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IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM)

Supplement to Airport Handling Manual

IGOM Effective 1 April 2013

2nd Edition

IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM)

Supplement to Airport Handling Manual
IGOM Effective 1 April 2013

International Air Transport Association


2nd Edition

DISCLAIMER. The information contained in this
publication is subject to constant review in the light
of changing government requirements and regulations. No subscriber or other reader should act on
the basis of any such information without referring
to applicable laws and regulations and/or without
taking appropriate professional advice. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, the
International Air Transport Association shall not be
held responsible for any loss or damage caused
by errors, omissions, misprints or misinterpretation
of the contents hereof. Furthermore, the International Air Transport Association expressly disclaims
any and all liability to any person or entity, whether
a purchaser of this publication or not, in respect of
anything done or omitted, and the consequences of
anything done or omitted, by any such person or entity in reliance on the contents of this publication.
International Air Transport Association. All
Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, recast, reformatted or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission from:
Senior Vice President
Safety, Operations & Infrastructure
International Air Transport Association
800 Place Victoria
P.O. Box 113
Montreal, Quebec

Airport Handling Manual 34th EditionIATA Ground Operations Manual Supplement

ISBN 978-92-9252-120-2
2013 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
Record of Revisions .............................................................................................................................. IGOM-vii
Issue and Revision Dates by IGOM Numerical Sequence ...................................................IGOM-viii
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ IGOM-ix

Purpose and Scope ................................................................................................................ IGOM-ix

Applicability ............................................................................................................................. IGOM-ix

IGOM Organization ................................................................................................................. IGOM-ix

Manual Revisions .................................................................................................................... IGOM-ix

English Language ................................................................................................................... IGOM-ix

Wording Conventions .............................................................................................................. IGOM-x

Standard Format ...................................................................................................................... IGOM-x

References .............................................................................................................................. IGOM-x

Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................... IGOM-xi


Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................. IGOM-xi


Feedback ................................................................................................................................ IGOM-xi


Variations ................................................................................................................................ IGOM-xi


IGOM References .................................................................................................................. IGOM-xii

Chapter 1: Passenger Handling Procedures .......................................................................................IGOM-1


Passenger Departure .............................................................................................................. IGOM-1


Passenger Security ................................................................................................................. IGOM-4


Passenger Arrival, Transfer and Transit ..................................................................................IGOM-5


Special Categories of Passengers .......................................................................................... IGOM-6


Passenger Irregularities ......................................................................................................... IGOM-15

Chapter 2: Baggage Handling Procedures ........................................................................................IGOM-17


Cabin Baggage ...................................................................................................................... IGOM-17


Checked Baggage ................................................................................................................. IGOM-18


Special Baggage ................................................................................................................... IGOM-19


Baggage Handling ................................................................................................................. IGOM-21


Baggage Security .................................................................................................................. IGOM-23


Mishandled Baggage ............................................................................................................. IGOM-24

Chapter 3: Cargo/Mail Handling Procedures .....................................................................................IGOM-27


Cargo Acceptance ................................................................................................................. IGOM-27


Information and Data Transmission to Load-Control ............................................................IGOM-29


Damage and Irregularities ..................................................................................................... IGOM-29


Accuracy of Cargo Scales ..................................................................................................... IGOM-29


Cargo Forwarding Storage and Preparation for Flight ..........................................................IGOM-30


Cargo Surface Transportation and Transfer ..........................................................................IGOM-31


Cargo Breakdown, Delivery, in Transit and Transfer ............................................................IGOM-33

Chapter 4: Aircraft Handling Procedures ...........................................................................................IGOM-37


Ramp Safety in Aircraft Handling .......................................................................................... IGOM-37


Potable Water Servicing ........................................................................................................ IGOM-44


Toilet Servicing ...................................................................................................................... IGOM-44


Safety During Fueling/Defueling ............................................................................................IGOM-46


Adverse Weather Conditions ................................................................................................. IGOM-48


Safety Cones ......................................................................................................................... IGOM-49


Aircraft Chocking ................................................................................................................... IGOM-54


Hand Signals ......................................................................................................................... IGOM-59


Aircraft Arrival ........................................................................................................................ IGOM-82


Aircraft Doors ......................................................................................................................... IGOM-84


Aircraft Departure .................................................................................................................. IGOM-88


Aircraft Towing ....................................................................................................................... IGOM-97

Chapter 5: Load Control .................................................................................................................... IGOM-101


Load Control Principles ....................................................................................................... IGOM-101


Regulatory Requirements .................................................................................................... IGOM-101


Load Control Process Flow ................................................................................................. IGOM-102


Load Control Requirements ................................................................................................IGOM-103

Table of ContentsIGOM

Load Information Exchange ................................................................................................IGOM-103


Load Planning ...................................................................................................................... IGOM-104


Aircraft Loading ................................................................................................................... IGOM-104


Reporting Actual Load ......................................................................................................... IGOM-105


Notification to the Captain (NOTOC) ...................................................................................IGOM-105


Weight and Balance Calculation .........................................................................................IGOM-106


Weight Recording ................................................................................................................ IGOM-106


Departure Control System (DCS) Process ..........................................................................IGOM-106

Chapter 6: Airside Supervision and Safety ......................................................................................IGOM-121


Introduction .......................................................................................................................... IGOM-121


Supervision Scope ............................................................................................................... IGOM-121


Ramp Supervision Requirements ........................................................................................IGOM-121


Precision Time Schedule ..................................................................................................... IGOM-122


Event Response and Reporting Process ............................................................................IGOM-123

Annex A ............................................................................................................................................... IGOM-127

National Aviation Authorities/Regulator Variations ..............................................................IGOM-127
Airport Authority Variations .................................................................................................. IGOM-127


Record of Revisions
Edition Number

Revision Number

Issue Date

Effective Date

1st Edition

Revision No. 0

April 2012

April 2012

2nd Edition

Revision No. 0

April 2013

April 2013



Issue and Revision Dates by IGOM Numerical Sequence
IGOM Number

Original Issue

Latest Review

Applicability - editorial changes and revised text

Apr 12

Apr 13


Risk Assessment of Changes - revised text

Apr 12

Apr 13


Communication - new sub-section

Apr 13


Feedback - changed text and reference to online form

Apr 12


Variations - new section

Apr 13


IGOM References - new section

Apr 13


Issue and Revsion Dates by IGOM Numerical Sequence - new table

Apr 13


Cabin Baggage - heading change, editorial changes and revised text

Apr 12

Apr 13


Checked Baggage - editorial changes and revised text

Apr 12

Apr 13


Special Baggage - editorial changes and revised text

Apr 12

Apr 13

Wheelchairs and Mobility Aids - alignment with DGR naming conventions

Apr 12

Apr 13


Baggage Handling - editorial changes and revised text

Apr 12

Apr 13





Apr 13

Baggage Security - editorial changes and revised text

Apr 12

Apr 13


Mobility Aids - alignment with DGR naming conventions

Apr 12

Apr 13


Cargo Acceptance - editorial changes and revised text

Apr 12

Apr 13


Cross-check of eAWB Data - new sub-section

Apr 13


General Hygiene Precautions - editorial changes and revised text

Apr 12


Fuel Spillage - new step inserted

Apr 13


Wheel Chock Placement - editorial changes and revised text

Apr 12

Apr 13


Regional Aircraft Chocking - revised procedure

Apr 12

Apr 13

Departure Communication Dialogue - editorial changes and revised text

Apr 12

Apr 13

Annex A

Annex A - Variations - new annex

Apr 13


Apr 13



Purpose and Scope

The IATA Ground Operations Manual (IGOM) defines ground handling standards for airlines and ground service providers to
ensure ground operations activities are safely, efficiently, and consistently accomplished. Procedures reflect the minimum
standards as identified by the aviation industry.


The IGOM is to be used by operators and ground service providers as a core set of ground operations procedures in the conduct
of ground handling functions. It also applies to staff entering the aircraft for purposes such as catering, cleaning or supervision,
but specifically excludes aircraft maintenance, fuelling or de-icing tasks. While all relevant factors have been taken into
consideration and these procedures constitute best practice, some additional information may be required:

Any supplementary airline specific instructions which are required, especially pertaining to aircraft, GSE or their product,
shall be presented in the airline's GOM;

In the event an airline has to deviate from the published IGOM procedure, then this must be shown in the airline's GOM.

If a regulatory authority mandates procedures other than those in IGOM, then these shall be filed according the paragraph
12 below.

IGOM Organization

The IGOM is organized as follows:


Chapter 1: Passenger Handling Procedures

Chapter 2: Baggage Handling Procedures

Chapter 3: Cargo/Mail Handling Procedures

Chapter 4: Aircraft Handling Procedures

Chapter 5: Load Control

Chapter 6: Airside Supervision and Safety

Manual Revisions

IATA publishes annual editions of this manual to ensure the content remains current. The edition is depicted on the cover page of
the manual and at the bottom of each individual page. The issue date and effective date of each edition is indicated in the record
of revisions section.
A temporary revision (TR) may be issued in order to meet urgent needs. A TR is not included in the body of the IGOM, and is
accompanied by specific instructions as to applicability.


Manual Revision Symbols

addition of a new item
change to an item
cancellation of an item


Risk Assessment of Changes

Any change to a published IGOM procedure will be managed by the IGOM task force according to the guidelines in AHM 621.
Operational changes shall only be implemented if they increase safety or improve efficiency, in that order.


English Language

This manual is written in International English in accordance with IATA policy.



All standard communication between Flight Crew or Cabin Crew and the ground staff shall be in English unless a clear and
unambiguous exchange can be conducted in a common language.





Wording Conventions
May/need not/not necessary/not required: indicates that compliance is optional.
Note: indicates an important point about which the manual user needs to be made aware.
Should/if possible/whenever possible: indicates that compliance is considered optional, but desirable.
Shall/must/necessary/need/required: indicates that compliance is considered mandatory.
Shall not/must not/may not: indicates that something is not allowed/permitted, or is forbidden.


Quotations are used within this manual to designate the following:

the exact verbiage to be spoken during oral communication;

the exact verbiage to be written into forms;

the title of hand signals.



Italics are used within this manual to designate the following:

the titles of manuals or documents;

foreign words that have not been assimilated into International English;

the writer's emphasis on certain words;



Standard Format

If the order of various items presented is irrelevant, bullet points are used:



Sub item

Sub item
If the order in which the items are presented is relevant (in step-by-step procedures), numbers are used:
1. Step 1
2. Step 2
3. Step 3


Caution and Danger

These are presented in separate boxes as follows:

Representing a general caution.

Representing a personal danger for the person.


Within the IGOM, reference may be made to any of the following manuals published by IATA:

The IATA Airport Handling Manual (AHM)

The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR)

The IATA Live Animals Regulations (LAR)

The IATA Passenger Service Conference Resolution Manual (PSCRM)

The IATA Perishable Cargo Regulations (PCR)




The IATA Reference Manual for Audit Programs (IRM)

The IATA Security Manual (SecM)
The IATA Travel Information Manual (TIM)
The IATA Travel Information Manual database (TIMATIC)
The IATA ULD Technical Manual (UTM)


Every effort has been made to reference the best sources possible and the IGOM task force is comprised of knowledgeable
experts from the ground handling and aviation industry. However, in a manual that is globally applicable, it is possible that there
are procedures or instructions in the IGOM that do not align with certain local practices, or situations. In such cases, common
sense and safety shall prevail.

10 Acknowledgements
IATA would like to thank the members of the IGOM Task Force for the vital role they have played in the development of IGOM,
as well as other individuals and groups who have taken the time and made the effort to provide us with comment and feedback.

11 Feedback
While every effort has been made to ensure that IGOM reflects a globally applicable industry best practice, we welcome feedback
and constructive criticism. This manual will undergo review and updating through the IGOM Task Force.
To submit any feedback, it is essential to provide the following details for your feedback to be considered:

First Name

Last Name

Name of Company


E-mail address

Business hours telephone number

Feedback is to be provided in the online form.
Reference must be made to the applicable chapter and section numbers, providing as much detail as possible.
Feedback shall be submitted via the online IGOM Feedback form available at:

12 Variations


A variation is the term used for a requirement to deviate from a procedure that has been published in the IGOM due to
requirements that have been mandated by the relevant aviation authorities. Such authorities can be National Aviation
Authorities/Regulators and/or Airport Authorities. The focus of any variation shall always be on improving safety.



IGOM includes only those variations which were submitted to IATA and each Operator and Ground Service Provider is advised to
check the applicable laws and regulations within a State or at an Airport of operations.


Submission Process

Any of the entities listed below are entitled to submit a variation to IATA:


Ground Service Providers

National Aviation Authorities/Regulators

Airport Authorities



The submission process is as follows:
(i) Variations shall be submitted via the online IGOM Variation Request form available at:
(ii) Complete the mandatory fields of the variation request form;
(iii) The following information must be provided:
(a) Identify the IGOM procedure using chapter and section numbers
(b) Outline the difference(s) between the published procedure and the regulation
(c) Provide the Law/regulation reference - title, chapter, provision etc. including the text of the relevant law/regulation
(d) Provide the State/Airport requirement that is to be listed in IGOM
(e) State the validity period. Specify if the procedure is temporary or permanent. State the effective from date and, if
temporary, the effective to date
(f) Add any extra clarification or reference to regulations, as required.
(iv) Submit the form online
(v) Each submission will be reviewed by IGOM Task Force during the task force meetings.



If the variation request meets all the above criteria it will be accepted and published in the IGOM Annex A



A variation will be rejected if:

The process is not complied with or the criteria above are not met;

The submitting entity will be notified and provided with a reason for the rejection.



A variation can be permanent or temporary.

Each variation must be submitted with a specific validity period, comprising of an effective date and an expiry date, which will be
included in Annex A.
The following are possible reasons for temporary variations:

Seasonal climate changes;

All temporary variations will be automatically marked in Annex A as not used in the next IGOM Edition after the expiry date is
reached. The not used entry will remain in the IGOM for one year, after which it will be automatically deleted from Annex A.



The renewal process is identical to the submission process. The responsibility for renewing the variation lies with the submitting
entity. The submitting entity shall also advise IATA if any subsequent change to the IGOM renders the variation obsolete.


Publication and Format

Each variation will be given a unique identifier consisting of a code according to:

National Aviation Authorities/Regulators (State ISO codes)

Airport Authorities (3 letter IATA codes)

and a number. The numbering shall be sequential and follows the same logic as used in the IATA DGR. For example: CHG-01
All variations will be published in Annex A of the IGOM. Annex A will also be available without restrictions on:

13 IGOM References
For ease of referencing it is recommended to add IGOM references to airline GOMs.



Chapter 1:

Passenger Handling Procedures

Passenger Departure
Pre-Departure Activities Passenger Pre-Flight Preparation

Prepare check-in for flights in accordance with operating airline policy prior to the opening of web or airport check-in, and to verify
all necessary data has been transferred into the check-in system correctly.

Review the booking status.

For code share flights with an active blocked space agreement, check the allotment to ensure the block of seats, as agreed,
is guaranteed to the partner.

Review the curtain version (if applicable).

Confirm the Passenger Name List (PNL) and Additions and Deletions List (ADL) were properly transmitted and match the
booking status.

Block seats for security officers, crew, weight and balance, and if seats are unserviceable.

Confirm the seating plan is set according to the actual aircraft type and version.

Review the flight remarks, if applicable.

Record passenger status on PNR, if applicable.

Review the boarding time, departure time, and gate. Brief staff about the reason for any delays.

Apply payload restrictions, if any.

Check the passenger list for special passengers (e.g. WCH, UM, etc.) and pre-assign as per operating airline policy and
according to the aircraft type.

If not pre-reserved, prepare seating for families traveling with infants or children, as per operating airline policy.

Where free/open seating is applied, inform the crew and passengers and ensure special category passengers have
appropriate seats.

Ensure flight status is open for web check-in if applicable.

Check-in is opened once the pre-flight preparation is complete.


Check-In Counter Requirements

Prior to opening the check-in counters:

Start and test equipment.

Ensure scales are functioning.

Stock boarding card and bag tag printers as per operating airline requirements.

Ensure adequate stock of any other operating airline required tags.

Display operating airline required signage, both electronic and manual versions.

Ensure Dangerous Goods notifications are prominently displayed at the check-in area as well as ticket offices, baggage
drop-off areas, self serve check-in areas, and transfer counters.

Prepare check-in queues, stanchions, carpets, baggage sizers, podiums etc., as per operating airline specifications.


Passenger Check-In Check-In Deadlines

Apply check-in deadlines as per operating airline policy, respecting applicable passenger rights and on-time departure
requirements. Operating Carrier, Marketing Carrier and Wet Lease

Advise the passenger of the operating carrier no later than the time of check-in, if different than the one noted as the carrier on
the ticket. Check-In Types

Check-in may be provided at check-in counters, via self service methods such as web check-in, kiosk or SMS, and may be
performed using a departure control system (DCS) or manually.



IGOMChapter 1

Manual Check-In

Where no DCS is available or in case of DCS failure, apply established manual check-in procedures.
Local back-up procedures must be established in every station and tested regularly, and include provisions for the collection and
transmission of API data as required.

Through Check-In

Perform through check-in whenever possible and as per the interline agreement. Travel documents must be checked for all
through-checked parts of the journey.
If an airport change is involved, through check-in is permitted; however, through baggage tagging is not permitted.

Return Check-In

For return check-in to be permitted:

the return journey must be within 24 hours after departure;

no checked baggage is permitted;

no change of cities is involved;

operating airline approval is required.

Self-Service Check-In

Online/web check-in may be offered if the following conditions are met:

The passenger is holding an electronic ticket.

The passenger is departing from an airport where the operating airline's or ground handler's DCS is in use.

The passenger meets any other qualifying criteria set by the operating airline.

Mobile Check-In

Mobile check-in may be offered if the following conditions are met:

The passenger holds an electronic ticket.

The passenger is departing from an airport where the operating airline's or ground handler's DCS is in use.

The passenger meets any other qualifying criteria set by the operating airline.

SMS Check-In

SMS check-in is applicable provided the following conditions are met:

The passenger has registered for SMS check-in.

The passenger holds an electronic ticket.

The passenger is departing from an airport where issuance of a mobile boarding card is applicable.

Check-In Opening

Conduct a staff briefing for check-in agents before the check-in counters are opened and receive and review any summarized
flight information.


Baggage Drop-Off

Passengers who have used a self-service check-in facility may drop their checked baggage at a baggage drop-off.

Review the boarding pass and pull up the passenger data in the check-in system.

Verify identity and travel document, assess carry-on baggage, and accept checked baggage.

Add baggage information and any SSR's to the DCS if required and apply any related fees as per operating airline policy.


Travel Documents and Verification

Check the validity of the ticket with regard to the itinerary, flight, date, carrier, reservation status, class, and restrictions.
Check the ticket for the final destination and confirm this with the passenger.
Verify the passenger's identity against the travel document presented, including review of date of birth, expiry status of
document, a visual comparison of the photo to the passenger, and ensure the name on the travel document matches the
booked name.
Verify the travel document is valid and good for all persons traveling, as not all States allow family members to be registered
in a single passport.
Report any document that shows signs of tampering.
Locate the passenger in the DCS and review any special remarks.
Check travel documents for destination and/or transit requirements.



Passenger Handling ProceduresIGOM

Review Visa or entry conditions or limitations if required.

Collect Advanced Passenger Information (API) if required.
When you identify an issue with a document, notify your supervisor who will contact the appropriate authority for assistance. Advance Passenger Information

Many governments require airlines to submit advanced passenger electronic data (API) at specified times for disembarking
Information is generally collected at the time of check-in, or provided from data collected during booking, and verified during
presentation of the travel document.
As per operating airline instructions, collect API data at the time of check-in, or review data already provided.
Transmit API data at pre-arranged times to recipients specified by the airline. Always protect passenger's personal information
and securely dispose of any related paperwork not kept on file.


Passenger Acceptance Requirements for Passenger Acceptance

Certain categories of passengers may be refused travel at the operating airline's discretion. Apply the operating airline policies
with respect to acceptance. Seating
Each passenger (except infants not occupying a separate seat) is assigned an individual seat number per flight. Certain airlines
operate a free/open seating policy.

Allocate seating for special categories of passengers in accordance with operating airline policy.

The acceptance of passengers on the waitlist is based on booking status and operating airline directives. Exit Row Seating

Passengers occupying emergency exit row seating must be able-bodied, and therefore excludes INF, UMNR, MEDA, etc.
Occupancy of emergency exit rows is restricted in accordance with operating airline policy and host state requirements.


Passenger Boarding

Check that boarding facilities and gate monitors are displaying flight information.
Ensure Dangerous Goods and Prohibited Articles notices are displayed at the boarding gate.
If walking on apron, ensure the route to the aircraft is safe and clearly marked for both passengers and staff.
For jetbridge boarding, secure and mark off the route to the aircraft.
Obtain clearance for boarding from the flight crew and according to local procedures and operating airline policy.
Follow safety requirements for fuelling in progress as per operating airline GOM.
Make boarding announcements as per operating airline standards.
Follow policies for passengers requiring assistance or pre-boarding.
Verify each passenger's identity as per the requirements.
Check the name on the passenger identity document with the one on the ticket, and visually match passenger with
Confirm each passenger's boarding acceptance in the DCS before allowing them to board.
For manual or non automated boarding, check the flight number and date on the boarding card.
Apply cabin baggage policies of the operating airline, and account for any gate tagged items.
Secure the flight by matching the checked-in passengers to the boarded passengers.
Provide final passenger numbers to cabin crew.
Provide required flight documents to cabin crew.
Send required post flight messages upon flight close out. Passenger Boarding Discrepancies

If there are passenger discrepancies (minus or plus), they must be resolved prior to closing the aircraft door.

Make every attempt to locate missing passengers and obtain visual proof of boarding and documents if they are located on
the aircraft.

Apply operating airline procedures and government regulations with respect to the removal of checked baggage of
passengers who check-in but fail to board.

Notify crew and load controller of any last minute changes to passenger and/or baggage load.



IGOMChapter 1

Boarding in Case of DCS Breakdown

Where no DCS is available or in case of DCS failure, apply manual boarding procedures.
Ensure the final checked-in count matches the boarded passenger count prior to door closure and prepare and board a final


Flight Documents

Provide the flight crew with the required documents according to the operating airline specifications.

Passenger Information List (PIL)

The Passenger Information List (PIL) provides information to the cabin crew about passengers on board, (name, seat number,
special service requirements).

Provide a PIL to the senior cabin crew member before departure.

Other Flight Documents

Other required documents may include:

final manifest;

bag tag list for double destination flights;

general declarations if required;

other special information (i.e. INAD documents, etc.).


Post Flight Departure Activities


Ensure all relevant messages are dispatched to the appropriate addresses, as per the operating airline specifications.
Messages may include:

Teletype Passenger Manifest (TPM)

Passenger Transfer Message (PTM)

Passenger Service Message (PSM)

Passenger Protection Message (PPM)

Seat Occupied Message (SOM)

Industry Discount Message (IDM)

Advance Passenger Information (API)

Electronic Ticket List (ETL)

Flight Document Retention

Retain (electronically or paper files) flight documents as per operating airline procedures and for a period of no less than three
months unless otherwise specified.


Passenger Security


Security of Documents
Boarding Passes, Transit Cards and Baggage Tags

All materials used for passenger and hold baggage processing (e.g. boarding cards, baggage tags, FIMs, vouchers, stamps)
must be protected or be under surveillance at all times in order to prevent unauthorized access and use.

Disposal of Printed Documents

Printed material such as boarding passes, passenger lists, and handling forms may have to be reprinted and are therefore left
behind as waste. Dispose of these documents according to data protection rules, as they contain passenger data.

Information Security

Departure control systems (check-in systems) must be controlled to prevent unauthorized access.

Follow airport procedures intended to prevent unauthorized use and access to un-issued (blank) boarding passes.

Before leaving the counter, remove boarding cards and baggage tags from the respective printers or lock them.

