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Elecrical Power Systems

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(EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations


(Established by an Act No.30 of 2008 of A.P. State Legislature) Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500 085, Andhra Pradesh (India) M. TECH. (ELECRICAL POWER SYSTEMS/POWER ENGINEERING AND ENERGY SYSTEMS/ POWER SYSTEM CONTROL AND AUTOMATION/ ELECRICAL POWER ENGINEERING) (R13) COURSE STRUCTURE AND SYLLABUS I Year I Semester Code Group Subject L P Credits Advanced Power System Analysis 3 0 3 Advanced Power System Protection 3 0 3 Renewable Energy Systems 3 0 3 Modern Control Theory 3 0 3 Elective I High Voltage Engineering 3 0 3 EHV AC Transmission Microcontrollers and Applications Elective -II Power Quality 3 0 3 HVDC Transmission Distribution Automation Lab Power Systems Lab-I 0 3 2 Seminar 2 Total Credits 18 3 22 II Year I Semester Code Group Subject L P Credits Power System Dynamics 3 0 3 Flexible AC Transmission Systems 3 0 3 (FACTS) Power System Operation and Deregulation 3 0 3 AI Techniques in Electrical Power Engineering 3 0 3 Elective -III Gas Insulated Systems(GIS) 3 0 3 Electric Smart Grid Energy Auditing, Conservation and Management Elective IV Reactive Power Compensation and Management 3 0 3 Power System Reliability Voltage Stability Lab Power Systems Lab-II 0 3 2 Seminar 2 Total Credits 18 3 22 II Year I Semester Code Group Subject L P Credits Comprehensive Viva-voce 2 Project Seminar 0 3 2 Project work Part-I 18 Total Credits 3 22 II Year II Semester Code Group Subject L P Credits Project work Part-II and Seminar 22 Total Credits 22

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR I SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) ADVANCED POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS UNIT-I: Admittance Model and Network Calculations, Branch and Node Admittances, Mutually Coupled Branches in YBUS , An Equivalent Admittance Network, Modification of YBUS , Network Incidence Matrix and YBUS , Method of Successive Elimination, Node Elimination, Triangular Factorization, Sparsity and Near Optimal Ordering. UNIT-II: Impedance Model and Network Calculations, the BUS Admittance and Impedance Matrices, Thevenins Theorem and ZBUS ,Algorithms for building ZBUS Modification of existing ZBUS, Calculation of ZBUS elements from YBUS, Power Invariant Transformations, Mutually Coupled Branches in ZBUS. UNIT-III: Gauss Seidel method, N-R Method, Decoupled method, fast decoupled method, comparison between power flow solutions. DC load flow. UNIT-IV: ZBUS Method in Contingency Analysis, Adding and Removing Multiple Lines, Piecewise Solution of Interconnected Systems, Analysis of Single Contingencies, Analysis of Multiple Contingencies, Contingency Analysis of DC Model, System Reduction for Contingency and Fault Studies. UNIT-V: Fault Analysis: Symmetrical faults-Fault calculations using ZBUS- Fault calculations using ZBUS equivalent circuits Selection of circuit breakers- Unsymmetrical faults-Problems on various types of faults. TEXT BOOK: 1. John J.Grainger and W.D. Stevenson, Power System Analysis - T.M.H.Edition. REFERENCE: 1. Olle. L.Elgard, Electrical Energy Systems Theory-T.M.H.Edition. 2. Power systems stability and control, Prabha Kundur, The Mc Graw Hill companies. 3. 4. Power System Operation and Control, Dr. K. Uma Rao, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. 5. 6. Operation and Control in Power Systems, PSR Murthy, Bs Publications. 7. 8. Power System Operation, Robert H. Miller, Jamesh H. Malinowski, The Mc Graw Hill companies. Power Systems Analysis, operation and control by Abhijit Chakrabarti, Sunitha Halder, PHI 3/e , 2010 2. Modern Power System Analysis by I.J.Nagrath & D.P.Kothari Tata M Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 2nd edition. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Power System Analysis and Design by J.Duncan Glover and M.S.Sarma., cengage 3rd Edition. 2. Electric Energy systems Theory by O.I.Elgerd, Tata Mc Graw-hill Publishing Company Ltd., Second edition. 3. Power System Analysis by Grainger and Stevenson, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Power System Analysis by C.L.Wadhwa, Newage International-3rd Edition

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR I SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) ADVANCED POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION UNIT-I: STATIC RELAYS Advantages of static relays-Basic construction of static relays-Level detectors-Replica impedance Mixing circuits-General equation for two input phase and amplitude comparators-Duality between amplitude and phase comparators. AMPLITUDE COMPARATORS: Circulating current type and opposed voltage type- rectifier bridge comparators, Direct and Instantaneous comparators. UNIT-II: PHASE COMPARATORS Coincidence circuit type- block spike phase comparator, techniques to measure the period of coincidence-Integrating type-Rectifier and Vector product type- Phase comparators. STATIC OVER CURRENT RELAYS: Instantaneous over-current relay-Time over-current relaysbasic principles definite time and Inverse definite time over-current relays. UNIT-III: STATIC DIFFERENTIAL RELAYS Analysis of Static Differential Relays Static Relay schemes Duo bias transformer differential protection Harmonic restraint relay. STATIC DISTANCE RELAYS: Static impedance-reactanceMHO and angle impedance relaysampling comparator realization of reactance and MHO relay using sampling comparator. UNIT-IV: MULTI-INPUT COMPARATORS Conic section characteristics-Three input amplitude comparator Hybrid comparator-switched distance schemes Poly phase distance schemes- phase fault scheme three phase scheme combined and ground fault scheme. POWER SWINGS: Effect of power swings on the performance of distance relays Power swing analysis-Principle of out of step tripping and blocking relays-effect of line and length and source impedance on distance relays. UNIT-V: MICROPROCESSOR BASED PROTECTIVE RELAYS (Block diagram and flowchart approach only)-Over current relaysimpedance relays-directional relay-reactance relay .Generalized mathematical expressions for distance relays-measurement of resistance and reactance MHO and offset MHO relays-Realization of MHO characteristicsRealization of offset MHO characteristics -Basic principle of Digital computer relaying. TEXT BOOK: 1. Badri Ram and D.N.Vishwakarma, Power system protection and Switch gear , TMH publication New Delhi 1995. REFERENCE: 1. T.S.Madhava Rao , Static relays, TMH publication, second edition 1989. 1. Protection and Switchgear, Bhavesh Bhalja, R. P. Mahesheari, Nilesh G. Chothani, Oxford University Press. 2. Electrical Power System Protection, C. Christopoulos and A. Wright, Springer International.

