Sitram Dry
Sitram Dry
Sitram Dry
The system has a modular construction
and is well-suited for transformers of
varying ages, manufacturers and rat-
Extending the life of your transformer with
Technical Details The cabinet version, certified for IP 55, The amount of time required to dry out
SITRAM DRY utilizes an advanced mo- is the right choice if you want both ease the unit will vary with the size, moisture
lecular sieve absorbent material. As the of installation and protection of the content and operational temperature
oil is circulated through SITRAM DRY by drying system from external influences. variation. Siemens will develop a
a small pump motor, the sieve material Unlike the frame and cabinet versions, moisture reduction plan which shall
contained in the cylinders absorbs the the SITRAM DRY SMART version is include a dry-out period and an
moisture. Moisture diffusion will slow mounted on rollers, making it easier estimated number of cylinder
down as the moisture content of the and more flexible to use at different replacements. The time period is
insulating paper converges to its equi- locations. typically between 10 and 24 months.
librium with the dried insulating oil.
Benefits for new transformers Comprehensive Service
The SITRAM DRY system is capable of
SITRAM DRY installed on a new or SITRAM DRY is a definite robust system
reducing transformer oil moisture
refurbished transformer can maintain and it only needs little maintenance
levels from 50 ppm to less than 5 ppm.
the moisture content at the original effort. Thanks to the humidity sensors
This process not only reduces the ag-
0.5% factory level. The system can at the inlet and the outlet, the degree
ing rate of the cellulose, but it also
significantly extend the expected life of saturation of the cartridges can very
improves the dielectric strength of the
of a transformer at a fraction of its precisely be determined. The exchange
insulation oil and can increase trans-
replacement costs. Typically, molecular of the cartridges is easy due to the
former reliability and life expectancy.
sieve cylinders should not require re- quick couplings. With our services
Transformers can be operated with a
placement for several years. around transformer drying you decide
significantly reduced risk of failure and
by yourself whether and on which
on higher load cycles.
Benefits for older or wet scale you step in.
transformers (>2% moisture in the
Modular product concept
SITRAM DRY has a modular product
Legacy transformers generally have
concept which is adaptable easily on
higher moisture content, so the target
individual requirements. Three basic
is to reduce the moisture content of
designs are available: a frame version, a
the insulating paper to an acceptable
cabinet version, and the SITRAM DRY
level and then maintain that level.
SMART version. In the frame version,
SITRAM DRY is mounted in an open
steel frame together with optional All rights reserved. Trademarks cited in
moisture sensors. this document are the property of Sie-
mens AG, its affiliates, or their respective
owners in the scope of registration.
Siemens AG
Energy Management
Humboldtstr. 59
40459 Nuremberg