SITRAM Multisense 9

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Col a ae R lM SMa, NLUhhaksXelaksre nsformers 9 IV TaT Lele MPIC recite Introduction In their average lifetime of 40 years, transformers endure various stresses that can contribute to a multiplicity of failures (electrical, thermal, chemical ‘or mechanical). Transformer failures may cause e.g, castly damages of pri- mary and secondary equipment, out- ages, environmental cleanup charges and a loss of reputation DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) monitor- ing with SITRAM Multisense 9 helps utilities to avoid transformer failures. SITRAM Multisense 9 indicates devia- tions and upcoming faults by analyzing the concentration of eight dissolved gases in transformer insulating oil (mineral and ester oil), besides mois ture. This helps to predict and prevent eight fault types ‘= High temperature thermal faults, ‘overheated oil by monitoring CoHs + Partial discharge, thermal faults, power discharges, rust, galvanized parts, stainless steel, sunlight by Monitoring H: + Corona partial discharge, law & me- dium temperature thermal faults by monitoring CHs + Thermal fault involving cellulose, slowly from oll oxidation by monitor- ing co ‘+ Normal aging, thermal fault involv- ing cellulose by monitoring Coz + Hot spot, low-energy discharge, high energy discharge (are) by monitoring Gh + low & medium temperature thermal faults, lcal over heating by monitor- ing CoH + Exposure to atmosphere (ait), leaky gasket (under vacuum), air breathing Conservator, leaky bladder by moni: toring 2 Features ‘Robust, NDIR measurement technol ‘ogy without moving parts ar refer. ence gas + Easy installation directly at trans- former - One man work * Display and keypad enabling com- prehensive configuration and setup without additional computer + Easy to understand due to simple setup + Compact, robust design (IP55) + High accuracy enabling early diag- nostic + Optional: Various communication options, 13 digital outputs, 5 digital optocoupler outputs + Optional: 10 analog outputs, 10 analog inputs + Ambient humidity: 0-95% + Monitoring functions: SIEMENS langemuily for life Voltage and current monitoring (vie voltage and current transformers transducer) Temperature monitoring: bottom and top oil temperature, ambient tem perature (via additional temperature sensors) «© Cooling stage I tap changer position ‘monitoring (e.g. via current trans- ducer) Free configuration of analog inputs, free allocated to any additional sen- © Calculation of Hot-Spot (acc. IEC 60076), Loss Life, Ageing Rate Benefits + Monitoring of al diagnostic gases inside the transformer oil, enabling recognition of al various failure types + Avoidance of serious costs due to failures or outages + Cost savings thanks to scheduled and efficient transformer maintenance works + Uses advanced software (the unit and via PC) + Maintenance free system Scope of work += Configuration and administration of each individual Muktisense unit + Data and configuration read out of Multisense units + Processing and visualization of data + Read out (trend or table) + Online functions (Status and process flow) + Diagnostic functions (Duval triangle) + Further processing of the data (Excel, SV, clipboard and printing) + Storage of the processed data and Unit configuration’ ‘= Automatic data read out and alerting Range “Accuracy by e-mail ‘» Standard electrical and mechanical 2 0-10000 ppm = 5% or +LDL (whichever is greater) connection kit, individual mechanical connection kon request C2H2_0- 10000 ppm + 5% or +LDL (whichever is greater) ‘+ Installation flange (different ventila- CO —0- 10000 ppm = 5% or +LDL (whichever is greater) tion sizes available) coz 0- 20000 ppm ++ 5% or +LDL (whichever is greater) '* On-site training courses for operation CH4 —-0.- 5000 ppm ‘= 5% or +LDL (whichever is greater) and maintenance for our systerns C2H4 —0- 10000 ppm ‘+ 5% or +LDL (whichever is greater) + Optional: Turnkey instalation and C2H6 0- 10000 ppm +: 5% or 4LDL (whichever is greater) communications services. + Optional: Expert analysis of monitor. ing data and customer support 020-5000 ppm = 10% or =LDL (whichever is greater) H20___0- 100% +4 3% or =LDL (whichover is greater) Technical Details Operation Principle ++ Miniaturized gas sample production based on headspace principle ‘+ No membrane, negative pressure proofed ‘= Patent-pending oll sampling system (EP 1 950 560.41) ‘+ Near-infrared gas sensor unit for CO2, CO, Cathe, CoH, CHs and CoH ‘+ Micro-electronic gas sensor for He + Thin-film capacitive moisture sensor 0 + Temperature sensors (fr oil and gas temperature) + Optional nominal voltages of auxiia- ty supply: 120 V-20%4+153AC 50160 Hz or 230 V-20% +15% AC 50160 Hz or 120 V-20% +15% DC or 230 V-20%+15% DC * Accuracy quoted is the accuracy of the detectors during calibration + Power consumption: max. 350 VA + Housing: aluminum: W 263 x H 263 x 0327.5 mm + Weight: approx. 15 kg + Operation temperature (ambient): 55°C- «55°C (below -10°C display function locies) + Oil temperature (inside transformer): 20°C - 490°C + Storage temperature (ambien): 20°C +65°C + Oil Pressure: up to 800 kpa (negative pressure allowed) + Safety: CE certified, Isolation protec- tion: IEC 61010-1:2001, Degree of protection: P-55 Fault gas measurement SITRAM Multisense 9 is executed in two steps: gas extraction (headspace technique) and gas detection (none- dispersive infrared radiation method). Itmeasures the concentration of dissolved gases in the oil Discover Siemens comprehensive Transformer monitoring and sensor portfolio. To get more information ‘about Siemens comprehensive moni- toring package for transformers, please contact your local partner or our Customer Support Center All rights reserved adematts mer: eG Sera preeres porte ers ree use ars veer Aneta ret)

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