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR I SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS UNIT-I: Photo voltaic power generation ,spectral distribution of energy in solar radiation, solar cell configurations, voltage developed by solar cell, photo current and load current, practical solar cell performance, commercial photo voltaic systems, test specifications for PV systems, applications of super conducting materials in electrical equipment systems. UNIT-II: Principles of MHD power generation, ideal MHD generator performance, practical MHD generator, MHD technology. Wind Energy conversion: Power from wind, properties of air and wind, types of wind Turbines, operating characteristics. UNIT-III: Tides and tidal power stations, modes of operation, tidal project examples, turbines and generators for tidal power generation. Wave energy conversion: properties of waves and power content, vertex motion of Waves, device applications. Types of ocean thermal energy conversion systems Application of OTEC systems examples, UNIT-IV: Miscellaneous energy conversion systems: coal gasification and liquefaction, biomass conversion, geothermal energy, thermo electric energy conversion, principles of EMF generation, description of fuel cells, Co-generation and energy storage, combined cycle co-generation, energy storage. Global energy position and environmental effects: energy units, global energy position. UNIT-V: Types of fuel cells, H2-O2 Fuel cells, Application of fuel cells Batteries, Description of batteries, Battery application for large power. Environmental effects of energy conversion systems, pollution from coal and preventive measures steam stations and pollution, pollution free energy systems. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Energy conversion systems by Rakosh das Begamudre, New age International publishers, New Delhi - 2000. nd 2. Renewable Energy Resources by John Twidell and Tony Weir, 2 Edition, Fspon & Co

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR I SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) MODERN CONTROL THEORY UNITI: MATHEMATICAL PRELIMINARIES Fields, Vectors and Vector Spaces Linear combinations and Bases Linear Transformations and Matrices Scalar Product and Norms Eigen-values, Eigen Vectors and a Canonical form representation of Linear operators The concept of state State Equations for Dynamic systems Time invariance and Linearity Non-uniqueness of state model State diagrams for Continuous-Time State models. UNIT-II: STATE VARIABLE ANALYSIS Linear Continuous time models for Physical systems Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Continuous-Time State Equations Solutions of Linear Time Invariant Continuous-Time State Equations State transition matrix and its properties. General concept of controllability General concept of Observability Controllability tests for Continuous-Time Invariant Systems Observability tests for Continuous-Time Invariant Systems Controllability and Observability of State Model in Jordan Canonical form Controllability and Observability Canonical forms of State model. UNIT-III: NON LINEAR SYSTEMS Introduction Non Linear Systems - Types of Non-Linearities Saturation Dead-Zone Backlash Jump Phenomenon etc; Singular Points Introduction to Linearization of nonlinear systems, Properties of Non-Linear systems Describing functiondescribing function analysis of nonlinear systems Stability analysis of Non-Linear systems through describing functions. Introduction to phase-plane analysis, Method of Isoclines for Constructing Trajectories, singular points, phase-plane analysis of nonlinear control systems. UNIT-IV: STABILITY ANALYSIS Stability in the sense of Lyapunov, Lyapunovs stability and Lypanovs instability theorems Stability Analysis of the Linear continuous time invariant systems by Lyapunov second method Generation of Lyapunov functions Variable gradient method Krasooviskis method. State feedback controller design through Pole Assignment State observers: Full order and Reduced order. UNIT-V: OPTIMAL CONTROL Introduction to optimal control - Formulation of optimal control problems calculus of variations fundamental concepts, functional, variation of functional fundamental theorem of theorem of Calculus of variations boundary conditions constrained minimization formulation using Hamiltonian method Linear Quadratic regulator. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Modern Control System Theory by M.Gopal New Age International -1984 2. Modern Control Engineering by Ogata.K Prentice Hall - 1997 REFERENCES: 1. Optimal control by Kircks

