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Assignment: 5. An embankment for a highway 30 m wide and 1.

m in compacted thickness is to be constructed
1. The moist unit weight and degrees of saturation of from a sandy soil trucked from a borrow pit. The
a soil are given in the following table. water content of the sandy soil in the borrow pit is
γ (kN/m3) Degree of Sat. (S)% 15% and its void ratio is 0.75. The specification
16.64 kN/m3 50 requires the embankment be compacted to a dry
17.73 kN/m 3 75 unit weight of 18.2 kN/m . Length of embankment
is 1.5 km. Assume G= 2.7. Determine the volume
Determine the following: borrow material required.
a. Void ratio 6. In an experiment of determining the porosity and
b. Specific gravity specific gravity of solids of a soil, a soil is dug out
c. Saturated unit weight from the ground, weighed, then oven dried, and
2. A dry soil is mixed with 17% by mas with water and then saturated with water. The weight of soil taken
compacted. Volume of wet soil is 0.001 m3 and has from the test hole is 1346 grams. It was then oven-
a mass of 1.6 kg. If the specific gravity of soil is 2.70. dried and weighed 1076 grams. After saturating it
a. Compute the dry unit weight of soil. with water, it weighed 1462 grams. The volume of
b. Compute the void ratio. the test hole was then measured and found to be
c. Compute the degree of saturation. 792 cc. Determine the voids ratio of the soil.
3. The dry unit weight of soil at zero air voids is equal
to 19 kN/m3. The soil has a water content of 12% 7. A building requires a 10,000-m fill at a void ratio of
and a degree of saturation of 58%. Compute the 20%. Material for earth fill was available from a
following: borrow site at P320 per cubic meter. It was found
a. Specific gravity that the average void ratio from the site is 80%.
b. Void ratio Estimate the total cost of fill.
c. Porosity
4. A dry sand is placed in a container having a
volume of 0.30 ft3. The dry weight of the sample is 8. A dry sand is placed in a container having a
31 lb. A volume of 0.051 ft3 of water is carefully volume of 0.0089 cm3. The dry weight of the sample
added to the container so as not to disturb the is 0.014 g. Water is carefully added to the container
condition of the sand. If the specific gravity of sand so as not to disturb the condition of the sand. When
is 2.72, determine the following: the container is filled, the combined weight of soil
a. Porosity plus water is 0.0174 g.
b. Degree of saturation
c. Bulk specific gravity
a. Determine the void ratio of the soil in the iii. 34,339.81 m3
container iv. 41,174.29 m3
i. 0.38 ii. 0.42 iii. 0.62 iv. 0.65 c. How many kilo Newton of water should be
b. Determine the dry unit weight of the soil added to a truckload?
sample. i. 3.71 ii. 3.39 iii. 4.05 iv. 4.28
i. 15.44 kN/m3 ii. 16.78 kN/m3 10. (State whether the following are true or false)
iii.18.56 kN/m3 iv. 17.21 kN/m3 a. A porosity of 40% implies that 40% of the total
c. Determine the saturated unit weight of the volume consists of voids.
soil sample. b. A degree of saturation of 40% implies that
i. 15.44 kN/m3 ii. 16.78 kN/m3 40% of the total volume consists of water.
iii.19.20 kN/m 3 iv. 17.21 kN/m3 c. Larger void ratios correspond to larger dry
9. The undisturbed soil at a borrow pit has a bulk unit densities.
weight of 19.1 kN/m3 and water content of 9.5%. d. Water content cannot exceed 100%
The soil from this borrow will be used to construct a e. The void ratio cannot exceed 1
compacted fill with finished volume of 42,000 m3.
The soil is excavated by machinery and placed in
trucks, each with a capacity of 4.50 m3. When Prepared by:
loaded to the full capacity, each load of soil
weighs 67.5 KN. In the construction process, the
trucks dump the soil at the site, then the soil is Engr. JOHN MICHAEL B. CASIBANG, CE, MST
spread and broken up. Water is then sprinkled to Faculty, Civil Engineering Department
bring the water content to 15%. Finally, the soil is
compacted to a dry unit weight of 17.1 kN/m3.
a. Assuming each load is to the full capacity,
how many truckloads are required to
construct the fill?
i. 10,567.25
ii. 11,650.80
iii. 12,178.95
iv. 12,872.55
b. What would be the volume of the pit in the
borrow area?
i. 37,602.09 m3
ii. 45,085.85 m3

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