Before leaving the counter, sign-out, log-off and lock the system.

Observe regulations concerning the usage of sign-ins and passwords.



Passenger Handling ProceduresIGOM Restricted Areas
Secure all gate and departure areas by keeping doors closed, use appropriate barricades when directing passengers.

Ensure all access doors are closed when not in use.

Position staff as required to direct passengers.

If passengers have to walk on the apron to aircraft, ensure passengers proceed directly to the aircraft.

If transportation has to be provided to passengers to move them from the terminal building to the aircraft, make sure only
authorized personnel and screened passengers are allowed to board the vehicle.


Passenger Suitability for Travel

Assess each passenger in terms of security risk by looking for anomalies and observing certain emotional characteristics and/or
body language. Be on the lookout for overall fitness to fly, including potentially contagious diseases, medical conditions,
intoxication, etc.
Further questioning may be required to assist with passenger assessment.

When you identify a potential problem passenger, notify your supervisor.

The supervisor will contact the appropriate local authority for assistance.


Passenger Arrival, Transfer and Transit



Review the pre-arrival information from DCS and/or messages.

Prepare for short connections if applicable.

Arrange facilitation for passengers requiring assistance, e.g. UMNR, PRMs.

Check requirements for any gate delivery mobility aids.

In case of delay of arrival, check onward connections and make new reservations if required and as per operating airline



Prepare jetbridge, ensuring it is free of debris and position as per the standard height for the aircraft type.
Secure the disembarkation route for passengers.
Disembark passengers in accordance with operating airline policy.
Provide assistance to passengers requiring it. Communicate any delays in providing assistance services.


Transfer Passenger Handling at Connecting Airport

If applicable, and as per operating airline policy:

Check the inbound/outbound connections and the number of passengers affected.

Check time-critical connections, and inform gate staff of onward transfer.

Prepare for handling of passengers requiring assistance.

Meet the transferring passengers upon arrival of the incoming aircraft.

Direct passengers:

through-checked passengers to the appropriate departure gate(s);

non-through checked passengers to the transfer desk or gate for check-in, whichever is applicable.



Transit passengers may be allowed to disembark when scheduled ground time and local circumstances and facilities permit, in
accordance with operating airline policy.
Certain categories of passenger should be escorted during the transit time.
Local government requirements must be applied regarding security of transit passengers up to and including screening



IGOMChapter 1

Disembarkation of Transit Passengers

Disembarkation Procedure

Provide each passenger with a transit boarding pass or instruct passengers to retain their original boarding pass.
Inform passengers about boarding time and gate and available facilities.
Transit passengers must be re-secured when re-boarding the flight. (i.e. travel document checked, boarding status verified,
transit card collected)

Some Transit Passengers Remain on Board

As per operating airline policy, there may be categories of passengers that stay on board if locally permitted.

Boarding Transit Passengers


Board transit passengers before local passengers.

Re-secure the flight by checking travel documents and validating boarding status by collection of the transit card or review of
the original boarding card. Validation may also be done using the flight manifest or DCS.

Missing Transit Passengers

The flight must be re-secured before door closure. If passengers are missing, apply the procedure for missing passengers.

Programmed Aircraft Change En Route

Advise cabin crew that all transit passengers must disembark with their carry on baggage.
Distribute transit boarding passes (or instruct passengers to retain their original boarding pass) and inform passengers about
boarding time and gate and available facilities.
Provide passenger assistance as required.
In case of a change of configuration, assign passengers new seat numbers if applicable, or apply free/open seating.


Special Categories of Passengers


Minors Travelling Alone

Unaccompanied Minors (UMNR)


Seat UMNRs as per operating airline policy and do not assign seats in emergency exit rows.

Connection Acceptance Restrictions

Observe operating airline policy if any.

Procedures for Handling Unaccompanied Minors

Complete the handling advice/declaration form ensuring the responsible adult has signed authorization and provided proof of
Distribute and keep copies as required.
Ensure the correct remarks and SSR codes are in the check-in record.
Apply handling fee where applicable.
Inform the responsible adult to remain at the airport until the aircraft is airborne.
UMNR must not be unsupervised until handed over to the cabin Crew.
Advise/release responsible adult once flight is airborne.

Transfer Station Procedure

Meet, assist UMNR and collect any travel documents from the cabin crew.
Hand over the UMNR to the cabin crew of the connecting flight.
In case of interline transfer, hand over UMNR to the onward connecting airline agent.



Passenger Handling ProceduresIGOM Arrival Station Procedure

Meet, assist UMNR and collect any travel documents from the cabin crew.
Complete the handling advice/declaration form for airline staff responsible.
Where applicable, ensure baggage of UMNR is collected.
Hand over the UMNR only to the designated adult noted on the handling advice after verifying the identity of this person and
having received his signature for receipt of the UMNR.


Infants and Children Infants
An infant is a minor that has not yet reached his/her 2nd birthday. Seating
The maximum number of infants allowed per aircraft is limited by the number of supplemental oxygen masks available on the
Infants are considered children and must be assigned a seat when, during the journey, they reach the age of 2.
Restrictions may exist regarding the number of infants permitted per adult passenger, or the minimum age required to be
responsible for an infant. Apply operating airline policy. Aircraft Baby Bassinets

If the aircraft is equipped with baby bassinets, apply operating airline policy for assignment, respecting any age and weight
limitations. Baby Strollers

Apply operating airline policy regarding checked-in or delivery at aircraft (DAA) service for strollers and provide information to the
passenger concerning the procedure, if applicable. Children
A child is a minor between 2 and 12 years of age, having reached his/her 2nd birthday but not his/her 12th birthday. Seating
Children must occupy an individual passenger seat and may not be seated in emergency exit rows. Child Restraint Device

Apply operating airline procedures for the acceptance and use of car seats and other restraint devices. Verify their conformity as
per the airline specifications.

Make sure the child restraint device is placed on a seat which will not hinder the evacuation of any passenger.

Do not assign a seat for the child restraint device in an emergency exit row, or the row forward or rear of an emergency exit

Respect any operating airline specific limitations, as not all seats may be suitable.


Groups General
A group is defined as a party of at least 09 passengers (not including infants), travelling together. Check-In

Check-in and accept all passengers individually.

Assign seats together, if requested, respecting any special seating requirements.
Issue baggage tags individually.

Each piece of baggage must bear the respective passenger's identification

Exception: Bag tags for family members travelling together may be issued on one family name. Non Standard Groups

Unusual groups, excessive weights, or anything outside the standard need to be communicated to load control (i.e. sports
teams with higher passenger weights).



IGOMChapter 1

Passengers Requiring Assistance

For passengers with disabilities and those requiring or requesting assistance;

Ask the passenger what assistance they require and how you can help them.

Discuss the most appropriate seating based on their individual needs and the aircraft specifications, even if seats have
already been pre-assigned.

Advise passengers what services and assistance are available based on their needs.

Advise the passenger of operating airline equipment such as on board wheelchairs, Braille or tactile markings, accessible

Provide information to passengers in alternate formats upon request.

Ensure accurate SSR codes and any other relevant information are recorded in the DCS.

Passengers with Reduced Mobility

Identifying Passengers with Reduced Mobility

Appropriately code specific wheelchair requirements based on the passengers specific needs.WCHC, WCHR, WCHS

Passengers with Visual or Hearing Impairments

Provide passengers who identify themselves as persons having a visual or hearing impairment with access to the same
information provided to other passengers.
Ensure accurate SSR codes and any other relevant information are recorded in the DCS.


Passenger Requiring Medical Clearance

As per the operating airline policy, medical clearance may be required by passengers who appear to have a communicable
disease or condition that could pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others on the flight.

Persons whose medical condition gives reasonable doubt that the individual can complete the flight safely without requiring
extraordinary assistance during flight, e.g. persons with acute medical conditions as recent heart attack, stroke, embolism,
persons with recent surgery.

Persons requesting medical treatment during flight, e.g. needing extra oxygen or other medical treatment like infusions.

IATA Medical Information Form (MEDIF)

The MEDIF is a standard form used to assess passengers requiring assistance.

Examples are:

Attachment A (Information sheet for passengers requiring special assistance) and;

Attachment B (Information sheet for passengers requiring medical clearance).

Use the operating airline's own form if applicable.



Passenger Handling ProceduresIGOM

MEDIFAttachment A
Information Sheet for Passengers Requiring Special Assistance

1. Last name / First name / Title .........................................................................................................................................

2. Passenger name record (PNR) .......................................................................................................................................
3. Proposed itinerary ...........................................................................................................................................................
Airline(s), flight number(s) .................................................................................................................................................
Class(es), date(s), segment(s) ..........................................................................................................................................

4. Nature of disability ..........................................................................................................................................................

5. Stretcher needed onboard?

____ Yes

____ No

6. Intended escorts

____ Yes

____ No

Name..... Title.. Age..

PNR if different.
Medical qualification

____ Yes ____ No

7. Wheelchair needed

Language spoken.

____ Yes

Wheelchair categories

____ WCHR

____ WCHS

Collapsible WCOB

____ Yes

____ No

8. Ambulance needed (to be arranged by the Airline)

____ No

____ WCHC
Wheelchair type

____ Yes

Own wheelchair

___ WCBD

____ Yes ____ No

___ WCBW

___ WCMP

____ No

If yes, specify destination address...

If no, specify ambulance company contact.

9. Meet and assist

____ Yes

____ No

If designated person, specify contact......

10. Other ground arrangements needed

____ Yes

____ No

If yes, specify...
Departure airport.
Transit airport...
Arrival airport

11. Special inflight arrangements needed

____ Yes

____ No

If yes, specify type of arrangements (special meal, extra seat, leg rest, special seating).
Specify equipment (respirator, incubator, oxygen, etc)
Specify arranging company and at whose expense.

12. Frequent traveler medical card (FREMEC)

____ Yes

____ No

If yes, specify FREMEC number, issued by, expiry date.....



IGOMChapter 1

MEDIFAttachment B, Part 1
Information Sheet for Passengers Requiring Medical Clearance (to be completed or obtained from the attending physician)

1. Patients name...
Date of Birth. Sex. Height Weight......

2. Attending physician
E-mail .
Telephone (mobile preferred), indicate country and area code Fax ..

3. Diagnosis (including date of onset of current illness, episode or accident and treatment, specify if contagious).

Nature and date of any recent and/or relevant surgery..

4. Current symptoms and severity...

5. Will a 25% to 30% reduction in the ambient partial pressure of oxygen (relative hypoxia) affect the passengers medical condition?
(Cabin pressure to be the equivalent of a fast trip to a mountain elevation of 2400 meters (8000 feet) above sea level) ___Yes ___No ___Not sure

6. Additional clinical information

a. Anemia

____ Yes

____ No

If yes, give recent result in grams of hemoglobin .............

b. Psychiatric and seizure disorder

____ Yes

____ No

If yes, see Part 2

c. Cardiac condition

____ Yes

____ No

If yes, see Part 2

d. Normal bladder control

____ Yes

____ No

If no, give mode of control.

e. Normal bowel control

____ Yes

____ No

f. Respiratory condition

____ Yes

____ No

If yes, see Part 2

g. Does the patient use oxygen at home?

____ Yes

____ No

If yes, specify how much

h. Oxygen needed in flight?

____ Yes

____ No

If yes, specify ____ 2 LPM ____ 4 LPM ____ Other

7. Escort
a. Is the patient fit to travel unaccompanied?

____ Yes

____ No

b. If no, would a meet-and-assist (provided by the airline to embark and disembark) be sufficient?

____ Yes

____ No

c. If no, will the patient have a private escort to take care of his/her needs onboard?

____ Yes

____ No

d. If yes, who should escort the passenger?

____ Doctor

e. If other, is the escort fully capable to attend to all the above needs?

____ Nurse ____ Other

____ Yes

____ No

8. Mobility
a. Able to walk without assistance ____ Yes

____ No

b. Wheelchair required for boarding ____ to aircraft ____ to seat

9. Medication list..
10. Other medical information..



Passenger Handling ProceduresIGOM

MEDIFAttachment B, Part 2
Information Sheet for Passengers Requiring Medical Clearance (to be completed or obtained from the attending physician)

1. Cardiac condition
a. Angina
____ Yes ____ No
When was last episode?.........................................................................
Is the condition stable? ____ Yes ____ No
Functional class of the patient?
____ No symptoms ____ Angina with important efforts
____ Angina with light efforts
____ Angina at rest
Can the patient walk 100 meters at a normal pace or climb 10 -12 stairs without symptoms?
____ Yes
____ No
b. Myocardial infarction

____ Yes

____ No


____ Yes ____ No
If yes, give details.
Stress EKG done?
____ Yes ____ No
If yes, what was the result?.............................................................Metz
If angioplasty or coronary bypass,
can the patient walk 100 meters at normal pace or climb 1012 stairs without symptoms?
____ Yes ____ No
c. Cardiac failure
____ Yes ____ No
When was last episode?.........................................................................
Is the patient controlled with medication? ____ Yes ____ No
Functional class of the patient?
__ No symptoms __ Shortness of breath with important efforts __ Shortness of breath with light efforts __ Shortness of breath at rest
d. Syncope
____ Yes ____ No
Last episode.
____ Yes ____ No
If yes, state results..
2. Chronic pulmonary condition ____ Yes ____ No
a. Has the patient had recent arterial gases?
____ Yes ____ No
b. Blood gases were taken on:
____ Room air
____ Oxygen
If yes, what were the results
..pCO2 pO2
Saturation. Date of exam.
c. Does the patient retain CO2? ____ Yes ____ No
d. Has his/her condition deteriorated recently? ____ Yes ____ No
e. Can the patient walk 100 meters at a normal pace or climb 10-12 stairs without symptoms?
____ Yes ____ No
f. Has the patient ever taken a commercial aircraft in these same conditions?
____ Yes ____ No
If yes when?.............................................................................................................................................................................
Did the patient have any problems?.........................................................................................................................................

3. Psychiatric Conditions

____ Yes ____ No

a. Is there a possibility that the patient will become agitated during flight
b. Has he/she taken a commercial aircraft before
If yes, date of travel? ..........................................
Did the patient travel

____ Yes ____ No

____ Yes ____ No
____ alone
____ escorted?

4. Seizure

____ Yes ____ No

a. What type of seizures?.................................................................................................................................................................
b. Frequency of the seizures..
c. When was the last seizure?..........................................................................................................................................................
d. Are the seizures controlled by medication? ____ Yes ____ No

5. Prognosis for the trip

____ Yes ____ No
Physician Signature Date .
Note: Cabin attendants are not authorized to give special assistance (e.g. lifting) to particular passengers, to the detriment of their service to other
passengers. Additionally, they are trained only in first aid and are not permitted to administer any injection, or to give medication.
Important: Fees, if any, relevant to the provision of the above information and for carrier-provided special equipment are to be paid by the
passenger concerned.



IGOMChapter 1

Frequent Travelers Medical Card (FREMEC)

If a passenger is a frequent airline traveller and has a stable medical condition established by the initial medical clearance, then a
frequent traveller's medical card (FREMEC) may be issued by the operating airline.

Advance Notification

Passengers are asked to advise the airline of their needs at the time of reservation.
Advance notification is required for the following, subject to airline acceptance and approval:

Passengers traveling on a stretcher.

The use of oxygen on board and the use of a personal portable oxygen concentrator, ventilator or respirator onboard.

The carriage of an incubator.


MEDA passengers are entitled to the most appropriate seating according to their needs, including the stowage of on board
medical devices or equipment.
Appropriate seating, as per operating airline policy and passenger needs, should be assigned to:

passengers needing extra oxygen on board;

passengers traveling on a stretcher;

completely immobile passengers;

a passenger travelling with a service animal;

a passenger with a fused or immobilized leg.

Provide adjacent seating as applicable for:

a personal care attendant;

a safety assistant;

a reader/interpreter in case of a vision or hearing impairment.

PRM/MEDA and PRM/Non-MEDA may not be seated in emergency exits.

Request for Assistance without Advanced Notice

If a passenger's special needs were not communicated at the time of booking, or a passenger is identified as a PRM or potential
MEDA case upon departure, take all reasonable efforts to accommodate the passenger. Ask appropriate questions and record
required codes in the DCS.


Passengers not Requiring Medical Clearance

As per the operating airline's policy, some passengers may not be required to provide medical clearance. For example:

expectant mothers up to a date specified before expected delivery;

persons with simple fractures or injuries;

persons who are reduced in mobility due to age;

SSR codes WCHR, WCHS or WCHC provided the condition has remained unchanged for at least the past six months;

persons who are visually or hearing impaired;

persons with mental health issues.


Check that additional needs have been communicated via the respective SSR codes and entered into the DCS, and verify if
escort requirements are fulfilled, if applicable.

Refusal of PRM's and/or MEDA Cases

Do not refuse the passenger unless there is a legitimate reason for refusal, as per the operating airline's policy.

Right of Refusal

A PRM and/or MEDA cases may be refused on the basis of the operating airline's General Conditions of Carriage (Right to
Refuse Carriage).

Reasons for Refusal

Do not refuse a passenger unless one of the following reasons is applicable, and in accordance with the operating airline policy:

The person has such a degree of physical infirmity that the trip would likely result in complications (e.g. diversion) or death.

The person requires individual nursing or care during the flight, if not accompanied by a suitable escort.



Passenger Handling ProceduresIGOM

The person who, because of his physical or medical condition, pose a direct threat to the health or safety of other
passengers, their property, the aircraft or crew that cannot be eliminated by providing additional aid or services or by other
means (e.g. face masks, separate seating).
The person fails or refuses to submit themselves to the specific conditions of carriage required by the operating airline
Information is required about the passenger's medical condition (diagnosis) where the passenger's own physician refuses to
disclose such information to the Authorized Medical Service.
The person has a contagious disease. Handling
In case of refusal of a PRM and/or MEDA case, inform the passenger and explain the reason for refusal with reference to the
General Conditions of Carriage.
Apply the operating airline policy with respect to rebooking to a later date, and/or making all efforts to accommodate the
passenger on the next possible flight, if applicable, or refund of the ticket.

Enter all relevant information about the reason for refusal into the PNR or in the operating airline report e.g. pax refused
[flight/date] d/t lack of safety assistant [sita address/agent name]

Forward the PNR or report to the appropriate airline department. Document all details of the incident and submit as specified
by the operating airline.


Service Animals

As per the operating airlines acceptance policy, accept passengers with certified service animals into the cabin, and provide
appropriate seating with room for both the passenger and the animal, including additional floor space where mandated and as
per operating airline policy.


Stretcher Transport General
If accepted by the operating airline, transport on a stretcher can be arranged provided advance notification is given for
passenger(s) to be transported in a lying-down position.

If stretcher transport has been confirmed at the time of booking, accept the passenger as per the operating airline policy.

Status details are to be updated in the check-in record.

The acceptance of stretcher cases is linked to:

The acceptance conditions of PRM/MEDA cases.

The provisions for stretcher installation onboard the aircraft.


Oxygen for Medical Use Acceptance
Once the operating airline has accepted:

arrange pre-boarding for the passenger;

add appropriate SSR codes for assistance;

seat the passenger as per operating airline policy allowing for stowage of equipment.


Inadmissible Passengers and Deportees Inadmissible Passengers (INAD)

An INAD is an inadmissible passenger who is or will be refused admission to a State by its authorities. Unaccompanied or Accompanied Travel

In general, INADs travel without being accompanied.
INADs need to be accompanied if:

the INAD physically resists carriage;

he has already been denied transportation by another airline;

there is any sign he might endanger the safety of the flight or passengers.
For the above reasons, unaccompanied INADs may also be refused at any stage.



IGOMChapter 1


If an INAD resists transportation or gives rise to the assumption that he/she will be the source of annoyance to other passengers
or crew members, then only accept him/her according to the procedure for DEPA.
Refuse the carriage of deportees or inadmissible passengers if they are likely to:

involve any risk to the safety of the flight;

involve any hazard or risk to himself, other passengers or crew members;

cause discomfort or make himself objectionable to other passengers;

require special assistance from ground or in-flight staff.


DEPO is used to designate a deportee:

that was formally ordered by the authorities to leave that State;

who is under arrest who has to be transported to another State for legal reasons;

who has applied for asylum and is transferred to the state responsible for the application;

described by the term Dublin Convention as reasons for transportation.

DEPAdeportee accompanied

A deportee who is escorted by security escorts during flight

DEPUdeportee unaccompanied

A deportee who is not escorted by security escorts during flight

The responsibility for deportees lies fully with the state(s) concerned.
Deportees will be accepted for carriage only on request of an Authority and upon operating airline approval.


Assign inadmissible passengers, deportees and their escorts seats in the rear of the cabin, but not directly adjacent to exits, in
accordance with operating airline policy.

Travel Documents

Hand the travel documents to the crew if required by the local authorities, local regulations or operating airline procedure.


Advise the crew and Pilot-in-Command of INAD, DEPA and DEPU carriage.


Unruly Passengers
General Conditions of Passenger Carriage

Carriers may refuse carriage or onward carriage of any passenger for reasons of safety in order to prevent violation of any
applicable law, regulations or order of any state or country to be flown from, into or over.

Handling Unruly Passengers During Check-In or Boarding

Report to the supervisor any unruly passenger behavior you observe at check-in, in the lounge, or at the boarding gate, and put
baggage of such passengers on standby.

If Passenger is Denied Carriage

Offload the passenger in the DCS and offload his baggage.

Document the case in the airport or airline report, with details of the passenger's condition (e.g. intoxicated, general abuse,

If Passenger is Accepted for Travel

Inform Pilot-in-Command and the senior cabin crew member.

Document the case in the airport or airline report with details of the passenger's condition.
Report the incident to the applicable departments and the onward airport.



Passenger Handling ProceduresIGOM


Passenger Irregularities


General Passenger Irregularity Guidelines Information and Communication to Passengers

In general, provide immediate and accurate information at regular intervals.

Ensure staff are briefed for consistent delivery of information.

Provide passengers written information about their rights according to applicable regulations, upon requested or as required.

Provide information in alternate formats to passengers with impairments.


Delays Handling Procedures

Passengers must be advised and notified of delays, and kept informed at regular intervals.
Where applicable, provide delay notice or passenger rights information and in alternate formats for passengers with
Brief staff on the estimated time of departure, estimated time of arrival, and any provisions being offered. Delay Known Before Check-In

Update revised times in the DCS.

If applicable and as per operating airline policy, rebook any connecting flights according to the airline's priority sequence.
Check the passenger and baggage through on the rebooked flight. Delay Known Before Boarding

Reconfirm the departure gate and time, and update the revised times in the DCS.
Advise passengers accordingly and at regular intervals.
Apply airline specific procedures for certain categories of passengers.



Handle misconnections in accordance with the operating airline's General Conditions of Carriage.


Involuntary Change of Class

Involuntary changes of class must be handled as per the operating airline policy.


Denied Boarding due to Unavailability of Seats General
Passengers holding a confirmed reservation may be denied boarding due to irregularity reasons, for example:

overbooking of the flight;

reduced aircraft seating capacity due to unserviceable equipment (cabin doors, slides, etc.);

reduced weight/seat capacity due to a payload restriction;

change of aircraft or version.

Apply operating airline policy for denied boarding.

If applicable, solicit volunteers and offer compensation and/or reprotection as per the operating airline policy.

Provide written notice as per government regulations.

Apply airline's involuntary denied boarding policy if no volunteers are solicited.



IGOMChapter 1



Chapter 2:

Baggage Handling Procedures

Cabin Baggage
General Definition
Cabin baggage is baggage that is carried and stowed in the cabin under the passengers control and custody. It is commonly
referred to as carry-on baggage or unchecked baggage.
Each operator sets their standards for size, weight and number of pieces permitted as baggage. Types of Cabin Baggage

Cabin baggage includes:

cabin baggage carried within the operator's free carry-on baggage allowance;

free carry-on items permitted by the operator in addition to the standard (e.g. purse, laptop, duty free item);

special items permitted by the operator that may require prior arrangement, notification and/or specialized screening
requirements or additional charges (e.g. urns containing human remains, pets in cabin);

items of dangerous goods permitted in passenger baggage that require prior approval by the operator, see IATA DGR.