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR I SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING (Elective-I) UNIT- I: INTRODUCTION TO HIGH VOLATGE ENGINEERING Electric Field Stresses, Gas / Vacuum as Insulator, Liquid Dielectrics, Solids and Composites, Estimation and Control of Electric Stress, Numerical methods for electric field computation, Surge voltages, their distribution and control, Applications of insulating materials in transformers, rotating machines, circuit breakers, cable power capacitors and bushings. UNIT- II: BREAK DOWN IN DIELECTRIC MATERIALS Gases as insulating media, collision process, Ionization process, Townsends criteria of breakdown in gases, Paschens law. Liquid as Insulator, pure and commercial liquids, breakdown in pure and commercial liquids. Intrinsic breakdown, electromechanical breakdown, thermal breakdown, breakdown of solid dielectrics in practice, Breakdown in composite dielectrics, solid dielectrics used in practice. UNIT-III: GENERATION & MEASUREMENT OFHIGH VOLTAGES & CURRENTS Generation of High Direct Current Voltages, Generation of High alternating voltages, Generation of Impulse Voltages, Generation of Impulse currents, Tripping and control of impulse generators. Measurement of High Direct Current voltages, Measurement of High Voltages alternating and impulse, Measurement of High Currents-direct, alternating and Impulse, Oscilloscope for impulse voltage and current measurements. UNIT-IV: OVER VOLTAGES & INSULATION CO-ORDINATION Natural causes for over voltages Lightning phenomenon, Overvoltage due to switching surges, system faults and other abnormal conditions, Principles of Insulation Coordination on High voltage and Extra High Voltage power systems. UNIT- V: TESTING OF MATERIALS & ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Measurement of D.C Resistivity, Measurement of Dielectric Constant and loss factor, Partial discharge measurements. Testing of Insulators and bushings, Testing of Isolators and circuit breakers, testing of cables, Testing of Transformers, Testing of Surge Arresters, and Radio Interference measurements. TEXT BOOKS: 1. High Voltage Engineering by M.S.Naidu and V. Kamaraju TMH Publications, 3 Edition 2. High Voltage Engineering: Fundamentals by E.Kuffel, W.S.Zaengl, J.Kuffel by Elsevier, 2nd Edition. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. High Voltage Engineering by C.L.Wadhwa, New Age Internationals (P) Limited, 1997. 2. High Voltage Insulation Engineering by Ravindra Arora, Wolfgang Mosch, New Age International (P) Limited, 1995. 3. High Voltage Engineering, Theory and Practice by Mazen Abdel Salam, Hussein Anis, Ahdan El-Morshedy, Roshdy Radwan , Marcel Dekker

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR I SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) EHV AC TRANSMISSION (Elective-I) UNIT- I: E.H.V.A.C. Transmission line trends and preliminary aspect standard transmission voltages Estimation at line and ground parameters-Bundle conductor systems-Inductance and Capacitance of E.H.V. lines positive, negative and zero sequence impedance Line Parameters for Modes of Propagation. UNIT- II: Electrostatic field and voltage gradients calculations of electrostatic field of AC lines effect of high electrostatic field on biological organisms and human beings - surface voltage gradients and maximum gradients of actual transmission lines voltage gradients on sub conductor. UNIT- III: Electrostatic induction in unenergized lines measurement of field and voltage gradients for three phase single and double circuit lines un energized lines. Power Frequency Voltage control and over-voltages in EHV lines: No load voltage charging currents at power frequency-voltage control shunt and series compensation static VAR compensation. UNIT - IV: Corona in E.H.V. lines Corona loss formulae- attention of traveling waves due to Corona Audio noise due to Corona, its generation, characteristic and limits. Measurements of audio noise radio interference due to Corona - properties of radio noise frequency spectrum of RI fields Measurements of RI and RIV. UNIT- V: Design of EHV lines based on steady state and transient limits - EHV cables and their characteristics. TEXT BOOKS: 1. EHVAC Transmission Engineering by R. D. Begamudre, New Age International (p) Ltd. 2. HVAC and DC Transmission by S. Rao. REFERENCE BOOKS : 1. Rokosh Das Begamudre,Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering Wiley Eastern LTD., NEW DELHI 1987. 2. Edison,EHV Transmission line- Electric Institution (GEC 1968).

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR I SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) MICROCONTROLLERS AND APPLICATIONS (Elective-I) UNIT-I: OVERVIEW OF ARCHITECTURE & MICROCONTROLLER RESOURCES Architecture of a microcontroller Microcontroller resources Resources in advanced and next generation microcontrollers 8051 microcontroller Internal and External memories Counters and Timers Synchronous serial-cum asynchronous serial communication - Interrupts. UNIT-II: 8051- MICROCONTROLLERS INSTRUCTION SET Basic assembly language programming Data transfer instructions Data and Bit-manipulation instructions Arithmetic instructions Instructions for Logical operations on the test among the Registers, Internal RAM, and SFRs Program flow control instructions Interrupt control flow. UNIT-III: REAL TIME CONTROL INTERRUPTS: Interrupt handling structure of an MCU Interrupt Latency and Interrupt deadline Multiple sources of the interrupts Non-maskable interrupt sources Enabling or disabling of the sources Polling to determine the interrupt source and assignment of the priorities among them Interrupt structure in Intel 8051. TIMERS: Programmable Timers in the MCUs Free running counter and real time control Interrupt interval and density constraints. UNIT-IV: SYSTEMS DESIGN DIGITAL AND ANALOG INTERFACING METHODS: Switch, Keypad and Keyboard interfacings LED and Array of LEDs Keyboard-cum-Display controller (8279) Alphanumeric Devices Display Systems and its interfaces Printer interfaces Programmable instruments interface using IEEE 488 Bus Interfacing with the Flash Memory Interfaces Interfacing to High Power Devices Analog input interfacing Analog output interfacing Optical motor shaft encoders Industrial control Industrial process control system Prototype MCU based Measuring instruments Robotics and Embedded control Digital Signal Processing and digital filters. UNIT-V: REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEM FOR MICROCONTROLLERS: Real Time operating system RTOS of Keil (RTX51) Use of RTOS in Design Software development tools for Microcontrollers. 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLERS: Hardware Memory map in Intel 80196 family MCU system IO ports Programmable Timers and High-speed outputs and input captures Interrupts instructions. ARM 32 Bit MCUs: Introduction to 16/32 Bit processors ARM architecture and organization ARM / Thumb programming model ARM / Thumb instruction set Development tools. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Raj Kamal, Microcontrollers Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Design Pearson Education, 2005. 2. Mazidi and Mazidi, The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems PHI, 2000. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. A.V. Deshmuk, Microcontrollers (Theory & Applications) WTMH, 2005. 2. John B. Peatman, Design with PIC Microcontrollers Pearson Education, 2005. 3. Microcontroller Programming, Julio Sanchez, Maria P. Canton, CRC Press. 4. The 8051 Microcontroller, Ayala, Cengage Learning. 5. Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Architecture, Programming and System Design, Krishna Kant, PHI Learning PVT. Ltd. 6. Microprocessors, Nilesh B. Bahadure, PHI Learning PVT. Ltd.

