Volume - I: Pula Subbaiah Veligonda Project: Investigation, Design
Volume - I: Pula Subbaiah Veligonda Project: Investigation, Design
Volume - I: Pula Subbaiah Veligonda Project: Investigation, Design
PULA SUBBAIAH VELIGONDA PROJECT NAME OF WORK: Pula Subbaiah Veligonda Project: Investigation, Design
and Excavation of Western Branch Canal taking off at Main canal including Construction of tunnel, CM & CD $u#$ %ouses, deliver" cisterns and $ressure #ains ,agar and also for#ation of inde$endent KM.25.465 of Eastern orks, distri!utor" s"ste#, to create an I& of 5',5(( of +allavagu &
)cres !" lift including for#ation of reservoirs of *uri#ella, +ac%erla & ,eet%ara# reservoirs -undla!ra%#es ara# to create an I& of 5((( )cres in &rakasa#, Kada$a and .ellore Districts.
INDE& VOL ME ! I. PART - A 1. 'ID NOTICE Notice to Bidders Notice Inviting Tender 2. INSTR CTIONS TO 'IDDERS A General B Bid Document C Pre aration o! "ids D Su"mission o! "ids E Bid o ening and evaluation # A$ard o! contract (. CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Bidder%Contractor Certi!icate Declaration o! Bidder Article o! Agreement Ad&udication o! dis utes G)*)+,- ./*0121/*3 /4 C/*2+,.2 A. G)*)+,'( Inter retation )( Engineer*in*c+arge,s decisions -( Delegation .( Communication /( Su"*contracting 0( Ot+er contractors 1( Personnel 2( Contractor,s ris3 4( Insurance '5( Site ins ection ''( Contractor to construct t+e $or3s ')( Diversion o! streams%vagus%drains '-( Po$er su l6 '.( Tem orar6 diversion '/( Ram s '0( 7onsoon damages '1( Com letion date '2( Sa!et6 '4( Discoveries )5( Possession o! site )'( Access to t+e site ))( Instructions )-( Settlement o! dis utes
T15) 4/+ ./56-)21/* ).( )/( )0( )1( )2( )4( -5( -'( Programme Construction rogramme S eed o! $or3 Sus ension o! $or3s "6 t+e Contractor E8tension o! intended com letion date Dela6s ordered "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge Earl6 $arning 7anagement meetings
78,-129 C/*2+/-)( --( -.( -/( -0( Identi!6ing de!ects Tests Correction o! de!ects Uncorrected de!ects 9ualit6 control
C/32 C/*2+/-1( -2( -4( .5( .'( .)( .-( ..( ./( .0( .1( .2( .4( /5( /'( Contract rice sc+edule o! a6ment Bill o! :uantities C+ange in :uantities E8tra items Cas+ !lo$ !orecast Contract rice; sc+edule o! a6ments; a6ment certi!icates Pa6ments Interest on mone6 due to contractor Certi!icate o! com letion o! $or3s Ta8es included in t+e Bid Price Ad&ustment Retention <i:uidated damages and incentives 7o"ili=ation o! advance Securities Cost o! re airs
F1*13:1*; 2:) ./*2+,.2 /)( Com letion /-( Ta3e over /.( #inal account //( Termination /0( Pa6ment u on termination /1( Pro ert6 /2( Release !rom er!ormance O2:)+ G)*)+,- C/*0121/*3 /4( >ater su l6 05( Electrical o$er 0'( <and
0)( 0-( 0.( 0/( 00( 01( 02( 04( 15( 1'( 1)( 1-( 1.( 1/( 10( 11( 12( 14( 25( 2'( 2)( 2-( 2.( 2/( 20( 21( 22( 24( 45( 4'( 4)( 4-( 4.( 4/( 40( 41( 42( 44( '55( '5'( '5)( '5-( '5.( '5/( '50( '51( '52( '54( ''5(
A roac+ roads and roads in $or3 area Pa6ment !or cam construction E8 losives and !uel storage tan3s <a"our Sa!et6 measures #air $age clause Indemnit6 "ond Com liance $it+ <a"our regulations Salient !eatures <a"our la$s a lica"le <ia"ilities o! t+e contractor Contractor,s sta!!; re resentatives and la"our Accommodation and !ood Relations+i Protection o! ad&oining remises >or3 during nig+t or on Sunda6s and +olida6s <a6out o! materials stac3s Use o! "lasting materials Plant and e:ui ment Steel !orms Inconvenience to t+e Pu"lic Con!lict o! interest Contract documents and materials to "e treated as con!idential General o"ligations o! contractor Securit6 measures #ire !ig+ting measures Sanitation Training o! ersonnel Ecological "alance Preservation o! e8isting vegetation Possession rior to com letion Deleted( Access to contractor,s "oo3s Dra$ings to "e 3e t at site BIS ?ISI@ Boo3s and APSS to "e 3e t at site Site order "oo3 Aariations "6 $a6 o! modi!ication; omissions or additions care and diversion o! river%stream Clearing o! t+e site and re*+anding over Bealt+ and sanitar6 <a"our cam and contractor,s sta!! colon6 Use o! site Income Ta8 Seigniorage c+arges Aalue Added Ta8 ?AAT@ <a"our >el!are cess Su l6 o! Construction 7aterials Setting out Site data Su!!icienc6 o! t+e contract rice
Un!oreseea"le di!!iculties Rig+ts o! $a6 and !acilities Avoidance o! inter!erence Access route Trans ort o! goods Contractor,s e:ui ment Progress re orts Designs Programme
S6).1,- C/*0121/*3 /4 C/*2+,.2 '( General )( Su!!icienc6 o! !unds -( Pro&ect com onents and "asic arameters .( Sco e o! $or3 /( Tests and 9ualit6 Control 0( 7easurements and a6ments 1( Contractor,s $or3 rogramme 2( Programme Sc+eduling%Re*sc+eduling 4( 7ont+l6 rogress re ort '5( Additional S ecial Conditions o! contract ''( Baul Roads ')( Regulations and "6e la$s '-( Passing o! !oundation etc( '.( Signing o! !ield "oo3s; longitudinal sections; cross sections and measurement "oo3s '/( Test Results '0( Cleaning u '1( Communications and notices "6 Contractors '2( Claim Su l6 o! designs and dra$ings '4( E8ecution o! $or3s )5( Alterations in s eci!ications and designs )'( Time limit !or un!oreseen dis utes ))( Action and com ensation a6a"le in case o! "ad $or3 )-( >or3s to "e o ened !or ins ection ).( Notice to "e given "e!ore $or3 is covered u )/( Su l6 o! Plant; <adders; sca!!olding etc( )0( Audit and tec+nical e8aminations )1( Permission !or crossing NB%SB%Roads%Rail$a6 lines )2( <and ac:uisition )4( Use o! site APPENDICES A endi8 * SI A endi8 PI (( A endi8 C> A endi8 B> A endi8 O7 A endi8 OS
(( Surve6 C Investigation Design C Engineering (( Civil >or3s (( B6dro mec+anical >or3s (( O eration C maintenance (( Ot+er S ecial Conditions
4. 'ILL OF 7 ANTITIES ' * -5 Anne8ure I Anne8ure II Pream"le * Entrustment o! additional items (( Statement s+o$ing milestones (( Statement s+o$ing a6ment sc+edules
VOL ME ! I PART- A 1. 'ID NOTICE Tender sc+edules can "e do$n loaded !rom t+e $e" site $$$(e rocurement(gov(in( T+e "idders s+ould :uote t+eir Tender contract rice at t+e rescri"ed !ield % lace rovided in t+e e*mar3et lace( T+e "idders s+ould u load scanned co ies all t+e documents suc+ as B(G%D(D to$ards E7D and transaction !ee; !ormats; data s+eets; declarations etc as sti ulated in t+e tender document( T+e "idders s+all u load t+e scanned co ies o! Ban3 Guarantee%Demand Dra!t to$ards E7D as "elo$D* An amount o! R3 ?%<0%00%000/- #R86))3 S)@)* .+/+)3 ,*0 F1429 -,A:3 /*-9 @ to "e aid in s+a e o! un*conditional and Irrevoca"le Ban3 Guarantee in t+e standard !ormat in !avour o! Su erintending Engineer; Construction Circle; Ongole or in t+e s+a e o! Demand dra!t in !avour o! Pa6 C Accounts O!!icer; N(S(P( Ongole 2/ B) @,-10 4/+ , 6)+1/0 /4 S1C 5/*2:3 4+/5 2:) 0,2) /4 38B51331/* /4 B103 2/ B) /B2,1*)0 4+/5 ,*9 G/@)+*5)*2 /D*)0 68B-1. 3).2/+ B,*A /+ ,*9 3.:)08-)0 ./55)+.1,- B,*A. Transaction !ees D T+e transaction !ee o! Rs()/555%* E ')(-0F E Education cess '(2/F service ta8 +as to "e aid "6 t+e artici ating "idders t+roug+ t+e Electronic Pa6ment Gate$a6 in !avour o! 7%s( C' India Pvt( <td(; "6 eac+ artici ating "idder at t+e time o! Bid su"mission( T+e amount is not reim"ursa"le( T:) /+1;1*,-3 /4 2:) 3.,**)0 ./61)3 5832 B) 38B5122)0 /* /+ B)4/+)
3. Hard copies: i !ide re".G.O.#s.No.1$4, I % C&' 'ep(., 'a(ed: 1)*)2++,, s-./issio0 o" ori1i0a2 3ard copies o" (3e -p2oaded sca00ed copies o" ''45G (o6ards E#' .7 par(icipa(i01 .idders (o (3e (e0der i08i(i01 a-(3ori(7 .e"ore (3e ope0i01 o" (3e price .id is dispe0sed "or(36i(3. ii &22 (3e .idders s3a22 i08aria.27 -p2oad (3e sca00ed copies o" ''45G i0 e9roc-re/e0( s7s(e/ a0d (3is 6i22 .e (3e pri/ar7 re:-ire/e0( (o co0sider (3e .id respo0si8e. iii T3e depar(/e0( s3a22 carr7 o-( (3e (ec30ica2 e8a2-a(io0 so2e27 .ased o0 (3e -p2oaded cer(i"ica(es4doc-/e0(s, ''45G (o6ards E#' i0 (3e e9roc-re/e0( s7s(e/ a0d ope0 (3e price .ids o" (3e respo0si8e .idders. i8 T3e depar(/e0( 6i22 0o(i"7 (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder "or s-./issio0 o" ori1i0a2 3ardcopies o" a22 (3e -p2oaded doc-/e0( ''45G (o6ards E#' prior (o e0(eri01 i0(o a1ree/e0(. 8 T3e s-ccess"-2 .idder s3a22 i08aria.27 "-r0is3 (3e ori1i0a2 ''45G (o6ards E#', Cer(i"ica(es4'oc-/e0(s o" (3e -p2oaded sca0 copies (o (3e Te0der I08i(i01 &-(3ori(7 .e"ore e0(eri01 i0(o a1ree/e0(, ei(3er perso0a227 or (3ro-13 co-rier or pos( a0d (3e receip( o" (3e sa/e 6i(3i0 (3e s(ip-2a(ed da(e s3a22 .e (3e respo0si.i2i(7 o" (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder. T3e depar(/e0( 6i22 0o( (a;e a07 respo0si.i2i(7 "or a07 de2a7 i0 receip( 4 0o0)receip( o" ori1i0a2 ''45G (o6ards E#', Cer(i"ica(es4'oc-/e0(s "ro/ (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder .e"ore (3e s(ip-2a(ed (i/e. O0 receip( o" doc-/e0(s, (3e depar(/e0( s3a22 e0s-re (3e 1e0-i0i(7 o" (3e ''45G (o6ards E#' a0d a22 o(3er cer(i"ica(es4doc-/e0(s -p2oaded .7 (3e .idder i0 e9roc-re/e0( s7s(e/. I0 s-ppor( o" (3e :-a2i"ica(io0 cri(eria .e"ore co0c2-di01 (3e a1ree/e0(. 4. T3e GO.#s.NO.1$4, I % C&' 'a(ed: 1.*.2++, 'eac(i8a(io0 o" 5idders I" a07 s-ccess"-2 .idder "ai2s (o s-./i( (3e ori1i0a2 3ard copies o" -p2oaded cer(i"ica(es 4 doc-/e0(s, ''45G (o6ards E#' 6i(3i0 s(ip-2a(ed (i/e or i" a07 8aria(io0 is 0o(iced .e(6ee0 (3e -p2oaded doc-/e0(s a0d (3e 3ardcopies s-./i((ed .7 (3e .idder, as (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder 6i22 .e s-spe0ded "ro/ par(icipa(i01 i0 (3e (e0ders o0 e9roc-re/e0( p2a("or/ "or a period o" 3 7ears. T3e e9roc-r/e0( s7s(e/ 6o-2d deac(i8a(e (3e -ser I' o" s-c3 de"a-2(i01 .idder .ased o0 (3e (ri11er4reco//e0da(io0 .7 (3e Te0der I08i(i01 &-(3ori(7 i0 (3e s7s(e/. 5esides (3is, (3e depar(/e0( s3a22 i08o;e a22 processes o" 2a6 i0c2-di01 cri/i0a2 prosec-(io0 o" s-c3 de"a-2(i01 .idder as a0 ac( o" e<(re/e de(erre0ce (o a8oid de2a7s i0 (3e (e0der process "or e<ec-(io0 o" (3e de8e2op/e0( sc3e/es (a;e0 -p .7 (3e 1o8er0/e0(. O(3er co0di(io0s as per (e0der doc-/e0( are app2ica.2e. T3e .idder is re:-es(ed (o 1e( a co0"ir/ed ac;0o62ed1e/e0( "ro/ (3e Te0der I08i(i01 &-(3ori(7 a proo" o" Hardcopies s-./issio0 (o a8oid a07 discrepa0c7. S6).1,- C/*0121/*3 Tenders $it+ an e8cess o! more t+an /F over t+e internal "enc+mar3 value % Estimated Contract Aalue arrived "6 t+e De artment s+all "e summaril6 re&ected( In res ect o! tenders "e6ond )/F less t+an internal "enc+mar3% Estimated Contract Aalue arrived "6 t+e De artment; a Ban3 Guarantee ?or@ Demand Dra!t !or t+e di!!erence "et$een t+e tendered amount and 1/F o! internal "enc+mar3 value% Estimated Contract Aalue s+ould "e !urnis+ed at t+e time o! Agreement as additional securit6 de osit.
T+e e* rocurement a lication is PGI ena"led and su orts t+e digital certi!icates issued "6 APTS; !or signing t+e "ids at t+e time o! su"mission "6 contractor( T+e contractor +as to rocure digital certi!icates issued "6 APTS <td(; B6dera"ad as er t+e rocedure( Digitall6 signed "ids are to "e su"mitted electronicall6 t+roug+ e* rocurement; $it+out $+ic+ t+e tender $ill not "e considered !or o ening t+e rice "id( T+e "idders intended to 3no$ t+e rocedure o! "id su"mission on e* rocurement lat!ormH suita"le training $ill "e given "6 7%s( C' India <td(; G+airata"ad; B6dera"ad( Government reserves t+e rig+t to alter an6 conditions( In t+e rocess; i! t+e $or3s are stalled due to legal intervention or due to natural calamities; Government reserves t+e rig+t not to a6 an6 com ensation( T+e "idder s+ould invaria"l6 get registered "e!ore su"mission o! t+e "id and t+e "id $ill not "e o ened and re&ected out rig+t i! t+e roo! o! registration is not su"mitted "e!ore o ening o! t+e rice "id(
5 6 $ ,. * 1+
9eriod o" Co0(rac( ?or/ o" Co0(rac( Te0der T7pe Te0der ca(e1or7 E#' 4 5id Sec-ri(7 E#'45id Sec-ri(7 9a7a.2e (o
: : : : :
Rs/ 1,2*,**,*** 3 INR4/ '.'. i0 "a8or o" C 9&O., N.S.9.O01o2e dra60 o0 a07 Na(io0a2iDed 4 Sc3ed-2ed 5a0; pa7a.2e a( ONGOLE >or 5a0; G-ara0(ee i0 "a8o-r o" S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer, Co0s(r-c(io0 Circ2e, 9ra;asa/ O01o2e. "ro/ a07 Na(io0a2iDed 4 Sc3ed-2ed 5a0; 8a2id "or a /i0i/-/ period o" 1,+ da7s "ro/ (3e 2as( da7 o" s-./issio0 o" .ids. No( &pp2ica.2e No( &pp2ica.2e Rs/(+,1**)) i0c2-di01 a22 Ta<es as app2ica.2e (o6ards (ra0sac(io0 "ee .7 (3e par(icipa(i01 .idders (3ro-13 E2ec(ro0ic 9a7/e0( Ga(e6a7 8ide G.O. #s. No. 4, 'a(ed: 1$)+2)2++5 a0d G.O. #s. No. 13, 'a(ed: +5)+$)2++6 i0 "a8o-r o" #4s. C1 I0dia 98(. L(d., .7 eac3 par(icipa(i01 .idder. '*,'',(**+ 5 ''/** A6 '*,'(,(**+ 5 7/** P6 '','(,(**+ 5 2/** P6 (2,'',(**+ n. *8/'(/(**+ 5 11.++ &# i0 (3e o""ice o" (3e S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer, Co0s(r-c(io0 Circ2e,9ra;asa/, O01o2e '2,'(,(**+ a( 11.3+ &# o06ards O4o. S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer Co0s(r-c(io0 Circ2e, O01o2e
11 12 13
: : :
14 15 16 1$ 1,
Sc3ed-2e Sa2e Ope0i01 'a(e Sc3ed-2e Sa2e c2osi01 'a(e 5id S-./issio0 c2osi01 'a(e >o02i0e 9re)5id #ee(i01 Tec30ica2 5I' E-a2i"ica(io0 45id ope0i01 da(e >E-a2i"ica(io0 a0d E2i1i.i2i(7 S(a1e % 92ace.
: : : :
1* 2+ 21 22 23
9rice 5id Ope0i01 'a(e >?i0a0cia2 S(a1e 92ace o" Te0der Ope0i01 O""icer I08i(i01 5ids &ddress Co0(ac( 'e(ai2s
: : : : :
((,'(,(**+ F 11.++ &# o06ards O4o. T3e E01i0eer)i0)C3ie", Irri1a(io0, Ga2aso-d3a 5-i2di01 co/p2e<, H7dera.ad. S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer, Co0s(r-c(io0 Circ2e, O01o2e O4o Su&erinten.in# En#ineer, Construction Circle,Pr ! s ", On#ole Sri 5.S-r7a0ara7a0a 5a.-, 5.EH #.I.E S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer, Construction Circle,Pr ! s ", On#ole,2(7**' 93o0e No. :+,5*2)234253, Ce22 : *4*+16532+ ?&I No.+,5*2)2,+$3, A. GENERAL RE7 IREMENTS '( T+e "ids are limited to re uted !irms % Ioint venture com anies% consortiums +aving e8 erience in e8ecution o! um ing stations% %irrigation canals%reservoirs% tunnels% irrigation structures and "ridges( Contractor % Contracting !irm registered $it+ Government o! And+ra Prades+ $it+ valid Registration in terms o! G.O.#s.No: 13+,I%C&' 'epar(/e0( d(.22)+5)2++$ G(O(7s(No(/)'; I C CAD ?P>@; dt('5*')*'42. G(O(7s(No('12; I C CAD ?P>*COD@ De t(; dt()1*4* '441 G(O(7s(No()); TRCB ?B(III@ De t(; dt(0*)*42 G(O(7s(No()-; I C CAD ?P>@ De t(; dt(/*-*'444 G(O(7s(No('-); TRCB ?R('@ De t(; dt(''*2*'442 G(O(7s(No(2; TRCB ?R'@ De t(; dt(2*'*)55G(O(7s(No(4.; I C CAD ?P>*COD@ De t(; dt('*1*)55- are onl6 eligi"le( 2 I0 case o" =oi0( 8e0(-re a a( 2eas( o0e o" (3e par(0ers s3o-2d 3a8e a 8a2id re1is(ra(io0 6i(3 (3e Go8( o" &.9. as a.o8e a0d (3e o(3er par(0ers s3o-2d 3a8e app2ied "or re1is(ra(io0 a0d s3a22 -p2oad (3e sa/e as proo". . T3e (o(a2 /e/.ers i0 (3e =oi0( 8e0(-re s3o-2d 0o( .e /ore (3a0 ?o-r. c T3e G! par(0ers s3o-2d .e respo0si.2e "or 2ia.i2i(7 i0di8id-a227 propor(io0a(e (o (3e e<(e0( o" (3eir s3are i0 (3e G! a0d =oi0(27 "or 1++J s3are. d S3a22 s-./i( G! deed d-27 re1is(ered 6i(3 co0di(io0 (3a( 2ead par(0er s3are s3a22 0o( .e 2ess (3a0 5+J i0 Goi0( !e0(-re. e T3e G! par(0er o" o0e .idder4"ir/ s3a22 0o( e0(er i0(o G! par(0ers3ip 6i(3 a0o(3er .idder4"ir/ "or (3e .id. !@ T3e .idder4"ir/4co/pa07 s3o-2d 3a8e ISO cer(i"ica(io0 or prod-ce e8ide0ce o" /a;i01 app2ica(io0 "or ISO cer(i"ica(io0(
3 T3e .ids are 2i/i(ed (o (3ose i0di8id-a2 "ir/s, Co/pa07 a0d =oi0( 8e0(-res (3a( /ee( (3e e2i1i.i2i(7 cri(eria > .o(3 Tec30ica2 % ?i0a0cia2 . 4 I0 case o" =oi0( 8e0(-re (3e e2i1i.i2i(7 cri(eria 6i22 .e co0sidered o0 (3e .asis o" co/.i0ed reso-rces. 5K T3e .idder i0 3is 0a/e s3o-2d sa(is"7 as per "or/-2a >2 &N)5 63ic3 s3o-2d .e 1rea(er (3a0 I5#. B3ere &L #a<. 8a2-e o" ci8i2 E01i0eeri01 6or;s e<ec-(ed i0 a07 o0e 7ear d-ri01 precedi01 "i8e "i0a0cia2 7ears. i.e. (3e "i0a0cia2 7ear i0 63ic3 5ids are i08i(ed (a;i01 i0 (o acco-0( (3e co/p2e(ed as 6e22 as 6or;s i0 pro1ress. NL No. o" 7ears prescri.ed "or co/p2e(io0 o" 6or;s "or 63ic3 (e0ders are i08i(ed. 5L !a2-e o" e<is(i01 co//i(/e0(s a0d o01oi01 6or;s (o .e co/p2e(ed d-ri01 (3e period o" co/p2e(io0 o" 6or;s "or 63ic3 (e0ders are i08i(ed. 5idder s3o-2d 3a8e e<ec-(ed >O0e si/i2ar co/po0e0(s o" 6or;s as per i(e/ No.4 O? Te0der 0o(ice. 1. 5idder s3o-2d 3a8e e<ec-(ed a( 2eas( >1 Si"il r pro=ec(. 2. 5idder s3o-2d 3a8e e<ec-(ed a Ear(3e0 da/4 reser8oir 6i(3 a s(ora1e capaci(7 o" 0o( 2ess (3a0 1.4+ T#C. T3e .idder 3as (o s-./i( (3e per"or/a0ce cer(i"ica(e i0 proo" o" (3e a.o8e 3. 5idder s3o-2d 3a8e /a0-"ac(-red, s-pp2ied, erec(ed (es(ed a0d co//issio0ed 2ar1e e:-i8a2e0( p-/ps 6i(3 per"or/a0ce i0dica(ers a0d speci"ic (o 2i"( a (o(a2 disc3ar1e o" 15 C-/ecs 6i(3 i0di8id-a2 p-/p disc3ar1e o" 3.+ C-/ecs or /ore 63ic3 is 6or;i01 sa(is"ac(or7 "or o0e 7ear as o0 da(e o" s-./issio0 o" .id. T3e .idder 3as (o s-./i( (3e per"or/a0ce cer(i"ica(e i0 proo" o" (3ere o". 4. 5idder s3o-2d 3a8e s-pp2ied, erec(ed, (es(ed a0d s-ccess"-227 co//issio0ed e2ec(ric /o(ors "or p-/pi01 app2ica(io0 o" 3.++ #.B. capaci(7 or /ore re:-ired "or eac3 /o(or 6i(3 associa(ed ci8i2 /ec3a0ica2, e2ec(rica2 a0d i0s(r-/e0(a(io0 63ic3 are 6or;i01 sa(is"ac(or7 "or a( 2eas( o0e 7ear as o0 da(e o" s-./issio0 o" 5id. T3e .idder 3as (o s-./i( cer(i"ica(e i0 proo" o" s-pp27i01 e2ec(ric /o(ors o" capaci(7 3.++ #.B. or /ore. 5idder s3o-2d 3a8e /a0-"ac(-red, s-pp2ied erec(ed, (es(ed a0d s-cess"-27 co//issio0ed 2ar1e dia/e(er 6a(er s-pp27 pipe 2i0e >5-ried a0d 4 or s-r"ace 3a8i01 i0(er0a2 dia/e(er o" 2.++ # or /ore "or a 2e01(3 o" 5.++ @/s i0 (6o ro6s or /ore 6i(3 associa(ed ci8i2 6or;s 63ic3 are 6or;i01 sa(is"ac(or7 "or a( 2eas( o0e 7ear. T3e .idder 3as (o s-./i( a cer(i"ica(e i0 proo" o" a.o8e or /ore.