Acceptance Acceptance Policies

Cabin baggage cannot be accepted if it:

is unsuitable for air carriage due to its weight, size or nature;

cannot fit under the seat or be stowed in the overhead compartment;

is unsuitably packed;

certain items, because of their weight, size or nature are only accepted with the consent of the operator;

for security reasons, many countries restrict the carriage of liquids, aerosols and gels in hand baggage;

items refused by security screening must be hold-checked as per the operator's policy.
According to IATA DGR, certain items are prohibited in checked baggage, e.g. cigarette lighters, matches, spare
lithium batteries. Procedure at Check-In

Assess the size, weight and intended number of pieces of carry-on baggage to meet the operator's standard.

Weigh carry-on bags if they appear to exceed the specified weight/size limit (weighing of all carry-on baggage may not be
systematically required unless mandated by the operator).

Refer the passenger to the baggage gauge, if available.

Attached an approved for carry-on tag if applicable.

If the carry-on baggage exceeds the free allowance size and/or weight, it must be hold-checked, and charged if applicable.

Be aware of commonly carried dangerous goods items and ask the passenger when there is suspicion of these being
carried. Procedure at Boarding

Check for items which are unacceptable, oversized, overweight or exceed the number of pieces as free carry-on baggage, using
the cabin baggage gauge if applicable.

Check with the passenger that the baggage contents are in compliance with the IATA DGR. Have the passenger remove
any items specifically prohibited in hold baggage.

Advise the passenger to remove any personal documents or medications.

Collect any other cabin baggage that cannot be accommodated on board due to limited storage space.

Tag bag to the final destination.

Account for the baggage tag number(s) and weight into the DCS check-in record or manually.



IGOMChapter 2

Inform the passenger of pick up at the baggage claim area or aircraft door (DAA) if applicable.
Advise ramp staff and/or Load Control of the gate baggage to be loaded.


Checked Baggage


Definition and General Terms

Checked baggage is baggage for which the carrier takes custody and issues a baggage check.

Checked baggage is carried in the hold of the aircraft on which the passenger is travelling.

The operator may refuse to carry checked baggage which is inadequately packed or unsuitable for air carriage due to its
weight, size or nature.

Every piece of baggage must display the passenger's name.

In case of code share flights, the operator's rules apply.

Note: Certain items, because of their weight, size or nature, are only accepted with consent of the operator.

Checked Baggage Allowance

Passengers are entitled to a pre-determined checked baggage allowance set by the operator, which can vary based on the fare
paid, passenger category, routing, group status or class.
There are two standard checked baggage allowance concepts:

Weight Concept: measured by the total weight of checked baggage (shown as weight amount on ticket e.g. 20 kg (45lb).

Piece Concept: measured by the number of pieces of checked baggage (shown as PC on ticket).


Excess Baggage

Excess baggage fees per kilogram or piece or special item are generally applied at the time of checked baggage acceptance.

Apply excess baggage fees as per operator's specifications.


Standard Baggage Check-In

Accept checked baggage that is appropriately packaged and labeled with passenger identification.

Ensure dangerous goods signage is on display.

Review weight and pieces information for recording in the DCS and for applying appropriate fees.

If applicable, ask the passenger any required security related questions.

Agent should be aware of items due to their nature that might contain dangerous goods. Refer to section 2.5.7.


Baggage Tags

All old tags must be removed.

Apply appropriate destination tag and handling tags.
Place tags in an easily readable location, and where they will not easily be torn off.
Follow tag instructions, and do not stick glue directly to passenger baggage.
Use limited release tags as per operator policy.
Follow operator procedure with respect to supplementary tags on baggage items, such as:

Priority tagsto identify Priority baggage to be offloaded first, and segregated as per carrier.

Limited Release Tagsused on fragile or unsuitably packaged items.

Fragile Stickerrequires extra care in handling.

Heavy Tagplaced on items over 23 kg (50 lb).

Connection tagsmay require segregation on loading and offloading.


Baggage Destination

Through-label baggage to one of the following points, whichever occurs first:

The first stopover point of the passenger.

The point to which transportation has been confirmed (OK in ticket), requested (RQ in ticket) or listed (SA in ticket).

The point where a change of airport is involved.



Baggage Handling ProceduresIGOM

The final destination specified in the ticket, including:

any tickets issued in conjunction with this ticket,

any separately issued tickets with an interline agreement.

Make sure that the Minimum Connecting Time (MCT) is respected.


Special Baggage
Bulky and Oversized Baggage General
Baggage is bulky/oversized as defined by the operator policy and/or its weight exceeds 32 kg (70 lbs). Maximum Single Item Weight

No single piece of checked baggage can be accepted over 32 kg (70 lbs). Airlines may also restrict the weight and/or total
If presented, the passenger must:

Repack it into more pieces, each weighing less than 32 kg (70 lbs), or

Send it as cargo.
Exception: Special equipment like AVIH, WCH, musical instruments and large sports equipment may be excluded from this rule
with prior consent of the operator.


Cabin Seat Baggage (CBBG) Definition
Cabin Seat Baggage is baggage not usually suitable for loading in the aircraft hold. Such baggage may include:

musical instruments;

works of art;

electronic equipment;

diplomatic baggage;

valuable baggage;
Operator policy will dictate the acceptance of CBBG. If not accepted, it can travel as hold checked baggage providing packaging
is appropriate. Loading and Lashing Cabin Seat Baggage

If applicable, staff approved by the operator are responsible for securing, loading and lashing of bulky, oversize, fragile or
valuable baggage in the cabin.


Crew Baggage

Crew baggage may be presented at check-in, or airside and should be clearly identified with a crew label as well as all flight


Delivery at Aircraft (DAA) Applicability
As per the operator policy, apply the delivery at aircraft procedure for:

fully collapsible baby strollers and pushchairs; (larger baby carriages/prams must be checked-in).

wheel chairs and mobility aids which are not needed during the flight and cannot be stored in the cabin.

regular carry-on baggage on small aircraft with limited stowage space in the cabin.
Do not use the delivery at aircraft procedure for expensive items (e.g. laptop computers, large video cameras, etc.), valuable or
important documents, etc., as such items should remain with the passenger. Procedure at Boarding Gate

Ensure DAA pieces and WCH and their loading position are noted on the Load Message under SIRemark.
If applicable, inform the flight deck crew of the number of DAA bags.



IGOMChapter 2

Procedure at Arrival

Upon arrival:

As per the LDM and/or crew request, unload the DAA items/baggage and delivery to the aircraft door.

Security Procedure for Ad-Hoc Disembarking Passengers

If a passenger disembarks, check if any DAA baggage has been loaded for the passenger.

When in doubt, perform a full DAA baggage identification.


Sporting Equipment

Generally, sporting equipment will be presented as separate pieces of checked baggage.

Accept sporting equipment as per operator procedure.

Apply procedures for fees and charges, and special handling if required.

Use limited release tag if applicable.

Load as per operator instructions.


Wheelchairs and Mobility Aids

Handling Wheel Chairs/Mobility Aids

Apply the delivery at aircraft procedure when personal collapsible wheel chairs/mobility aid devices are taken to the gate. Verify
with and advise the passenger accordingly. Ensure the wheel chair/mobility aid has a name label, DAA tag and destination tag
on it.

If applicable, issue a NOTOC and advise the pilot in command of the location of the wheel chair or mobility aid device.

Stow and secure the wheel chair/mobility aid device to prevent unintentional operation and ensure it is protected from being
damaged by the movement of baggage, mail or cargo.

Wheelchairs or other Battery Operated Mobility Aids

There are two main types of batteries used with wheel chairs or mobility aid devices:
Type of battery


Non-spillable battery

Dry battery (including integrated battery)

Gel type battery
Wet (sealed) battery
Lithium-ion battery

Spillable battery

*Wet battery (*check operator policy)

All such batteries must be hold-checked.

Accepting Wheelchairs/Mobility Aids with Non-Spillable Batteries

Pre-notification may be required and acceptance is subject to operator approval.

Battery terminals must be insulated to prevent accidental short circuits, e.g. by being enclosed within a battery container.

Battery must be securely attached to the wheel chair.

Accepting Wheel Chairs/Mobility Aids with Spillable Batteries

(only if accepted by the operator)

Pre-notification is required and acceptance is subject to operator approval.

Packing rules:

Wheel chair must be loaded, stowed, secured and unloaded while maintaining an upright position.

Battery terminals must be insulated to prevent accidental short circuits, e.g. by being enclosed within a battery

Battery must be securely attached to the wheel chair.

If the wheelchair cannot remain upright while being loaded, stowed, secured and unloaded, then apply the following packing

Battery must be carried in strong, rigid packaging as follows:

The outside packaging must be leak-tight, impervious to battery fluid and protected against spilling by securing to
pallets or by securing them in cargo compartments using appropriate means of such as restraining straps, brackets or



Baggage Handling ProceduresIGOM

The battery terminals must be protected against short circuits.

The battery must be secured upright in the packaging and be surrounded by compatible absorbent material sufficient to
absorb its total liquids.

The outside packaging must be marked batterywetwith wheel chair.

The outside packaging must be labeled with the corrosive label.

Battery must not be loaded if not packaged appropriately.


Handling of Pets General
Handling of pets, in accordance with operator policy.
There are two methods of carriage:

pets carried in the passenger cabin in an approved container (subject to operator acceptance policy)

pets carried in the cargo compartment. Animals in Hold (AVIH)

Animals in Hold are transported as checked baggage in the aircraft hold.

domestic animals such as dogs, cats, birds, etc.;

other small warm-blooded animals, such as guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, etc.;

Apply operator acceptance procedures with local customs requirements, animal age and health requirements.
Note: Domestic animals of unusual size or wild animals, reptiles and rodents must be transported as cargo. AVIH Handling

Only rigid containers with a secure door are acceptable.

A water container must be provided in each container.
Only one animal per container, unless they are used to cohabiting.
The container must be large enough to permit the animal to stand in a natural position, turn around and lie down.
Animals should be loaded last and unloaded first.
Minimize time on the ramp to protect animals from wind, rain, noise and extreme temperatures.
Keep other luggage at least 150mm (6 inches) away from the container sides to maximize ventilation.
Natural predators should not be positioned next to each other.
Do not load animals in the same compartment with dry ice or radioactive materials.
Exercise caution with containers that have wheels, ensuring the container cannot roll during loading.
Containers must be securely attached to the compartment to prevent shifting, using tie down straps.
Take the deplaning animals immediately to the terminal for claim by their owners.
Never use the baggage chute to deliver an animal. If the animal cannot be immediately claimed, take the animal to a climate
controlled waiting room.
The flight crew and station should be informed of AVIH loading to ensure sufficient heat and airflow are maintained.


Baggage Handling


Baggage Room Preparation

The baggage room must prepare a sufficient and pre-determined number of baggage carts and containers in accordance with the
expected passenger load for a flight. ULD Preparation

Check that the ULD is in a serviceable condition before using. Use the ULD damage limitation sticker attached to the ULD as
a guide.
Each ULD should have a Container Card inside the pouch near the door and a Bingo Sheet attached to the outside of the
ULD next to the pouch (for non automated loading).
All curtains and doors on the ULDs must be properly closed and latched prior to dispatching the ULDs to the ramp for
Every item loaded into the container must be recorded on the Bingo Sheet or scanned for automated loading.
As each bag is loaded into a ULD, the security sticker must be peeled off of its bag tag and placed on the bingo sheet and
retained after departure with the flight documentation.



IGOMChapter 2

Baggage Tags

Apply sorting and loading procedures into containers and cards based on operator policy with respect to checked items tagged

Priority baggage

Heavy baggage

Connection baggage

Late baggage

Fragile baggage

Sporting equipment

Mobility aids or devices

Animals in hold

Crew baggage


Gate Delivery Items

Items containing dangerous goods (i.e. Dry Ice)

Standby baggage

Items with limited release tag


Baggage Cut-Off & ULD Load Verification Process

Once a flight has been closed for check-in, the Baggage room lead or the Baggage supervisor will:

review total pieces for each ULD;

pass on all baggage ULD figures including baggage counts for each container number and ULD numbers so that the total
load summary can be prepared;

Conduct a baggage room sweep to ensure there are no left behind bags.
If baggage is left behind, report to Baggage Services. Appropriate messages must be sent to the down line station and
arrangements made to expedite the return of the bag to the passenger.


Removal of Checked Baggage

If instructed to remove hold checked baggage, obtain the name and security number and number of pieces of baggage requiring
removal. Refer to electronic records or the bingo sheets to identify the ULD where the baggage is located in order to offload.
The baggage is removed and must be re-screened prior to returning it to passenger services for further handling, subject to local
security procedures.
In certain countries, higher baggage screening standards may apply and must therefore be followed.
Always communicate with gate or operator staff with respect to the addition or removal of any checked baggage.


Transfer Baggage

Through-label transfer baggage provided the connection is scheduled:

the same day or

the next day within 24 hours

No change of airport

Subject to local requirements

Do not through-label baggageeven at the passenger's requestin case of obvious undercutting of the Minimum Connecting Time
An interline agreement must be in place with the connecting carrier.

Special Cases


Through-labeling Remark

Customs clearance required at

the transfer point


Advise passenger to pick up baggage at the transfer point.

Refer to TIM/TIMATIC for country rules.

The passenger specifically wants No

his baggage at a transfer point

Inform the passenger about the risk of missing the connecting flight.

Animals in hold

Only permitted if the continuing carrier has confirmed acceptance.

Within permissible MCT.




Baggage Handling ProceduresIGOM


Short Connection Baggage Definition
Short connection baggage is baggage of passengers having an onward connection out of a hub with a short scheduled
connecting time. Identification
Short connection baggage is identified by a remark on the baggage tag and/or by a separate short connection tag or sticker. Handling Short Connection Baggage

Apply the following short connection baggage procedure at outstations.

Identify all short connections out of the hub airport.

Handle and prioritize as per operator procedure.


Baggage Security



Refer to the IATA Security Manual and Operating airline Ground Operations Manuals for guidance.


Handling of Hold Baggage

If passengers and crew members are required to personally identify their hold baggage before loading, do not load any baggage
not identified.
Ensure there is no opportunity for the exchange of cabin baggage for hold baggage which may contain items to be used in a
planned act of unlawful interference.
When screening of hold baggage gives rise to suspicion regarding the contents, the local screening authority will proceed as per
local regulations.


Carriage of Weapons in Hold Baggage

Apply operator handling and acceptance procedures.

Weapons are to be kept secured at all times either by approved personnel or locked away in a secure location.


Security Removed Items

Items not permitted in hand baggage that are removed by security screening personnel may only be accepted in checked
baggage, as per operator handling and acceptance procedures.


Transfer and Connecting Baggage

When passengers have to collect their hold baggage during the transfer process (because of immigration or security policies of a
State), treat hold baggage as originating baggage.

If baggage is collected landside, submit it to screening before loading on the aircraft.

If the baggage is collected and transferred in the sterile area, re-screening may not be necessary.
Interline, transfer and connecting baggage must follow the reconciliation procedures as originating baggage, section 2.5.6.


Baggage Reconciliation Originating Passengers

Maintain passenger/baggage reconciliation for all flights, including:

standby passengers;

off-airport and group check-in passengers;

voluntary or involuntary deplaning. On-Line, Transfer Passengers

Baggage that is separated from the passenger must be subject to additional security controls. Interline Passengers

Do not load hold baggage of an interline passenger unless the passenger has a confirmed reservation for the onward flight
and the baggage is matched by the onward operating airline.



IGOMChapter 2

In case of high-risk airlines or high-risk flights, interline passengers may be required to identify the baggage before it is

Manual Baggage Reconciliation at Originating Station

After acceptance, ensure checked baggage is kept in a secure area.

Crew baggage should be individually identified and marked as crew.
Secure the flight by matching the checked-in passengers to the boarded passengers. Confirm total boarded passenger count
with crew. Confirm by head count if this is operator policy.
If there are passenger discrepancies (minus or plus), they must be resolved prior to closing the aircraft door.
Make every attempt to locate missing passengers and obtain visual proof of boarding and documents if they are located on
the aircraft.
As per operator procedures and government regulations, remove the checked baggage of passengers who check-in but fail
to board.
Notify crew of any last minute changes to passenger and/or baggage load.

Disembarking Transit Passengers

Offload the cabin and hold baggage of any passenger who disembarks earlier than the station of arrival.

On-Line Transfer Checked Baggage Reconciliation

Load transfer between two flights of the same Operator (on-line) if the inbound passenger transfer message contains the
passenger names and baggage details for control.
If the passenger fails to transfer for any reason, the passenger's checked baggage must be removed.


Dangerous Goods in Baggage

Passengers and crew may carry commodities in their baggage which can be considered dangerous goods.
Refer to the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations for handling and acceptance procedures, and for a list of accepted dangerous
goods for passenger use.
Agents should be aware of commonly carried items and question passengers when there is suspicion of their carriage. (e.g.
camping equipment, hunters).
Should undeclared or mis-declared dangerous goods be discovered, this must be reported to the operator and Supervisor, State
of Authority, and all items not be permitted to travel.


Mishandled Baggage
Storage and Handling Mishandled/Unidentified/Unclaimed Baggage

Enter found baggage details into tracing system.

Hold such baggage in a safe and secure area where access is controlled.
Make sure such baggage is subject to additional security controls before being loaded into an aircraft. These controls could
include a combination of:

Manual search;


Simulation chamber;

Vapor or trace analysis;

Delayed onward dispatch for 24 hours or more;

RUSH tag to be used;

Follow the security requirements of the forwarding carrier;

It is preferable to load unaccompanied baggage in the Aft Bulk hold of the aircraft;

The number of unaccompanied bags with a RUSH tag must be included in the total load summary.


Mobility Aids

Damaged, delayed or missing mobility aids should be handled as priority:

Provide a suitable equivalent loaned item or replacement as needed and as per operator policy.

Arrange for the repair or replacement of the item immediately.



Baggage Handling ProceduresIGOM



Delay of or damage/injury to AVIH should be handled as priority


Legal Time Limits for Reporting

Loss, delay or damage to baggage must be reported immediately upon arrival, or within 7 days for damage, 21 days for delay,
subject to operator procedures.

Follow standards from the IATA Baggage Services Manual



IGOMChapter 2



Chapter 3:

Cargo/Mail Handling Procedures

Cargo Acceptance

The primary objective for cargo acceptance handling is to ensure that consignments are ready for carriage in compliance with
customer airline and IATA regulations, as well as with export rules and regulations of the originating point and import rules and
regulations of the destination country, if applicable.


Cargo AcceptanceGeneral

In general, all items to be transported using commercial aircraft need to pass through an acceptance process. There are certain
procedures that have to be done no matter what the cargo is and other procedures that are only for certain types or categories of

Only accept cargo types for which the facilities are suited, the staff are trained and which the airline carries.

When doing or supervising the function of accepting cargo for air transport, always perform the following general steps:

Go through the Air Waybill (AWB) and where applicable other relevant documents, checking for accuracy and
completeness. Do not record the AWB and accept the cargo until all missing and/or incorrect information has been
provided and corrected.

Inspect the cargo for signs of tampering and damage before recording the AWB and accepting the cargo.

Check that the shipment description and number of items stated on the documentation matches the cargo presented at
the time of acceptance.

If you find undeclared and/or mis-declared Dangerous Goods in cargo, do not accept the cargo. If you are not
authorized to do so, call the Supervisor to handle the situation and complete the incident report.

Inspect any cargo and/or ULD delivered for transportation for damage. Ref. IGOM 3.3: Damage and Discrepancies.

Inspect the packaging of the cargo to make sure it is of a standard suited to the contents and able to protect the cargo
from any accidental damage that could be caused during the normal handling and transporting of the cargo.

Make sure the packaging is constructed to:

avoid any chance of damage to other cargo, the aircraft, the ULD, the handling equipment;

avoid any risk to any people involved in handling the cargo;

allow special labels to remain visible;

avoid the use of plant/organic cushioning/absorbing materials such as straw and untreated wood products as they
may be prohibited by quarantine restrictions.

Give reasons for refusing to accept the cargo to the person delivering the cargo.

Make sure that all documentation is sent on, captured correctly in a computer system, or handed over to the correct
people, so that all the information is available to be able to load the flight correctly.

BUPs (Build Up Pallets) must be accepted only if properly palletized, contoured and netted.


Cargo AcceptanceDangerous Goods (DG)

Dangerous Goods must be accepted in accordance with the current edition of the Dangerous Goods Regulations Manual.


Cargo AcceptanceLive Animals (AVI)

Live Animals must be accepted in accordance with the current edition of the Live Animals Regulations Manual.


Cargo AcceptancePerishables (PER)

Perishable cargo must be accepted in accordance with the current edition of the Perishable Cargo Regulations.


Cargo AcceptanceOther Special Cargo

Depending on the nature of the cargo, perform the applicable steps following: Human Remains

Human Remains: Coffins (HUM):

Only accept Human Remains if accepted by the operating airline for transport.

Make sure that a Human Remains Acceptance Checklist has been used (if required by the operating airline).

Do not accept any Human Remains that are consolidated with any cargo other than other Human Remains.



IGOMChapter 3

Human Remains: Cremated:

Accept urns or other suitable containers as cargo with no special restrictions.

Make sure that the urn or other container is packed in a neutral outer pack that will protect the urn from breakage



Accept airmail using the same acceptance processes as detailed previously using a CN38 form in place of an AWB.

Make sure the mail complies with the requirements of the Postal Services as well as those of the operating airline.


Fragile Cargo

Fragile Cargo:

Only accept fragile cargo if accepted by the operating airline for transport.

Do not accept fragile cargo if the instructions given with the cargo ask for unreasonable/impractical demands or

Make sure all special instructions are repeated clearly on the packaging.


Outsized and Heavy Cargo

Outsized and Heavy (HEA) Cargo:

Only accept outsized and heavy cargo if accepted by the operating airline for transport.

Check if advance arrangements have been made with the operating airline.

Make sure operating airline-specific procedures for acceptance and handling of OUTSIZED AND HEAVY CARGO are

Valuable Cargo

Valuable (VAL) Cargo:

Only accept valuable cargo in accordance with operating airline-specific procedures if the operating airline accepts
valuable cargo for transport.

Make sure that advance arrangements, such as specialized security staff and vehicles, have been made for handling
the valuable cargo.

Make sure that valuable cargo is not consolidated with other cargo.

Make sure that valuable cargo has been packed and secured so that it cannot be tampered with or removed.

Do not communicate any arrangements concerning valuable cargo to anyone except other staff you know are involved
with the shipment.

Valuable cargo must not be left unattended.

Cargo AcceptanceComat


Accept all airline materials for transport using the same acceptance processes as detailed previously.


Labeling and Identification

As part of the cargo acceptance process, it is important to make sure that all the labeling and identification of the load is correct
and in place.

Make sure cargo labels are completed and attached to each piece of every shipment, including single piece shipments.

As a minimum requirement, cargo labels must include the following information:

Air Waybill number;

destination airport code;

total number of pieces in the consignment.

Make sure that IATA standard hazard labels and ULD tags (if required) are applied as needed to indicate the specific nature
of the cargo, as well as any corresponding handling labels.


Cross-check of eAWB Data

Verify that the eAWB is correctly completed in accordance with RP1670 and matches the physical cargo.
Air Waybill Number matches
Full shipper and consignee name and address



Cargo/Mail Handling ProceduresIGOM

Nature and quantity of goods:

Description does not indicate the presence of dangerous goods or is accompanied by the term Not Restricted.

For other dangerous goods descriptions, e.g. lithium batteries, see 3.5.
Additional handling information and handling instructions can be accommodated and match product/service.
Other charge codes, e.g. AW or SC, input in accordance with TACT Rules. If the FWB data differs from the cargo tendered, a new FWB is required, or modify the FWB if instructed to do so in
writing by the operator and/or freight forwarder. Accept the cargo and confirm the eAWB, e.g. ready for carriage in status message (FSU (RCS)). Provide cargo receipt to the shipper or freight forwarder, replacing the delivery note or warehouse receipt.