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR I SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) POWER QUALITY (Elective II) UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION Introduction of the Power Quality (PQ) problem, Terms used in PQ: Voltage, Sag, Swell, Surges, Harmonics, over voltages, spikes, Voltage fluctuations, Transients, Interruption, overview of power quality phenomenon, Remedies to improve power quality, power quality monitoring. UNIT-II: LONG & SHORT INTERRUPTIONS Interruptions Definition Difference between failures, outage, Interruptions causes of Long Interruptions Origin of Interruptions Limits for the Interruption frequency Limits for the interruption duration costs of Interruption Overview of Reliability evaluation to power quality, comparison of observations and reliability evaluation. Short interruptions: definition, origin of short interruptions, basic principle, fuse saving, voltage magnitude events due to re-closing, voltage during the interruption, monitoring of short interruptions, difference between medium and low voltage systems. Multiple events, single phase tripping voltage and current during fault period, voltage and current at post fault period, stochastic prediction of short interruptions. UNIT III: 1 & 3-PHASE VOLTAGE SAG CHARACTERIZATION Voltage sag definition, causes of voltage sag, voltage sag magnitude, and monitoring, theoretical calculation of voltage sag magnitude, voltage sag calculation in non-radial systems, meshed systems, and voltage sag duration. Three phase faults, phase angle jumps, magnitude and phase angle jumps for three phase unbalanced sags, load influence on voltage sags. UNIT-IV: POWER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS IN INDUSTRIAL POWER SYSTEMS Voltage sag equipment behavior of Power electronic loads, induction motors, synchronous motors, computers, consumer electronics, adjustable speed AC drives and its operation. Mitigation of AC Drives, adjustable speed DC drives and its operation, mitigation methods of DC drives. UNIT-V: MITIGATION OF INTERRUPTIONS & VOLTAGE SAGS Overview of mitigation methods from fault to trip, reducing the number of faults, reducing the fault clearing time changing the power system, installing mitigation equipment, improving equipment immunity, different events and mitigation methods. System equipment interface voltage source converter, series voltage controller, shunt controller, combined shunt and series controller. Power Quality and EMC Standards: Introduction to standardization, IEC Electromagnetic compatibility standards, European voltage characteristics standards, PQ surveys. REFERENCE BOOK: 1. Understanding Power Quality Problems by Math H J Bollen. IEEE Press. 2. Power Quality VAR Compensation in Power Systems, R. SastryVedam Mulukutla S. Sarma,CRC Press. 3. Power Quality, C. Sankaran, CRC Presss. 4. Electrical Power Systems Quality, Roger C. Dugan , Mark F. Mc Granaghan, Surya Santoso, H. Wayne Beaty, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd.

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR I SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) HVDC TRANSMISSION (Elective-II) UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION General consideration, Power Handling Capabilities of HVDC Lines Basic Conversion principles, static converter configuration. UNIT-II: STATIC POWER CONVERTERS 3-pulse, 6-pulse, and 12-pulse converters, converter station and Terminal equipment, commutation process, Rectifier and inverter operation, equivalent circuit for converter special features of converter transformers. Harmonics in HVDC Systems, Harmonic elimination, AC and DC filters. UNIT-III: CONTROL OF HVDC CONVERTERS AND SYSTEMS Constant current, constant extinction angle and constant ignition angle control Individual phase control and equidistant firing angle control DC power flow control. Interaction between HV AC and DC systems Voltage interaction Harmonic instability problems and DC power modulation. UNIT-IV: MTDC SYSTEMS & OVER VOLTAGES Series parallel and series parallel systems their operation and control. Over voltages due to disturbances on DC side, over voltages due to DC and AC side line faults. UNIT-V: CONVERTER FAULTS & PROTECTION Converter faults, over current protection valve group, and DC line protection over voltage protection of converters, surge arresters. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. E.W. Kimbark: Direct current Transmission, Wiely Inter Science New York. 2. J. Arillaga HVDC Transmission Peter Peregrinus ltd. London UK 1983 3. KR Padiyar : High Voltage Direct current Transmission Wiely Esatern Ltd New Delhi 1992. 4. E. Uhlman : Power Transmission by Direct Current , Springer Verlag, Berlin Helberg. 1985.

