6th Sem Syllabus

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7. “EPRI, Transmission Line Reference Book, 345 KV and above” Electric Power Research Institute.

Palo Alto, California,



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Introduction: Electric energy demand and growth in India, electric energy sources.
Thermal Power Plant:
Site selection, general layout and operation of plant, detailed description and use of different parts.
Hydro Electric Plants:
Classifications, location and site selection, detailed description of various components, general layout and
operation of Plants, brief description of impulse, reaction, Kaplan and Francis turbines, advantages &
disadvantages, hydro-potential in India
Nuclear Power Plant:
Location, site selection, general layout and operation of plant. Brief description of different types of reactors
Moderator material, fissile materials, control of nuclear reactors, disposal of nuclear waste material, shielding.
Gas Turbine Plant:
Operational principle of gas turbine plant & its efficiency, fuels, open and closed-cycle plants, regeneration, inter-
cooling and reheating, role and applications.
Diesel Plants:
Diesel plant layout, components & their functions, its performance, role and applications
Sub-stations Layout:
Types of substations, bus-bar arrangements, typical layout of substation.
Power Plant Economics and Tariffs:
Load curve, load duration curve, different factors related to plants and consumers, Cost of electrical energy,
depreciation, generation cost, effect of Load factor on unit cost. Fixed and operating cost of different plants, role
of load diversity in power system economy. Objectives and forms of Tariff; Causes and effects of low power factor,
advantages of power factor improvement, different methods for power factor improvements.
Economic Operation of Power Systems:
Characteristics of steam and hydro-plants,
Constraints in operation, Economic load scheduling of thermal plants Neglecting and considering transmission
Losses, Penalty factor, loss coefficients, Incremental transmission loss.
Hydrothermal Scheduling
Non Conventional Energy Sources:
Power Crisis, future energy demand, role of Private sectors in energy management,
MHD generation: Working principle, open and closed cycles, MHD systems, advantages, parameters governing
power output.
Solar power plant: Conversion of solar heat to electricity, Solar energy collectors, Photovoltaic cell, power
generation, future prospects of solar energy use.
Wind Energy: Windmills, power output with combined operation of wind turbine generation and isolated
generating system, technical choices& economic size.
Geothermal Energy: Earth energy, heat extraction, vapor turbine cycle, difficulties & disadvantages,
Tidal energy: Tidal phenomenon, tidal barrage, tidal power Schemes.
Ocean Thermal Energy: Introduction, energy conversion, problems.
Text Books:
1. B.R. Gupta,“Generation of Electrical Energy”, S. Chand Publication.
2. Soni, Gupta & Bhatnagar, “A text book on Power System Engg.”, Dhanpat Rai & Co.
3. P.S.R. Murthy, “Operation and control of Power System” BS Publications, Hyderabad.
Reference Books:
4. W. D. Stevenson, “Elements of Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill.
5. S. L. Uppal, “Electrical Power”, Khanna Publishers.
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State Space Analysis of Continuous System:
Review of state variable representation of continuous system, conversion of state variable models to transfer
function and vice-versa, solution of state equations and state transition matrix, controllability and obsrvability,
design of state observer and controller
Analysis of Discrete System:
Discrete system and discrete time signals, state variable model and transfer function model of discrete system,
conversion of state variable model to transfer function model and vice-versa, modeling of sample-hold circuit,
solution of state difference equations, steady state accuracy, stability on the z-plane and Jury stability
criterion, bilinear transformation, Routh-Hurwitz criterion on rth planes
Lyapunov’s stability theorems for continuous and discrete systems, methods for generating Lyapunov function
for continuous and discrete system, Popov’s criterion.
Non linear System:
Types of non linearities, phenomena related to non - linear systems.
Analysis of non linear systems-Linearization method, second order non-linear system on the phase plane,
types of phase portraits, singular points, system analysis by phase-plane method, describing function and its
application to system analysis.
Optimal Control:
Introduction, formation of optimal control problem, calculus of variations minimization of functions,
constrained optimization.Pontryagin’s Minimum Maximum Principle, Linear Quadratic Problem-Hamilton
Jacobi equation, Riccati equation and its solution.
Adaptive Control:
Introduction, modal reference adaptive control systems, controller structure, self tuning regulators.
Introduction to neural network, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms
Text Books:
1. M.Gopal, “Digital Control and State variable Methods”, Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Ajit K.Madal, “Introduction to Control Engineering: Modelling, Analysis and Design”
3. New Age International.
4. D.Landau, “Adaptive Control”, Marcel Dekker Inc.
5. S.Rajasekaran & G.A.Vjayalakshmi Pai, “Neural Networks,Fuzzy Logic and Genetic
6. Alogorithms: Synthesis and Applications” Prentice Hall of India.
Reference Book:
7. Donald E. Kiv, “Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction” Prentice Hall
8. B.C. Kuo, “Digital Control Systems” Sounders College Publishing
9. C.H.Houpis and G.B.Lamont,“Digital Control Systems:Theory,Hardware,Software”Mc Graw Hill.
Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur (U.P.) -208002
B-Tech. Electrical Engineering