Information and Data Transmission to Load-Control

Capturing accurate data about the shipment is vital for the smooth and safe operation of air cargo transport. Without the correct
data being communicated in a timely manner to the correct people, the shipment will not progress through the air transport



Load-Control must Receive the Following Information:

ULD identification;
ULD gross weight;
ULD load information codes (e.g. X = empty ULD);
Special handling and hazardous code (mandatory) and complementary information, if required, for example:



OHG/length & direction

ULD contour (where applicable);
Bulk load: pieces and weight (where applicable);
Airport of unload.
Make sure all documentation required for the load control process, as well as for the filing and recording, is forwarded to the
correct office(s)/staff for their action.
Cargo NOTOC as per AHM 381 to be communicated.

Damage and Irregularities

Cargo can be damaged, tampered, pilfered or missing before, during and after transportation. It is important to deal with this
problem as soon as it is noticed so that it can be resolved and any possible risks minimized.
If at any stage of the cargo handling process, cargo is damaged, missing or pilferage is noted, contact the Manager/Supervisor
immediately to inspect the cargo, its packaging and/or the ULD.
If it is confirmed that cargo is damaged, missing or pilferage is noted:

Start all appropriate action, including any emergency action necessary in the case of damaged Dangerous Goods.

Assess and document damage.

As applicable, either allow the shipment to proceed for flight or remove from aircraft/flight.

Inform and request feedback from all parties concerned.

Monitor and record all actions and communications until resolution is achieved.

In all cases, a Cargo Irregularity Report must be completed.


Accuracy of Cargo Scales

The accuracy of all cargo scales (weighbridges) used for weight determination of load shall be checked in accordance with
AHM 534 and AHM 941.



IGOMChapter 3

Cargo Forwarding Storage and Preparation for Flight

After cargo has been accepted for transport, it can follow one of several paths before being loaded onto an aircraft:

Directly through the cargo facility without being stored.

Stored for a period of time, waiting for a flight.

Moved from storage and built up on or in a ULD prior to moving to the aircraft.

Moved from storage directly to flight.



Move the cargo by appropriate means to the storage area. ULDs must be supported and transported on equipment suitable for
the purpose and meeting the requirements of AHM 911. Only those ULDs equipped with forklift packets may be moved using
forklifts and placed on the ground. Ref. AHM 427.
Put the cargo in the storage area as per local procedures, ensuring that:

dangerous goods are stored as per the current Dangerous Goods Regulations;

live animals are placed in a quiet, well-ventilated designated area, protected from adverse weather conditions (refer to LAR);

temperature sensitive items are stored at the correct temperature (refer to PCR);

human remains in coffins are not stored next to food/live animals;

flowers are separate from fruits and vegetables;

valuable/vulnerable cargo is stored in a secured place and in accordance with operating airline requirements;

courier/express cargo shall be stored in an easily accessible location;

Special attention must be paid to Cooltainers.

Make sure that once cargo has been put in the storage area, its location is recorded and that all the information, as well as the
location of the cargo, is correctly communicated for ease of retrieving the cargo when required.


Preparation for Flight

Receive the cargo from the cargo acceptance function and decide, according to local procedures, if the cargo is to be
security screened or not.
Receive all documentation and instructions regarding the cargo for the specific flight.
Move the cargo by appropriate means either:

directly to the flight;

to the secure flight holding area; or

to the area where the cargo is being loaded for the flight, whichever is applicable.
ULDs must be supported and transported on equipment suitable for the purpose and meeting the requirements of AHM 911.
Only those ULDs equipped with forklift packets may be moved using forklifts and placed on the ground. Ref. AHM 427.
Make sure all documentation and special instructions necessary for load control and NOTOC purposes are recorded and
passed on as required.
Collect empty ULDs from the ULD storage area if the aircraft uses ULDs. Complete the ULD control documentation for
receipt of the ULD. Check that:

the ULD (including any nets, doors etc.) is fit for flight before accepting the ULDuse ULD Damage Limits Notice as a
guide if this is fitted to the ULD. Ref. AHM 425 and UTM;

the ULD is correct for the type of aircraft used for the flight;

nets, ropes, straps, etc. are not in a position to drag on the ground, get jammed in rollers, ball-mats, or wheels.
As required by the type of cargo, lay any load-spreading materials on the aircraft pallet or aircraft container floor.
As required by the type of cargo or operating airline requirement, lay any approved waterproofing, absorbent and/or
insulating material on the aircraft pallet or on the aircraft container floor. For wet cargo, allow a 1 meter turn-up of the
waterproof material placed under each side of the cargo.
Retrieve the stored cargo from the storage location and/or directly from the cargo acceptance area.
Make sure there is no damage and/or tampering of any dangerous goods or other cargo:

Do not load any dangerous goods shipment that is leaking or damaged.

Do not touch damaged or leaking shipments with dangerous goods, or suspected to contain dangerous goods, until the
hazard is known.
Replace any labels and/or ULD tags that have been lost, have become unreadable or have become detached after
acceptance. In the case of dangerous goods, the replacement labeling and tagging must be completed in accordance with
the information provided on the Shippers Declaration for dangerous goods.



Cargo/Mail Handling ProceduresIGOM

While gathering the cargo in preparation for the flight, check that:

separation of incompatible commodities is maintained at all times;

where applicable any maximum quantity limitations of commodities is maintained;

adequate ventilation and air circulation is provided for live animals and perishables;

any items labeled Cargo Aircraft Only are loaded only for freighter aircraft flights.
Do not load any leaking wet cargo.


Building Unit Load Devices (ULD's) and Prepare Loose Cargo

When building ULD's and preparing loose cargo, ensure the following:

The weight of the cargo is evenly distributed over the base surface area.

The load of dense cargo is spread over a wider area.

Live animals are not loaded in direct contact with the base of the pallet.

Cargo is supported and secured to prevent shifting, rolling, toppling, crushing, or breaking.

The heaviest items are positioned lowest in any stacks of cargo.

Heavy items are not placed in the overhang portion of a container.

Dangerous goods are properly secured.

If the package size is too small to be secured by the cargo net; make alternative arrangements to secure the goods on the

Coffins must always be secured and loaded horizontally, preferably on an aircraft pallet and not next to food or live animals.

Flowers are separated from fruit and vegetables.

Partially filled containers have straps or nets to secure the cargo.

For live animals, use adequate ventilation and air circulation.

All doors must be closed properly and attached/latched at all the points.

The correct contour must be used applicable to the aircraft type used for the flight.

Where applicable, only an approved waterproof and/or fire retardant material can be used to cover palletized cargo, and the
cargo net must be on the outside of any such covering.

Aircraft containers must not be wrapped on the outsideall waterproofing is to be done by lining the inside of the container
and/or wrapping the cargo itself.

All straps and nets must be serviceableuse ULD Damage Limitations Notice (if available) on nets, pallets and containers to
help with this assessment; and do not fix a net or strap with non-approved materials and/or fittings.

Nets and straps must not be over-tensioned so that cargo is damaged and/or the ULD is twisted.

The tension of the nets and straps must be evenly applied around the edge of the ULD.

Make sure that all ULDs have the correct tags attached/put into the ULD tag pocket.

Weigh and record the weight of each ULD and loose cargo once it is prepared. In the event of a weight discrepancy the ULD
should be reweighed.

Communicate all information necessary for each ULD loaded to all parties. Example, Load Control, Special Instructions for
NOTOC, ULD Control.

Move the loaded ULDs to the secure flight holding area, obeying all special instructions related to the cargo on that ULD
such as temperature control, proximity to other commodities etc. The ULDs should either be transferred to holding area roller
beds or remain on the ULD transport trolleys. Whenever possible, ULDs should be stored in a sheltered area during adverse
weather condition.

Structural weight limitation of ULDs and Aircraft type must be obeyed.

Also refer to AHM chapter 3 & 4 for additional instructions.


Cargo Surface Transportation and Transfer

When the cargo has to move between ground facilities and the aircraft, or between aircraft, apply the following:


Transport from Facility to Aircraft

Receive all documentation and instructions for the specific flight.

Make sure that any vehicles and equipment that you use are serviceable, before collecting loose cargo and/or build up pallet
from the flight holding area.
Inspect all cargo to be moved to the flight(s). Check that:

The cargo you intend to transport is the correct cargo for the flight(s).

The cargo is undamaged and has no signs of being tampered withinform Supervisor of any abnormalities or deal with
as per IGOM 3.3: Cargo Damage and Discrepancies.



IGOMChapter 3

All ULDs are fit for flight. Ref. AHM 425 and UTM
No nets, ropes, straps, protective materials, etc. are in a position to drag on the ground, get jammed in rollers, ball-mats
or wheels.

All built-up cargo is safe to move and will not shift, roll, or topple.

All dollies comply with AHM 911, are serviceable and all latches/locks/stops are engaged to keep the ULD on the

All loose cargo is securely stowed and all handling instructions are obeyed, for example, This Side Up, Fragile etc.
and separation of incompatible commodities is maintained at all times.
Make every effort to protect cargo from adverse weather conditions by using a cover and avoiding the use of open carts.
Comply with any limitations regarding the maximum number of dollies in a train of dollies, and/or the maximum load on a
vehicle. Do not overload.
Start the loaded vehicle(s) moving and as soon as it is safe to do so, perform a brake and steering check to make sure the
loaded vehicle(s) is/are capable of stopping and turning. Do not continue with the trip if you are in any doubt about ability to
stop and steer the vehicle(s).
Drive particularly smoothly when live animals form part of the load.
Obey all applicable driving rules and regulations in force during the trip, for example, speed-limits.
Throughout the trip, whenever safe to do so, observe the cargo to ensure it is still on the dollies and that no stacks of cargo
have collapsed or toppled. If there is something wrong, either stop, or if possible, pull out of the roadway and stop. Either
correct the problem and continue, or call for assistance. If the pallet needs to be rebuilt, only trained staff shall perform the
Slow down and carefully approach the aircraft. Stop before entering the demarcated aircraft parking area, making sure that
all dollies are clear of the main roadways and aircraft maneuvering areas.
Wait for further instructions from aircraft loading staff before entering the aircraft parking area. Do not leave loaded vehicle(s)
unattended with the engine running and/or held only by the hand-brake.
Make sure that the correct cargo is delivered to the correct flight.
Inspect all cargo delivered to a flight with the aircraft loading staff, making sure no damage has occurred during the transport
process. If damage has occurred, deal with it as per IGOM 3.3: Cargo Damage and Discrepancies.
Hand over all documentation, pouches and special instructions for that flight only, to the aircraft loading staff, in the cargo
hold and/or to cabin staff as per operating airline procedures.


Transport from Aircraft to Facility/Other Aircraft

Receive all documentation and instructions concerning the cargo to be collected, location of aircraft etc.
Make sure that any vehicles and equipment used to collect the cargo is serviceable before setting out to collect the cargo
from the aircraft. Dollies used to transport ULDs must comply with AHM 911
Comply with any limitations regarding the maximum number of dollies in a train of dollies, and/or the maximum load on a
vehicle. Do not overload.
Start the vehicle(s) moving and as soon as it safe to do so, perform a brake and steering check to make sure the vehicle(s)
is/are capable of stopping and turning. Do not continue with the trip if in any doubt about the ability to stop and steer the
Obey all applicable driving rules and regulations in force during the trip, for example, speed limits.
Slow down and approach the aircraft so that vehicle(s) are not pointing directly at the aircraft. Stop before entering the
aircraft parking area, making sure that all dollies are clear of the main roadways and aircraft maneuvering areas.
Wait for further instructions from aircraft unloading staff before entering the aircraft parking area. Do not leave the unloaded
vehicle(s) unattended with the engine running and/or held only by the hand-brake.
Proceed as directed by unloading staff and follow instructions given for collecting the cargo.
Inspect all cargo collected before moving it. Check that:

the correct cargo is being collected;

the cargo is undamaged and has no signs of being tampered withinform Supervisor and unloading staff of any
abnormalities or handle as per IGOM 3.3: Cargo Damage and Discrepancies;

all ULDs are serviceable. Ref. AHM 425 and UTM;

nets, ropes, straps, protective materials etc. are not in a position to drag on the ground, get jammed in rollers, ball-mats,
or wheels;

all built-up cargo is safe to move and it will not shift, roll, or topple;

all dollies are serviceable and that all latches/locks/stops are engaged to keep the ULD on the dollies;

all loose cargo is securely stowed and all handling instructions are obeyed, for example, This Side Up, Fragile etc. and
that separation of incompatible commodities is maintained at all times.
Make sure all documentation, pouches and special instructions are collected from unloading staff.



Cargo/Mail Handling ProceduresIGOM

Comply with any limitations regarding the maximum number of dollies in a train of dollies, and/or the maximum load on a
vehicle. Do not overload.
Start the loaded vehicle(s) moving and as soon as it safe to do so, perform a brake and steering check to make sure the
vehicle(s) is capable of stopping and turning. Do not continue with the trip if you are in any doubt about ability to stop and
steer the vehicle(s).
Throughout the trip, whenever safe to do so, observe the cargo to make sure that it is still on the dollies and that no stacks
of cargo have collapsed or toppled. If there is something wrong, either stop, or if possible pull out of the roadway and stop.
Either correct the problem and continue, or call for assistance.


Transport from One Aircraft to Another

If transporting cargo from one aircraft to another:

Follow the process described in the last five steps of IGOM 3.6.1 Transport From Facility to Aircraft.


Transport from Aircraft to Cargo Facility

If transporting cargo from one or more aircraft to the cargo facility:

Upon arriving at the cargo facility, stop before entering and wait for further instructions where applicable. Do not leave the
loaded vehicle(s) unattended with the engine running and/or held only by the hand-brake.

Inspect all cargo delivered with either the aircraft loading staff or the facility staff (depending on delivery point), making sure
no damage has occurred during the transport process. If damage has occurred, handle as per IGOM 3.3: Cargo Damage
and Discrepancies.

Hand over all documentation, pouches and special instructions.


Cargo Breakdown, Delivery, in Transit and Transfer

The path that cargo will follow between being received into the cargo facility after flight and its delivery to the consignee, in
transit, or transfer to another airline can vary. The variations depend on the type of cargo, the customs clearance arrangements,
the priority/service level assigned and collection arrangements made.



Unitized cargo (shipper-built ULDs) is not normally unpacked (broken down) in the facility and is usually delivered along with the
ULD to the consignee. It may or may not be stored in the facility while waiting for collection.
Other cargo loaded (built) in ULDs will be unloaded (broken down) from the ULD and either stored or delivered directly to the
Loose cargo may be stored or delivered directly.


Breakdown of Cargo

Inspect the cargo and ULDs delivered, together with the transport staff, and check for damage/tampering. If there is any evidence
of damage/tampering, handle as per IGOM 3.3: Cargo Damage and Discrepancies.
Move the cargo into the facility and proceed as follows: If the Cargo is Loaded in ULDs:

Separate Shipper-built ULDs from the ULDs that must be broken down. For Shipper-Built ULDs, Either:

move these ULDs for immediate delivery to the delivery area only if documentation and customs permit delivery, or;
move other shipper-built ULDs to the appropriate storage area making sure that all special instructions, separation distances
between incompatible commodities, and customs regulations are obeyed. Record the storage location and communicate this
information so that the cargo can easily be retrieved. For all ULDs Except Shipper-Built ULDs:

Record the storage location and communicate this information so that the cargo can easily be retrieved. When the ULD must be Broken Down:

Move the ULDs to the unloading area.

ULDs shall not be located/stored directly on the floor.
Ensure sufficient ventilation before entering a ULD containing dry ice.
Open container doors/release nets and straps, taking due care of any possible risk of the cargo falling or moving. Do not cut
ropes, nets and straps. Do not detach nets that are permanently attached to an aircraft pallet.



IGOMChapter 3

Unload the ULD using appropriate equipment so as not to damage either the cargo or the ULD.
Check the cargo unloaded from the ULD against the documentation provided to make sure all cargo that was loaded is
received. Notify the operating airline of any discrepancies (shortages and overages) and complete the required incident

Check that the cargo received is undamaged/has not been tampered with. See IGOM 3.3: Cargo Damage and

Move the cargo away from the unloading area and store in the appropriate storage location making sure that all special
instructions, separation distances between incompatible commodities, and customs regulations are obeyed.

Record the storage location and communicate this information so that the cargo can easily be retrieved.

Dispose of/recycle/send for reuse packaging and supporting materials collected as a result of the unpacking process.

Collect all straps and arrange for these to be returned either to the owner (as indicated by markings on the straps) or sent to
the cargo forwarding area for reuse.

Spread pallet net(s) flat and neatly in the centre area of the empty aircraft pallet, making sure that no part of the net or any
ropes hang over the edge of the pallet where they can get caught in transport/transfer equipment.

Either close and latch the aircraft container door(s), or secure the aircraft container door(s) in the open position.

Remove any labels, tags, etc. from the ULD(s).

Damaged ULDs shall be identified as unserviceable and isolated from serviceable ULDs before being sent for repair

Arrange for the empty ULDs to be:

returned to the ULD storage facility;

sent for cleaning and disinfecting if contaminated from previous shipment, or used to transport live animals, meat/fish;

sent to the forwarding area for reuse.

Complete the documentation or update the computer system as required to record the transfer of the ULD out of the
receiving section/location.
Note: ULDs must be supported and transported on equipment suitable for the purpose and meeting the requirements of AHM
911. Only those ULDs equipped with forklift packets may be moved using forklifts and placed on the ground. Ref AHM 427.

If the Cargo is not Loaded in ULDs

Unload the cargo from the dollies or vehicle, using appropriate equipment and taking due care of any possible risk of the
cargo falling or moving.
Check the cargo unloaded against the documentation provided to make sure all cargo that was loaded is received. Record
shortages and overages and complete the required incident reports.
Check that the cargo received is undamaged/has not been tampered with. See 3.3 Cargo Damage and Discrepancies.
Move the cargo away from the unloading area and store in the appropriate storage location making sure that all special
instructions, separation distances between incompatible commodities, and customs regulations are obeyed.
Record the storage location and communicate this information so that the cargo can easily be retrieved.
Dispose of/recycle/send for reuse packaging and supporting materials collected as a result of the unpacking process.


Cargo Delivery

The delivery of cargo to the consignee is initiated by either a pre-arrangement (with accompanying documentation at the time of
collection) or the presentation of the correct documentation to a cargo facility staff member responsible for delivering cargo.
Review the documentation provided and check that:

the person collecting the cargo is authorized to do so;

all necessary documentation has been completed;

any customs clearances have been completed;

all fees and charges have been paid or accounted for.

Collect, or arrange for the specific cargo to be collected, from the storage area and/or directly from the cargo receiving area. As
far as the facilities allow:

maintain the state of the cargo in accordance with any special instructions such as temperature;

maintain separation distances between incompatible commodities.

Inspect the cargo with the person collecting the cargo, checking that:

it is the correct cargo;

there are the correct number of items (pieces);

the cargo is in good order (condition) and there are no signs of pilferage.



Cargo/Mail Handling ProceduresIGOM

If the cargo is being delivered as a Shipper-built unit load in a ULD, ensure the following:

Inspect the ULD (including nets) with the person collecting the cargo.

Complete the documentation, or enter in the computer system, all information required on the ULD Transfer (LUC) form and
record any damages to the ULD on the LUC document.

The LUC must be signed by the person collecting the cargo and the ULD, or the transfer of the ULD must be entered into
the computer system.

Obtain all signatures required (proof of delivery), hand over and retain the correct documentation as required by the local

Move the cargo as per local procedures and load onto vehicle that will take the cargo from the facility.

Vehicles transporting ULDs must be equipped with roller or ball mats to allow for moving the ULD on the roller-bed, as well
as appropriate ULD securing devices. Ref. AHM 427

Update the database to record the delivery of the cargo and the ULD if applicable.

Make sure that temperature sensitive goods which have been prepared for delivery are immediately collected by consignee.

If not delivered, immediately move the goods back to the appropriate storage area as per Special Instructions.



IGOMChapter 3



Chapter 4:

Aircraft Handling Procedures

This chapter provides procedures for aircraft handling, including safety procedures.


Ramp Safety in Aircraft Handling


Ramp safety rules and procedures promote safe ground handling. Therefore, the minimum safety rules and procedures defined in
this section shall always be applied and understood by all personnel working on the ramp.
Aircraft damage can endanger passengers, employees and aircraft. Disruptions may also negatively impact safe airline
Even a slight scratch or dent on an aircraft may result in a serious accident.

If you see or cause any aircraft damage, you MUST report it. Refer to the operating airline's policy regarding reporting of
aircraft damage.


General Ramp Safety Danger Areas

There is a particular risk of blast damage or injury from an aircraft engine's exhaust or intake. The risk is further increased if for
any reason an aircraft stops and then applies the additional thrust required to break away and continue the manoeuvre.
Vehicles and personnel must remain clear of aircraft danger areas when aircraft engines are running and/or the anti collision
lights are on.

In order to prevent incidents and accidents caused by aircraft engines, you must never position yourself or equipment in the
following critical areas before or during aircraft departure and arrival:

Engine Intake Area

Engine Blast Area

Propeller Rotation Area (where applicable)

Note: The length of these areas vary for each aircraft type based on whether the engines are at IDLE or BREAKAWAY thrust.
Refer to each aircraft type specific manual for applicable distances.
Ground personnel and/or loose equipment must stay clear of the intake and blast areas. Engine Intake Area

Make sure the engine intake area is clear:

at arrival, until the engines have been switched off and are spooling down;

at departure or just before pushback;

at all times while engines are running.

It is forbidden to pass through the blast area while the engines are running.
Refer to the operating airline's GOM for distances applicable to the specific aircraft type involved in the operation.
Sample Engine Danger Area A330-300 and A330-200



IGOMChapter 4



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM




IGOMChapter 4

Equipment Restraint Area & Equipment Restraint Line

The Equipment Restraint Area (ERA) is defined as the area of the apron bordered by a red line known as the Equipment
Restraint Lineor otherwise indicatedin which an aircraft is parked during ground operations.
The ERA must be free of obstructions and Foreign Object Debris (FOD) before and during aircraft arrival and departure.

FODForeign Object Debris

Foreign Object Debris (FOD) is a general term which applies to all loose objects which are a danger to the safety and integrity of
an aircraft and which, therefore, must not be left in any area where they would constitute a hazard.
Every individual has a responsibility to ensure that the risk of damage to aircraft from FOD is minimized. All FOD must be
removed and properly disposed of as soon as it is discovered.
Often the presence of FOD is due to the carelessness of personnel working airside and their lack of understanding of its
consequences, or the movement of FOD into airside locations during high winds.
Examples of FOD:
Plastic and paper, bags/sheets, rags
Metal: nuts and bolts, empty oil and
hydraulic fluid cans, tools and equipment
Natural objects: rocks, pebbles and
Other debris: burst ballast bags, luggage handles and luggage wheels,

Results of FOD:
Foreign object debris may be ingested into aircraft engines causing damage leading to engine failure. This
is especially critical if it occurs in flight, particularly during the take-off phase.
In addition, damage caused by FOD can occur to tires, the undercarriage, control systems and other parts
of the airframe. All such damage could lead to inflight failures.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM

FOD Checks
The following checks must be conducted prior to any aircraft movement or servicing operation:

Check apron and stand areas.

Check ground equipment staging and parking areas in proximity to area of operation.

Check ground equipment (including floors of enclosed cabins).

Check any garbage bin areas for cleanliness and ensure covers are securely fitted.

Ensure that anything carried in or on a vehicle is secured.

Conduct a FOD walk of the aircraft parking stand removing all FOD found.

Pick-up and dispose all FOD in designated garbage bins.