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR I SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) DISTRIBUTION AUTOMATION (Elective-II) UNIT-I: DISTRIBUTION AUTOMATION AND THE UTILITY SYSTEM Introduction to Distribution Automation (DA), control system interfaces, control and data requirements, centralized (Vs) decentralized control, DA System (DAS), DA Hardware, DAS software. UNIT-II: DISTRIBUTION AUTOMATION FUNCTIONS DA capabilities, Automation system computer facilities, management processes, Information management, system reliability management, system efficiency management, voltage management, Load management. UNIT-III: COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS FOR DA DA communication requirements, Communication reliability, Cost effectiveness, Data rate Requirements, Two way capability, Ability to communicate during outages and faults, Ease of operation and maintenance, Conforming to the architecture of data flow Communication systems used in DA :Distribution line carrier (Power line carrier), Ripple control, Zero crossing technique, telephone, cable TV, Radio, AM broadcast, FM SCA, VHF Radio, UHF Radio, Microwave satellite. Fiber optics, Hybrid Communication systems, Communication systems used in field tests. UNIT-IV: TECHNICAL BENEFITS DA benefit categories, Capital deferred savings, Operation and Maintenance savings, Interruption related savings, Customer related savings, Operational savings, improved operation, Function benefits, Potential benefits for functions, and function shared benefits, Guidelines for formulation of estimating equations Parameters required, economic impact areas, Resources for determining benefits impact on distribution system, integration of benefits into economic evaluation. UNIT-V: ECONOMIC EVALUATION METHODS Development and evaluation of alternate plans, Select study area, Select study period, Project load growth, Develop Alternatives, Calculate operating and maintenance costs, Evaluate alternatives. Economic comparison of alternate plans, Classification of expenses and capital expenditures, Comparison of revenue requirements of alternative plans, Book Life and Continuing plant analysis, Year by year revenue requirement analysis, short term analysis, end of study adjustment, Break even analysis, Sensitivity analysis computational aids. REFERENCES: 1. IEEE Tutorial Course Distribution Automation 2. IEEE Working Group on Distribution Automation 3. Control and Automation of Electrical Distribution Systems, James. Northcote Green Robert Wilson, CRC Press. 4. Electric Power Distribution Automation, Dr. M. K. Khedkar, Dr. G.M.Dhole, University Science press.

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR I SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) POWER SYSTEM LAB I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Develop MATLAB program for YBUS formation. Develop MATLAB program for G-S Load Flow Analysis. Develop MATLAB program for N-R Load Flow Analysis. Develop MATLAB program for FDLF Load Flow Analysis. Develop MATLAB program for Short Circuit Analysis. Transient Stability Analysis for Single Machine connected to Infinite Bus by Point by Point Method. Develop PSPICE Program for Generation System Reliability Analysis. Develop PSPICE Program for Distribution System Reliability Analysis. Simulation of RLC Circuit using PSPICE. Simulation of Single Phase Full Converter with RLE Load using PSPICE Develop MATLAB model for Closed Loop Speed Control of Separately Excited D.C Motor. Develop MATLAB model for Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation.

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR II SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) POWER SYSTEM DYNAMICS UNIT-I: BASIC CONCEPTS Power system stability states of operation and system security - system dynamics - problems system model analysis of steady State stability and transient stability - simplified representation of Excitation control. UNIT-II: MODELING OF SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE Synchronous machine - parks Transformation-analysis of steady state performance per - unit quantities-Equivalent circuits of synchronous machine-determination of parameters of equivalent circuits. UNIT-III: EXCITATION SYSTEM Excitation system modeling-excitation systems block Diagram - system representation by state equations- Dynamics of a synchronous generator connected to infinite bus - system model Synchronous machine model-stator equations rotor equations - Synchronous machine model with field circuit - one equivalent damper winding on q axis (model 1.1) - calculation of Initial conditions. UNIT-IV: ANALYSIS OF SINGLE MACHINE SYSTEM Small signal analysis with block diagram - Representation Characteristic equation and application of Routh Hurwitz criterion- synchronizing and damping torque analysis-small signal model - State equations. UNIT-V: APPLICATION OF POWER SYSTEM STABILIZERS Basic concepts in applying PSS - Control signals - Structure and tuning of PSS - Washout circuit Dynamic compensator analysis of single machine infinite bus system with and without PSS. TEXT BOOK: 1. K.R. PADIYAR, Power system dynamics - B.S. Publications. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. P.M. Anderson and A.A. Fouad,Power system control and stability ,IEEE Presss 2. R. Ramanujam, Power Systems Dynamics- PHI Publications.

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR II SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) FLEXIBLE AC TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS (FACTS) UNIT-I: FACTS CONCEPTS Transmission interconnections power flow in an AC system, loading capability limits, Dynamic stability considerations, importance of controllable parameters basic types of FACTS controllers, benefits from FACTS controllers. UNIT-II: VOLTAGE SOURCE CONVERTERS Single phase three phase full wave bridge converters transformer connections for 12 pulse 24 and 48 pulse operation. Three level voltage source converter, pulse width modulation converter, basic concept of current source Converters, and comparison of current source converters with voltage source converters. UNIT-III: STATIC SHUNT COMPENSATION Objectives of shunt compensation, mid-point voltage regulation voltage instability prevention, improvement of transient stability, Power oscillation damping, Methods of controllable VAR generation, variable impedance type static VAR generators switching converter type VAR generators hybrid VAR generators. UNIT-IV: SVC AND STATCOM The regulation and slope transfer function and dynamic performance, transient stability enhancement and power oscillation damping operating point control and summary of compensator control. UNIT-V: STATIC SERIES COMPENSATORS Concept of series capacitive compensation, improvement of transient stability, power oscillation damping, and functional requirements of GTO thyristor controlled series capacitor (GSC), thyristor switched series capacitor (TSSC), and thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) Control schemes for GSC TSSC and TCSC. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Understanding FACTS Devices N.G. Hingorani and L. Guygi. IEEE Press Publications 2000.

