Geo Problem Set 2
Geo Problem Set 2
Geo Problem Set 2
The moist unit weight of a soil is 20kN/m3. For a given soil, the following are known. Gs =
Given that Gs = 2.69 and water content is 9.8 %. 2.74, moist unit weight = 24.2 kN/m3 and
Determine: moisture content is 18.6%.
1.) Dry unit weight 1.) Determine the dry unit weight.
For a given soil sample it has a of 3.74, The unit weight of soil is 18.10 kN/m3. The
moisture content of 16.6% and a moist unit moisture content of this soil is 20% when the
weight of 22.6 kN/m3 degree of saturation is 60%. Determine the
1.) Compute the porosity of the soil sample.
1.) Void ratio
2.) Compute the bouyant unit weight of the soil
sample. 2.) of soil
3.) Compute the weight of water in kn tobe 3.) Saturated unit weight
added per cu.m, of soil for 90% degree of
Problem No. 5:
For a given sandy soil, emax = 0.75, emin = 0.46 and A loose, uncompacted sand fill 1.8 m. depth has
Gs = 2.68. If the relative density of the soil D r = a relative density of 40%. Laboratory tests
88% and its water content is 9%, determine the indicated that the minimum and maximum void
following: ratios of the sand are 0.46 and 0.90 respectively.
Specific gravity of the solids of the sand is 2.65.
1.) In situ void ratio
1.) Determine the void ratio of the sand having
2.) Moist unit weight of compaction in kN/m3 a relative density of 40%.
3.) Dry unit weight in kN/m3 2.) What is the dry unit weight of the sand.
A sample of sand has a relative density of 40% The moist unit weight of 0.00283 m3 of soil is
with a solid specific gravity of 2.65. 54.4 N. If the moisture content is 12%
The minimum void ratio is 0.55 and the max. and the specific gravity of soil solids is 2.72,
void ratio is 0.87. determine the following:
1.) Determine the void ratio of the sand at a 1.) Moist unit weight
relative density of 40%.
2.) Dry unit weight
2.) What is the density of this sand in a
saturated condition. 3.) Void ratio
4.) Porosity
3.) If the sand is compacted to a relative density
of 65%, what will be the 5.) Degree of saturation
decrease in thickness of a 4 ft. thick layer. 6.) Volume occupied by water
Problem No. 15: Problem No. 16:
For a moist soil, the following are given: Vol. = For a saturated soil, the following are given:
1.5 m3 , weight = 25.04 kN, water content = water content = 23%, Gs = 2.87. Determine the
8.6% and Gs=2.71. Determine the following: following:
3.) Void ratio 3.) Moist unit weight when the degree of
saturation becomes 70%
4.) Porosity
The dry density of a soil is 1850 kg/m 3 . Specific The porosity of a soil is 0.35 and Gs = 2.69.
gravity of soil is 2.56. Determine the following: Determine the following:
3.) Effective unit weight of soil in kN/m 3 3.) Moisture content when the moist unit
weight is 17.5 kN/m3
Problem No. 19: Problem No. 20:
For sandy soil, emax = 0.76, emin = 0.43 and Gs = The moist unit weight and degrees of saturation
2.56. of a soil are given in the following table.
1.) What is the void ratio at Dr = 56%? Y(kN/m3) Degree of Sat. (S)%
2.) What is the moist unit weight of soil when 16.64 kN/m3 50
water content is 7%?
17.73 kN/m3 80
3.) What is the degree of saturation?
Determine the following:
For sandy soil, emax = 0.76, emin = 0.43 and Gs A soil sample has the following properties:
= 2.56.
Porosity = 0.398
1.) What is the void ratio at Dr= 56%?
Specific gravity = 2.75
2.) What is the moist unit weight of soil when
1.) Compute the void ratio of the soil sample.
water content is 7%?
3.) What is the degree of saturation? 2.) Compute the saturated unit weight of the
soil sample
A soil sample taken from the ground has a A soil sample has a dry unit weight of 18.1
moisture content of 12% and degree of kN/m3, a void ratio of 0.52 and water content of
saturation of 52%. If its specific gravity is 2.7. 12.5%. Determine the following:
Determine the following:
1.) of soil
1.) Void ratio
2.) Submerged unit wt. of soil
2.) Saturated unit wt.