6. T3e .idder s3o-2d 3a8e e<ec-(ed (-00e2 o" dia/e(er o" 0o( 2ess (3a( 3.5+ "ts "or a /i0i/-/ o" 2e01(3 o" 2.5+ 9"s
$. 5idder s3o-2d 3a8e capaci(7 "or .esi#n o::ice .ac;-p 3a8i01 e<perie0ce o0 s(r-c(-ra2 a0d 37dra-2ic desi10 "or p-/ps, p-/p 3o-ses a0d pipe 2i0e a0d (ra0sie0( a0a27sis, ear(3 da/ 6or;, ca0a2 0e(6or;, drops a0d C#4C' s(r-c(-res a0d Reser8oirs a0d (-00e2s or s3o-2d 3a8e #.O.U 6i(3 s-c3 "ir/ o" e<perie0ce. ,. T3e 5idder s3a22 3a8e ISO accredi(a(io0 or s3a22 3a8e app2ied "or ISO accredi(a(io0. Ho6e8er (3e 5idder s3a22 s-./i( ISO accredi(a(io0 a( (3e (i/e o" co0c2-di01 &1(. iii ?i0a0cia2 Re:-ire/e0(s. : 1. T3e .idder s3a22 3a8e a00-a2 "i0a0cia2 (-r0 o8er "ro/ Ci8i2 E01i0eeri01 6or;s i0c2-si8e o" E2ec(ro #ec3a0ica2 Bor;s o" 0o( 2ess (3a0 Rs.i.e.I5# 8a2-e4No o" 7ears prescri.ed "or co/p2e(io0 i0 a07 "i0a0cia2 7ear d-ri01 2as( "i8e 7ears i.e., "ro/ 2++3)+4 (o 2++$)+, -p da(ed .7 1i8i01 1+J si/p2e 6ei13( a1e per 7ear (o .ri01 (3e/ (o 2++,)+* price 2e8e2.
2. Ho6e8er, (3e (o(a2 (-r0o8er o" =oi0( 8e0(-re 1ro-p s3o-2d 0o( .e 2ess (3a0 Rs.i.e.I5# 8a2-e4No o" 7ears prescri.ed "or co/p2e(io0, i0 a07 o0e 7ear d-ri01 (3e 2as( 5 "i0a0cia2 7ears i.e. "ro/ 2++3)+4 (o 2++$)+,, -pda(ed .7 1i8i01 1+J si/p2e 6ei13(a1e per 7ear (o .ri01 (3e/ (o 2++,)+* price 2e8e2. 3. T3e .idder s3o-2d 3a8e sa(is"ac(ori27 co/p2e(ed si/i2ar 0a(-re 6or;s >0o( 2ess (3a0 *+J o" (3e co0(rac( 8a2-e a0d (3e 8a2-e o" 6or; do0e s3o-2d 0o( .e 2ess (3a0 Rs.i.e.>I5# 8a2-e4No o" 7ears prescri.ed "or co/p2e(io0 I25J as a pri/e co0(rac(or, i0 a07 o0e 7ear d-ri01 (3e "i0a0cia2 7ears 2++3)2++4 (o 2++$)+, -pda(ed .7 1i8i01 1+J si/p2e 6ei13(a1e per 7ear (o .ri01 (3e/ (o 2++,)2++* price 2e8e2.S-. co0(rac(orMs 4G9 3o2derMs e<perie0ce s3a22 0o( .e (a;e0 i0(o acco-0(. 4. Li:-id asse(4credi( "aci2i(ies4So28e0c7 cer(i"ica(e "ro/ a07 I0dia0 Na(io0a2ised4 Sc3ed-2ed 5a0;s o" 8a2-e 0o( 2ess (3a0 Rs.i.e.I5# 8a2-e I +.254No o" 7ears prescri.ed "or co/p2e(io0 5. T3e .idder /-s( 3a8e a 0e( 6or(3 o" Rs.i.e.I5# 8a2-e I +.254No o" 7ears prescri.ed "or co/p2e(io0 6. T3e .idder /-s( 3a8e a 0e( pro"i( >a"(er ded-c(i01 (a<, deprecia(io0 a0d i0(eres( i0 a07 (3ree 7ears d-ri01 (3e 2as( "i8e 7ears. $. T3e No. o" par(0ers i0 (3e >G! s3a22 0o( .e /ore (3a0 4 >?o-r . ,. I0 case i" (3e app2ica(io0 is "ro/ a =oi0( 8e0(-re, i( s3o-2d sa(is"7 (3e "o22o6i01 6ini"u" criteri / a T3e Goi0( 8e0(-re s3o-2d /ee( (3e re:-ire/e0( as prescri.ed a( para1.Eac3 par(0er s3o-2d /ee( 0o( 2ess (3a0 2+J o" (3e a00-a2 (-r0o8er as prescri.ed a( para1 i0di8id-a227.
T3e G! s3o-2d /ee( si/i2ar 6or; cri(eria as prescri.ed a( para 5 a0d (3e o(3er par(0ers s3o-2d /ee( a(2eas( 2+J 0e( 6or(3 as prescri.ed a( para 5 i0di8id-a227. c &22 par(0ers o" G! s3o-2d /ee( ISO cer(i"ica(e as prescri.ed i0 para 2 o" (3e 1e0era2 re:-ire/e0(s. d &22 (3e G! par(0ers s3o-2d /ee( (3e cri(eria o" 0e( pro"i( as prescri.ed a( para 6 i0di8id-a227. e &0 a-(3oriDed represe0(a(io0 o" G! 63o 6i22 .e 0o/i0a(ed .7 G! 63o 6i22 .e a-(3oriDed (o dea2 6i(3 (3e e/p2o7er o0 a22 pro=ec( re2a(ed /a((ers d-ri01 (3e co-rse o" e<ec-(io0 o" pro=ec(. 25 9roced-re "or .id s-./issio0 : T3e .idder s3a22 s-./i( 3is respo0se (3ro-13 5id s-./issio0 (o (3e (e0der o0 NeM proc-re/e0( p2a( "or/ a( 666.eproc-re/e0(.1o8.i0 .7 "o22o6i01 (3e proced-re 1i8e0 .e2o6. T3e .idder 6o-2d .e re:-ired (o re1is(er o0 (3e NeM proc-re/e0( /ar;e( p2ace 666.e proc-re/e0(.1o8.i0 or 3((ps:44(e0der. eproc-re/e0(.1o8.i0 a0d s-./i( (3eir .ids o02i0e. O"" 2i0e .ids s3a22 0o( .e e0(er(ai0ed .7 (3e Te0der I08i(i01 &-(3ori(7 "or (3e (e0ders p-.2is3ed i0 NeM proc-re/e0( p2a("or/. T3e .idders s3a22 s-./i( (3eir e2i1i.i2i(7 a0d :-a2i"ica(io0 de(ai2s, Tec30ica2 .id, ?i0a0cia2 .id e(c., i0 (3e o02i0e s(a0dard "or/a(s disp2a7ed i0 NeM proc-re/e0( 6e. si(e. T3e .idders s3a22 -p2oad (3e sca00ed copies o" a22 (3e re2e8a0( cer(i"ica(es doc-/e0(s e(c., i0 s-ppor( o" (3eir e2i1i.i2i(7 cri(eria 4 (ec30ica2 .ids a0d o(3er cer(i"ica(e 4 doc-/e0(s i0 (3e NeM proc-re/e0( 6e. si(e. T3e .idder s3a22 si10 o0 (3e s(a(e/e0(s, doc-/e0(s, cer(i"ica(es, -p2oaded .7 3i/, o60i01 respo0si.i2i(7 "or (3eir correc(0ess 4a-(3e0(ici(7. T3e .idder s3a22 a((ac3 a22 (3e re:-ired doc-/e0(s "or (3e speci"ic (e0der a"(er -p2oadi01 (3e sa/e d-ri01 (3e .id s-./issio0 as per (3e (e0der 0o(ice a0d .id doc-/e0(. 1. Re1is(ra(io0 6i(3 NeM proc-re/e0( p2a("or/: ?or re1is(ra(io0 a0d o02i0e .id s-./issio0 .idders /a7 co0(ac( HEL9 'ES@ o" #4s C1 I0dia 98(. Li/i(ed. 666.MeM proc-re/e0(.1o8.i0.or 3((ps:44(e0der.eproc-re/e0(.1o8.i0 2. 'i1i(a2 Cer(i"ica(e a-(3e0(ica(io0: T3e .idder s3a22 a-(3er0(ica(e (3e .id 6i(3 3is 'i1i(a2 Cer(i"ica(e "or s-./i((i01 (3e .id e2ec(ro0ica227 o0 eproc-re/e0( p2a("or/ a0d (3e .ids 0o( a-(3e0(ica(ed .7 di1i(a2 cer(i"ica(e o" (3e .idder 6i22 0o( .e accep(ed o0 (3e e9roc-re/e0( p2a("or/. ?or o.(ai0i01 'i1i(a2 Si10a(-re Cer(i"ica(e, 7o- /a7 p2ease Co0(ac(: &0d3ra 9rades3 Tec30o2o17 Ser8ices Li/i(ed 5R@& 53a8a0, 5)52oc; Ta0;.-0d Road, H7dera.ad C 5++ +22 93o0e O*1)4+)2322+3+5 ?a<: O*1)4+)2322,+5$ >OR &07 o(3er Re1is(ra(io0 &-(3ori(7 o" TCS)C& i0 I0dia. T3e ci(7)
6ise 2is( o" R&s is a8ai2a.2e .7 c2ic;i01 (3e 2i0; &pp27 "or a c2ass)2 Cer(i"ica(e -0der E0ro22 sec(io0 i0 (3e 6e.si(e 3((ps:44666.(cs)ca.(cs.co.i04/ca214i0de<.=sp 3. Hard copies: i !ide re".G.O.#s.No.1$4, I % C&' 'ep(., 'a(ed: 1)*)2++,, s-./issio0 o" ori1i0a2 3ard copies o" (3e -p2oaded sca00ed copies o" ''45G (o6ards E#' .7 par(icipa(i01 .idders (o (3e (e0der i08i(i01 a-(3ori(7 .e"ore (3e ope0i01 o" (3e price .id is dispe0sed "or(36i(3. ii &22 (3e .idders s3a22 i08aria.27 -p2oad (3e sca00ed copies o" ''45G i0 e9roc-re/e0( s7s(e/ a0d (3is 6i22 .e (3e pri/ar7 re:-ire/e0( (o co0sider (3e .id respo0si8e. iii T3e depar(/e0( s3a22 carr7 o-( (3e (ec30ica2 e8a2-a(io0 so2e27 .ased o0 (3e -p2oaded cer(i"ica(es4doc-/e0(s, ''45G (o6ards E#' i0 (3e e9roc-re/e0( s7s(e/ a0d ope0 (3e price .ids o" (3e respo0si8e .idders. i8 T3e depar(/e0( 6i22 0o(i"7 (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder "or s-./issio0 o" ori1i0a2 3ardcopies o" a22 (3e -p2oaded doc-/e0( ''45G (o6ards E#' prior (o e0(eri01 i0(o a1ree/e0(. 8 T3e s-ccess"-2 .idder s3a22 i08aria.27 "-r0is3 (3e ori1i0a2 ''45G (o6ards E#', Cer(i"ica(es4'oc-/e0(s o" (3e -p2oaded sca0 copies (o (3e Te0der I08i(i01 &-(3ori(7 .e"ore e0(eri01 i0(o a1ree/e0(, ei(3er perso0a227 or (3ro-13 co-rier or pos( a0d (3e receip( o" (3e sa/e 6i(3i0 (3e s(ip-2a(ed da(e s3a22 .e (3e respo0si.i2i(7 o" (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder. T3e depar(/e0( 6i22 0o( (a;e a07 respo0si.i2i(7 "or a07 de2a7 i0 receip( 4 0o0)receip( o" ori1i0a2 ''45G (o6ards E#', Cer(i"ica(es4'oc-/e0(s "ro/ (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder .e"ore (3e s(ip-2a(ed (i/e. O0 receip( o" doc-/e0(s, (3e depar(/e0( s3a22 e0s-re (3e 1e0-i0i(7 o" (3e ''45G (o6ards E#' a0d a22 o(3er cer(i"ica(es4doc-/e0(s -p2oaded .7 (3e .idder i0 e9roc-re/e0( s7s(e/. I0 s-ppor( o" (3e :-a2i"ica(io0 cri(eria .e"ore co0c2-di01 (3e a1ree/e0(. 4. T3e GO.#s.NO.1$4, I % C&' 'a(ed: 1.*.2++, 'eac(i8a(io0 o" 5idders I" a07 s-ccess"-2 .idder "ai2s (o s-./i( (3e ori1i0a2 3ard copies o" -p2oaded cer(i"ica(es 4 doc-/e0(s, ''45G (o6ards E#' 6i(3i0 s(ip-2a(ed (i/e or i" a07 8aria(io0 is 0o(iced .e(6ee0 (3e -p2oaded doc-/e0(s a0d (3e 3ardcopies s-./i((ed .7 (3e .idder, as (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder 6i22 .e s-spe0ded "ro/ par(icipa(i01 i0 (3e (e0ders o0 e9roc-re/e0( p2a("or/ "or a period o" 3 7ears. T3e e9roc-r/e0( s7s(e/ 6o-2d deac(i8a(e (3e -ser I' o" s-c3 de"a-2(i01 .idder .ased o0 (3e (ri11er4reco//e0da(io0 .7 (3e Te0der I08i(i01 &-(3ori(7 i0 (3e s7s(e/. 5esides (3is, (3e depar(/e0( s3a22 i08o;e a22 processes o" 2a6 i0c2-di01 cri/i0a2 prosec-(io0 o" s-c3 de"a-2(i01 .idder as a0 ac( o" e<(re/e de(erre0ce (o a8oid de2a7s i0 (3e (e0der process "or e<ec-(io0 o" (3e de8e2op/e0( sc3e/es (a;e0 -p .7 (3e 1o8er0/e0(. O(3er co0di(io0s as per (e0der doc-/e0( are app2ica.2e. T3e .idder is re:-es(ed (o 1e( a co0"ir/ed ac;0o62ed1e/e0( "ro/ (3e Te0der I08i(i01 &-(3ori(7 a proo" o" Hardcopies s-./issio0 (o a8oid a07 discrepa0c7. 5. 9a7/e0( o" Tra0sac(io0 ?ee:
I( is /a0da(or7 "or a22 (3e par(icipa0( .idders "ro/ 1 s( Ga0-ar7 2++6 (o e2ec(ro0ica227 pa7 a No0)re"-0da.2e Tra0sac(io0 "ee (o #4s C1 I0dia 98(. L(d., (3e ser8ice pro8ider (3ro-13 P9a7/e0( Ga(e6a7 Ser8ice o0 E)proc-re/e0( p2a("oro/Q T3e E2ec(ro0ic pa7/e0( Ga(e6a7 accep(s a22 #as(er a0d !isa Credi( Cards iss-ed .7 a07 .a0; a0d 'irec( 'e.i( "aci2i(74Ne( 5a0;i01 o" ICICI 5a0;, H'?C, &<is 5a0; (o "aci2i(a(e (3e (ra0sac(io0. T3is is i0 co/p2ia0ce as per G.O.#s.13 'a(ed+$.+5.2++6. &ser8ice (a< o" 12.36J O 5a0; C3ar1es "or Credi( Card Tra0sac(io0 o" 1.,5J o0 (3e (ra0sac(io0 a/o-0( pa7a.2e (o C1 I0dia 98(. L(d s3a22 .e app2ica.2e. 6. Corp-s ?-0d: &s per G.O.#s.No.4 User depar(/e0(s s3a22 co22ec( +.+4J o" EC! >es(i/a(ed co0(rac( 8a2-e 6i(3 a cap o" Rs.1+,+++4) >R-pees (e0 (3o-sa0d o027 "or a22 6or;s 6i(3 EC! -p(o Rs.5+.++4) Crores a0d Rs.25,+++4) >R-pees (6e0(7 "i8e (3o-sa0d o027 "or 6or;s 6i(3 EC! a.o8e Rs.5+.++4) Crores "ro/ s-ccess"-2 .idders o0 e9roc-r/e0( p2a( "or/ .e"ore e0(eri01 i0(oa1re/e0( 4 iss-e o" p-rc3ase orders, (o6ads eproc-re/e0( "-0d i0 "a8o-r o" #a0a1i01 'irec(or, &9TS. T3ere s3a22 0o( .e a07 c3ar1e (o6ards e9roc-re/e0( i0case o" 6or;s, 1oods a0d ser8ices 6i(3 EC! 2ess (3a0 a0d -p(o Rs.1+.++ La;3s. $. Te0der 'oc-/e0(: T3e .idder is re:-es(ed (o do602oad (3e (e0der doc-/e0( a0d read a22 (3e (er/s a0d co0di(io0s /e0(io0ed i0 (3e (e0der 'oc-/e0( a0d see; c2ari"ica(io0 i" a07 "ro/ (3e Te0der I08i(i01 &-(3ori(7. &07 o""2i0e .id s-./issio0 c2a-se i0 (3e (e0der doc-/e0( co-2d .e 0e12ec(ed. T3e .idder 3as (o ;eep (rac; o" a07 c3a01es .7 8ie6i01 (3e &dde0d-/ 4 Corri1e0da iss-ed .7 (3e Te0der I08i(i01 &-(3ori(7 o0 (i/e)(o)(i/e .asis i0 (3e E)9roc-r/e0( p2a("or/. T3e 'epar(/e0( ca22i01 "or (e0ders s3a22 0o( .e respo0si.2e "or a07 c2ai/s4 pro.2e/s arisi01 o-( o" (3is. ,. 5id s-./issio0 &c;0o62ed1e/e0(: T3e .idder s3a22 co/p2e(e a22 (3e process a0d s(eps re:-ired "or 5id s-./issio0. T3e s7s(e/ 6i22 1e0era(e a0 ac;0o62ed1e/e0( 6i(3 a -0i:e .id s-./issio0 0-/.er a"(er co/p2e(i01 a22 (3e prescri.ed s(eps a0d processes .7 (3e .idder. Users /a7 a2so 0o(e (3a( (3e .id "or 63ic3 a0 ac;0o62ed1e/e0( is 0o( 1e0era(ed .7 (3e eproc-re/e0( s7s(e/ are (rea(ed as i08a2id or 0o( sa8ed i0 (3e s7s(e/. S-c3 i08a2id .ids are 0o( /ade a8ai2a.2e (o (3e Te0der I08i(i01 &-(3ori(7 "or processi01 (3e .ids. T3e Go8er0/e0( o" &9 a0d #4s C1 I0dia 98(., L(d is 0o( respo0si.2e "or i0co/p2e(e .id s-./issio0 .7 -sers. 26 Ge0era2 Ter/s % Co0di(io0s 1. Te0ders 6i(3 a0 e<cess o" /ore (3a0 5J o8er (3e i0(er0a2 .e0c3/ar; 8a2-e 4 Es(i/a(ed Co0(rac( !a2-e arri8ed .7 (3e 'epar(/e0( s3a22 .e s-//ari27 re=ec(ed. 2. I0 respec( o" (e0ders .e7o0d 25J 2ess (3a0 i0(er0a2 .e0c3/ar;4 Es(i/a(ed Co0(rac( !a2-e arri8ed .7 (3e
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14. ?ai2-re (o s-./i( (3e a.o8e 'oc-/e0(s .e"ore (3e prescri.ed da7 6i22 e0(ai2 re=ec(io0 o" (3e 5id a0d 2ia.2e "or 0o0)par(icipa(io0 o" (e0der ca22ed "or .7 (3e depar(/e0( d-ri01 (3e 0e<( 12 /o0(3s i.e. accorda0ce 6i(3 G.O. #s. No. 245, da(ed 3+.12.2++5 a0d G.O. #s. No. 155, da(ed 23.+,.2++6. ;estern Br nc< c n l to cre te n = cut o: 2+,2** Acres I08es(i1a(io0, 'esi10, S-pp27, Erec(io0 a0d Co//issio0i01 o" 0ecessar7 Li"( S7s(e/s 6i(3 a22 E2ec(rica2 % #ec3a0ica2 Co/po0e0(s, S-r1e 9ro(ec(io0 S7s(e/s, 'e2i8er7 Cis(er0s, 9ress-re #ai0s (o carr7 (3e re:-ired disc3ar1e d-ri01 crop period as per #odi"ied 9e0 #e0 /e(3od a0d &22 Co0(ro2 !a28es "or 2i"(i01 o" 2.,++ T#C o" 6a(er i0 3 S(a1es (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 25,6++ &cres i0 9ra;asa/ 'is(ric( a0d 3.,6+ T#C o" 6a(er i0 si012e S(a1e (3ro-13 2 Separa(e 9ress-re #ai0s >#S (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 25,4++ &cres i0 @adapa 'is(ric( a0d $,5++ &cres i0 Si(ara/p-ra/ #a0da2 o" Ne22ore 'is(ric( i0c2-di01 ?or/a(io0 o" 3 Nos. o" Reser8oirs a0d e0(ire Ca0a2 S7s(e/, C#%C' Bor;s a0d i(s 'is(ri.-(or7 S7s(e/ (o carr7 disc3ar1e re:-ired d-ri01 crop period as per 1-ide 2i0es o" C3ie" E01i0eer, C'O, H7dera.ad "or a0 a7ac-( o" 5,,5++ &cres a0d a2so "or/a(io0 o" (6o i0depe0de0( reser8oir 0a/e27 G-0d2a.ra3/es6ara/ % Ra22a8a1- (o crea(e a0 I9 o" 5+++ &cres i0c2-di01 C# % C' 6or;s a0d dis(ri.-(or7 s7s(e/ i0 Ra.i Seaso0 as co0(e/p2a(ed i0 di""ere0( .2oc;s i0 di""ere0( #a0da2s o" 9ra;asa/, @a0dapa a0d Ne22ore 'is(ric(s as per 'e(ai2ed 9ro=ec( Repor( o" !e2i1o0da 9ro=ec(. Co"&onents: 1. 'ra62 o" 6.66+ T#C o" 6a(er (3ro-13 &pproac3 c3a00e2 6i(3 a /i0i/-/ disc3ar1e o" 2*.5+ C-/ecs i0c2-di01 2i0i01 >C.C. #15 6i(3 pa8ers "ro/ Eas(er0 #ai0 ca0a2 F C3.@/. 25.465 (o "eed a0 a7ac-( o" 5,,5++ &cres.
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2. Li"(i01 o" 2.,++ T#C o" 6a(er i0 3 S(a1es 6i(3 s-""icie0( 2e01(3 o" 9ress-re #ai0s (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 25,6++ &cres i0 9ra;asa/ 'is(ric(.
a. S(a1e)I: ?ro/ approac3 c3a00e2 (o T-ri/e22a Reser8oir (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 25,6++ &cres.. . Gra8i(7 ca0a2 i0c2-di01 2i0i01 >C.C. #15 6i(3 pa8ers "ro/ T-ri/e22a reser8oir (o i0(a;e s-/p a( 2i"( )2 (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 6+++ &cres. c S(a1e)II: ?ro/ Tai2 E0d o" Gra8i(7 ca0a2 (a;i01 o"" "ro/ T-ri/e22a Reser8oir (o Rac3er2a Ta0; (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 1*,6++ &cres. d Gra8i(7 ca0a2 i0c2-di01 2i0i01 >C.C. #15 6i(3 pa8ers "ro/ Rac3er2a (a0; "or a 2e01(3 o" 3.++@/ >(e0(a(i8e (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 2,+++ &cres. e S(a1e)III: ?ro/ Tai2 E0d o" Gra8i(7 ca0a2 (a;i01 o"" "ro/
Rac3er2a Ta0; (o (3e ca0a2 6i(3 a0 ?SL o" O265.++# (o crea(e a7ac-( o" 1$,6++ &cres. " Gra8i(7 ca0a2 i0c2-di01 2i0i01 >C.C. #15 6i(3 pa8ers s(ar(i01 a"(er s(a1e)III 2i"( a0d e0di01 a( a s-i(a.2e 2oca(io0 0ear Gidda2-r (o60 d-27 crossi01 (3e SCR rai26a7 (rac; (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 1$,6++ &cres i0 9ra;asa/ 'is(ric(. 9 . & District Li"(i01 o" 3.,6+ T#C o" 6a(er 6i(3 9ress-re #ai0s >#i2d s(ee2 i0 si012e S(a1e (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 32,*++ &cres i0 @adapa a0d Ne22ore 'is(ric(s. a. Li"( )4 C (o6ards @a2asapad- #a=or: Li"(i01 o" 1.$,+ T#C o" 6a(er i0 si012e s(a1e (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 15,,++ &cres i0 @a2asapad- #a0da2. Li"( )4 C (o6ards 9or-/a/i22a #a=or: Li"(i01 o" 2.+,+ T#C o" 6a(er i0 si012e s(a1e (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 1$,1++ &cres i0 9or-/a/i22a #a0da2 >*,6++&cres a0d Si(ara/p-ra/ #a0da2 >$,5++ &cres &pproac3 c3a00e2 "ro/ 9or-/a/i22a #a=or "or a s-""icie0( 2e01(3 (o (3e i02e( o" (-00e2 (o irri1a(e $5++ &cres i0 Si(ara/p-ra/ #a0da2 i0 Ne22ore 'is(ric(.
