhibited excellent cycling
performance with a reversible capacity of 573.4 mA h g–1 after 1000
cycles at a high current density of 5 A g–1. The m-FeS2/CNFs
electrode possessed excellent rate capability. As the current density Fig. 19 (a) Ex-situ SEM images of the lithium insertion/extraction process. (b) Cycling
performances of the pristine m-FeS2, pure CNFs and m-FeS2/CNFs composite at 0.1 A
was increased from 100 mA g–1 to 10 A g–1, a capacity of 782.2 mA h
g-1. (c) High-rate capabilities of m-FeS2/CNFs at various current densities [Reprinted
g–1 was still retained, as observed in Fig. 19b-c. with permission from Ref.22, Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society]. (d) Rate
The Fe2O3/SWCNT composite films developed by Shang’s group50 capability of Fe2O3, h-Fe2O3 and Fe2O3@PANI electrodes at different rates ranging
exhibited a reversible capacity of 1007.1 mA h g–1 at a current from 0.1 C to 10 C. [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 24, Copyright 2013, WILEY].
density of 200 mA g–1, together with a high rate capability of 384.9
mA h g–1 at 5 A g–1, while the discharge capacity was retained at a Conductive polymers not only provide high electrical conductivity
level of 567.1 mA h g–1 after 600 cycles at 2 A g–1. The Fe3O4- but also enhance the mechanical strength and stability of the
Fe@bamboo-like carbon nanotubes prepared by Chen’s team62 composites. For example, Lee’s group24 developed a hierarchical
maintained a Coulombic efficiency of over 97%, with a reversible core-shell hollow structure of Fe2O3@polyaniline (PANI). Comparing
capacity of nearly 800 mA h g–1 after 100 cycles at a current density with the urchin-like Fe2O3 without etching (Fe2O3) and PANI coating
of 300 mA g–1. The Fe2O3@CNTs composites prepared by Sun’s and the urchin-like hollow Fe2O3 without PANI coating (h-Fe2O3),
group63 with atomic layer deposition showed a high reversible the Fe2O3@PANI exhibited much higher reversible capacity and
capacity of 859.7 mA h g–1 after 400 cycles at a current density of long-term cycling stability. The capacity of the Fe2O3@PANI
500 mA g–1. The Fe2O3@CNTs electrode could achieve a high cycle electrode was 893 mA h g–1 at a current rate at 0.1 C up to 100
capacity of 464.4 mA h g–1 even at high current density of 10 A g–1. cycles, which is higher than 680 mA h g–1 of the non-hollow Fe2O3
Nanocomposites based on iron oxide with other oxides have and 732 mA h g–1 of the h-Fe2O3 based electrodes. As the current
been demonstrated to have promising electrochemical rate was raised from 0.1 C to 10 C, the capacity was still retained to
performances.32, 187, 188, 191 For instance, SnO2/Fe2O3 hollow sphere be 681 mA h g–1, which is much higher than that of the non-hollow
electrode exhibited a high initial discharge capacity of 1726.6 mA h Fe2O3 electrode and the h-Fe2O3 electrode, as depicted in Fig. 19
g–1.189 SnO2-Fe2O3@C ternary nanocomposites reported by Guo et (d). Due to the synergistic effect of the multiple components and
al.211 possessed reversible capacities of over 1000 mA h g–1 after the conductive polypyrrole layer, the MnOx/Fe2O3/polypyrrole
380 cycles at a current density of 400 mA g–1, due to the synergistic nanotubes synthesized by Jin and co-workers37 maintained a high
effect of SnO2, Fe2O3 and C. The Fe3O4@C@Mn3O4 multilayer core– reversible specific capacity of 1060 mA h g–1 at the current density
shell porous spheres synthesized by Zhang and co-workers210 had of 200 mA g–1 after 100 cycles. The specific capacity could be kept
an initial specific capacity of 1261 mA h g–1 at the current density of at 630 mA h g–1 even at a high current density of 5 A g–1. The poly
0.1 C. Also, the reversible capacity was retained to be 987 mA h g –1 (ST-AN) (PSA)-Fe3O4@C mesoporous microsphere prepared by
after 200 cycles. The branched nanorods of MnO2/Fe2O3 prepared Zhang and co-workers208 had both high cyclability and high rate
by Yang’s group9 presented a reversible specific capacity of 1028 performance. The flexible PSA@C conductive skeleton not only
mA h g–1 after 200 cycles at a current density of 1 A g–1. Even at a ensured high electrical conductivity, but also offered structural
current density of 4 A g–1, a reversible capacity of 881 mA h g–1 was integrity of the material. Besides, the layered mesoporous
still kept. The Mn3O4/Fe3O4 nano-flowers prepared by Zhao and co- structures promoted Li+ ion diffusion and provided more contact
workers32 showed excellent reversible capacity and cycle stability, area with the electrolyte. At a current density of 500 mA g–1, the
due to the synergistic effect of the different oxide components and reversible capacity of the PSA-Fe3O4@C electrode showed a slow
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 21
increasing trend. After 100 cycles, the reversible capacity was as electrode curve had three stages, as illustrated in Fig. ArticleIn
View20c. the
high as 1293 mA h g–1. The reversible capacity was maintained at first stage, the Ag-Fe2O 3 electrode showedDOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
a gradual increase in
928 mA h g–1, 677 mA h g–1 and 599 mA h g–1, at current densities of specific capacity before 60 cycles, due to the activation of the
2 A g–1, 8 A g–1 and 10 A g–1, respectively, after 100 cycles. electrode material. In the second stage, the electrode
7.1.2. Iron-based Nanoelectrode with Intricate Structure decomposition dominated from 60 to 125 cycles, so that the
discussed, i.e., spherical, hollow spherical, yolk-shell, nanobox and in other studies.47, 250-252
flower-like nanostructures.
