IATA Manual

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The document outlines various regulations and procedures for operations at Domodedovo Airport including terms, airfield performances, general provisions, vehicle operations, aircraft operations, operator requirements, work safety requirements, and fire safety.

Fire safety at Domodedovo Airport must comply with ICAO standards and Russian regulations. Runways 1 and 2 require category 9 fire protection. At least 10 airport rescue and firefighting vehicles must be in 24-hour readiness with required equipment.

Special transportation vehicles are required to support flight safety operations at the airport. This includes equipment for towing aircraft, refueling, and maintaining lighting and navigation systems.

Annex 1 to Order


Table of Contents

1. Terms, Definitions and Authorized Abbreviations. .3

2. Airfield Performances...6
3. General Provisions...6
4. General Matters....7
5. Operating of Transportation Vehicles and Equipment..16
6. Operating of Aircraft.....23
7. Requirements to Operators Carrying-out Activities in Domodedovo Airport....25
8. Requirements to Work Safety with Respect to Any Operations in Domodedovo Airport.......39
9. Rules of Conduct of Employees in ACZ and Facilities of Airport Transport Infrastructure of
Domodedovo Airport..........39
10. Insurance of Liabilities of Operators of Domodedovo Airport.......42
11. Certification and Licensing..42
12. Control of Flight Safety...42
13. Fire Safety.....44

Chapter 1: Terms, Definitions and Authorized Abbreviations

AEA Association of European Airlines;
AHM Airport Handling Manual;
DCS Departure Control System;
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers;
IATA International Air Transport Association;
Aviation security security of civil aviation against unlawful interference in operations of the civil
Rescue and salvage operations operations carried out by manpower and resources of enterprises
of civil aviation and of cooperating organizations in the territory and in the vicinity of the airfield (in the
area of responsibility) for the purpose of rescuing of passengers, crews of wrecked aircraft as well as
for rendering assistance to people in the event of natural, environmental and other disasters when the
place of occurrence of air incident/ accident or disaster is known;
Emergency response plan an instruction for arranging and carrying out of rescue and salvage
operations on the airfield and of search and rescue operations in the area of responsibility of
Aviation operations on airfields and in airports activities (organizational, production, scientific
and other) carried out by physical and legal persons and aimed at supporting and development of
aviation, building and using of networks of airfields, airports and facilities thereof, satisfying of needs
of the economy and population in air transport services and in other aviation services;
DPT the Passenger Terminal of Domodedovo Airport;
AIP the main component of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package of the Russian
Airfield dedicated land plot or water area, inclusive of facilities, utility systems (utility infrastructure)
and equipment located thereon, designed in full or in part for supporting of takeoff, landing, taxiing
and parking of aircraft and of other types of airborne vehicles as well as for maintaining thereof, which
is fenced (marked) in compliance with the standards of airfield (airport) designing;
Airport complex of facilities which includes airfield, air terminal and other elements, a set of
infrastructure facilities designed for accommodation, maintenance and dispatch of aircraft and other
airborne vehicles, handling of air traffic, passengers, cargo, baggage and mail, operating whereof is
ensured and supported by one or more legal persons (Operators) irrespective of their legal form of
organization and form of ownership who have equipment, aircraft staff and other personnel required
for these tasks;
Airport operations/ handling ground handling services rendered by operators engaged in
supporting of takeoff, landing, taxiing and parking of aircraft, maintenance and providing with POL and
special-purpose fluids, commercial handling of passengers, baggage, mail and cargo, cleaning of
aircraft as well as in providing with flight catering;
CIGH owners legal persons who are owners of the centralized infrastructure of ground handling

and lawfully operate the facilities of the airport infrastructure;

Runway a part of airstrip, designed and equipped for takeoff and landing of aircraft;
Chief Operator a business entity which is certified as an airport and has a certificate of state
registration and a certificate of operational suitability; INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DOMODEDOVO
CJSC is the Chief Operator in Domodedovo Airport;
POL petroleum, oil, and lubricants;
Dispatcher a dispatcher of the control unit of DOMODEDOVO AIRPORT HANDLING CJSC
engaged in recording and control of landing;
RSU dispatcher a dispatcher of the Tower Runway Supervisory Unit of the air traffic control tower
of Domodedovo Air Traffic Services Center;
Check-in desk control dispatcher a dispatcher of the airport operational control unit of
DOMODEDOVO SLOT ALLOCATION CJSC engaged in control of check-in desks;
Infrastructure of civil airfield and airport includes facilities of airfield infrastructure, facilities of air
terminal infrastructure, facilities of the centralized infrastructure of ground handling and other
infrastructure facilities (information technologies, aviation security, perimeter fencing, patrol roads and
systems), located in the territory of civil airfield and airport;
IS information systems;
ACZ (airport controlled zone) a part of the territory of the airport which comprise airfield, critical
areas of radio-beacon landing systems, air traffic control elements, radio and electric ground
markings, aviation fuel warehouses, cargo terminals, warehouses for storage of dangerous goods as
well as the adjacent territory and buildings, constructions or parts thereof, access to which is
controlled by the aviation security department of the airport;
Air operation area a part of airfield as a designed engineering structure on which one or more
airstrips, taxiways, ramps, separate stands (on joint airfields) and special-purpose areas are
Stand (aircraft stand) a part of ramp (allotted area on the ramp) or special-purpose areas of the
airfield outside the ramp which are designed for parking of aircraft for the purpose of handling and
storing thereof;
Head of operations shift of the airport senior officer of a multiple-skill shift of the airport who is
responsible for operational control of production activities aimed at fulfilling of the daily flight plan,
ensuring of flight safety and compliance with operation schedules of aircraft handling.
Ensuring of aviation security a set of security and protection measures and arrangements aimed
at ensuring of safety of passengers, aircraft crews, personnel and other physical persons who are in
the territories of the airport (airfield) and in the facilities thereof as well as at ensuring of safety of
operations of the civil aviation;
Ensuring of handling of passengers, baggage, mail and cargo a set of organizational and
technological measures and arrangements stipulated by the federal aviation regulations which make it
possible to make safe boarding (unloading) of passengers, handling and storing of baggage, mail and
cargo as well as loading (unloading) of baggage, mail and cargo to (from) aircraft;

Handling of cargo (mail) integrated services and (or) works related to loading (unloading),
reloading (transshipment) of cargo (mail) and (or) baggage from transportation vehicles (aircraft) of
one type to transportation vehicles (aircraft) of another type when making transportation operations
via direct/ indirect international connection and direct/ indirect combined connection, inclusive of
transportation of cargo (mail) within the boundaries of the airfield or airport and aggregation and
storage thereof, or related to transshipment of cargo (mail) from transportation vehicles (aircraft) of
one type to transportation vehicles (aircraft) of another type without aggregation;
Servicing (control) of air traffic a set of measures and arrangements for flight information/ flight
advisory servicing (control) of air traffic as well as for alerting service;
Airfield infrastructure facilities buildings and equipment, production and technological complexes
located in the territory of the airfield of Domodedovo Airport;
Operator a business entity which has the required appropriate certificate and license and renders
services related to aviation operations in the airport and in the territory of the airfield;
Facilities of airport transport infrastructure airfields, facilities designed for handling of aircraft
and (or) passengers, carrying out of operations with cargo as well as other facilities which support
operations of the transport complex;
Passenger of special category passengers who require individual attendance, unattended minors,
crews, passengers who are denied to enter the territory of the Russian Federation;
Ramp a part of air operation area designed for accommodation of aircraft for the purpose of
boarding and unloading of passengers, loading and unloading of baggage, mail and cargo as well as
for rendering of other types of services and handling;
Maneuvering areas a part of airfield, exclusive of ramp (stands), designed for takeoff, landing and
taxiing of aircraft;
Search, rescue and salvage and fire fighting support a set of measures aimed at arranging and
implementing of immediate and effective search, rescue and salvage and fire fighting operations for
the purpose of rescuing of passengers and aircraft crews in distress or distressed, inclusive of
rendering assistance to casualties and evacuation thereof from the site of occurrence;
Airfield environs a land plot or water area adjacent to the airfield within the boundaries whereof a
zone with special conditions for using of the territory is arranged (for the purpose of ensuring of flight
safety and securing of harmful effect on human health and operation of organizations);
Search and rescue operations operations carried out by manpower and resources of enterprises
of civil aviation and of cooperating organizations for the purpose of searching and rescuing of
distressed passengers and aircraft crews when their occurrence is not known;
Taxiway a part of air operation area of the airfield dedicated for taxiing and towing of aircraft;
Flight operations officer the flight operations officer of Domodedovo Air Traffic Services Center of
the branch of the Moscow Center for Automated Air Traffic Control of FSUE State ATM Corporation;
Aviation Security Service the aviation security service of DOMODEDOVO AIRPORT AVIATION
SECURITY CJSC which completes aviation security tasks within the limits of its powers and

Slot departure and (or) arrival time (takeoff or landing) for specific type(s) of aircraft on specific date
(day of week) scheduled in the flight plan;
GSE ground support equipment;
Arrangement and traffic pattern a pattern of traffic of aircraft, special-purpose transportation
vehicles and mechanical appliances on the airfield of Domodedovo Airport;
Layover point a point of temporary parking of aircraft designed for short-term parking of aircraft
with subsequent towing to stands for maintenance;
Airfield territory land plots (or water area) fenced (marked) in compliance with the design
standards as for staff only and maintenance territory with the airfield infrastructure facilities located
Airport territory territories comprising the airfield territory and the adjacent for staff only and
maintenance territory (land plots or a part of water areas) whereon facilities of air terminal
infrastructure, utility infrastructure facilities, facilities of the centralized infrastructure of ground
handling and other infrastructure facilities (information technologies, aviation security, perimeter
fencing, patrol roads and systems) are located as well as other territories on which infrastructure
facilities operated and managed by the Operators are located;
CIGH (centralized infrastructure of ground handling) infrastructure of Domodedovo Airport
which is required for carrying out of airport operations of the Operators and can be used by two or
more Operators at the same time;
Aircraft operator a physical or legal person who carries out operating of an aircraft on the basis of
the right of ownership, leasing agreement or other documents of entitlement.

Chapter 2: Airfield Performances

Performances of the airfield of Domodedovo Airport, air traffic control towers, ground movement
control units and control transfer points are available in the AIP of the Russian Federation and in the
current Instruction on Flight Operations in the Vicinity of Moscow Airfield (Domodedovo).

Chapter 3: General Provisions

3.1. This Manual is introduced for the purpose of improving of flight safety, quality of ground handling
and maintenance of aircraft as well as for ensuring of uninterrupted operation of Domodedovo Airport.
3.2. This Manual is mandatory for all the legal and physical persons carrying out their operations in
the territory of Domodedovo Airport as well as for airlines making flights to/ from Domodedovo Airport.
3.3. This Manual is consistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation and with provisions and
rules of international law.
3.4. In case of repeated violations of the rules set forth in this Manual on the part of any legal or
physical persons who carry out their activities in the territory of the airfield of Domodedovo Airport, the

Chief Operator may reserve the right to restrict access of such persons to the territory of the airfield.
3.5. In case of violation of requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and of other legal
instruments related to civil aviation as well as of requirements of this Manual, any legal or physical
person located in the territory of Domodedovo Airport may be held liable pursuant to legislation of the
Russian Federation.
3.6. In case any of provisions of this Manual becomes irrelevant, all the rest provisions shall remain
3.7. The Operators shall be admitted for carrying out of operations and dismissed from work in
compliance with the standards and requirements set forth in the Requirements to Admittance of
Operator and Rules for Dismissal from Carrying-out of Operations in Domodedovo Airport.