T-00e2 "or a 2e01(3 o" *.++ @/s (o carr7 (3e disc3ar1e o" 3.5+ C-/es "ro/ (3e (ai2e0d o" approac3 c3a00e2. e. ?eeder ca0a2 6i(3 a disc3ar1e o" 3.5+ C-/ecs "ro/ (3e E<i( o" T-00e2 (o Si(ara/p-ra/ Reser8oir o0 9i22aper!a1- 0ear Ga01a8ara/ !i22a1e, Si(ara/p-r/ #a0da2. 3. 'is(ri.-(or7 s7s(e/ i0c2-di01 C# % C' 6or;s (o crea(e a0 I9 o" 5,,5++ &cres i0 9ra;asa/, @adapa a0d Ne22ore 'is(ric(s. 4. S-pp27 erec(io0 a0d /ai0(e0a0ce o" 22+ @! 'C 2i0e >'o-.2e circ-i( 2i0e (o 3a8e 1++J re2ia.i2i(7 o" s-pp27 d-ri01 p-/pi01 opera(io0 period a0d a 2i0e is (o .e 2aid "ro/ 0ear .7 22+ @! S-.)S(a(io0 a0d Co0s(r-c(io0 o" s6i(37ard. Reser>oirs on ;estern Br nc< c n l: I08es(i1a(io0, 'esi10 a0d E<ec-(io0 6i(3 a22 0ecessar7 a0ci22ar7 6or;s s-c3 as s-rp2-s 6eir ,s-rp2-s co-rse, Irri1a(io0 s2-ice a0d de2i8er7 cis(er0 e(c., as per appro8ed desi10s a0d dra6i01s o" C3ie" E01i0eer, Ce0(ra2 'esi10s Or1a0iDa(io0, H7dera.ad &. ?or/a(io0 o" T-ri/e22a Reser8oir 0ear T-ri/e22a 8i22a1e 5. ?or/a(io04I/pro8e/e0(s (o Rac3er2a Ta0; 0ear Rac3er2a !i22a1e C. ?or/a(io0 o" Si(ara/sa1ar Reser8oir o0 9i22aper- 8a10ear Ga01a8ara/ !i22a1e, Si(ara/p-r/ #a0da2. In.e&en.ent Reser>oirs: I08es(i1a(io0, 'esi10 a0d E<ec-(io0 6i(3 a22 0ecessar7 a0ci22ar7 6or;s s-c3 as s-rp2-s 6eir ,s-rp2-s co-rse,
Irri1a(io0 s2-ice a0d de2i8er7 cis(er0 e(c., as per appro8ed desi10s a0d dra6i01s o" C3ie" E01i0eer, Ce0(ra2 'esi10s Or1a0iDa(io0, H7dera.ad i0c2-di01 Ca0a2 S7s(e/, C# % C' 6or;s a0d 'is(ri.-(ar7 S7s(e/ (o carr7 (3e disc3ar1e re:-ired d-ri01 crop period as per #odi"ied 9e0 #e0 /e(3od. 1 ?or/a(io0 o" G-0d2a 5ra3/es6ara/ Reser8oir 0ear C3i0a1a0apa2ii !i22a1e o" Rac3er2a #a0da2, (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 35++ &cres i0 Rac3er2a #a0da2 o" 9ra;asa/ 'is(ric(. ?or/a(io0 o" Ra22a8a1- Reser8oir 0ear 9api0e0ipa22i !i22a1e o" &r(3a8eed- #a0da2 (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 15++ &cres i0 &r(3a8eed- #a0da2 o" 9ra;asa/ 'is(ric(.
S-pp2e/e0(a(io0 o" 6a(er "ro/ 9or-/a/i22a #a=or (o Rac3er-8- (a0; o" Ra=-pa2e/ o" @a2asapad- #a0da2 (o s(a.i2iDe (3e e<is(i01 a7ac-( o" 1,++ &cres. 6iscell neous ite"s: '( 9repara(io0 o" 2a0d p2a0 sc3ed-2es % La0d &c:-isi(io0 proposa2s o0 (3e .asis o" appro8ed a2i10/e0( a0d a22ied 6or;s i0c2-di01 s-./er1e0ce o" .a2a0ci01 Reser8oir. 2. 9repara(io0 o" cos( es(i/a(es "or a22 (3e co/po0e0(s a"(er appro8a2 o" desi10s a0d c2-..i01 (3e i(e/s s-i(a.27 "or record /eas-re/e0( p-rpose. 3. ?or/a(io0 o" ser8ice roads i0 (3e pro=ec( area a2o01 (3e ca0a2 .a0;s a0d p2a0(a(io0 a2o01 (3e ca0a2 .a0;s. 4. &22 0ecessar7 per/issio0s4c2eara0ces4 appro8a2s are (o .e processed a0d o.(ai0ed .7 (3e "ir/ o027 o0 i(s o60 cos(s. &s a -ser a1e0c7 (3is depar(/e0( 6i22 i0i(ia(e (3e proposa2s i0 respec( o" (3is sc3e/e. 5. 9ro8idi01 i0(er0a2 e2ec(ri"ica(io0 a0d 2i13(i01 arra01e/e0(s, .ea-(i"ica(io0 a0d p2a0(a(io0 0ear p-/p 3o-se a0d i0(a;e 6e22. 6. 9ro8idi01 dri0;i01 6a(er re1-2a(i01 arra01e/e0(s >O"") Ta;e S2-ice (o e0ro-(e 8i22a1es. 2,. Specia2 Co0di(io0s. T3e Scope o" 6or; s3o60 a.o8e is o027 i0dica(i8e a0d de(ai2ed scope, .asic para/e(ers a0d pro=ec( pro"i2e 3a8e .ee0 descri.ed i0 (3e .id doc-/e0( i0 appropria(e c3ap(ers. 1. T3e (i/e "or co/p2e(io0 o" (3e pro=ec( is 0+3?ort= ei#<t4 "ont<s/ 2. Iss-e o" .id doc-/e0( 6i22 0o( a-(o/a(ica227 co0s(r-ed (3e e2i1i.i2i(7 o" (3e .idder>s "or par(icipa(io0 i0 (3e s-.se:-e0( .iddi01 process a0d 6i22 .e de(er/i0ed d-ri01 e8a2-a(io0. 3. T3e S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer, Co0s(r-c(io0 Circ2e, O01o2e, 9ra;asa/ 'is(ric(, &0d3ra 9rades3 reser8es (3e ri13( (o accep( or re=ec( a07 or a22 (3e .ids 6i(3o-( assi10i01 a07 reaso0 63a(soe8er. 4. T3e da(es s(ip-2a(ed i0 (3e NIT are "ir/ a0d -0der 0o circ-/s(a0ces (3e7 6i22 .e re2a<ed -02ess o""icia227
e<(e0ded. 5. T3e .idders s3a22 s-./i( (3eir (e0ders o02i0e o027. &07 sor( o" di""ic-2(ies "or (3e pro.2e/s i0 (3e i0(er0e(, 6e. si(e i0 s-./issio0 o" (e0ders, (3e depar(/e0( is 0o( respo0si.2e. 6. O(3er co0di(io0s are as per (3e .id doc-/e0( 63ic3 6i22 .e a8ai2a.2e o0 e) proc-re/e0( /ar;e( p2ace "ro/ 1+.11.2++, :ro" ''/** &# o06ards. $.Te0ders 6i(3 a0 e<cess o" /ore (3a0 5 J o8er (3e i0(er0a2 .e0c3/ar; 8a2-e arri8ed .7 (3e depar(/e0( s3a22 .e s-//ari27 re=ec(ed. ,.I0 respec( o" (e0ders .e7o0d 25 J 2ess (3a0 I0(er0a2 5e0c3/ar; arri8ed .7 (3e 'epar(/e0(, a 5a0; G-ara0(ee >or 'e/a0d 'ra"( "or (3e di""ere0ce .e(6ee0 (3e (e0dered a/o-0( a0d $5 J o" i0(er0a2 .e0c3/ar; 8a2-e s3o-2d .e "-r0is3ed a( (3e (i/e o" a1ree/e0( as addi(io0a2 sec-ri(7 deposi(s. *. T3e e)proc-re/e0( app2ica(io0 is 9@I e0a.2ed a0d s-ppor(s (3e di1i(a2 cer(i"ica(es iss-ed .7 &9TS, "or si10i01 (3e .ids a( (3e (i/e o" s-./issio0 .7 co0(rac(or. T3e co0(rac(or 3as (o proc-re di1i(a2 cer(i"ica(es iss-ed .7 &9TS L(d., H7dera.ad as per (3e proced-re. 'i1i(a227 si10ed .ids are (o .e s-./i((ed e2ec(ro0ica227 (3ro-13 e)proc-re/e0(, 6i(3o-( 63ic3 (3e (e0der 6i22 0o( .e co0sidered "or ope0i01 (3e 9rice 5id. 1+. T3e .idders i0(e0d (o ;0o6 (3e proced-re o" .id s-./issio0 o0 e)proc-re/e0( p2a("or/H s-i(a.2e (rai0i01 6i22 .e 1i8e0 .7 #4s C1 I0dia L(d., @3aira(a.ad, a0d H7dera.ad. 11. Go8er0/e0( reser8es (3e ri13( (o ca0ce24a2(er (3e .id co0di(io0s a( a07 (i/e. 12. I0 (3e process, i" (3e 6or;s are s(a22ed d-e (o 2e1a2 i0(er8e0(io0 or d-e (o 0a(-ra2 ca2a/i(ies 0o co/pe0sa(io0 6i22 .e paid 13. T3e .idder s3o-2d s-./i( a cop7 o" 8a2id !&T re1is(ra(io0 cer(i"ica(e iss-ed .7 (3e !&T re1is(ra(io0 a-(3ori(7. 14.T3e s-ccess"-2 .idder s3o-2d 3o6e8er pa7 (3e E#' ca2c-2a(ed a( 2.5J o" 5id a/o-0( a( (3e (i/e o" si10i01 (3e co0(rac( i0 (3e s3ape o" de/a0d dra"( or -0co0di(io0a2 a0d irreco8era.2e 5a0; G-ara0(ee o0 (3e s(a0dard "or/a( e0c2osed (o (3e 5id sc3ed-2e "or a (o(a2 period 0o( 2ess (3a0 (3e s(ip-2a(ed period o" co/p2e(io0 o" (3e 6or; i0 :-es(io0, p2-s 24 /o0(3s de"ec( 2ia.i2i(7 period "ro/ (3e co/p2e(io0 cer(i"ica(e. T<e E6D o: Rs 1/2* Crores paid .7 (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder a( (3e (i/e o" (3e "i2i01 o" .id (3ro-13 '' or 5G 6i22 .e disc3ar1ed a"(er s-./issio0 o" E#' ca2c-2a(ed a( 2.5J o" 5id. 15.Te0ders s3a22 .e 8a2id "or a period o" 6 /o0(3s. 5e"ore e<pir7 o" 8a2idi(7, (3e a-(3ori(7 63o ca22ed "or (3e Te0ders, s3a22 see; "or "-r(3er e<(e0sio0 o" 8a2idi(7 "ro/ (3e co0(rac(ors a0d i8 case (3e 8a2idi(7 is 0o( e<(e0ded, 3is Te0der 6i22 0o( .e co0sidered a0d (3e E#' s3a22 .e
re(-r0ed. 16. T3e re(e0(io0 a/o-0( "ro/ (3e .i22s 6i22 .e ded-c(ed a( (3e ra(e o" $.5J. 1$.T3e (ra0sac(io0 "ee o" Rs.25,+++4) O 12.36 J Ser8ice Ta<, O Ed-ca(io0 Cess 1.,5J >Rs. 2,,$++4) 3as (o .e paid (3ro-13 e2ec(ro0ic 1a(e 6a7 pa7/e0( s7s(e/ (o #4s C1 I0dia 98(. L(d., .7 eac3 par(icipa(i01 .idder a( (3e (i/e o" 5id s-./issio0 i( se2". 1,. &22 0ecessar7 per/issio0s 4 c2eara0ce 4 appro8a2s are (o .e processed a0d o.(ai0ed .7 (3e "ir/ o027 o0 i(s o60 cos( as -ser a1e0c7. T3is 'epar(/e0( 6i22 i0i(ia(e (3e proposa2s i0 respec( o" a.o8e. 1*. I0 case o" discrepa0c7 .e(6ee0 (3e price :-o(ed o02i0e a0d i0 s-ppor(i01 doc-/e0(s -p2oaded, (3e0 (3e price :-o(ed i0 (3e (e/p2a(e pro8ided o02i0e o027 6o-2d .e (3e co0sidered "or e8a2-a(io0. 2+. T3e Ear0es( #o0e7 'eposi( 6i22 .e re"-0ded (o (3e -0s-ccess"-2 .idders, ei(3er a"(er (3e "i0a2iDa(io0 o" (3e Te0der or o0 e<pir7 o" 8a2idi(7 o" period o" Te0der, 63ic3e8er is ear2ier. 21. T3e e<perie0ce a0d T-r0 o8er cer(i"ica(e s3o-2d .e cer(i"ied .7 (3e co0cer0ed E<ec-(i8e E01i0eer a0d Co-0(er si10ed .7 (3e S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer a0d copies /a7 .e -p2oaded d-27 1o( a((es(ed .7 (3e GaDe((ed o""icer. 22. La.o-r 6e2"are cess a( 1J (o .e reco8ered "ro/ (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder "ro/ (3e r-00i01 .i22s d-ri01 e<ec-(io0. 23. ?or #o.i2isa(io0 o" "-0ds "or Na(io0a2 &cade/7 o" Co0s(r-c(io0 >N.&.C. a( H7dera.ad, a0 a/o-0( F (3e ra(e o" +.25J 6i22 .e reco8ered "ro/ (3e r-00i01 .i22s o" (3e co0(rac(or o0 (3e 1ross a/o-0(. 24. To /ai0(a0 (3e co/p2e(ed Li"( Irri1a(io0 S7s(e/ "or 5,,5++ &cres "or 15 >?i"(ee0 Aears
A"en."ent to Co.e :or E/P/C/ ;or!s/ 3A/P/ Det ile. St n. r. S&eci:ic tions4
A/P/Det ile. St n. r. S&eci:ic tions Pro>ision s &er Co.e A"en."ent s &er EPC
9.S. ,
T3e Ne/p2o7erM is (3e S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer, i.e. (3e a1ree/e0( co0c2-di01 a-(3ori(7. NE01i0eer)I0)C3ar1eM is T3e E<ec-(i8e E01i0eer i0 c3ar1e o" e<ec-(io0.
P/S/ ''
P/S/ '(
&ppro<i/a(e 0o( (o /ea0 de8ia(io0 "ro/ dra6i01s a0d speci"ica(io0s: T3e dec2ara(io0 o" (3e appro<i/a(e 0a(-re o" (3e s(a(e/e0( o" :-a0(i(ies i0 Sc3ed-2e.& does 0o(, 3o6e8er, i0 a07 6a7 i/p27 (3a( (3e :-a0(i(ies 6i22 .e i0creased "or depar(-re .7 (3e co0(rac(or "ro/ s(ric( co/p2ia0ce 6i(3 sa0c(io0ed dra6i01s a0d speci"ica(io0s (o s-i( 3is o60 1i8e0 co08e0ie0ce or red-ce 3is cos(s.
P/S/ '7
To co/pare (e0ders:
No(e.1 -0der 9.S. 12: I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s (3e e<ec-(io0 s3a22 .e s(ric(27 i0 accorda0ce 6i(3 .id co0di(io0s. Co0(rac(ors s3a22 0o( de8ia(e "ro/ .asic para/e(ers o" (3e pro=ec( (o red-ce 3is cos(s. E9C .ei01 a (-r0;e7 s7s(e/ e<(ra i(e/s 4 "i0a0cia2 c2ai/s o0 (3e depar(/e0( co0(i01e0( (o (3e 6or; o(3er (3a0 price ad=-s(/e0(s s3a22 0o( .e co0sidered. No(e.1 -0der 9.S.13:
9.S. 14
T3e :-a0(i(ies i0 Sc3ed-2e .& are "or I0 respec( o" E9C (3e E.C.! p-( (o a -0i"or/ co/pariso0 o" 2-/ps-/ (e0der 8a2-e s3a22 .e (3e .asis "or (e0ders. co/pariso0 o" (e0ders. T3e a1e0c7 s3a22 "-r0is3 (3e de(ai2ed es(i/a(es prepared .ased o0 appro8ed dra6i01s as per pro8isio0 o" a1ree/e0(. Dr Bin#s n. S&eci:ic tions: , Note/' un.er P/S/ '0: Pur&ose: I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s dra6i01s T3e co0(rac( dra6i01s i" a07 read1i8e0, 2is(ed a0d i0de<ed i0 .i0d (o1e(3er 6i(3 (3e co0(rac( speci"ica(io0sdoc-/e0(s are i0dica(i8e. T3e are i0(e0ded (o s3o6 a0d e<p2ai0 (3ea.o8e dra6i01s s3o6 (3e s7s(e/ as /a00er o" e<ec-(i01 (3e 6or; a0d (oa 63o2e .T3e co0(rac(or s3a22 carr7 i0dica(e (3e (7pe "ro/ (i/e (o (i/e .e o-( i08es(i1a(io0 (o prepare de(ai2ed 1i8e0 2a7o-(, desi10s a0d dra6i01s o" a22 co/po0e0(s o" (3e 6or; 6i(3i0 (3e s(ip-2a(ed (i/e period, (o .e appro8ed .7 co0s-2(a0( depar(/e0(a2 a-(3ori(7. T3e co0(rac(or s3a22 "o22o6 a22 re2e8a0( 5IS codes 4 circ-2ars iss-ed .7 (3e depar(/e0( "ro/ (i/e (o (i/e "or 8ario-s co/po0e0(s o" (3e 6or;s. I0 case o" di""ere0ce o" opi0io0 o0 (ec30ica2 /a((ers .e(6ee0 (3e co0(rac(or a0d (3e E01i0eer)i0) c3ar1e , (3e decisio0 o" (3e appe22a(e a-(3ori(7 s3a22 .e "i0a2 a0d .i0di01 o0 (3e co0(rac(or. T3e appe22a(e a-(3ori(7 is
9.S. 54
S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer i0 respec( o" desi10s a0d dra6i01s appro8ed .7 E01i0eer)i0)c3ar1e. T3e appe22a(e a-(3ori(7 is C3ie" E01i0eer4 C3ie" E01i0eer >'esi10s i0 respec( o" desi10s a0d dra6i01s appro8ed .7 S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer. T3e appe22a(e a-(3ori(7 is (3e Co//i((ee co0s(i(-(ed .7 (3e Go8er0/e0( i0 respec( o" desi10s a0d dra6i01s appro8ed .7 C3ie" E01i0eer4 C3ie" E01i0eer>'esi10s . Assi#n"ent or suC lettin#:, Note/' un.er P/S/ 20: T3e co0(rac(or s3a22 0o(, 6i(3o-( (3eI0 case o" E9C 6or;s, i" (3e pri/e 6ri((e0 co0se0( o" (3e EE, assi10 (3eco0(rac(or desires (o s-.2e( a par( o" co0(rac( 0or s-.2e( a07 por(io0 o" (3e(3e 6or;, 3e s3o-2d s-./i( (3e sa/e. Ordi0ari27 0o s-. 2e((i01 6i22 .e sa/e a( (3e (i/e o" "i2i01 .ids per/i((ed, .-( i0 case s-c3 s3o-2d .e >i(se2" or d-ri01 e<ec-(io0, 1i8i01 per/i((ed .7 (3e EE, i( s3a22 i0 0o 6a7(3e 0a/e o" (3e proposed s-. "ree (3e co0(rac(or "ro/ a07 o" 3isco0(rac(or, a2o01 6i(3 de(ai2s o" 3is respo0si.i2i(ies -0der c2a-se o" 3is:-a2i"ica(io0 a0d e<perie0ce. T3e pre2i/i0ar7 speci"ica(io0s or (3e.id accep(i01 a-(3ori(7 s3o-2d P&r(ic2es o" &1ree/e0(Q. 8eri"7 (3e e<perie0ce o" (3e s-. co0(rac(or a0d i" (3e s-. co0(rac(or sa(is"ies (3e :-a2i"ica(io0 cri(eria i0 propor(io0 (o (3e 8a2-e o" 6or; proposed (o .e s-. 2e(, i0c2-di01 3is pas( (rac; record o" co/p2e(io0 a0d :-a2i(7 o" 6or;, 3e /a7 per/i( (3e sa/e. T3e a11re1a(e 8a2-e o" 6or;s (o .e a6arded o0 s-. 2e((i01 s3a22 0o( e<ceed 5+J o" co0(rac( 8a2-e. T3e e<(e0( o" s-. 2e((i01 s3a22 .e added (o (3e e<perie0ce o" (3e s-. co0(rac(or a0d (o (3a( e<(e0( ded-c(ed "ro/ (3a( o" (3e /ai0 co0(rac(or.
Del =s n. eAtension o: ti"e: Note/' un.er P/S/ 2No c2ai/ "or co/pe0sa(io0 o0 acco-0(I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s (3e C3ie" o" de2a7s or 3i0dra0ces (o (3e 6or;E01i0eer s3a22 per/i( 1ra0( o" "ro/ a07 ca-se 63a(e8er s3a22 2ie,e<(e0sio0 o" (i/e -p (o si< /o0(3s e<cep( as 3erei0a"(er de"i0ed.a0d (3e S(a(e 2e8e2 Co//i((ee Reaso0a.2e e<(e0sio0 o" (i/e 6i22 .eco0s(i(-(ed .7 (3e Go8(. .e7o0d a22o6ed .7 (3e EE or .7 (3e o""icersi< /o0(3s, s-.=ec( (o 2e87i01 co/pe(e0( (o sa0c(io0 (3e e<(e0sio0 "or2i:-ida(ed da/a1es 63ere8er -0a8oida.2e de2a7s, s-c3 as /a7 res-2(0ecessar7 a0d (3e e/p2o7er co8e7s "ro/ ca-ses, 63ic3 i0 (3e opi0io0 o"(3e sa/e (o (3e a1e0c7. (3e EE, are -0do-.(ed27 .e7o0d (3e co0(ro2 o" (3e co0(rac(or. T3e EE s3a22 assess (3e period o" de2a7 or 3i0dra0ce ca-sed .7 a07 6ri((e0 i0s(r-c(io0s iss-ed .7 3i/ a( 25 perce0( i0 e<cess o" (3e ac(-a2 6or;i01 period so 2os(.I0 (3e e8e0( o" EE "ai2i01 (o iss-e 0ecessar7 i0s(r-c(io0s a0d (3ere.7 ca-si01 de2a7 a0d 3i0dra0ce (o (3e co0(rac(or, (3e 2a((er s3a22 3a8e (3e ri13( (o c2ai/ a0 assess/e0( o" s-c3 de2a7 .7 (3e SE o" (3e Circ2e 63ose decisio0 6i22 .e "i0a2 a0d .i0di01. T3e co0(rac(or s3a22 2od1e i0 6ri(i01 6i(3 (3e EE a s(a(e/e0( o" c2ai/ "or a07 de2a7 or 3i0dra0ce re"erred (o a.o8e, 6i(3i0 14 da7s "ro/ i(s co//e0ce/e0(, o(3er6ise 0o e<(e0sio0 o" (i/e 6i22 .e a22o6ed.B3e0e8er a-(3orised a2(era(io0s or addi(io0s /ade d-ri01 (3e pro1ress o" (3e 6or; are o" s-c3 a 0a(-re i0 (3e opi0io0 o" (3e EE as (o =-s(i"7 a0 e<(e0sio0 o" (i/e i0 co0se:-e0ce (3ereo", s-c3 e<(e0sio0 6i22 .e 1ra0(ed i0 6ri(i01 .7 (3e EE or o(3er co/pe(e0( a-(3ori(7 63e0 orderi01 s-c3 a2(era(io0s o" addi(io0s. Del =s in co""ence"ent or &ro#ressNote to P/S 8*3 4 or ne#lect o: Bor! n. :or:eiture o: I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s. e rnest "one=, securit= .e&osit n.Ter/i0a(io0 o" co0(ac( s3a22 a2so .e Bit< <el. "ounts as per co0di(io0 No.55 o" Ge0era2 a. Ti/e s3a22 .e co0sidered as o"Co0di(io0s o" E9C co0(rac(. (3e esse0ce o" (3e co0(rac(. I", a( a07 (i/e (3e EE s3a22 .e o"No(e (o 9.S 6+>. (3e opi0io0 (3a( co0(rac(or is
9.S. 6+
de2a7i01 co//e0ce/e0( o" (3eE.O.T i0 E9C co0(rac(s s3a22 .e 6or; or 8io2a(i01 a07 o" (3e1ra0(ed. pro8isio0s o" (3e co0(rac( or isI0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s (3e C3ie" 0e12ec(i01 or de2a7i01 (3eE01i0eer s3a22 per/i( 1ra0( o" pro1ress o" (3e 6or; as de"i0ede<(e0sio0 o" (i/e -p (o si< /o0(3s .7 (3e (a.-2ar s(a(e/e0( PRa(ea0d (3e S(a(e 2e8e2 Co//i((ee o" pro1ressQ i0 (3e P&r(ic2e o"co0s(i(-(ed .7 (3e Go8(. .e7o0d a1ree/e0(Q, 3e s3a22 so ad8icesi< /o0(3s, s-.=ec( (o 2e87i01 (3e co0(rac(or 0e12ec(s (o2i:-ida(ed da/a1es 63ere8er co/p27 6i(3 s-c3 de/a0d0ecessar7 a0d (3e e/p2o7er co8e7s 6i(3i0 se8e0 da7s a"(er receip((3e sa/e (o (3e a1e0c7. o" s-c3 0o(ice, i( s3a22 (3e0 or a( a07 (i/e (3erea"(er, .e 2a6"-2 "or (3e EE (o de(er/i0e (3e co0(rac(, 63ic3 de(er/i0a(io0 s3a22 carr7 6i(3 i( (3e "or"ei(-re o" (3e sec-ri(7 deposi( a0d (3e (o(a2 o" (3e a/o-0( 6i(3 3e2d -0der C2a-se 6, .e2o6, (o1e(3er 6i(3 (3e 8a2-e or s-c3 6or; as /a7 3a8e .ee0 e<ec-(ed a0d 0o( paid "or, or s-c3 propor(io0 o" s-c3 (o(a2 s-/s, as s3a22 .e assessed .7 (3e EE. R Ho6e8er, a07 a-(3ori(7 3i13er i0 ra0; (3a0 (3e EE /a7 i0 3is a.so2-(e discre(io0, 6ai8e or /odi"7 a07 pe0a2(7 or "or"ei(-re i/posed .7 (3e EE -0der (3e pro8isio0 o" c2a-seK C/ I", 3o6e8er, (3e EE 0o( I0 respec( o" E9C co0(rac(, 6i(3s(a0di01 (3e "ai2-re o" (3e pa7/e0(s are /ade as per pa7/e0( co0(rac(or (o co/p27 6i(3 (3e sc3ed-2e 1i8e0 i0 &00e<-re.II. T3e de/a0d re"erred (o i0 s-.)c2a-se pa7/e0( sc3ed-2e ca0 .e s-. >a o" (3is c2a-se or "ai2-re (o di8ided i0(o s-. co/po0e0(s. /ai0(ai0 (3e PRa(e o" pro1ressQ E-a0(i(ies are 0o( i0dica(ed i0 (3e speci"ied i0 (3e P&r(ic2es o" a1ree/e0( or .i22. I0 case o" a1ree/e0(Q p2-s a07 e<(e0sio0 o" e<ec-(io0 o" -0"i0is3ed 6or; o" (i/e (3a( /a7 3a8e .ee0 a22o6ed a1e0c7 (3e :-a0(i(ies 3a8e (o .e (o (3e co0(rac(or as de"i0ed i0 6or;ed o-( .7 (3e depar(/e0(. T3e C2a-se 5*, s3a22 per/i( (3e "o22o6i01 is (o .e adop(ed: co0(rac(or (o proceed 6i(3 (3e I. T3e de2e(io0 s3a22 .e i0 63o2e or par( a0d co0(i0-e a0d co0"or/i(7 6i(3 (3e s-. co/p2e(e (3e 63o2e or s-c3 par( o" co/po0e0(s a2read7 "i<ed. (3e 6or;, s-c3 per/issio0 s3a22 0o( i. I" (3e 0e6 a1e0c7 is 6i22i01 (o .e dee/ed (o .e a 6ai8er i0 a07 carr7 o-( 6or; a( (3e a/o-0( respec( .7 (3e EE o" (3e ri13( o" 0o( e<ceedi01 (3e s-.