Iron-based microspheres or mesoporous microspheres have good
electrochemical properties.114, 117 The unique structure of magnetite
(γ-Fe2O3) nanospheres prepared by Pan's group100 have been shown
to be able buffer the volumetric change during
lithiation/delithiation. The electrode had an initial charge capacity
of 1060 mA h g–1 at a rate of 100 mA g–1, with a steady cycling
capacity of 1077.9 mA h g–1 after 140 cycles. Hierarchically porous
Fe2O3 microspheres prepared by Zhang’s group105 via a lysine-
assisted hydrothermal process demonstrated excellent
electrochemical performance, because of the hierarchical porosity
and ordered microstructure. The initial specific capacity was 1079
mA h g–1 at a current density of 100 mA g–1, which was remained at
705 mA h g–1 after 430 cycles. The Fe3O4/graphene sphere prepared
by Choi and Kang3 achieved a reversible capacity of 981 mA h g–1
after 100 cycles at a current density of 2 A g–1. Due to the formation
of a polymer gel film on the active material and the decomposition
of the electrolyte, the discharge capacity of the Fe 3O4/graphene
nanostructures was gradually increased after 100 cycles, reaching
1050 mA h g–1 at the 300th cycle, as displayed in Fig. 20a-b. The
reversible capacity of the Fe3O4/graphene was preserved at 690 mA
h g–1 after 1000 cycles at a high current density of 7 A g–1. At a very
high current density of 30 A g–1, the electrode still had a stable
reversible capacity of 540 mA h g–1.
Hollow microspheres are promising candidates as electrode Fig. 20 (a,b) Cycle performances and long cycle performances of the Fe 3O4-decorated
materials with high electrochemical performances. The Fe3O4/C hollow graphene ball powders at 2 A g-1 and 7 A g-1, respectively [Reprinted with
hollow microspheres prepared by Wen’s group181 through permission from ref3, Copyright 2014, Elsevier]. (c) Cycling performance of the Ag-
ultrasonic spray pyrolysis were constructed from mesoporous Fe2O3 composites electrode at 1 A g -1 [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 20,
Copyright 2017, Nature]. (d) Cycling performance and corresponding columbic
carbon nanosheets that covered Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The reversible
efficiency of the Fe3O4@void@N-doped carbon electrode at a current rate of 2000 mA
capacity of Fe3O4/C composite was maintained at 600 mA h g–1 after g-1 [Reprinted with permission from Ref.47, Copyright 2016, Elsevier]. (e) Cycling
200 cycles at 1.0 A g–1, with a high value of 1030 mA h g–1 at low performance of the Fe3O4@N-C-700 at 500 mA g-1 [Reprinted with permission from
current density 0.1 A g–1. The Fe3O4/C composite with hollow Ref.12, Copyright 2017, Elsevier]. (f) Rate capability of the Fe2O3 nanomembrane
spheres synthesized by Yang et al.176 showed a stable electrodes [Reprinted with permission from Ref.51, Copyright 2014, Nature].
22 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
with a capacity of 860 mA h g–1 at a current density of 1 A g–1 after nanostructures provided a 3D conductive network Viewduring the
Article Online
500 cycles, which is more than double that of the cycling. The electrode exhibited excellent rateDOI:capability
and high
Fe3O4@vacancies@carbon based electrode. The specific capacity of reversible capacity, with an initial discharge capacity of 1869.3 mA h
the Fe3O4@void@N-C first decreased and then increased, as g–1. After 1000 cycles, the reversible capacity was stabilized at 877.7
demonstrated in Fig. 20d. This is a typical characteristic of yolk-shell mA h g–1.
the 50th, 100th and 150th cycles. Due to the volume expansion
caused by the charge-discharge process, part of the Fe3O4 core
disassembled into small particles after the 50th cycle, as shown in
Fig. 21A(a, b). The disassemble of the Fe3O4 core into Fe3O4
nanoparticles was helpful to increase the number of active sites in
the electrode materials. With the process of cycling, the core
continued to decompose, as illustrated in Fig. 21A(c, d). The small
particles of Fe3O4 almost filled the entire carbon shell, while the
internal voids were greatly shrunk, but the number of the Fig. 21 (A) TEM images of the Fe3O4@C-N-700 nanocapsules after the (a, b) 50th cycle,
activation sites was greatly increased. After 150th cycle, the Fe3O4 (c, d) 100th cycle and (e, f) 150th cycle. (B) Schematic illustration of morphology and
core decomposed into smaller nanoparticles and remained volumetric change process of the Fe3O4@N-C nanocapsules during electrochemical
cycling [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 12, Copyright 2017, Elsevier].
