Effect of Metal Oxide Surge Arrester On Ferroresonance in Voltage Transformer Including Nonlinear Core Losses

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International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 4, No.

5, October 2012

Effect of Metal Oxide Surge Arrester on Ferroresonance in

Voltage Transformer Including Nonlinear Core Losses

Hamid Radmanesh, Mehrdad Rostami, and Jafar Khalilpour

developed piecewise-linear methods of modelling the

Abstract— This paper studies the effect of Metal Oxide Surge nonlinearities in saturable inductances. Hopkinson [5]
Arrester (MOSA) on ferroresonance overvoltage transformer performed system tests and simulations on the effect of
(VT) considering nonlinear core losses effect. It is expected that different switching strategies on the initiation of
MOSA generally cause ferroresonance ‘dropout'. Time-domain
study has been done to study this effect. Simulation has been
ferroresonance in three phase systems. Smith [7] categorized
done on a voltage transformer rated 100VA, 275 kV. The the modes of ferroresonance in one type of three phase
magnetization characteristic of the transformer is modelled by distribution transformer based on the magnitude and
a single-value two-term polynomial with order seven. The core appearance of the voltage waveforms. Arturi [8] and Mork [9]
loss is modelled by nonlinear resistance. The simulation results have demonstrated the use of duality transformations to
reveal that connecting the MOSA in parallel to the VT exhibits obtain transformer equivalent circuits. In [10], the chaotic
a great controlling effect on ferroresonance overvoltages. Phase
plane, voltage waveforms, along with bifurcation diagrams are
behaviour of the simple power system is investigated for a
also derived. Significant effect on the onset of chaos, the range range of loading conditions through computer simulations.
of parameter values that may lead to chaos along with The analysis of the severe overvoltages caused by neutral
ferroresonance overvoltages has been obtained and presented. shift and ferroresonance due to the disconnection of one
phase of an ungrounded-ye delta transformer bank from the
Index Terms—Metal oxide surge arrestor, nonlinear core source is presented in [11]. The implications of applying
losses chaos, bifurcation, ferroresonance, voltage transformers MOSA in the distribution environment are described in [12],
[13]. In [14], the performances of MOSA exposed to
ferroresonance conditions in pad mount transformers are
analyzed. The effect of a connected MOSA in parallel to the
Ferroresonance occurs when a nonlinear inductor, usually power transformer is illustrated in [15]. Evaluation of chaotic
a transformer with a saturable magnetic core, is excited ferroresonance in power transformers including nonlinear
through a linear capacitor from a sinusoidal source, core losses is investigated in [16]. Analysis of ferroresonance
particularly in the presence of long lines or capacitive power puenomena in power transformers including neutral
cables. It is usually initiated by a system disturbance of some resistance effect is investigated in [17]. Finally effect of
form, for example, the disconnection of transformer feeder circuit breaker shunt resistance on chaotic ferroresonance in
lines or the opening of a circuit breaker in series with a voltage transformer has shown in [18], in this work
voltage transformer. Also it can produce unpredictable ferroresonance has been controlled by considering C.B
overvoltages and abnormal currents. The prerequisite for resistance effect. In all previous studies, the effect of MOSA
ferroresonance is a circuit containing nonlinear iron core on ferroresonance puenomena in voltage transformer has
inductance and some existed capacitance. The abrupt been neglected. Current paper studies the effect of MOSA on
transition or jump from one state to another is triggered by a the global behaviour of a VT ferroresonance circuit in
disturbance, switching action or a gradual change in values of voltage transformer while its core losses have a nonlinear
a parameter. The first analytical work was done by behaviour.
Rudenberg in the 1940’s [1]. More exacting and detailed
work was done later by Hayashi in the 1950’s [2].
Subsequent research has been divided into two main areas: II. SYSTEM MODELING WITHOUT MOSA
improving the transformer models and studying
During VT ferroresonance an oscillation occurs between
ferroresonance at the system level. Typical cases of
the nonlinear iron core inductance of the VT and existing
ferroresonance are reported in [3]. Effect of circuit breaker
capacitances of network. In this case, energy is coupled to the
grading capacitance on ferroresonance in VT is investigated
nonlinear core of the voltage transformer via the open circuit
in [4]. There are a number of cases of ferroresonance and a
breaker grading capacitance or system capacitance to sustain
typical case is described in [5]. Frame [6] and others have
the resonance. The result may be saturation in the VT core
and very high voltage up to 4pu can theoretically gained in
Manuscript received September 9, 2012; revised October 23, 2012. worst case conditions. The magnetizing characteristic of a
Hamid Radmanesh and Jafar Khalilpour are with the Electrical
Engineering Department, Aeronautical University of Science& Technology, typical 100VA VTs can be presented by 7 order polynomial
Tehran, Iran (e-mail: [email protected], [18]. Fig. 1 shows the single line diagram of the most
[email protected]). commonly encountered system arrangement that can give
Mehrdad Rostami is with Electrical Engineering Department, Shahed
University, End of Khalij-e-Fars High way, In front of Imam Khomeini holly rise to VT ferroresonance [18]. Ferroresonance can occur
shrine, Tehran-1417953836 , Iran (e-mail: [email protected]). upon opening of disconnector 3 with circuit breaker open and

International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 5, October 2012

either disconnector 1 or 2 closed. Alternatively it can also Per unit value of (iRm ) is given in (3)
occur upon closure of both disconnections 1 or 2 with circuit
breaker and disconnector 3 open [18]. iRm = −0.000001 + 0.0047Vm − 0.0073Vm + 0.0039Vm
2 3

Mathematical analysis of equivalent circuit by applying
KVL and KCL has been done and equations of system can be
presented as below:
λ peak = 2
ω (4)

vL =
dt (5)

d (e − vL ) ⎛ d 2λ ⎞
i = Cser = Cser ⎜⎜ e − 2 ⎟⎟
dt ⎝ dt ⎠ (6)

Fig. 1. System one line diagram arrangement resulting to VT

i = i1 + i2 + i3 ⇒
C sh
(C ser + C sh )
( 2 E cos ωt = ) 1 d 2λ
ω dt 2

( )
h + h v + h v + h3v L aλ + bλ7
2 3

The system arrangement shown in Fig. 1 can effectively be ω (C ser + C sh ) 0 1 L 2 L

reduced to an equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 2. (7)
where, ω is supply frequency, and E is the RMS supply phase
voltage, Cseries is the circuit breaker grading capacitance and
Cshunt is the total phase-to-earth capacitance of the
arrangement and in (1) a=3.4 and b=0.41 are the seven order
polynomial sufficient [18].
Fig. 2. Basic reduced equivalent ferroresonance circuit [30]

In Fig. 2, E is the RMS supply phase voltage, Cseries is the IV. METAL OXIDE SURGE ARRESTER MODEL
circuit breaker grading capacitance and Cshunt is the total Surge Arrester is highly nonlinear resistor used to protect
phase-to-earth capacitance of the arrangement. The resistor R power equipment against overvoltages. The nonlinear V-I
represents a voltage transformer core loss that has been found
characteristic of each column of the surge arrester is modeled
to be an important factor in the initiation of ferroresonance.
by combination of the exponential functions of the form:
In the peak current range for steady-state operation, the
flux-current linkage can be approximated by a linear 1 / αi
V ⎛ I ⎞
characteristic such as iL = aλ where the coefficient of the = Ki ⎜ ⎟ (8)
Vref ⎜I ⎟
linear term (a) corresponds closely to the reciprocal of the ⎝ ref ⎠
inductance ( a ≅ 1 / L ) . However, for very high currents the
where, V represents resistive voltage drop, I represents
iron core might be driven into saturation and the flux-current
arrester current and K is constant and α is nonlinearity
characteristic becomes highly nonlinear, here the
constant. This V-I characteristic is graphically represented as
λ − i characteristic of the voltage transformer is modeled as follows:
in [8] by the polynomial
i = aλ + bλ7 (1)
where, a = 3.14 , b = 0.41


In this paper, the core loss model adopted is described by a
third order power series which coefficients are fitted to match
the hysteresis and eddy current nonlinear characteristics
given in [19]:

iRm = h0 + h1 Vm + h2Vm + h3Vm

2 3 Fig. 3. V-I graphic characteristic of MOSA

International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 5, October 2012

Time Domain Simulation of over voltage on Voltage Transformer without MOV

V-I Characteristic of Metal Oxide Sure Arrester


V oltag e of T ra n s fo rm er

V o lt a g e o f M O S A (p e ru n it




0 50 100 150 200 250 300
-2 Time(perunit)

Fig. 6. Time domain simulation for chaotic motion without MOSA effect
Time Domain Simulation of over voltage on Voltage Transformer with MOV
-3 4
-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Current of MOSA(perunit)

Fig. 4. V-I characteristic of MOSA, simulated diagram\


Voltage of Transformer


Connecting MOSA to the system in Fig. 2, circuit can be -1

driven in Fig. 5. -2


0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Fig. 7. Time domain simulation for chaotic motion considering MOSA

e = 2 E sin(ωt )
Corresponding phase plan diagrams has been shown the
effect of the MOSA to damp the overvoltages and it is shown
Fig. 5. Basic reduced equivalent ferroresonance circuit with MOSA Figs. 8 and 9 for E=4 pu. It obviously shows that MOSA
clamps the ferroresonance overvoltage and keep it in E=2.5
The differential equation for the circuit in Fig. 5 can be pu. In phase plan which has been shown in Fig. 8, when the
modified as follows: overvoltage’s reaches up to 6pu, by connecting MOSA,
overvoltage’s reaches to the 2.5 pu according to the Fig. 9. It
C sh
(Cser + C sh )
( 2 E cos ωt = ) 1 d 2λ
ω dt 2
ω (C ser + C sh )
is obviously shows that MOSA clamps the ferroresonance
(9) overvoltage and keeps it in E=2.5 pu.
(h 0 + h1v L + h2 v L + h3v L aλ + bλ7 +
2 3
) 1
C series
⎛ dλ ⎞
⎜ ⎟ 10
Phase Plan Diagram of Over Voltage on Voltage Transformer without MOV

