Mtech PS Syllabus
Mtech PS Syllabus
Mtech PS Syllabus
Semester - I
Power System Operation and Control Unit 1 : Unit commitment problem : Introductions to UCP, thermal & Hydel constraints in Unit commitment : Priority list scheme method, unit commitment problem solution by priority list scheme method, Unit commitment problem solutions by Dynamic programming Approach. Introduction, advantages of DP method over priority list scheme, Back word DP approach, forward DP approach algorithm and their flow charts solution to UCP using Dynamic program method. Unit 2 : Load Frequency Control-I : Necessity of keeping frequency constant. Definition of control area, single area control, Block diagram representation of an isolated Power System, Steady State analysis, Dynamic response-Uncontrolled case. Proportional plus Integral control of single area and its block diagram representation, steady state response, load frequency control and Economic dispatch control. Load Frequency Control-II : Load frequency control of 2-area system : uncontrolled case and controlled case, tie-line bias control. Optimal LF control-steady state representation, performance Index and optimal parameter adjustment. Unit 3 : Generation with limited Energy supply : Take-or-pay fuel supply contract, composite generation production cost function. Solution by gradient search techniques, Hard limits and slack variables, Fuel scheduling by linear programming. Unit 4 : Interchange Evaluation and Power Pools Economy Interchange, Economy interchange Evaluation, Interchange Evaluation with unit commitment, Multiple Interchange contracts. Afterthe-fact production costing, Transmission Losses in transaction Evaluation, other types of Interchange, power pools. Unit 5 : SCADA: Introduction to Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. SCADA Functional requirements and Components. General features, Functions and Applications, Benefits. Configurations of SCADA, RTU (Remote Terminal Units) Connections Power Systems SCADA and SCADA in Power System Automation. Text Books : 1. Electrical Energy Systems Theory - by O.I.Elgerd, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing nd Company Ltd, 2 edition. 2. Power System Analysis by Hadi Saadat Tata Mc Graw Hill Publications 3. Power Generation, Operation and Control - by A.J.Wood and B.F.Wollenberg,John wiley nd & sons Inc. 2005, 2 edition. 4. Modern Power System Analysis - by I.J.Nagrath & D.P.Kothari, Tata Mc Graw-Hill nd Publishing Company ltd, 2 edition. 5. Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition by Stuart A. Boyer, Isa, 2009 Reference Books : 1. C.L. Wadhwa, Electrical Power Systems 4 ed., Newage International 2008. 2. J Duncan Glover and M.S.Sarma, Power System Analysis and design 4th ed., Thomson 2008.
Advanced Power System Analysis UNIT 1 : Introduction- Digital computers in power system simulations, System view point, Hierarchy of transmission and distribution system, nature and scope of power system studies. Transformers - Two winding and auto-transformers, tap changing transformer and loads. Y-bus formation UNIT 2: Load Flow Studies- Analytical formulation, methods of load flow solutions, Bus mismatch and convergence criteria, Newton Raphson method, concept of decoupled methods. UNIT 3 ;Bus impedance formulation, algorithms, fault calculation using Z-bus, unsymmetrical faults, positive , negative and zero sequence impedance matrices, problems UNIT 4 : Optimal Load Flow Study of Power System- state estimation, method of least squarestest for bad data, power system State Estimation. UNIT 5 :Power system control and management normal operation, abnormal operation, contingency analysis- single outages, multiple outages, DC power flow and sensitivity factors for contingency analysis. Text Books: 1. Electrical Energy Systems Theory -O.I.Elgerd 2. Computer Methods in Power system Analysis -A.H.El.Abiad Reference Books: 1. Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis, 2nd ed M.A. Pai - Tata Mc Graw Hill Publications