Chapter 4: General Matters

4.1. Rules of air traffic and ground movement
4.1.1. Air traffic in the vicinity of Domodedovo Airport shall be organized in compliance with the
current Instruction on Flight Operations in the Vicinity of Moscow Airfield (Domodedovo). Ground
movement is practiced according to the current pattern of arrangement and traffic of aircraft,
special-purpose transportation vehicles and mechanical appliances on the ramp of the airfield of
Domodedovo Airport (the pattern of arrangement and traffic of aircraft, special-purpose
transportation vehicles and mechanical appliances on the ramp of the airfield of Domodedovo
Airport is available on the official web-site of Domodedovo Airport).
4.1.2. For the purpose of ensuring of flight safety, improving of quality of ground handling and
maintenance of aircraft and supporting of uninterrupted operation of airfield complex, IT IS
PROHIBITED on the airfield of Domodedovo Airport:
- to violate the current pattern of arrangement and traffic of aircraft, special-purpose
transportation vehicles and mechanical appliances on the ramp as well as the current charts of
accommodation of equipment;
- during operation of special-purpose transportation vehicles in the territory of the airfield of
Domodedovo Airport:
a) to move special-purpose transportation vehicles to the critical areas of radio-beacon
landing system, airstrips and taxiways without approval of the flight operations officer and
permission of the RSU dispatcher obtained in compliance with the Interaction Technology;
b) to move special-purpose transportation vehicles within the boundaries of airstrips,
taxiways and critical areas of radio-beacon landing system without approval of the flight
operations officer and permission of the RSU dispatcher obtained in compliance with the
Interaction Technology;
c) to use any ground support equipment without markings on fixtures and accessories;
d) to use special-purpose transportation vehicles and mechanical appliances in the territory
of the airfield which are not equipped with fire-extinguishing means and first aid kit;

e) to use special-purpose transportation vehicles and mechanical appliances on airstrips,

taxiways and in the critical areas of radio-beacon landing system which are not equipped
with tow device and position control system used in Domodedovo Airport;
f) to use malfunctioning special-purpose transportation vehicles as well as special-purpose
transportation vehicles which are not equipped with signaling means (marker lights and light
flashers) and system for two-way communication with the RSU dispatcher for operations on
airstrips, taxiways and in the critical areas of radio-beacon landing system;
g) to move special-purpose track-mounted transportation vehicles to the airfield pavement
without approval of the head of airfield operations department/ airfield operations engineer;
h) to pollute pavement of the airfield with soil from wheels and contents of bodies of the
special-purpose transportation vehicles;
i) to switch off radio communication aids, marker lights and light flashers mounted on the
special-purpose transportation vehicles when operated on the airstrips, taxiways and in the
critical areas of radio-beacon landing system;
j) to use special-purpose transportation vehicles and mechanical appliances the health
whereof does not comply with the requirements of instruction of the manufacturers;
- to violate the rules of driving of special-purpose transportation vehicles up/ off aircraft during
maintenance and commercial handling which are established by the Instruction on arrangement
of traffic of special-purpose transportation vehicles and mechanical appliances on civil airfields
of the Russian Federation approved by Order 82 dated of 13 July, 2006, issued by the
Ministry of Transportation of the Russian Federation;
- to violate the standards and requirements related to authorization for drivers to work on the
airfield as well as for persons engaged in supervising and control of driving of special-purpose
transportation vehicles up/ off aircraft in the controlled zone of the airfield of Domodedovo
4.1.3. When carrying out of operations on the airfield and in the maneuvering area, in particular, it
is required to comply strictly with the requirements of the current Technology of interaction of the
airfield operations service of the airfield operations department of MAD CJSC with Domodedovo
Air Traffic Services Center of the branch of the Moscow Center for Automated Air Traffic Control of
FSUE State ATM Corporation and with other ground services supporting air traffic.
4.2. General guidelines
4.2.1. General rules for location and carrying out of any types of activities in Domodedovo Airport Carried out operations and practiced processes shall not impose restrictions or
limitations on the processes of the airfield services and departments and of other users of the
airport. Any employee engaged in airport operations, owners of property items of the airport
infrastructure, pilots in command and other persons engaged in operations carried out on the
airfield shall report any violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation to the assistant of
the head of operations shift of the airport by themselves (or via dispatcher) or via their

administrative managers. Any physical or legal person who is guilty of polluting (deliberately or negligently) the
airfield or other facilities of the airport infrastructure shall eliminate such pollution by its own
efforts; where such person cannot eliminate pollution by its own efforts it shall be done by the
manpower and resources of the airport but at the expense of the person at fault. If the person
who is guilty of polluting refuses to reimburse the funds spent for elimination of pollution, such
expenses may be recovered against the person at fault in a judicial proceeding. In case of environmental damage, the airport may recharge the penalties to the person
guilty in polluting or recover the expenses against the person at fault in a judicial proceeding. All the employees carrying out their activities in the territory of Domodedovo Airport
shall adhere to the custom-oriented approach with respect to persons using the services of the
airport. All the interaction technologies (as amended), implemented in the course of production
activities in Domodedovo Airport shall be approved by the Chief Operator. All the Operators carrying out their activities in Domodedovo Airport shall ensure the
required minimum of services in accordance with the established procedure. All the Operators carrying out their activities in Domodedovo Airport shall insure their
liabilities against damage that may be incurred in connection with carrying out of the authorized
activities. For the purpose of exercising of its functions, the Chief Operator shall establish the
procedure for suspending (terminating) of rendering of services to the Operators in case of
regular improper payment for the rendered services on the part of the latter as well as in case
the users of the airport (airfield) violate the requirements of the legislation of the Russian
Federation and the industry-specific standards and regulations. All the Operators engaged in accommodating, dispatching or handling of aircraft shall
participate in programs and measures aimed at ensuring of aviation security and preventing of
unlawful interference with operations of civil aviation. It is prohibited to carry out operations in the air operation area and in the critical areas
of radio-beacon landing system without approval of the flight operations officer and in absence
of employees of the airfield operations service of the Chief Operator who are responsible for
carrying out of operations. When being on the airfield and operating the same, it is prohibited:
a) to construct buildings and structures in the vicinity of the airfield without written approval of
the Chief Operator of the airport and without documents authorizing to construct and
reconstruct facilities;
b) to pollute pavement of the airfield with debris, garbage and foreign objects. Where
pollution is detected on the airfield or in the air operation area, any employee shall eliminate
the same by removing it to waste containers available for this purpose on every stand. If it is
not possible to eliminate pollution by ones efforts or in case of receiving of information about

pollution of paved or unpaved part of the airfield, any employee engaged in airport
operations, owner of property items of the airport infrastructure, pilot in command and other
persons engaged in operations carried out on the airfield shall report to that effect to the
dispatcher unit of the Chief Operator by themselves or via their administrative (operations)
c) to carry out earth works without written approval of the Chief Operator of the airport;
d) to launch manufacturing facilities which pollute the territory and create insanitary
conditions and favorable conditions for gathering of birds;
e) to accommodate special-purpose equipment and machinery on the ramp out of the
boundaries of the dedicated marked areas;
f) to hinder from carrying out of works on maintenance of pavements of the airfield;
g) to violate the established rules for accommodation of special-purpose transportation
vehicles, mechanical appliances and equipment in the air operation area of the airfield;
h) to connect power consumers who are not directly involved in supporting of air operations
to uninterrupted power distribution panel supplying the facilities of radio-technical support of
air operations, lighting navigational aids and communication systems;
i) to operate radio transmitting equipment, inclusive of radio communication devices, without
permission to operate the same and without certificate of compliance of the same or if such
permission (certificate) is expired;
j) to carry out works, using open flame (welding, soldering, etc.), without written approval of
the head of fire-fighting unit/ the head of operations shift of the Chief Operator;
k) to make cutting in pipelines of the heat supply system, water supply system and sewerage
system without approval of the head of heat engineering and sanitary-engineering unit of the
Chief Operator;
l) to use fire hydrants and fire cocks (other than in the event of fire and inspections of the fireextinguishing system agreed upon with the head of heat engineering and sanitaryengineering unit of the Chief Operator);
m) to take in water from the heat supply system of buildings and structures;
n) to discharge storm water and production waste water to the sewerage system;
o) to discharge storm water containing poisonous components, oils, gasoline, kerosene, etc.
to the sewerage system without prior treatment of such water at the local treatment facilities;
p) to smoke on the airfield other than in dedicated areas;
q) to connect additional electrical installations without approval of the head of electrical
technical and lighting flight support unit of the Chief Operator;
r) to tow aircraft from unpaved stands without official permission of Domodedovo Commercial
Services CJSC ;
s) to discharge aviation fuels, special fluids, water and other production wastes to hydrant
well of the centralized fuel system. It is prohibited to operate motor vehicles and machinery which are not registered in


accordance with the established procedure as well as private vehicles in the territory of the
airfield of Domodedovo Airport. Aviation staff, employees of aviation enterprises and other persons carrying out their
activities in the territory of the Airfield of Domodedovo Airport is not allowed to stay therein in the
off hours without the respective permission. It is prohibited to make fire other than in dedicated areas in Domodedovo Airport. It is prohibited to obstruct the territory of the airfield of Domodedovo Airport with
construction and other materials as well as with objects which hinder traffic.
4.2.2. Rules and radio traffic phraseology to be used in intra-port communication networks in the
territory of Domodedovo Airport Radio traffic in Domodedovo Airport shall be exchanged in compliance with the current
rules and radio traffic phraseology to be used in intra-port communication networks in the
territory of Domodedovo Airport. The rules for radio traffic exchange shall be observed by all the
persons carrying out their activities in the territory of Domodedovo Airport.
4.2.3. Subordination in operations shifts All the employees of aviation enterprises and other persons carrying out their activities
in the territory of the airfield of Domodedovo Airport shall be subordinate to the head of
operations shift of the enterprise. The head of operations shift shall be subordinated to the head
of operations shift of the airport.
4.2.4. Rules for interaction to be observed during cleaning of the pavement and unpaved areas of
the airfield On request of the airfield operations unit, during autumn-winter season physical and
legal persons carrying out their activities in the airfield shall timely clear areas of storage of GSE
and special-purpose transportation vehicles located in the air operation area of the airfield for
cleaning thereof from snow and ice as well as shall strictly follow the instructions of the engineer
of the airfield operations unit related to clearing of the territory in the point of operation of snowclearing equipment when carrying out cleaning of the airfield from snow and ice.
4.2.5. Actions of employees to be taken when finding abandoned objects In case of finding of abandoned objects in the territory of the airport, any employee
carrying out activities in the territory of Domodedovo Airport shall immediately report to that
effect via his/ her operations manager/ dispatcher of the assistant of the head of operations shift
of the airport.
4.3. Procedures to be followed under low visibility conditions
4.3.1. Drivers of transportation vehicles (motor and special-purpose transportation vehicles) and
the personnel having access to the air operation area shall strictly comply with the rules and
requirements applicable under low visibility conditions in accordance with the current Technology of
interaction of the airfield operations service of the airfield operations department of MAD CJSC
with Domodedovo Air Traffic Services Center of the branch of the Moscow Center for Automated
Air Traffic Control of FSUE State ATM Corporation and with other ground services supporting air