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR II SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND DEREGULATION UNIT- I: OPTIMAL POWER FLOW Introduction- Solution to the optimal power flow-gradient method-Newtons method-Linear sensitivity analysis- Linear programming methods- Security constrained OPF-Interior point algorithm- Bus incremental costs UNIT-II: POWER SYSTEM SECURITY Introduction Factors affecting power system security-Contingency analysis-Detection of network problems-Linear sensitivity analysis-AC power flow methods-contingency selection-concentric relaxation-Bounding area method UNIT-III: STATE ESTIMATION IN POWER SYSTEMS Introduction- Power system state estimation- Maximum likelihood Weighted Least squares estimation-Matrix formulation- State estimation of AC network- State estimation by orthogonal decomposition- detection and identification of Bad measurements- Estimation of quantities not being measured- Network observability and pseudo measurements UNIT-IV: POWER SYSTEM DEREGULATION Introduction- motivation for restructuring of power systems- Electricity market entities modelbenefits of deregulation- terminology-deregulation in Indian power sector-Operations in power markets-power pools-transmission networks and electricity markets. UNIT-V: AVAILABLE TRANSFER CAPABILITY Introduction methods: of determination of ATC - ATC calculation considering the effect of contingency analysis- Transmission open access and pricing-cost components of transmission system- transmission pricing methods-Incremental cost based transmission pricing. TEXT BOOKS: 1. A.J.Wood & B.F.Woollenberg- John Wiley Power Generation, Operation and Control2nd edition. 2. P.Venkatesh. B.V.Manikandan, S.Charles Raja- A.Srinivasan, Electrical power systems: Analysis, security, Deregulation PHI 2012.

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR II SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) AI TECHNIQUES IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING UNIT I: ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS Introduction-Models of Neural Network - Architectures Knowledge representation Artificial Intelligence and Neural networksLearning process Error correction learning Hebbian learning Competitive learning Boltzman learning Supervised learning Unsupervised learning Reinforcement learning- learning tasks. UNIT- II: ANN PARADIGMS Multi layer perceptron using Back propagation Algorithm-Self organizing Map Radial Basis Function Network Functional link, network Hopfield Network. UNIT III: FUZZY LOGIC Introduction Fuzzy versus crisp Fuzzy sets - Membership function Basic Fuzzy set operations Properties of Fuzzy sets Fuzzy cartesion Product Operations on Fuzzy relations Fuzzy logic Fuzzy Quantifiers-Fuzzy Inference-Fuzzy Rule based system-Defuzzification methods. UNIT IV: GENETIC ALGORITHMS Introduction-Encoding Fitness Function-Reproduction operators-Genetic Modeling Genetic operators-Crossover-Single site crossover-Two point crossover Multi point crossover-Uniform crossover Matrix crossover-Crossover Rate-Inversion & Deletion Mutation operator Mutation Mutation Rate-Bit-wise operators-Generational cycle-convergence of Genetic Algorithm. UNITV: APPLICATIONS OF AI TECHNIQUES Load forecasting Load flow studies Economic load dispatch Load frequency control Single area system and two area system Small Signal Stability (Dynamic stability) Reactive power control speed control of DC and AC Motors. TEXT BOOK: 1. S.Rajasekaran and G.A.V.Pai, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic & Genetic AlgorithmsPHI, New Delhi, 2003. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. P.D.Wasserman,Van Nostrand Reinhold,Neural Computing Theory & Practice- New York,1989. 2. Bart Kosko,Neural Network & Fuzzy System Prentice Hall, 1992. 3. G.J.Klir and T.A.Folger,Fuzzy sets,Uncertainty and Information-PHI, Pvt.Ltd,1994. 4. D.E.Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms- Addison Wesley 1999.

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR II SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) GAS INSULATED SYSTEMS (GIS) (ElectiveIII) UNITI: INTRODUCTION TO GIS AND PROPERTIES OF SF6 Characteristics of GIS- Introduction to SF6 - Physical properties-Chemical properties - Electrical properties-Specification of SF6 gas for GIS application - Handling of SF6 gas before use - Safe handling of Sf 6 gas in electrical equipment - Equipment for handling the SF6 Gas - SF6 and environment. UNITII: LAYOUT OF GIS STATIONS Advancement of GIS station - Comparison with Air Insulated Substation - Economics of GIS User Requirements for GIS - Main Features for GIS - Planning and Installation components of a GIS station. UNITIII: DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF GIS STATION Introduction - Rating of GIS components - Design Features - Estimation of different types of Electrical Stresses -Design Aspects of GIS components - Insulation Design for Components Insulation Design for GIS - Thermal Considerations in the Design of GIS - Effect of very Fast Transient Over-voltages (VFTO) on the GIS design - Insulation Coordination systems - Gas handling and Monitoring System Design. UNIT-IV: FAST TRANSIENT PHENOMENA IN GIS Introduction- Disconnector Switching in Relation to Very fast Transients-Origin of VFTOPropagation and Mechanism of VFTO-VFTO Characteristics- Effects of VFTO-Testing of GIS for VFTO. UNITV: SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN GIS AND GIS DIAGNOSTICS Introduction - particles their effects and their control- Insulating Spacers and their Reliability - SF6 Gas Decomposition - Characteristics of imperfections in insulation - Insulation Diagnostic methods - PD Measurement and UHF Method. TEXT BOOK:


M. S. Naidu, Gas Insulated Substations- IK International Publishing House.

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR II SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) ELECTRIC SMART GRID (Elective III) UNITI: INTRODUCTION Introduction to smart grid- Electricity network-Local energy networks- Electric transportation- Low carbon central generation-Attributes of the smart grid- Alternate views of a smart grid. SMART GRID TO EVOLVE A PERFECT POWER SYSTEM: Introduction- Overview of the perfect power system configurations- Device level power system- Building integrated power systems- Distributed power systems- Fully integrated power system-Nodes of innovation. UNITII: DC DISTRIBUTION AND SMART GRID AC vs DC sources-Benefits of and drives of DC power delivery systems-Powering equipment and appliances with DC-Data centers and information technology loads-Future neighborhoodPotential future work and research. INTELLIGRID ARCHITECTURE FOR THE SMARTGRID: Introduction- Launching intelligridIntelligrid today- Smart grid vision based on the intelligrid architecture-Barriers and enabling technologies. UNITIII: DYNAMIC ENERGY SYSTEMS CONCEPT Smart energy efficient end use devices-Smart distributed energy resources-Advanced whole building control systems- Integrated communications architecture-Energy management-Role of technology in demand response- Current limitations to dynamic energy management-Distributed energy resources-Overview of a dynamic energy management-Key characteristics of smart devices- Key characteristics of advanced whole building control systems-Key characteristics of dynamic energy management system. UNITIV: ENERGY PORT AS PART OF THE SMART GRID: Concept of energy -Port, generic features of the energy port. POLICIES AND PROGRAMS TO ENCOURAGE END USE ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Policies and programs in action -multinational - national-state-city and corporate levels. MARKET IMPLEMENTATION: Framework-factors influencing customer acceptance and response - program planning-monitoring and evaluation. UNITV: EFFICIENT ELECTRIC END USE TECHNOLOGY ALTERNATIVES Existing technologies lighting - Space conditioning - Indoor air quality - Domestic water heating - hyper efficient appliances - Ductless residential heat pumps and air conditioners - Variable refrigerant flow air conditioning-Heat pump water heating - Hyper efficient residential appliances Data center energy efficiency- LED street and area lighting - Industrial motors and drives Equipment retrofit and replacement - Process heating - Cogeneration, Thermal energy storage Industrial energy management programs - Manufacturing process-Electro-technologies, Residential, Commercial and industrial sectors. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Clark W Gellings, The Smart Grid, Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Response- CRC Press, 2009. 2. Janaka Ekanayake, Kithsiri Liyanage,Jianzhong.Wu, Akihiko Yokoyama, Nick Jenkins, Smart Grid: Technology and Applications- Wiley, 2012. 3. James Momoh, Smart Grid :Fundamentals of Design and AnalysisWiley, IEEE Press, 2012.

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JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR II SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) ENERGY AUDITING, CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT (Elective-III) UNIT-I: BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ENERGY AUDIT Energy audit- definitions, concept , types of audit, energy index, cost index ,pie charts, Sankey diagrams, load profiles, Energy conservation schemes- Energy audit of industries- energy saving potential, energy audit of process industry, thermal power station, building energy audit. UNIT-II: ENERGY MANAGEMENT Principles of energy management, organizing energy management program, initiating, planning, controlling, promoting, monitoring, reporting- Energy manger, Qualities and functions, language, Questionnaire check list for top management. UNIT-III: ENERGY EFFICIENT MOTORS Energy efficient motors , factors affecting efficiency, loss distribution , constructional details , characteristics - variable speed , variable duty cycle systems, RMS hp- voltage variation-voltage unbalance- over motoring- motor energy audit UNIT-IV: POWER FACTOR IMPROVEMENT, LIGHTING AND ENERGY INSTRUMENTS Power factor methods of improvement, location of capacitors, Pf with non linear loads, effect of harmonics on power factor, power factor motor controllers - Good lighting system design and practice, lighting control ,lighting energy audit - Energy Instruments- wattmeter, data loggers, thermocouples, pyrometers,lux meters, tongue testers ,application of PLCs. UNIT-V: ECONOMIC ASPECTS AND ANALYSIS Economics Analysis-Depreciation Methods, time value of money, rate of return , present worth method , replacement analysis, life cycle costing analysis- Energy efficient motors- calculation of simple payback method, net present worth method- Power factor correction, lighting Applications of life cycle costing analysis, return on investment . REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Energy management by W.R. Murphy AND G. Mckay Butter worth, Heinemann publications. 2. Energy management by Paul o Callaghan, Mc-graw Hill Book company-1st edition, 1998 3. Energy efficient electric motors by John .C. Andreas, Marcel Dekker Inc Ltd-2nd edition, 19954. Energy management hand book by W.C.Turner, John wiley and sons 5. Energy management and good lighting practice : fuel efficiency- booklet12-EEO

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR II SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) REACTIVE POWER COMPENSATION AND MANAGEMENT (Elective-IV) UNIT-I: LOAD COMPENSATION Objectives and specifications reactive power characteristics inductive and capacitive approximate biasing Load compensator as a voltage regulator phase balancing and power factor correction of unsymmetrical loads- examples. UNIT-II: STEADY STATE REACTIVE POWER COMPENSATION IN TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Uncompensated line types of compensation Passive shunt and series and dynamic shunt compensation examples Transient state reactive power compensation in transmission systems: Characteristic time periods passive shunt compensation static compensations- series capacitor compensation compensation using synchronous condensers examples UNIT-III: REACTIVE POWER COORDINATION Objective Mathematical modeling Operation planning transmission benefits Basic concepts of quality of power supply disturbances- steady state variations effects of under voltages frequency Harmonics, radio frequency and electromagnetic interferences UNIT-IV: DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT Load patterns basic methods load shaping power tariffs- KVAR based tariffs penalties for voltage flickers and Harmonic voltage levels Distribution side Reactive power Management: System losses loss reduction methods examples Reactive power planning objectives Economics Planning capacitor placement retrofitting of capacitor banks UNIT-V: USER SIDE REACTIVE POWER MANAGEMENT KVAR requirements for domestic appliances Purpose of using capacitors selection of capacitors deciding factors types of available capacitor, characteristics and Limitations Reactive power management in electric traction systems and are furnaces: Typical layout of traction systems reactive power control requirements distribution transformers- Electric arc furnaces basic operations- furnaces transformer filter requirements remedial measures power factor of an arc furnace REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Reactive power control in Electric power systems by T.J.E.Miller, John Wiley and sons, 1982 (Units I to IV) 2. Reactive power Management by D.M.Tagare,Tata McGraw Hill,2004.(Units V to VIII)