Advanced Power System Protection Unit 1 :CLASSIFICATION OF STATIC RELAYS : Basic construction of static relays, Classification of protective schemes, Comparison of Static relays with electromagnetic relays, Amplitude comparator,Phase comparator, Principle of Duality. AMPLITUDE AND PHASE COMPARATORS(2-INPUT): Rectifier bridge circulating and opposed Voltage type- Averaging -phase splitting type Sampling type of amplitude Comparison. Block spike type-Phase splitting type- Transistor integrating type-Rectifier bridge type- Vector product type Phase comparison. Unit 2 : STATIC OVER CURRENT RELAYS : Instantaneous- Definite time Inverse timeDirectional- IDMT- Very inverse Time-Extremely inverse time over current relays. Time current characteristics of Over current relays-applications DISTANCE PROTECTION: Impedance Relay: operating principle- relay Characteristic-Protective Schemes-Static Impedance Relay- Static reactance relay- static MHO relay-effect of arc resistance,effect of power surges,effect of line length and source impedance on performance of distance relays-Quadrilateral relay Elliptical relay.-selection of distance relays UNIT 3: PILOT RELAYING SCHEMES: Wire pilot protection:circulating current schemebalanced voltage scheme-translay scheme-half wave comparison scheme- Carrier current protection: phase comparison type-carrier aided distance protection-operational comparison of transfer trip and bloking schemes-optical fibre channels UNIT4: AC MACHINES AND BUS ZONE PROTECTION: Protection of Alternators: stator protection-rotor protection-over voltage protection-over speed protection-Transformer protection: earth faults in transformers-percentage differential protection- protection against magnetic inrush current-generator and transformer unit protection-Bus zone protection: differential current protection-high impedance relay scheme-frame leakage protection Unit 5 : MICROPROCESSOR BASED PROTECTIVE RELAYS: Introductionover current relays-Impedance relay-Directional relay-Reactance relay. Introduction to Digital Relays - Advantages. Text Books : 1. Power system protection ---by TSM Rao. 2 Digital/Numerical Relays ---by T.S.M. Rao 3. Power system protection and switch gear--by Badri Ram& DN Vishwakarma. 4. Switch gear and protection---by MV Deshpande. Reference Books: 1. Protective relaying vol-2 ---by Warringto 2. Power system protection and switch gear---by Ravindranath & Chandan. 3. Fundamentals of Power System Protection - Y.G. Paithankar, S.R. Bhide , PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 2004
UNIT- I Linear Programming: Introduction-objective function and constrains. Examples from real world. Simplex method, standard form of linear programming problem. Geometrical solution, System of linear equations, simplex algorithm, two phases of simplex method. UNIT- II
Revised simplex method-primal dual relations, dual simplex method, post-optimality analysis. Transportation problem, Assignment problem, quadratic programming, examples.
Nonlinear programming: Unconstrained optimization-direct methods: Powells Method, conjugate direction, Rosen Brocks method. Indirect search methods: steepest descent, conjugate gradient, Newtons methods. Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method.
UNIT- IV Constrained optimization: Sequential linear programming, Methods of feasible directions, gradient projection method, generalized reduced gradient method, penalty function method, Augmented Legrangian multipliers method. Kuhn-Tucker conditions. UNIT- V
Dynamic programming: Multistage decision processes, Principal of optimality, computational procedure, linear programming as a case of dynamic program. All integer and mixed integer programming, Branch and Bound method. Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, optimization of fuzzy systems. Neural network- based optimization. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. S.S.Rao, "Engineering Optimization", revised 3rd ed., New Age international publishers. 2. Kalyanmoy Dev, "Optimization for Engineering Design" Printice-Hall of India, 2005 3.Ashok D. Bellegundu and T.R. ChandruPatla, "Optimization Concepts and Application in Engineering" Pearson Edition Asia, 2002