traffic as well as in accordance with the current pattern of arrangement and traffic of aircraft,
special-purpose transportation vehicles and mechanical appliances on the ramp of the airfield of
Domodedovo Airport.
4.3.2. When introducing special procedures in the airport, the following requirements shall be
complied with:
- speed of movement of special-purpose transportation vehicles and motor vehicles shall not
exceed 10 km/h on the ramp and 20 km/h in the rest part of the airfield;
- under low visibility conditions, special-purpose transportation vehicles, motor vehicles and
mechanical appliances shall move on the air operation area with mandatorily switched on
dimmers, light flashers of yellow (orange) color) and fog lights (if available) irrespective of the
time of day;
- IT IS PROHIBITED to drive special-purpose transportation vehicles and mechanical
appliances not involved in aircraft handling or maintenance of pavements of the airfield and
lighting navigational aids on the runways, taxiways and critical areas of radio-beacon landing
- drivers of transportation vehicles authorized for carrying out of operations on the airfield shall
read and agree with the restrictions imposed by the Low Visibility Procedures to be complied
with when operating under low visibility conditions;
- transportation of crews and personnel to/ from aircraft shall be performed only by motor
vehicles; pedestrian traffic on the air operation area IS PROHIBITED;
- IT IS PROHIBITED to cross the marking of holding takeoff position (critical areas of radiobeacon landing system), having all around lighting with red color-filters and day marking,
without permission of the RSU dispatcher;
- IT IS PROHIBITED to cross (occupy) the runways and taxiways during taxiing without
permission of the RSU dispatcher.
4.4. Rules of conduct in emergency situations
4.4.1. Actions of physical persons in the territory of Domodedovo Airport in case of emergency:
- to call the surrounding persons for calm. In any emergency situation panic causes
unconscious actions resulting in drastic consequences and hinders actions of rescuers, fire
fighting personnel, medical personnel and other experts;
- as soon as possible to inform personnel of Domodedovo Airport about occurred event;
- to follow recommendations of the experts (rescuers, fire fighting personnel, police officers,
medical personnel and personnel of the airport). It helps to render timely assistance to injured
persons as well as to mitigate or prevent consequences (impact of hazards);
- not to create conditions hindering and complicating actions of rescuers, fire fighting personnel,
medical personnel, police officers, public transport personnel and airport personnel;
- to give the road for moving motor transportation vehicles with special light, sound and color
- not to go behind the enclosure marking the dangerous area. Warning shall be communicated


in case of danger or emergency. Remember! Warning horns and intermittent horn sounding of
enterprises or transportation vehicle means ''Attention All!''. Listen to the informational message
about emergency situation, the rules of conduct and actions that you shall take. Information
about the occurrence will be repeated many times and updated in the course of events.
4.4.2. If taken as a hostage, one should adhere to the following protective measures:
- not to expose oneself to undue risk and to limit any contacts with criminals, especially if those
are under the influence of liquor or narcotic drugs;
- to stay calm; to watch attentively behavior of the criminals and their intentions;
- at the earliest opportunity to try to inform kindred or police about the whereabouts;
- to keep up spirits and, if it is possible, to make a safe getaway;
- during hostage extraction by penetration team to lie down on the floor as far as possible from
windows and doors or to shelter oneself.
4.4.3. Any employee shall inform its operations manager about all the malfunctions and failures in
the production process. The head of operations shift shall inform the head of operations shift of the
airport about all the malfunctions and failures in the process which may result/ has resulted in air
traffic disturbance/ violation of flight safety.
4.4.4. In case of failure, accident or incident as well as of potential failure, accident or incident
situation, all the persons carrying out their activities in Domodedovo Airport shall pass to the
operational control of the head of operations shift of the airport.
4.4.5. In case of situation when it is required to carry out rescue and salvage operations on the
airfield, the employees involved in rectification of consequences of failure, accident or incident shall
pass to the operational control of the head of rescue and salvage operations pursuant to the
emergency response plan.
4.4.6. The emergency response plan of the airport determines the structure of manpower and
resources to be involved in carrying out of search, rescue and salvage operations, arrangement of
communication as well as the operational procedure and spheres of responsibility of officers, the
head of rescue and salvage operations, rescue team leaders, personnel of the services of
Domodedovo Airport and interacting organizations in the process of rectification of emergency
4.4.7. The emergency response plan of the airport shall be mandatory for all the persons and
enterprises carrying their activities in the airport; besides, the plan specifies control, communication
and coordination functions required for implementation thereof. Executive functions of personnel of
the services participating in implementation of the emergency response plan shall be specified in
the by-laws drawn-up by these services.
4.4.8. Search, rescue and salvage operations aimed at rescuing of passengers and crews of
aircraft shall be carried out in the area of responsibility for search and rescue operations and in the
territory of the airfield irrespective of nationality or departmental affiliation of aircraft.
4.5. Rules for use of Domodedovo Passenger Terminal (DPT)
4.5.1. In compliance with requirements of the existing legislation of the Russian Federation


governing domestic and international air transportation, the territory of DPT is divided into several
zones, namely:
- customer service areas, premises and public facilities;
- offices and service premises of the airport;
- aviation security zone;
- customs surveillance zone;
- checkpoints on the state border of the Russian Federation.
4.5.2. The following is prohibited in the territory of DPT: To offer (advertise) services for transportation of passengers and baggage by motor
transportation vehicle, inclusive of passenger taxi, out of the bounds of parking structures for
taxi, or not via dispatch centers (taxi services). Location and arrangement of taxi parking areas
and dispatch centers (taxi services) in terminals shall be approved by the administration of DPT. To park transportation vehicles (exclusive of public transport and official taxi carrier) out
of the bounds of parking areas. To smoke other than in dedicated areas. To drink alcoholic beverage and strong drinks in the territory of DPT other than in food
courts. To use drugs or psychotropic substances and to be under the influence of narcotic
drugs. To be dressed in messy, dirty and stinking clothes, to have baggage, things, food stuff
(inclusive of beverage and ice-cream in open containers) which can mess up and smudge
passengers, baggage and structure components of DPT. To molest people, i.e., to violate public order expressed in compulsive actions of a
person performed in respect of other people against their will for the purpose of selling,
purchasing, exchange or otherwise purchasing of things as well as for the purpose of
fortunetelling, mendicating, rendering of sexual services or press other services upon other
people in public places. To litter, pollute and damage buildings, installations, equipment, escalators and
structure components of DPT. To put baggage on seats in lounges. To lie on seats in lounges. To sit or lie on the floor and in inappropriate places. To listen to audio system at the volume level that hinders perception of acoustic
information in DPT and disturbs other passengers. To terminate socket groups (to plug electric shavers, notebook computers, battery
chargers and other electric appliances) which support operation of plant and equipment of the
airport without written permission of the administration. To create situations that hinder passenger traffic. To accept things from strangers for conveyance.

14 To move by bicycles, cycle-cars, trolleys and other means of carriage in the territory of
DPT, except for sick passengers and PRM. Means of carriage to be transported as baggage
shall be stowed (packaged) when kept in the territory of DPT. To have animals without muzzles or with leads the length thereof does not make it
possible to control behavior of animals. To walk animals in the territory of DPT (the building of DPT, land side area, stands,
parking areas and ramp). To stand/ sit on baggage trolley or otherwise use the same for purposes other than
intended (to carry things of any type that bear no relation to passengers baggage). To carry out professional telephotography, video and camera recording without written
permission of the authorized services of the airport and in the customs surveillance zones and
in the checkpoints on the state border of the Russian Federation without permission of the
respective state authority. To apply graffiti, to place posters, show bills, announcements and other advertising,
information and propaganda materials without written permission of the administration of DPT
and in the customs surveillance zones and in the checkpoints on the state border of the Russian
Federation without permission of the respective state authority. To carry out any commercial activities and to peddle without written permission of the
administration of DPT and in the customs surveillance zones and in the checkpoints on the state
border of the Russian Federation without permission of the respective state authority. To have in one's possession firearms, piercing and fragile objects without protecting
cover (packing), inclusive of ski and skates, small gardening tools with open sharp parts. To have meals other than in food courts.
4.5.3. Access to offices and service premises of the services/ departments of the airport is allowed
by ID cards only. All the entries to offices and service premises are furnished with ''Authorized
Personnel Only'' warning sign. The procedure for passing and staying in the offices and service
premises is determined by the internal security policy of DPT. The Aviation Security Service and
Airport Safeguard Service exercise pass control and control of compliance with the internal security
4.5.4. Personnel and passengers are allowed to pass to the security area controlled by the Aviation
Security Service only through specially equipped points of pre-flight screening/ vetting. The
procedure for carrying out of screening/ vetting is determined by Order 104 On approval of the
rules for carrying out of pre-flight and post-flight screening dated of 25 July, 2007, issued by the
Ministry of Transportation of the Russian Federation.
4.5.5. Premises and facilities located in the territory of DPT (customer service areas and other
premises) included in the customs surveillance zone are furnished with ''Customs Surveillance
Zone'' warning sign. All the measures and arrangements related to supporting of the regime of the
customs border of the Russian Federation in the customs surveillance zone are implemented by
Domodedovo Customs.


4.5.6. The procedure for customs clearance of passengers as well as the rules for moving of goods
and foreign exchange cash across the customs border of the Russian Federation is determined by
the customs legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.5.7. Passengers are allowed to pass the state border of the Russian Federation only in passport
check-points in compliance with all the passport and visa formalities established by the existing
legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 5: Operating of Transportation Vehicles and Equipment

5.1. Movement of transportation vehicles and pedestrians in the territory of Domodedovo Airport shall
comply with the traffic rules of the Russian Federation.
5.2. It is allowed to stop in the land side area for loading/ unloading of passengers.
5.3. Dedicated parking areas are available in the territory of Domodedovo Airport; parking of
transportation vehicles out of the bounds of dedicated parking areas is prohibited.
5.4. Transportation vehicles may be moved to the dedicated parking areas by order of police officers.
5.5. Movement of transportation vehicles and special-purpose transportation vehicles in the airfield of
Domodedovo Airport shall comply with the current pattern of arrangement and traffic of aircraft,
special-purpose transportation vehicles and mechanical appliances on the ramp as well as to the
current charts of accommodation of equipment and the traffic rules.
5.6. Requirements to transportation vehicles
5.6.1. Transportation vehicles, special-purpose transportation vehicles and mechanical appliances
operated in the territory of the airfield shall comply with the requirements set forth in the following
- Regulation On approval of the technical regulations for safety of wheeled transportation
vehicles issued by the Government of the Russian Federation;
- IATA Airport Handling Manual.
5.6.2. Special-purpose transportation vehicles operated in the air operation area shall be equipped
- flashing beacon;
- towrope;
- fire extinguisher;
- first aid kit;
- park sensors;
- back-up buzzer;
- color panoramic reversing camera with image output on monitor display in the passenger
5.6.3. Special-purpose transportation vehicles involved in aircraft handling and allowed to move in
the aircraft handling area shall be equipped with:
- defroster and mirror heater;


- immobilizing when in gear;

- system of gear box blocking when parking brake is applied.
5.6.4. All the special-purpose transportation vehicles operated in the air operation area shall be
properly equipped to be displayed in the position control system of the airport.
5.6.5. When operated in the aircraft handling area, all the special-purpose transportation vehicles
shall be equipped with automatic gearbox and emergency stop button.
5.6.6. When operated in the maneuvering areas, all the special-purpose transportation vehicles
shall be additionally equipped with:
- air band radio station for listening to aircraft radio communication;
- operational beacon of the multi-position surveillance system.
5.6.7. Transportation vehicles shall be equipped at the expense of users in compliance with the
equipment specifications provided by the Chief Operator.
5.6.8. Transportation vehicles not complying with the said requirements shall be allowed to enter
the airfield only with following up.
5.6.9. Technical condition of special-purpose transportation vehicles and special-purpose
equipment of transportation vehicles shall comply with the requirements of the federal legislation of
the Russian Federation and with the industry-specific regulations and standards of the Russian
Federation related to organization of operation and maintenance of special-purpose transportation
vehicles in airports.
5.6.10. Color pattern of transportation vehicles, special-purpose machinery and production
equipment, when operated in the airfield, shall comply with the requirements of the federal aviation
regulations and standards.
5.6.11. Technical condition of special-purpose transportation vehicles and special-purpose
equipment of transportation vehicles shall comply with the requirements of the federal legislation of
the Russian Federation and with the industry-specific regulations and standards of the Russian
Federation related to organization of operation and maintenance of special-purpose transportation
vehicles in airports.
5.6.12. Engine of transportation vehicle shall comply with the EURO 3 Environmental Safety
5.6.13. All the special-purpose transportation vehicles shall be equipped with:
- back-up buzzer;
- system of safe approach to aircraft enabling to adjust the operating threshold for the minimum
distance in the range of 0.5-1.5 meters with due account for different fuselage diameters.
5.6.14. Noise and vibration rates of special-purpose transportation vehicles shall not exceed the
allowed values specified in GOST 12.1.003-83 and GOST 12.1.012-90 respectively as well as in
other regulations and standards applicable to these rates.
5.6.15. Special-purpose transportation vehicles, involved in aircraft handling, moving in the aircraft
handling area and if outrigged, shall have automatic control system which blocks operating until
outriggers are properly extended.