"or"ei(-re -0der (3is c2a-se: co/po0e0( perce0(a1e o" 9ro8ided 3o6e8er (3a( a07 s-c3 ori1i0a2 a1e0c7 ie., 63ere "or"ei(-re -0der (3is s-. c2a-se s3a22 (3ere is 0o e<(ra 2ia.i2i(7 (o 0o( e<ceed 5 perce0( o" (3e (o(a2 o" 1o8er0/e0( (3e sa/e ca0 .e (3e co0(rac( a/o-0(. appro8ed .7 (3e e/p2o7er, 9ro8ided 3o6e8er (3a( a07 a-(3ori(7 irrespec(i8e o" /o0e(ar7 3i13er i0 ra0; (3a0 (3e EE /a7 i0 8a2-e. 3is a.so2-(e discre(io0 6ai8e or ii. I" (3e 0e6 a1e0c7 is 6i22i01 (o /odi"7 a07 pe0a2(7 or "or"ei(-re carr7 o-( (3e 6or; a0d (3e i/posed .7 (3e EE -0der (3e a/o-0( e<ceed (3e s-. pro8isio0s o" 3is c2a-se. co/po0e0( perce0(a1e o" ori1i0a2 a1e0c7, i" (3e c/ I( s3a22 .e a "-r(3er ri13( o" (3e EE, di""ere0ce is 6i(3i0 5J o" -0der (3is c2a-se, a( a07 (i/e (3e a1ree/e0( 8a2-e (3e sa/e PRa(e o" pro1ressQ i0 (3e a1ree/e0( /a7 .e e0(r-s(ed .7 (3e is 0o( /ai0(ai0ed, (o 1i8e a07 par( o" Co//i((ee co0s(i(-(ed "or (3e 6or; (o a07 o(3er co0(rac(or a( "i<i01 I.5.#. T3e di""ere0ce 3is discre(io0, i0 order (o /ai0(ai0 o" 5J is (o .e /ade 1ood (3e PRa(e o" pro1ressQ -po0 (3e "ro/ ori1i0a2 a1e0c7. co/p2e(io0 o" (3a( par( o" (3e 6or; iii. I" (3e a1e0c7 is 6i22i01 (o (3a( is 6i(3dra60, (3e EE s3a22 carr7 o-( (3e 6or; a0d (3e cer(i"7 (3e a/o-0( o" e<pe0di(-re a/o-0( e<ceed (3e s-. i0c-rred .7 (3e depar(/e0( 1e((i01 i( co/po0e0( perce0(a1e .7 5J co/p2e(ed .7 a0o(3er co0(rac(or or o" a1ree/e0( 8a2-e, a22 s-c3 co0(rac(ors. S3o-2d (3e a/o-0( so cases re:-ire prior appro8a2 o" cer(i"ied .e 2ess (3a0 (3e a/o-0( Go8er0/e0(. 63ic3 6o-2d 3a8e .ee0 die (o (3e co0(rac(or o0 (3e co/p2e(io0 o" (3a( par( o" (3e 6or; .7 3i/, (3e di""ere0ce s3a22 0o( .e paid (o (3e co0(rac(or. R s3o-2d 3o6e8er (3e "or/er e<ceed (3e 2a((er, (3e di""ere0ce s3a22 .e reco8ered "ro/ (3e co0(rac(or .7 (3e Go8er0/e0( pro8ided 3o6e8er (3a( s-c3 a reco8er7 s3a22 0o( e<ceed 5J o" (3e (o(a2 co0(rac( a/o-0(K. Note:, T3e co0(rac(or 63o /a;es a s(a0di01 sec-ri(7 deposi( o" Rs. 1,++,+++ >Rs. O0e 2a;3 6i(3 (3e CE -0der 63o/ 3e 6is3es (o (e0der "or 6or;s is e2i1i.2e "or co0cessio0a2 ra(es o" ear0es( /o0e7 deposi( a0d re(e0(io0 "ro/ .i22s. Ho6e8er "or (3e p-rpose o" "or"ei(-re -0der (3e a.o8e c2a-se,
sec-ri(7 deposi( 6i22 .e rec;o0ed a( (3e 0or/a2 ra(e, ass-/i01 (3a( (3ere is 0o s(a0di01 sec-ri(7 a0d 0o( a( (3e co0cessio0a2 ra(e.
P ="ent on lu"&su" C sis or C=Note/' un.er P/S/ 8( :in l "e sure"ent or unit &rices: a 9a7/e0( "or (3e 6or; do0e .7 (3e I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s (3e co0(rac(or 6i22 .e /ade o0 (3e /eas-re/e0(s s3a22 .e recorded .asis o" (3e /eas-re/e0(s .7 E9C a1e0c7 i0 #.5oo;s a0d recorded i0 (3e /eas-re/e0( L? 5oo;s iss-ed .7 (3e EE d-27 .oo;s or 2e8e2 "ie2d .oo;s .7 a0 cer(i"ied a0d 0-/.ered 63ic3 o""icer 0o( .e2o6 (3e ra0; o" (3e s3a22 .e c3ec;ed .7 (3e S-per8ise a0d c3ec; /eas-red .7 depar(/e0(a2 o""icers as de(ai2ed a0 o""icer 0o( .e2o6 (3e ra0; o" a0 i0 depar(/e0(a2 codes. &E. T3e /eas-re/e0(s 6i22 .e recorded a( (3e 8ario-s s(a1es o" (3e 6or;, 63i2e i( is i0 pro1ress, "or (3e proper assess/e0( o" (3e :-a0(i(ies o" 6or; do0e a0d a2so a"(er (3e 6or; is co/p2e(ed or 63e0 (3e co0(rac( is de(er/i0ed. T3e co0(rac(or or 3is a-(3orised a1e0( s3a22 .e prese0( a( (3e recordi01 o" eac3 se( o" /eas-re/e0( a0d c3ec; /eas-re/e0( a0d accep( (3e/, (3e0 a0d (3ere so as (o a8oid disp-(es a( a 2a(er s(a1e. T3e se( o" /eas-re/e0(s a0d c3ec; /eas-re/e0(s /a7 a2so .e (a;e0 .7 (3e depar(/e0( e8e0 i0 (3e a.se0ce o" (3e co0(rac(or or 3is a-(3orised a1e0(, (3ree da7s a"(er (3e iss-e o" a 0o(ice (o (3e 2a(er i0 6ri(i01 o" s-c3 i0(e0(io0 .7 (3e depar(/e0(. . I0 cases o" o8er pa7/e0( or 6ro01 pa7/e0( /ade, i" a07, (o (3e co0(rac(or d-e (o 6ro01 i0(erpre(a(io0 o" (3e pro8isio0s o" (3e co0(rac(, (3e &9SS or o(3er6ise, s-c3 -0a-(3oriDed pa7/e0( 6i22 .e ded-c(ed i0 (3e
s-.se:-e0( .i22s or "i0a2 .i22 o" (3e 6or;, or "ai2i01 (3a( "ro/ (3e .i22s -0der a07 o(3er co0(rac( 6i(3 (3e 1o8er0/e0( or a( a07 (i/e (3erea"(er, "ro/ 3is sec-ri(7 deposi(s a8ai2a.2e 6i(3 (3e depar(/e0(. c I( s3a22 .e accep(ed as a co0di(io0 o" (3e co0(rac( (3a( a pa7/e0( o" (3e "i0a2 .i22 (o (3e co0(rac(or 2ess (3e 6i(33e2d a/o-0( a0d 3is accep(a0ce (3ereo" s3a22 co0s(i(-(e a "-22 a0d a.so2-(e re2ease o" 1o8er0/e0( "ro/ a22 "-r(3er c2ai/s .7 (3e co0(rac(or -0der (3e co0(rac(.
P/S/ 87
n.No(e.1 -0der 9.S. 63 I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s (3e :-a0(i(ies are 0o( s3o60 as i0 co08e0(io0a2 T3e co0(rac(or is .o-0d (o e<ec-(e a22Sc3ed-2e.&. &s s-c3 pa7/e0( "or s-pp2e/e0(a2 i(e/s (3a( area07 e<(ra 6or; s3a22 .e re1-2a(ed as "o-0d esse0(ia2, i0cide0(a2 a0d-0der i0e8i(a.2e d-ri01 (3e e<ec-(io0 1 E0(r-s(/e0( o" (3e o" (3e 6or;, a( (3e ra(es (o .e addi(io0a2 i(e/s co0(i01e0( 6or;ed o-( as de(ai2ed .e2o6: (o (3e /ai0 6or; a0d 6i(3i0 (3e scope o" co0(rac( 6i22 a ?or a22 i(e/s o" 6or; i0 e<cess .e a-(3orised .7 (3e o" (3e :-a0(i(ies s3o60 i0 e/p2o7er a0d (3e co0(rac(or Sc3ed-2e.& o" (3e (e0der (3e s3a22 .e .o-0d (o e<ec-(e ra(es pa7a.2e "or s-c3 i(e/s s-c3 addi(io0a2 i(e/s a( 0o s3a22 .e ei(3er (3e (e0der ra(es e<(ra cos( (o (3e e/p2o7er or (3e s(a0dard sc3ed-2e o" ra(es a0d (3e cos( o" s-c3 i(e/s "or (3e i(e/s p2-s or /i0-s (3e s3a22 .e dee/ed (o 3a8e o8era22 (e0der perce0(a1e .ee0 i0c2-ded i0 (3e accep(ed .7 (3e co/pe(e0( co0(rac( price :-o(ed. a-(3ori(7 63ic3e8er is 2ess. . ?or (3e i(e/s direc(27 ded-c(i.2e 2 E0(r-s(/e0( o" addi(io0a2 "ro/ si/i2ar i(e/s i0 (3e i(e/s o" 6or; co0(i01e0( (o a1ree/e0(, (3e ra(es s3a22 .e /ai0 6or; a0d o-(side (3e deri8ed .7 addi01 (o or scope o" (3e co0(rac( 6i22 .e s-.(rac(i01 "ro/ (3e a1ree/e0( a-(3orised .7 (3e e/p2o7er ra(e o" s-c3 si/i2ar i(e/, (3e 6i(3 (3e prior appro8a2 o" cos( o" di""ere0ce i0 :-a0(i(7 o" (3e Go8er0/e0( a0d (3e /a(eria2 or 2a.o-r .e(6ee0 (3e co0(rac(or s3a22 .e .o-0d (o 0e6 i(e/s a0d (3e si/i2ar i(e/s e<ec-(e s-c3 addi(io0a2 i0 (3e a1ree/e0(, 6or;ed o-( i(e/s a0d s3a22 .e 6i(3 re"ere0ce (o (3e Sc3ed-2e co/pe0sa(ed a( (3e price o" ra(es adop(ed i0 (3e decided .7 (3e Go8er0/e0(. sa0c(io0ed es(i/a(e p2-s or /i0-s (3e o8er a22 (e0der 3 B3e0e8er addi(io0a2 i(e/s perce0(a1e. 0o( co0(i01e0( o0 (3e /ai0 c ?or 0e6 i(e/s 63ic3 do 0o( 6or; a0d o-(side (3e scope correspo0d (o a07 i(e/s i0 (3e o" ori1i0a2 co0(rac( are a1ree/e0(, (3e ra(es s3a22 .e (3e e0(r-s(ed (o (3e co0(rac(or, s(a0dard sc3ed-2e ra(e p2-s or e0(r-s(/e0( o" s-c3 i(e/s /i0-s (3e o8era22 (e0der a0d (3e price (o .e paid s3a22 perce0(a1e. .e re"erred (o (3e Go8er0/e0( "or "i0a2 T3e (er/ PS(a0dard sc3ed-2e o" decisio0. Ra(esQ -sed i0 (3e a.o8e s-. c2a-se >a , >. % >c /ea0s (3e sc3ed-2e o" ra(es o0 SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER
i. e/p2o7 o(3er par(ies (o carr7 o-( (3e addi(io0a2 6or; i0 (3e sa/e /a00er as pro8ided "or -0der C2a-se 4,, or ii. (3e co0(rac(or s3a22 e<ec-(e (3e 6or; -po0 6ri((e0 orders "ro/ (3e EE a0d (3e cos( o" 2a.o-r a0d /a(eria2s p2-s 1+ perce0( (3ereo0 s3a22 .e a22o6ed (3ere"ore, pro8ided (3a( (3e 8o-c3ers "or (3e 2a.o-r a0d /a(eria2s e/p2o7ed s3a22 3a8e .ee0 de2i8ered (o (3e EE or 3is represe0(a(i8e 6i(3i0 se8e0 da7s a"(er s-c3 6or; s3a22 3a8e .ee0 co/p2e(ed. I" (3e EE co0siders (3a( pa7/e0( "or s-c3 6or; o0 (3e .asis o" (3e 8o-c3ers prese0(ed is -0d-27 3i13, 3e s3a22 /a;e pa7/e0( i0 accorda0ce 6i(3 s-c3 8a2-a(io0 as 3e co0siders "air a0d reaso0a.2e a0d 3is decisio0 (o (3e /a((er s3a22 .e "i0a2, i" (3e a/o-0( i08o28ed i0 addi(io0a2 pa7/e0( is Rs.1,+++ or 2ess, "or eac3 occasio0 o0 63ic3 s-c3 addi(io0a2 6or;s s3a22 3a8e .ee0 a-(3orised. I" s-c3 a/o-0( e<ceeds Rs.1,+++ (3e co0(rac(or s3a22 3a8e (3e ri13( (o s-./i( (3e /a((er (o ar.i(ra(io0 -0der (3e pro8isio0 o" (3e ar.i(ra(io0 C2a-se $3. e I", i0 (3e opi0io0 o" (3e EE, a ra(e "or (3e addi(io0a2 6or; is 0o( capa.2e o" .ei01 proper27 arri8ed a( prior (o e<ec-(io0 o" 6or;, or i" (3e
6or; is 0o( capa.2e o" .ei01 proper27 /eas-red (3e/ (3e cos( a0d pa7/e0( (3ereo" s3a22 .e dea2( 6i(3 as pro8ided "or i0 (3e precedi01 s-. c2a-se >d >ii .
P ="ents n. certi:ic tes: 9a7/e0( 6i22 .e /ade (o (3e co0(rac(or -0der (3e cer(i"ica(e (o .e iss-ed a( reaso0a.2e "re:-e0( i0(er8a2s .7 (3e EE or .7 (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer. Bi(3i0 14 da7s o" (3e da(e o" eac3 cer(i"ica(e, a0 i0(er/edia(e pa7/e0( 6i22 .e /ade .7 (3e EE or (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer o" a s-/ e:-a2 (o *2J S>*6 T J i0 (3e case o" co0(rac(ors 63o 3a8e 2od1ed (3e s(a0di01 sec-ri(7 deposi( o" RRs.1,++,+++ >Rs.1.++ 2a;3s K o" (3e 8a2-e o" 6or;, as so cer(i"ied a0d (3e .a2a0ce o" $ T J, >3 T J i0 (3e case o" co0(rac(ors 63o 3a8e (3e s(a0di01 sec-ri(7 deposi( 6i22 .e 6i(3 3e2d a0d re(ai0ed as a sec-ri(7 "or (3e d-e "-2"i22/e0( o" (3e co0(rac(or. U0der (3e cer(i"ica(e (o .e iss-ed .7 (3e EE or (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer o0 (3e co/p2e(io0 o" (3e e0(ire 6or;s (3e co0(rac(or 6i22 recei8e (3e "i0a2 pa7/e0( o" a22 (3e /o0e7s d-e or pa7a.2e (o 3i/ -0der or .7 8ir(-e o" (3e co0(rac(or e<cep( ear0es( /o0e7 deposi( re(ai0ed as sec-ri(7 a0d a s-/ e:-a2 (o 2 T J o" (3e (o(a2 8a2-e o" (3e 6or; do0e, pro8ided (3ere is 0o reco8er7 "ro/ or "or"ei(-re .7 (3e co0(rac(or (o .e /ade -0der C2a-se 6+. T3e a/o-0( 6i(3 3e2d "ro/ (3e "i0a2 .i22 6i22 .e re(ai0ed -0der Pdeposi(sQ a0d paid (o (3e co0(rac(or (o1e(3er 6i(3 (3e ear0es( /o0e7 deposi( re(ai0ed as sec-ri(7 a"(er a period o" si< /o0(3s as a22 de"ec(s s3a22 3a8e .ee0 /ade 1ood accordi01 (o (3e (r-e i0(e0( a0d /ea0i01 (3ereo". Ho6e8er i0 (3e case o" 6or;s 2i;e co08e7a0ce o" /a(eria2s, s-pp27 o" /a(eria2s, s2i( c2eara0ce 63ere (3e "i<a(io0 o" o.ser8a(io0 period is 0o( 0ecessar7, (3e deposi( a/o-0( co-2d .e re"-0ded
Note/' un.er P/S/ 8+ I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s (3e a/o-0( reco8ered "ro/ (3e "i0a2 .i22s 6i22 .e re(ai0ed -0der deposi(s a0d paid (o1e(3er 6i(3 (3e E#' re(ai0ed, a"(er de"ec( 2ia.i2i(7 period as s(ip-2a(ed i0 (3e a1ree/e0( I0 case o" Irri1a(io0 'epar(/e0( 6or;s (3e de"ec( 2ia.i2i(7 period is (o .e (a;e0 as 2 6or;i01 ;3ari"" seaso0s or 24 /o0(3s 63ic3e8er is 3i13er.
a"(er (3e 6or; is co/p2e(ed i0 accorda0ce 6i(3 (3e (er/s o" (3e a1ree/e0(.
No cer(i"ica(e o" (3e EE or (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer s3a22 .e co0sidered co0c2-si8e e8ide0ce as (o (3e s-""icie0c7 o" a07 6or; or /a(eria2s or correc(0ess o" /eas-re/e0(s (o 63ic3 i( re2a(es, 0or s3a22 i( re2ie8e (3e co0(rac(or "ro/ 3is 2ia.i2i(7 (o( /a;e 1ood de"ec(s as pro8ided .7 (3e co0(rac(or. T3e co0(rac(or, 63e0 app27i01 "or a cer(i"ica(e, s3a22 prepare a s-""icie0(27 de(ai2ed .i22, .ased o0 (3e ori1i0a2 "i1-res o" :-a0(i(ies a0d ra(es i0 (3e co0(rac( >Sc3ed-2e. & (o (3e sa(is"ac(io0 o" (3e EE (o e0a.2e (3e EE or (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer (o c3ec; (3e c2ai/ a0d iss-e (3e cer(i"ica(e. T3e cer(i"ica(e as (o s-c3 o" (3e c2ai/s /e0(io0ed i0 (3e app2ica(io0 as are a22o6ed .7 (3e EE or (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer s3a22 .e iss-ed 6i(3i0 "o-r(ee0 da7s o" (3e app2ica(io0. No app2ica(io0 "or a cer(i"ica(e s3a22 .e /ade 6i(3i0 "o-r(ee0 o" a pre8io-s app2ica(io0. I0 ca2c-2a(i01 (3e a/o-0( o" eac3 i(e/ d-e (o co0(rac(or i0 e8er7 .i22 s-./i((i01 "or pa7/e0( -0der (3is co0(rac(, "rac(io0 o" .e2o6 "i8e paise s3a22 .e o/i((ed a0d "i8e paise or o8er s3a22 .e rec;o0ed as (e0 paise. I0 ca2c-2a(i01 (3e (o(a2 o0 eac3 .i22 a/o-0(i01 (o Rs.254) or /ore -0der (3is co0(rac(, "rac(io0s o" 2ess (3a0 3a2" r-pee
s3a22 .e disre1arded a0d 3a2" a r-pee a0d o8er s3a22 .e rec;o0ed as o0e r-pee. ST3e a.o8e c2a-se 6i22 0o( app27 (o co0(rac(s e0(ered i0(o "or desi10i01, /a0-"ac(-re, s-pp27 erec(io0, (es(i01 e(c., >/ec3a0ica2 co0(rac(s 63ere specia2 co0di(io0s are i0corpora(ed pro8idi01 "or re(e0(io0 o" 1+J o" (3e co0(rac( 8a2-e "or 12 /o0(3s a"(er (3e pa7/e0( -p(o *+J o0 erec(io0 a0d (es(i01U P/S/ 8Interest on "one= .ue to t<eNote /' un.er P/S/ 8-
contr ctorD
I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s (3e re(e0(io0 a/o-0( i0 e<cess o" 2.5 J o" 8a2-e o" 6or; do0e s3a22 .e No o/issio0 .7 (3e EE or (3e s-.re2eased a1ai0s( -0co0di(io0a2 5G di8isio0a2 o""icer (o a7 (3e a/o-0(i0 /-2(ip2es o" Rs. 25 2a;3s>i0 d-e -po0 cer(i"ica(es s3a22 8i(ia(e orrespec( o" co0(rac(s +o" Rs.1++ /a;e 8oid (3e co0(rac(, 0or s3a22 .ecrores a0d .e2o6 4 Rs.5+ 2a;3s>i0 co0(rac(or .e e0(i(2ed (o i0(eres(respec( o" co0(rac(s o" a.o8e -po0 a07 1-ara0(ee "-0d orRs.1++ Crores . T3e -0co0di(io0a2 pa7/e0(s i0 arrear, 0or -po0 a07irre8oca.2e 5G s3a22 .e "or (3e .a2a0ce 63ic3 /a7, o0 (3e "i0a2period (i22 (3e "i0a2 .i22 is paid. I0 se((2e/e0( o" 3is acco-0(s, .e "o-0d(3e "i0a2 .i22 2.5 J o" 8a2-e o" 6or; (o .e d-e (o 3i/. do0e is (o .e re(ai0ed a0d ;ep( -0der deposi(s. T3e sa/e s3a22 .e B3e0e8er 6i(33e2d a/o-0( reac3espaid a"(er de"ec( 2ia.i2i(7 period. Rs.1,+++ or a /-2(ip2e (3ereo", (3e co0(rac(or /a7, a( 3is op(io0 deposi( 6i(3 EE Rs.1,+++ or a /-2(ip2e (3ereo", i0 a07 o" (3e "or/s o" i0(eres( .eari01 sec-ri(ies reco10iDed "or (3e p-rpose .7 (3e &99B &cco-0(s code a0d s-.=ec( (o (3e pro8isio0s (3erei0 co0(ai0ed i0 63ic3 case i0 (3e e:-i8a2e0( 6i(3 3e2d a/o-0(s s3a22 .e paid (o 3i/ "or(3 6i(3. T3e co0(rac(or 6i22 .e per/i((ed (o e<ercise (3e op(io0 i0 (3is c2a-se, s-.=ec( o027 (o (3e co0di(io0 (3a( (3e ra(e o" pro1ress co0(ai0ed i0 (3e &r(ic2es o"
A"en."ent to Co.e :or EPC Bor!s un.er ?in nci l Co.e Vol/'
?in nci l co.e Article/2' Pro>ision s &er Co.e Contr cts: a. & Go8er0/e0( ser8a0( 63o i0c-rs e<pe0di(-re o0 .e3a2" o" (3e Go8er0/e0( /a7 3a8e (o e0(er i0(o a co0(rac( 6i(3 a pri8a(e "ir/ or a co0(rac(or "or (3e s-pp27 o" s(ores or (3e e<ec-(io0 o" a 6or;. T3e Go8er0/e0( a2so so/e(i/es e/p2o7 a perso0 o0 co0(rac( (o ser8e as a0 o""icer -0der (3e/ "or a de"i0i(e period. B3e0 e8er a co0(rac( is /ade .7 or o0 .e3a2" o" (3e 1o8er0/e0(, (3e (er/s o" (3e co0(rac( s3o-2d .e precise a0d de"i0i(e a0d (3ere s3o-2d .e 0o roo/ "or a07 a/.i1-i(7 or "or /isco0s(r-c(io0 o" a07 o" i(s pro8isio0s. 5e"ore "i0a227 e0(eri01 i0(o a co0(rac( o0 .e3a2" o" (3e Go8er0/e0(, (3e Go8er0/e0( ser8a0( co0cer0ed s3o-2d (a;e 2e1a2 a0d "i0a0cia2 ad8ice e<cep( i0 (3ose par(ic-2ar c2asses o" cases i0 re1ard (o 63ic3 (3e depar(/e0(a2 codes or (3e 1o8er0/e0(. Orders iss-ed "ro/ (i/e (o (i/e co0(ai0 c2ear a0d co/p2e(e i0s(r-c(io0s. Co0(rac(s "or (3e s-pp27 o" s(ores or (3e e<ec-(io0 o" 6or;s s3o-2d .e /ade as "ar as possi.2e o027 a"(er ope027 i08i(i01 a0d recei8i01 (e0ders "ro/ a22 63o 6is3 (o (e0der. S(a0dard "or/s o" (3e ra(es /e0(io0ed i0 (3e co0(rac(s s3o-2d .e -sed i0 a22 cases "or 63ic3 (3e7 3a8e .ee0
A"en."ent s &er EPC Note un.er Article 2'3 4 ?or e0(r-s(/e0( o" E9C co0(rac(s (3e Go8er0/e0( /a7 appro8e a pa0e2 o" "ir/s4a1e0cies .ased o0 cer(ai0 prescri.ed e2i1i.i2i(7 cri(eria. T3is e/pa0e2/e0( s3a22 .e re8ie6ed a( a periodici(7 o" 0o( /ore (3a0 2 7ears. I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s, 2i/i(ed (e0der s7s(e/ i08i(i01 .ids "ro/ (3e appro8ed pa0e2 o" "ir/s4a1e0cies -0der eac3 ca(e1or7 or ope0 (e0der s7s(e/ s3a22 .e "o22o6ed. T3e "or/ o" .id doc-/e0(s a0d co0(rac( "or/a( appro8ed specia227 "or E9C /ode o" 6or;s s3a22 .e -sed. I0 respec( o" pre):-a2i"ied a1e0cies, "i0a0cia2 .id e8a2-a(io0 s3a22 .e do0e. I0 respec( o" ope0 ca(e1or7 (e0ders, (ec30ica2 e8a2-a(io0 s3a22 .e do0e "irs( "o22o6i01 (3e cri(eria speci"ied i0 (3e .id doc-/e0( a0d "i0a0cia2 .id e8a2-a(io0 s3a22 .e do0e i0 respec( o" (3ose 63o are :-a2i"ied i0 (ec30ica2 .id e8a2-a(io0.
prescri.ed a0d (3e ra(es /e0(io0ed i0 (3e co0(rac(s s3o-2d .e s-.=ec(ed (o ade:-a(e prior scr-(i07. B3e0e8er i( is 2i;e27 (3a( a co0(rac(or 6i22 .e e0(r-s(ed 6i(3 a07 1o8er0/e0( proper(7 i0 co00ec(io0 6i(3 3is co0(rac(, a pro8isio0 s3o-2d .e i0ser(ed i0 (3e co0(rac( sa"e1-ardi01 (3e 1o8er0/e0( a1ai0s( 2oss or da/a1e i0 respec( o" a07 1o8er0/e0( proper(7 (3a( /a7 .e e0(r-s(ed (o 3i/ or 3is ser8a0(s. T3e Go8er0/e0( ser8a0( 63o e0(ers i0(o a co0(rac( o0 .e3a2" o" (3e 1o8er0/e0( a0d a2so 3is s-.ordi0a(es are respo0si.2e "or s(ric(27 e0"orci01 (3e (er/s o" (3e co0(rac( a0d "or seei01 (3a( 0o ac( is do0e (3a( 6o-2d (e0d (o 0-22i"7 or 8i(ia(e (3e co0(rac(. .. &ppe0di< C 4 co0(ai0s a 2is( o" (3e a-(3ori(ies e/po6ered (o e0(er i0(o co0(rac(s o0 .e3a2" o" (3e Go8er0or. &22 co0(rac(s i0 re1ard (o 63ic3 (3e 1o8er0/e0( 3a8e 0o( iss-ed a07 de"i0i(e r-2es or order as (o co0di(io0s, "or/s, e(c., a0d a22 co0(rac(s co0(ai0i01 -0-s-a2 co0di(io0s or i08o28i01 a07 -0cer(ai0 or i0de"i0i(e 2ia.i2i(7 s3o-2d o027 .e /ade a"(er o.(ai0i01 (3e specia2 sa0c(io0 o" (3e 1o8er0/e0(, 63o 6i22 o.(ai0 (3e 0ecessar7 2e1a2 a0d "i0a0cia2 ad8ice i0 eac3 case. B3e0e8er i( is
proposed, "or specia2 a0d e<cep(io0a2 reaso0s, (o a1ree (o a07 /a(eria2 8aria(io0 i0 (3e (er/s o" a0 e<is(i01 co0(rac( /ade o0 .e3a2" o" (3e Go8er0/e0(. T3e /a((er s3o-2d .e re"erred (o (3e Go8er0/e0( "or orders.