completely enclosed within the carbon shell [Fig. 21A(e, f)]. The
volume expansion of the charge-discharge process broke the core
into small particles, which provided more activation sites and pores With a free-standing structure, Fe2O3 nanomembrane electrodes
that further boosted the electrochemical performance. Due to the prepared by Liu and co-workers51 showed an ultra-long cycling life
protection of the carbon shell, the spindle-like structure remained and a high capacity, with a reversible capacity of 808 mA h g–1 after
intact. Therefore, the electrode performance was not be degraded, 1000 cycles at 2 C. A high capacity of 530 mA h g–1 was hold after
due to the decompostition of the core, instead, the number of 3000 cycles at 6 C. The rate capability of the Fe2O3 nanomembrane
activation sites was increased. The morphology and volumetric was examined by two rounds of rate capability measurements at
change process of the Fe3O4@N-C nanocapsules during various current rates, as shown in Fig. 20f. The specific capacitance
electrochemical cycling was shown schematically in Fig. 21B. decreased from 899 mA h g–1 to 128 mA h g–1 as the current was
Square hollow nanobox is another common hollow structure. In increased from 0.2 C to 50 C. However, when the current rate
the Fe3O4/VOx@C hybrid hollow microboxes prepared by Xu’s returned from 50 C to 0.2 C, the reversible capacity was recovered
group,145 the outer carbon layer not only improved the conductivity to a high value of 946 mA h g–1. The rate capacity of the Fe2O3
of the electrode but also maintained the stability of the structure. nanomembrane electrode in the second round rate capacity
Hollow structures and nanopores smoothen the Li+ ion diffusion measurement process showed an almost the same level of that in
path and reduce volume expansion during charge-discharge. The the first round. Liu et al. believed that the 2D structural
Fe3O4/VOx@C electrode showed a reversible capacity of 742 mA h characteristics of the Fe2O3 nanomembranes was the key factor to
g–1 after 400 charge/discharge cycles at a current density of 500 mA improve the electrochemical performance. First of all, the unique
g–1. Similarly, the hollow nitrogen-doped Fe3O4/carbon nanocages mechanical wrinkling and bending of the Fe2O3 nanomembrane
with hierarchical porosities prepared by Song’s group149 had a effectively buffered the lithiation/delithiation induced strain. Due to
specific capacity of 878.7 mA h g–1 after 200 cycles at 200 mA g–1. the formation of the SEI layer, the thickness of the Fe2O3
The Fe3O4 microflowers synthesized by Sun’s team137 showed a nanomembranes was increased and wrinkled under the strain of
reversible capacity of about 1 A h g–1 at 100 mA g–1 after 50 cycles. repeated lithiation/delithiation. The nanomembranes maintained
He et al.26 anchored cauliflower-like FeS2 on 3D graphene foam to well layered structure without pulverization. Such a good
form 3D GF-FeS2 composites, which can be used directly as a free- mechanical stability of the nanomembranes can extend the cycling
standing and binder-free anode for LIBs without polymeric binders, life. Secondly, numerous 'mini-capacitors' were formed by the
conductive additives or metal current collectors. The 3D GF-FeS2 parallel Fe2O3 nanomembranes and electrolyte, which provideed
electrode maintained a specific capacity of 1080.3 mA h g–1 after excessive pseudocapactive contribution. 2D nanomembrane
100 cycles at a current density of 0.2 C. Cao and co-workers4 structured electrode can prolong the cycle life and improve the rate
prepared a similar flower-like structure in which 3D layered porous performance of high-rate batteries, which has been proved by
Fe2O3 nanosheets were stacked. The porous 3D layered Augustyn et al.92.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 23
FeS2 317.8 F g–1 at 3 A g–1 195.1 F g−1 at 50 A g–1 81.1% after 1000 cycles 2016 254
C-C-Fe3O4 1153 F g–1 at 2 A g–1 514 F g−1 at 100 A g–1 96.9% after 1000 cycles at 5 A g–1 2016 7
Fe2O3/GP 3.08 F cm–2 at 5 mA cm–2 1.406 F cm–2 at 10 mV cm–2 95% after 5000 cycles at 100 mV s–1 2017 160
FeOOH QDs/graphene 365 F g–1 at 1 A g–1 189 F g–1 at 128 A g–1 89.7% after 20 000 cycles at 4 A g–1 2016 30
α-FeOOH 127 F g–1 at 10 A g–1 100 F g–1 at 20 A g–1 85% after 2000 cycles at 5 A g–1 2017 218
Fe3O4/rGO 455 F g–1 at 8 mV s–1 317 F g–1 at 27 mV s–1 95% after 9500 cycles at 3.8 A g–1 2017 28
RuO2-Fe2O3/OMC 1668 F g–1 at 1 A g–1 93% after 3000 cycles at 1 A g–1 2016 200
α-FeOOH@MnO2 597 F g–1 at 1 A g–1 443 F g–1 at 10 A g–1 97.1% after 2000 cycles at 1 A g–1 2017 35
Fe2O3/PPy 382.4 mF cm–2 at 0.5 mA cm–2 170.5 mF cm–2 at 10 mV s–1 97.2% after 5000 cycles at 100 mV s–1 2017 25
Published on 11 April 2018. Downloaded by Fudan University on 11/04/2018 04:13:50.