Neural Networks & Fuzzy Systems (Elective-I) UNIT 1 : Introduction to Neural Networks Introduction, Organization of the Brain, Biological and Artificial Neuron Models, Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Model, McCulloch-Pitts Model, Characteristics of ANN, Potential Applications of ANN. Artificial Neuron Model, Operations of Artificial Neuron, Types of Neuron Activation Function, ANN Architectures, Classification Taxonomy of ANN Connectivity, Neural Dynamics (Activation and Synaptic), Learning Strategy (Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement), Learning Rules, Types of Application UNIT 2 : Single Layer & Multi -layer Feed forward Neural Networks: Introduction, Perceptron Models: Discrete, Continuous and Multi-Category, Training Algorithms: Discrete and Continuous Perceptron Networks, Perceptron Convergence theorem, Limitations of the Perceptron Model, Applications. Credit Assignment Problem, Generalized Delta Rule, Derivation of Back propagation (BP) Training, Summary of Back propagation Algorithm, Kolmogorov Theorem, Learning Difficulties and Improvements. UNIT 3 : Associative Memories: Paradigms of Associative Memory, Pattern Mathematics, Hebbian Learning, General Concepts of Associative Memory (Associative Matrix, Association Rules, Hamming Distance, The Linear Associator, Matrix Memories, Content Addressable Memory), Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) Architecture, BAM Training Algorithms: Storage and Recall Algorithm, BAM Energy Function, Proof of BAM Stability Theorem Architecture of Hopfield Network: Discrete and Continuous versions, Storage and Recall Algorithm, Stability Analysis, Capacity of the Hopfield Network Summary and Discussion of Instance/Memory Based Learning Algorithms, Applications. Neural network applications: Process identification, control, fault diagnosis and load forecasting. UNIT 4 : Classical & Fuzzy Sets: Introduction to classical sets - properties, Operations and relations; Fuzzy sets, Membership, Uncertainty, Operations, properties, fuzzy relations, cardinalities, membership functions. UNIT 5: Fuzzy Logic System Components: Fuzzification, Membership value assignment, development of rule base and decision making system, Defuzzification to crisp sets, Defuzzification methods. Fuzzy logic applications: Fuzzy logic control and Fuzzy classification. Text Books: 1. Rajasekharan and Rai, "Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithms synthesis and applications", PHI Publication. 2. S.N.Sivanandam, S.Sumathi, S.N.Deepa, "Introduction to Neural Networks using MATLAB 6.0", TMH, 2006 3. J.M.Zurada, "Artificial Neural Networks" 4. Timothy. J.Ross, "Fuzzy logic Applications" 5. James A Freeman and Davis Skapura, "Neural Networks", Pearson Education,
Reference Books: 1. Simon Hakins, "Neural Networks", Pearson Education 2. C.Eliasmith and CH.Anderson, "Neural Engineering", PHI 3. Bart Kosko, "Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic System", PHI Publications.
Microprocessors & Microcontrollers (Elective-I) UNIT 1 : Intel 8086 Microprocessor: Architecture, register organization, Addressing modes, Instruction set. Signal description, Memory segmentation. Minimum and maximum modes of operations of 8086. UNIT 2Assembly language programming: Assembler directives, simple programs using data transfer, arithmetic, logical, and Branching instructions. Procedures and macros. Memory interfacing to 8086: Static RAM & EPROM. Dynamic RAM. UNIT 3: Parallel data transfer schemes: 8255-PPI, Interfacing of switch/display, stepper motor, D/A and A/D converters, 8279, 8259-PIC interrupt controller, 8257-DMA. Serial data transfer schemes: 8251-USART interfacing. RS -232C standard. UNIT 4: Advanced Microprocessors: 80386 Special function registers, Memory management, moving to protected mode, virtual mode, and memory paging mechanism. Introduction to the 80486 Microprocessor, Pentium and Pentium-Pro Microprocessor, and their special features. UNIT 5: Intel 8051 Micro controller: 8051 Architecture, pin functions, register organization, memory interfacing, addressing modes, instruction set, I/O ports, Timers/Counters, Serial Communication, Interrupts structure. Assembly language programming with 8051.