Article '87
I0 addi(io0 (o (3e "o-r /e(3ods o" e<ec-(io0 "i"(3 /e(3od is Bor;s are e<ec-(ed .7 o0e or i0(rod-ced "or e<ec-(io0 o" E9C o(3er o" (3e "o22o6i01 "o-r 6or;s. /e(3odsH >8 57 a0 a1ree/e0( i0 (3e "or/ i (3e depar(/e0(a2 /e(3od appro8ed .7 Go8er0/e0( "or ii piece 6or; co0(rac( E9C 6or;s. /e(3od iii (3e 2-/p s-/ co0(rac( I0 re1ard (o /e(3od >8 (3e de(ai2s /e(3od a0d are se( "or(3 c2ear27 i0 (3e "or/ o" i8 (3e sc3ed-2e co0(rac( ar(ic2es o" a1ree/e0(, (e0der /e(3od. 0o(ice a0d (e0der doc-/e0(s Un.er "et<o. 3i , (3e depar(/e0( co0cer0ed i(se2" e01a1es (3e 0ecessar7 dai27 2a.o-r a0d p-rc3ases or s-pp2ies (3e 0ecessar7 /a(eria2s. T3is /e(3od is adop(ed 63e0 0o co0(rac(or is a8ai2a.2e or 63e0 i( is co0sidered (o .e (3e /os( eco0o/ica2 /e(3od. Un.er "et<o. 3ii4, (3e piece 6or;er a1rees (o e<ec-(e a speci"ied 6or; or par( o" a 6or; as speci"ied ra(es 6i(3o-( re"ere0ce (o :-a0(i(7 or (3e (i/e (a;e0, a0d (3e depar(/e0( co0cer0ed arra01es "or (3e s-per8isio0, se((i01 o-( a0d /eas-ri01 o" a22 (3e 6or; do0e. &s a r-2e, (3is /e(3od s3o-2d 0o( .e adop(ed "or 6or;s o(3er (3a0 pe((7 6or;s >i0c2-di01 i/pro8e/e0(s a0d repairs . Un.er "et<o. 3iii4, (3e co0(rac(or a1rees (o e<ec-(e a co/p2e(e 6or; i0 accorda0ce 6i(3 (3e speci"ica(io0s "or a 2-/p s-/ pa7/e0(. T3is4+ appro8ed .7 Go8er0/e0(.
Un.er "et<o. 3i>4, (3e co0(rac(or a1rees (o e<ec-(e o0e or /ore o" (3e i(e/s i0c2-ded i0 a 6or; a( "i<ed ra(es, a0d (3e a/o-0( (o .e paid (o 3i/ depe0ds o0 (3e :-a0(i(7 a0d ;i0d o" 6or; do0e or /a(eria2s s-pp2ied. T3is /e(3od is i0 -se /ai027 i0 (3e ?ores( a0d &1ric-2(-ra2 'epar(/e0(s B3e0 /e(3od >ii , >iii or >i8 is adop(ed, specia2 care s3o-2d .e (a;e0 (o see (3a( (3e ra(es a0d a/o-0(s "i<ed are eco0o/ica2, 1i8i01 d-e co0sidera(io0 (o (3e a/o-0( a0d 0a(-re o" (3e 6or; (o( .e do0e. Note:) No sa2es (a< 0eed .e 2e8ied o0 occasio0a2 sa2es o" /a(eria2s .7 depar(/e0(s o" Go8er0/e0( (o a co0(rac(or i0 p-rs-a0ce o" (3e (er/s i0 (3e 0o(ice ca22i01 "or (e0ders a0d ac(-a227 -sed o0 (3e 6or;s -0der (3e pro8isio0s co0(ai0ed i0 (3is &r(ic2e. Ho6e8er, sa2es (a< s3a22 .e 2e8ied o0 (3e re1-2ar sa2es (o a co0(rac(or .7 (3e depar(/e0(s o" (3e prod-c(s prod-ced or /a0-"ac(-red .7 (3e/ s-c3 a sa2es .7 (3e ?ores( 'epar(/e0(, &1ric-2(-ra2 'epar(/e0( e(c.
Article '12
6e sure"ent Boo!: Note ' un.er Article '12: Go8er0/e0( ser8a0(s 1. I0 case o" E9C 6or;s, s3o-2d s(ric(27 o.ser8e (3e "o22o6i01 /eas-re/e0(s s3a22 .e 1e0era2 i0s(r-c(io0s i0 re1ard (o recorded .7 E9C a1e0c7 /eas-re/e0( .oo;sH) i0 #.5oo;s a0d L.?.5oo;s iss-ed .7 (3e 1. &22 /eas-re/e0(s s3o-2d .e co0cer0ed EE d-27 (a;e0 do60 0ea(27 i0 a 0-/.ered a0d cer(i"ied. /eas-re/e0( .oo; iss-ed "or T3e #.5oo;s a0d (3e p-rpose a0d 0o63ere L.?.5oo;s 3a8e (o .e e2se. No o0e /a7 record a07 /ai0(ai0ed .7 (3e E9C /eas-re/e0( i0 a a1e0c7 (3ro-13 /eas-re/e0( .oo; e<cep( a a-(3oriDed 1rad-a(e Go8er0/e0( ser8a0( 63o is e01i0eers as per e/po6ered (o /a;e proced-re prescri.ed i0 pa7/e0( "or (3e 6or; do0e Code a0d "i0a227 (o .e or a d-27 a-(3orised 3a0ded o8er (o (3e e<ec-(i8e s-.ordi0a(e i0 depar(/e0( >E01i0eer)i0) i//edia(e c3ar1e o" (3e c3ar1e . 6or; 63o 3as .ee0 s-pp2ied 2. I0 Ear(3 Bor; 6i(3 a /eas-re/e0( .oo;H E<ca8a(io0 a0d e/.a0;/e0( &E4&EEs 2. (3e 2i0es -0der co2-/0s >1 3a8e (o 8eri"7 a0d record (o >4 o0 eac3 pa1e, a. 143rd o" pre2e8e2s (a;e0 .e1i00i01 6i(3 (3e (op 2i0e, .7 E9C a1e0c7 s3o-2d i08aria.27 .e "i22ed -p .. 1++J 2e8e2s i0 case o" a( (3e 6or;. No 2i0e s3o-2d c-( o"" a0d "o-0da(io0s .e 2e"( .2a0;. &07 2i0es (3a( c . 25J o" i0(er/edia(e
are 0o( re:-ired o0 a07 pa1e s3o-2d .e care"-227 scored (3ro-13 so (3a( 0o addi(io0a2 e0(r7 ca0 .e /ade a"(er6ards. 3. Eac3 se( o" /eas-re/e0(s s3o-2d .e1i0 6i(3 e0(ries s3o6i01:) i/ in t<e c se o: Bor! a. "-22 0a/e o" 6or; as 1i8e0 i0 (3e es(i/a(e, .. si(-a(io0 o" 6or;, c. 0a/e o" co0(rac(or, d. 0-/.er a0d da(e o" 3is a1ree/e0(, i" a07, e. da(e o" co//e0ce/e0( o" 6or; >ie da(e o0 63ic3 si(e 6as 3a0ded o8er , ". da(e o" ac(-a2 co/p2e(io0 o" 6or;, a0d 1. da(e o" /eas-re/e0(H or
6or; do0e 2e8e2s d. 1++J "or "i0a2 2e8e2s recorded .7 E9C &1e0c7. e.&22 /eas-re/e0(s recorded .7 (3e E9C a1e0c7 i0 (3e #) 5oo;s iss-ed .7 (3e EE s3a22 .e c3ec;ed (o 1++J e<(e0( .7 &Es4&EEs ". 'EEs., EEs a0d SEs 3a8e (o c3ec; (3e a.o8e 2e8e2s a0d /eas-re/e0(s as per s(a0di01 coda2 pro8isio0s a0d orders. 3. B3ere8er E-a2i(7 Co0(ro2 a1e0cies are i0 e<is(e0ce, s-c3 a1e0c7 3as (o record i(s "i0di01s i0 # 5oo;s4L? 5oo;s .esides "-r0is3i01 cer(i"ica(es as prescri.ed separa(e27.
ii4/ in t<e c se o: " teri ls su&&lie./ a. 0a/e o" s-pp2ier, .. 0-/.er a0d da(e o" 3is a1ree/e0(, i" a07, or o" (3e order, c. p-rpose o" s-pp27, d. da(e o" 6ri((e0 order (o( .e1i0 s-pp2ies, e. da(e o" ac(-a2 co/p2e(io0 o" s-pp2ies, a0d ". da(e o" /eas-re/e0(. Eac3 se( o" /eas-re/e0(s s3o-2d e0d 6i(3 (3e da(ed si10a(-re a0d desi10a(io0 o" (3e Go8er0/e0( ser8a0( 63o (a;es (3e /eas-re/e0(s. &
s-i(a.2e a.s(rac( s3o-2d (3e0 .e prepared 63ic3 s3o-2d 63ic3 s3o-2d s3o6, i0 (3e case o" /eas-re/e0( "or 6or; do0e, (3e (o(a2 :-a0(i(7 o" eac3 dis(i0c( i(e/ o" 6or; re2a(i01 (o eac3 sa0c(io0ed s-. 3ead. 4. Si0ce a22 pa7/e0(s o" 6or; or s-pp2ies are .ased o0 (3e :-a0(i(ies recorded i0 (3e /eas-re/e0( .oo;, (3e 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( 63o (a;es (3e /eas-re/e0(s /-s( (a;e a22 possi.2e care (o record (3e :-a0(i(ies c2ear27 a0d acc-ra(e27. He 6i22 a2so .e 3e2d respo0si.2e "or (3e correc(0ess o" (3e e0(ries i0 (3e co2-/0 PCo0(e0(s or areaQ i0 respec( o" (3e /eas-re/e0( recorded .7 3i/. I" (3e /eas-re/e0(s are (a;e0 i0 co00ec(io0 6i(3 r-00i01 co0(rac( acco-0( o0 63ic3 6or; 3as .ee0 pre8io-s27 /eas-red, 3e 6i22 a2so .e 3e2d respo0si.2e "or recordi01 a re"ere0ce (o (3e 2as( se( o" /eas-re/e0(s o0 a r-00i01 acco-0(, or (3e "irs( a0d "i0a2 /eas-re/e0(, (3is "ac( s3o-2d .e s-i(a.27 0o(ed a1ai0s( (3e e0(ries i0 (3e #. 5oo;, a0d i0 (3e 2a(er case (3e ac(-a2 da(e o" co/p2e(io0 s3o-2d .e 0o(ed i0 (3e prescri.ed p2ace. T3e si10a(-re o" (3e co0(rac(or or 3is a1e0( s3o-2d .e o.(ai0ed i0 (3e # .5oo; a"(er eac3 se( o" /eas-re/e0(s .e2o6 (3e s(a(e/e0( PI accep( (3e /eas-re/e0(sQ. I" (3e co0(rac(or or 3is a1e0( is i22i(era(e, 3is (3-/. /ar;
5. E0(ries s3o-2d .e recorded co0(i0-o-s27 i0 (3e /eas-re/e0( .oo;. No pa1e s3o-2d .e 2e"( .2a0; or (or0 o-(. I" a pa1e is 2e"( .2a0; i0ad8er(e0(27 i( s3o-2d .e ca0ce22ed .7 dia1o0a2 2i0es as soo0 as (3is is 0o(iced a0d ca0ce22a(io0 s3o-2d .e a((es(ed .7 (3e da(ed i0i(ia2s o" (3e 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( co0cer0ed. 6. No eras-re is per/i((ed. I" a /is(a;e is /ade, (3e 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( 63o is respo0si.2e s3o-2d correc( i( a0d a((es( (3e correc(io0 .7 3is da(ed i0i(ia2s. B3e0 a07 /eas-re/e0(s are ca0ce22ed, (3e ca0ce22a(io0 /-s( .e a((es(ed .7 a re"ere0ce (o 3is orders i0s(a22ed .7 (3e 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( 63o (oo; (3e /eas-re/e0(s. I0 ei(3er case (3e reaso0 "or (3e ca0ce22a(io0 s3o-2d a26a7s .e recorded. $. E0(ries s3o-2d .e /ade, i" possi.2e, i0 i0; a0d o(3er6ise i0 i0de2i.2e pe0ci2. 9e0ci2 e0(ries s3o-2d 0e8er .e i0;ed o8er. E8er7 e0(r7 i0 (3e PCo0(e0(s or areaQ co2-/0 s3o-2d .e /ade i0 i0;.
ser8a0( i0 c3ar1e or i" s3o-2d ;eep (3e i0de< -p(o da(e. *. &( (3e (i/e o" pa7/e0(, (3e 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( 63o a-(3orises pa7/e0( s3o-2d dra6 a dia1o0a2 red i0; 2i0e across e8er7 pa1e co0(ai0i01 (3e de(ai2ed /eas-re/e0(s re2a(i01 (o (3e 6or; or s-pp2ies paid "or a0d s3o-2d record re"ere0ce (o (3e 0-/.er a0d da(e o" (3e 8o-c3er or s-. 8o-c3er o0 (3e a.s(rac( o" /eas-re/e0(s. 1+. T3e /eas-re/e0( .oo; s3o-2d .e prod-ced "or i0spec(io0 o0 re:-es( .7 (3e &G or a d-27 a-(3orised /e/.er o" 3is s(a"". 11. T3e Goi0( 'irec(or o" I0d-s(ries a0d Co//erce i0 (3e case o" (3e I0d-s(ries 'epar(/e0(, (3e 'is(ric( Co22ec(ors i0 (3e case o" (3e Re8e0-e 'epar(/e0( a0d (3e O""icer speci"ied "or (3is p-rpose i0 (3e co0cer0ed depar(/e0( /a0-a2s are co/pe(e0( (o dea2 6i(3 2osses o" /eas-re/e0( .oo;s. &22 2osses o" /eas-re/e0( .oo;s s3o-2d a( o0ce .e repor(ed (o (3e/ so (3a( (3e 2osses /a7 .e 6ri((e0 o"" a0d
0ecessar7 discip2i0ar7 ac(io0 (a;e0 a1ai0s( (3ose respo0si.2e "or (3e 2oss.
Article '11
Ai. to Contr ctors: Note un.er Article '11 No ad8a0ce s3o-2d .e paid (o a6et<o. 3>4 to Ce inserte. co0(rac(or e<cep( 6i(3 (3e specia2 sa0c(io0 o" (3e Go8er0/e0( or o" 1. I0 E9C co0(rac(s, #o.i2isa(io0 ad8a0ce 0o( e<ceedi01 5J o" (3e a co/pe(e0( a-(3ori(7 (o 63o/ co0(rac( 8a2-e is pa7a.2e a( (3e (3e7 3a8e de2e1a(ed po6er (o prescri.ed s(a1es o" e<ec-(io0. sa0c(io0 s-c3 ad8a0ces. #o.i2isa(io0 ad8a0ce o0 0e6 /ac3i0er7 a( (3e prescri.ed Go8er0/e0( ser8a0(s s3o-2d perce0(a1e o" (3e 8a2-e o" 0e6 /a;e e8er7 e0dea8or (o /ai0(ai0 /ac3i0er7 0o( e<ceedi01 5J o" a s7s(e/ -0der 63ic3 pa7/e0( is co0(rac( 8a2-e is pa7a.2e a1ai0s( prod-c(io0 o" ori1i0a2 i08oices i0 /ade o027 "or 6or; ac(-a227 proo" o" p-rc3ase o" (3e /ac3i0er7 .7 do0e. (3e co0(rac(or4 "ir/4 =oi0( 8e0(-re. B3e0, i0 e<cep(io0a2 circ-/s(a0ces, a Go8er0/e0( ser8a0( co0siders i( esse0(ia2 (o 1i8e a co0(rac(or a0 ad8a0ce, 3e s3o-2d app27 (o (3e co/pe(e0( a-(3ori(7 "or sa0c(io0. B3e0 e8er a07 s-c3 ad8a0ce is sa0c(io0ed, a22 (3e Go8er0/e0( ser8a0(s co0cer0ed s3o-2d (a;e (3e 0ecessar7 preca-(io0s (o sec-re (3e Go8er0/e0( a1ai0s( 2oss a0d (o pre8e0( (3e s7s(e/ "ro/ .eco/i01 1e0era2 or co0(i0-i01 2o01er (3a0 is 0ecessar7.
2. T3e i08oices s3o-2d .e i0 (3e 0a/e o" (3e co0(rac(or4"ir/4=oi0( 8e0(-re o027 a0d (3e 0e6 /ac3i0er7 s3o-2d 3a8e .ee0 p-rc3ased o027 a"(er (3e da(e o" co0c2-sio0 o" (3e a1ree/e0( "or (3e 6or;. 3. No /o.i2isa(io0 ad8a0ce is pa7a.2e o0 ac3i0er7 p-rc3ased .7 a0 i0di8id-a2 "ir/ i0 respec( o" =oi0( 8e0(-res (3o-13 (3a( i0di8id-a2 "ir/ is a par(0er i0 (3e =oi0( 8e0(-re. 4. T3e co0(rac(or 4"ir/4 =oi0( 8e0(-re s3o-2d s-./i( a0 -0der(a;i01 (o (3e e""ec( (3a( (3e7 3a8e 0o( o.(ai0ed a07 /o.i2isa(io0 ad8a0ce "ro/ (3e 1o8er0/e0( a1ai0s( (3e /ac3i0er7 "or 63ic3 (3e7 are prese0(27 c2ai/i01 pa7/e0( o" /o.i2isa(io0 ad8a0ce. T3is is (o e0s-re (3a( /o.i2isa(io0 ad8a0ce is paid o027 o0ce a1ai0s( o0e p-rc3ase. &07 6ro01 dec2ara(io0, 63e0 co/es (o 2i13(, e0(ai2s reco8er7 o" (3e e0(ire a/o-0( paid 6i(3 pe0a2 i0(eres( i0 a 2-/p "ro/ (3eir i//edia(e 0e<( 6or; .i22 apar( "ro/ i0s(i(-(i01 o(3er prescri.ed pe0a2 ac(io0s. 5. 9a7/e0( o" /o.i2isa(io0 ad8a0ce is a2so per/issi.2e o0 ordered /ac3i0er7 6i(3 appro8a2 o" Go8er0/e0(. 6. Reco8er7 o" /o.i2isa(io0 ad8a0ce a2o01 6i(3 i0(eres( s3a22 .e /ade as per pro8isio0s o" (3e co0(rac(.
Article '+2
A."inistr ti>e A&&ro> l n. Tec<nic l S nction: >a E<cep( (o (3e e<(e0( (3a( (3e po6er (o accord ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2 3as .ee0 de2e1a(ed (o s-.ordi0a(e a-(3ori(ies, as s3o60 i0 &ppe0di< 12 e8er7 ori1i0a2 6or; >i0c2-di01 a /i<ed 6or;s o" (3e ;i0d descri.ed i0 &r(ic2e 14$ 63ic3 is a22o((ed (o (3e 9B' re:-ired (3e ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2 is re:-ired "or a 6or; 63ic3 co/prises o027 ordi0ar7 or specia2 repairs. >. &22 proposa2s "or (3e co0s(r-c(io0 o" co/po-0d 6a22s, reco0s(r-c(io0 o" co22apsed co/po-0d 6a22s, i/pro8e/e0(s (o e<is(i01 o0s as 6e22 as proposa2 "or (3e pro8isio0 o" iro0 6ire "e0ci01 re:-ire (3e appro8a2 o" (3e 1o8er0/e0( e8e0 i" (3e e<pe0di(-re (3ereo0 co-2d .e /e( "ro/ (3e P#i0or Bor;sQ 1ra0(. 5-( (3eir appro8a2 is 0o( 0ecessar7 i0 (3e case o" par( reco0s(r-c(io0 o" a co/po-0d 6a22 63ic3 /a7 .e do0e -0der PRepairsQ. >c 'e(ai2ed p2a0s a0d es(i/a(es s3o-2d .e prepared a0d s-./i((ed (o (3e 1o8er0/e0( or o(3er co/pe(e0( a-(3ori(7 "or (ec30ica2 sa0c(io0 i0 respec( o" e8er7 6or; a22o((ed (o (3e 9B' -02ess i( is a pe((7 6or; cos(i01 Rs.1,+++ or 2ess, or co/prises
T3e es(i/a(e s3a22 .e prepared .ased o0 a8ai2a.2e pre2i/i0ar7 da(a, (3e scope o" 6or;s a0d pro=ec( para/e(ers (a;i01 i0(o co0sidera(io0 (3e poi0(s /e0(io0ed i0 9ara 3*+ a0d d-27 "-r0is3i01 appro<i/a(e "i0a0cia2 .rea; -p o" co/po0e0( par(s as e08isa1ed i0 9ara 1+1 o" &.9.9.B P'Q Code a0d s-./i((ed i0 case o" 6or;s (o .e (a;e0 -p -0der E9C "or accordi01 &d/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2.
o027 ordi0ar7 repair "or 63ic3 a 2-/ps-/ pro8isio0 0o( e<ceedi01 Rs.1,+++ is /ade a00-a227. T3e e<(e0( o" (3e po6ers de2e1a(ed (o s-.ordi0a(e a-(3ori(ies (o accord (ec30ica2 sa0c(io0 is s3o60 i0 &ppe0di<.12.