Ti-Fe2O3@PEDOT 1.15 F cm–2 at 1 mA cm–2 0.77 F cm–2 at 8 mA cm–2 96% after 30 000 cycles at 100 mV s–1 2015 206
NiNTAs@Fe2O3 418.7 F g–1 at 10 mV s–1 215.3 F g–1 at 64 A g–1 92.3% after 5000 cycles at 100 mV s–1 2017 39
amorphous 350.2 F g–1 at a 0.5 A g–1 159.5 F g–1 at 20 A g–1 95.6% after 10 000 cycles at 15 A g–1 2017 36
Ti-FeOOH QD/GN/BC 3322 mF cm–2 at 2 mA cm–2 883 mF cm–2 at 50 mA cm–2 94.7% after 6000 cycles at at 8 mA cm–2 2017 222
7.2. Supercapacitors (SCs) current density of 2 A g–1. Even at a current density of 100 A g–1, the
Basing on structural characteristics and applications, the iron-based capacity still remained at 514 F g–1, with a rate capability retention
supercapacitors that are discussed in this section are classified into of 45%. As the current density was increased to 5 A g–1, the specific
three categories: nanocrystalline supercapacitors, asymmetric capacitance only decreased slightly from 914 F g–1 to 886 F g–1 after
supercapacitors and transparent flexible supercapacitors. Table 2 1000 cycles, with a loss of about 3.1%. It is believed that the
lists representative Fe-based materials and their electrochemical hierarchical porous structure of the outer carbon layer facilitated
performances as electrodes of SCs. ion diffusion and reaction with Fe3O4 species, as shown
7.2.1. Iron-based Nano-materials for Supercapacitors schematically in Fig. 22a. The synergistic effect between the outer
porous carbon layer and the uniformly distributed Fe3O4 species
In recent years, many efforts have been made to explore iron-based
was responsible for the enhanced capacitive performance.
materials for SCs. At present, the main challenge is their poor
Due to the large surface area and fast electron transport, the
electrical conductivity and structural stability during the charging
specific capacitance of the Fe2O3/graphene oxide paper (GP)
and discharging process. To solve these problems, nanostructure
prepared by Xie et al.160 was about 3.08 F cm–2 at a current density
design of iron-based materials is the most common strategy.
of 5 mA cm–2, which was about 14 times that of the Fe2O3/carbon
Nanostructures, such as nanorods76, 84, 255, nanosheets18, 46, 256,
paper (0.22 F cm–2). The Fe2O3/GP hybrid electrode retained about
nanotubes14, 59, 257 and nanowires15, 86 have been developed. The
95% of the initial capacitance after 5000 cycles. The Fe2O3
Fe3O4 nanoparticles synthesized by Yang’s group253 exhibited a
nanorods/Ag nanowires/coffee filter composites prepared by Hsu’a
specific capacitance of 207.7 F g–1 at 0.4 A g–1 and a good rate
group258 had a high reversible features and rate capabilities as
capability of 90.4 F g–1 at 10 A g–1. Using a sodium lauryl sulphate
electrode of supercapacitors, with an excellent specific capacitance
template, Chen et al.254 prepared pyrite FeS2 nanoribbons by using
of 287.4 F g–1, an energy density of 64.6 Wh kg–1 and a power
hydrothermal method, which possessed a capacitance of 317.8 F g–1
density of 18 kW kg–1. The N-doped graphene quantum
at 3 A g–1.
dots@Fe3O4-halloysite nanotube composites fabricated by Doong’s
Combining iron-based nanomaterials with highly conductive
group132 exhibited excellent electrochemical performances. In a
materials, such as carbon layer7, carbon nanotubes132, 258 and
neutral electrolyte solution, the specific capacitance of the
graphene30, 160, is an effective method to improve the electrical
electrode reached 418 F g–1 at a current density of 0.5 A g–1. In
conductivity of iron-based materials. Due to the synergistic effect of
addition, the nanocomposites also demonstrated high energy
the high capacitance of the iron-based material and the excellent
densities of 29 Wh kg–1 and high power densities of 5.2 kW W–1.