⎝ kdt ⎠
V oltage of Transform er


Values of E and ω were fixed by 1 pu, corresponding to -5

AC supply voltage and frequency. Cseries is the CB grading

capacitance and its value obviously depends on the type of -10
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
circuit breaker which is used. In this analysis Cseries is Flux Linkage of Transformer

assumed 0.5nF and Cshunt vary between 0.1nF to 3nF. Initial Fig. 8. Phase plan diagram for chaotic motion without MOSA effect

condition are V (t ) = 2 , λ (t ) = 0 at t=0, representing 4

Phase Plan Diagram of Over Voltage on Voltage Transformer with MOV

circuit breaker operation at maximum voltage. In this state, 3

system for both cases, with and without MOSA has been 2
Voltage of Transformer

simulated for E=4 pu. The studied system has a periodic 1

behavior for E=1 pu and chaotic behavior for E=4 pu, while 0

by applying MOSA, system behavior remain periodic for -1

E=1 pu and E=4 pu. Figs. 6 and 7 show the simulation result -2

for E=4 pu including of MOSA. By referring to Fig. 7 and -3

comparing with Fig. 6, it is shown the MOSA clamps the -4

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
overvoltages and after transient signal, its behavior reaches to Flux Linkage of Transformer

the normal condition. Fig. 9. Corresponding phase plan diagram considering MOSA effect

International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 5, October 2012

Another tool that was used for solving the nonlinear over voltages cross it, VT failure follows.
equation of studied system is bifurcation diagram. In this
paper, it is shown the effect of variation in the voltage and VII. CONCLUSION
capacitance of the system on the ferroresonance overvoltage VTs fed through circuit breaker grading capacitance have
in the VT, and finally the effect of applying MOSA on this been shown exhibiting fundamental frequency and chaotic
overvoltage by the bifurcation diagrams. By using the ferroresonance conditions similar to high capacity power
bifurcation diagrams, Fig. 10 clearly shows the transformers fed via capacitive coupling from nearby sources
ferroresonance overvoltage in VT when voltage of system like parallel transmission lines. Simulations have shown that
increases up to 3pu. a change in the value of the equivalent line to ground
Bifurcation Diagram of Over Voltage on Voltage Transformer without MOV
3.5 capacitance, may originate different types of ferroresonance
overvoltages. It has also been shown that chaotic
ferroresonance are not likely to occur under practical
V oltage of T rans form er

conditions but if it occurs, MOSA successfully can cause
2 ferroresonance drop out. In the case of applying MOSA,
system shows less sensitivity to initial conditions and
variation in system parameters. The presence of the arrester
1 tends to clamp the ferroresonance.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Corresponding author would like to appriciate Dr. Ali
Input Voltage(perunit)
Fig. 10. Bifurcation diagram for voltage of transformer versus voltage of Nasrabadi of the Shahed University, Tehran, Iran, for
system, without MOSA effect providing MATLAB data files for the time domain
simulations, and Mrs. Leila Kharazmi for her English editing.
System parameters are listed in Table I.
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IEE Proceedings*/Generation Transmission and Distribution148,
Mehrdad Rostami was born in 1965, Tehran, IRAN.
He received BSc, MSc and Ph.D in Electrical
[16] A. Abbasi, H. Radmanesh, M. Rostami, and H. R. Abbasi, “Evaluation
engineering from Tehran Polytechnic University (Amir
of Chaotic Ferroresonance in power transformers including Nonlinear Kabir), Tehran Iran in 1988, 1991 and 2003
Core Losses," Southeastcon, 2009. SOUTHEASTCON '09. IEEE, respectively. He is currently working as an Assistant
pp.1-5, 5-8 March 2009. professor and vice chancellor in research and
[17] H. Radmanesh, A. Abassi, M. Rostami, "Analysis of ferroresonance development of Shahed University Engineering
puenomena in power transformers including neutral resistance effect," Faculty, Tehran, IRAN
Southeastcon, 2009. SOUTHEASTCON '09. IEEE, pp.1-5, 5-8 March
[18] H. Radmanesh and M. Rostami, "Effect of Circuit Breaker Shunt
Resistance on Chaotic Ferroresonance in Voltage Transformer," Jafaar khalilpour was born in Uremia, Iran, in 1973.
Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. He received B.S. degree from Aeronautical University
71-77, 2010. of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1995 and
[19] H.W. Dommel, A. Yan, R. J. O. D. Marcano, and A. B. Miliani, in: H.P. M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Tarbiat Modares
Khincha(Ed.), Tutorial Course on Digital Simulation of Transients in University, Tehran, Iran, in 1998 and 2009, all in
Power Systems (Chapter 14), IISc, Bangalore, 1983,pp. 17-38. electrical engineering. He has been an Assistant
Professor with the Department of Electrical
Hamid Radmanesh was born in 1981. He studied Engineering, Aeronautical University of Science and
Telecommunication engineering at Malek-Ashtar Technology, Tehran, Iran.
University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, and received
the BSC degree in 2006, also studied electrical
engineering at Shahed University Tehran, Iran, and
received the MSC degree in 2009. Currently, He is PhD
student in Amirkabir University of Technology. His


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