5.6.16. Additional requirements to transportation vehicles and special-purpose machinery Deicers
Configuration of the main components of supplied de-icing equipment and machinery (deicers)
shall comply with the requirements of AHM 910. Performances of supplied deicers shall comply
with the requirements of AHM 975. De-icing treatment shall be performed in compliance with the
recommendation of AEA and SAE. Lavatory trucks
Configuration of the main components of supplied equipment and machinery shall comply with
the requirements of AHM 910. Brake system shall support stable position of undercarriage at
inclination angle of 2 %. Availability of sensors is mandatory on the extreme points of the rear
end of detachable equipment. Availability of visual and audio warning system in drivers
compartment is mandatory; the system shall warn the driver about the distance to an obstacle.
Immobilizing when in gear; system of gear box blocking when parking brake is applied. Baggage tractors
Configuration of hitch mechanism shall comply with the requirements of AHM 916. The key
requirements to GSE used for aircraft handling are specified in AHM 910. The key requirements
to safety of GSE used for aircraft handling are specified in AHM 913. The key requirements to
hitch mechanism for GSE used for aircraft handling. Ramp buses
Height and overall dimensions shall comply with the requirements to traffic safety of the Russian
Federation. Busses shall be outfitted with handrails for convenience of standing passengers.
Floor shall have nonskid corrosion-proof coating. The key requirements to GSE used for aircraft
handling are specified in AHM 910. The key requirements to GSE used for aircraft handling are
specified in AHM 913. Compatibility of GSE used for aircraft handling is specified in AHM 914. Catering high lift trucks
Protective rubber bumpers (damping elements) in all the possible areas of contact with aircraft.
Configuration of the main components of supplied equipment and machinery shall comply with
the requirements of AHM 910 and AHM 927. No less than four hydraulic mountings (outriggers)
of vertical extension are required for stable position of high lift truck during loading/ unloading;
outriggers shall be located at the corners of high lift truck body and unload the wheels.
Availability of buzzer for lifting/ lowering of high lift truck body. Water servicing vehicles
Filling hose shall comply with ISO 450 Standard or with a similar standard and shall be
appropriately marked. Configuration of the main components of supplied equipment and
machinery shall comply with the requirements of AHM 910. Brake system shall support stable
position of undercarriage at inclination angle of 2 %. Availability of visual and audio warning
system in drivers compartment is mandatory; the system shall warn the driver about the
distance to an obstacle. Immobilizing when in gear; system of gear box blocking when parking
brake is applied.

18 Aircraft tow tractors

Aircraft tow tractors are designed for towing of aircraft, having takeoff weight of more than 250
tons, with started engines, with friction coefficient of 0.4 (snow-covered/ ice-covered pavement).
Immobilizing when in gear; system of gear box blocking when parking brake is applied. Jerkfree breakaway and stop of aircraft shall be assured. Availability of backup (emergency) steering
drive. Self-propelled passenger stairs
This equipment is designed for loading/ unloading of passenger on remote stands as well as for
loading/ unloading of personnel during ground handling of aircraft. Configuration of the main
components of supplied equipment and machinery shall comply with the requirements of AHM
910. Brake system shall support stable position of undercarriage at inclination angle of 2 %
without using of terminal blocks. Elements of the structure of flight of stairs and boarding
platform shall not have sharp protruding surfaces which may injure passengers and operating
personnel. Width of the flight of stairs shall be sufficient for 2 passengers with hand baggage to
stay on one stair safely and freely. Availability of rails along the whole length of the flight of stairs
and working platform of the passenger stairs. Protective rubber bumpers (damping elements) in
all the possible areas of contact with aircraft. Stairs and boarding platform shall be made of
wearproof abrasive coating or of textured metal coating to protect passengers and operating
personnel from slipping down and getting injured. Configuration of electrical facilities of
passenger stairs shall comply with the requirements of AHM 918.
5.7. Requirements to equipment
5.7.1. Production equipment in operation shall comply with the following requirements:
- scheduled maintenance of the equipment shall be carried out within the scope and periods of
time specified by the Schedule of maintenance of equipment/ transportation vehicles/ specialpurpose transportation vehicles/ buildings/ structures/ utility systems/ engineering systems;
- parameters of equipment shall comply with the standard technical parameters specified in the
operation and maintenance documentation for the equipment;
- failures and malfunctioning which occurred during scheduled and unsheduled maintenance
shall be corrected;
- working systems (hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.) shall be filled with working substance up the level
specified in the operation and maintenance documentation;
- dates of calibration of instruments being a part of the equipment shall be kept to the schedule;
- dates of check of vessels under pressure shall be kept to the schedule;
- equipment which is under the control of the state supervisory authorities shall have the
respective approval documents;
- warning and informational signs and lettering on equipment shall be clearly visible;
- equipment shall be provided with a full set of components being a part of the equipment;
- equipment shall be cleaned from mechanical pollution, traces of working fluid and preservative


- scheduled and unsheduled maintenance works, replacement of components and assembly

units shall be specified in the equipment documentation;
- graphic symbols on control panels of mobile equipment shall comply with the requirements of
AHM 915;
- noise and vibration rates shall not exceed the allowed values specified in GOST 12.1.003-83
and GOST 12.1.012-90 respectively as well as in other regulations and standards applicable to
these rates. Emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere shall not exceed the allowed
values established under the existing legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.7.2. Additional requirements to equipment: Heaters for compartments of aircraft
This equipment is designed for supply of warm air aboard an aircraft when preparing the same
for departure as well as during maintenance of engines and structure elements of an aircraft at
ambient temperature below zero. Configuration of the main components of supplied equipment
shall comply with the requirements of AHM 910. Design of supplied equipment shall comply
with the requirements of AHM 973. Configuration of electrical system of heater shall comply
with the requirements of AHM 918. Air conditioning
Engine shall comply with the EURO 3 Environmental Safety Standard. To ensure high quality
of air supplied to compartments of aircraft, air conditioning device shall be equipped with filter
of at least F5 class. Air starter unit
Air starter unit shall be mounted on draft chassis. This equipment shall comply with the
requirements of the following documents:
- AHM 904 Aircraft Doors, Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground
Support Equipment;
- AHM 910 Basic Requirements for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment;
- AHM 976 Functional Specifications for an Air Start Unit;
- ISO 2026:1974 Aircraft - Connections for starting engines by air. Power supply units
This equipment shall comply with the requirements of the following documents:
- GOST 19705-89 Electric power supply systems of aircraft and helicopters. General
requirements and standards quality of electric power;
- ISO 6858 Aircraft - Ground support electrical supplies - General requirements;
- BS 2G 219 Specification for general requirements for ground support electrical supplies for
- SAE ARP 5015 Ground Equipment - 400 Hertz Ground Power Performance Requirements;
- MIL 704E Aircraft Electric Power Characteristics;
- DFS 400 Specification for 400 Hz aircraft power supply;
- EN2282 Aerospace series. Characteristics of aircraft electrical supplies.

20 Dollies for containers, baggage, cargo and mail

Hitch mechanism shall be fitted out with lock to eliminate the risk of spontaneous detaching of
dollies during movement of dolly train. Clevis and safety rope shall be available to eliminate
the risk of detaching of dollies in dolly train during operating. To carry baggage, piece cargo
and unpalletized mail, dollies of enclosed type shall be used. Dolly shall be fitted out with
stopping brake responding in down position of tow bar and latched in up position of tow bar. In
case of detaching of a dolly during movement, tow bar shall go down by gravity, thus bringing
lock mechanism into operation. Platform collation frames
Availability of stoppers is mandatory; in terms of design, they shall be located in line with
dimensions of containers and pallets (particularly, at the front, at the back and, if required, inbetween); height of stoppers shall be no less than 110 mm. Belt loaders
External dimensions shall comply with the requirements of AHM 910.
Lock mechanism of loader shall be fitted out with outriggers or stopping brake supporting
stable position of the vehicle at inclination angle of up to 10. Loader arm shall be fitted out
with stoppers eliminating the risk of falling of cargo. Belt loader shall be fitted out with damping
device preventing hard contact with aircraft body. Maintenance ladders
Equipment shall be certified by the authorized agency of the Russian Federation in the field of
civil aviation. Configuration of maintenance ladder shall comply with the general requirement
specifications on GSE specified in GOST R 53543-2009. Compliance with the IATA general
requirements to airport equipment and with the IATA safety requirements (AHM 910 and 913). Blocks
Configuration of metal blocks shall comply with the requirements of 2-2 OST 1.1145-85 or
1.9603.9933.100. Technical characteristics of block (particularly, overall dimensions, weight,
material) shall ensure reliable position of aircraft during ground time, be appropriate for aircraft
type and, respectively, to size of chassis wheels (tires). Availability of studs preventing of
sliding of metal block. Availability of horizontal protective cover (for rubber pads). The standard
color is red. Tow bars
Tow bar shall be fitted out with damping element for cushioning during towing.
Recommendation (approval) of manufacturers of aviation equipment and machinery for using
of this type of tow bar for towing of aircraft of the respective type shall be available.
Configuration shall comply with SAE ARP1915 or ISO 9667:1998 standards. Orange/ yellow
color shall be aggressive environment resistant. Aircraft fire extinguishers
Design of cart-mounted fire extinguishers shall comply with the requirements of GOST
12.2.037. Quality of components used for fire extinguisher configuration shall be confirmed by


the appropriate documents of manufacturers (works certificate, quality certificate, etc.).

High-pressure tanks for propellant gas and high pressure fire extinguishers shall be
manufactured in compliance with the requirements of the effective engineering standards.
Design of fire extinguishers shall comply with the requirements of GOST R 51057-01, GOST R
51017-09, TU 4854-001-72866739-04 and GOST 949-73. Pressure gauge or pressure
indicator shall be furnished with accompanying documents confirming compliance of the
parameters with the requirements of design documentation for fire extinguisher.
Actuation mechanism for fire extinguisher shall be fitted out with safety pin guarding against
actuation of fire extinguisher when moving, if fell down, by impact of vibration or by random
impact on release elements. Safety pin on filled fire extinguisher shall be sealed in such a way
that to make it impossible to use the fire extinguisher without removing of the safety pin and
destroying the seal.
Marking on fire extinguisher shall be in Russian and contain the following information:
- name and trade mark of the manufacturer;
- type and name of fire extinguisher assigned by the manufacturer;
- index of regulatory or technical document with the requirements whereof the fire
extinguisher complies (requirements specification, standard, etc.);
- type, quality class and nominal quantity of fire extinguishing agent (including allowed
values) charged in fire extinguisher;
- method of actuation of fire extinguisher in the form of several icons (sketches) showing the
sequence of actions required for operation of fire extinguisher;
- month and year of manufacture.
Parts of fire extinguisher made of materials non-resistant to corrosion shall have protective
coating or paint coating in compliance with the requirements of GOST 9.303 or GOST 9.032/
GOST 9.104 respectively.
Fire-extinguisher cylinder shall be of red safety color in compliance with the requirements of
GOST R 12.4.026. Nitrogen filling units
Purity of generated nitrogen shall be in the range of 96 2%.
Design of gas generating equipment (design of pipes, nozzles, hoses, adapter connectors,
shut-off and control valves and safety devices) shall be fully compatible for attaching of gas
cylinders of 40 liters in volume complying with the requirements of GOST 949-73. Icons of
control elements shall comply with the requirements of AHM 915. Containers and pallets loaders
Hydraulic mountings (outriggers) shall be available. Bumper shall be available at the front
edge of the front platform. Bumper shall be made of flexible and springy material which shall
be wearproof and environment resistant. This equipment component shall secure soft contact
without damaging of the surface of fuselage when docking the platform closely to aircraft.
Control switches shall have icons in compliance with the requirements of AHM. Icons of control


elements shall comply with the requirements of AHM 915. Containers and pallets transporters
This equipment is designed for transportation of containers and pallets to dolly trains during
unloading of aircraft or on the ramp of the airport.
Hydraulic dual circuit brake system with additional stopping brake.