electrical conductivity of nanocarbon materials, these iron-based
After 3000 charge-discharge cycles, the original capacitance was
composites exhibited much better electrochemical performance
retained by about 82%.
than the pristine iron-based ones. In addition, they also have the
Incorporation of graphene could improve the electrochemical
effect of inhibiting mutual agglomeration. He’s team7 synthesized a
performance of iron-based materials.259 For example, the
C-C-Fe3O4 hollow sphere, with porous structure that allowed fully
amorphous FeOOH QDs/graphene hybrid nanosheets prepared by
contact of the active sites and thus promoted the interface redox
Xia’s group30 showed excellent pseudocapacitive effect, with a large
reaction. The uniform distribution of Fe3O4 on the porous carbon
specific capacitance of about 365 F g–1. At the same time, the
walls made a full use of the carbon conductive network. The C-C-
composite electrode had excellent cycle performance and excellent
Fe3O4 material achieved a maximum capacity of 1153 F g–1 at a
24 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
rate performance. After 20 000 cycles, the capacitance was still spherical Fe3O4 nanoparticles, the contact area between the multi-
View Article Online
retained by about 89.7% at a current density of 4 A g–1. At a current faceted Fe3O4 nanoparticles and the rGO DOI: nanoparticles
10.1039/C8TA01683F was
density of 128 A g–1, the capacitance was still at a high level of 189 F enlarged and the contact was more intimate. Kumar et al 28
g–1. When the lower cut-off voltage was extended to –1.0 and –1.25 anchored 3D Fe3O4 nanoparticles to the network of reduced
V, the specific capacitances were increased to 403 and 1243 F g –1, graphene oxide nanosheets (rGO NSs), with a large area CV curve at
(100 F g–1 at 20 A g–1) and a good cycle performance with a capacity structure relieved the volumetric expansion or contraction of the
retention of 85% after 2000 cycles at 5 A g–1. Quan et al.162 Fe3O4 particles and confined them to the voids during the redox
prepared 2D α-Fe2O3/reduced graphene oxide (rGO) reaction, which ensured a high cyclic stability. The initial
nanocomposite electrodes, with a specific capacitance of 903 F g –1 capacitance was retained by 95% after 9500 cycles at a current
at a current density of 1 A g–1, which was much higher than those of density of 3.8 A g–1.
the bare α-Fe2O3 (347 F g–1) and rGO (167 F g–1). Examples of nanocomposites with other oxides to improve
electrochemical performance of iron-based materials are discussed
as follows. For instance, the α-Fe2O3@Ni(OH)2 nanosheet hybrid
composite prepared by Gao’s group52 reached a specific
capacitance of 356 F g–1 after 500 cycles at a current density of 16 A
g–1, with a capacity retention of 93.3%, due to the ample active sites
and shortened ion diffusion distance. Xiang et al.200 embedded
RuO2-Fe2O3 nanoparticles into ordered mesoporous carbon, which
exhibited a maximum specific capacitance of 1668 F g–1 at 1 A g–1,
much higher than that of the RuO2/OMC (1212 F g–1). The addition
of Fe2O3 promoted the uniform dispersion of the RuO2-Fe2O3
particles, thus reducing agglomeration and hence yielding good
reversibility. After 3000 cycles, the RuO2-Fe2O3/OMC composite
supercapacitor retained the initial capacity by 93%. The capacitance
of the RuO2-Fe2O3/OMC composite electrode was contributed by
both the double-layer capacitive and pseudocapacitive effects, thus
having a promising capacitor energy density. The electrode had an
energy density of 134 Wh kg–1 at a power density of 200 W kg–1.
Even at a power density of 6000 W kg–1, the energy density of the
electrode still could reach 80 Wh kg–1, which was nearly double that
of the RuO2/OMC one (48 Wh kg–1). Zhong et al.260 synthesized a
hierarchical heterostructure of Fe2O3 nanospheres on FeS2
nanosheets by using hydrothermal treatment, which had better
capacitor performance than the bare Fe2O3 electrode. The
composite electrode displayed a specific capacitance of 255 F g–1
Fig. 22 (a) Schematic diagram of hierarchical porous structure of the outer carbon layer
and good rate capability (145 F g–1 at a current density of 8 A g–1).
to facilitate ion diffusion and reaction with the Fe 3O4 in the inner core [Reprinted with 7.2.2. Asymmetric Supercapacitors (ASCs)
permission from Ref.7, Copyright 2015, Elsevier]. (b) Specific capacitances of the As discussed before, the low energy density has limited the
FeOOH/40G electrode in different voltage windows of -1 to 0 V and -1.25 to 0 V at development and application of supercapacitors. According to the
different scan rates [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 30, Copyright 2015, Wiley]. (c)
CV curves of the Fe3O4 NPs, 3D rGO NSs and 3D Fe3O4/rGO hybrids at a scan rate of 8
relationship between energy density (E), specific capacitance (C)
mV s-1. (d) CV curves of the 3D Fe3O4/rGO hybrids at different scan rates. (e) and voltage (V), E = 1/2 CV2, it is possible to increase the energy
Charge/discharge curves of the 3D Fe3O4/rGO hybrids at different current densities. density by increasing the specific capacitance (C) and the voltage
[Reprinted with permission from Ref.28, Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society]. (V). Because the voltage can be increased at separate potential
windows by configuring the positive and negative electrodes, the
The Fe3O4 nanoparticle/reduced graphene oxide composite development of asymmetric supercapacitors (ASCs) has become an
synthesized by Jiao’s team259 had a high specific capacitance of attractive strategy. ASCs are usually composed of a double-layer
220.1 F g–1 at 0.5 A g–1 after 3000 cycles. Compared with the electrode as power source and a battery-type Faraday electrode as
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 25
energy source, which not only operate over a wider voltage range, MnO2 is another widely used cathode material for ASC
View device.