Text Book:
1. M. S. Naidu and V. Kamaraju, “High Voltage Engineering, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
Reference Books:
2. E. Kuffel and W. S. Zacngal, High Voltage Engineering”, Pergamon Press.
3. M. P. Chaurasia , “High Voltage Engineering”, Khanna Publishers
4. R. S. Jha, “High Voltage Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai & sons
5. C. L. Wadhwa, “High Voltage Engineering”, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
6. M. Khalifa,’ High Voltage Engineering Theory and Practice,’ Marcel Dekker.
7. Subir Ray,’ An Introduction to High Voltage Engineering’ Prentice Hall of India



Basic Considerations:
Basic concept of design, limitation in design, standardization, modern trends in design and manufacturing
Classification of insulating materials.
Calculation of total mmf and magnetizing current.
Transformer Design:
Output equation design of core, yoke and windings, overall dimensions,
Computation of no load current to voltage regulation, efficiency and cooling system designs

Design of rotating machines – I:
Output equations of rotating machines, specific electric and magnetic loadings, factors affecting size of rotating
machines, separation of main dimensions, selection of frame size.
Core and armature design of dc and 3-phase ac machines
Design of rotating machines – II:
Rotor design of three phase induction motors.
Design of field system of DC machine and synchronous machines.
Estimation of performance from design data
Computer Aided Design
Philosophy of computer aided design, advantages and limitations.
Computer aided design approaches analysis, synthesis and hybrid methods.
Concept of optimization and its general procedure.
Flow charts and ‘c’ based computer programs for the design of transformer, dc machine, three phase induction
and synchronous machines.
Text Books:
1. K. Sawhney, “A Course in Electrical Machine Design” Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
2. K.G. Upadhyay,“ Conventional and Computer Aided Design of Electrical Machines” Galgotia Publications.
Reference Books:
3. M.G. Say, “The Performance and Design of AC Machines” Pitman & Sons.
4. A.E. Clayton and N.N. Hancock, “The Performance and Design of D.C.Machines” Pitman & Sons.
5. S.K. Sen, “Principle of Electrical Machine Design with Computer Programming” Oxford and IBM Publications.


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Introduction :
Structure of power systems,
Power system control center and real time computer control, SCADA system
Level decomposition in power system
Power system security
Various operational stages of power system
Power system voltage stability
Economic Operation :
Concept and problems of unit commitment
Input-output characteristics of thermal and hydro-plants
System constraints
Optimal operation of thermal units without and with transmission losses, Penalty factor, incremental
transmission loss, transmission loss formula (without derivation)
Hydrothermal scheduling long and short terms
Concept of optimal power flow
Load Frequency Control :
Concept of load frequency control,
Load frequency control of single area system:
Turbine speed governing system and modeling, block diagram representation of single area system, steady
state analysis, dynamic response, control area concept, P-I control, load frequency control and economic
dispatch control.
Load frequency control of two area system:
Tie line power modeling, block diagram representation of two area system, static and dynamic response
Automatic Voltage Control :
Schematic diagram and block diagram representation, different types of Excitation systems & their
Voltage and Reactive Power control :
Concept of voltage control, methods of voltage control-control by tap changing transformer.
Shunt Compensation, series compensation, phase angle compensation
State Estimation:
Detection and identification, Linear and non-linear models.
Flexible AC Transmission Systems:
Concept and objectives
FACTs controllers: Structures & Characteristics of following FACTs Controllers.
Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur (U.P.) -208002
B-Tech. Electrical Engineering


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Representation of Power System Components:
Synchronous machines, Transformers,Transmission lines, One line diagram, Impedance and reactance
diagram, per unit System
Symmetrical components:
Symmetrical Components of unbalanced phasors, power in terms of symmetrical components, sequence
impedances and sequence networks.
Symmetrical fault analysis:
Transient in R-L series circuit, calculation of 3-phase short circuit current and reactance of synchronous
machine, internal voltage of loaded machines under transient conditions
Unsymmetrical faults:
Analysis of single line to ground fault, line-to-line fault and Double Line to ground fault on an unloaded
generators and power system network with and without fault impedance.
Formation of Zbus using singular transformation and algorithm, computer method for short circuit
Load Flows:
Introduction, bus classifications, nodal admittance matrix ( YBUS ), development of load flow equations, load
flow solution using Gauss Siedel and Newton-Raphson method, approximation to N-R method, line flow
equations and fast decoupled method
Power System Stability:
Stability and Stability limit, Steady state stability study, derivation of Swing equation, transient stability
studies by equal area criterion and step-by-step method. Factors affecting steady state and transient
stability and methods of improvement
Traveling Waves:
Wave equation for uniform Transmission lines, velocity of propagation, surge impedance, reflection and
transmission of traveling waves under different line loadings. Bewlay’s lattice diagram, protection of
equipments and line against traveling waves