Chapter 6: Operating of Aircraft

6.1. Takeoff and landing operations on the airfield of Domodedovo Airport may be made only by
aircraft for which all the documentation required pursuant to the legislation of the Russian Federation
and international legal instruments is available.
6.2. Aircraft shall be operated in the territory of the airfield of Domodedovo Airport shall be operated in
compliance with the Aircraft Flight Manual, other legal instruments of the Russian Federation and
international law.
6.3. In case of incidents and aircraft occurrence, it is required to take actions in compliance with the
emergency response plan of Domodedovo Airport.
6.4. Salvage of aircraft incapable for movement on its own as a consequence of accident (incident)
shall be carried out in compliance with Procedure 14 of the emergency response plan of Domodedovo
Airport. Where location of a disabled aircraft hinders movement of other aircraft which may result in
lingering upset conditions in Domodedovo Airport and the Operator of such aircraft fails to make a
decision on salvage thereof within 20 minutes after receiving of request of the head of rescue and
salvage operations, provided that at that time the possibility to visit the scene of accident (incident), to
inspect the aircraft and to learn about the proposed salvage plan was provided, the head of rescue
and salvage operations as agreed upon with the head of evacuation operations and the head of
operations shift of the airport shall make a decision on commencement of evacuation of such aircraft
without consent of the Operator of such aircraft thereto.
6.6. Start and revving up of aircraft engines on the airfield of Domodedovo Airport shall be done with
the agreement of the head of the airfield operations unit in the dedicated areas specified in the pattern
of traffic of aircraft, special-purpose transportation vehicles and mechanical appliances on the airfield
of Domodedovo Airport.
6.7. Where towing of aircraft is required, actions shall be taken in compliance with the aircraft towing
6.8. Handling of aircraft by special-purpose transportation vehicles in the territory of Domodedovo
Airport shall be carried out in compliance with the effective procedure for handling of aircraft by
special-purpose transportation vehicles.
6.9. Using of slots
6.9.1. Prior to carrying out of activities in Domodedovo Airport, an airline shall obtain a slot.
6.9.2. If airline fails to use the assigned slots regularly or intentionally (whether takeoff or landing
slots), then to improve the flight regularity in Domodedovo Airport, measures aimed at making the


airline to use the assigned slots may be taken against such airline.
6.9.3. In case of early/ delayed arrival of an aircraft and non-availability of a passenger bridge,
such aircraft shall be taken to stand without any passenger bridge. Further towing of the aircraft
shall be carried out on request of the airline and at its expense.
6.9.4. Where information about fail aircraft being maintained on a finger stand is obtained, such
aircraft shall be towed to a remote stand at the expense of the airline.
6.10. Handling of aircraft in the territory of the airfield of Domodedovo Airport
6.10.1. When handling aircraft in the territory of the airfield of Domodedovo Airport, it is prohibited:
a) to carry out treatment/ cleaning of aircraft from snow/ ice/ dirt (with de-icing fluids/ water at
ones own discretion and without approval of the head of the airfield operations unit of the Chief
Operator out of the bounds of the dedicated areas/ stands;
b) to violate the procedures for ground handling and maintenance of aircraft in terms of spill/
discharge of fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid and other fluids on pavements/ unpaved areas of the
c) to violate the procedures for ground handling and maintenance of aircraft in terms of spill/
discharge of water/ contents of toilet bowls of aircraft on pavements/ unpaved areas of the
d) to leave unattended the mechanical appliances and support equipment which are operating
as well as aircraft with connected ground power supply units, special-purpose transportation
vehicles, etc.;
e) to leave special-purpose equipment/ machinery on stands out of the bounds of the dedicated
storage areas after handling of aircraft;
f) to authorize special-purpose motor vehicles which are defective and are not fitted out with
spark suppressors to operations on fuelling of aircraft;
g) to carry out aircraft ground handling and maintenance operations without emergency firefighting equipment being available;
h) to rev up aircraft engines out of the bounds of dedicated stands which are not approved with
respect to aircraft types;
i) to carry out maintenance and commercial servicing of aircraft in layover points, except for:
- ground handling operations related to towing, safe-guarding and supporting of
accommodation/ departure of aircraft; cleaning of aircraft from snow and ice shall be carried
out in compliance with the established procedure;
- maintenance of aircraft held in layover points which are on taxiing runs aimed at preparing
of aircraft for towing to stands;
- commercial servicing and maintenance of aircraft held in layover points which are on taxiing
runs for the purpose of supporting of accommodation/ departure of aircraft with dangerous
cargo onboard;
j) to violate the procedures for removing of garbage after cleaning of aircraft;
k) to accommodate malfunctioning/ failed aircraft on finger stands upon arrival;


l) to recover aircraft from failure on finger stands; such aircraft shall be towed to remote stands
for maintenance and repair.
6.10.2. Availability of passenger stairs and passenger bridges Passenger stairs and passenger bridges are made available in the territory of the
airfield of Domodedovo Airport in compliance with the effective procedure for providing with
passenger stairs and passenger bridges.

Chapter 7: Requirements to Operators Carrying-out Activities in Domodedovo Airport

7.1. Operator shall render services within the scope of its business activity in strict compliance with
7.2. Main requirements of the airport to the Operators with respect to rendering of services relating to
ground handling of aircraft on the ramp
7.2.1. Preparation of stands:
- inspection of stands aimed at detecting of foreign objects, dirt, sand, snow, ice, spilt oil and
other things which can damage aircraft during taxiing in/ out.
7.2.2. Arrival of aircraft:
- special-purpose machinery and GSE shall not be inside the safety area of stand until light
flashers of aircraft are switched off;
- principles of aircraft stability on ground during unloading operations shall be observed;
- all cargo nets inside the baggage/ cargo compartment shall be appropriately secured (for
aircraft of all types);
- special-purpose machinery and GSE shall be located on stand; standard brake systems shall
be used (chocks, outriggers, stopping brake, etc.);
- combination or separation of dangerous and/ or special cargo, baggage and other load shall
be done;
- all the load to be separately (additionally) tied down shall be appropriately secured;
- documents, packaging and marking of dangerous cargo shall comply with the Dangerous
Goods Regulations (rules for safe transportation of dangerous goods by air);
- after unloading the baggage/ cargo compartment of aircraft shall be inspected for absence of
foreign objects and any equipment not related to this flight.
7.2.3. Departure of aircraft:
- fuel-servicing machinery shall not be blocked by other vehicles and/ or GSE;
- procedure for filling/ discharging of POL in/ from aircraft shall comply with the requirements of
airlines and the airport (earthing, filling under specific weather conditions (thunderstorm, storm
wind), filling of aircraft with passengers on board, etc.);
- before loading the baggage/ cargo compartment of aircraft shall be inspected for absence of
foreign objects and any equipment not related to this flight;
- principles of aircraft stability on ground during loading operations shall be observed;
- all cargo nets inside the baggage/ cargo compartment shall be appropriately secured (for
aircraft of all types);
- combination or separation of dangerous and/ or special cargo, baggage and other load shall
be done;


- all the load to be separately (additionally) tied down shall be appropriately secured;
- documents, packaging and marking of dangerous cargo shall comply with the Dangerous
Goods Regulations (rules for safe transportation of dangerous goods by air);
- visual inspection of aircraft before departure shall be carried out (absence of visible damage,
defects, opened panels, doors and hatches);
- special-purpose machinery and GSE shall not be inside the safety area of stand and on the
taxiing out way before start of aircraft movement (towing, taxiing with running engines);
- actual load shall correspond with the aircraft loading chart;
- actual number of articles of baggage loaded to the baggage/ cargo compartment shall
correspond with the number of registered articles of baggage (less the number of removed
articles of baggage);
- there shall be no baggage of passenger(s) withdrawn from the flight on board of the aircraft;
- actual number of passengers on board shall correspond to the number of checked in
- passengers on board shall comply with those specified in passenger manifest.
7.2.4. Main requirements to aircraft balance:
- actual weights shall not exceed the maximum allowed weights specified by the manufacturer,
airfield, airline and the maximum weights for specific flight;
- flight balance of aircraft shall be within the established limits;
- master data on balance shall be used for the given type of aircraft;
- documents on balance shall be applied for the given type of aircraft;
- aircraft shall not overloaded and balance shall be within the established limits in view of lastminute changes;
- operations of balancing and handling on the ramp shall result in corresponding of the actual
loading of aircraft to the flight documents.
7.2.5. Main requirements to towing of aircraft:
- procedure for starting of engines on stands, during towing and at the engine startup point shall
be complied with;
- properly operating towing equipment and machinery shall be used and be appropriate for the
given type of aircraft.
7.2.6. Main requirements to operating of transportation vehicles and GSE for ground handling of
aircraft: Operators shall ensure that personnel giving marshalling signals during movement of
a) shall be responsible for giving clear and precise standard marshalling signals;
b) shall be approved for performing these operations by the appropriate management
body, if applicable;
c) shall have special high visibility vest on thus making it possible for crew teams easily to
distinguish the person as the expert responsible for giving marshalling signals. For the purpose of carrying out of handling operations, using GSE, in Domodedovo
Airport, Operators shall implement a program which shall ensure that the following is performed
in Domodedovo Airport:
a) GSE shall be maintained in compliance with the instructions and/ or technical manuals
provided by manufacturers;
b) GSE shall remain in operating condition and in good mechanical condition prior to


being used in ground handling operations;

c) detected failure or malfunctioning of such equipment shall be immediately reported and
the equipment shall be inspected prior to making of decision on removing thereof from
service. Operators shall implement a program of operating of GSE which includes regulations
and procedures as well as the appropriate training courses and performance appraisal to
ensure that the personnel has the required qualification and is authorized to operate GSE.
7.2.7. Requirements to communication of information: Operators shall inform the concerned services of the airport (and of other units and
departments engaged in ground handling operations) about the following:
a) fact and time of beginning of ground handling operations;
b) fact and time of ending of ground handling operations;
c) fact and time period of the expected deviations as well as the cause (preliminary) to be
reported immediately when it becomes known but no later than in 10 minutes ( the time of
ending of ground handling operations in compliance with the flight preparation schedule).
7.3. Main requirements of the airport to the Operators with respect to rendering of passenger handling
7.3.1. General requirements to the Operators with respect to rendering of passenger handling
When rendering of passenger handling services, the Operators shall:
- assign sufficient number of personnel for handling of flights;
- ensure availability of sufficient quantity of consumable materials, operability of equipment
and cleanness in working areas;
- ensure compliance with the requirements to conduct and appearance of the first line
personnel established by the airport;
- assign personal logins and passwords for personnel to work in information systems;
- immediately report about all failures of IS hardware to the service desk by 2-44-44 phone
- agree upon all the information plates/ signs, advertising booklets used in the customer
service areas with the respective services and departments of the airport well in advance;
- agree upon all the equipment used in the customer service areas (except for the equipment
provided by the airport) with the respective services and departments of the airport well in
- send information about claims made by passengers/ airlines to the respective services and
departments of the airport;
- agree upon all the changes in the technologies of passenger handling with the services and
departments of the airport.
7.3.2. When carrying out flight check-in, processing of baggage and hand baggage for
transportation, the Operators shall: Timely begin flight check-in in compliance with the requirements of airlines.

