The document is a monthly progress report for a graduate trainee engineer. It details the theoretical and practical training completed during the month, including risk assessments, safety procedures, equipment calculations and designs, training courses, and field visits to various plant sites.
The document is a monthly progress report for a graduate trainee engineer. It details the theoretical and practical training completed during the month, including risk assessments, safety procedures, equipment calculations and designs, training courses, and field visits to various plant sites.
The document is a monthly progress report for a graduate trainee engineer. It details the theoretical and practical training completed during the month, including risk assessments, safety procedures, equipment calculations and designs, training courses, and field visits to various plant sites.
The document is a monthly progress report for a graduate trainee engineer. It details the theoretical and practical training completed during the month, including risk assessments, safety procedures, equipment calculations and designs, training courses, and field visits to various plant sites.
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Form # TTC-07 (00) 14/12/06
Name: Hasnain Ali P. # 01816 Report #: 2 / 12
Discipline: Mechanical Date of Joining: 13-9-2018
Report for the Month of: October Section / Unit Project Engineering Unit
THEORETICAL TRAINING COMPLETED (Topics with brief description):
Study of Two Risk Based Elements of PSM including Emergency Response Plan and Pre-Start Up Safety Review(PSSR) Understanding of “Work to Permit Procedures” that are followed for different types of jobs to ensure that all work is being carried out in a safest possible manner. Weight calculations of an Economizer with given dimensions including its tubes and supports and preparation of its BOM Study of ASME B36.10M (Welded and Seamless pipes) Overview of Friedrich Uhde Specifications for Piping of NP, CN, CAN and HNO 3 Plants Calculation of minimum required thickness of Boiler Tubes (up to and including 5” O.D), Piping, Drums and Headers according to ASME BPVC-Section-I Fundamental Design aspects of ASME BPVC-Section VIII Division-1 and learned: o Calculating the minimum required thickness of thin and thick shell under Internal Pressure
o Thickness Calculation of Hemi-Spherical, Elliptical, Torispherical and Toriconical using Dish
Head Formulas o Joint Efficiency and its values for Full and Spot Radiographic Testing
o Reinforcement wall thickness calculation
PRACTICAL TRAINING COMPLETED (Topics with brief description): Attended the IPP Training on “Types of Fire and Methods of Suppression” Active Participation in D-Level Safety Talks of the Unit Participated in 2 Days HR-Based Training on “Driving for Results” Learned how to make SMART Goals, to increase the productivity of our work by scheduling, knowing the personality traits and personal values. Attended the HORC Meeting of PH & S for the month of October Sub-HSE (M) of Ammonia Export Line Field visit of AN Plant and assisted in modifying the Isometric Drawings according to built in Rental Boiler Connections Field Visit of NH3 Plant of extension of Air Vent at Steam Drum 101-F
Name Hasnain Ali Sarfraz Ali Sadik Bashir Date 5-Nov-18 Desig./Sign. SH / UM Dept. Manager Mngr. Training