>d T3e de(ai2ed p2a0s a0d es(i/a(es "or a 6or; s3o-2d .e prepared .e"ore ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2 is so-13( 63e0 (3e es(i/a(ed cos( o" (3e 6or; is 2ess (3a0 Rs.5,+++ .-( o027 a"(er ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2 3as .ee0 accorded 63e0 (3e es(i/a(ed cos( prepared i0 (3e "irs( i0s(a0ce 63e0 (3e es(i/a(ed cos( o" a 6or; is Rs.5,+++ or /ore, a0d s3o-2d .e s-./i((ed (o (3e a-(3ori(7 co/pe(e0( (o accord ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2 a2o01 6i(3 a repor( o0 (3e 0ecessi(7 "or (3e 6or;. O0 receip( o" ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2 (o 6or;s cos(i01 .e2o6, Rs.5+,+++ (3e 9B' s3o-2d prepare a de(ai2ed es(i/a(es a0d p2a0s a0d a"(er (3e pro"essio0a2 a-(3ori(ies are sa(is"ied (3a( (3e proposa2s are s(r-c(-ra227 so-0d, (3e co-0(ersi10ed o" (3e 3ead o" (3e depar(/e0( or o" (3e 2oca2 3ead o" (3e depar(/e0( 63o app2ied "or (3e e<ec-(io0 o" (3e 6or; s3o-2d .e o.(ai0ed (o (3e p2a0s a0d es(i/a(es i0 (o;e0 o" appro8a2. Tec30ica2 sa0c(io0 s3o-2d (3e0 .e accorded. I0 (3e case o" (3e 6or;s cos(i01 Rs.5+,+++ a0d a.o8e, (3e proced-re i0dica(ed .e2o6 s3o-2d .e o.ser8ed. &s soo0 as possi.2e a"(er ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2 is o.(ai0ed (o a07 s-c3 .-i2di01 sc3e/e, de(ai2ed p2a0s a0d es(i/a(e s3o-2d .e prepared 6i(3 2-/ps-/ pro8isio0 "or e2ec(rica2 a0d sa0i(ar7 "i((i01s. B3e0 (3e de(ai2ed p2a0s are
s3o-2d co0s-2( (3e 3ead o" (3e depar(/e0( 63o s3o-2d i0 3is (-r0, o.(ai0 (3e ad8ice o" a0d circ-2a(e p2a0s (o, e<perie0ced o""icer o" 3is depar(/e0(. T3e 3ead o" depar(/e0( s3o-2d a2so co0sider specia227 s-c3 poi0(s as 2a7o-( a0d orie0(a(io0 o" (3e .-i2di01 o0 (3e si(e 6i(3 a0 e7e o0 sa0i(a(io0, 6a(er a0d e2ec(ric s-pp2ies a0d (3e s-i(a.i2i(7 a0d eco0o/7 or arra01e/e0( o" (3e .-i2di01. T3e co0s-2(i01 &rc3i(ec( (o 1o8er0/e0( s3o-2d ascer(ai0 (3e e<ac( re:-ire/e0( "ro/ (3e HO' a0d i0corpora(e (3e/ i0 (3e .-i2di01 p2a0s 63ic3 are (3e0 (o .e co-0(ersi10ed. S-c3 appro8ed p2a0s co-0(ersi10ed .7 (3e HO' s3o-2d 0o( .e a2(ered s-.se:-e0(27 6i(3o-( (3e sa0c(io0 o" (3e 1o8er0/e0(. &s soo0 as (3e p2a0s 3a8e .ee0 co-0(ersi10ed, (3e EE s3o-2d i//edia(e27 proceed (o o.(ai0 (ec30ica2 sa0c(io0 co//-0ica(i01 a( (3e sa/e (i/e copies o" (3e cer(i"ied p2a0s (o (3e E2ec(rica2 E01i0eer >Ge0era2 a0d i0 cases i0 63ic3 (3e sa0i(ar7 e01i0eer 3as (o .e co0s-2(ed, (o (3e Sa0i(ar7 E01i0eer a2so "or "-r(3er 1-ida0ce i0 (3e prepara(io0 o" de(ai2ed p2a0s a0d es(i/a(es "or e2ec(rica2 a0d sa0i(ar7 i0s(a22a(io0s. I", (3e prepara(io0 o" de(ai2ed es(i/a(es i( is "o-0d (3a( (3e cos( 6i22 e<ceed (3e es(i/a(e ad/i0is(ra(i8e27 appro8ed .7 /ore (3a0 1+ perce0(, re8ised ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2 /-s( .e o.(ai0ed .e"ore (ec30ica2 sa0c(io0 ca0 .e accorded. Note:,
I0 re1ard (o a07 6or; >cos(i01 Rs.5+,+++ or /ore o" co0s(r-c(io0, reco0s(r-c(io0, e<(e0sio0 or i/pro8e/e0( o" a /edica2 .-i2di01, (3e specia2 r-2es co0(ai0ed i0 &ppe0di<.13 s3o-2d .e "o22o6ed.
#e(3ods o" e<ec-(i01 6or;s: T3e "o22o6i01 para (o .e added T3e piece 6or; co0(rac( /e(3od >seeI0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s (3e &r(ic2e 63 s3o-2d ordi0ari27 .e -sed/e(3od o" e<ec-(io0 s3a22 .e as o027 "or 6or;s >i0c2-di01per (3e pro8isio0s o" a1ree/e0(. i/pro8e/e0(s a0d repairs cos(i01 0o( /ore (3a0 Rs.2,5++ i( /a7 a2so .e -sed "or a 6or; o" i/pro8e/e0(s a0d 4 or repairs cos(i01 o8er Rs. 2,5++, 63e0 (3a( is co0sidered desira.2e, .-( (3e reaso0s "or doi01 so s3o-2d .e recorded. I0 (3e sc3ed-2ed areas or a07 o(3er (rac( 63ere sa(is"ac(or7 co0(rac(ors -0der (3e 2-/p s-/ co0(rac( /e(3od are 0o( a8ai2a.2e, (3e piece 6or; co0(rac( /e(3od /a7 .e adop(ed e8e0 "or ori1i0a2 6or;s cos(i01 o8er Rs.2,5++ eac3.T3e 0ecessar7 de(ai2s i0 re1ard (o (3e 2-/p s-/ co0(rac( /e(3od are se( "or(3, c2ear27 i0 (3e pre2i/i0ar7 speci"ica(io0 o" (3e 'e(ai2ed S(a0dard Speci"ica(io0s, (3e s(a0dardiDed "or/s o" ar(ic2es o" a1ree/e0(, (e0der 0o(ice a0d (e0der /e0(io0ed i0 (3ose speci"ica(io0s, a0d (3e prescri.ed i0(er/edia(e a0d "i0a2 .i22 "or/s. I08i(a(io0 (o Te0der: 5e"ore a 6or; is 1i8e0 o0 co0(rac(, (3e 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( 63o is co/pe(e0( (o e0(er i0 co0(rac( o0 .e3a2" o" (3e 1o8er0/e0( s3o-2d 3a8e (3e 0ecessar7 Pco0(rac( doc-/e0(sQ prepared. He s3o-2d i08aria.27 i08i(e (e0ders 63e0 (3e a/o-0( i08o28ed i0 (3e co0(rac( is Rs.2,5++ or /ore -02ess a co/pe(e0( a-(3ori(7 3as 1i8e0 specia2 per/issio0 (o dispe0se 6i(3 (e0ders. B3e0 (3e a/o-0( i08o28ed is 2ess (3a0 Rs 2,5++ (3e a-(3ori(7 co/pe(e0( (o sa0c(io0 (3e 6or; 3as discre(io0 (o decide 63e(3er or 0o(
Article '-(
Note/0 un.er Article '-( I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s .id doc-/e0(s appro8ed .7 Go8er0/e0( s3a22 .e adop(ed "or i08i(i01 (e0ders.
(e0der s3o-2d .e i08i(ed, as see/s desira.2e i0 eac3 case. & 6or; /-s( 0o( .e sp2i( -p i0(o par(s or so/e o" 63ic3 cos( 2ess (3a0 Rs.2,5++ 6i(3 a 8ie6 (o 1i8i01 co0(rac(s 6i(3o-( ca22i01 "or (e0ders s3o-2d i08aria.27 .e i08i(ed as p-.2ici(7 as possi.2e e1., .7 ad8er(ise/e0( i0 (3e &9 GaDe((ee a0d (3e 2oca2 0e6spaper a0d .7 pos(i01 a 0o(ice i0 E012is3 a0d (3e I0dia0 2a01-a1es -sed i0 (3e 0ei13.o-r3ood i0 p-.2ic p2aces, a0d i0(e0di01 (e0derers s3o-2d .e 1i8e0 "ree access (o copies o" (3e co0(rac( doc-/e0(s. T3e 0o(ice s3o-2d a26a7s s(a(e. >i B3e0 a0d 63ere (3e co0(rac( doc-/e0(s ca0 .e see0 a0d (3e .2a0; "or/s o" (e0der o.(ai0ed, a0d (3e c3ar1e "or a se( o" p2a0s or o(3er (e0der doc-/e0(sH B3e0 a0d 63ere (3e (e0ders are (o .e s-./i((ed a0d are (o .e ope0ed >i" (3e co0(rac( is a 2ar1e o0e, (3e 2a(es( da(e or (3e s-./issio0 o" (e0der s3o-2d .e a(2eas( a /o0(3 a"(er (3e da(e 63e0 p-.2ici(7 is "irs( 1i8e0 (o (3e i08i(a(io0 (o (e0der H T3e a/o-0( o" ear0es( /o0e7 (3a( s3o-2d .e se0( 6i(3 (3e (e0der a0d (3e a/o-0( a0d 0a(-re o" (3e sec-ri(7 deposi( (o .e /ade .7 (3e s-ccess"-2 (e0derer >(3e a/o-0( o" ear0es( /o0e7 "or ei(3er a piece 6or; co0(rac( or a 2-/ps-/ co0(rac(, a0d (3e addi(io0a2 sec-ri(7 re:-ired "ro/ (3e s-ccess"-2 (e0derer "or a
2-/ps-/ co0(rac( s3o-2d eac3 .e 2 T perce0( o" (3e sa0c(io0ed es(i/a(e "i1-re 63e0 (3e co0(rac( is "or (3e 63o2e o" a 6or; o" 2 T perce0( o" (3e es(i/a(ed a/o-0( o" (3e co0(rac( 63e0 i( is o027 "or par( o" (3e 6or; i0c2-ded i0 (3e es(i/a(e H a0d >ii B3o or 63a( a-(3ori(7 3as po6er (o decide as (o (3e accep(a0ce o" a (e0der.
9o6er s3o-2d a26a7s .e reser8ed (o re=ec( a07, or a22, or (3e (e0ders recei8ed 6i(3o-( (3e assi10/e0( o" a07 reaso0, a0d (3is s3o-2d .e e<press27 s(a(ed i0 e8er7 i08i(a(io0 (o (e0der. No (e0der s3o-2d .e accep(ed "ro/ a07 perso0 direc(27 or i0direc(27 co00ec(ed 6i(3 1o8er0/e0( ser8ice. T3e (e0ders s3o-2d .e ope0ed i0 (3e prese0ce o" a07 o" (3e (e0derers or (3eir a-(3orised a1e0(s 63o are prese0( a( (3e 0o(i"ied (i/e a0d p2ace. T3e 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( 63o ope0s (3e (e0ders s3o-2d i0i(ia2 e8er7 correc(io0 i0 eac3 (e0der 63ic3 3as .ee0 i0i(ia2ed .7 (3e (e0der, i" (3ere is a07 correc(io0 i0 a (e0der i(se2" 63e0 i( is ope0ed. He s3o-2d ;eep a perso0a2 0o(e o" (3e (o(a2 0-/.er o" (e0ders ope0ed .7 3i/ a0d c3ec; i( 6i(3 (3e 0-/.er s3o60 i0 (3e co/para(i8e s(a(e/e0( or (e0ders. &"(er (3e receip( o" (3e co/para(i8e s(a(e/e0( a0d .e"ore (3e se2ec(io0 o" a (e0derer, (3e o""icer co0cer0ed
s3o-2d e<a/i0e a22 (3e (e0ders a0d sa(is"7 3i/se2" (3a( 0o correc(io0s 63ic3 6ere 0o( i0 (3e (e0ders a( (3e (i/e 3e recei8ed (3e/ 3a8e .ee0 /ade i0 a07 o" (3e/. No(e.1:) T3e r-2e (3a( (e0ders s3o-2d .e i08i(ed 63e0 (3e a/o-0( i08o28ed i0 a co0(rac( is 0o( 2ess (3a0 Rs.2,5++ app2ies (o i. Co0(rac(s "or (3e e<ec-(io0 o" 6or; i0c2-di01 s-pp27 o" /a(eria2s "or s-c3 6or;s .7 (3e co0(rac(ors (3e/se28es, .-( 0o( co0(rac(s i08o28i01 o027 (3e s-pp27 o" /a(eria2s >o(3er (3a0 road :-arr7 /a(eria2s or (oo2s a0d p2a0(H a0d ii. Co0(rac(s "or (3e s-pp27 o" road :-arr7 /a(eria2s.
Note/(:, No(ice ca22i01 "or (e0ders s3o-2d i08aria.27 .e p-.2is3ed i0 pro/i0e0( 2oca2 0e6spapers i0 respec( o" a22 6or;s cos(i01 o8er Rs.1,++,+++. Note/7:, I0 (3e case o" road 6or; i0 (3e sc3ed-2ed areas, (3e EE /a7, i" 3e (3i0;s i( desira.2e (o do so, re"rai0 "ro/ ca22i01 "or (e0ders e8e0 63e0 (3e a/o-0( i08o28ed e<ceeds Rs. 2,5++ .-( i" 3e does 0o( ca22 "or (e0ders "or s-c3 a 6or;, 3e s3o-2d record 3is reaso0s.
Article '-7
Acce&t nce o: Ten.ers: Note/' un.er Article '-7 &s a r-2e, 0o (e0der "or (3e T3e proced-re prescri.ed .7 e<ec-(io0 o" a 6or; s3o-2d .e Go8er0/e0( "or accep(a0ce o" recei8ed -02ess (3e (e0derer (e0ders i0 respec( o" E9C s3a22 prese0(s a2o01 6i(3 i( a c3a22a0 .e "o22o6ed. s3o6i01 (3a( 3e 3as paid i0(o (3e (reas-r7 or (3e .a0; (3e ear0es( /o0e7 0o(i"ied as 0ecessar7 i0 (3e (e0der 0o(ice. T3e Go8er0/e0( ser8a0( 63o 3as (o se2ec( (e0der "or accep(a0ce s3o-2d (a;e i0(o co0sidera(io0 (3e "i0a0cia2 s(a(-s o" eac3 (e0derer, 3is capa.i2i(7, (3e sec-ri(7 63ic3 3e o""ers a0d 3is record i0 re1ard (o (3e e<ec-(io0 or o(3er 6or;s. B3e0 o(3er co0di(io0s are e:-a2, 3e s3o-2d accep( (3e 2o6es( (e0der. I" (3e accep(s a (e0der o(3er (3a0 (3e 2o6es(, 3e s3o-2d ;eep a co0"ide0(ia2 record o" 3is reaso0s "or doi01 so a0d s3o-2d prod-ce (3is record "or per-sa2 .7 (3e &G or a d-27 a-(3orised /e/.er o" 3is s(a"", i" re:-es(ed (o do so. 'epar(/e0(a2 i0spec(i01 o""icers s3o-2d a2so e<a/i0e e8er7 case o" accep(a0ce o" a (e0der o(3er (3a0 (3e 2o6es(, a0d repor( (o (3e 3i13er a-(3ori(ies a07 s-c3 case "or 63ic3, i0 (3e opi0io0 o" (3e i0spec(i01 o""icer, (3ere 6as 0o s-""icie0( =-s(i"ica(io0. T3e accep(a0ce or re=ec(io0 o" a (e0der is a /a((er 6i(3i0 (3e discre(io0 o" (3e 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( (o 63o/ (3e d-(7 is e0(r-s(ed, a0d 0o (e0derer s3o-2d .e (o2d (3e reaso0s "or re=ec(i01 3is (e0der. B3e0 i( is co0sidered desira.2e (o do so, a s-perior a-(3ori(7 or (3e &G or a d-27 a-(3orised /e/.er o" 3is s(a"" 6i22 ca22 o0 (3e 1o8er0/e0(
ser8a0( 63o dea2( 6i(3 (3e (e0ders (o =-s(i"7 (3e /a00er i0 63ic3 3e e<ercised 3is discre(io0 a0d /a7 re:-ire 3i/ (o s(a(e 3is reaso0s "or re=ec(i01 a07 par(ic-2ar (e0der. B3e0 (e0ders 3a8e .ee0 i08i(ed "or a 6or; i0 accorda0ce 6i(3 &r(ic2e 1*2 a0d (3ere is 0o respo0se or a22 (3e (e0ders recei8ed are re=ec(ed as .ei01 -0sa(is"ac(or7 a0d i( is co0sidered (3a( a ca22 "or "-r(3er (e0ders 6o-2d .e "r-i(2ess or i0 -0desira.2e, (3e 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( 63o is co/pe(e0( (o accep( a (e0der "or (3e 6or; /a7 se2ec( a co0(rac(or a0d a22o( (3e 6or; (o 3i/ a"(er o.(ai0i01 (3e sa0c(io0 o" 3is i//edia(e27 s-perior a-(3ori(7. Article '-2 A#ree"ent Bit< contr ctors: a. Ra(es i0 e<cess o" (3ose s(a(ed i0 a0 a1ree/e0( /-s( o0 0o acco-0( .e paid, si0ce (3e pa7/e0( o" ra(es 0o( d-e -0der (3e co0(rac( 6o-2d 0-22i"7 i(. T<e :olloBin# s< ll Ce ..e. CeloB $:% 1. E0(r-s(/e0( o" (3e addi(io0a2 i(e/s co0(i01e0( (o (3e /ai0 6or; a0d 6i(3i0 (3e scope o" co0(rac( 6i22 .e a-(3orised .7 (3e e/p2o7er a0d (3e co0(rac(or s3a22 .e .o-0d (o e<ec-(e s-c3 addi(io0a2 i(e/s a( 0o e<(ra cos( (o (3e e/p2o7er a0d (3e cos( o" s-c3 i(e/s s3a22 .e dee/ed (o 3a8e .ee0 i0c2-ded i0 (3e co0(rac( price :-o(ed.
.. B3e0 a piece 6or; co0(rac(or re"-ses (o e<ec-(e a07 6or; a( (3e ra(es s(a(ed i0 3is piece 6or; a1ree/e0(, (3e 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( i0c3ar1e o" (3e 6or; s3o-2d (er/i0a(e (3e a1ree/e0( a0d 3a8e (3e 6or; a2read7 do0e 2.E0(r-s(/e0( o" addi(io0a2 /eas-red -p a0d paid "or a( i(e/s o" 6or; co0(i01e0( (o (3e ra(es i0c2-ded i0 (3e /ai0 6or; a0d o-(side (3e sa0c(io0ed a1ree/e0(. He scope o" (3e co0(rac( 6i22 .e s3o-2d a2so "or"ei( (3e a-(3orised .7 (3e e/p2o7er co0(rac(orMs sec-ri(7 6i(3 (3e prior appro8a2 o" (3e accordi01 (o (3e (er/s o" (3e Go8er0/e0( a0d (3e a1ree/e0(, -02ess a co0(rac(or s3a22 .e .o-0d (o co/pe(e0( a-(3ori(7 orders e<ec-(e s-c3 addi(io0a2 i(e/s (3a( (3e "or"ei(-re .e 6ai8ed. a0d s3a22 .e co/pe0sa(ed a(
He s3o-2d 0o( e0(er i0(o a07 co0(rac( "or (3e e<ec-(io0 " (3e re/ai0i01 6or; a( 3i13er ra(es, -02ess 3e 3as p-.2ici(7 i08i(ed (e0ders a0d o.(ai0ed (3e /os( "a8o-ra.2e ra(es, (3a( are a8ai2a.2e. No(e:) I0 (3e case o" 6or;s e<ec-(ed .7 (3e 9B' i" i( is 0ecessar7, i0 a07 case, (o 1i8e o-( (3e .a2a0ce o" 6or; a( 3i13er ra(es (o a0o(3er co0(rac(or 6i(3o-( ca22i01 "or ope0 (e0ders 63e(3er o0 acco-0( o" -r1e0c7 or a07 o(3er reaso0s, (3e pre8io-s appro8a2 o" (3e SE s3o-2d .e o.(ai0ed 63ere (3e c. &s a 1e0era2 r-2e, 0o ra(e s(a(ed i0 a0 accep(ed a1ree/e0( s3o-2d .e re8ised 63i2s( (3e a1ree/e0( is i0 "orce. B3e0 (3e 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( i0c3ar1e o" a 6or; co0siders i( desira.2e "or 1ood a0d s-""icie0( reaso0s, (o re8ise a ra(e s(a(ed i0 a c-rre0( a1ree/e0(, 3e s3o-2d app27 "or (3e sa0c(io0 o" (3e a-(3ori(7 0e<( a.o8e (3a( 63ic3 accep(ed (3e ori1i0a2 a1ree/e0(. I" (3e re8isio0 is sa0c(io0ed, 3e s3o-2d p2ace o0 record 6i(3 (3e a1ree/e0( (3e reaso0s "or (3e re8isio0 a0d i(s e""ec( i0 (3e (o(a2 a/o-0( o" 6or; (o .e do0e -0der eac3 i(e/ co0cer0ed a0d -0der (3e a1ree/e0( as a 63o2e. B3e0e8er a re8ised ra(e is sa0c(io0ed i0 co00ec(io0 6i(3 a0 a1ree/e0(, i( 6i22 (a;e e""ec( o027 "ro/ (3e da(e o" accordi01 sa0c(io0 -02ess (3e sa0c(io0i01 a-(3ori(7 speci"ica227 orders (3a( i( s3o-2d .e 1i8e0 re(rospec(i8e e""ec(. d. I0 e8er7 case "a22i01 -0der
(3e price decided .7 (3e Go8er0/e0(. 3. 3 B3e0e8er addi(io0a2 i(e/s 0o( co0(i01e0( o0 (3e /ai0 6or; a0d o-(side (3e scope o" ori1i0a2 co0(rac( are e0(r-s(ed (o (3e co0(rac(or, e0(r-s(/e0( o" s-c3 i(e/s a0d (3e price (o .e paid s3a22 .e re"erred (o (3e Go8er0/e0( "or "i0a2 decisio0.
C2a-se >. or >c a.o8e, (3e 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( co0cer0ed /-s( s(ric(27 co/p27 6i(3 a22 (3e r-2es app2ica.2e (o (3e re8isio0 o" (3e es(i/a(e.
e. &07 correc(io0 /ade i0 a0 a1ree/e0( s3o-2d .e a((es(ed 6i(3 da(ed i0i(ia2s .7 .o(3 (3e 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( 63o accep(ed (3e ori1i0a2 a1ree/e0( a0d (3e co0(rac(or, i0 order (o i0dica(e accep(a0ce o" (3e a2(ered ra(e a0d a2so 6i(3 a 8ie6 (o pre8e0(i01 a07 (a/peri01 6i(3 a1ree/e0(s a"(er appro8a2. ". & 1o8er0/e0( ser8a0( i0c3ar1e o" a 6or; s3o-2d 0o( order a07 e<(ra i(e/ o" 6or; 0o( co8ered .7 (3e ori1i0a2 a1ree/e0( (o .e do0e, -02ess a co/pe(e0( a-(3ori(7 3as sa0c(io0ed i(. I" i( 3as .ee0 d-27 sa0c(io0ed, 3e s3o-2d see (3a( (3e ra(e is "i<ed i0 accorda0ce 6i(3 co0di(io0s pri0(ed i0 (3e "or/ o" piece 6or; a1ree/e0( or c2a-se 63 o" (3e pre2i/i0ar7 speci"ica(io0 o" (3e 'e(ai2ed S(a0dard Speci"ica(io0s. Note:, (3e co0cessio0s s3o60 (o co0(rac(ors i0 (3e 9B' -0der c2a-se >. a0d >c a.o8e 6i22 .e e<(e0ded a2so (o co0(rac(ors i0 (3e Re8e0-e 'epar(/e0( s-.=ec( (o (3e co0di(io0s speci"ied (o c2a-ses >d
Article '-8
&2(era(io0 (o desi10 d-ri01 co0s(r-c(io0: I" a07 i/por(a0( s(r-c(-ra2 a2(era(io0 is "o-0d (o .e desira.2e 63i2s( a 6or; is .ei01 co0s(r-c(ed, (3e proposa2 (o /a;e i( s3o-2d .e s-./i((ed "or "res3 ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2 .7 (3e a-(3ori(7 63ic3 1a8e (3e ori1i0a2 ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2, e8e0 63e0 i( is 0o( 2i;e27 (o ca-se a07 i0creased o-(2a7. Re8ised de(ai2ed p2a0s a0d es(i/a(es s3o-2d .e s-./i((ed "or (ec30ica2 sa0c(io0, i" (3e a2(era(io0 i08o28ed a07 s-.s(a0(ia2 c3a01e i0 (3e cos( o" (3e 6or;.
Article '-1
Re>ise. Esti" tes: & re8ised es(i/a(e s3o-2d .e s-./i((ed 63e0 (3e sa0c(io0ed es(i/a(e is 2i;e27 (o .e e<ceeded .7 /ore (3a0 5 perce0( "or a07 ca-se 63a(e8er or 63e0 /a(eria2 de8e2op/e0(s or de8ia(io0s 3a8e 0ecessi(a(ed re8ised ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2. & repor( s3o-2d .e se0( 6i(3 i( s3o6i01 (3e pro1ress /ade -p (o da(e a0d e<p2ai0i01 "-227 637 (3e re8isio0 is 0ecessar7. T3e re8ised es(i/a(e 0eed 0o( co0(ai0 de(ai2s o" (3e i(e/s 63ic3 are 0o( a2(ered, .-( /ere27 a 0o(e s(a(i01 (3a( (3e7 are 0o( a2(eredH a co/para(i8e s(a(e/e0( s3o-2d .e "-r0is3ed "or (3e i(e/s (3a( are a2(ered. T3e sa0c(io0ed es(i/a(e s3o-2d a26a7s .e se0( 6i(3 (3e re8ised es(i/a(e. I", 3o6e8er, (3e 2i;e2i3ood o" a0 e<cess o" ac(-a2 e<pe0di(-re o8er (3e sa0c(io0ed es(i/a(e o" /ore (3a0 5 perce0( .eco/es ;0o60 o027 a( s-c3 a0 ad8a0ced s(a1e i0 (3e co0s(r-c(io0 o" a 6or; (3a( i( 6o-2d .e -se2ess (o s-./i( a re8ised es(i/a(e, (3e "ac(s s3o-2d .e e<p2ai0ed i0 co/p2e(io0 repor(.
A"en."ent s &er EPC Note/' un.er P r (*/ S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer s3o-2d prepare pro=ec( pro"i2e a0d .asic pro=ec( para/e(ers 6i(3 pro=ec( cos( -0der E9C &1e0c7. T3e sa/e s3a22 .e appro8ed .7 i S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer ) -p(o Rs.5+ La;3s ii C3ie" E01i0eer ) #ore (3a0 Rs.5+ La;3s a0d e:-a2 (o Rs.2++ La;3s iii Co//i((ee co0s(i(-(ed .7 Go8er0/e0( "or 6or;s : cos(i01 /ore (3a0 Rs.2++ 2a;3s.
P r No/--
Note /' un.er P r -T3e es(i/a(e s3a22 .e prepared .ased o0 a8ai2a.2e pre2i/i0ar7 da(a, (3e scope o" 6or;s a0d pro=ec( para/e(ers (a;i01 i0(o co0sidera(io0 (3e poi0(s /e0(io0ed i0 9ara 3*+ a0d d-27 "-r0is3i01 appro<i/a(e "i0a0cia2 .rea; -p o" co/po0e0( par(s as e08isa1ed i0 9ara 1+1 o" &.9.9.B P'Q Code a0d s-./i((ed i0 case o" 6or;s (o .e (a;e0 -p -0der
as a s(a(ed cos(.