Safety Instructions for Operating Motorized Vehicles on the Ramp General Safety Instructions for Ground Support Equipment (GSE)

Apply these procedures whenever operating GSE on the ramp.
Only drive or operate GSE if you are trained and authorized for that specific equipment type.
When operating equipment, check the equipment contact zone for possible aircraft damage and immediately report
any damage found.
Use all safety devices fitted on GSE (e.g. bumpers, handrails, stabilizers, etc.) during aircraft handling and
Ensure protective rubber bumpers ARE NOT compressed against aircraft fuselage. Basic Operating Requirements for GSE

Check all GSE involved in aircraft handling at the start of a shift (at least once per day), in particular the parking brakes,
rubber protective bumpers, safety systems and all other proximity sensors.

Perform a vehicle/equipment walk around check prior to its use.

Apply parking brakes and place the gear selector in the PARK or NEUTRAL position on all GSE when it is parked or

When positioning GSE, make sure:

Clearance is kept between all GSE and the aircraft to allow vertical movement of the aircraft during the entire ground
handling processpreventing contact between the aircraft and equipment.

Do not carry extra personnel during GSE movement without an approved seatapply the no seatno ride principle.

Do not operate vehicles or equipment while using hand-held portable electronic devices.

After positioning equipment on the aircraft, raise all safety rails on conveyor belts, loaders and other elevated
devicesexcept where restricted by aircraft type.

Do not leave any vehicle unattended with its engine running.

If equipped with stabilizers, ensure they are deployed before operation.

Do not drive GSE with lifting devices in the raised position, except for final positioning of the GSE onto the aircraft.

Do not move any GSE, including passenger boarding bridges, towards the aircraft unless all of the following criteria are met:

Aircraft has come to a complete stop;

Engines have been switched off and are spooling down;

Anti-collision lights are switched off;

Wheel chocks are positioned;

Ground/Flight Crew communication has been established, and clearance has been given, if applicable.
Note: The above does not apply for ground power units (GPU). Non-Motorized GSE

When parked, all non-motorized GSE must have brakes set or chocks in place when not connected to motorized vehicles.
ULDs must be secured on dollies (or trailers/trucks) using the appropriate restraints.
Pallet and container dollies may only be towed with the turntables in the locked position (straight ahead), and rotated only
when at the loader platform.



IGOMChapter 4

Passenger Boarding Equipment

The operator of the passenger boarding bridge must be trained and authorized to operate the boarding bridge.
When positioning equipment at doors and driver/operator vision is restricted, use a guide person.
Make sure the guide person is in a position to accurately judge clearances and communicate signals to the driver/operator.
Stop immediately if visual contact with the guide person is lost.

A guide person is not required if the equipment is fitted with systems (e.g. sensors) that enable the operator to
accurately judge clearances and properly position it to and from the aircraft.
Make sure the equipment does not contact the wing root leading edge fairing that extends under certain cabin access doors
and any other sensors or fairings.
Make sure any sliding rails and canopies on the equipment are fully retracted during positioning, and fully extended only
once the equipment is in position.
If the equipment's sliding rails cannot be extended until the door has been opened, make sure they are extended
immediately upon door opening.
If the boarding equipment is not equipped with an auto-level feature, position the floor of the boarding device 6 in/15 cm
below the door sill. This reduces the possibility that the aircraft door will rest on the boarding device in the event that the
aircraft settles during loading and unloading.
Report any malfunction of the bridge to the appropriate person/authority.

Check that the bridge is serviceable before use.

The bridge must be fully retracted before aircraft arrival and departure.

The safety barrier must be in place whenever the bridge is not at the aircraft.

Make sure the movement path is clear before moving the bridge.

Only the bridge operator shall be in the bridge while it is moving.

Move the bridge slowly towards the aircraft until the bridge touches the aircraftavoiding any aircraft sensors.

Keep sufficient clearance between the bridge and the underside of the cabin door or as directed by the cabin door

Engage any safety systems and auto-leveler features if applicable. If the bridge is not equipped with an auto-leveler, the
bridge must be attended by an operator whenever it is positioned at an aircraft.

Close the cabin door before removing the bridge.

When positioning is complete, the bridge controls must be isolated as applicable.

Passenger Stairs

Check that the passenger stairs are serviceable before use.

Check that the walking surfaces are safe for use.
Passenger stairs must be outside the ERA before aircraft arrival and departure.
Make sure the movement path is clear before moving the passenger stairs.
Move the passenger stairs slowly towards the aircraft, avoiding any aircraft sensors, until either the protective bumpers just
touch the aircraft or the equipment's proximity sensors stop the movement.
Keep sufficient clearance between the passenger stairs and the underside of the cabin door, or as directed by the cabin door
Engage any safety systems and auto-leveler features if applicable. If the passenger stairs are not equipped with an auto
leveler, the level of the passenger stairs must be monitored and adjusted as required.
Deploy stabilizers if fitted.
Extend side rails after the cabin door has been opened.
Make sure passenger stairs are positioned so that the cabin door can be used as an unobstructed escape route in the event
of an emergency/evacuation.
If the passenger stairs are towed, disconnect them from the tractor and manually position them on the aircraft.
Close the cabin door before removing the passenger stairs.
After the cabin door has been closed, confirm there is no staff on the stairs prior to retracting stabilizers.
If the stairs are not positioned on the aircraft, they must be pulled back sufficiently to allow the deployment of slides in case
of emergency.
Cabin doors shall only be in open position if there is any GSE or boarding device positioned at the door. Cabin
doors may never be opened without any equipment positioned at the aircraft.
There is a risk of falling while operating cabin doors.
Slide deployments can be fatal. If an armed door begins to open, do not attempt to hold the door, as you risk being
seriously injured or killed by doing so.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM Aircraft Loading Equipment
Belt Loader
The following precautions must be taken when operating a belt loader:

The boom of the belt loader must never be positioned inside the cargo hold of any aircraft.

Position and remove a belt loader in a straight line with the cargo hold door at a 90 degree angle to the aircraft fuselage.

Ensure the boom is clear of the aircraft or other obstacles before making a turn.

The rubber bumpers on a conveyor belt loader must NEVER make contact with the aircraft. The minimum distance to be
maintained at all times is 1 in/2.5 cm from the fuselage.

Always raise side handrails as soon as belt loader is positioned. Make sure they do not touch the aircraft fuselage.

Specially designed belt loaders (e.g. Ramp Snake or Powerstow) require the equipment to be positioned inside the cargo
ULD Loader

Check that the ULD loader is serviceable before use.

Check that the walking and loading surfaces are safe for use.

Lower both platforms during maneuvering of a ULD loader.

The ULD loader must be outside the ERA before aircraft arrival and departure.

Make sure the movement path is clear before moving the ULD loader.

Never drive a ULD loader underneath the wing of an aircraft.

Move the ULD loader slowly towards the aircraft, avoiding any aircraft sensors or wing canoe fairings.

If visibility is limited or the aircraft type requires the ULD loader to be in close proximity to the fuselage or wing trailing edge,
then a guidance marshaller must be used.

ULD loaders must NEVER make contact with the aircraft. Position the ULD loader no closer than 2 in/5 cm or until the
proximity sensors stop the movement (if equipped).

Do NOT open/close aircraft cargo compartment doors while standing on a ULD loader. Use technical steps or a belt loader
with a raised side safety rail, and deploy stabilizers if equipped. (Not applicable to main deck cargo doors)

Engage any safety systems and auto-leveler features if applicable. If the ULD loader is not equipped with an auto leveler,
the level of the ULD loader must be monitored and adjusted as required.

Deploy stabilizers if fitted and raise safety rails.

Constantly monitor the parts of the aircraft that could come into contact with the loader (e.g. edge of cargo hold opening,
aircraft cargo door, control panel doors, fairings on fuselage and wings).

Adjust the loader's front platform during loading as required when the aircraft's level varies as the load changes. Ground Support Equipment Safety Driving and Parking Inside ERA
Apply the following precautions when driving or parking Ground Support Equipment (GSE) within the ERA:

Make a minimum of one complete stop with all motorized vehicles/equipment prior to entering the ERA.

Conduct a Brake Check or Safety Stop by coming to a full and complete stop to confirm the serviceability of the
brake system on the vehicle and to test the apron surface.

This action MUST be carried out even if there is no Equipment Restraint Line marked on the apron.

This stop must be conducted at a distance of no less than 5 m/15 ft from the aircraft.

Do not drive GSE faster than walking speed.

Maneuver GSE carefully in order to prevent personnel injury and/or aircraft damage.

When reversing vehicles or equipment with limited rear-view visibility inside the Equipment Restraint Area, make sure you

guided by an agent using standard IATA signals, and/or

assisted by means of a rear-view video or mirror.

Any moving vehicle that is not positioning at the aircraft must stay outside the operational safety buffer zone.

Do not drive or park under the aircraft fuselage and/or wing.


GSE and vehicles needed for aircraft servicing (e.g. aircraft refueling truck, water servicing truck, toilet servicing truck).

On stations or with aircraft types where the aircraft/stand configuration makes it necessary to tow dollies under the wing
during (off)loading of the aft cargo hold of a wide body aircraft. In such situations:

Tow only empty dollies under the rearmost part of the right wing only.



IGOMChapter 4

Potable Water Servicing

Water service must not be performed by staff that has already performed toilet servicing during the same shift.
Only uplift water if authorized by the operating airline.
Replenish the aircraft tank according to the operating airline instructionsany deviation must be reported to the supervisor or
airline representative.


General Hygiene Precautions

To perform water servicing you must:

wear clean clothing;

thoroughly wash your hands using soap before starting water servicing:

Do not fill the potable water service unit from the same water source as the toilet service unit.

Do not park the potable water service unit and the toilet service unit in the same area.

Do not service the toilet and water on the aircraft at the same time. Certain aircraft types are exempted from this rule.
(For exceptions, refer to airline GOM)


Potable Water Units Servicing Procedure

Filling Aircraft Water Tanks

Fill the aircraft water system only after the electrical power supply has been restored.
Fill the aircraft water system as close to the departure time of the aircraft as possible.
Before connecting the aircraft filling hose to the aircraft, flush the hose.
Each aircraft type has specific requirements for filling and draining. Refer to the operating airline's GOM for specific servicing
Note: When the filling hoses are not in use, the nozzles or connectors must be protected from contamination either by the use of
appropriate covers or by immersing them in receptacles containing chlorinated water.

Water Servicing During Freezing Conditions

The following actions must be followed to prevent freezing of the water in the aircraft water tanks and lines during freezing

Drain the aircraft water tanks if instructed by the operating airline as per the operating airline procedures.

Ensure the fill line is fully drained before closing the cap to prevent freezing of fluid inside.
Keep aircraft cargo doors closed to prevent water lines from freezing when the cargo compartments are not being
loaded or offloaded.
Do not attempt to remove the frozen substance in the fill lines or connections or on the service panels. Contact
maintenance immediately.


Toilet Servicing

The complete procedure for servicing the aircraft toilet waste tank consists of the following 3 steps:

Draining of the waste tank(s);

Flushing of the waste tank(s);

Adding an amount of pre-charge and/or a concentrated deodorant precharge productas applicable.

Toilet fluids are corrosive.
Prior to servicing, inspect the toilet servicing panel on the aircraft for signs of leakage. If any horizontal blue streaks
are observed, the blue streak must be cleaned prior to servicing. After cleaning, look again for signs of leakage.
Blue ice build-up in higher altitudes may influence airworthiness. In case of a possible leak, immediately inform the
airline representative, ground engineer, or advise the flight crew.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Hygiene Precautions

Wear heavy rubber gloves, eye protection and protective clothing against harmful wastes when performing toilet servicing.
Do not park the toilet service unit in the same area as the water service unit nor at the water filling point.
Once an agent has performed toilet servicing on an aircraft, the same agent CANNOT perform water servicing
during the same shift.


Toilet Servicing Procedure

Each aircraft type has specific requirements for toilet servicing and the amount of precharge and/or concentrated deodorant
precharge product. Refer to the operating airline's GOM for aircraft type specific instructions for more details. General

Prior to opening a toilet service panel, check for stains around the panel.
While opening the service panel, stay clear and watch for signs of leakage.
Stay clear of the drain fitting cap while opening, and watch for signs of leakage.
If required for a recirculation toilet, stir up the waste tank contents with an appropriate stick.
Make sure the drain hose Y-fitting coupling is connected correctly, before a drain valve handle is pulled.
Empty the waste tank(s).
Flush the waste tank(s) twice and empty them again.
Precharge the tank(s) with the correct quantity of water and disinfectantas applicable.
Fill the waste tank(s) with the correct amount of water and concentrated deodorant precharge packets or pre-mixed fluid as

For aircraft equipped with a conventional toilet system, fill the waste tank(s) with the correct amount of water and
precharge, or concentrated deodorant precharge.

After servicing ensure that there are no leaks at the drain fitting cap and the end of the drain hose Y-fitting coupling.

Close the nozzle tightly in order to prevent the accumulation of ice during flight and wipe off residual water and disinfectant.

Check for possible leakage.

After servicing close and latch the fitting caps and service panel door.
Note: Inform aircraft maintenance or flight crew, if:

Fluid leakage is observed.

The drain valve will not open or the waste tank cannot be drained.

Report any spillage of waste to the supervisor.


Drain the aircraft waste system into the waste tank of a Toilet Service Unit.

Observe the waste drain hose during draining to confirm that the waste tank is completely emptied. The hose will also
vibrate for a few seconds as the contents of the waste tank pass into the waste tank of a Toilet Service Unit.
Note: Drain the waste tanks one at a time for optimal results. Servicing During Freezing Conditions

Take the following measures to prevent freezing of the fluid in the aircraft toilet tanks and lines during freezing conditions:

Drain the waste tanks if the aircraft is parked in the open for several hours without electrical power supply and the
temperature is, or is expected to be, below the freezing point, as per the operating airline procedure.

Fill the aircraft toilet system only after electrical power supply has been restored, and as close to flight departure time as

Ensure the fill line is fully drained before closing the cap to prevent freezing of fluid in the fill line.
Do not attempt to remove the frozen substance in the fill lines or connections or on the service panels. Contact
maintenance immediately. Inoperative Toilet Systems

If defects of the toilet system prevent regular servicing:

Ask qualified technical staff - if available - for assistance (e.g. removal of panels, etc.).

If no technical staff is available, inform the Flight Crew or an airline representative.



IGOMChapter 4

Safety During Fueling/Defueling

Fueling Safety Zone

The Fueling Safety Zone (FSZ) is defined as an area of at least 3 meters in any direction from the centre-point of all fuel vent
exits, refueling plugs, aircraft refueling ports, fuel hydrants, fuel hoses and fueling vehicles. This distance may be further
increased as required by local airport or civil aviation regulations.

(9 ft)



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM

Within the Fueling Safety Zone (FSZ), all personnel must ensure that they:

do NOT smoke;

do not use ANY hand held portable electronic devices, including cell phones, portable music players, portable game units or
an earpiece or headset;

only use company issued and approved radios, radio telephones, pagers, torches, lamps and lighting systems. Battery
chargers must not be operated;

enter the FSZ only when required by your present job task responsibility;

assume that fueling is taking place anytime a fuel vehicle is on the stand during aircraft servicing and fuel hoses connected;

do not leave vehicle engines running unnecessarily;

position all GSE and vehicles so they do not obstruct the fueling vehicles' escape route;

do not allow any passengers to enter the FSZ;

avoid the use of motorized GSE within the FSZ;

do not park any equipment in the FSZ;

ensure fuel hoses are protected and all ground equipment is kept a minimum of 1 metre (3 ft) away from any fuel hose on
the stand that is connected between a fuel truck and an aircraft.


Fuel Spillage

Take the following safety measures whenever a fuel spill occurs:

Activate the emergency shut-off valve where installed

Alert the person in charge of fueling and/or the Pilot in Command of the spillage.

Contact the local fire service if not already done.

Verify with authorities/supervisor whether to stop all activity around the aircraft.

As far as possible, restrict all activities inside and outside the spill area to reduce the risk of ignition.

Secure the area 15 metres from the contaminated area.



IGOMChapter 4

Refueling/Defueling with Passengers on Board

When fueling with passengers onboard you must:

keep designated escape exits clear. An escape exit may either be a bridge into a terminal building, a cabin door or a
passenger stair truck positioned on an open cabin door.

ensure that all areas on stand below designated escape exits are kept free of any equipment and vehicles which would
impede the deployment of an escape slide.

not hinder escape routes of passengers on board by ensuring that passenger stairs and bridges are clear of FOD.
Refer to the operating airlines' policy regarding fueling as well as local airports and regulatory requirements. The above is
applicable as a minimum standard.


Adverse Weather Conditions

Adverse or poor weather conditions may have a negative impact on aircraft handling activities and ground safety.


Winter or Slippery Apron Conditions

Winter weather brings extra hazards which require awareness and more care on the part of personnel working on the aprons to
prevent accidents. The following precautions to reduce accident risk must be taken:

Plan additional time for all ramp activities and take extra care when walking across apron surfaces which can be slippery.

Take extra care when driving, especially approaching the aircraft. Remember that vehicles require greater distance to stop

Operators of potable water tankers and toilet servicing vehicles must be vigilant that there is no spillage or leakage that can
lead to subsequent freezing. Care must be taken to keep spillage and overflow to a minimum.

Close all entrance and cargo hold doors as soon as possible and keep them closed to avoid precipitation or snow entry into
the aircraft.

Reduce speeds in slippery apron conditions. Adjust all activities and operations on the ramp to suit the conditions at the



Refer to local airport or operating airline policy. Thunderstorm communication may be implemented in alert phases and the
following represents a minimum standard.
Do not wear a headset connected to the aircraft during a thunderstorm or if a warning has been issued.
When lightning is present:

do not communicate with the flight deck using a connected communication headset. If necessary, communicate using
standard hand signals as shown in this chapter.

do not stay in open areas, under the aircraft loading bridge or near any pole.

stop all ground handling operations.

Aircraft fueling must immediately be stopped and is prohibited during thunderstorm activity.


High Wind Conditions

High winds pose a great risk of damage and the following minimum precautions should be taken:

Ensure the safety of the aircraft by installing additional chocks and removing all equipment from around the aircraft.

Take extreme care when opening or closing aircraft hold doors.

Make sure parking brakes are set on all parked GSE.

Set parking brakes and secure by additional means if necessary, all non-motorized ramp equipment. (i.e. baggage carts and
ULD dollies)



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


High Winds Activity Table

The following actions must be taken when sustained winds and/or gusts of wind exceeding 25 KTS are predicted;
48 to 72
72 to 111 Above 111
km/h (30
km/h (45
to 45 mph) to 70 mph) (70 mph)
Secure bag/freight carts, dollies, ladders/maintenance stands and tow bars and place
near or against the building.

Ensure parking brakes are set on all ground equipment.

Ensure empty ULDs are secured and doors/curtains are closed.

Clear FOD and remove ULDs from the stands.

Empty FOD containers and bring inside if not secure.

Suspend use of pre-conditioned air hoses and store securely. Remove marker cones.

Ensure landing gear is chocked for high wind conditions.

Do not elevate cabin service/catering highlifts and passenger stairs not equipped with

Do not elevate cabin service/catering highlifts and passenger stairs equipped with

Close cargo hold/passenger doors. Refer to airline GOM.

Close all aircraft access panels.

Do not elevate booms on deicers.

Remove GSE from aircraft and secure in position outside ERA clear of aircraft.

Secure boarding bridge and position to minimize surface exposed to the direct force of
the wind.

Retract and lower boarding bridge. Position so that boarding bridge length points away
from the wind.


Safety Cones

Safety cones are a caution sign for drivers to maintain required safety clearances. Cones protect parts of the aircraft against
collision by GSE.


Safety Cone Placement and Removal

Prior to arrival of the aircraft, make sure there are sufficient serviceable safety cones to protect the aircraft type to be
Do not approach the aircraft to position cones unless all of the following criteria are met:

Aircraft has come to a complete stop.

Engines have been shut down and are spooling down.

Anti-collision lights are switched off.

Aircraft has been chocked.

Place safety cones on the ground in accordance with the following diagramswithin a maximum of 1 meter outward from the
point of the aircraft being protected. Cones must not be placed in high wind conditions:

Additional safety cones may be needed as per operational requirements or local regulations.
GSE must not approach the aircraft until all safety cones have been placed.
All required safety cones shall remain in place until GSE and vehicle activities around the aircraft have ceased prior to
departure of the aircraft.
Ensure all GSE has been removed from the safety zone.
Remove the safety cones from around the aircraft.
When not in use, place the safety cones in the designated storage area.



IGOMChapter 4

Cone Placement for Wing-Mounted Twin Engine Jet Aircraft

CONE max 1m behind tail

CONE max 1m from wing tip

CONE max 1m from wing tip

CONE max 1m in front of engine

CONE max 1m in front of engine

CONE max 1m in front of nose

Additional cones to be placed when parked on an open ramp adjacent to a service road.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM Cone Placement for Fuselage-Mounted Twin Engine Commuter Aircraft

CONE max 1m behind tail

CONE max 1m from wing tip.

CONE max 1m from wing tip.

CONE max 1m in front of nose

Additional cone to be placed when parked on an open ramp adjacent to a service road,
and always on aircraft with low ground clearance (e.g. CRJ100/200, ATR 42/72).



IGOMChapter 4

Cone Placement for Wing-mounted Twin Propeller Aircraft

CONE max 1m behind tail

CONE max 1m behind engine

CONE max 1m from wing tip

CONE max 1m in front of engine

CONE max 1m behind engine

CONE max 1m from wing tip

CONE max 1m in front of engine

Additional cone to be placed when parked on an open ramp adjacent to a service road,
and always on aircraft with low ground clearance (e.g. CRJ100/200, ATR 42/72)



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM Cone Placement for Wing-Mounted Four Engine Jet Aircraft



IGOMChapter 4

Aircraft Chocking


Wheel Chock Placement

Make sure that adequate numbers of serviceable chocks are available for the aircraft arriving taking account of the ramp
and/or weather conditions.
Do not approach the aircraft to position chocks unless:

Aircraft has come to a complete stop.

One designated member of the ground staff immediately places chocks forward and aft (if aircraft type allows) of the nose
gear. This is the first action to take place around the aircraft, and shall be completed before any other activity may take
Wait until:

Engines have been switched off and are spoolling down

Anti-collision lights are switched off.

Place chocks forward and aft of the main gear in accordance with the applicable normal chock placement diagram.
Walk towards the main gear in a path parallel to the fuselage.
Remove any temporarily-placed nose gear chocks, if applicable.
Give the Chocks Inserted hand signal to the flight deck crew.
When placing wheel chocks:
Stand well clear of the path of the tires, as serious injury could occur if the aircraft begins to roll prior to the final
placement of the chocks.
Approach/leave the main landing gear from the front or rear. This minimizes the risk of serious injury since aircraft
tires are designed to burst in the direction of the wingtips.


When inserting wheel chocks, position one chock in the center in front and one behind the tire(s), parallel to the wheel axle
and only lightly touching the tire. For double axle gears, the chocks are positioned forward of the front tire and aft of the rear
tire on the gear.

If the aircraft is parked on a slope, place the chocks firmly against the down side of the tire.

Eliminate space between a wheel chock and the tire to reduce the chances that the aircraft will jump a wheel chock by
getting a rolling start.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Normal Chock Placement Diagrams

Turnaround (aircraft in service/attended)
Aircraft with single axle main-gear bogie
Note: No nose gear chocks on aircraft with spray

Aircraft with double axle main-gear bogie

(also applies w/center bogie)

Aircraft with triple axle main-gear bogie

Aircraft with center and body-gear bogies

Indicates a temporary chock placement in the normal procedure



IGOMChapter 4

Regional Aircraft Chocking

Normal Turnaround
Regional Aircraft

On arrival, first chock nose gear only

Once the propellers have been safely secured using appropriate tie-down straps, chocks are placed forward and aft of left
main gear.
CRJonly nose gear to be chocked (do not chock mains).