Reference Books : 1.Y.Liu and G.A. Gibson, "Micro Computer Systems, The 8086/8088 Family Architecture, Programming and Design", 2nd ed., PHI. 2. Mike Predco, "8051 Micro controllers", TMH 3. Kenneth J. Ayala, "8086 Microprocessors", Penram International
Renewable Sources of Energy (Elective-II) UNIT 1 : Principle of Renewable Energy: Comparison of renewable and conventional energy sources - Ultimate energy sources - natural energy currents on earth - primary supply to end use Spaghetti & Pie diagrams - energy planning - energy efficiency and management. UNIT 2: Solar Radiation: Extra terrestrial solar radiation - terrestrial solar radiation - solar thermal conversion - solar thermal central receiver systems - photovoltaic energy conversion solar cells modeling, pv arrays- grid connected systems UNIT 3: Wind energy: Planetary and local winds - vertical axis and horizontal axis wind mills principles of wind power - maximum power - actual power - wind turbine operation characteristics-electrical generator, Pitch angle control, UNIT 4 Voltage and stability control methods with wind station connected to grid, DFIG-PMSM- operation and control UNIT 5: Energy from Oceans: Ocean temperature differences - principles of OTEC plant operations - wave energy - devices for energy extraction tides - simple single pool tidal system . Geothermal energy: Origin and types - Bio fuels classification - direct combustion for heat and electricity generator - anaerobic digestion for biogas - biogas digester - power generation. Text Books : 1. Renewable Energy Sources by John Twidell & Toney Weir : E&F.N. Spon 2. Power plant technology by EL-Wakil, Mc Graw-Hill Reference Books : 1 2 Non-Conventional Energy Sources by G.D.Rai, Khanna Pub. Solar Photovaltaics By Chetan Singh Solanki,2
Modern Control Theory (Elective-II) UNIT 1 : General concept of controllability General concept of Observability Controllability tests for Continuous-Time Invariant Systems Observability tests for Continuous-Time Invariant Systems Controllability and Observability of State Model in Jordan Canonical form Controllability and Observability Canonical forms of State model. UNIT 2 : NONLINEAR SYSTEMS: Introduction Non Linear Systems - Types of NonLinearities Saturation Dead-Zone - Backlash Jump Phenomenon etc; Singular Points Introduction to Linearization of nonlinear systems, Properties of Non-Linear systems UNIT 3 :Describing functiondescribing function analysis of nonlinear systems Stability analysis of Non-Linear systems through describing functions UNIT 4 : STABILITY ANALYSIS: Stability in the sense of Lyapunov, Lyapunovs stability and Lypanovs instability theorems - Stability Analysis of the Linear continuous time invariant systems by Lyapunov second method Direct method of Lyapunov Generation of Lyapunov functions Variable gradient and Krasoviskiis methods estimation of transients using Lyapunov functions UNIT 5 : OPTIMAL CONTROL: Introduction to optimal control - Formulation of optimal control problems calculus of variations fundamental concepts, functionals, variation of functionals fundamental theorem of Calculus of variations boundary conditions constrained minimization formulation using Hamiltonian method Linear Quadratic regulator. Introduction to robust control. Text Books: 1. Modern Control System Theory by M.Gopal New Age International -2/E 2. Modern Control Engineering by Ogata.K Prentice Hall 4/E Reference Books: 1 Design of Feedback Control Systems by Stefani Oxford 4/E
Power Systems Lab I 1. Load flow studies by using N-R method. 2. Formation of incidence matrices 3. Load flow studies by using Gauss Seidel method. 4. Fault (Single phase ground) analysis using PC 5. Building ZBUS using step by step method 6. Formulation of Bus Admittance matrix. 7. Solution of Swing equation. 8. Economic Load Dispatch using Lambda Iteration method.