P r
O0 receip( o" ad/i0is(ra(i8e Note/' un.er P r '*( appro8a2 (o 6or;s cos(i01 .e2o6 Rs. O0 receip( o" 5+,+++ (3e 9B' s3o-2d prepare &d/i0is(ra(i8e &ppro8a2 "or de(ai2ed es(i/a(es a0d p2a0s a0d E9C 6or;s (3e depar(/e0( a"(er (3e pro"essio0a2 a-(3ori(ies are s3o-2d 8eri"7 (3e es(i/a(e sa(is"ied (3a( (3e proposa2s are prepared as e08isa1ed i0 s(r-c(-ra227 so-0d, (3e co-0(er No(e.1 -0der para ** a0d i" si10a(-re o" (3e Head o" (3e sa(is"ied Tec30ica2 sa0c(io0 'epar(/e0( or o" (3e 2oca2 Head o" .e accorded .7 (3e co/pe(e0( (3e 'epar(/e0( 63o app2ied "or (3e a-(3ori(7. e<ec-(io0 o" (3e 6or; s3o-2d .e o.(ai0ed (o (3e p2a0s a0d es(i/a(es I0 case (3e depar(/e0( i0 (o;e0 o" appro8a2 "or (ec30ica2 3as a07 0e6 "ac(s 63ic3 6i22 sa0c(io0 s3o-2d (3e0 .e accorded. /a(eria227 a""ec( (3e cos( o" (3e pro=ec( (3e7 s3a22 .e (a;e0 1. I0 (3e case o" 6or; cos(i01 i0(o co0sidera(io0 "or arri8i01 Rs.5+,+++4) a0d a.o8e, (3e a( (3e es(i/a(e "or accordi01 proced-re i0dica(ed .e2o6 Tec30ica2 sa0c(io0. s3o-2d .e o.ser8ed. &s soo0 as possi.2e a"(er ad/i0is(ra(i8e I" (3a( cos( o" es(i/a(e is appro8a2 is o.(ai0ed (o( a07 "o-0d (o e<ceed (3e s-c3 .-i2di01 sc3e/e, de(ai2ed &d/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2, p2a0s a0d es(i/a(es s3o-2d .e Re8ised ad/i0is(ra(i8e prepared 6i(3 2-/ps-/ appro8a2 /-s( .e o.(ai0ed pro8isio0 "or e2ec(rica2 a0d .e"ore accordi01 Tec30ica2 sa0i(ar7 "i((i01s. B3e0 (3e sa0c(io0. de(ai2ed p2a0s are read7 i0 a ro-13 s3ape (3e Co0s-2(i01 &rc3i(ec( (o Go8er0/e0( s3o-2d co0s-2 (3e HO' 63o s3o-2d i0 3is (-r0 o.(ai0 (3e ad8ice o" a0d circ-2a(e (3e p2a0s (o, e<perie0ced o""icers o" 3is depar(/e0(. T3e HO' s3o-2d a2so co0sider speci"ica227 s-c3 poi0(s as 2a7o-( a0d orie0(a(io0 o" (3e .-i2di01s o0 (3e si(e 6i(3 a0 e7e o0 sa0i(a(io0, 6a(er a0d
e2ec(ric s-pp2ies a0d (3e s-i(a.i2i(7 a0d eco0o/7 o" arra01e/e0( o" (3e .-i2di01. T3e Co0s-2(i01 &rc3i(ec( (o Go8er0/e0( s3o-2d ascer(ai0 (3e e<ac( re:-ire/e0(s "ro/ (3e HO' a0d i0corpora(e (3e/ i0 .-i2di01 p2a0s 63ic3 are (3e0 (o .e co-0(ersi10ed. S-c3 appro8ed p2a0s co-0(ersi10ed .7 (3e HO' s3o-2d 0o( .e a2(ered s-.se:-e0(27 6i(3o-( (3e sa0c(io0 o" Go8er0/e0(. &s soo0 as (3e p2a0s 3a8e .ee0 co-0(ersi10ed, (3e EE s3o-2d i//edia(e27 proceed (o o.(ai0 (ec30ica2 sa0c(io0 co//-0ica(i01 a( (3e sa/e (i/e copies o" (3e cer(i"ied p2a0s (o (3e E2ec(rica2 E01i0eer >Ge0era2 a0d i0 cases i0 63ic3 (3e Sa0i(ar7 E01i0eer 3as (o .e co0s-2(ed, (o (3e Sa0i(ar7 E01i0eer a2so "or "-r(3er 1-ida0ce i0 (3e prepara(io0 o" de(ai2ed p2a0s a0d es(i/a(es "or e2ec(rica2 a0d sa0i(ar7 i0s(a22a(io0s. '/ I" i0 (3e prepara(io0 o" de(ai2ed (ec30ica2 es(i/a(es, i( is "o-0d (3a( (3e cos( 6i22 e<ceed (3e a/o-0( ad/i0is(ra(i8e27 appro8ed .7 /ore (3a0 (3e 2i/i(s prescri.ed .7 (3e Go8er0/e0(, "ro/ (i/e (o (i/e "or (3is p-rpose, 8iD., "or sa0c(io0i01 (ec30ica2 es(i/a(es i0 e<cess o" ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2, re8ised ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2 /-s( .e o.(ai0ed .e"ore (3e (ec30ica2 sa0c(io0 ca0 .e accorded. (/ Re8ised ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2 s3o-2d a2so .e o.(ai0ed i" (3e e<pe0di(-re i0c-rred 3as
e<ceeded or is 2i;e27 (o e<ceed (3e a/o-0( o" ori1i0a2 ad/i0is(ra(i8e appro8a2 a0d (3e (ec30ica2 sa0c(io0 .7 /ore (3a0 (3e 2i/i(s prescri.ed .7 (3e Go8er0/e0( "ro/ (i/e (o (i/e or 63e0 /a(eria2 de8e2op/e0(s o" de8ia(io0s occ-r.
9ara No.112
9repara(io0 o" es(i/a(es: T3e papers (o .e s-./i((ed 6i(3 (3e pro=ec( "or a 6or; 6i22 co0sis( o" a repor(, a speci"ica(io0 a0d a de(ai2ed s(a(e/e0( o" /eas-re/e0(s, :-a0(i(ies a0d ra(es, 6i(3 a0 a.s(rac( s3o6i01 (3e (o(a2 es(i/a(ed cos( i0 r-pees o027 o" eac3 i(e/. T3ese doc-/e0(s "or/ 63a( is ca22ed
No(e.1 I0 case o" 6or;s (a;e0 -p -0der E9C es(i/a(e s3a22 .e prepared as e08isa1ed i0 No(e.1 -0der para 1+2 o" P'Q Code.
(3e es(i/a(e i0 (3e se0se o" (3is Code. T3e "or/ o" (3e a.s(rac( 6i22 depe0d o0 (3e /e(3od proposed "or (3e e<ec-(io0 o" (3e 6or;. I" i( is i0(e0ded (o p-rc3ase or s-pp27 /a(eria2s a0d (o e/p2o7 2a.o-r "or co0s(r-c(io0 separa(e27 >63e(3er .7 co0(rac( or depar(/e0(a2 a1e0c7 , (3e a.s(rac( o" (3e es(i/a(e s3o-2d .e so "ra/ed as (o s3o6 separa(e27 "or eac3 dis(i0c( i(e/ o" ar(i"icerMs 6or; >1 (3e cos( a0d :-a0(i(7 o" P2a.orQ, a0d >2 (3e cos( o" /a(eria2s. 5-( i" (3is is 0o( (3e case, e.1., 63e0 a07 i(e/ o" 6or; is (o .e e<ec-(ed .7 co0(rac( a0d i( is proposed (o co0(rac( "or (3e co/p2e(ed i(e/s o" 6or;, (3e a.s(rac( o" (3e es(i/a(e /a7 s3o6 /ere27 (3e :-a0(i(7 a0d cos( o" eac3 i(e/ o" 6or;. I0 (3e case o" a pro=ec( co0sis(i01 o" se8era2 6or;s, (3e repor( /a7 .e si012e doc-/e0( "or a22 (3e 6or; a0d 2i;e6ise (3e speci"ica(io0, .-( de(ai2s o" /eas-re/e0(s a0d a.s(rac(s /a7 co08e0ie0(27 .e prepared "or eac3 6or;, s-pp2e/e0(ed .7 a 1e0era2 a.s(rac( .ri01i01 (3e 63o2e (o1e(3er. I0 (3e case o" es(i/a(es "or PRepairs or #ai0(e0a0ceQ, o027 (3e speci"ica(io0 a0d (3e de(ai2ed s(a(e/e0( o" /eas-re/e0(s a0d :-a0(i(ies 6i(3 (3e a.s(rac( 6i22 ordi0ari27 .e re:-ired. T3e repor( s3o-2d s(a(e c2ear27 (3e p-rpose o" (3e 6or; es(i/a(ed "or, a0d e<p2ai0 a07 pec-2iari(ies 63ic3 re:-ire e2-cida(io0 i0c2-di01 63ere 0ecessar7, (3e reaso0s "or adop(io0 o" (3e es(i/a(ed pro=ec( or desi10 pre"ere0ce (o o(3ers.
P r No/ ''1 I0 (3e es(i/a(es "or 6or;s pro8isio0 /a7 .e /ade a( (3e "o22o6i01 ra(es "or pe((7 s-per8isio0 a0d co0(i01e0cies:) 1. Es(i/a(es -p(o Rs.1+,+++4) 5J 2. Es(i/a(es "ro/ Rs.1+,+++4) 4J s-.=ec( (o a /i0i/-/ o" Rs. 5++4) (o o0e 2a;3 3. Es(i/a(es "ro/ Rs.1 2a;3s (o 3J s-.=ec( (o a /i0i/-/ o" Rs 4,+++4) Rs. 1++ 2a;3s 4. Es(i/a(es a.o8e 1++ 2a;3s T J s-.=ec( (o a /i0i/-/ o" Rs.3 2a;3s
In res&ect o: EPC Bor!s &ro>ision toB r.s contin#encies " = Ce " .e s un.er suCHect to t<e A in.ic te. t<ere in Es(i/a(es -p(o Rs.1.++ crore F +.25J /a<i/-/ Rs. 2+,+++4) Es(i/a(es a.o8e1.++ crore a0d -p(o Rs. 1+.++ crore F+.2+J /a<i/-/ Rs. 1.++ La;3 Es(i/a(es a.o8e Rs.1+.++ Crores a0d -p(o Rs. 1++.++ Crores F+.1+J #a<i/-/ Rs.5.++ 2a;3.
&22 i0cide0(a2 e<pe0di(-re 63ic3 Es(i/a(es a.o8e Rs.1++.++ ca0 .e "oresee0 s-c3 a Crores F+.+5J /a<i/-/ co/pe0sa(io0 "or or cos( o" 2a0d, Rs.1+.++ 2a;3s. s3eds "or 6or;/e0 a0d s(ores, s3o-2d .e separa(e27 pro8ided "or i0 (3e es(i/a(es. T3e pro8isio0 "or co0(i01e0cies s3o-2d 0o( .e di8er(ed (o a07 0e6 6or; or repair 63ic3 is 0o( pro8ided "or i0 (3e es(i/a(e a0d " 63ic3 (3e cos( e<ceeds Rs.2,5++4) 6i(3o-( (3e sa0c(io0 o" (3e SE 8ide a2so 9ara 42,>c . T3e pro8isio0 "or pe((7 s-per8isio0 s3o-2d i0 0o case .e di8er(ed (o /ee( e<pe0di(-re o0 o(3er i(e/s o" 6or;. & pro8isio0 o" 1 perce0( o" (3e es(i/a(ed cos( /a7 a2so .e /ade (o6ards 3a0d2i01 c3ar1es i0 (3e es(i/a(es "or p-rc3ase o" /ac3i0er7.
P r No/ '(* I/por(a0( s(r-c(-ra2 desi10s Note/' s3o-2d, as "ar as possi.2e, .e I0 case o" E9C 6or;s (3e prepared i0 (3e C3ie" E01i0eerMs desi10s are (o .e s-./i((ed o""ice (o1e(3er 6i(3 (3e sc3ed-2e .7 (3e e<ec-(i01 a1e0c7 o" :-a0(i(ies, a0d (3e re/ai0i01 63ic3 s3a22 .e appro8ed desi10i01 6or; o" i/por(a0ce .7 (3e co/pe(e0( a-(3ori(7 s3o-2d .e co0ce0(ra(ed i0 (3e T3e E9C a1e0c7 SEMs o""ice, (3e e<ec-(i8e o""ices respo0si.2e "or (3e .ei01 2e"( (o dea2 o027 6i(3 (ec30ica2 "ea(-res o" desi10s "or (3e a2(era(io0s o" desi10s. T3e co/pe(e0( e<is(i01 .-i2di01 a0d 2ess a-(3ori(7 appro8i01 (3e i/por(a0( 0e6 6or;s. T3e desi10s is acco-0(a.2e (o respo0si.i2i(7 "or (3e (ec30ica2 (3e depar(/e0(. "ea(-res o" a desi10 2ies 6i(3 (3e o""ice o" ori1i0. Loca2 o""icers 6i22 .e respo0si.2e, 3o6e8er, "or se((2i01 2oca227, :-es(io0s co00ec(ed 6i(3 (3e "o-0da(io0s a0d o(3er si/i2ar /a((er. S-.ordi0a(e o""icers s3o-2d a26a7s .ri01 (o (3e 0o(ice o" (3eir 3i13er a-(3ori(ies a07 -0s-i(a.i2i(7 or (ec30ica2 de"ec( i0 a desi10. 9ara No. 15+ #e(3ods o" E<ec-(io0 o" Bor;s: I0 addi(io0 (o (3e (3ree T3e 6or;s e<ec-(ed .7 (3e /e(3ods o" e<ec-(io0 "o-r(3 depar(/e0( are carried o-( .7 o0e o" /e(3od is i0(rod-ced "or (3e -0der /e0(io0ed (3ree /e(3ods. e<ec-(io0 o" E9C 6or;s. L-/ps-/ "or/ o" co0(rac( is (o .e >i8 57 a0 a1ree/e0( i0 (3e adop(ed "or co0(rac(s e<ceedi01 Rs. "or/ appro8ed .7 2+,+++4). I" 0o(, prior appro8a2 o" Go8er0/e0( "or E9C. (3e 0e<( a-(3ori(7 is 0ecessar7, .-( CE 3as 1o( "-22 po6ers. I0 re1ard (o /e(3od >i8 (3e i. 'epar/e0(a227, .7 (3e de(ai2s are se( "or(3 c2ear27 i0 e/p2o7/e0( o" dai27 2a.o-r. (3e "or/ o" ar(ic2es o" ii. 57 piece 6or; a1ree/e0( i0 a1ree/e0(, (e0der 0o(ice a0d "or/ 9-.2ic Bor;s .id doc-/e0(s appro8ed .7 'epar(/e0( !)51, a0d Go8er0/e0(. iii. 57 a0 a1ree/e0( i0 "or/ 9-.2ic Bor;s 'epar(/e0( !) 53, .ased o0 a 2-/ps-/ (e0der s7s(e/, as de"i0ed i0 (3e &.9. 'e(ai2ed S(a0dard Speci"ica(io0s.
#e(3od >i is adop(ed i0 cases 63ere 0o co0(rac(ors are a8ai2a.2e or 63ere, "or o(3er reaso0s, i( is "o-0d /ore eco0o/ica2. U0der (3is /e(3od, (3e depar(/e0( /a0-"ac(-res or p-rc3ases i(s o60 /a(eria2s. T3e p-rc3ase o" /a(eria2s or (oo2s a0d p2a0( a0d /ac3i0er7 is 1o8er0ed .7 (3e s(ore r-2es i0 appe0di< 15 (o (3e &9 ?i0a0cia2 a0d &cco-0(s Code >!o2-/e.II . #e(3od >ii (3e piece 6or;er /ere27 a1rees (o e<ec-(e a speci"ied 6or; a( speci"ied ra(es 6i(3o-( re"ere0ce (o :-a0(i(7 or (i/e. T3e co0di(io0s o" (3e co0(rac( add (3e sec-ri(7 (o .e (a;e0 "ro/ (3e piece 6or;ers "or (3e d-e "-2"i22/e0( o" (3e co0(rac( are se( "or(3 i0 "or/ 9B' !)51. T3e piece 6or;er -s-a227 possesses 2i((2e pro"essio0a2 ;0o62ed1e or capi(a2 a0d e/p2o7s 0o s-per8isi01 s(a"". T3e depar(/e0( arra01es "or (3e s-per8isio0, (3e se((i01 o-( a0d (3e /eas-ri01 o" a22 6or;. T3e piece 6or; s7s(e/ s3a22 ordi0ari27 .e co0"i0ed (o 6or;s cos(i01 0o( /ore (3a0 Rs.25,+++4). R-pees o0e 2a;3 "or co0s(r-c(io0 or repair 6or;s a0d R-pees ?i8e 2a;3s "or (ra0spor( 6or;s. I", a07 case o" i/pro8e/e0(s a0d repairs cos(i01 a.o8e Rs.2,5++4) i( is co0sidered pre"era.2e (o adop( (3e piece 6or; s7s(e/ i0s(ead o" /e(3od >ii reaso0s (3ere"ore s3o-2d .e recorded i0 (3e re2e8a0( "i2e. T3e sc3ed-2e o" ra(es i0 (3e piece 6or; a1ree/e0( s3o-2d s3o6 (3e ra(es ei(3er "or "i0is3ed 6or; or "or 2a.o-r a0d /a(eria2, as (3e case /a7 .e e8e0 "or i(e/s "or 63ic3 2-/ps-/ 3a8e .ee0 pro8ided i0 (3e sa0c(io0ed es(i/a(es. I0 re1ard (o #e(3od >iii (3e de(ai2s
are se( "or(3 c2ear27 i0 1. (3e pre2i/i0ar7 speci"ica(io0 o" (3e &9 'e(ai2ed S(a0dard Speci"ica(i(o0s. 2. (3e s(a0dardiDed "or/s o" ar(ic2es o" a1ree/e0(, (e0der 0o(ice a0d (e0der /e0(io0ed i0 (3e &9'SS >9B' ?or/ No.s !)53>a a0d 53>. respec(i8e27 a0d 3. (3e i0(er/edia(e ad (3e "i0a2 .i22 "or/s co00ec(ed (3ere6i(3 S9B' ?or/ Nos. !I)$5>a a0d $5>. U I0 (3e case o" eac3 6or; e<ec-(ed -0der /e(3od>ii or /e(3od >iii (3e a-(3ori(7 accep(i01 (3e co0(rac( 6i22 decide 63e(3er i( is desira.2e (o re(ai0, i0 (3e 3a0ds o" (3e depar(/e0(, (3e s-pp27 o" i/por(ed s(ores or o(3er /a(eria2s. I0 cases 63ere i( is decided (3a( (3e depar(/e0( s3o-2d s-pp27 cer(ai0 /a(eria2s (o (3e co0(rac(or "or -se o0 (3e 6or;, a descrip(io0 o" e8er7 s-c3 /a(eria2s a0d (3e ra(e a0d p2ace a( 63ic3 i( 6i22 .e s-pp2ied s3o-2d .e speci"ied i0 (3e 0o(ice ca22i01 "or (e0ders a0d a2so i0 (3e sc3ed-2e "or/i01 par( o" (3e a1ree/e0( I0 cases 63ere (3e co0(rac(ors are a22o6ed (o s-pp27 (3e re:-ired i/por(ed ar(ic2es (3e/se28es, (3e descrip(io0 o" s-c3 ar(ic2es /-s( .e c2ear27 de"i0ed .7 1o8er0i01 speci"ica(io0s. ?or cases 63ere (3e P5ri(is3 S(a0dard Speci"ica(io0sQ s(a0dards are 0o( app2ica.2e, o(3er s-i(a.2e /e(3ods s3o-2d .e adop(ed,
s-c3 as, speci"7i01 (3e ca(a2o1-e 0-/.er prod-c( o" a rep-(a.2e "ir/. B3e0 (es( cer(i"ica(es are de/a0ded, "-22 par(ic-2ars s3a22 .e 1i8e0 i0 (3e (e0der 0o(ice a0d (3e a1ree/e0( a0d i( s3a22 a2so .e s(a(ed (3erei0 (3a( (3e cos( o" "-r0is3i01 s-c3 cer(i"ica(es s3a22 .e .or0e .7 (3e co0(rac(ors. P r No/'2' Contr ct Docu"ents n. Note' un.er P r '2': En:orce"ent: Co0(rac( doc-/e0(s appro8ed 5e"ore a 6or; is 1i8e0 o-( o0 .7 (3e Go8er0/e0( "or E9C co0(rac(, (3e a-(3ori(7 co/pe(e0( (o 6or;s i0 (er/s o" 9ara 153 o" accep( (3e co0(rac( /-s( prepare P'Q Code s3a22 .e "o22o6ed Pco0(rac( doc-/e0(Q (o i0c2-de 63e0e8er (e0ders are i08i(ed i. a co/p2e(e se( o" dra6i01s "or E9C 6or;s. s3o6i01 (3e 1e0era2 di/e0sio0s o" (3e proposed 6or; a0d so "ar as 0ecessar7 de(ai2s o" (3e 8ario-s .e c2ear27 de"i0ed .7 speci"ica(io0s or dra6i01s, as 0ecessar7 ii. a co/p2e(e speci"ica(io0 o" (3e 6or; (o .e do0e a0d o" (3e /a(eria2s (o .e -sed, -02ess re"ere0ce ca0 .e /ade (o speci"ica(io0s co0(ai0ed i0 (3e &9'SS a0d i(s &dde0da !o2-/e > i0 (3e case o" (3e i(e/s o" 6or; "or 63ic3 (3ere are a2read7 s(a0dard speci"ica(io0s, (3e 0-/.ers o" (3e re2e8a0( speci"ica(io0s o" (3e &9'SS s3o-2d .e re"erred (o i0 (3e sc3ed-2e a((ac3ed (o (3e a1ree/e0( iii. a sc3ed-2e o" (3e :-a0(i(ies o" (3e 8ario-s descrip(io0s o" 6or;. >T3is is 0ecessar7 o027 i0 (3e case o" co0(rac(s .ased o0 (3e 2-/ps-/ (e0der s7s(e/ as de"i0ed i0 (3e &9'SS. I0 s-c3 a case, (3e (o(a2 -0der (3e Sc3ed-2e.& o" (3e a1ree/e0( /-s( .e e:-a2
(o (3e 2-/ps-/ e0(ered i0 (3e a1ree/e0( , a0d a se( o" Pco0di(io0s o" co0(rac(sQ (o si/p2i"7 as 0ecessar7 (3e pre2i/i0ar7 a0d o(3er speci"ica(io0s o" (3e &9'SS "or/i01 par( o" co0(rac(s .ased o0 (3e 2-/ps-/ (e0der s7s(e/H > i0 (3e case o" piece 6or; co0(rac(s, (3e co0di(io0s co0sidered 0ecessar7 "or a07 par(ic-2ar case i0 addi(io0 (o (3ose pri0(ed i0 ?or/ 9B' !)51 s3o-2d .e a((ac3ed (o (3e a1ree/e0( .