Article Online
but also provide high energy density. As a result, ASCs are expected The γ-FeOOH nanosheets developed by DOI: Chen10.1039/C8TA01683F
et al.18 showed
to be potential candidates for the applications in the field of hybrid excellent pseudocapacitive performance, reaching an extraordinary
vehicles, MEMS, handheld electronic devices and sensors. In recent power density of 9000 W kg–1. ASCs made of γ-FeOOH NSs and 2D
years, a great progress has been made in cathode materials, but the MnO2 as anode and cathode materials delivered a maximum power
mW cm–3. The asymmetric ultracapacitor could supply a high MnO2 cathode exhibited a high energy density of 0.22 mWh cm–3 at
energy density of 86.4 Wh kg–1 or 0.7mW h cm–3. a power density of 165.6 mW cm–3. Lu’s group206 developed Ti-
Carbonaceous materials have been used as one of cathode doped Fe2O3@poly(3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT)
materials to construct ASCs. Shen et al.261 synthesized nanorodes array electrode, with a surface capacitance of 1.15 F cm –
Fe3O4@carbon nanosheet composites by using ammonium ferric 2 at 1 mA cm–2, much higher than the that for the original Fe O
2 3
citrate as the precursor and graphene oxide as the structure- electrode (0.46 F cm–2). Also, the device showed a very good cycling
directing agent, which were used as positive electrode, while stability, with a retention of above 96% after 30 000 cycles. The
porous carbon was employed negative electrode. The asymmetric asymmetric supercapacitor was assembled with the Ti-doped
supercapacitors achieved a maximum energy density of 18.3 Wh kg– Fe2O3@ PEDOT nanorodes arrays and MnO2 as the anode and
1 at a power density of 351 W kg–1, in the electrolyte of KOH/PVA cathode materials, which showed a maximum energy density of
gel. He’s team7 reported an asymmetric supercapacitor, with 0.89 mWh cm–3 and an ultrahigh stability with 96.1% capacitance
double carbon-shelled C-C-Fe3O4 and activated carbon (AC) as the retention over 30 000 cycles.
two electrodes. At current densities of 1 and 8 A g–1, the
corresponding specific capacitances were 117 and 50 F g –1,
respectively. When cycled at a current density of 1.5 A g–1, an initial
capacity could be retained by 96.7% after 8000 cycles. The ASC
devices had energy densities in the range of 17-45 W h–1, at power
densities ranging from 400 to 8000 W kg–1.
The Fe3O4/reduced graphene oxide (rGO) composite electrode
prepared by Lin et al.262 exhibited a high capacitance of 661 F g–1 at
1 A g–1. An asymmetric supercapacitor (ASC) was constructed with
the Fe3O4/rGO as the anode and NiO/Ni3S2/3D-graphene as the
cathode, which had a maximum capacitance of 233 F g–1 at a scan Fig. 23 (a) CV curves of the NiCo2S4@Fe2O3 electrode collected from 5 to 800 mV s-1 in
rate of 5 mV s–1, corresponding to a maximum energy density of a potential window between 0 and -1 V vs. SCE. (b) Galvanostatic charge/discharge
82.5 Wh kg–1 at a power density of 930 W kg–1. Due to the 1D curves of the NiCo2S4, NiCo2S4@Fe2O3 and Fe2O3 electrodes collected at a current
coaxial nanostructures and the presence of the fine integrated density of 2.5 A g-1 [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 8, Copyright 2016 Elsevier].