27 Carry out flight check-in at all the check-in desks assigned for specific flight. Absence
of the employee in charge of check-in operation from check-in desk in operation shall not be
allowed. Provide their personnel with keys to start the conveyor belt. Maintain queue time at check-in desks:
- no more than 30 minutes for passengers of economy class;
- no more than 8 minutes for passengers of the first/ business class;
- in compliance with the requirements of airlines. Examine documents of passengers, inclusive of validity of passports, availability and
validity of visa to the country of destination/ airport of transfer, validity of visa to the Russian
Federation for foreign citizens. Enter passenger passport details into the check-in system. Fulfill the requirements to baggage to be processed by the baggage-handling system
in compliance with the airport standard. Observe rules and requirements related to processing of oversized baggage, which
includes processing of oversized baggage at check-in counters for oversized baggage
(baggage elevators). Weight baggage and enter the actual weight thereof into the baggage check-in
system when carrying out of baggage check-in operation. Check dimensions, quantity and weight of hand baggage in compliance with the
regulations and standards of airlines and apply Hand Baggage tags thereon.. Apply warning tags on baggage pieces and Limited Release tag, if required. Observe the requirements of the airport to removal of baggage from the flight
(informing of the respective services and departments of the airport, standards of dispensing
of baggage to a passenger). Exercise control and arrangement of queue at deck-in desks and prevent crowding
of passengers in front of check-in desks. Make it possible for passengers to check-in via self-service check-in kiosks. Arrange for processing of baggage of passengers who check-in via self-service
check-in kiosks/ on-line/ mobile devices at the assigned baggage drop-off counters. Inform the services and departments of the airport in cases of checking-in of special
categories of baggage (animals, weapon). Check-in customers of the VIP-lounge if it is not possible to check-in such
customers directly in the VIP-lounge. Check-in transfer passengers who contact check-in desks; control availability of
information about transfer baggage in the baggage check-in system. Check-in of special categories of passengers, specifying of the respective special
requests in the data record; upon checking-in, timely call attending personnel for such

28 Check or fill in the required forms for unattended passengers. Upon checking-in, personnel of check-in desks shall inform passenger about areas
of security, customs and passport control (for international flights), time of beginning of
boarding and location of the business-lounge (if a passenger may use services of the
business-lounge). During check-in withdraw flight coupons and receipts of payment for excess
baggage and transfer those to airlines. Timely close flight check-in in compliance with the requirements of airlines but no
later than 40 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time and inform the services and
departments of the airport about closing of flight check-in. Agree upon extending/ resuming / changing of flight check-in time with the head of
operations shift of the airport and inform the services and departments of the airport about
extending/ resuming / changing of flight check-in time. Upon finishing of flight check-in:
- send the respective messages to airports of destination/ transfer;
- send passenger and baggage manifests to the address of the airport. When leaving check-in desks, personnel shall switch off the conveyor belt with the
key. Support and assist passengers in case of delay/ cancellation of flight: informing,
booking seats for other flights, rechecking-in, ordering of meals,

arranging for

accommodation of hotels. In case of failure of the check-in system, have a possibility to switch to the local/
host check-in system of the airport or perform checking in of passengers and baggage
manually. Set all the equipment for arrangement of check-in area (tensator-type, mats,
gauges for hand baggage, etc.) no earlier than 10 minutes prior to flight check-in and remove
the same during 5 minutes after finishing of flight check-in. Inform the services and departments of the airport about preliminary loading of
flight (sold tickets) and about the actual number of checked-in passengers. Submit the following reports to the respective services and departments of the
airport on a monthly basis:
- quantity of checked-in passengers by classes of handling, inclusive of quantity by flights;
- quantity of checked-in passengers by categories, inclusive of quantity by flights;
- quantity of checked-in passengers by types of self-check-in;
- quantity of transfer passengers, inclusive of quantity by flights;
- quantity of transit passengers, inclusive of quantity by flights;
- quantity of checked-in articles of baggage by flights;
- quantity of articles of baggage checked-in at check-in counters for oversized baggage,
inclusive of quantity by flights;


- quantity of articles of baggage dispensed to passengers withdrawn from flights, inclusive

of quantity by flights;
- quantity of checked-in passengers without baggage, inclusive of quantity by flights. Inform the respective services and departments of the airport about the necessity to
begin/ finish check-in operations at less number of check-in desks or to increase gradually
the number of check-in desks during the progress of check-in operation. Monitor the process of check-in and inform the respective services and
departments of the airport about possibility to finish check-in operation at less number of
check-in desks when the number of passengers checked-in for the flight reaches 80-90 %. Where check-in desk(s) is no longer used and it happens earlier than the scheduled
time of finishing of check-in operation, inform the respective services and departments of the
airport about unused check-in desk(s) and continuing of check-in operation at less number of
check-in desks. Comply with the provisions and requirements of the following procedures: Flight checkin, processing of baggage and hand baggage for flight, Procedure for interaction of the
enterprises of the production facilities of Domodedovo Airport and airlines in the event of
HDCS failure, Handling of transfer passengers.
7.3.3. When exercising control of boarding, the Operators shall: Timely begin flight boarding in compliance with the operation schedules of aircraft
handling upon availability of aircraft, inform the respective services and departments of the
airport about beginning of flight boarding via the information system of control of check-in
desks of the airport. Arrange a passage for crews aboard aircraft where passenger bridges are used. Inform passengers about beginning and continuing of boarding and call latish
passengers via the automatic announcement system and the information system of control of
check-in desks of the airport. Inform passengers in cases of delay in boarding. Arrange boarding of passengers via two gates. Examine documents of passengers:
- reconciliation of passengers name specified in the passport with that specified in the
boarding card;
- checking of validity of passports, availability and validity of visa to the country of
destination/ airport of transfer, validity of visa for passengers who have checked-in on their
own and have not contact check-in desks. Check correctness of entered passport details of passengers who have checked-in
on their own and have not contact check-in desks; enter/ correct passport details, if required. Scan boarding card of passengers via the check-in system in the course of boarding
of passengers. Arrange boarding of passengers in wheelchairs in the first place.

30 Check dimensions and quantity of hand baggage during boarding in compliance
with the standards of the airline. Passengers with oversized hand baggage shall not be
allowed on board of aircraft. Such oversized hand baggage shall be processed as baggage
(to make out a baggage tag (manually or printed out), to enter the respective information into
the check-in system); ramp agent shall be informed. Exercise control and arrangement of passenger queue at the gates (two queues
shall be arranged: one for the first and business class passenger and the other for
passengers of economy class). Where two-tunnel passenger bridge is used and passenger boarding is arranged at
two gates, personnel shall control passenger traffic through the passenger bridge. Where one gate is used for boarding of two aircraft at the same time, personnel
shall control passenger traffic through the passenger bridge. Assign sufficient number of buses for handling of flights in compliance with the
requirements of the airport. Control the process of passengers taking the buses, if required. Timely dispatch the first bus in compliance with the operation schedules of aircraft
handling. Prevent passing of personnel from ramp/ passenger bridge to the departure area. Timely inform ramp agent about removing of baggage of passengers withdrawn
from flight/ late for boarding and update information of such passengers in the check-in
system. Change number of seat in boarding card, if required. Change boarding cards for oversold flight, if required. Issue a new boarding card instead of the lost one after verification of the fact that
the passenger has checked in and fulfilled the departure formalities. Timely finish boarding in compliance with the operation schedules of aircraft
handling and inform the respective services and departments of the airport via information
systems and messages. Agree upon extending/ resuming of boarding with the head of operations shift of the
airport and inform the services and departments of the airport about extending/ resuming of
boarding. Upon finishing of boarding:
- finalize the flight in the check-in system;
- inform the services and departments of the airport about the number of passengers on
board of the aircraft;
- inform the services and departments of the airport about the number of passengers
withdrawn from the flight;
- remove all the consumable materials used in the course of boarding;
- lock gate sections;


- lock the doors of departure gates. Upon finishing of boarding, send passenger manifest to the address of customs
field office and of the airport. Support and assist passengers in case of delay/ cancellation of flight: informing,
ordering of meals, assisting passengers in leaving the sterile area and cancellation of border
crossing, cooperation with the consuls with respect to visa-free passengers and passengers
whose visa to the Russian Federation is about to expire. In case of failure of the check-in system, have a possibility to switch to the local/
host check-in system of the airport or record the data about boarding of passengers
manually. Equipment used for arranging of the boarding control area shall be set no earlier
than 10 minutes prior to beginning of boarding (or in compliance with the requirements of
airlines) and removed within 5 minutes after finishing of boarding. When exercising control of boarding passengers of international flights, personnel
shall have authorization to access the sterile area. Personnel exercising control of boarding shall be registered in the access control
system to be allowed to open of automated departure gates. Submit the following reports to the respective services and departments of the
airport on a monthly basis:
- number of passengers allowed to board, inclusive of flight number and date;
- information about claims made by passengers/ airlines. Assign B status (Boarding) no later than at the time of beginning of boarding
calculated in compliance with the operation schedules of aircraft handling, based on the
expected time of departure, or if boarding begins earlier than the scheduled time of beginning
of boarding. Inform the services and departments of the airport about untimely beginning of
boarding (in compliance with the operation schedules of aircraft handling). Inform the services and departments of the airport that it is not possible to make
departure gate available in due time. Comply with the provisions and requirements of the following procedures: Handling of
passengers during boarding, Technologies for handling of airlines when exercising control of
boarding at gates 12 (12a), 13 (13a) and 14, Timing of exercising control of boarding and
attending of passengers of two flights simultaneously at one gate, Removing of baggage of
passengers withdrawn from flight/ late for boarding.
7.3.4. When carrying out build-up of baggage, the Operators shall: Comply with the requirements to baggage to be processed by the baggage-handling
system in compliance with the standards of the airport. Carry out build-up operations in the BRS and the SAC systems. Scan all the checked-in baggage with scanners of the BRS.

32 Comply with:

- the requirements and procedures for baggage building up, depending on the category of
baggage (in compliance with the requirements of airlines);
- the time standards for baggage build-up baggage shall be built-up and transported to
stand within 5 minutes after the actual finish of flight check-in so that to comply with the
time standard for aircraft loading;
- the requirements to baggage build-up as consistent with destination and flight number;
- the requirements to safe packaging of baggage in ULD;
- the requirements to safe-keeping and integrity of baggage;
- the requirements to step-by-step/ advance transportation of completed baggage to
- standards for number of incorrectly processed baggage per 1 000 articles of dispatched
baggage in compliance with the requirements of airlines;
- standards for dispensing of baggage of passengers who are withdrawn from/ cancelled
the flight. Monitor the discrepancy between the quantity of articles of built-up baggage with the
quantity of checked-in articles of baggage and timely search for missed articles in case of
discrepancy. Timely process transfer baggage within the minimum connection time Process oversized baggage. Where baggage without baggage tag is found, inform the check-in personnel to
identify such baggage and dispatch to the respective aircraft. Inform the services and departments of the airport about the quantity of built-up
baggage for specific flights. Have a possibility to carry out baggage built-up operations manually in case of
failure of the information systems. Submit the following information to the respective services and departments of the
airport on a monthly basis:
- quantity of articles of built-up baggage by flights and by categories of baggage (baggage
checked-in at check-in counters for oversized baggage/ baggage of VIP-passengers
collected in the VIP-lounge/ transfer baggage/ baggage processed to a wrong chute/
undispatched baggage with indication of the reason of failure to dispatch/ astray baggage/
baggage kept in the Lost and Found Office/ baggage in excess of breakpoint weight);
- quantity of incorrectly processed articles of baggage per 1 000 articles of dispatched
baggage, inclusive of transfer baggage. Comply with the provisions and requirements of the following procedures:
Acceptance and storage of unclaimed/ lost baggage in the Lost and Found Office,
Delivery of baggage to aircraft and loading thereof into aircraft, Timing of informing of the
airport of destination about baby carriages to be handed over to passengers on the


passenger stairs in the airport of arrival.

