Mitigação Da Ferrorressonância em Transformadores de Tensão em Redes MV Não Aterradas

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4, OCTOBER 2007

Mitigating Ferroresonance in Voltage Transformers

in Ungrounded MV Networks
Wojciech Piasecki, Marek Florkowski, Senior Member, IEEE, Marek Fulczyk, Member, IEEE, Pentti Mahonen, and
Wieslaw Nowak

Abstract—In this paper, it is shown that ferroresonant oscilla- given device. It is, however, common that the magnetic cores
tions involving voltage transformers (VTs) may be initiated by are temporarily subjected to saturation during transient network
switching transients in ungrounded medium-voltage networks. It phenomena, for example, such as the energizing process of a
was demonstrated that various modes of ferroresonant oscillations
may exist for the same VT type depending on the initial conditions power transformer. Magnetic saturation results in the inductive
and on the network capacitance. As the ferroresonant oscillations component becoming nonlinear. The presence of the nonlinear
pose a risk to the VTs due to large overcurrents in the primary inductance, combined with capacitance in the electrical circuits,
windings, the VTs operating in ungrounded networks should be results in the hazard of the well-known ferroresonance phenom-
protected against this phenomenon. The analysis of the classic enon. Ferroresonant phenomena pose risks to electrical power
method of protecting the VTs by means of connecting the damping
resistor to the open-delta-arranged auxiliary winding has shown networks, because the magnitude of voltages and/or currents
that often a very low ohmic value of the resistor is required may significantly exceed the maximum allowable values for a
to provide reliable protection. A new method of protecting the given piece of equipment. Vast literature exists, describing the
VTs against ferroresonance with a compact active load was thus problem of the ferroresonance phenomenon in power networks
developed. (e.g., [1]–[4]) as well as solutions aiming to mitigate it (e.g.,
Index Terms—Ferroresonance, modeling, voltage transformers. [4]). A comprehensive summary of the ferroresonance problem
was also presented in [6].
Due to the complexity of this nonlinear phenomenon,
I. INTRODUCTION avoiding the ferroresonance-related risk to the equipment often
requires a detailed case-by-case study, as simple analytical
V OLTAGE transformers are characterized by a special con-
struction and their rated power is typically very low due to
their metrological rather than power-supply function. Nominal
methods are neither sufficiently accurate nor reliable.
The aim of the work presented in this paper was to analyze
the ferroresonance phenomenon for a benchmark model corre-
primary currents in the voltage-transformer (VT) winding are
sponding to a practical situation of an ungrounded MV network
typically of the order of single milliamps at the primary voltage
using the transient simulation approach. The ultimate goal, how-
ranging from several up to tens of kilovolts. In ungrounded net-
ever, was to develop a practical approach toward protecting the
works, phase-to-ground-connected VTs may experience the fer-
VTs against the ferroresonance-related risk.
roresonance phenomenon as the neutral point of the system is
not grounded and, thus, zero-sequence oscillations are weakly
damped. The compact construction of modern epoxy-resin-cast II. ANALYSIS OF THE FERRORESONANCE INVOLVING
VTs results in the low thermal power ratings of the VTs. Since in VTS IN AN UNGROUNDED MV NETWORK
the case of the ferroresonance, the primary currents may reach
amp values, thermal power generated in the winding may easily A. Circuit Model
result in significant overheating and, finally, in the damage of For the sake of the analysis of the ferroresonance phenom-
the primary winding which, in turn, leads to the ground fault. enon in practical cases of VTs, a nonlinear transformer model
Therefore, the awareness of this problem is necessary so that an was used, characterized by a nonlinear magnetizing current-
appropriate mitigation method can be applied. flux-linked characteristic, described by a three-term polynom-
The basic principle of designing magnetic circuits of elec- inal function
trical apparatus and machinery operating in power networks is
to ensure that the magnetic flux density does not exceed the sat- for
uration level characteristic for the given material used. This cri- for
terion has to be fulfilled for normal operating conditions for a where is the winding current; is the flux link; and , , , ,
and are constants. As was shown in the literature (i.e., in [7]
Manuscript received April 3, 2006; revised November 6, 2006. Paper no. and in [8]) as well as in the former work by the authors [9], ac-
W. Piasecki, M. Florkowski and M. Fulczyk are with the ABB Corporate
curate modeling of the deep saturation region of the VT, having
Research, Kraków 31-038, Poland (e-mail: [email protected]). a critical influence on the results of the analysis, requires the de-
P. Mahonen is with the ABB Vaasa, Vaasa FIN-65101, Finland (e-mail: gree of the polynominal function of the order of tens. The use
[email protected]). of a three-term polynominal instead of a two-therm polynominal
W. Nowak is with the Department of Electrical Power, AGH University of
Science and Technology, Krakow 30-059, Poland (e-mail: [email protected]). widely used in literature allows for more precise approximation
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2007.905383 of the knee section of the magnetizing characteristic.
0885-8977/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE

Fig. 2. Definition of the stimulus.

Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit of the network model used in the analysis.

For the analysis of the three phase-to-ground-connected VTs

in the network, a simplified model of an ungrounded network
shown in Fig. 1 was used.
The circuit is comprised of the following:
Fig. 3. Current-flux-linked characteristic of the VT.
• resistance and inductance , representing the short-
circuit power of the system;
• phase-to-ground capacitance of the MV network (in- this case, the voltage source is described in the following
cluding the winding capacitance of the VT, on the order form:
of single nanofarads);
• resistance of the primary winding of the VT; for
• nonlinear magnetizing inductance of the VT described by for
the current-flux-linked characteristic ; where
• ideal transformers (ratio :1) representing the coupling to
the auxiliary windings;
• damping resistor connected to the open-delta arranged (3)
auxiliary windings. is a double-exponential surge model. In particular, for
, ,2 , and , the function
B. Initial Conditions (3) describes the standard 250/2500 s switching surge of peak
value .
In order to determine the range of network parameters for The overvoltage factor for the stimulus is expressed by
which ferroresonant oscillations may be present, two forms of the following formula:
excitation were chosen:
1) switching the sinusoidal voltage sources on at time ;
2) superimposing the standard double-exponential switching (4)
transient on the sinusoidal voltage sources.
In the first case, the three voltage sources form a positive-
sequence three-phase system. In the second case, it has been C. VT Model
assumed that at time , the switching transient is The subject of the study was a voltage trans-
superimposed (see Fig. 2) on a sinusoidal voltage source. In former. The magnetizing nonlinear characteristic of the VT was

Fig. 4. Neutral point voltage after energizing the system at t = 0; E = 130%U . Plots obtained for phase-to-ground capacitance ranging from 50 to 200 nF.

Fig. 5. Dependence of the hazardous capacitance range C 0C on the

Fig. 6. Dependence of the C 0C range on the amplitude of the switching
actual network voltage.

measured and the current-flux-linked characteristic described

by (1) was fitted to the experimental points. The fitted function D. Analytical Approach
parameters were , 125 , ,2 , , The state equation describing the circuit for the stimuli
1 , , and . defined before was solved with the use of a dedicated For-
The characteristic of the VT is shown in Fig. 3. For the tran-coded FerroSim software utilizing the IMSL numerical
analyzed VT, the so-called coefficient defining the distance of libraries. The set of differential equations forming the state
the normal operating point from the saturation level was 1,9. The equation is ill-conditioned (the ratio of the smallest and the
resistance of the primary winding and the primary to auxiliary largest eigenvalues of the Jacobian is ). Therefore, the
windings turns ratio for the given VT type were also included solving algorithm is based on the gear method (procedure
in the model. DIVPAG of the IMSL library) using the maximum timestep
The cores of the compact MV VTs are typically fabricated and the error tolerance . Using the software de-
of oriented steel sheets characterized by very low losses. Iron scribed, the time-domain analysis of the circuit to the stimuli
losses are commonly included in the equivalent circuit by in- defined was performed for various stimuli at various network
troducing a resistor in parallel with the magnetizing inductance. and stimuli parameters. The subject of the analysis was the
The iron losses for the specific VT type under study were mea- influence of the following:
sured, and the resistance value was calculated as being close • phase-to-ground capacitance ;
to 2 , which corresponds to the iron losses of less than • network voltage level;
10 W. As in the course of the initial simulations, it was found • damping resistance value ;
that the presence of the resistor of such a high value had a neg- • stimulus type
ligible effect on the simulation results and the core losses were on the type of the circuit response (nonferroresonat/ferrores-
further neglected. onant, transient/stable ferroresonance, ferroresonance mode).

Fig. 7. Neutral point voltage calculated for the switching transient of k = 5; E = 130%U . Plots obtained for phase-to-ground capacitance ranging from
20 to 270 nF.

For the ferroresonant circuit response, the short-time Fourier dissipated within the primary winding would
transform (STFT) [10] analysis of the time-domain waveforms lead to the thermal degradation of the insulation system and,
was performed in order to determine the mode type of the in consequence, to the VT failure, if no damping means were
ferroresonant oscillations. STFT maps a transient signal into a applied. Decreasing the network capacitance further below a
two-dimensional function of time and frequency, allowing one second characteristic threshold value results in ferroresonant
to analyze the time evolution of the circuit behavior. oscillations becoming unstable and decaying typically after
several seconds. The conclusion is that the stable ferroresonant
III. SIMULATION RESULTS oscillations posing the hazard to the voltage transformers exist
The results of the numerical simulations are grouped into two for a certain range of capacitance . A detailed
categories based on the type of the stimuli initiating the ferrores- analysis of the dependence of the and values shows
onant oscillations, as the circuit behavior depended strongly on that the hazardous capacitance range strongly depends on
this initial condition. the actual network voltage level, represented by . This
dependence is shown in Fig. 5.
A. Transient Response After Energizing the System (at )
B. Ferroresonant Oscillations Initiated by a Switching
Depending on the circuit parameters, the transient response
may fall into one of several clearly qualitatively distinctive cat-
egories. This is illustrated in Fig. 4, showing the time-domain The analysis of the circuit response to the 250/2500- s
dependence of the neutral point voltage on the value of the net- switching transient showed that the range is, in
work-to-ground capacitance . In all cases, the voltage-source this case, broader in each voltage level. Moreover, the analysis
level was set to 130% of the nominal voltage , and for showed that more frequency modes of the ferroresonant oscilla-
the and the corresponding to the short-circuit power of tions exist for the same circuit topology (this will be discussed
200 MVA. later). This is the feature of the nonlinear circuit for which
For the value greater than a certain critical value various oscillation modes may exist. Triggering the particular
(e.g., in Fig. 4), the oscillations of the neutral resonant mode depends not only on the circuit parameters, but
point have the character of a relatively short-time transient. The also on the initial conditions. Fig. 6 shows the dependence
period of oscillations increases with time, and the amplitude of the range on the amplitude of the switching
of the oscillations decreases monothonically. The network transient obtained for the voltage level .
reaches equilibrium in single seconds. The relatively short As mentioned before, the initial conditions and circuit param-
time and low values of overcurrent in the primary windings eters may determine the mode of the ferroresonant oscillations
generally do not pose a risk to the VTs. The situation is within the circuit of the same topology. The time-domain ex-
different when the capacitance is decreased below the amples of the oscillation modes are shown in Fig. 7, presenting
value. In that case, stable and nondecaying ferroresonant the neutral voltage calculated for and for the
oscillations are initiated. The amplitude of the oscillations switching overvoltage factor . The examples shown in
depends on the frequency mode of the ferroresonant oscillations Fig. 7 represent typical ferroresonant modes which may exist
(see Section II for details), but it may reach 18 kV. When in the circuit under study. The STFT was performed on the
this zero-sequence voltage is superimposed on the system time-domain data in order to visualize the difference between
voltage, the phase-to-ground-connected VTs experience primary the particular ferroresonant modes. The STFT spectra obtained
currents of peak values reaching 1–2 A. The thermal power for the time-domain signals from Fig. 7 are shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8. STFT spectra of the time-domain neutral voltage waveforms from Fig. 7 (phase-to-ground capacitance ranging from 20 to 270 nF).

The first case nF) represents the typical chaotic

ferroresonant mode. For this case, no dominant frequency can
be found.
The circuit changes its behavior dynamically by hopping be-
tween various quasistable modes characterized by various fre-
quencies. In the second case nF), the dominant fre-
quency (50 Hz) can be clearly defined in the neutral voltage
spectrum. This so-called harmonic mode is directly stimulated
by the power frequency sources. In the third case nF),
the circuit behaves again in a rather chaotic way. However, the
quasistable resonant modes can be indicated. The 25-Hz sub-
harmonic mode starts to dominate. A further increase of the ca-
pacitance results in stabilizing the ferroresonant mode of this
type (see spectra obtained for 120 nF and for 200 nF).
Further increase of the capacitance results in the appearance
of a low-frequency mode Hz) after a short initial tran- Fig. 9. Ferroresonant capacitance rangeC 0C in the case of the open-
sient. delta-connected damping resistor U = 130%U .

Fig. 10. Ferroresonance damping with a 12-

resistor connected to an open-delta-arranged auxiliary windings; U = 130%U . Plots obtained for phase-to-
ground capacitance ranging from 50 to 200 nF.


In the case of undamped ferroresonant oscillations, the peak
values of primary currents may reach amp values due to the fact
that the VTs operate within the deep saturation region of the
core. It is thus strictly necessary to use appropriate mitigation
methods in order to avoid thermal damage of the equipment.
Historically, the most commonly used mitigation method is the Fig. 11. New active damping device (VT-Guard) by ABB compared against a
conventional linear resistor.
resistor connected to the open-delta arranged auxiliary wind-
ings of the three single-phase VTs. The zero-sequence voltage
present at the resistor terminals results in the zero-sequence cur- the inductor) and, thus, a very precise design of the damping
rent resulting from the ferroresonant oscillations. circuit for a specific VT type is required. The use of the
This simple method, however, has a limited applicability in series connection of a saturable inductor and a resistor is
the case of the modern, compact constructions of the VTs, uti- discussed in [11].
lizing low-loss magnetic materials since typical core losses (ori- This brings about the conclusion that protecting the voltage
ented steel) are lower than 50 W, which has little effect on transformers against potential failure due to the ferroresonance
the damping properties. Both computer simulations and experi- requires the use of a damping burden that could be connected
ments showed in many cases that the resistance value needed for to the secondary windings in a selective way (i.e., the burden
efficient damping of the ferroresonant oscillations is very small must not be connected in the case of the prolonged earth fault).
and the resulting power dissipated in the damping This could be achieved by utilizing a ferroresonance detection
resistor is greater than several hundreds of watts. system capable of distinguishing between the ferroresonant and
Fig. 9 shows the simulated effectiveness of the ferroresonant the earth fault situation. Although the detection of the ferrores-
oscillations damping with the resistor and Fig. 10 presents the onance is possible, it requires intelligent signal processing, as
simulated neutral voltage for . It can be seen that various ferroresonant modes and corresponding frequencies (in-
the use of the resistor of a value larger than approximately 12 cluding 50 Hz) may exist.
has a small influence on avoiding the ferroresonance, as it only Therefore, an alternative approach was proposed, based on
decreases the value of , still leaving a broad hazardous the concept of limiting the time for which the burden is present,
range. with the use of a solid-state element. This concept has been im-
In practice, however, using a damping resistor of such a low plemented in a two-terminal active damping device recently in-
value results in a risk of thermal damage of the VTs during troduced by ABB (Fig. 11).
abnormal network asymmetry resulting from prolonged earth The burden disconnecting function is achieved with a use of
faults (8-h earth fault withstand test requirement). a positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistor connected
There are other known methods of preventing ferroresonance, in series with the resistor. The small value of the effective resis-
such as the use of a saturable inductor in series with a damping tance at the normal operating conditions results in the
resistor. ferroresonant oscillations being damped within a few maximum
This approach, despite its applicability in high-voltage (HV) oscillation periods. Prolonged zero-sequence voltage resulting
capacitive VTs with an intermediate inductive VT, is practically from the earth-fault causes a thermal transition of the PTC ele-
not used in the MV voltage transformers. The use of the ment into a high-ohmic state, which limits the secondary current
R–L circuit overcomes the thermal problem in the case of the and, thus, the power dissipation in the VTs.
earth fault situation. However, the efficiency of damping is The PTC thermistor is selected so that the low value of the
limited (it conducts current only above the saturation level of resistance is maintained for more than 1 s upon the application

Fig. 12. Ferroresonance initiated in a 6-kV ungrounded network by connecting a 3-km cable line to the substation; no prevention against ferroresonance is applied.

Fig. 13. Ferroresonance initiated in a 6-kV ungrounded network by connecting a 3-km cable line to the substation damped with the new active device is developed.

of 100 V across the device terminals. At the sustained zero- The ability of the new device to damp the ferroresonant
sequence presence condition (e.g., due to the prolonged earth oscillations was verified experimentally with various types of
fault), the PTC thermistor smoothly undergoes a transition into voltage transformers. An example of field test results is given
the high ohmic state. The sustained zero-sequence voltage main- in Figs. 12 and 13. Fig. 12 shows the phase voltages (L1, L2,
tains the high ohmic state of the PTC element limiting the cur- and L3) and the currents in two of the three VTs recorded after
rent to the level of less than 0.1 A. At this stage, the temperature connecting a 3-km cable line to an unloaded 6-kV ungrounded
of the PTC element is automatically maintained at the level of substation. Phase voltages and currents in the windings of
150 C. After clearing the earth fault and restoring the sym- the VTs clearly indicate that the switching event initiated
metry in the network, the PTC, by itself, undergoes a transition the undamped ferroresonance in the network. The observed
to the low ohmic state. The transition typically takes approxi- subharmonic mode (25 Hz) corresponded to the oscillations
mately 2 min under normal conditions. In addition to the PTC simulated for the benchmark model analyzed previously. In the
element, the device comprises a circuitry defining a level of an case of the analyzed 22-kV VT, the 25-Hz oscillations exist for
insensitivity zone in order to not load the VTs with an unnec- the capacitance value ranging from 120 nF to 200 nF. In the
essary burden in the cases of small natural network asymmetry. case of the 6-kV substation, the 1/2 subharmonic mode was
Therefore, at normal operating conditions, the device represents observed for a higher capacitance value ( – nF for a
an almost infinite value of the equivalent resistance. 3-km section of a typical 6-kV cable).

Fig. 13 shows the voltages and the currents recorded with [9] W. Piasecki, M. Florkowski, M. Fulczyk, P. Mahonen, M. Luto, and W.
the new protective device connected to the open-delta-arranged No-wak, “Ferroresonance involving voltage transformers in medium
voltage networks,” presented at the XIV Int. Symp. High Voltage En-
auxiliary windings. It can be seen that the cable switching event gineering, Beijing, China, 2005, paper F-19.
initiated the ferroresonat oscillations which were damped in less [10] Signal Processing Toolbox. User Guide, The MathWorks, Inc.
Natick, MA.
than 0.2 s. [11] G. C. Damstr, “Ferroresonance in gas-insulated substation voltage
transformers,” Power Technol. Int., pp. 87–91, 1994.
Wojciech Piasecki was born in Poland on May 15,
1) The presented analysis of the ferroresonance phenomenon 1966. He received the M.Sc. degree in electronics
in inductive VTs operating in ungrounded MV networks from the University of Science and Technology, in
indicates that the ferroresonat oscillations can be initiated Kraków Poland, Poland, and the Ph.D. degree from
the Jagiellonian University, Kraków.
as a result of switching operations. He has been working for many years in elec-
2) It was shown that the ferroresonant oscillations always tromagnetic and electrical phenomena, including
result in the presence of the zero-sequence component high-frequency and nonlinear modeling of electrical
superimposed on the phase voltages. Due to the fact that equipment. Currently, he is a Researcher with the
Corporate Research Center in Kraków. His main
the cores of the phase-to-ground-connected voltage trans- research concentrates around transient network
formers are saturated, large primary overcurrents exist, phenomena analysis.
which may lead to VT damage.
3) The sustained ferroresonant oscillations exist for a certain Marek Florkowski (M’97–SM’06) was born in
range of the system phase-to-ground capacitance. It was also Kraków, Poland, on July 3, 1965. He received the
shown that the dangerous capacitance range depends on the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electronics from the Uni-
actual network voltage resulting in an increase of the haz- versity of Science and Technology (AGH), Kraków,
in 1990 and 1994, respectively.
ardous range for the unloaded or lightly loaded networks. Currently, he is responsible for the ABB Corpo-
4) It was shown that for the same VT parameters and network rate Research Center, Kraków. From 1990 to 1992,
configuration, various ferroroesonant modes may be initi- he was with ABB Corporate Research Center, Baden-
Dättwil, Switzerland.
ated, depending on the initial conditions (voltage and stim- Dr. Florkowski is a member of CIGRE.
ulus) and on the network capacitance value.
5) The analysis of the traditional method of ferroresonance
mitigation (i.e., connecting a damping resistor to the Marek Fulczyk (M’04) was born in Poland in 1968.
open-delta-arranged auxiliary windings of three individual He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
voltage transformers) demonstrated its limited applica- engineering from the Wroclaw University of Tech-
nology, Wroclaw, Poland, in 1993 and 1997, respec-
bility to the compact modern VTs. The low intrinsic core tively.
losses result in a necessity to use a resistive burden of In 1997, he became a Research Scientist with ABB
low ohmic value and high thermal power. This poses a Corporate Research, Kraków, Poland. Currently, he
is a Group Leader of the Electrical and Engineering
thermal problem for the compact windings in the case of Systems. His fields of interests include power system
a sustained earth fault. Therefore, the simple protection protection, power system/voltage stability, real-time
method by means of a permanently connected damping collaborative technology, and 3-D modeling and sim-
ulations of phenomena in power systems.
resistor is not efficient, and a more sophisticated approach
toward mitigating the ferroresonance is needed. The new
method proposed, comprising a PTC element, overcomes Pentti Mahonen was born in Kokkola, Finland, in
the shortcomings of the traditional approach. 1946. He received the M.Sc. and Techn.Lic. degrees
in power system engineering from Helsinki Univer-
sity of Technology, Helsinki, Finland, in 1971 and
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