conductive layers, the FeOOH@PPy electrode prepared by Wei et
al.213 provided a specific capacitance of 1140 F g–1 at a current
density of 1 A g–1, which was twice that of the bare FeOOH. Optimal Hierarchical heterostructure and hybrid core structure have been
energy density of the ASC device reached 39.1 Wh kg–1 at a power shown to be able to provide rich active sites.75 For example, a
density of 800 W kg–1. Similarly, the core-shell α-FeOOH@MnO2 hierarchical heterostrucure compositie NiCo2S4@Fe2O3 NRs was
heterostructures synthesized by Lv et al.35 showed much higher prepared by Zhai’s group8, with CV curves to have an undistorted
electrochemical performances than the α-FeOOH hollow-fiber rectangular shape over a wide range of scan rates (5‒800 mV s–1),
microspheres. The specific capacitance of the α-FeOOH@MnO2 indicating that the composite electrode had good
electrode reached 597 F g–1 at a current density of 1 A g–1, which pseudocapacitieve performance and high rate capability, as
was more than twice that achieved by using the α-FeOOH electrode revealed in Fig. 23a-b. Compared with the electrodes based on
(232 F g–1). When the current density was increased to 10 A g–1, the NiCo2S4 and Fe2O3, the NiCo2S4@Fe2O3 electrode exhibited superior
capacitance was still retained by 74.2%, higher than 60% for the α- capacitive performance, which was evidenced by the fact that the
FeOOH electrode. After 2000 cycles, the capacitance retention was charge-discharge curve was more symmetrical. The NiCo2S4@Fe2O3
as high as 97.1%, also higher than 93.2% for the α-FeOOH electrode delivered a high specific capacitance of 342 F g–1 at a
electrode. The ASC device had a maximum energy density of 34.2 current density of 5 mV s–1. The enhance capacitance performance
Wh kg–1 at a power density of 815 W kg–1. was attributed to the composite structure with the highly
26 | J. Name., 2012, 00, 1-3 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx
conductive NiCo2S4 scaffolds and the grafted Fe2O3 NRs. According a scan rate of 10 mV s–1, at least 100 times higher than Viewthat
Articleof the
to the Nyquist plot, the NiCo2S4@Fe2O3 electrode possessed an carbon material electrode transparent device. DOI:The
volume energy
electrode transfer resistance (Rct) of 0.76 Ω, implying the presence density of the FNW@Gr-TF electrode was 8 mWh cm–3, which was
of a rapid Faraday reaction between the NiCo2S4 and Fe2O3 equivalent to 18.6 times212 that of the transparent electrode
particles. An ASC was constructed with the NiCo2S4@Fe2O3 capacitor based on FFT-GP (430 μWh cm–3)264. The value was also
capacitance of 418.7 F g–1 at 10 mV s–1, which eas much higher than requires that energy storage devices not only have excellent
those of the Fe2O3 thin film (76.4 F g–1) and the Fe2O3 nanorod electrochemical properties, but also have the tolerance to fold and
(177.1 F g–1). The NiNTAs@Fe2O3 nanoneedle electrode retained an bend.265, 266 Flexible capacitors usually require the use of flexible
ultra-high specific capacitance of 215.3 F g–1 even at a high current substrates, such as PET, textiles, carbon cloth, stainless steel sheet,
density of 64 A g–1. Meanwhile, the electrode exhibited a minimum papers and fibers. The amorphous FeOOH/MnO2 composites
equivalent series resistance (Rs) of 2.3 Ω and a charge-transfer prepared by Wu’s group36 had high specific capacitance, good rate
resistance (Rct) of 2.3 Ω. The ultrafine and hollow Ni nanoframe capability and cycling stability as transparent capacitor electrodes.
structure is extremely advantageous for electron collection and fast The composite electrode delivered a specific capacitance of 350.2 F
Faraday reaction. At the same time, this type of special structure is g–1 at a current density of 0.5 A g–1. The specific capacitance was
also beneficial to the cyclic stability of the electrode. After 5000 remained at 159.5 F g–1 even as the current density was increased
cycles at 100 mV s–1, the liquid-state ASC showed excellent cycling to 20 A g–1. In addition, after 10 000 cycles at a current density of 15
stability, with a capacitance retention of 92.3%, while the solid- A g–1, the capacitance was retained by 95.6%. The SCs could be
state ASC had a retention of 79.3%. In addition, the CV curve of ASC printed on different substrates, including PET, paper and textiles,
device was almost unchanged in shape, indicating its high which could power a 1.9 V yellow LED, with large bending and
reversibility and cycling stability. The NiNTA@Fe2O3 nanode-needle stretching, as demonstrated in Fig. 24b-d.
electrodes achieved a maximum energy densities of 34.1 Wh kg –1
and 32.2 Wh kg–1, corresponding to power densities of 3197.7 W
kg–1 and 3199.5 W kg–1, in an aqueous electrolyte and a quasi-solid
gel electrolyte, respectively.
7.2.3. Transparent Flexible Supercapacitors (TFS)
Transparent supercapacitors have wide applications in the fields of
transparent smartphones, implantable medical devices and
smart/wearable devices15. Previous studies have focused on carbon
material based films, such as carbon films, 2D rGO films, 2D CVD
vinyl graphene films, 2D carbon nanotube films 223, 263, 264. There is
always a contradiction between the mass load and optical
transmittance. A high mass load can produce a high capacitance but
with result in a decreased transparency. So far, the electrochemical
performance of transparent supercapacitors is still far below that of
opaque supercapacitors. In this case, the transition metal oxide iron
oxides are explored as potential electrode materials for transparent Fig. 24 (a) CV curves of the supercapacitors based on the FNW@Gr-TF under the bent
states at a scanning rate of 100 mV s -1 [Reprinted with permission from Ref. 15,
flexible supercapacitors.