3.) Dry unit weight at zero air voids.
3.) Bouyant unit weight
Problem No. 25:
The volume of the soil sample measured before Problem No. 26:
drying is 110 cm3. The wet weight of soil is 207 g
The field unit weight of the soil sample is 1960
and the dried wet of the soil sample is 163 g. If
the of the soil is 2.68, determine the kg/m3, and the unit weight of the soil particle is
3700 kg/m3. If the emax= 0.69 and emin=0.44.
1.) Void ratio 1.) Compute the dry unit weight in kN/m 3 of the
water content is 11%.
2.) Degree of saturation
2.) Compute the void ratio of the soil sample.
3.) Dry unit weight at zero air voids.
3.) Compute the relative density of the soil
Problem No. 27: Problem No. 28:
The field weight of soil sample is 1900 kg/m 3 A soil sample has a mass of 1930 g. taken from
and the unit weight of the soil particle is 2600 the field having a volume of 1 x 10-3. It has a
kg/m3 of 2.60 and a water content of 10%.
Values of emax = 0.62 and emin = 0.43.
1.) Compute the dry unit weight if the moisture
content is 12.5%. 1.) Compute the dry unit weight.
3.) Compute the degree of saturation. 3.) Compute the relative density
Problem No. 29: Problem No. 30:
A saturated clay layer has a thickness of 10 m. A dry soil is mixed with 17% by mass with water
with a water content of 51% and a of 2.72. and compacted. Volume of wet soil is 0.001 m 3
and has a mass of 1.6 kg. If the specific gravity
1.) Compute the saturated unit weight of the of soil is 2.50.
1.) Compute the dry unit weight of soil.
2.) Compute the total stress at the bottom
2.) Compute the void ratio.
3.) Compute the effective stress at the bottom
3.) Compute the degree of saturation.
Problem No. 31: Problem No. 32:
A dry soil is mixed with 40% by mass with water A saturated soil sample has the following data:
and compacted. Volume of wet soil is 0.00144
Water content = 24%
m3 and has a mass of 2.5 kg. If the specific
gravity of soil is 2.70. Voids ratio = 0.92
1.) Compute the dry density. 1.) Specific Gravityof soil
2.) Compute the void ratio. 2.) Effective unit weight
3.) Compute the degree of saturation. 3.) Moist unit weight
Problem No. 33:
The net weight of a soil specimen before drying Problem No. 34:
is 307 gr. and its dried weight after drying in an
The porosity of the soil is 0.35 and its moist unit
oven is 163 gr. The volume of the specimen
before drying is 120 cm3. of soil sample is weight is 18.5 kN/m3 The of the soil is 2.69
2.62. 1.) What is the moisture content of the soil?
1.) Compute the moisture content of the soil. 2.) Compute the degree of saturation.
2.) Compute the void ratio 3.) Compute the saturated unit weight of
3.) Compute the degree of saturation the soil.
Problem No. 35: Problem No. 36:
The effective unit weight of soil is 12.29 kN/m 3. For a sandy soil, emax = 0.75, emin = 0.52 and Gs =
Void ratio of the soil is 0.52. 2.70
1.) Compute the of the soil. 1.) What is the void ratio of the soil at Dr = 65%
2.) If the water content of the soil is 14%, 2.) What is the dry unit weight of soil.
compute for the degree of saturation.
3.) What is the zero air void unit weight.
3.) Compute the bulk density of the soil
Problem No. 37: Problem No. 38:
A granular soil was tested in the laboratory and A soil has a moisture content of 18.2% and a
found to have a max. and min. void ratios of degree of saturation of 80%. If the void ratio of
0.84 and 0.38 respectively. If the relative density soil is 0.607.
of the soil is 69.6%, of soil is 2.70.
1.) Compute the of the soil.
1.) Compute the in situ void ratio of the soil.
2.) Compute the moist unit weight of the soil.
2.) Compute the dry unit weight.
3.) Compute the saturated unit weight of soil.
3.) Compute the effective unit wt. of soil.