9. Simulation of Single area load frequency control with and without integral controller.
Semester - II
Power System Dynamics & Stability Unit 1 : System Dynamics : Synchronous machine model in state space form , computer representation for excitation and governor systems modeling of loads and induction machines. Unit 2 : Stability steady state stability limit Dynamic Stability limit Dynamic stability analysis. State space representation of synchronous machine connected to infinite bus, Time response Stability by eigen value approach. Unit 3 : Digital Simulation of Transient Stability : Swing equation, Machine equations. Concept of Multimachine Stability, Multimachine Transient Stability Under Different Faulted Conditions. Unit 4 : Effect of governor action and exciter on power system stability. Effect of saturation, saliency & automatic voltage regulators on stability Excitation Systems : Rotating Main Exciter, Rotating Amplifier and Static Voltage Regulator Static excitation scheme Brushless excitation system. Modelling of excitation system. Unit 5: Voltage instability, causes,power factor, effects, controlling , power system stabilizers(PSS), applications Text Books : 1. P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, Mc Graw Hill, 1994. 2. Power System Stability by Kimbark Vol. I&II, III 1968, Dover Publication Inc, New York 1968. 3. Power System Dynamics Stability and Control by K.R.Padiyar, Second edition B.S.Publications 2002. 4. Computer Applications to Power SystemsGlenn.W.Stagg & Ahmed. H.El.Abiad 5. Power System Analysis by Hadi Saadat Tata McGraw Hill Publications 6. Power System Analysis by John J.Graniger William D.Stevenson. JR. Tata McGraw Hill Publications. Reference Books : 1 2 Power Systems Analysis & Stability S.S.Vadhera Khanna Publishers. Modern Power System Analysis - by I.J.Nagrath & D.P.Kothari, Tata Mc Graw-Hill nd Publishing Company ltd, 2 edition. 3 Power System control and stability by Paul M. Anderson, Abdel-Aziz A. Fouad, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Press, 2003
Flexible Ac Transmission Systems UNIT 1 : Power Flow in AC Systems, Loading capability Limits, Dynamic stability considerations, controllable parameters, basic types of FACTS, FACTS controllers UNIT 2 : Voltage Source Converters: Single phase and 3-phase full wave bridge converters, transformer connections for 12, 24, 48 pulse operation, 3 level voltage source converters, PWM converters. UNIT 3 : Static Shunt Compensation: Objectives of shunt compensation, Voltage instability and its prevention, power oscillations and damping, controllable VAR generation, variable impedance type VAR generators. SVC and STATCOM: Dynamic performance, transient stability enhancement, modeling and simulation of SVC and STATCOM UNIT 4 : Series capacitive compensation, transient stability improvement. Thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC), SSSC, thyristor control power angle regulator (TCPAR). Modeling and simulation. UNIT 5 : Unified power flow controller and its modeling and simulation. Load flow studies with phase shifter. Text Books: 1. N.G. Hingorani and L. Guygi, Understanding FACTS Devices, IEEE Press Publications, 2000. 2. E. Acha et. Al. John Wiley, FACTS: Modelling and Simulationin power Networks, London, UK, 2004 Reference Books: 1 P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, Mc Graw Hill, 1994.
Power Quality UNIT 1 : Over view of power Quality and quantity standards - IEC and IEEE definitions voltage fluctuations-transients-unbalance-waveform distortion-power frequency variations. UNIT 2 : Voltage variations, Voltage sags and short interruptions flicker-longer duration variations - sources range and impact on sensitive circuits-standards solutions and mitigations equipment and techniques. UNIT 3 : Transients origin and classifications capacitor switching transient lightning-load switching impact on users protection mitigation. UNIT 4 : Harmonics sources definitions & standards impacts - calculation and simulation harmonic power flow - mitigation and control techniques filtering passive and active. UNIT 5 : Power Quality conditioners shunt and series compensators-DStatcom-Dynamic voltage restorer-unified power quality conditioners-case studies. Text Books: 1. Heydt, G.T., "Electric Power Quality", 2nd ed., Stars in a Circle Publications, Indiana,1994. 2. Bollen, M.H.J., "Understanding Power Quality Problems, Voltage sags and interruptions", IEEE Press, New York, 2000. 3. Arrillaga, J, Watson, N.R., Chen, S., "Power System Quality Assessment", Wiley, New York, 2000.