7.3.5. When dispensing of baggage, the Operators shall: Observe the rules for operation of baggage carousel. Comply with:
- the standards for timely dispensing of baggage in compliance with the requirements of
airlines and standards for dispensing of the first/ last articles of baggage established in the
- the requirements to safe-keeping and integrity of baggage;
- the priority sequence of dispensing of baggage, inclusive of compliance with the
requirements of airlines (priority baggage/ baggage of crew/ baggage of passengers of
economy class);
- the rules and requirements to dispensing of oversized baggage (dispensing of oversized
baggage at baggage elevators). Deliver baggage of customers of the VIP-lounge to the VIP-lounge. Carry out priority delivery of transfer baggage to the area of processing of transfer
baggage. Plan operation of baggage carousel and inform the respective services and
departments of the airport prior to beginning if unloading of baggage from aircraft. Monitor the discrepancy between the quantity of dispensed articles of baggage with
the quantity of articles of baggage specified in the message received from the airport of
departure and timely search for missed articles in case of discrepancy. Timely inform passengers about the number of conveyer of the baggage carousel,
the time of beginning of dispensing of baggage (FIDS-monitors, announcements) and about
delay in dispensing of baggage. Timely inform the respective services and departments of the airport about:
- the number of conveyer of the baggage carousel on-line via the respective information
- the actual time of beginning/ finishing of dispensing of baggage on-line via the
respective information system;
- the actual quantity of dispensed articles of baggage via the respective information
- non-delivery of baggage with indication of the quantity of articles of baggage. Exercise control of collection of baggage by passengers (reconciliation of the
number of baggage tag on the article of baggage with the number of stub of the baggage tag
held by the passenger). Submit the following information to the respective services and departments of the
airport on a monthly basis:
- quantity of dispensed articles of baggage by flights/ airlines;
- quantity of articles of baggage not collected by passengers with indication of the reasons


and by flights/ airlines. Comply with the provisions and requirements of the following procedures: Procedure for
dispensing of hand baggage to passengers of international flights near aircraft, Dispensing of
baggage, Unloading of baggage from aircraft and delivery to the area of break-down.
7.3.6. With respect to search and storage of baggage, the Operators shall: Search for baggage in compliance with the requirements of airlines. Timely inform passengers about the progress of search and the reasons of delay in
collecting thereof. Ensure 24h telephone line for contact of passengers with personnel of the
department responsible for search of baggage. Trace baggage via World Tracer IS and SITATEX IS. Arrange for storage of baggage put for safekeeping to the Lost and Found Office and
ensure safety and integrity of baggage put for safekeeping to the Lost and Found Office. Arrange for dispatch of astray baggage, inclusive of the customs processing thereof. Submit the following information to the respective services and departments of the
airport on a monthly basis:
- quantity of astray/ lost/ not arrived/ delayed baggage with indication of flights;
- quantity of articles of baggage accepted by the Lost and Found Office. Comply with the provisions and requirements of the following procedures: Search of
7.3.7. When handling of passengers of special categories, the Operators shall: Ensure compliance with the operation schedules of aircraft handling attendance of
passengers shall not entail delayed unloading of passengers (upon arrival)/ delay in boarding
(upon departure). Ensure compliance with the standards for:
- meeting of unattended minors and passengers requiring personal attendance by the
time of accommodation of the aircraft on stand to be on the stand (flights to be handled
with use of buses) and at the entrance to the Passenger Terminal (flights to be handled
with use of passenger bridges);
- attending of unattended minors and passengers requiring personal attendance for
departure to be available at the check-in desk within 10 minutes after call of the check-in
agent/ representative of the airline upon checking-in of such passenger. Ensure complete attendance of unattended minors and passengers requiring
personal attendance:
- upon departure: from check-in desks to the door of the aircraft, fulfilling all the departure
- upon arrival: from the stand of the aircraft (flights to be handled with use of buses)/ from
the passenger bridges to the area of baggage dispensing (for unattended minors)/ to the
meeting person (for passengers requiring personal attendance);


- not to leave passengers unattended, nor to transfer under the responsibility of other
persons. Ensure handling of passengers which have been refused in entering the territory of
the Russian Federation:
- interaction with officers of border checkpoints upon detecting of such passengers by the
officers of border checkpoints;
- interaction with airlines upon transportation of such passengers;
- arranging for check-in of such passengers and attending thereof to the aircraft;
- arranging for meals and accommodation of passenger for the period of staying in the
AIRPORT in compliance with the standard of the airport. Ensure maintaining of the following accompanying documentation on attendance of
passengers: certificates of services rendered (attendance of passengers), applications for
transportation, etc., depending on the regulations and standards of carriers. Submit statistical information about the quantity of handled passengers of special
categories (by categories/ flights) to the respective services and departments of the airport
on a monthly basis. Comply with the provisions and requirements of the following procedures: Handling of
passengers of special category.
7.3.8. When handling of passengers with reduced mobility (PRM), the Operators shall: Ensure compliance with the operation schedules of aircraft handling with respect to
timely boarding (shall be boarded first) and unloading from aircraft (after unloading of all
passengers). Handle PRM on preliminary requests and when requested (at check-in desks, in the
office of handling of PRM, dedicated desk for calling of attending personnel for PRM). Comply with the standards for:
- meeting of passengers by the time of accommodation of the aircraft on stand to be on
the stand (flights to be handled with use of buses) and at the entrance to the Passenger
Terminal (flights to be handled with use of passenger bridges);
- attending for departure to be available at the check-in desk within 10 minutes after call
of the check-in agent/ representative of the airline upon checking-in of PRM and after call
from the dedicated desk for calling of attending personnel for PRM. Ensure complete attendance of PRM:
- upon departure: to the door of the aircraft, fulfilling all the departure formalities;
- upon arrival: from the stand of the aircraft (flights to be handled with use of buses)/ from
the passenger bridges to the area of baggage dispensing/ to the meeting person;
- not to leave passengers unattended, nor to transfer under the responsibility of other
- upon request of PRM attend and render assistance (unloading from transportation
vehicle, delivery of baggage) from the place of arrival of PRM in the airport (for example,


from parking area) for departure/ to loading to transportation vehicle upon arrival. Ensure sufficient quantity of transportation vehicles and equipment for handling of
passengers of this category. Transportation vehicles and equipment for handling of PRM
(except for transportation vehicles and equipment provided by the airport) shall be approved
by the respective services and departments of the airport well in advance. Ensure availability of sufficient personnel for handling of passengers of this category
calculated on the basis of 1 employee per 1 passenger to be attended. In case of attending passengers of international flights, personnel shall have
authorization to access the sterile area. Submit the following information to the respective services and departments of the
airport on a monthly basis:
- quantity of handled PRM by arrivals/ departures with indication of flight numbers and
- quantity of passengers handled with use of ambulift vehicles, specifying the quantity of
using thereof.
7.4. Main requirements of the airport to the Operators with respect to rendering of fuel supply services
7.4.1. General requirements to the Operators with respect to rendering of fuel supply services The Operators shall:
- have certificate for rendering of aviation fuel supply services for air transportation operations
in compliance with the requirements of Order 89 On approval of the federal aviation
regulations; certification requirements to organizations engaged in aviation fuel supply of air
transportation operations (FAP 89) dated of 18 April, 2000, issued by the Federal Service of
Air Transport of the Russian Federation;
- have certificate for carrying out airport operations in compliance with the requirements of
Order 121 On approval of the federal aviation regulations; certification requirements to legal
persons carrying out airport operations related to airfield support of flights of civil aircraft (FAP
121) dated of 06.05.2000, issued by the Federal Service of Air Transport of the Russian
7.4.2. Requirements to fuelling of aircraft
The Operators shall provide customers with aviation POL and special fluids of guaranteed
quality and assortment. When carrying out of fuelling operations, it is prohibited:
- to block or hold deadman control button pressed;
- to connect or disconnect power supply units to/ from aircraft, use electric tools which may be
the source of sparks or electric arc, switch on board power consuming units and devices not
related to fuelling of aircraft and control thereof, lay cables connecting aircraft with the power
supply unit on the way of movement of GSE;
- to carry out aircraft maintenance which may generate source of ignition of aviation fuel vapor;
- to use mobile phones on the ramp during arriving/ departure of fuelling trucks to/ from aircraft


stand and during carrying out of fuelling operations under wings. It is prohibited to make or
receive calls during approach/ departure from aircraft stand. When leaving the drivers cabin, it
is required to leave mobile phone in the cabin;
- to use open fire, failed electric lamps (lanterns) for controlling of operations during fuelling
- to treat aircraft with de-icing fluids;
- carry out any maintenance or repair of fuelling equipment. Fuelling/ discharge of fuel shall be prohibited in the following cases:
- during operation of onboard auxiliary power units of aircraft;
- during operation of ground power unit;
- during operation of air conditioning units;
- with one operating engine of aircraft;
- in airsheds or in similar roofed premises; fuelling equipment shall be placed outside;
- during thunderstorm: surface filling of aircraft with fuel under rain and strong wind with dust,
during thunderstorm (atmospheric electricity discharges) and bottom loading under lightning
discharges. Fuelling of aircraft with passengers onboard shall be carried out only in compliance
with the approved effective regulations of Domodedovo Airport.
7.4.3. Equipment for aviation fuel supply
This equipment shall be provided with document(s) confirming compliance thereof with the
requirements of GOST R 52906-2008: Equipment for aviation fuel supply. General requirement
specifications. Additional requirements to fuelling units
Fuelling units shall be fitted out with fuel accounting system integrated with the accounting
system of the owner of the infrastructure.

Chapter 8: Requirements to Work Safety with Respect to Any Operations in

Domodedovo Airport
8.1. Every employee carrying out activities in Domodedovo Airport shall:
- comply with the requirements to work safety when carrying out works of specific types;
- appropriately use personal protective equipment and collective protective equipment;
- take training courses in safe methods and techniques of operations, be briefed for work safety,
on-the-job training and safety knowledge assessment;
- promptly notify the immediate superior of any life and health threatening situation, every on-thejob accident or aggravation of ones health, inclusive of occurrence of acute occupation disease or
symptoms of poisoning;


- take a compulsory preliminary and periodic medical examination.