Problem No. 39: Problem No. 40:
For a given sandy soil with max. and min. void A sample of soft saturated clay has a volume of
ratios of 0.75 and 0.46 respectively has a 100 and weighs 175 gr. If the oven dry
of 2.68. If the density index is 78% and a weight is 120 gr.
moisture content of 9%.
1.) Compute the water content of clay.
1.) What would be the in situ void ratio.
2.) Compute the void ratio of the clay.
2.) Determine the degree of saturation of the
soil. 3.) Compute the of the clay.
A large soil sample obtained from a borrow pit A volume of undisturbed soil, 0.015 m 3 obtained
has a wet mass of 26,50 kg. The in-place volume from a construction site has a wet mass of 31
occupied by the sample is 0.013 m3. A small kg. and a dry mass of 27.5 kg.
portion of the sample is used to determine the
water content, the wet mass is 135 g and after Specific gravity of soil solids is 2.71.
drying in the oven, the mass is 117 g. 1.) Determine the void ratio.
1.) Determine the soil water content. 2.) Determine the water content
2.) Determine the soil wet density for conditions 3.) Determine the degree of saturation for the
at the borrow pit. in-place condition.
3.) Determine the soil dry density for conditions
at the borrow pit.
Problem No. 43: Problem No. 44:
A dry sand is placed in a container having a A 150 cm3 sample of wet soil has a mass of 250
volume of 0.30 ft3. The dry weight of the sample g when 100 percent saturated. When oven
is 31 lb. Water is carefully added to the dried, the mass is 162 g.
container so as not to disturbed the condition of
the sand. When the container is filled, the 1.) Compute the volume of voids.
combined weight of soil plus water is 38.2 lb. 2.) Compute the void ratio.
a) Compute the void ratio in the container 3.) Compute the specific gravity
b) Compute the specific gravity of the soil
Undisturbed soil obtained from a test pit 0.0283 An undisturbed sample of fine sand is tested in
m3 in volume is found to have a wet weight of the laboratory and found to have a dry mass of
0.459 KN. The dry weight of the sample is 0.376 3.63 kg, a total volume of 0.00198 mand a
kN. If the specific gravity of the soil is 2.70. specific gravity of 2.70. Other laboratory tests
are performed to determine the maximum and
1.) Compute the volume of the voids. minimum density of the sand. At the maximum
2.) Compute the void ratio. density, it is determined that the void ratio is
0.35, at the minimum density, the void ratio
3.) Compute the effective unit weight of such a 0.95
soil if it were submerged below the ground
water table. 1.) Compute the void ratio of the sand
A dry sand is placed in a container having a The volume of soil sample before drying is 108
volume of 0.0089 cm3. The dry weight of the cm and the volume of the dried soil is 61 cm 3.
sample is 0.014 gr. Water is carefully added to of soil is 2.7. Compute the following:
the container so as not to disturbed the
condition of the sand. When the container is 1.) Void ratio
filled, the combined weight of soil plus water is 2.) Porosity
0.0174 gr.
3.) Degree of saturation if it has a moisture
1.) Find the void ratio of the soil in the container content of 21.6%.
2.) Find the porosity
A hand carved sample of soft saturated clay has A soil sample has a natural water content of
a volume of 100 and weighs 275 grams. 22.5% and it is known to have a of 2.6. In
If the oven-dry weight is to be 150 grams. order to determine the moist density of the soil,
a portion of soil weighing 224g is put in a 500
1.) Compute the volume of voids. cm3 container. It is filled with 382 cm3 of water
2.) Compute the void ratio. to fill the container.
3.) Compute the specific gravity of soil. 1.) Compute the porosity of the soil
A moist soil sample having a volume of 1.4 m 3 A saturated soil having a of 2.67 has a
has a total mass of 2400 kg. Specific gravity of moisture content of 23%.
soil is 2.70. If the water content is 9%.
1.) Compute the saturated unit weight.
1.) Compute the dry density of soil.
2.) Compute the dry unit weight.
2.) Compute the degree of saturation.
3.) Compute the moist unit weight when degree
3.) Compute the volume of water in the soil of saturation becomes 70%.
Problem No. 53: