10 1109@epec 2018 8598456
10 1109@epec 2018 8598456
10 1109@epec 2018 8598456
Abstract— In this paper, investigation of ferroresonance different frequency components. Commonly, four types of
phenomena in medium voltage (MV) networks are presented and ferroresonance oscillations may be distinguished, [1]:
discussed. The main attention was paid to developing of adequate
digital simulation model for investigation of ferroresonance • fundamental mode: the signal waveforms are periodic
oscillations in MATLAB/Simulink program as well as to analysis and their spectra are discontinuous. The signal period is
of various conditions that may initiate ferroresonance oscillations. the same as power system period T1 which means that
In addition, two system grounding arrangements were taken into fundamental frequency component f1 dominates in signal
account with ungrounded and Petersen coil earthed neutral point. spectrum that additionally may contain large number of
In the paper simulative analyses of ferroresonance initiation harmonics (e.g. 2f1, 3f1, ...).
conditions as well as looking for signals reflecting this
phenomenon are described. The phase as well as open delta VT • subharmonic mode: for this condition the signal
voltages and their spectra were considered as signals for waveforms are also periodic, whereas the period of
ferroresonance detection. Additionally, the suppression possibility signal is a multiple of the system frequency period which
of ferroresonance oscillations was also studied. The results related brings period equal to nT1 (n is integer) and frequencies
to both ferroresonance initiation detection and its suppression are being equal f1/n. Therefore this mode is called
presented in the paper. subharmonic n or harmonic 1/n. The signal spectrum
comprises subharmonics f1/n (usually odd order, n = 3, 5,
Keywords— inductive voltage transformer; ferroresonance 7) and fundamental component f1 .
oscillations; medium voltage networks; simulation
• quasi-periodic mode: the signal is non-periodic for this
I. INTRODUCTION state and its spectrum is also discontinuous. The
frequency spectrum consists of a number of frequencies
The ferroresonance oscillations may occur in configurations (at least two components) which corresponds to a linear
where a nonlinear inductance (e.g. representing magnetizing combination of formula nfA + mfB (where coefficients n
branch of a voltage transformer, VT or CVT, power transformer, and m are integers and the ratio of fA/fB is a non-integer
etc.) is connected to the power system capacitance (e.g. value). Generally, for this mode the fundamental
capacitance of cable or transmission line, reactive power component and subharmonics may occur.
compensation capacitor bank, circuit breaker grading capacitors,
etc.), [1, 2]. The series (voltage) ferroresonance arises when • chaotic mode: for this state the signal waveform is non-
capacitance is series connected to the nonlinear inductance, periodic and its spectrum is continuous in broad band –
while the parallel (current) ferroresonance takes place for in the other words it looks like high level of noise
parallel configuration of capacitance and the nonlinear contained in frequency spectrum.
inductance. These nonlinear phenomena can occur in It can be concluded that non-linear ferroresonance
ungrounded or grounded neutral systems, both in medium oscillations can be characterized by overvoltage, overcurrent
voltage and high voltage power networks. Typical power system and waveform distortions by subharmonic and higher frequency
configurations, where ferroresonance oscillations are highly components. It may be dangerous for power system elements for
likely, are presented in details in [1, 3]. Generally, it increases the thermal (by overcurrent) and electrical (by
ferroresonance oscillations can be initiated by even small overvoltage) stresses that may destroy VTs or other equipment
change of system parameters or during transients, e.g. one- or as well as distort voltage and current measurement, which in turn
two-pole switching operations, fuse blowing, transient phase-to- may affect protection operation.
ground fault, lightning, transformer switching, loss of system
grounding [1, 2]. The ferroresonance phenomenon is complex In the literature one can find some practical examples of
due to its nonlinearity that brings several steady-state responses, destruction of power system equipment caused by
high level of signals (voltage and current) and content of many ferroresonance oscillations. The case described in [3] reported
destruction of 72 VTs in a 50 kV network in Norway. The
ferroresonance oscillations were initiated by clearing of a fault.
subharmonic mode for Xc/Xm=0.3 is presented with 3rd Fig. 9 presents spectrum of voltage for Xc/Xm=10.5 and it is
subharmonic dominating in voltage signal. The fundamental clearly seen that this is a quasi-periodic mode. The chaotic mode
mode (Fig. 8) was obtained for Xc/Xm=14 and here the was achieved for Xc/Xm=15 (Fig. 10) with the voltage spectrum
fundamental component and 3rd harmonic predominate in distributed continuously from 0 to 300 Hz.
voltage signal after ferroresonance inception.
Fig. 10. Spectrum of voltage in phase L2 (after fault clearing) for Xc/Xm = 15.
Fig. 7. Spectrum of voltage in phase L2 (after fault clearing) for Xc/Xm = 0.3.
The voltage spectra for transient phase-to-ground fault for
the assumed range of Xc/Xm ratio in the network with Petersen
coil grounded neutral (overcompensated – compensation factor
of 90 %) are depicted in Figs. 11-12, for selected phase L1 and
VT open triangle connection only. It is clearly seen that
ferroresonance oscillations did not occur – only fundamental
frequency component predominates in voltage spectrum after
switching off the fault. Analysis of graphs presented in Fig. 11-
12 revealed that observed slight disturbances are caused by
capacitors’ discharge after fault clearing. The capacitors become
discharged through Petersen coil and not through the iron cores
of VTs. One can conclude that ferroresonance oscillations are
difficult to be initiated in power system with Petersen coil
grounded neutral. Additional tests were performed for
compensation factor of 98%, 102% and 110% and for these
parameters ferroresonance also did not occur.
Fig. 8. Spectrum of voltage in phase L2 (after fault clearing) for Xc/Xm = 14.
Fig. 11. Spectrum of voltage in phase L1 (after fault clearing) for Petersen coil
grounded neutral system.
Fig. 9. Spectrum of voltage in phase L2 (after fault clearing) for Xc/Xm= 10.5.
2018 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC)
Rd1 A = (1)
or it can be calculated from:
Fig. 12. Spectrum of voltage in open delta VT connection (after clearing fault)
for Petersen coil grounded neutral system. 3 3U S2
Rd 1B = (2)
SUPPRESSION where: N – turn ratio of VTs, Lms – saturated inductance of VT
iron core in millihenries (here: 84893.25 mH), US – secondary
The possibility of ferroresonance oscillations suppression voltage of VT (here: 100/3 V), Pe – rated thermal limit burden,
was also investigated and the results are presented below. In i.e. the full power the voltage transformer can supply without
practice, the ferroresonance oscillations in ungrounded neutral overmuch high temperature rise. The rated thermal limit burden
system can be suppressed in the following manner (Fig. 13): can be determined by multiplying the total rated burden of VT
A. The open triangle circuit is closed by a resistance Rd1 being (here: 100 VA) by square of a voltage factor equal to 1.9 (for
sufficient to prevent ferroresonance; the triangle is opened ungrounded neutral system) [12].
when a ground fault occurs and then correct measurement of The damping resistance calculated with (1) is Rd1A=23.58Ω,
the zero sequence voltage can be performed; while the suppressing resistance according to (2) is Rd1B=16Ω.
B. The open triangle circuit is permanently closed by a These values of damping resistance were taken into account
resistance Rd1 being sufficient to prevent the ferroresonance; during testing of suppression method C. In addition, closing
correct measurement of zero sequence voltage is based on times (time when damping resistance is connected to VT open
processing of phase voltages (not from the voltage on triangle) tclose = 0.02, 0.4 and 2 s were considered.
resistance Rd). The ferroresonance suppression effectiveness is presented in
C. The triangle circuit is normally open and voltage becomes Fig. 14 for closing time of suppressing resistance tclose=0.02s
measured to detect ferroresonance oscillations; then the (one fundamental period). The presented graph shows that
suppressing resistance Rd1 is connected for a certain time. ferroresonance oscillations were not suppressed effectively for
the whole assumed range of Xc/Xm ratio, especially for Xc/Xm less
In the considered methods (points A÷C) an additional than 4, where subharmonics dominate. It can be noticed that
resistance is used which is connected in parallel to the damping better results were obtained for lower suppressing resistance
resistance Rd. Generally, the suppressing resistance Rd1 should Rd1B=16 Ω (red curve).
be very low (compared to damping resistance Rd) in order to
effectively suppress ferroresonance oscillations. However, low
value of suppressing resistance Rd1 can cause quite a large
current flow (which increases thermal stresses to the VTs or this
would probably blow the fuse) and further disturb the
measurement of zero-sequence voltage (as a result the phase-to-
ground fault cannot be correctly identified). Therefore,
suppression of ferroresonance in this manner should be very
carefully studied. Of these three methods the method C is most
preferred since the suppressing resistance is connected to open
triangle only when the ferroresonance oscillations take place.
This method is advantageous since the VTs are thermally
stressed only for a short period of time, otherwise than the other
methods (A and B). However, this manner requires an algorithm
for detection of ferroresonance oscillations.
In the references [10], [11] it is proposed to calculate the Fig. 14. Ferroresonance oscillations initiated by transient phase-to-ground fault
– effectiveness of suppression vs. Xc/Xm ratio for tclose= 0.02 s.
value of damping resistance Rd1 according to:
2018 IEEE Electrical Power and Energy Conference (EPEC)
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IV. CONCLUSION Paper Industry Technical Conference, Portland, OR, 8-12 June 1992,
In the paper the ferroresonance phenomena in MV networks pp.148-158.
are discussed. For the sake of simulation analyses an appropriate [9] SimPowerSystems. User Guide, The MathWorks, Inc. Natick, MA.
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spectra presented it turned out that after non-linear oscillation of the IEEE Power India Conference, New Delhi, 2006.
inception the dangerous overvoltage (even 2.5 p.u.) can take [12] IEC 60044-2, ‘‘Instrument transformers - Part 2: Inductive voltage
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place which may eventually lead to damage of the VTs. If the
network protection is based on zero-sequence quantities it may