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Enhanced Chock Placement Diagrams

Refer to the Operating Airline's GOM for any Variations in High Wind Chocking Conditions.
Parking Aircraft Out of Service/Night-Stop/High Winds
Aircraft with single axle main-gear bogie
Note: No nose gear chocks on aircraft with spray

Aircraft with double axle main-gear bogie

(also applies w/center bogie)

Aircraft with triple axle main-gear bogie

Aircraft with triple axle center and body-gear bogies



IGOMChapter 4
Parking aircraft out of service/Night-Stop/High Winds
Regional Aircraft

Once the propellers have been safely secured using appropriate tie-down straps, chocks are placed forward and aft of left
main gear.
CRJonly nose gear to be chocked (do not chock mains)



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Hand Signals

In order to standardize ground staffground staff communication or ground staffflight crew communication, the following hand
signals are defined:

Guide Man Hand Signalsto be used by a specific guide man in direct liaison with the equipment operator to facilitate
movements of any type of GSE.

Marshalling Hand Signalsto be used by ground staff, to assist the flight crew during maneuvering of the aircraft and
engine starting.

Technical/Servicing Hand Signalsto be used by ground staff to communicate technical/servicing information to flight
crew, and by flight crew to communicate technical/servicing information to ground staff.

Pushback Hand Signalsto be used during the tractor/towbar connection/disconnection process, and at the start and end
of the pushback operation.


Conditions for Using Hand Signals

The person giving the hand signals must:

Use only approved hand signals.

Be clearly identified to avoid any possible confusion.

Maintain the same role throughout the procedure.

Keep in constant, visual contact with the other ground staff and flight crew throughout the maneuver. If visual contact is lost,
the operation must stop and not re-commence until visual contact is re-established.


Guide Man Hand Signals (For GSE)

To Attract Operator's Attention and Take Command:

To End Command:

Arms held above head in vertical position with palms, facing


Arms crossed on chest.

Meaning: I am in charge of this maneuver. You will take orders Meaning: I am no longer giving you orders.
only from me.



IGOMChapter 4
Forward Movement (Toward man):

Backward Movement:

Arms a little aside and repeatedly moving upwards, backwards, Arms by sides, palms facing forward, swept forward and
beckoning onwards.
upward repeatedly.
Turn Right:

Turn Left:

Left arm downward, hand extended, right arm repeatedly

moved upward backward. Speed of arm movement indicating
rate of turn.

Right arm downward, hand extended, left arm repeatedly

moved upward backward. Speed of arm movement indicating
rate of turn.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM



Stretch both arms toward load or equipment, palm up, hand

movement in upward direction.

Stretch both arms toward load or equipment, palm down, hand

movement in downward direction.

Accompanied Movement:


Come with Load or equipment. Maintain eye to eye contact

with operator or driver. Swing down opposite arm.

Arm repeatedly crossed above head (the speed of the arm

movement must be related to the urgency of the stop).
Immediate stop: Hands cross over head with clenched fists.



IGOMChapter 4
Indicate Distance:

OK. All is Clear

or continue by Your Own
or Drive Away:

Distance shown between hands must correspond exactly with

existing margin.

Lift stretched right arm, hand closed, thumb raised.

Chocks Inserted; Stabilizers On:

Chocks Removed; Stabilizers Off:

Arms down, hand closed facing inward, thumbs extended,

move arms inwards.

Arms down, hands closed facing outward, thumbs extended,

move arms outward.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM

To Interrupt Power Source

Stop Engine:

(Electricity, Fuel, Air):

Right arm and hand level with shoulder, palm downward

horizontally swinging from extended arm to throat.

Right arm and hand level with shoulder, palm downward, hand
on throat making horizontal move to the right, passing hand
across throat.

To Connect or Disconnect:

Brakes On/Off:

Raise left arm and hand, with fingers extended horizontally.

Right arm and hand raised horizontally in front of body.

Connect: Right hand with clenched fist moving upward to

contact left palm.

Release brakes: With fist clenched, then extend fingers, palm


Disconnect: Right hand with clenched fist leaving left palm


Engage brakes: With extended fingers, palm inward, then

clench fist.



IGOMChapter 4

Marshalling Hand Signals (For Aircraft)

Do not perform aircraft marshalling unless it is permitted by the local airport authority and you have been trained and
Give marshalling hand signals from a position forward of the aircraft while facing and within view of the pilot.
Use illuminated torch lights/wands to improve the visibility of the hand signals in the following situations:

Insufficient apron lighting

Poor visibility

Night conditions

When required by local Airport Authorities or regulations.

To avoid any possible confusion by the Flight Crew, do not use guide man hand signals for equipment until all
aircraft marshalling has been completed.


The hand signals printed on the following pages are illustrated with the use of wands. The meaning of the signals remains
the same when bats, gloves or illuminated torch lights are used.

It is not possible to give signals for engaging/releasing parking brakes with the use of bats or illuminated torch lights.

Identify Gate

Raise fully extended arms straight above head with wands pointing up, move hands fore and aft to keep from blending into



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM

Continue to Taxi Straight Ahead

Bend extended arms at elbows and move wands up and down from waist to head.

Slow Down

Move extended arms downwards in a patting gesture, moving wands up and down from waist to knees.



IGOMChapter 4
Turn Right (From the Pilots Point of View)

With left arm and wand extended at a 90 angle to the body, right hand makes the come ahead signal. The rate of signal motion
indicates to the pilot the rate of aircraft movement desired.

Turn Left (From the Pilots Point of View)

With right arm and wand extended at a 90 angle to the body, left hand makes the come ahead signal. The rate of signal motion
indicates to the pilot the rate of aircraft movement desired.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM

Stop/Emergency Stop

Fully extend arms and wands to cross above the head.

Hold Position/Stand-by

Fully extend arms and wands downwards at a 45 angle to the sides. Hold the position until the aircraft is clear for the next



IGOMChapter 4
Proceed to Next Marshaller or as Directed by Tower/Ground Control

Point both arms upward, move and extend arms outward to side of body and point with wands to direction of next marshaller or
taxi area.

End Marshalling

Perform a standard military salute with right hand and/or wand to dispatch the aircraft. Maintain eye contact with the flight crew
until the aircraft has begun to taxi.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


FireMove right hand in an exaggerated figure of eight (8), or a fanning type motion, from the shoulder to the knee, while at the
same time pointing with the left-hand wand to the area of the fire.

Set Brakes

Raise hand just above shoulder height with open palm. Ensuring eye contact with the flight crew, close hand into a fist. DO NOT
move until receipt of thumbs up acknowledgment from the flight crew.



IGOMChapter 4
Release Brakes

Raise hand just above shoulder height with hand closed in a fist. Ensuring eye contact with the flight crew, open palm. DO NOT
move until receipt of thumbs up acknowledgment from the flight crew.

Chocks Inserted

With arms and wands fully extended above head, move wands inward in a jabbing motion until the wands touch.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM

Chocks Removed

With arms and wands fully extended above head, move wands outward in a jabbing motion. DO NOT remove chocks until
authorised by the flight crew.

Start Engines

Raise right arm to head level with wand pointing up and start a circular motion with hand, at the same time with the left arm
raised above head level point to aircraft.



IGOMChapter 4
Emergency Engine Shut Down

Extend arm with wand forward of body at shoulder level, move hand and wand to top of left shoulder and draw wand to top of
right shoulder in a slicing motion across throat.


Technical/Servicing Hand SignalsGround Staff to Flight Crew

Only use manual signals when verbal communication is not possible.

Make sure acknowledgement is received from the flight crew on all occasions.

Connect Towbar:

Bring arms above the head and grasp forearm with opposite hand.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM

Air Up (Supply Pressurised Air for Engine Start):

Wave arms up & down from thigh to waist with palms up.

Connect/Disconnect Ground Power

To connect ground power:

Hold arms fully extended above head, open left hand horizontally and move finger tips of right hand into and touch the open
palm of left hand (forming a T). At night, illuminated wands can also be used to form the T above the head.



IGOMChapter 4
To disconnect power:

Hold arms fully extended above head with finger tips of right hand touching the open horizontal palm of the left hand
(forming a T), then move right hand away from the left. DO NOT disconnect power until authorised by the flight crew. At
night, illuminated wands can also be used to open the T above the head.

Affirmative/All Clear

Raise right arm to head level with wand pointing up or display hand with thumbs up, left arm remains at side by knee.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Hold right arm straight out at 90 from shoulder and point wand down to ground or display hand with thumbs down, left hand
remains at side by knee.


Extend both arms at 90 from body and move hands to cup both ears.



IGOMChapter 4
Do not Touch Controls

Raise right hand above head level and close fist or hold wand in horizontal position, left arm remains at side by knee.

Open/Close Stairs Forward/Aft

With right arm at side and left arm raised above head at a 45 angle, move right arm in sweeping motion towards top of left



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Technical/Servicing Hand SignalsFlight Crew to Ground Staff

Brakes Engaged:

Brakes Released:

Raised arm and hand, with fingers extended, horizontally in

front of face. Hand is then closed to a fist.

Raised arm, with fist clenched, horizontally in front of face.

Hand is then opened to an open palm.

Insert Wheel Chocks:

Remove Wheel Chocks:

Arms extended, palms outwards, and hands moving inwards.

Hands crossed in front of face, palms inwards, and arms

moving outwards.

Ready to Start Engine(s):

All Clear:

One hand raised with the appropriate number of fingers

stretched indicating the number of the engine to be started.

Acknowledgement of all ground actions.



IGOMChapter 4

Pushback Hand SignalsHeadset Operator to Tug Driver

Vehicle Brakes Off

Raise hand just above shoulder height with closed fist and ensuring eye contact with tug driver open palm.

Clear to Push

Hold arm straight out at a 90 angle from the shoulder and display hand with thumb up. This indicates to the tug driver that all
equipment is clear of the aircraft, the chocks have been removed, the aircraft brakes are off and the flight crew has given
clearance to commence pushback.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Hold arm straight out at 90 angle from the shoulder and display hand with thumb down. This indicates to the tug driver that the
aircraft is not ready for pushback and to hold position.

Vehicle Brakes On/Stop

Raise hand just above shoulder height with open palm and ensuring eye contact with tug driver close into a fist. At the end of
the pushback also indicates to tug driver that aircraft brakes have been set. Tug driver should return the signal to the Headset
operator to confirm vehicle brakes set.



IGOMChapter 4
Slow Down

With hand at a 45 angle downward to the side make a patting motion.

Change of Pushback Direction

Touch nose with finger and with arm at a 90 angle to the shoulder, point in the direction that the aircraft needs to be turned to.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Pushback Hand SignalsWingwalker to Headset Operator/Tug Driver

Clear to Move Aircraft

Raise one fully extended arm with wand straight above head and with the other arm and wand at a 45 angle downward to the

Stop Movement of Aircraft

Fully extend arms and wands to cross above the head.



IGOMChapter 4
Hold Movement of Aircraft

Fully extend arms and wands downwards at a 45 angle to the sides. Hold this position until it is clear for the aircraft to move.


Aircraft Arrival


Actions Prior to Arrival

Conduct FOD check on entire stand removing all debris.

Make sure the stand surface condition is sufficiently free of ice, snow, etc., to ensure safe aircraft movement.
Make sure the aircraft path and ramp area is free of objects and obstacles which the aircraft may strike or endanger others
due to jet blast effects.
Make sure all Ground Support Equipment (GSE) is positioned well clear of the aircraft path, outside the Equipment Restraint
Area (ERA).
Make sure aircraft docking guidance system is operating, or marshalling staff is present.
Make sure additional ground personnel (such as wing walkers) are present (if required).
All persons not involved in the aircraft arrival operation must stay well clear of the arriving aircraft and must not
approach the aircraft until:
The engines have been switched off and are spooling down.
The anti-collision lights have been switched off, and
The main gear wheel chocks are positioned.
Clearance to approach the aircraft has been given by the agent responsible for the arrival operation, if applicable.

Prior to the arrival of the aircraft, the following equipment must be serviceable and available on the stand:

Chocks (as required by aircraft type)

Safety Cones (as required by aircraft type)

Ground power (as required)

Preconditioned air (as required)

Headset interphone (if applicable)

Day or night wands (whichever is applicable)



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Standard Arrival Procedure Aircraft Arrival at a Stand or Open Ramp

For a standard arrival procedure at a stand without an automated guide-in system or at an open ramp:

As aircraft approaches the stand area, the marshaller points to the guide-in line on the ramp to be followed by the aircraft by
standing at the top of the guide-in line and giving the IDENTIFY STAND signal.

While the aircraft taxies along the guide-in line, the marshaller gives the Continue to Taxi ahead signal with marshalling

The nose wheel should follow the lead-in line all the way to the appropriate stop point. Use the Turn Left or Turn Right
signals to correct the track of the aircraft as required.

As the aircraft approaches the stop position, use the Slow Down signal if required. As the nose wheel reaches the stop
point slowly cross the wands in the Stop signal.

Once the aircraft has come to a complete stop and all conditions for chocking are met, the aircraft can be chocked.

Ground power and Pre-Conditioned Air are connected (if required/available).

If at any time during aircraft movement you are unsure or identify an imminent danger, STOP the aircraft! Actions After Arrival

Upon aircraft stopping:

Position wheel chocks at nose landing gear wheels.

Position and connect the Ground Power Unit, if required, before engine shut down.
After engines have been switched off, are spooling down and anti-collision lights have been switched off:

Position wheel chocks at the main landing gear wheels and confirm to flight crew.

Position the passenger boarding device(s) after confirming there is no damage on the cabin door area of the aircraft.

Position the safety cones.

Conduct an arrival walkaround to inspect for damage on the following parts of the aircraft:

All cargo doors

All access panels and servicing access points

Aircraft fuselage

Aircraft engine cowlings

Aircraft passenger doors.

Give clearance for GSE to approach aircraft.

Remove nose gear chocks (temporary placement only).

Note: If any damage is found, report it immediately to supervisor and do not approach the aircraft with any GSE in
the area where the damage has been found.

If an aircraft arrives with an unserviceable anti-collision light, do not approach the aircraft until headset
communication has been established with the flight crew.



IGOMChapter 4

Ground Support Equipment on Arriving Aircraft

Ground Power Unit (GPU)

It is permitted to pre-position a GPU inside the ERA provided there is an assigned GPU parking position.
Position the GPU on the right-hand side of the nose parallel to the aircraft center line with the towbar facing away from the
aircraft as shown below.
Set parking brake/chock the GPU.

Cooling/Heating Units/Pre-Conditioned Air (PCA)

Before supplying air by external source make sure that at least one cabin door is open and remains open during air
unit operation as per operating airline procedure.
Make sure that a motorized ground air supply unit is not near the aircraft. The engine exhaust pipe of the unit
MUST point away from the aircraft. Heat from the unit's exhaust can cause damage to the aircraft structure.

As part of the fuel conservation programs of most airlines, pre-conditioned air is required at all airports that provide on-stand preconditioned air.
Refer to the operating airline's manual for the specific aircraft type for the location of the PCA access panel on the aircraft.
To connect PCA:

Open access panel.

Connect ground pre-conditioned air unit to aircraft.

Start up ground pre-conditioned air unit.

On the ground pre-conditioned air unit, select the desired cooling or heating air temperature or position the selector in the
appropriate position.
To disconnect PCA

Shut down ground pre-conditioned air unit.

Disconnect ground pre-conditioned air unit from aircraft.

Close the access panel.

Retract the PCA hose to the fully stowed and secured position.


Aircraft Doors

Do not operate ANY aircraft doors unless you have been trained and authorized to do so.
Seek assistance from maintenance personnel if any difficulty is experienced during normal door operation.
Do not operate or leave doors open in winds exceeding those indicated in the manufacturer's limitations.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Cabin Access Doors General
There are variances between airlines regarding responsibility for operating cabin access doors. The operating airline determines
whether ground staff or cabin crew are authorized to operate cabin access doorsall ground personnel MUST follow procedures
as set by the operating airline GOM.
Cabin access doors shall only be in open position if there is an appropriate boarding device positioned at the door.
Cabin access doors may not be opened without appropriate equipment positioned at the door.
There is a risk of falling while operating cabin doors.
Slide deployments can be fatal. If an armed door begins to open, do not attempt to hold the door, as you risk being
seriously injured or killed.
If a cabin access door is found open without a boarding device positioned at the door you must immediately notify a supervisor or
the airline representative.

Do not attempt to close the cabin access door unless trained and qualified.

Guard the cabin access door until a qualified person is present to close it. Opening Cabin Access Doors

FOLLOW OPERATING AIRLINE'S GOM AND TRAINING AS REQUIRED. Opening of Cabin Access Doors from Inside by Trained Crew

Ground staff should:

Knock twice on the door from outside to indicate that a boarding device is properly positioned outside a door to be opened
and that the door swing area is free of obstructions.

Stand clear of the door and wait for the cabin crew to open.

(As applicable) Assist cabin crew with moving the door to the fully opened position and engaging the gust lock as necessary. Opening of Cabin Access Doors from Inside by Authorized and Trained Ground Staff

Check that the door is disarmed.

Check that all indicators show that it is safe to open the door.
Check visually that a boarding device is positioned at the door.
Open the door slowly and carefully in accordance with the instructions and markings labeled on the door, and the respective
aircraft type specific instructions, and/or your training. Opening Cabin Access Doors from Outside with Crew/Ground Staff on Board

Look for indications that the door is disarmed.

Check that all indicators show that it is safe to open the door.
If there is no indication from the cabin crew that the door is disarmed, knock twice on the door and repeat the previous step.
If there is still no indication from the cabin crew that the door is disarmed, contact the Pilot-in-Command via an open cockpit
window or the aircraft interphone system.
If there is no cabin crew on board and the red/orange streamer is visible across the interior of the door window, then do not
open the door. Instead, seek assistance from airline personnel.
If you cannot confirm that the door is disarmed, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR.
Once you confirm that the door is disarmed, open the door slowly and carefully in accordance with the instructions and
markings labeled on the door, and the respective aircraft type specific instructions.
If integral airstairs (other than those permanently affixed to a boarding door) are to be used, slightly open the door until the
airstairs are fully extended.
Move the door to the fully opened position and engage the gust lock. Opening Cabin Access Doors from Outside with no Crew/Ground Staff on Board

Look for indications that the door is disarmed.

Check that all indicators show that it is safe to open the door.
If you cannot confirm that the door is disarmed, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR.
Once you confirm that the door is disarmed, then open the door slowly and carefully in accordance with the instructions and
markings labeled on the door, and the respective aircraft type specific instructions.



IGOMChapter 4

If integral airstairs (other than those permanently affixed to a boarding door) are to be used, then slightly open the door (ajar)
until the airstairs are fully extended.
Move the door to the fully opened position and engage the gust lock.

Embarkation or Disembarkation Through Cabin Access Doors

Before allowing passengers or crew embarkation or disembarkation via a cabin access door, ensure that the boarding device is
properly positioned at the door, and if stairs or integral airstairs are to be used, that both guard rails (if applicable) are extended.

Closing Cabin Access Doors

Make sure service doors are closed immediately after servicing is completed.
Receive confirmation from the crew that the cabin acces door(s) may be closed for departure.
Before removing the last boarding device from an aircraft, inform any ground staff onboard the aircraft that the last cabin
access door is being closed and the last boarding device is being removed from the aircraft.
Look for any possible obstructions around the door area and remove them.
Make sure the door gust lock is released and assist the person closing the door by moving it to the ajar position.
If the cabin access door cannot be closed with the boarding device connected, then the operation must be
performed from inside the aircraft with extra vigilance and without assistance of ground staff outside the aircraft.

Do not remove the boarding device from the aircraft until the door is fully closed and locked.
If stairs were used at a cabin access door, then retract the stair handrails if necessary to close the door. Remain at the top
of the stair platform until the door is fully closed, and then descend the stairs before they are moved.
Close the door slowly and carefully in accordance with the instructions and markings labeled on the door, and the respective
aircraft type specific instructions.
Before leaving the vicinity of the door, confirm that the door is properly seated flush with the surrounding airframe and that
the exterior door handle is flush with the surface of the door.
Seek assistance from aircraft maintenance personnel any time a door malfunction occurs.
Do not retract equipment stabilizers in advance of the cabin door being fully closed.
Before retracting equipment from the door, check to ensure the maneuvering area is clear of all obstructions and personnel.
If a passenger boarding stairs unit is used, then retract the passenger stairs canopy. Move the equipment to its approved
parking position and engage any applicable restraints (such as closing the door on the passenger boarding stairs opening).
Make sure that the cabin access door and the surrounding door frame and panels show no visible signs of damage.

If damage is discovered during inspection of the cabin access door or frame, then immediately report it to aircraft
maintenance personnel, and if available, the Pilot-in-Command.

Re-Opening Cabin Access Doors

If a cabin access door is not closed properly then it must be re-opened and re-closed. Other situations when cabin access doors
may need to be re-opened include the following:

Subsequent delivery of catering and/or supplies, after the passenger boarding devices have been removed,

Re-connecting of passenger boarding devices after the initial removal.

If there is no crew on board the aircraft, follow the applicable Opening Cabin Access Doors procedures in IGOM.

Once the cabin access door has been closed in preparation for departure, do not attempt to re-open any aircraft door without
the authorization of the flight crew.

If you believe a door must be re-opened, you must notify the flight crew through an open cockpit window or use the flight
interphone system.

If the crew requires a door to be re-opened, they will notify ground staff.

Regardless of which party requested that the door be re-opened, once the flight crew gives clearance for the door to be reopened, follow the actions/steps in: Opening Cabin Access Doors.

If authorization to re-open the door is not granted, do not attempt to re-open the door unless clearance given by the flight



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Cargo Hold Doors Opening Cargo Hold Doors

Do not operate cargo doors unless trained and authorized.

Manual operation of an electrically or hydraulically operated cargo door may only be performed by maintenance personnel or
flight crew.
Do not open the cargo doors until the aircraft engines have been shut down and the anti-collision lights have been switched
Before positioning loading equipment or any other ground support equipment at cargo doors and opening cargo doors,
perform a visual check for any signs of damage to the doors or surrounding areas.

If any irregularities are discovered during this visual check, report them to aircraft maintenance personnel and, if
available, the Pilot-in-Command.
Cargo doors must be opened using technical steps or belt loaders equipped with raised safety rails to reach the cargo doors.
ULD loaders must not be used. (Not applicable to main deck cargo doors)
Open the cargo doors in accordance with the respective aircraft type specific instructions.
Allow adequate space for door clearance to avoid equipment obstructing the free passage of the door.

Most aircraft lower compartment cargo doors hinge upwards. Be aware that when opening or closing cargo doors, the
lower edge of the door will swing down before going upward.

For main deck cargo compartment doors, remove safety barrier once the main deck loader is in position.
If the cargo door will not open, do not use excessive force, tools or ground support equipment to push or pull on the door to
open it. Contact aircraft maintenance personnel for assistance. Closing Cargo Hold Doors

Do not operate cargo doors unless you have first been trained and authorized.
Manual operation of an electrically or hydraulically operated cargo door may only be performed by maintenance personnel or
flight crew.

Before closing the cargo doors, ensure: that load restraint and door protection nets are properly fitted;

that the cargo compartment lights have been switched off unless required for carriage of AVI;

that the door area including the door sill and frame are free of gravel, water, ice and other foreign substances or

that the door and door frame show no visible signs of damage;

that any damage discovered during the inspection of the cargo doors and surrounding areas/frames is immediately
reported to aircraft maintenance personnel and the Pilot-in-Command.
All cargo doors must be closed using technical steps or belt loaders equipped with raised safety rails to reach he cargo
doors. ULD loaders must not be used. (Not applicable to main deck cargo doors)
Check that door lock indicators are engaged/properly set as applicable and that the door is properly locked, handles are
stowed flush and panels are properly closed.
If a cargo compartment door is not closed properly, it must be re-opened and re-closed.
If a cargo door must be re-opened prior to aircraft movement, approval from the flight crew via the ground staff
responsible for the departure must be obtained. Re-Opening of Cargo Hold Doors

If a cargo compartment door is not closed properly, it must be re-opened and re-closed.
Once the pre-departure walkaround has taken place, do not attempt to re-open any aircraft door without the authorization of
the flight crew.
If you believe a door must be re-opened, you must notify the flight crew through an open cockpit window or use the flight
interphone system.
If the flight or cabin crew requires a door to be re-opened, they will notify ground staff.
Regardless of which party requested that the door be re-opened, if the flight crew gives clearance for the door to be reopened, follow the actions/steps in: Opening Cabin Access Doors.
If authorization to re-open the door is not granted, do not attempt to re-open the door unless clearance is received from the
flight crew.