Copyright 2017, IOP]. (b) Photographs of the all printed solid-state flexible SC devices
Huang and co-workers15 fabricated a Fe2O3 nanowire on PET, paper and textile substrates. (c) Photographs after bending. (d) Photograph of
network@graphene transparent film (FNW@Gr-TF) electrode the SCs after bending in series to light up a yellow LED [Reprinted with permission from
material, in which graphene wrapped the Fe2O3 nanowires, forming Ref.36, Copyright 2017, Elsevier].
a fast 3D conductive network structure. The graphene layer also
adhered the active material onto the ITO layer, greatly improving Lokhande’s group267 prepared MnO2 and Fe2O3 thin films on
the stability of the electrode material. Due to the graphene highly flexible stainless steel sheets. Asymmetric flexible solid
encapsulation effect, the initial capacitance of FNW@Gr-TF supercapacitors (FSS-SC) were assembled by using the MnO2
electrode could be retained by over 92% after 10 000 cycles, much nanosheet as anode and the Fe2O3 nanosheet as anode, with
higher than 16.1% for the FNW-TF without graphene. The Na2SO4/carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) gel as separators and
FNW@Gr-TF electrode had a specific capacitance of 3.3 mF cm–2 at electrolytes, respectively. This flexible ASC had a maximum specific
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 20xx J. Name., 2013, 00, 1-3 | 27
capacitance of 92 F g–1 and an energy density of 41.8 Wh kg–1, monitored with an in-situ scanning electron microscope (SEM).
View Article Online
making it suitable for the integration with portable electronics. Atomic force microscope (AFM) was used DOI: 10.1039/C8TA01683F
to study the interface
Wu’s team193 synthesized two hybrid composites, α- electrochemistry of silicon nanowires. In-situ transmission electron
Fe2O3@MnCo2O4 and α-Fe2O3@Co3O4, on a flexible carbon cloth. microscopy (TEM) was used to directly observe the dynamic
Area capacitances of 490 mF cm–2 and 1073 mF cm–2 at 1 mA cm–2 behavior and transformation mechanism of Ti3Sn/NiTi alloy and
energy density of 0.541 mWh cm–2 and an ultrahigh volume energy high light transmittance and mechanical flexibility, while the
density of 9.02 mWh cm–3, over the operating voltage range of 0– electrochemical performance should not be compromised.
1.8 V. At the same time, the capacitor had a good capacity retention (5) Optimization and simplification of the synthetic methods for
in bent states. The graphene-coated FeOOH nanowire arrays and large scale applications. At present, most of synthetic processes are
Co(OH)2 nanosheet thin-film transparent electrodes prepared by complicated and thus not cost-effective, which is not suitable for
Zhang et al.223 showed good transparency with a transmittance of commercial applications. As a result, it is crucial to develop a
50.5% at 550 nm. When operated at 1.8 V, the asymmetric flexible simple, low-cost and scalable method to precisely control the
ultracapacitor made of Co@Gr-TF//Fe@Gr-TF exhibited a high chemical composition and physical structure.
specific capacitance of 5.5 mF cm–2 and a high energy density of In short, the developments of iron-based nanomaterial and their
1.04 mWh cm–3, together with a capacity retention rate of 83.5% applications as electrode are still in the research stage, thus having
after 10 000 cycles. a long way to go in terms of commercial applications. Hopefully, by
comprehensively summarizing the recent research progress, this
review will provide as a reference for the follow-up researchers in
8. Conclusions and Perspectives this interesting and perspective field and promote the development
Here, we present a comprehensive review that highlights the of iron-based electrode materials.
significant progress made in the design and preparation of iron-
based nanomaterials over the last five years. It includes 1D, 2D, and
3D nanostructure design and synthesis of Fe2O3/Fe3O4,
Conflicts of interest
nanocomposites of iron oxides with various carbonaceous supports, There are no conflicts to declare.
other metal oxides and polymers, and recent research hotspots—
iron hydroxide (FeOOH) and iron sulfides (FeS2). In addition, the
application of iron-based nanomaterials in LIBs and SCs was Acknowledgements
reviewed according to the classification. For future research on This work was supported by the Natural Science Fund of China
iron-based electrode materials, it is believed that we should focus (51762023), the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education, the
on the following aspects. Training Program of Outstanding Young Scientists in Jiangxi
(1) Design and synthesis of new nanostructured iron-based Province (20171BCB23070), Jingdezhen Science and Technology
materials. The preparation of new structures, such as grape-like Bureau, the Key Laboratory for Microstructural Control of Metallic
structures and complex hollow spherical structures, has promoted Materials of Jiangxi Province (JW201523006), and Special Fund for
the development of iron-based materials. Therefore, it is an Visiting Scholars in the Development Plan of Young Teachers in the
important research direction for these materials. Undergraduate Colleges and Universities of Jiangxi Province.
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