Deregulated Operation of Power Systems UNIT 1 : Need and conditions for deregulation. Introduction of Market structure, Market Architecture, Spot market, forward markets and settlements. Review of Concepts marginal cost of generation, least-cost operation, incremental cost of generation. Power System Operation: Old vs. New UNIT 2 : Electricity sector structures and Ownership /management, the forms of Ownership and management. Different structure model like Monopoly model, Purchasing agency model, wholesale competition model, Retail competition model. UNIT 3 : Framework and methods for the analysis of Bilateral and pool markets, LMP based markets, auction models and price formation, price based unit commitment, country practices. UNIT 4 : Transmission network and market power. Power wheeling transactions and marginal costing, transmission costing. Congestion management methods- market splitting, countertrading; Effect of congestion on LMPs- country practices. Loss allocation methods - Proportional sharing, incremental loss method and Z-bus method. UNIT 5 : Ancillary Services and System Security in Deregulation. Classifications and definitions, AS management in various markets- country practices. Technical, economic, ®ulatory issues involved in the deregulation of the power industry. Fixed Transmission Rights (FTR). Text Books: 1. Operation of restructured power systems - K. Bhattacharya, M.H.J. Bollen and J.E. Daalder 2. Power System Economics: Designing markets for electricity - S. Stoft 3. Power generation, operation and control, -J. Wood and B. F. Wollenberg 4. Market operations in electric power systems - M. Shahidehpour, H. Yamin and Z. Li Reference Books: 1. Fundamentals of power system economics - S. Kirschen and G. Strbac 2. Optimization principles: Practical Applications to the Operation and Markets of the Electric Power Industry - N. S. Rau 3. Competition and Choice in Electricity - Sally Hunt and Graham Shuttleworth
Electrical Distribution Systems (Elective-III) Unit 1 : General : Introduction to Distribution systems, an overview of the role of computers in distribution system planning-Load modeling and characteristics: definition of basic terms like demand factor, utilization factor, load factor, plant factor, diversity factor, coincidence factor, contribution factor and loss factor-Relationship between the load factor and loss factor Classification of loads (Residential, Commercial, Agricultural and Industrial) and their characteristics. Unit 2 : Distribution Feeders and Substations : Design consideration of Distribution feeders: Radial and loop types of primary feeders, voltage levels, feeder-loading. Design practice of the secondary distribution system. Location of Substations : Rating of a Distribution Substation, service area with primary feeders. Benefits derived through optimal location of substations. Unit 3 : System analysis : Voltage drop and power loss calculations : Derivation for volt-drop and power loss in lines, manual methods of solution for radial networks, three-phase balanced primary lines, non-three-phase primary lines. Protective devices and coordination : Objectives of distribution system protection, types of common faults and procedure for fault calculation. Unit 4 : Protective Devices: Principle of operation of fuses, circuit reclosers, line sectionalizer and circuit breakers. Coordination of protective devices : General coordination procedure. Capacitive compensation for power factor control: Different types of power capacitors, shunt and series capacitors, effect of shunt capacitors (Fixed and switched ) power factor correction, capacitor location. Economic justification. Procedure to determine the best capacitor location. Unit 5 : Voltage control : Equipment for voltage control, effect of series capacitors, effect of AVB/AVR, line drop compensation.Introduction to smart grids and Co- generation. Text Books : 1. Electric Power Distribution System Engineering by Turan Gonen, CRC Press, 2007. 2. Electric Power Distribution-by A.S.Pabla, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Company, 4th edition, 1997.
Power System Reliability (Elective-III) UNIT 1 : Elements of Probability theory: Introduction, rules for combining probabilities of events, Bernoullis trials; probability distributions: Random variables, density and distribution functions- Binomial, Poisson, normal and exponential distributions; expected value and standard deviation of Binomial distribution and exponential distribution Bath tub curve. UNIT 2 : Reliability of engineering systems: Component reliability, hazard models, reliability analysis of networks with nonrepairable components- series, parallel, series- parallel configurations and non-series-parallel configurations- minimal tie-set, minimal cut-set and decomposition methods, reliability measures, MTTF, MTTR, MTBF. UNIT 3 : Markov Chains: Introduction; transition probabilities and the stochastic transition probability matrix; classification of states; evaluation of limiting state probabilities; Markov processes one component repairable system, time dependent probability evaluation using Laplace Transform approach, evaluation of limiting state probabilities