Text Books:
1. W.D. Stevenson, Jr. “ Elements of Power System Analysis”, Mc Graw Hill.
2. C.L. Wadhwa, “Electrical Power System”, New Age International.
3. Chakraborthy, Soni,Gupta & Bhatnagar, “Power System Engineering”, Dhanpat Rai & Co.
4. T.K Nagsarkar & M.S. Sukhija, “Power System Analysis” Oxford University Press,2007.
Reference Books:
Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur (U.P.) -208002
B-Tech. Electrical Engineering

5. L. P. Singh; “Advanced Power System Analysis & Dynamics”, New Age International
6. Hadi Sadat; “Power System Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill.
7. D.Das, “ Electrical Power Systems” New Age International, 2006.
8. J.D. Glover, M.S. Sharma & T.J.Overbye, “Power System Analysis and Design” Thomson, 2008.
9. P.S.R. Murthy “ Power System Analysis” B.S. Publications,2007.


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Power semiconductor Devices:
Power semiconductor devices their symbols and static characteristics
Characteristics and specifications of switches, types of power electronic circuits
Operation, steady state & switch characteristics & switching limits of Power Transistor
Operation and steady state characteristics of Power MOSFET and IGBT
Thyristor – Operation V- I characteristics, two transistor model, methods of turn-on
Operation of GTO, MCT and TRIAC
Power Semiconductor Devices(Contd)
Protection of devices.
Series and parallel operation of thyristors
Commutation techniques of thyristor
DC-DC Converters:
Principles of step-down chopper, step down chopper with R-L load Principle of step-up chopper, and
operation with RL load, classification of choppers
Phase Controlled Converters
Single phase half wave controlled rectifier with resistive and inductive loads, effect of freewheeling
Single phase fully controlled and half controlled bridge converters.
Performance Parameters
Three phase half wave converters
Three phase fully controlled and half controlled bridge converters, Effect of source impedance
Single phase and three phase dual converters
AC Voltage Controllers
Principle of On-Off and phase controls
Single phase ac voltage controller with resistive and inductive loads
Three phase ac voltage controllers (various configurations and comparison only)
Single phase transformer taps changer.
Cyclo Converters
Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur (U.P.) -208002
B-Tech. Electrical Engineering

Basic principle of operation, single phase to single phase, three phase to single phase and three phase
to three phase cyclo converters, output voltage equation
Single phase series resonant inverter
Single phase bridge inverters
Three phase bridge inverters
Voltage control of inverters
Harmonics reduction techniques
Single phase and three phase current source inverters
Text Books:
1. M.H. Rashid,“Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices & Applications”, Prentice Hall of India Ltd. 3 rd
2. M.D. Singh and K.B.Khanchandani, “Power Electronics”Tata MC Graw Hill, 2005
3. V.R. Moorthy, “ Power Electronics : Devices, Circuits and Industrial Applications” Oxford University
Reference Books:
4. M.S. Jamil Asghar, “Power Electronics” Prentice Hall of India Ltd., 2004
5. Chakrabarti & Rai, “Fundamentals of Power Electronics &Drives”Dhanpat Rai & Sons.
6. Ned Mohan, T.M.Undeland and W.P.Robbins, “Power Electronics:Converters, Applications and
Design”, Wiley India Ltd,2008.
7. S.N.Singh, “A Text Book of Power Electronics” Dhanpat Rai & Sons


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Note: The minimum of 10 experiments is to be performed out of which at least three should be software

1. To study V-I characteristics of SCR and measure latching and holding currents.
2. To study UJT trigger circuit for half wave and full wave control.
3. To study single-phase half wave controlled rectified with (i) resistive load (ii) inductive load with and
without free wheeling diode.
4. To study single phase (i) fully controlled (ii) half controlled bridge rectifiers with resistive and
inductive loads.
5. To study three-phase fully/half controlled bridge rectifier with resistive and inductive loads.
6. To study single-phase ac voltage regulator with resistive and inductive loads.
7. To study single phase cyclo-converter
8. To study triggering of (i) IGBT (ii) MOSFET (iii) power transistor
9. To study operation of IGBT/MOSFET chopper circuit

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