Chapter 9: Rules of Conduct of Employees in ACZ and Facilities of Airport Transport

Infrastructure of Domodedovo Airport
9.1. Any employee shall have access to the facilities of airport transport infrastructure/ ACZ only via
the established (assigned) security checkpoints.
9.2. Any employee shall be examined for verification of compliance of the identity with the details of
permanent/ one-time pass-tickets, including verification by means of biometric systems, in
accordance with the procedure established by the internal security policy. Failure to comply with the
requirements of the internal security policy, inclusive of the requirements to submit ID card to officer of
the Aviation Security Service for verification, shall be the ground for denial of access to the facilities of
airport transport infrastructure/ ACZ and for disabling of ID card.
9.3. ID cards shall be withdrawn by the officers of the Aviation Security Service if employees violate
the provisions and requirements of the internal security policy in the facilities of airport transport
infrastructure/ ACZ, employment is terminated, the list of positions of the employees carrying out
activities in the facilities of airport transport infrastructure/ ACZ is changed, approval of issuing of ID
cards is terminated and in other cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
9.4. Persons with one-time pass-tickets shall be allowed to access to the facilities of airport transport
infrastructure/ ACZ only if attended by the officers of the transport security service.
9.5. While in the facilities of airport transport infrastructure/ ACZ, any employee shall wear the ID
card of standard pattern on the clothes in conspicuous place.
9.6. In accordance with the existing legislation, items and substances which are forbidden or
restricted for transportation in the facilities of airport transport infrastructure/ ACZ as well as of other
tangible objects containing such items or substances shall be transported only upon approval of the
written requests affixed with the seal which are made by the authorized persons carrying out activities
in the territory of the facilities of airport transport infrastructure/ ACZ.
9.7. In case of detection of any offender or action aimed at committing of an act of unlawful
interference, including those with respect to the property located in the facilities of airport transport
infrastructure/ ACZ which, if stolen or damaged, can be the cause of disturbance of operation of the
facilities of airport transport infrastructure, any employee shall immediately inform the officers of the
Aviation Security Service and the representatives of the authorized subdivision of the federal
executive bodies exercising functions of working out of state policy and building up of regulatory
environment related to the internal affairs.
9.8. The following shall not be allowed in the facilities of airport transport infrastructure/ ACZ:
- operation of motor vehicles registered with the GINDD MVD RF (the State Road Traffic Safety
Authority of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation)/ Gostekhnadzor (the State
Technical Supervision Authority) and of machinery and plants not registered by the enterprises


carrying out activities in the territory of Domodedovo Airport;

- carrying out of telephotography, video and camera recording of aviation machinery and
equipment, special-purpose equipment, engineering documentation and facilities of the airport
without appropriate permission;
- presence of employees without personal ID cards and in the off hours (after shifts) without the
respective permission (approval) of the administrations of enterprises;
- transportation of items and substances which are forbidden or restricted for transportation in
the facilities of airport transport infrastructure/ ACZ in accordance with the legislation of the
Russian Federation;
- handing over of the personal ID cards to other persons, with the exception of handing over of
the personal ID cards to the officers of the Aviation Security Service for the purpose of
identification/ verification;
- presence of transportation vehicles without duly issued vehicle pass-tickets;
- presence of personnel engaged in handling of aircraft on the ramp without high-visibility
jackets on;
- smoking and making fire other than in dedicated areas;
- encumbering with construction and other materials and items which hinder movement of people
and transportation vehicles and may cause fire outbreak and serve for masked planting of
explosive devices;
- leaving open windows (transom lights, window leaves) in the premises, including those with
metal lattices on, after the end of working time;
- presence of persons under the influence of intoxicants;
- violation of the established pattern of traffic and presence of transportation vehicles in the ACZ
(of the established restrictions for traffic and presence on the ramp, taxiing ways and runways
of the airport);
- presence of transportation vehicles, conveying equipment, lifting mechanisms, construction
and household materials and planting in the three-meter limit zone along the fencing of the ACZ
(both on the external and internal sides) if those can be used as aid for unauthorized access to
the ACZ;
- presence of one-time visitors without the attending person specified in the one-time passticket/ list of visitors.
9.9. Construction and assembly works and other types of work along the perimeter fencing of the
ACZ, the boundaries of the ACZ and the buildings and constructions in the three-meter restricted
zone shall be carried out only upon approval of the head of the Aviation Security Service.
9.10. Driving of transportation vehicle in the ACZ without follow-me vehicle shall be allowed only if
such driver has a permission ticket for driving of such type of transportation vehicle in the ACZ .
9.11. Meeting of transportation vehicles to be escorted and involved in the airport operating
process at the check-points, escorting of those to the location specified in the request and back as
well as control of the transportation vehicles in the course of operation shall be ensured by


involvement of the officers of the transport security service, which includes escorting on a
contractual basis.
9.12. For the purpose of pass controlling and complying with the requirements of the internal
security policy, the officers of the Aviation Security Service shall organize and carry out regular

Chapter 10: Insurance of Liabilities of Operators of Domodedovo Airport

10.1. Operators shall have their liabilities insured against any harm inflicted in connection with
carrying out of the authorized aviation activities in Domodedovo Airport.
10.2. The object of insurance comprises the property interests of the Operator related to its obligation
to indemnify for damage caused by the Operator to any person or property of any physical or legal
person as a consequence of the Operators carrying out of its activities in Domodedovo Airport.
10.3. Risk of liability incurred by the Operators and the Chief Operator to the respective users of the
airport and the third parties shall be subject to insurance when the Operators and the Chief Operator
are engaged in handling of aircraft, passengers, baggage, cargo and mail in Domodedovo Airport and
such liabilities are incurred as a result of:
- personal injury (inclusive of death) of physical persons provided that the said injury is caused
because of the operating activities of the Chief Operator and/ or Operators, except for cases of
personal injury caused by impact of noise, blast wave and pollution of environment;
- loss, shortage or damage of property (inclusive of animals) of physical and legal persons
provided that the said harm is inflicted because of the operating activities of the Chief Operator
and/ or Operators, except for cases of infliction of harm caused by impact of noise, blast wave and
pollution of environment.
10.4. The minimum sum of insurance determined in accordance with the established procedure on
the date of making of agreement for insurance of liabilities of the Operator engaged in handling of
aircraft, passengers, baggage, cargo and mail in Domodedovo Airport, shall be set on the date of
making of such insurance agreement.
10.5. Control of fulfillment of the obligation for insuring of the said liability established by this Chapter
by the Operators shall be exercised by the federal executive bodies authorized in the field of civil
aviation and by the Chief Operator of Domodedovo Airport.

Chapter 11: Certification and Licensing

11.1. In accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Operators
carrying out airport operations in Domodedovo Airport shall have the appropriate document of
compliance (certificate/ license) for the type of carried our operations. The Operators carrying out
airport operations in Domodedovo Airport shall submit the documents of compliance (duly


authenticated/ notarized) authorizing to carry out specific types of operations to the Chief Operator of
the airport.
11.2. The Operators shall maintain updating of the document of compliance, timely arrange for
extension of the validity/ renewal of the document of compliance and ensure compliance with the
certification requirements when carrying out airport operations.
11.3. The Chief Operator of the Airport may reserve the right to exercise control of availability/
updating of the effective documents of compliance of the Operators and of compliance of the
Operators with the certification requirements.

Chapter 12: Control of Flight Safety

12.1. For the purpose of improving of flight safety in Domodedovo Airport, 24h control shall be
exercised with respect to compliance of aviation enterprises, organizations and individual
entrepreneurs engaged in and supporting air transportation and aviation operations in Domodedovo
Airport with the aviation legislation of the Russian Federation and of the international agreement of
the Russian Federation. Control shall be exercised by inspectors of flight safety.
12.2. When carrying out activities, inspectors of flight safety shall be guided by the following:
- the Air Code of the Russian Federation;
- federal laws;
- decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation;
- decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;
- federal regulations for use of airspace;
- federal aviation regulations as well as by legal instruments and laws of the Russian Federation
adopted in connection thereof;
- bylaws and legal instruments of Domodedovo Airport.
12.3. During working shift the inspectors of flight safety shall carry out inspections of enterprises and
organizations carrying out operations in Domodedovo Airport with respect to airport operations related
to support of flight safety, namely:
- control of compliance with the effective laws of the Russian Federation as well as regulations and
standards for ensuring of flight safety in the ACZ;
- control of compliance with the regulations and standards of preparation of aircraft effective in the
civil aviation of the Russian Federation;
- control of completeness, quality and timeliness of maintenance of aircraft, elimination of failures
of systems and equipment of aircraft occurred and detected during previous flights;
- control of compliance with the established procedures for loading and balancing of aircraft,
compliance of aircraft load with the traffic documents as well as of accommodation and securing of
cargo, mail and baggage on board of aircraft;
- control of compliance of aircraft crews, technical staff and personnel of ground services of the
airport with the procedures for treating of aircraft with de-icing fluids;


- control of compliance with the established procedures for passenger transportation;

- control of compliance with the procedures for air transportation of dangerous cargo;
- control of condition and maintenance of airfields of airports, correctness of marking of runways,
taxiways and stands pursuant to the Standards of operational suitability of civil airfields (NGEA-92)
and to the Manual of operation of civil airfields (RE GA-94), compliance of aviation experts with the
Technology of interaction of the operations services and department when preparing and
maintaining of air operation areas in summer-spring and during autumn-winter seasons;
- control of compliance of aviation experts and employees of subdivisions and departments of
supporting enterprises with the established procedures and patterns of traffic and accommodation
of aircraft, mechanical appliances and special-purpose transportation vehicles in the territory of the
airport as well as with the Manual for operation of special-purpose transportation vehicles during
maintenance and commercial handling of aircraft;
- control of availability of standard equipment of special-purpose transportation vehicles of the
airport and organizations based on the airfield as well as of special-purpose transportation vehicles
of the operations services and departments responsible for operation of radio and lighting facilities
of runways and taxiways;
- control of availability of documents of standard pattern with personnel involved in aircraft handling
which confirm occupational fitness of such personnel;
- control of compliance with the procedures for towing of aircraft;
- control of the level of the required GSE in the territory of the airfield, stands and areas for engine
- control of compliance of aircraft crews and technical staff with the procedures for fuelling of
aircraft with POL, special fluids and gases;
- control of maintenance of radio and lighting facilities of the airfield of Domodedovo Airport as well
as of elimination of failures and malfunctions of radio and lighting navigation and landing systems;
- control of maintenance of the airfield of Domodedovo Airport, compliance with the procedures for
operation of GSE and machinery supporting flight safety and timely updating of the Instruction on
Flight Operations in the Vicinity of Domodedovo Airfield and of other documents related to
maintenance of the airfield of Domodedovo Airport;
- control of compliance with decrees and orders of the Federal Agency for Air Transport of the
Russian Federation and of the Federal Agency for Transport Supervision of the Ministry of
Transportation of the Russian Federation related to flight safety;
- control of compliance with other regulations, standards, procedures and provisions set forth in the
laws of the Russian Federation and in international laws.
12.4. When carrying out inspections, the inspectors of flight safety may:
- request all the employees and organization carrying out operations in Domodedovo Airport to
comply with all the standards, regulations and procedures for ensuring of flight safety;
- request all the employees and organization carrying out operations in Domodedovo Airport to
submit all the documents related to flight safety which are required for carrying out of inspection;


- have unimpeded access to all the services/ departments/ facilities involved in support of flight
safety for the purpose of carrying out of inspections;
- to request documents and information required for exercising of control from all the employees
and organization carrying out operations in Domodedovo Airport.

Chapter 13: Fire Safety

13.1. Fire safety of Domodedovo Airport shall be ensured in compliance with the Standards of the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Regulations for Fire Prevention in Civil Aviation
(NPO-GA), Manual for Search and Rescue Support of Civil Aviation Flights (RPASOP-GA) as well as
in compliance with the regulations and standards.
13.2. Fire safety support of flights and facilities of the production complex shall be ensured by the by
manpower and resources of the department of search and rescue support of flights.
13.3. Category 9 of the required fire protection level is assigned for Runway-1 and Runway-2 in the
airfield of Domodedovo Airport.
13.4. Fire safety support of flights in the airfield shall be arranged and implemented in compliance
with the on-board fire response plan of Domodedovo Airport.
13.5. No less than 10 airport rescue and firefighting vehicles shall be in 24h operational readiness.
The said vehicles support supply of the required amount of fire extinguishing agents and the total
application rate. All the available rescue and firefighting vehicles shall be fitted out with the required
equipment in compliance with the statement for completion.


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