using STPM; two component repairable modes - frequency and duration concept-evaluation of frequency of encountering state, mean cycle time for one, two component repairable models, evaluation of cumulative probability and cumulative frequency of encountering merged states. UNIT 4 : Power system reliability: Generation system reliability analysis- reliability model of generation system, recursive relation for unit addition and removal, load modeling, merging of generation model with load model, evaluation of transition rates for merged state model; cumulative UNIT 5 : probability, cumulative frequency of failure evaluation; LOLP. LOLE. Expected value of the Demand not served E (D) Distribution system reliability analysis- radial networks, weather effects on transmission lines; evaluation of load and energy indices Composite system reliability decomposition method Text Books : 1. Reliability evaluation of engineering systems by R.Billinton and Ronald N.Allan, Plenum press, NY&London 2. Reliability evaluation of power systems by R.Billinton and Ronald N.Allam, Plenum press, NY&London 3. An introduction to reliability and maintainability engineering by Sharles E.Ebeling, TMH 4. Reliability modelling in electric power systems by J.Endrenyi, John Wiley & sons, NY Reference Books :
1. Power System planning by R.Sullivan , McGraw Hill 2. Probability, Random variables and Stochastic processes by Athanasios Papoulis and S.Unnikrishna Pillai, TMH
Programmable Logic Controllers and Their Applications (Elective - IV) UNIT I : PLC Basics: PLC system, I/O modules and interfacing, CPU processor, programming equipment, programming formats, construction of PLC ladder diagrams, devices connected to I/O modules. PLC programming: Input instructions, outputs, operational procedures, programming examples using contacts and coils, drill press operation. UNIT 2 : Digital logic gates, programming in the Boolean algebra system, conversion examples. Ladder diagrams for process control: Ladder diagrams and sequence listings, ladder diagram construction and flow chart for spray process system. UNIT 3 : PLC Registers: Characteristics of Registers, module addressing, holdng registers, input registers output registers. PLC Functions: Timer functions and industrial applications, counters, counter function industrial applications, arithmetic functions, number comparison functions, number conversion functions UNIT 4 : Data Handling functions: SKIP, Master control relay, Jump, Move, FIFO, FAL, ONS, CLR and Sweep functions and their applications. Bit pattern and changing a bit shift register, sequence functions and applications, controlling of two axis and three axis Robots with PLC, Matrix functions. UNIT 5 : Analog PLC operation: Analog modules and systems, Analog signal processing, multi bit data processing, analog output application examples, PID principles, position indicator with PID control, PID modules, PID tuning, PID functions , introduction to distributed control systems
Text Books : 1. John W. Webb and Ronald A. Reiss, "Programmable Logic Controllers Principle and th applications" 5 ed., PHI. 2. JR. Hackworth and F.D. Hackworth, "Programmable Logic Controllers Programming Method and applications", Jr. Pearson, 2004.
H.V.D.C. Transmission (Elective-IV) UNIT - 1 General considerations, Power Handling Capabilities of HVDC Lines, Basic Conversion principles, static converter configuration. Static Power Converters : 3-pulse, 6-pulse and 12-pulse converters, converter station and Terminal equipment, commutation process, Rectifier and inverter operation, equivalent circuit for converter special features of convertertransformers UNIT - 2 Control of HVDC Converters and systems: constant current, constant extinction angle and constant Ignition angle control. Individual phase control and equidistant firing angle control, DC power flow control. UNIT - 3 Harmonics in HVDC Systems, Harmonic elimination, AC and DC filters. Interaction between HV AC and DC systems Voltage interaction, Harmonic instability problems and DC power modulation. UNIT 4 Multi-terminal DC links and systems; series, parallel and series parallel systems, their operation and control. UNIT - 5 Transient over voltages in HVDC systems : Over voltages due to disturbances on DC side, over voltages due to DC and AC side line faults Converter faults and protection in HVDC Systems: Converter faults, over current protection - valve group, and DC line protection. Over voltage protection of converters, surge arresters. Text Books : 1. E.W. Kimbark, "Direct current Transmission", Wiely Inter Science, NewYork. 2. J.Arillaga, "H.V.D.C.Transmission", Peter Peregrinus ltd., London UK 1983 3. K.R.Padiyar, "High Voltage Direct current Transmission", Wiely Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1992. 4. E.Uhlman, "Power Transmission by Direct Current", Springer Verlag, Berlin Helberg, 1985
3. 4. 5. 6.
Electrical Power transmission line training system. DC network analyzer for short circuit studies. Parameters and Load Characteristics of three winding transformers, Power flow solution by FDC.
9. Contingency studies using load flows for generator & line outages 10. Contingency studies using ZBUS.