IGOMChapter 4

Aircraft Departure

A departure is normally conducted with a dialogue between flight crew and ground staff in charge of the departure via an
interphone. This procedure ensures the highest level of safety during departures based on a precise exchange of information.
The ground agent in charge of the departure operation remains in continuous contact with the flight crew and is responsible for
the ground maneuver.
Note: The term headset also applies where an interphone system is used.


Wheel Chock Removal

Headset Operator:

Via the interphone, request chock removal approval from the flight crew, and confirm the aircraft parking brakes are set.

If hand signals are used:

display the Set Brakes hand signal;

receive confirmation from the flight crew when they display the Brakes hand signal in response;

display the Chocks Removed hand signal;

receive agreement of the flight crew when they display the Chocks Removed hand signal in response.

if the flight crew does not acknowledge hand signals by repeating them, do not remove the chocks.

Headset Operator: Confirm the following:

the aircraft parking brakes have been set, e.g. Brakes Set;

all GSE has been disconnected from the aircraft;

the passenger boarding stairs have been retracted from the aircraft, if applicable;

the tow tractor and tow bar (or towbarless tractor) are fully secured to the nose gear and parking brakes are set on the
tractor, if applicable.

Headset Operator:

Give clearance to ground staff to remove chocks.

Remove main gear wheel chocks when directed by the Headset Operator. Do not remove wheel chocks until such clearance
is given.

If a chock is stuck, then:

remove it by tapping it with a spare chock,


Advise the Headset Operator who will arrange to have the aircraft eased off the chock using the aircraft ground
movement equipment, after the aircraft brakes have been released.

Once the chocks have been removed, stand in clear view of the Headset Operator and give the Chocks Removed hand

Headset Operator:

Relay Chocks Removed hand signal to the flight crew, and ensure the flight crew repeats the Chocks Removed hand
signal as an acknowledgement.

Do not leave wheel chocks on the ramp. When not in use, stow them in their designated stowage place.

Nose gear wheel chocks may be removed without notification provided the main gear wheel chocks are still positioned.

Once high wind or icy conditions have passed, any additional chocks that were added to the aircraft may be removed so that
chock placement reverts to that for normal conditions.


Action Prior to Departure

Prior to departure of the aircraft, make sure that:

the ramp area is clear of all FOD and any loose articles;

the apron surface condition is sufficiently free of ice, snow, etc., to ensure safe aircraft movement;

the ramp area is free of objects/obstacles which may be impacted by the aircraft or may endanger others due to jet blast

all persons not involved in the aircraft departure operation must remain clear of the departing aircraft, behind the ERA;

additional ground staff such as Wing Walkers are present (if applicable/required);

verbal communication with flight crew is established by means of an interphone system:

Departures using marshalling hand signals without any headset communication are only conducted in exceptional



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Pre-Departure Table

Prior to aircraft movement, the responsible ground staff must ascertain that the following requirements are met:
Legend: TTtowbar tractor
TBLtowbarless tractor
PPUpowered push unit









The required Pre-Departure Servicing Checks are complete.

Fire protection devices are available and correctly positioned (as per
local rules).

Communication with flight crew is established via the interphone


The path and area that the aircraft is moving towards is clear of
objects (FOD) ensuring safe aircraft movement.

The stand surface condition is sufficiently free of ice, snow, etc., to

ensure safe aircraft movement.

The GSE is outside the ERA, and Loading bridge is fully retracted
(if applicable).

If an Air Start Unit is required, check the equipment is ready and

suitable for the operation.

Wing Walkers are present (if applicable).

The air intake and blast areas of the aircraft engines are clear of
persons and obstacles, such as ground support equipment.

The bypass pin is installed correctly (if applicable).

Nose gear steering torque links are disconnected. (if applicable)

All persons involved in the aircraft movement stay well clear of the
danger areas around the tractor, landing gear and aircraft engines.

A qualified brake operator is in the cockpit.

Wheel chocks are not removed from MLG until Flight Deck has
confirmed that Aircraft parking brake is set, the tractor is fully secured
to NLG and the parking brake of the tractor is set.
Wheel chocks are not removed from the NLG until the powered push
unit (PPU) is fully secured to the MLG and its parking brake is set.


The tractor and shearpin combination (if applicable) are suitable for
the operation, considering the aircraft type and weight, the weather
and surface conditions.

The completion of these requirements is indicated to the Flight Deck

by means of the announcement GROUND READY FOR
PUSHBACK via interphone.

Prior to connecting the tractor to the aircraft, the tractor may be

parked in front of the aircraft or outside of the ERA, but never behind
the wings.


Pre-Departure Check Pre-Departure Walk Around Check

The pre-departure walk around check includes, but is not limited to, ensuring the following:

The apron is clear of all FOD items that may cause aircraft damage or pose a risk.

Power cables and passenger boarding devices are detached.

The stand area is clear of obstructions. Equipment and vehicles are positioned clear of the aircraft path.

Adequate clearance exists between the aircraft and facilities or fixed obstacles along the aircraft movement path.

All aircraft servicing panels and/or hatches are closed and latched (except - external power and headset panels).



IGOMChapter 4

Cabin/cargo doors

handles are flush with the fuselage;

there is no visible damage on the aircraft, particularly around cabin and cargo doors.
Any abnormalities on the aircraft observed (e.g. obvious damage, fluid leakage) are immediately brought to the attention of
the pilot in command and maintenance.
Landing gear safety pins are removed.
There are no obvious signs of unmarked dents or other skin panel damage.
If any of the above conditions or actions are not met or corrected, inform your supervisor, maintenance and the
pilot in command.
This notification is imperative in the event that:
You notice signs of unmarked aircraft damage or abnormal flow of liquid under the aircraft.
You observe any fault, failure, malfunction or defect and believe it may affect the safety of the intended flight.


Communication Requirements
Communication During Engine Start

Coordinate the engine starting sequence with the flight crew by conducting a pre-departure briefing and refer to the operating
airline's GOM for specific engine start procedures.

During the engine start communicate with the flight crew only if you observe circumstances that require immediate
notification and action by the flight crew.

In case of starting up with an ASU, supply the pressure at the request of the flight crew, immediately before the start up of
the engine.
Note: For ground staff facing the aircraft nose, the aircraft engines are identified, from right to left. (Engine number 1 being the
first engine from the right)

Communication During Engine Fire

Engine Fire
The Flight Crew normally detects an engine or APU fire and will take action using the engine fire extinguishing system. However,
alert the flight crew immediately via the interphone headset if flames are noticed from the engine or engine pylon.
In the event that an interphone is not available, the appropriate Fire hand signal must be used. (Refer to the Marshalling Hand
Signals section in this chapter)
Tailpipe/Exhaust Fire
If you notice flames from the engine tailpipe during engine starting, alert the flight crew immediately, as such a fire might not be
detectable via temperature sensors and/or fire warning systems in the aircraft.
Do not fight engine fires with fire extinguishers on the ground when the flight crew is in the flight deck. The flight
crew will take all necessary action.


Departure Communication

Departure communication outlined in this section is a basic standard for both pushback and open ramp (taxi out) departures.
Certain airlines may have specific requirements in their departure communications which may vary. If available, refer to the
operating airline's GOM otherwise this communication standard shall apply.
Use the specific dialogue in the following chart during the various phases of the departure procedure.
In case of an open ramp departure, the following phases in the subsequent table will not be made:


Pushback Completed
This specific dialogue does not forbid the exchange of additional important information between flight crew and ground staff using
non-standard phraseology (e.g. request for authorization to disconnect ground support units etc.).

If the pushback must be stopped, the following call will be made: STOP PUSH BACK.

Where applicable, use pull out instead of pushback.

For towbarless pushback operations, only engage the towbarless tractor and lift the aircraft once the passenger boarding
device is away from the aircraft and the flight crew has requested for the lifting mechanism to be engaged.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM Departure Communication Dialogue
The following dialogue is a sample communication to be used for a departure:
Dialogue between Ground Staff and Flight Crew

Ground Staff


Flight Crew



(except main gear pushback)



completion of
the predeparture



Request pushback [and engine start]
clearance from ground control.
After clearance received:







[and engine


When brakes are released:





Tractor is disconnected and positioned in view
of the flight deck.

Clearance to

When parking brakes are set:







Disconnect headset and give the All Clear hand

Acknowledges All Clear signal.
signal. (All Clear signal includes showing the steering (Taxi clearance may only be requested after the All
bypass pin)
Clear signal is received)



IGOMChapter 4

Items to be Communicated Between Ground Staff and Flight Crew



Ground Staff Action

Departure Preparation

GPU removal

When instructed by flight crew, remove GPU.

Towbar/Towbarless Tractor 1.
Chock removal


Engine Start

[and engine start]

Pushback completed &

Engine start completed

Advise the flight crew that the pre-departure check has been
completed or if something is not as expected.

Starting engines

When requested by the flight crew, advise when the engines may be


When requested by the flight crew, signal to the ASU operator to

supply the required pressure.


Get confirmation that aircraft's parking brakes have been released.

Movement of the aircraft

(pushback/pull out)

Get permission from flight crew, then commence the pushback.

Direction of push/nose

If applicable, ask in which direction the aircraft has to pushed/in

which direction the nose should point after pushback.

Engine start

When requested by the flight crew, advise when the engines may be

Towbar/Towbarless Tractor 1.

Get confirmation that the aircraft's parking brake is set.

Get permission from flight crew to lower the nose and/or
disconnect the towbar.
Remove the steering bypass pinwhere applicable.
Get permission from the flight crew to remove any remaining

Headset removal


Get permission from flight crew to disconnect the headset.

Advise flight crew to hold position and wait for visual signal at
left/right of the aircraft.

All Clear signal


Display the steering bypass pinwhere applicable.

Give the All Clear signal when the path of the aircraft is clear
of all obstacles.
Get acknowledgement of All Clear signal.


Get confirmation from flight crew that aircraft parking brakes are
Remove chocks with permission from flight crew.

Pre-departure check



Get confirmation that the aircraft's parking brake is set.

Get confirmation that the nose wheel steering is depressurized
if applicable.
Advise flight crew that the lockout pin is insertedif applicable.
With permission from the flight crew, connect the towbar/
With permission from flight crew, raise the nose (towbarless

Departure Communication without Interphone

An aircraft departure must always be conducted using interphone communications.

In the event that the interphone becomes unserviceable or under extreme circumstances where the interphone is not available,
you must use conventional hand signals (see IGOM 4.8.4 and 4.8.5) for the departure (not applicable to main gear pushback unit
Prior to departure a briefing must be held between the Captain and the ground agent responsible for the departure, including:

Review of departure specifics, e.g. direction of movement, final positioning, and taxi out direction;

The hand signals to be used, including emergency signals.

Read back all given instructions or acknowledge them in a manner clearly indicating that they have been
understood and will be complied with.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Preparation for Pushback

(This section is also applicable to pull-out using applicable equipment) Connecting the Pushback Vehicle

The pushback vehicle is connected as follows:

Aircraft main gear chocks installed, nose gear chocks removedif applicable;

Approach nose gear parallel to fuselage;

Use a marshaller to assist in the final approach to nose gear:

Tractor & Towbar:

Connect towbar to nose gear first.

Raise towbar so that its head is at same height as the tractor connection.

Approach slowly until connection aligns and secure connection.

Select Neutralor Park and set parking brake.

Towbarless tractor:

On final approach to aircraft, the tractor must be properly aligned.

Position Towbarless tractor to standby for lifting and wait for clearance from flight deck to lift.

Select NeutralorPark and set parking brake.

Do not remove the main landing gear chocks until:
all GSEwith the exception of the boarding passenger stairs(s), GPU, PCA, and ASU is removed from the aircraft,
the pushback vehicle is connected to the aircraft and the parking brakes of both the pushback vehicle and the
aircraft are set.


Aircraft Pushback

(This section is also applicable to pull-out using applicable equipment) Pushback Requirements

All staff walking on ramp must remain clear of:

aircraft nose gear throughout the pushback operation;

the tractor's path;

engine danger areas. Pushback & Pull Forward

If an aircraft is to be pulled forward after pushback and engines started, special precautions must be taken to reduce the risk of
the aircraft's engine thrust causing damage to the nose gear and towbar when stopping the aircraft at completion of maneuver.
When using a towbarless tractor:
Do not lift the aircraft when loading equipment and/or a passenger boarding device is still connected to the aircraft. Ground Crew in Charge of Pushback

Ground Crew Responsibility
The responsible ground crew is defined as the person performing the communications with the flight crew.
A responsible ground crew must be in charge of each aircraft pushback. This function can be performed by different agents in
different roles and positions. Refer to the operating airline's GOM for the specific assignment of this duty.
Responsible ground crew for the departure will:

be in charge of the entire pushback, once clearance to begin pushback has been given by the flight crew;

ensure that the towbar/shearpin/towbarless tractor is suitable for the specific aircraft type;

conduct briefings with all persons involved in the aircraft movement to review and confirm how the aircraft will be

be in continuous communication with flight crew by interphone;

have ultimate responsibility to review pushback procedures based on conditions he/she observes and must inform the flight



IGOMChapter 4

if ramp conditions are below standard for a normal pushback (e.g. hazards, obstacles, slippery or icy) then:

He/she will inform the flight crew that engine start clearances will not be given until either:

the aircraft is moving over an area of the ramp where the conditions are considered to be safe for an engine start;

the pushback has been completed, the aircraft has come to a complete stop and the parking brake has been set;
ensure that the nose gear steering bypass pin is installed prior to towbar connection to aircraft;
connect the interphone and conduct a communication check to:

verify the communication system is functional;

update flight crew on progress of the ramp operation;

request permission & disconnect ground power after verbal approval is received from flight crew;
conduct a Pre-Departure walkaround;
signal All Clear to pushback tractor driver and wingwalkers (if applicable) once advised by flight crew that the aircraft
brakes have been released and clearance for pushback given by ATC;
be positioned as required by operating airline's GOM, either inside tractor or walking on apron adjacent to nose gear;
monitor the interphone during the pushback and communicate with the flight crew as required;
advise the flight crew if for any reason it is not safe to start an engine and stop the engine start (the flight crew may advise
as each engine is being started);
advise the flight crew to set aircraft brakes at end of pushback. Once confirmation from the flight crew has been received,
give the brakes set signal to the tractor driver and wingwalkers (if applicable). Apply any additional safety measures as
Give visual signal to the tractor driver and wingwalkers (if applicable) that it is clear to disconnect towbar after flight crew
advises that engines were started normally and the ramp is clear to disconnect the towbar.
Disconnect the headset and close the access panel on the aircraft once the clearance has been given by flight crew and the
towbar has been disconnected.
Remove the nose gear steering bypass pin (if applicable) and ensure the swing lever is returned to the proper position.
After headset, towbar and steering bypass pin are removed, close and latch all access panels and then move to designated
position to conduct final departure marshalling.

Show the steering bypass pin to the flight crew and give the All Clear to Taxi

Give the All Clear to Taxi signal once eye contact has been made with the flight crew and they are expecting the signal.

In low-light conditions the flight crew will turn on the interior lights of the flight deck.
Remain in position until an acknowledgement from the flight crew is received and the aircraft begins to taxi.

The flight crew (or brake operator) must be notified immediately:
in the event any connection between the tractor and the aircraft is lost during aircraft movement;
to stop the aircraft movement using gentle brake application if the aircraft is about to overtake the tractor while

If the nose wheels are not in the centered position, they can turn quickly to their centered position when the bypass
pin is removed. Personnel injury could result.
Do not disconnect the interphone communication cable until after the towbar (or towbarless tractor) has been
disconnected from the nose gear.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM Wingwalker
Wingwalkers or other assist personnel during a pushback are not a universal requirement.
The operating airline's GOM establishes requirements. The presence of such personnel may also be controlled or restricted by
civil aviation authorities or local airport authorities.
If wingwalkers are not being utilized in the operation for any of the above reasons, all references in this section of IGOM shall be
Wingwalker or other assist personnel must:

be under the direction of the responsible ground crew at all times;

use 2 marshalling wands, either day-wands or illuminated wands for low visibility operations;

be positioned for departure as follows:

Approximately 1 metre outboard of the wingtip;

In line with the rearmost main gear wheel.

ensure the aircraft movement path is clear of any obstructions, other aircraft, vehicles etc;

provide Safe to Proceed clearance signals at all times to the tractor driver by using a distinct Pendulum motion of the

continue to monitor the aircraft path until the aircraft is stopped at the departure point;

position themselves in clear visibility of the flight crew on the terminal side, at a safe distance away from the aircraft (either
at the 11 o'clock or 1 o'clock position).

give the AIRCRAFT HOLD signal to the flight crew when the visual Brakes Set
signal has been received from the #1 Man. (crossed wands may be over head or in
front of chest)

remain in position until the responsible ground crew walks over to take over the marshalling clearance of the aircraft;
return to terminal once marshalling duty has been transferred. Tractor Driver

The pushback tractor driver will:

align the tractor or tractor and towbar combination with the center line of the aircraft before the aircraft movement;

completely raise the towbar wheels before the start of the aircraft movement (if used);

standby for clearance to push communication from flight crew or responsible ground crew;

select appropriate gear on tractor and slowly begin movement;

prior to the aircraft movement, make sure that the parking brakes are released and the anti-collision lights are switched on
(depending on the local airport regulations);

start the pushback operation on a straight line;

keep the maneuvering speed to a minimum, and apply the vehicle brakes gently;

scan the apron during pushback, monitor clearances and wingwalkers (if applicable) to ensure that aircraft is moving clear of
all obstructions. Be prepared to stop;

ensure during pushback the steering turn limits are not exceeded and advise flight crew if any are exceeded. Damage to
nose gear will occur. Refer to the operating airline's GOM for the specific limits and how they are marked on the aircraft;

If responsible ground crew on interphone is walking on ramp, maintain visual contact and ensure a safe distance is
maintained from the nose gear during entire pushback;

If the responsible ground crew is too close to the nose gear, the pushback must be stopped and a review of the
required safety clearance conducted.

set brakes on the tractor once pushback is completed;

Maintain the brakes on the pushback until the release signal is received from the flight crew or responsible ground crew on

wait for flight crew or responsible ground crew on interphone to give the Aircraft Brakes Set signal;

release the tractor brakes and put the gear selector in Neutral after aircraft brakes have been set, to release any pressure
on the towbar;

position the tractor in the aircraft's path and be visible to the flight crew (if possible) after the towbar has been disconnected
from the tractor;



IGOMChapter 4

remain in position visible to the flight crew until the headset operator has disconnected and is in view of the flight crew;
drive tractor back to terminal or appropriate parking position.
If the nose wheels are not in the centered position, they can turn quickly to their centered position when the bypass
pin is removed. Personnel injury could result.

4.11.10 Open Ramp Departure

Complete all pre-departure checks.

Refer to departure communication section and follow required phases of dialogue.
Ensure all staff and equipment is clear of the aircraft behind the ERA.
Position for marshalling in an area behind the ERA while being in clear view of the flight crew on either side of the aircraft
(depending on facility).

4.11.11 Maneuvering During Adverse Weather Conditions

During adverse weather conditions (fog, rain, etc.) visibility and traction will be affected.
The Tractor Driver must reduce and adapt vehicle speed as required by the present conditions.

Icy Conditions

When maneuvering the aircraft on slippery apron surfaces, extreme caution is required to avoid losing control of the tractor due to
skidding. Many elements can contribute to the hazards involved such as strong winds, slippery road surfaces, pavement slopes
Observe the following minimum precautions:

Avoid sudden turns, deceleration or acceleration.

Except when using an Air Start Unit, do not start aircraft engines unless:

the condition of the pavement is such that reasonable traction is ensured;

the aircraft parking brakes are set and the aircraft is disconnected from tow tractor/towbarless tow tractor.

4.11.12 Nose Gear Steering

Each aircraft type has specific requirements for the bypass of the nose gear steering mechanism. Refer to the operating airline's
GOM for nose gear steering bypass pin details.
The bypass pin must be:
labeled with the specific aircraft type(s) for which it can be used;
identified with a Remove Before Flight streamer;
checked regularly for proper technical condition, or as per manufacturer instructions.

Nose Gear Protection and Steering Angles

In order to protect the nose gear from damage, visual turning limit markings indicate the aircraft's maximum nose gear steering
angles. Refer to the operating airline's GOM for details.
In the event of exceeding the maximum nose gear steering angle, inform the maintenance department and flight
crew, if applicable, and request a technical inspection. The aircraft must return to the parking stand in order to
check whether the gear is damaged.
When using a towbarless tow tractor equipped with either an over steer warning or over steer protection device,
verify the visual turning limit markings at all times to prevent exceeding the maximum nose gear steering angle.
When using a towbarless tractor on an aircraft, the over steering or over torque system of the tractor must be

4.11.13 Anti-Collision Lights

On a standard departure, once all aircraft doors are closed, the flight crew requests pushback clearance from ATC. Once
clearance is obtained the flight crew will switch on the aircraft's anti-collision lights.
Anti-collision lights that are switched on are a visual indication to ground staff of imminent engine start-up or
aircraft movement. Vehicle traffic must stop until the aircraft has departed from the area.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM


Engine Cross Bleed Start

Engine start using cross bleed can only be performed once the pushback has been completed, the aircraft brakes have been
engaged, and the area around the aircraft is clear.
With engine(s) above idle thrust, blast and suction effects are greater.


Re-Establishing Communication After Departure

This procedure is to be used in case the ground staff or flight crew wishes to re-establish interphone communication after it has
been disconnected. Initiated from the Cockpit

The flight crew sets the parking brake and re-establishes communication with ground staff via company channel or ATC. If visual
communication with responsible ground agent is still established then visual signals may be used. Initiated from the Ground

If ground staff needs to re-establish communication with the aircraft after dispatch, do NOT approach the aircraft. If
communication cannot be established using hand signals, make contact via company channel or through ATC.
When preparing to re-establish communication with aircraft, take the following precautions:

Make sure you have been seen by the flight crew and the intention to approach the aircraft to re-establish interphone
communication is understood.

Approach the aircraft from the direction where visual contact with the flight crew is maintained as long as possible.

Only the person establishing the interphone communication shall approach the aircraft.

Stay outside the aircraft's engine danger area when approaching the aircraft.

If possible, position pushback tractor in front of aircraft in clear view of flight crew to act as a safety barrier and prevent
premature movement of the aircraft.
For safety reasons, the interphone communication system cannot be used when there is thunderstorm activity over
the airport as there is a risk of electrical discharges between the aircraft and the interphone system. Under these
conditions communication headsets cannot be worn.


Interphone Communication Failure

Aircraft pushback requires a communication interphone. In the event the interphone becomes unserviceable or communications
is lost, the following procedure must be followed:

In case of a single person operation and if no other means of communication are available, stop the movement (depending
on local situations and regulations) and immediately request assistance to continue the movement.

In case of multiple person operation then communication with the flight crew will be established using hand signals as
described in this chapter. The tractor driver must be able to receive the visual signals as relayed from the flight crew. Once
hand signal communication has been established the pushback can resume.

Notify ATC (if radio available) and continue the movement in co-operation with ATC, depending on local regulations. Interphone Failure During Towing

If during the tow the interphone fails, the tow must immediately be stopped and an alternate means of communication established
before continuing. If this is not possible, assistance must be requested.