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR II SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) POWER SYSTEM RELIABILITY (Elective-IV) UNIT-I: GENERATING SYSTEM RELIABILITY ANALYSIS I Generation system model capacity outage probability tables Recursive relation for capacitive model building sequential addition method unit removal Evaluation of loss of load and energy indices Examples. UNIT-II: GENERATING SYSTEM RELIABILITY ANALYSIS II Frequency and Duration methods Evaluation of equivalent transitional rates of identical and non-identical units Evaluation of cumulative probability and cumulative frequency of nonidentical generating units 2- level daily load representation - merging generation and load models Examples. UNIT-III: OPERATING RESERVE EVALUATION Basic concepts - risk indices PJM methods security function approach rapid start and hot reserve units Modelling using STPM approach. Bulk Power System Reliability Evaluation: Basic configuration conditional probability approach system and load point reliability indices weather effects on transmission lines Weighted average rate and Markov model Common mode failures. UNIT-IV: INTER CONNECTED SYSTEM RELIABILITY ANALYSIS Probability array method Two inter connected systems with independent loads effects of limited and unlimited tie capacity - imperfect tie Two connected Systems with correlated loads Expression for cumulative probability and cumulative frequency. Distribution System Reliability Analysis I (Radial configuration): Basic Techniques Radial networks Evaluation of Basic reliability indices, performance indices load point and system reliability indices customer oriented, loss and energy oriented indices Examples. UNIT-V: DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM RELIABILITY ANALYSIS - II (PARALLEL CONFIGURATION) Basic techniques inclusion of bus bar failures, scheduled maintenance temporary and transient failures weather effects common mode failures Evaluation of various indices Examples Substations and Switching Stations: Effects of short-circuits - breaker operation Open and Short-circuit failures Active and Passive failures switching after faults circuit breaker model preventive maintenance exponential maintenance times. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems by Roy Billinton and Ronald N. Allan, Plenum press, New York and London (Second Edition), 1996. 2. Reliability Modeling in Electric Power Systems by J. Endrenyi, John Wiley and Sons, 1978. (First Edition)

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR II SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) VOLTAGE STABILITY (Elective IV) UNITI: INTRODUCTION TO VOLTAGE STABILITY Definitions: Voltage Stability, Voltage Collapse, Voltage Security; Physical relation indicating dependency of voltage on reactive power flow; Factors affecting Voltage collapse and instability; Previous cases of voltage collapse incidences. UNITII: GRAPHICAL ANALYSIS OF VOLTAGE STABILITY Comparison of Voltage and angular stability of the system; Graphical Methods describing voltage collapse phenomenon: P-V and Q-V curves; detailed description of voltage collapse phenomenon with the help of Q-V curves. UNITIII: ANALYSIS OF VOLTAGE STABILITY Analysis of voltage stability on SMLB system: Analytical treatment and analysis. Voltage Stability Indices: Voltage collapse proximity indicator; Determinant of Jacobin as proximity indicators; Voltage stability margin. UNITIV: POWER SYSTEM LOADS Loads that influences voltage stability: Discharge lights, Induction Motor, Air-conditioning, heat pumps, electronic power supplies, OH lines and cables. Reactive Power Compensation: Generation and Absorption of reactive power; Series and Shunt compensation; Synchronous condensers, SVC s; OLTC s; Booster Transformers. UNITV: VOLTAGE STABILITY MARGIN Stability Margin: Compensated and un-compensated systems. Voltage Security Definition; Voltage security; Methods to improve voltage stability and its practical aspects. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Performance, operation and control of EHV power transmission systemA.CHAKRABARTHY, D.P.KOTARI and A.K.MUKOPADYAY, A.H.Wheeler Publishing, I Edition, 1995. 2. Power System Dynamics: Stability and Control K.R.PADIYAR, II Edition, B.S.Publications. REFERENCE: 1. Power System Voltage Stability- C.W.TAYLOR, Mc Graw Hill, 1994.

M. TECH. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) R13 Regulations

JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. TECH I YEAR II SEM. (EPE/EPS/PEES/PSC&A) POWER SYSTEM LAB II 1. Determination of Equivalent circuit of a 3-Winding Transformer. 2. Determination of Sequence Impedances of a Cylindrical Rotor Synchronous Machine. 3. Fault Analysis: i. Single Line to Ground fault (L-G). ii. Line to Line fault (L-L). iii. Double Line to Ground fault (L-L-G). iv. Triple Line to Ground fault (L-L-L-G). 4. Determination of Sub-transient reactances of a Salient Pole Synchronous Machine. 5. Determination of Sequence Impedances of Three Phase Transformer 6. Characteristics of Over Current Relays i. IDMT Electromagnetic Relay (7051 A). ii. Microprocessor based Relay (7051 B) 7. Characteristics of Percentage biased Differential Relay. i. Electromagnetic Relay (7054 A). ii. Static Relay (7054 B). 8. Characteristics of Over Voltage Relay. i. Electromagnetic Relay (7053 A). ii. Microprocessor based Relay (7053 B). 9. Characteristics of Under Voltage (UV) and Negative sequence Relays i. UV Electromagnetic Relay (7052 A). ii. UV Microprocessor based Relay (7052 B). iii. Static Negative Sequence Relay (7055 B). 10. Performance and Testing of Generator Protection System. 11. Performance and Testing of Transformer Protection System. 12. Performance and Testing of Feeder Protection System. 13. Performance and Testing of Transmission Line Model. 14. Differential protection on Single Phase Transformer.

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