4.12 Aircraft Towing


Aircraft Towing Requirements

The following requirements must be met to perform an aircraft tow:

Ensure hydraulic system pressure for aircraft braking and/or the brake accumulator is within required pressure range. Refer
to the operating airline's GOM for each aircraft type for more detail.

Ensure any required electrical systems for towing are energized.

Ensure all gear safety pins/sleeves are installed, and after tow, ensure all pins are removed and stowed. Refer to each
airline's GOM for procedures regarding gear lock pin responsibilities and requirements.

Make sure a qualified brake operator is in the cockpit.



IGOMChapter 4

Establish communication with the brake operator by means of the interphone system.
Make sure wheel chocks are positioned at the end of the maneuver, prior to disconnecting the towbarless tow tractor or
Inform the brake operator/flight crew and/or contact the maintenance department for technical inspection if you:
observe any type of excessive fluid leakage;
notice any signs of unmarked aircraft damage;
observe any fault, failure, malfunction or defect which you believe may affect the safe operation of the aircraft for
the intended flight.


Towing Maneuvering

The towing maneuvering procedure is similar for all aircraft types. The following minimum safety precautions and procedures
must be followed prior to and during aircraft towing operations:

Align the tractor or tractor and towbar combination with the center line of the aircraft before the aircraft movement.

Completely raise the towbar wheels before the start of the aircraft movement (if used).

Prior to the aircraft movement, make sure that the parking brakes are released and the anti-collision lights are switched on
(depending on local airport regulations).

Wait for the authorization of the flight crew or brake operator before moving the aircraft.

Start the pushback operation on a straight line.

Keep the maneuvering speed to a minimum, and apply the vehicle brakes gently.

Do not exceed the towing speed limit as regulated by the towing equipment, aircraft and/or airport.

Use relevant apron lines as guidance during maneuvering to ensure safe obstacle clearance.

Keep a minimum safety distance between vehicles sufficient in which to stop.

Stop 50 m/55 yd before a taxiway intersection, if a stop is required.

Avoid sharp turns, which results in excessive tire scrubbing.

Make all stops smoothly.

When arriving at the allocated position, move the aircraft in a straight line for a few meters to ensure that the nose wheels
are in the straight ahead position. This relieves any torsional stress applied to landing gear components and tires.

Apply the tractor parking brake after a complete stop.

Note: Some of these precautions may not be applicable to towbarless vehicles.

Towing Preparation

The following checklist is to be used in preparation for an aircraft tow.

Performed by


Apply the cockpit checklist for towing. Refer to the operating airline's GOM for details.

Connect and test the interphone link.

Insert the bypass pin.

Give permission to connect the towbar and tractor or towbarless tractor after applying the aircraft parking


Connect the towbar; first to the aircraft, then to the tractor.

Before connecting the towbarless tractor, ensure the aircraft main landing gears are symmetrically

Connect the tractor or towbarless tractor and set the parking brake.

Once all GSE has been cleared away from the aircraft, remove or check removal of aircraft chocks.

Switch on the external and anti-collision lights of the aircraft.

Contact the Control Tower for clearance to start moving the aircraft (depending on local regulations).

After receiving the clearance, release the aircraft parking brake.

Give clearance to the Tractor Driver to start moving the aircraft.

Request confirmation from the Brake Operator that the aircraft parking brake has been released.

Conduct tow.



Aircraft Handling ProceduresIGOM Towing Completion
The following checklist is to be used at the end of an aircraft tow.
Performed by



Set tractor parking brake.

Request Brake Operator to set the aircraft parking brake.

Inform the Control Tower that towing is completed and the frequency will be left (depending on local

Set the aircraft parking brake and check the pressure. Inform the Tractor Driver: PARKING BRAKE SET,

Chock the aircraft main landing gear.

Switch off the external and anti-collision lights of the aircraft.

Inform Brake Operator: AIRCRAFT CHOCKED.

Request permission from Brake Operator to disconnect the towbar or towbarless tractor.

Give permission to disconnect the towbar or towbarless tractor.

Disconnect the towbar or towbarless tractor and remove the bypass pin.

Chock the aircraft.


Release the aircraft parking brake and inform: PARKING BRAKE OFF.

Check and inform: AIRCRAFT STABILIZED.

After permission from the Brake Operator, shut down and disconnect the tractor GPU.

Install and connect a GPU.

Remove and stow gear safety pins in the dedicated location.


Incidents During Towing

Brake Operator

Tractor Driver
VHF Communication Failure

Stop aircraft/tractor set immediately.

Apply tractor parking brake.
Advise Towing Regulation and wait for assistance
(Follow me before completing the towing).

Tractor Failure

Inform ATC.
Apply parking brake.
Listen to VHF and wait for assistance.

Brake the assembly by stepping on both brake pedals


As soon as the aircraft is at a standstill, apply the parking

brake before releasing the pedal.

Stop aircraft/tractor set.

Inform ATC (towbarless towing with one man operation).
Apply tractor parking brake.
Chock the aircraft.
Listen to VHF (towbarless towing with one man operation).

Coupling Break Off

Do not apply tractor brakes.

Follow the aircraft path attentively and stop the tractor
according to the aircraft position.
Chock the aircraft.

Tractor Fire

Inform ATC.
Apply parking brake.


Inform the Brake Operator.

Stop aircraft/tractor set immediately.
Move tractor away as rapidly as possible.
Fight the fire, using the fire extinguisher.
Chock the aircraft.


IGOMChapter 4
Brake Operator

Tractor Driver
Aircraft Fire

Inform ATC.
Apply the parking brake.
Fight fire with the on board fire extinguisher.
Evacuate the aircraft using on-board means, if required.

Stop aircraft/tractor set immediately.

Move tractor away as rapidly as possible.
Chock the aircraft.

Accident with Other Aircraft or Vehicle

Contact the Control Tower stating position and nature of


Listen to VHF and wait for assistance.

Stop aircraft/tractor set immediately.

Apply tractor parking brake.
Advise towing regulation.
Do not unload or disconnect the aircraft.
Chock the main landing gear.

The Tractor Driver and Brake Operator must continuously keep each other informed.


Towing Limits

Fuel and other loads can affect an aircraft's balance. To avoid tail tipping during towing, ensure that the actual centre of
gravity of the aircraft is forward of the critical centre of gravity. If you are unable to determine this, then you must request
assistance from a qualified weight and balance agent of the operating airline.
Refer to the operating carriers GOM for respective aircraft type specific instructions for further details.



Chapter 5:

Load Control

Load Control Principles

The safety of a flight requires accurate planning, recording and reporting of all actual load boarded on an aircraft. Documented
communication is required to ensure correct weight & balance calculations are conducted prior to an aircraft's departure.


Regulatory Requirements

Operational load control records must be retained in accordance with all applicable regulatory and operating airline requirements
to include:

Training and qualification records for personnel that perform load control functions;

Load control documentation for each flight in accordance with requirements of the operating airline;
The Load Control process must have an audit trail for each departure.

Weight and balance records must be retained for a period in accordance with applicable regulations and/or requirements of
the operating airline, but no less than a period of three months.

The operating airline will identify specific loading positions within each aircraft type for the purpose of planning and
positioning the load in the aircraft.

The operating airline will specify requirements for presenting load information in load documents, reports and messages.

Forms used in the Load Control process must be in compliance with the operating airline's Operations manual.

All scales (weighbridges) used for weight determination of load and clearance measuring systems must be calibrated and/or
checked at intervals determined by the operating carrier or state.



IGOMChapter 5

Load Control Process Flow



Load ControlIGOM

Load Control Process Flow Legend: (Actions in Triangles Above are Defined Below)




Cargo to aircraft.


Mail to aircraft.


Mail weight/destination/category/DG/Special Load information to Load Control Office.


Cargo weight/destination/category/DG/Special Load information to Load Control Office.


ZFW/Aircraft registration/Route to Flight Planning System.


Flight plan including Take-off/Trip-Fuel/Maximum Gross Weights to Flight Dispatch/Load Control Office.


Transfer passenger number/category/destination/class/status to Load Control Office.


Transfer baggage weight/number/category/destination/class and any special information to Load Control Office.


Local baggage weight/number/category/destination/class and any special information to Load Control Office.


Local Passengers number/category/destination/class/status to Load Control Office.


Baggage weight/number/category/destination/class and any special information to Load Control Office.


Baggage to aircraft.


Passengers to aircraft.


Cross-check documents and LIR information to Load Control Office for final loadsheet.


Final Loadsheet/LMC/NOTOC/Fuelling Order/Flight Plan to Flight Deck (Cockpit).

Note: Actions and items not in chronological order.


Load Control Requirements

Loading instructions will be generated by:

The applicable operator's approved weight & balance system;

A trained load control agent; including at a centralized load planning facility.

The load control agent must collect all applicable weight & balance and commodity data including:

Passenger Load Information and distribution;

Hold baggage and if applicable individual or cumulative weights;

Gate delivery items, including individual or cumulative weights;

Other non-normal items that must be considered in the load control process;

Dangerous goods and other special load information;

Cargo and mail;


Empty ULD and/or pallet stacks;

Aircraft technical kit in hold.

The responsibility for completion of the final load sheet must be by one of the following:

A trained load control agent at the station or at a centralized Load Control office;

The operating Flight Crew.

Ensure the final information provided to the flight crew on the final load sheet is in agreement with the actual load on the aircraft.


Load Information Exchange

Before departure, a verbal exchange of load information or data that could affect aircraft final weight and balance calculations
must be:

Manually or electronically documented;

Confirmed prior to flight departure.

Ensure that for any discrepancies associated with the accuracy of the final weight and balance figures for a flight:

Information is provided to the flight crew and the operating airline without delay.



IGOMChapter 5

Load Planning

The following considerations are used in the planning process:

Type of aircraft prepared for service;

Fuel load and distribution;

Aircraft equipment, catering, EIC, crew etc.;

Planned deadload;

Expected passenger load and distribution;

Aircraft manufacturer's defined, and company imposed, limitations;

Specific requirements of operating airline;

Special load including Dangerous Goods Regulations etc.


Off-Load Planning

A LIR/OIR (manual or electronic) is issued prior to aircraft arrival for incoming/transit flights. Refer to upline CPM and/or LDM,
and include the following:

Baggage details (in handling sequence and priorities required by the operating airline);

Cabin Load;

Containers and pallets;

Cargo, mail and EIC;

Mobility aids for gate delivery;

Summary of DG/SL;

Any relevant plain language text/instruction if required;

Flight details, which may include date, registration, issue number, etc.;

Any other requirements of the operating airline.


On-Load Planning

A signed LIR (manual or electronic) is issued for each flight and includes the following:

Load planner or controller and contact details;

Hold content instructions;

Planned baggage;

Planned cargo, mail and EIC;

Mobility aids;

Priority baggage;

DAA baggage if applicable;

Crew baggage (for placement and not weight recording);

Transfer or connection baggage;

Summary of Dangerous Goods/Special Loads;

Flight details, which may include date, registration, issue number, etc.;

Any other requirements of the operating airline.


Baggage ULD Requirement

Calculate the baggage ULDs required using the average number of bags and commodities for the route/aircraft type. Use
average bags per booked passenger and average number of bags per ULD.
Obtain Cargo weight, volume and contents. Where possible, plan so as not to obstruct passenger baggage offload at arrival
Block any unusable ULD positions based on any operating airline requirements (e.g. extra fuel tanks, catering equipment or flyaway kits etc.).


Aircraft Loading

Before loading, the hold shall be visually inspected for damage that can affect the load capacity.
A qualified individual must supervise the loading of the aircraft and provide a signed confirmation to say:

The aircraft has been loaded as instructedincluding any special load instructions;

The condition of locks, restraints or ULDs has not affected load capacity;

The bulk load and ULDs are correctly secured and locks and nets are in use;



Load ControlIGOM

Visible dangerous goods packages were inspected prior to loading;

Special loads, including dangerous goods have been stowed and secured according to regulations and operating airline
The holds are free of any foreign objects;
Any deviations are noted.


Reporting Actual Load

Containerized Aircraft

All commodities must be reported/recorded per destination on the Load Instruction report (LIR) including:

the total number of bags (if utilized by operating carrier) and commodities in each ULD and bulk hold (e.g. local, connection,

the position of each ULD and its identification number;

cargo gross weight (in Kgs);

DG/SL information;

crew bag count;

any other specialized information required by the operating airline.


Bulk Loaded Aircraft

All commodities must be reported/recorded per destination on the Loading Instruction report (LIR) including:

the total numbers of bags and commodities in each compartment (e.g. local, connection, priority);

cargo net weight (in Kgs);

DG/SL information;

crew bag count;

any other specialized information required by the operating airline.


Last Minute Changes

If any Last Minute Changes (LMC) occurs after the completion of the final load sheet, this must be brought to the attention of the
flight crew and the LMC must be entered on the final load sheet.
LMC includes:

changes to the baggage counts and/or weights;

changes to the cargo, fuel, mail and EIC weights;

passengers that are added or offloaded from the flight;

movement of any deadload.

The maximum allowed change in the number of passengers or hold load acceptable as a LMC is specified in the operating
airline's Operations Manual. If this number is exceeded, a new final load sheet must be prepared.
If the flight crew has already been provided with a final load sheet, the LMC can be transmitted via headset or VHF. The flight
crew adds LMC on the original final load sheet copy and Load Control Agent adds LMC on his copy.
If ACARS is available, the adjusted final load sheet or LMC slip may be generated and transmitted to the crew using ACARS.


Notification to the Captain (NOTOC)

The flight crew must be provided with a notification concerning dangerous goods and any other special load as required by the
operating airline (i.e. PER, AVI, HEG, HUM) onboard the aircraft in the form of a NOTOC (Notification to Captain).

Such notification must include dangerous goods or other special load items that have been loaded on the aircraft at a
previous departure point and that are to be carried on a subsequent flight.

Transit or joining NOTOC is presented to the Captain.

For changes or repositioning of transit dangerous goods or other special loads, a new NOTOC is issued.

A separate NOTOC shall be prepared for each station enroute.

The NOTOC must indicate the location on the aircraft where the Dangerous Good or special item was loaded.

The NOTOC must contain the name and be signed by the individual who prepared the NOTOC, the loading supervisor and
the Captain.



IGOMChapter 5

The signed NOTOC verifies:

the package was not leaking when inspected;

was in acceptable condition prior to loading;

was secured inside the ULD or on aircraft compartment floor when loaded.
The signed NOTOC must be retained in the flight file.


Weight and Balance Calculation

When applicable, a weight and balance pre-calculation shall be produced.

Calculations of the aircraft weight and balance must be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the operating airline to

the weight calculation does not exceed the structural limits of the aircraft type (as determined by the Manufacturer/Operator);

an accurate balance calculation that results in a centre of gravity within fore and aft balance limits for the aircraft type, as
determined by the Manufacturer/Operator.
Weight and balance calculations must:

be based on current aircraft weight and balance data (as determined by operating airline);

consider limitations imposed by the operating airline;

take into account the expected load;

determine if the metric system or imperial units are used in weight and balance calculations.
The load control process must utilize passenger and baggage weights for weight and balance calculations that are in accordance
with requirements of the operating airline, including:

persons traveling in crew seats;

accurate weight of the load including bulk, ULD's, transfer load.

All weight and balance calculations for each passenger flight must account for the individual or cumulative weights of:

hold baggage;

gate delivery items;

non-normal load items.

If directed by the operating airline, use ballast when necessary to bring the aircraft centre of gravity within operational limits.


Weight Recording

If standard baggage weights are not used, calculate the actual weight of bulk baggage using the available data. Follow operating
airline policy for standard loading guidelines.


Unit Load Devices (ULD)

ULDs loaded with baggage need not be weighed when standard baggage weights are used. If not, determine the weight of ULDs
by the use of a weighbridge, or tally of the individual weights of each piece loaded.
If the validity of the indicated weights is in doubt, due to appearance or other circumstances, the ULD must be weighed prior to
acceptance. For weight and balance purposes, the recorded weight of the transfer ULD will be used.


Departure Control System (DCS) Process

Airline Approved DCS for Load Control

If a DCS system is used in the Load Control Process, the aircraft data for the operating airline must be current and include all
information as outlined in AHM 565. The DCS system used shall be approved by the operating airline.


Data for Weight & Balance

At check-in closure, the Load Control Agent records or receives, as per the operating airline requirements:

the total number of passengers checked-in;

the total number of males, females, children and infants or number of adults, children and infants (depending on the system

the total weight of baggage;

the breakdown of seating distribution of passengers within each trim zone.



Load ControlIGOM

Reports and Messages

Produce and transmit messages in standard format, as required by the operating airline, for example:

CPMContainer/Pallet Distribution Message

LDMLoad Distribution Message

UCMUnit Load Device Control Message

Messages must be sent by the originating station to addresses specified by the operating airline.
.GVAKPCX 031234
-12L/560/BT -12R/645/B



IGOMChapter 5
Sample message
Sample message if no containers or pallets are offloaded
Sample message
Sample message if no containers or pallets are onloaded



Load ControlIGOM



IGOMChapter 5



Load ControlIGOM



IGOMChapter 5



Load ControlIGOM



IGOMChapter 5



Load ControlIGOM



IGOMChapter 5



Load ControlIGOM



IGOMChapter 5



Load ControlIGOM



IGOMChapter 5



Chapter 6:

Airside Supervision and Safety


All station operational activities, including, if applicable, those outsourced to an external third-party ground service provider shall
be conducted under the direct oversight of supervision personnel.



Operational Requirements

Supervision personnel must be trained and qualified to perform the assigned functions.
Assigned individuals will provide oversight of personnel conducting, airside operations.
An assigned individual will oversee the aircraft turnaround during ramp/apron activities ensuring the aircraft is handled and
serviced according to the Operator's specific GOM, these duties may be combined with another function/role.
If applicable checklists are provided, they shall be completed as required by the individual assigned to provide oversight.
Individuals assigned to oversee ground handling operations must have oversight on airside operations, ground safety and all
operations relating to comfort and schedule.

Supervision Scope

Oversight for an aircraft arrival/departure shall include, but is not limited to the following activities:

Aircraft loading & unloading;

Aircraft servicing (e.g. potable water, lavatory, cleaning, catering);

Aircraft fuelling;

Aircraft movement (arrival, departure & towing);

Passenger embarkation/disembarkation;

Excess cabin baggage handling;

All personnel and GSE involved in the operation to ensure compliance with safety procedures.


Ramp Supervision Requirements

The table below defines sample elements that require supervision by individuals assigned to oversee ground handling operations.
This table is to be utilized in conjunction with Chapter 4 of the IGOM.

Pre-flight brief conducted regarding flight requirement(s) and services as needed


Pre-arrival check parking position free of Foreign Object Damage (FOD), obstacles
and/or spillage


Sufficient personnel with PPE and necessary ground support equipment available
and ready


All GSE and personnel positioned outside the aircraft clearance line


Ensure manpower correctly positioned for arrival


Ensure guidance system is activated and marshaller(s) correctly positioned as



Personnel clear of the aircraft, until anti-collision lights have been switched off


Ensure aircraft chocked and coned appropriately


Ensure an arrival external check prior to approach of any ground support



Ensure equipment properly positioned and operated (e.g. Guide rails)


Ensure cargo holds are offloaded and commodities correctly handled as required


Ensure all cargo holds fully offloaded and inspected for damage


Passenger Bridge and/or Steps set to correct height and all safety devices are
installed before opening cabin access doors


Aircraft cabin access door operation by authorized and qualified person


During passenger (dis)-embarkation, passenger movement protected and guided

in walkways between the aircraft and bus or terminal




IGOMChapter 6

Passenger walkways clean of obstacles and free of undesired contaminated



Fuel truck properly positioned and escape route not obstructed


Ensure FUEL SAFETY ZONES respected


Ensure safety precautions for Re-fuelling with passengers adhered to if applicable


Ensure on-load started and Load Master in possession of Loading Instruction


Ensure condition of load inspected prior to loading


Ensure baggage and cargo loaded and handled in accordance with the written
Loading Instruction


Ensure DG correctly handled, segregated, secured and stowed


Ensure holds are checked to verify load and lock/nets configuration


Ensure Load information is exchanged with all deviations noted


Ensure final load information provided to Flight crew as required


Ensure GSE removal procedures followed


Ensure final ramp inspection and aircraft walk-around check performed


Ensure pre-departure preparations are conducted


Chocks and cones removal procedures followed


Ensure departure sequence conducted as required


Ensure post departure activities conducted as required with appropriate document



Precision Time Schedule


A sample precision time schedule is a graphical display of all ground handling activities and duties to be conducted for an aircraft
Refer to the operating airline Operations Manual for specific requirements per aircraft type.



Airside Supervision and SafetyIGOM


Event Response and Reporting Process


It is the responsibility of supervision to ensure that all safety related events are immediately reported to the operating airline, the
flight crew and applicable authorities as per local requirements and operating airline's policy.
All records of such accidents and incidents must be retained as required by local and operating airline requirements.



Individuals assigned to supervision shall coordinate an initial response for all accidents and/or incidents, including dangerous
goods incidents.
Immediate action to be taken when an incident occurs:

Do not put yourself or any others at further risk.

Deal with any personal injuries and request appropriate assistance.

Secure the scene to prevent movement of GSE and personnel if possible.

Take suitable photographic evidence of the incident.

Individuals assigned to supervision shall have knowledge of their responsibilities within the local safety plan and emergency
response plan for responding to accidents and/or incidents or other emergencies that may occur during aircraft ground handling
operations in accordance with local applicable regulations and requirements of the operating airline.


Reportable Ground Incidents

Reportable incidents may include but are not limited to:

An act of aggression (e.g. BOMB THREAT or HIJACKING).

Injury to an employee, or employee of a contracted company conducting services for the ground service provider.

Security procedures are breached.

Damage to the aircraft.

Undeclared Dangerous Goods are discovered.

Emergency equipment is non-operational or not present.

Unattended baggage is located within the secure airside perimeter.

A terminal building is evacuated.

There is a potential hazard which may cause injury to a passenger or ground personnel.

Unsafe practices are noted.

Airside ramp safety measures are not being followed by vehicular traffic.

A flight is dispatched unsecure and does not meet applicable baggage security regulations.

A stowaway is discovered.

Any event where safety standards may have been compromised.

An environmental incident (e.g. fuel spill etc.).

Any other incident considered reportable by regulations and/or the operating airline.



IGOMChapter 6

Accident Report Completion

When an accident/incident occurs, once equipment and personnel are secure, an Accident Report must be completed as per the
operating airline policy.
Sample Accident/Incident Report

Ground Damage Report

Aircraft Type:

Flight Number:
Aircraft Registration:

Stand Number:

Part 01, Damage by:

Ground Equipment:
Jet Blast:
Phase of Operation:

Other Aircraft:
Time of Occurrence:
Departure (Walkaround, Pushback)

Arrival (Positioning)
Scheduled Ground Time:
Actual Ground Time:
Part 02, Details of Defect/Damage:

Part 03, Damaged Part:

Other: __________________________________________







Under Carriage

* As stated by PIC (prefer able completed by PIC)

Part 04, Casualties:



Non Fatal

Ground Staff:



Airside Supervision and SafetyIGOM

Part 05, Ground Service Equipment

Serial (Fleet) Nr.:

Condition (Malfunction)
Warning Safety Devices


Part 06, Personnel Involved:
Part 07, Weather Condition:
* Use of Official MET Report


Job Title:
ID No.:
Job Title:
ID No.:

License Type:
License Type:


Part 08, Sketch:

Part 09, Narrative (description of what happened):

Part 10, Initial Action Taken:

Part 11, Closing Action:

* Please attach pictures, airline report and any related correspondence

Prepared By:



IGOMChapter 6



Annex A
Annex A lists the approved current IGOM variations received in accordance with the process and criteria outlined in the

National Aviation Authorities/Regulator Variations

State Code







From (date)

To (date or

(in use/not

Airport Authority Variations

Airport Code



From (date)

To (date or

(in use/not





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Printed in Canada

ISBN 978-92-9252-120-2

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