P r No/'20 Ten.ers: T3e "o22o6i01 s3a22 .e added Te0ders, 63ic3 s3o-2d a26a7s .e -0der 9ara 154 .e"ore s-. sea2ed, s3o-2d .e i08aria.27 .e para >1 : i08i(ed i0 (3e /os( ope0 a0d p-.2ic I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s /a00er possi.2e, 63e(3er .7 2i/i(ed4 ope0 (e0der s7s(e/ ad8er(ise/e0( i0 (3e Go8er0/e0( s3a22 .e "o22o6ed. GaDe((e or 2oca2 0e6s papers, or .7 0o(ice i0 E012is3 a0d (3e 8er0ac-2ar T3e "o22o6i01 s3a22 .e added pos(ed i0 p-.2ic p2aces, a0d (e0ders -0der 9ara 154 >iii . s3o-2d 3a8e "ree access (o (3e I0 case o" E9C 6or;s (3e co0(rac( doc-/e0(s. T3e O""icer .idder s3a22 "-r0is3 E#' a( ope0i01 (3e (e0ders s3o-2d 1J o" (3e 8a2-e p-( (o (e0der i08aria.27 da(e a0d i0i(ia2 o0 a22 (3e a( (3e (i/e o" .id s-./issio0. pa1es o" (3e (e0der doc-/e0(. E#' F 2.5J o" .id a/o-0( T3e 0o(ice s3o-2d i0 a22 cases s(a(e: s3a22 .e paid a( (3e (i/e o" i. 63e0 a0d 63ere (3e co0(rac( co0c2-di01 co0(rac( .7 doc-/e0(s ca0 .e see0 a0d s-ccess"-2 .idder. E#' s3a22 (3e .2a0; "or/s o" (e0der ca0 .e i0 (3e "or/ o" '' 4 5G .e o.(ai0ed a0d a2so (3e "ro/ a07 Na(io0a2iDed a/o-0( (o .e paid "or se( o" 4Sc3ed-2ed .a0;. p2a0s or o(3er (e0der T3e "o22o6i01 s3a22 .e added doc-/e0(s. as 4 -0der No(e.6 o" 9ara ii. B3e0 a0d 63ere (e0ders are 154. (o .e recei8ed a0d ope0ed, I0 case o" E9C 6or;s (3e da(e o" receip( o" (e0ders a E0(r-s(/e0( o" (3e s3o-2d .e a(2eas( 15 da7s "or addi(io0a2 i(e/s co0(i01e0( 6or;s cos(i01 Rs.1.++ 2a;3 (o (3e /ai0 6or; a0d 6i(3i0 a0d 2ess, a0d 21 da7s "or (3e scope o" co0(rac( 6i22 .e 6or;s cos(i01 /ore (3a0 o0e a-(3oriDed .7 (3e e/p2o7er
2a;3 a0d -p(o Rs.5.++ 2a;3s a0d o0e /o0(3 or /ore "or 6or; cos(i01 o8er 5 2a;3s "ro/ (3e da(e o" iss-e o" (3e C3i( (e0der 0o(ice. Note:, Sa2e o" (e0der sc3ed-2e s3o-2d .e s(opped (3ree c2ear da7s .e"ore (3e da(e "i<ed "or receip( o" (e0ders. T3e o""icer iss-i01 (e0der 0o(ice /a7 red-ce (3e (i/e "or a07 specia2 reaso0s (o .e recorded. iii. T3e a/o-0( o" ear0es( /o0e7 (o acco/pa07 (3e (e0der s3a22 .e 1 TJ o" (3e es(i/a(ed a/o-0( o" (3e co0(rac(, s-.=ec( (o a /a<i/-/ o" Rs.1.++ 2a;3 i0 (3e case o" co0(rac(ors, 63o 3a8e 0o( deposi(ed a 2-/ps-/ o" s(a0di01 sec-ri(7 deposi( o" Rs.1.++ 2a;3s 6i(3 (3e CE co0cer0ed a0d o0e perce0( o027 s-.=ec( (o a /a<i/-/ o" Rs.$5,+++4) i0 (3e case o" co0(rac(ors 63o 3a8e deposi(ed a 2-/ps-/ o" s(a0di01 sec-ri(7 deposi( o" Rs.1.++ 2a;3s 6i(3 (3e CE co0cer0ed. Note/':, Te0ders s3o-2d i08aria.27 .e ca22ed "or 63e0 (3e a/o-0( i08o28ed i0 a par(ic-2ar co0(rac( is >Rs. 5,+++4) or /ore. I" i( is proposed, i0 a07 case 63e(3er "or -r1e0c7 or a07 o(3er reaso0s (o .e recorded, (o depar( "ro/ (3e r-2e, 6or;s /a7 .e e0(r-s(ed o0 0o/i0a(io0 a( ra(es 0o( e<ceedi01 es(i/a(e ra(es .7 (3e EE, SE or CE -p(o (3e "o22o6i01 2i/i(s i0dica(ed a1ai0s( eac3. E<ec-(i8e E01i0eer )Rs. 1+,+++ S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer) Rs. 25,+++ C3ie" E01i0eer Rs. 5+,+++
a0d (3e co0(rac(or s3a22 .e .o-0d (o e<ec-(e s-c3 addi(io0a2 i(e/s a( 0o e<(ra cos( (o (3e e/p2o7er a0d (3e cos( o" s-c3 i(e/s s3a22 .e dee/ed (o 3a8e .ee0 i0c2-ded i0 (3e co0(rac( price :-o(ed. . E0(r-s(/e0( o" addi(io0a2 i(e/s o" 6or; co0(i01e0( (o /ai0 6or; a0d o-(side (3e scope o" (3e co0(rac( 6i22 .e a-(3orised .7 (3e e/p2o7er 6i(3 (3e prior appro8a2 o" (3e Go8er0/e0( a0d (3e co0(rac(or s3a22 .e .o-0d (o e<ec-(e s-c3 addi(io0a2 i(e/s a0d s3a22 .e co/pe0sa(ed a( (3e price decided .7 (3e Go8er0/e0(. 3 B3e0e8er addi(io0a2 i(e/s 0o( co0(i01e0( o0 (3e /ai0 6or; a0d o-(side (3e scope o" ori1i0a2 co0(rac( are e0(r-s(ed (o (3e co0(rac(or, e0(r-s(/e0( o" s-c3 i(e/s a0d (3e price (o .e paid s3a22 .e re"erred (o (3e Go8er0/e0( "or "i0a2 decisio0
B3e0 (e0ders are dispe0sed 6i(3i0 (3e case o" co0(rac(s e<ceedi01 Rs.2+,+++ a repor( s3o-2d .e /ade .7 (3e o""icer e0(r-s(i01 (3e 6or; o0 0o/i0a(io0 (o (3e 0e<( 3i13er a-(3ori(7 i0dica(i01 (3e reaso0s "or dispe0di01 6i(3 (3e (e0ders. B3e0 (3e a/o-0( i08o28ed is 2ess (3a0 >Rs. 5,+++4) (3e EE /a7 ca22 "or (e0ders or 0o( a( 3is discre(io0. T3is r-2e does 0o( ad/i( o" a /a=or 6or; .ei01 sp2i( -p i0(o par(s a0d eac3 par( .ei01 1i8e0 o-( o0 co0(rac( 6i(3o-( ca22i01 "or (e0ders. EAce&tion:, T3is r-2e s3a22 0o( app27 (o road 6or;s i0 (3e &1e0c7 (rac(s. I0 (3e case o" s-c3 6or;s, EEs are a-(3orised (o e<ercise (3eir discre(io0 as (o 63e(3er (e0ders s3o-2d .e ca22ed "or or 0o(, e8e0 (3o-13 (3e a/o-0( i08o28ed /a7 e<ceed (3e 2i/i( o" Rs.2,5++4). I0 cases 63ere (3e EE decided 0o( (o ca22 "or (e0ders, (3e reaso0s "or (3e decisio0 s3o-2d .e recorded .7 3i/. Note/(:, No(ices ca22i01 "or (e0ders s3o-2d i08aria.27 .e p-.2is3ed i0 pro/i0e0( 2oca2 0e6spapers i0 respec( o" a22 6or;s cos(i01 o8er 1,++,+++4) . Note/7:, T3e CEs /a7 a-(3orise dispe0si01 6i(3 (e0ders i0 (3e case o" co0(rac(s per(ai0i01 (o /a=or 6or;s pro8ided (3a( (3e (o(a2 a11re1a(e 8a2-e o" s-c3 co0(rac(s i0 respec( o" a par(ic-2ar /a=or 6or; does 0o( e<ceed Rs.1+,+++4) Note/0:, B3e0 o0ce (e0ders 3a8e .ee0 ca22ed "or a 6or; i0 accorda0ce 6i(3 No(e>1 a.o8e a0d (3ere is 0o respo0se or a22 (3e (e0ders recei8ed are -0sa(is"ac(or7 a0d 3a8e (o .e
re=ec(ed a0d i( is co0sidered (3a( a ca22 "or "-r(3er (e0ders 6i22 .e "r-i(2ess or -0desira.2e, (3e o""icer 63o is co/pe(e0( (o accep( (3e (e0der /a7 a22o( (3e 6or; (o a co0(rac(or se2ec(ed .7 3i/ 6i(3 (3e sa0c(io0 o" 3is i//edia(e s-perior a-(3ori(7, a( ra(es 0o( e<ceedi01 es(i/a(e ra(es. Note/2:, T3e r-2e i0 No(e >1 a.o8e app2ies. a. (o co0(rac(s "or e<ec-(io0 o" 6or;s i0c2-di01 s-pp27 o" /a(eria2s "or s-c3 6or;s .7 (3e co0(rac(ors (3e/se28es, .-( (o co0(rac(s i08o28i01 o027 s-pp27 o" /a(eria2s >o(3er (3a0 road :-arr7 /a(eria2s or (oo2s a0d p2a0(H a0d .. (o co0(rac(s "or (3e s-pp27 o" road :-arr7 /a(eria2s. I0 case o" s-pp27 o" /a(eria2s >o(3er (3a0 road :-arr7 /a(eria2s a0d (oo2s a0d p2a0(, (3e s(ores r-2es i0 &ppe0di<.15 o" (3e &9 ?i0a0cia2 Code >!o2.II app27 C 8ide a2so &r(ic2e 1,$ o" (3e &9 ?i0a0cia2 Code >!o2.I &sp3a2(, (ar a0d s-c3 .i(-/i0o-s prod-c(s "or road s-r"aci01 are 1o8er0ed .7 (3e s(ores r-2es. No(e.6:) B3e0 o0ce (e0ders 3a8e .ee0 ca22ed "or 6or; i0 accorda0ce 6i(3 No(e >1 a.o8e, Ps-pp2e/e0(a2Q or P&ddi(io0a2Q i(e/s /a7 .e e0(r-s(ed (o (3e ori1i0a2 co0(rac(or dispe0si01
6i(3 (e0ders as "o22o6s s-.=ec( (o (3e pro8isio0s o" 9ara 1$6 >c o" &.9.9.B. P'Q Code. 1. S-c3 i(e/s o" 6or; (3a( are "o-0d 0ecessar7 a"(er 2e((i01 o-( a co0(rac( a0d ca00o( .e (a;e0 -p "or e<ec-(io0 i0depe0de0(27 6i(3o-( i0(er"eri01 6i(3 (3e ori1i0a2 6or; 2e( o-( a0d 3a8e 0ecessi(7 (o( .e e<ec-(ed a2o01 6i(3 (3e ori1i0a2 co0(rac( s3a22 .e co0sidered as PS-pp2e/e0(a2 i(e/s o" 6or; co0(i01e0( o" (3e ori1i0a2 co0(rac(Q. 2. S-pp2e/e0(a2 i(e/s o" 6or; co0(i01e0( o0 (3e /ai0 co0(rac( 3a8e (o .e 0ecessari27 carried o-( (3ro-13 (3e ori1i0a2 co0(rac(or as Pa-(3orised e<(raQ .7 e0(er(ai0i01 i0(o a s-pp2e/e0(a2 a1ree/e0( >s . T3e po6er "or e<ec-(i01 ori1i0a2 co0(rac(s accordi01 (o de2e1a(io0 o" po6ers i0 "orce re1ardi01 o" 63o 3as e<ec-(ed (3e /ai0 co0(rac( i0 a 1i8e0 case, s-.=ec( (o 3o6e8er, (o (3e co0di(io0 (3a( i" (3e 0e( e""ec( o" s-pp2e/e0(a2 a1ree/e0(s (o .e e0(ered i0(o is (o e03a0ce (3e (o(a2 8a2-e o" 6or; -0der (3e /ai0 a0d s-pp2e/e0(a2 a1ree/e0( (o s-c3 a0 e<(e0( a( sa0c(io0 (o re8ised es(i/a(e is re:-ired (o a 3i13er a-(3ori(7 (3a0 sa0c(io0 o" (3e re8ised es(i/a(e "ro/ (3e 3i13er a-(3ori(7 s3a22 .e o.(ai0ed .e"ore e0(eri01 i0(o s-pp2e/e0(a2 a1ree/e0(>s . 3. S-c3 i(e/s o" 6or;s (3a( are "o-0d 0ecessar7 a"(er 2e((i01 o-( a 6or; a0d .e e<ec-(ed i0depe0de0(27 6i(3o-(
a""ec(i01 or i0(er"eri01 6i(3 (3e e<ec-(io0 o" (3e 6or; 2e( o-(, s3a22 .e co0sidered as P&ddi(io0a2 i(e/s (o 6or; 0o( co0(i01e0( o0 (3e ori1i0a2 co0(rac(sQ. S-c3 addi(io0a2 i(e/s o" 6or; /a7 .e 2e( o-( a"(er ca22 o" (e0ders. Ho6e8er, i" a( (e0der ca22 is co0sidered -0desira.2e a0d i( is co0sidered 0ecessar7 (o e0(r-s( (3e i(e/, i" a( (e0der 0o/i0a(io0 (o (3e ori1i0a2 co0(rac(or i08o28i01 (3e pro8isio0 i0 No(e>1 a.o8e i( /a7 .e do0e so, pro8ided (3e (o(a2 8a2-e o" s-c3 addi(io0a2 i(e/s does 0o( e<ceed -p(o 63ic3 (3e o""icers ca0 e0(r-s( 6or;s 6i(3o-( ca22i01 "or (e0ders as per (3e de2e1a(io0 o" po6ers i0 "orce. I" (3e 8a2-e o" (3e i(e/s e<ceeds (3e 2i/i(, appro8a2 o" (3e 0e<( 3i13er a-(3ori(7 s3a22 .e o.(ai0ed. T3e7 ca0 .e e<ec-(ed o027 a"(er separa(e es(i/a(e or a re8ised es(i/a(e or a 6or;s2ip co0(ai0i01 (3e addi(io0a2 i(e/s is sa0c(io0ed 4 appro8ed .7 (3e co/pe(e0( a-(3ori(7. E0(r-s(/e0( o" s-c3 i(e/s s3a22 .e a( ra(e 0o( e<ceedi01 (3e es(i/a(e ra(e. Note/1:, a. I0 (3e case o" ri8er co0ser8a0c7 6or;s, reac3 6ise /a=or es(i/a(es ca0 .e sp2i( -p i0(o (3e 8ario-s 6or;i01 es(i/a(es, "or di""ere0( i(e/s o" 6or;, s-c3 as s-pp27 o" s(o0es, co08e7a0ce o" s(o0e .7 9-0(s a2o01 (3e Ri8er C3a00e2s or Ca0a2s a0d o(3er /isce22a0eo-s 6or;s o" pi(c3i01 or pac;i01 s(o0e or Ear(3 6or; e(c., 63ere
a22 (3ese i(e/s o" 6or; ca00o( .e s-ccess"-227 a0d speedi27 e<ec-(ed .7 o0e si012e co0(rac(i01 a1e0c7 i0 (i/e. .. I0 (3e case o" co22ec(io0 o" s(o0e 63ic3 3as (o .e /ade a( s3or( 0o(ice, (3e a1e0cies "or s-pp27 o" s(o0e a0d i(s co08e7a0ce ca0 .e "i<ed i0 ad8a0ce .7 ca22i01 "or ope0 (e0ders "or ra(e co0(rac( :-o(a(io0s a00-a227 "or (3e period "ro/ G-27 (o e0d o" G-0e eac3 7ear o0 (3e a0a2o17 o" (3e ra(e co0(rac(s a6arded .7 'irec(or Ge0era2 o" S-pp2ies a0d 'isposa2s, "or s-pp27 o" s(o0e /a(eria2s a0d Too2s a0d p2a0( ar(ic2es. c. ?or (3e o(3er /isce22a0eo-s i(e/s o" 6or;s a0d (3ose i08o28i01 2a.o-r a0d ear(3 6or; e(c., reac3 6ise (e0ders /a7 .e ca22ed "or. T3ese (e0ders are (o .e co/pared 6i(3 (3e .asic ra(es a0d decided. T3e .asic ra(es are arri8ed a( .7 (a;i01 (3e a8era1e o" (3e accep(ed (e0ders o" (3e pas( (3ree 7ears. '-ri01 (3e a.o8e /e0(io0ed period 0o p2ea .7 (3e (e0derer "or a07 sor( o" /odi"ica(io0s o" (3e (e0der .ased -po0 or arisi01 o-( o" a07 a22e1ed /is-0ders(a0di01 or /isco0cep(io0 o" /is(a;e or "or a07 reaso0s s3o-2d .e e0(er(ai0ed.
P r No/ '28
I0 se2ec(i01 (3e (e0der (o .e accep(ed, (3e "i0a0cia2 s(a(-s o" (3e (e0derers, (3eir capa.i2i(7, (3e sec-ri(7 o""ered .7 (3e/ or (3e record o" (3eir e<ec-(io0 o" a07 6or;s pre8io-s27, s3o-2d .e (a;e0 i0(o co0sidera(io0. O(3er co0di(io0s .ei01 e:-a2, (3e 2o6es( (e0der s3o-2d .e accep(ed. I0 cases 63ere a (e0der o(3er (3a0 (3e 2o6es( is accep(ed, a co0"ide0(ia2 record s3o-2d .e ;ep( o" (3e reaso0 "or doi01 so. Speci"ic da(a 6i(3 re"ere0ce (o (3e "i0a0cia2 so28e0c7, i0co/e (a< paid, (3e a.i2i(7 o" (3e co0(rac(or (o e<ec-(e (3e 6or;, sec-ri(7 o""ered .7 3i/, (3e 0a/es o" a(2eas( so/e 6or;s e<ec-(ed "or/a227 .7 (3e co0(rac(or, a/o-0( i08o28ed (3erei0 a0d (3e co0d-c( a0d per"or/a0ce o" (3e co0(rac(or d-ri01 (3e e<ec-(io0 o" (3e (e0derer 63ose (e0der 3as .ee0 accep(ed .-( a2so o" (3e (e0derers 63ose (e0der 3as .ee0 re=ec(ed. T3e re2a(i8e /eri(s o" (3e 8ario-s co0(rac(ors co0cer0ed s3o-2d .e disc-ssed a0d co1e0( reaso0s s3o-2d .e 1i8e0 63i2e re=ec(i01 2o6er (e0ders, i" (3e7 are (o .e re=ec(ed. T3is co0"ide0(ia2 record s3o-2d .e s3o60 (o (3e I0spec(i01 O""icer o" (3e &-di( depar(/e0(, i" re:-ired. I0 addi(io0, i0 case 63ere i( is proposed (o accep( a (e0der o(3er (3a0 (3e 2o6es(, (3e a-(3ori(7 co/pe(e0( (o accep( (3e (e0der s3o-2d, i//edia(e27 a"(er accep(i01 i(, /a;e a repor( (o i0dica(i01 (3e reaso0s "or accep(i01 a 3i13er (e0der (o (3e 0e<( 3i13er a-(3ori(7, 63o s3a22 scr-(i0iDe (3e repor( care"-227 a0d ca22 "or /ore de(ai2s i" 0ecessar7. T3e SE or EE as (3e case /a7 .e, s3o-2d .ri01 (o (3e 0o(ices o" (3e 3i13er a-(3ori(ies cases i0 63ic3 (3e r-2e a.o-( (3e accep(a0ce o" (3e 2o6es( (e0der 3as .ee0 depar(ed "ro/ 6i(3o-( s-""icie0( =-s(i"ica(io0. T3e accep(a0ce or re=ec(io0 o" (e0ders is, 3o6e8er, 2e"( e0(ire27 (o (3e discre(io0 o" (3e o""icer (o 63o/ (3e d-(7 e0(r-s(ed a0d 0o (e0derer ca0 de/a0d (3e ca-se o" re=ec(io0 o" 3is o""er.
P r No/'10
Ordi0ari27 0o 6or; e<ec-(ed .7 /e(3od >ii or #e(3od >i8 /e(3od >iii descri.ed i0 para 15+ s3o-2d .e s(ar(ed 6i(3o-( a "or/a2 a1ree/e0( or co0(rac(a"(er /e(3od sa0c(io0ed .7 a co/pe(e0( a-(3ori(7. T3e proced-re (o .e "o22o6ed i0 e/er1e0( 6or;s is descrr.ed i0 9ara 1$,.
(o .e i0ser(ed >iii
P r
No/ '-1 &d8a0ce (o co0(rac(ors are as a r-2e pro3i.i(ed a0d e8er7 e0dea8o-r s3o-2d .e /ade (o /ai0(ai0 a s7s(e/ -0der 63ic3 0o pa7/e0(s are /ade e<cep( 6or; ac(-a227 do0e. E<cep(io0s are, 3o6e8er, per/i((ed i0 (3e "o22o6i01 cases: a. Cases i0 63ic3, i0 (3e i0(eres( o" 6or;, i( is a.so2-(e27 0ecessar7 (o /a;e pe((7 ad8a0ces >see para 315 &99B &cco-0(s Code . I0 s-c3 cases s-.ordi0a(es i0 c3ar1e o" 6or;s, s-. di8isio0a2 o""icers a0d EEs are a-(3orised (o /a;e ad8a0ce -p(o a 2i/i( o" Rs.5+4) Rs. 1++4) a0d Rs.25+4), respec(i8e27. T3e7 s3o-2d, 3o6e8er, (a;e (3e 0ecessar7 preca-(io0s (o sec-re (3e Go8er0/e0( a1ai0s( 2oss. No(e.1:) T3e 2i/i( re"erred (o a.o8e app27 (o eac3 6or; a0d 0o( (o eac3 i0di8id-a2 6or;/a0 e/p2o7ed o0 a 6or;. No(e.2:) I0 (3e case o" 6or;s i0 (3e &1e0c7 (rac(s, (3e 2i/i(s -p(o 63ic3 (3e (3ree c2asses o" o""icers re"erred (o i0 (3e a.o8e r-2e ca0 /a;e ad8a0ces (o pe((7 piece 6or;ers s3a22 .e Rs.1++, Rs. 2++ a0d Rs.5+4) respec(i8e27. T3ese 2i/i(s s3a22 app27 (o eac3 i0di8id-a2 piece 6or;er. .. E2ec(rica2 6or;s e<ec-(ed o0 co0(rac(:) T3e E2ec(rica2 E01i0eer /a7 sa0c(io0 a0 ad8a0ce o" ei13(7 per ce0( o0 (3e 8a2-e as cer(i"ied .7 3i/, accordi01 (o (3e (er/s o" c2a-se 2+ o" (3e 1e0era2 co0di(io0s o" co0(rac( pri0(ed i0 9B', "or/ No.II C 2+. 1. I0 E9C co0(rac(s, #o.i2isa(io0 ad8a0ce 0o( e<ceedi01 5J o" (3e co0(rac( 8a2-e is pa7a.2e a( (3e prescri.ed s(a1es o" e<ec-(io0. #o.i2isa(io0 ad8a0ce o0 0e6 /ac3i0er7 a( (3e prescri.ed perce0(a1e o" (3e 8a2-e o" 0e6 /ac3i0er7 0o( e<ceedi01 5J o" co0(rac( 8a2-e is pa7a.2e a1ai0s( prod-c(io0 o" ori1i0a2 i08oices i0 proo" o" p-rc3ase o" (3e /ac3i0er7 .7 (3e co0(rac(or4"ir/4=oi0( 8e0(-re. 2. T3e i08oices s3o-2d .e i0 (3e 0a/e o" (3e co0(rac(or4"ir/4=oi0( 8e0(-re o027 a0d (3e 0e6 /ac3i0er7 s3o-2d 3a8e .ee0 p-rc3ased o027 a"(er (3e da(e o" co0c2-sio0 o" (3e a1ree/e0( "or (3e 6or;.
C. I0 a22 o(3er cases (3e S(a(e Go8er0/e0( /a7, i0 e<cep(io0a2 circ-/s(a0ces, a-(3orise s-c3 ad8a0ce as /a7 .e dee/ed i0dispe0sa.2e, .-( (3e s(a(e o""icers /-s( (a;e (3e 0ecessar7 preca-(io0s "or sec-ri01 Go8er0/e0( a1ai0s( 2oss a0d "or pre8e0(i01 (3e s7s(e/ "ro/ .e2o01i01 1e0era2 or co0(i0-i01 2o01er (3a0 is a.so2-(e27 esse0(ia2.
3. No /o.i2isa(io0 ad8a0ce is pa7a.2e o0 /ac3i0er7 p-rc3ased .7 a0 i0di8id-a2 "ir/ i0 respec( o" =oi0( 8e0(-res (3o-13 (3a( i0di8id-a2 "ir/ is a par(0er i0 (3e =oi0( 8e0(-re.
4. T3e co0(rac(or 4"ir/4=oi0( 8e0(-re s3o-2d s-./i( a0 -0der(a;i01 (o (3e e""ec( (3a( (3e7 3a8e 0o( o.(ai0ed a07 d. &d8a0ces (o (3e /o.i2isa(io0 ad8a0ce "ro/ co0(rac(ors "or ac:-isi(io0 o" 0e6 (3e 1o8er0/e0( a1ai0s( (3e /ac3i0er7 re:-ired "or (3e 6or; /ac3i0er7 "or 63ic3 (3e7 are -p(o $5J o" (3eir cos( 2i/i(ed (o prese0(27 c2ai/i01 pa7/e0( 1+J o" co0(rac( 8a2-e "or 6or;s o" /o.i2isa(io0 ad8a0ce. T3is 8a2-ed -p(o Rs.1+ 2a;3s eac3, a0d is (o e0s-re (3a( /o.i2isa(io0 6J o" co0(rac( 8a2-e "or 6or;s ad8a0ce is paid o027 o0ce cos(i01 /ore (3a0 Rs.1+ 2a;3s eac3 a1ai0s( o0e p-rc3ase. &07 /a7 .e 1i8e0, i" as;ed "or .7 (3e 6ro01 dec2ara(io0, 63e0 co0(rac(or. T3e /o0e7 ad8a0ced co/es (o 2i13(, e0(ai2s -0der (3is c2a-se is s-.=ec( (o reco8er7 o" (3e e0(ire a/o-0( pa7/e0( o" i0(eres( .7 (3e co0(rac(or paid 6i(3 pe0a2 i0(eres( i0 a a( (3e pre8ai2i01 co//ercia2 .a0; 2-/p "ro/ (3eir i//edia(e ra(e. T3e /ac3i0er7 "or 63ic3 (3e 0e<( 6or; .i22 apar( "ro/ ad8a0ce is paid s3o-2d .e 1o( i0s(i(-(i01 o(3er prescri.ed 37opo(3eca(ed (o (3e Go8er0/e0( pe0a2 ac(io0s. a0d a2so 1o( i0s-red a( (3e cos( o" (3e co0(rac(or. T3e ad8a0ce, 5. 9a7/e0( o" /o.i2isa(io0 (o1e(3er 6i(3 i0(eres(, /a7 .e ad8a0ce is a2so per/issi.2e o0 reco8ered "ro/ (3e .i22s o" ordered /ac3i0er7 6i(3 co0(rac(or. &2(er0a(i8e27, (3e appro8a2 o" Go8er0/e0(. Go8er0/e0( /a7 proc-re (3e /ac3i0er7 re:-ired "or 6or;s .7 (3e 6. Reco8er7 o" /o.i2isa(io0 co0(rac(or a0d se22 (3e sa/e (o (3e ad8a0ce a2o01 6i(3 i0(eres( co0(rac(ors o0 3ire p-rc3ase (er/s, s3a22 .e /ade as per pro8ided (3ese co0di(io0s are pro8isio0s o" (3e co0(rac(. s(ip-2a(ed i0 (3e (e0der doc-/e0(s a( (3e (i/e o" ca22i01 o" (e0ders. 9ara No.2*2 #eas-re/e0( 5oo;s: T3e /eas-re/e0( .oo;, co//o0 ?or/ No.2*, is a /os( i/p*r(a0(
record si0ce i( is (3e .asis o" a22 acco-0(s o" :-a0(i(ies 63e(3er o" 6or; do0e .7 dai27 2a.o-r, piece 6or;, sc3ed-2e co0(rac(, de8ia(io0s i0 a 2-/ps-/ co0(rac(, or o" /a(eria2s recei8ed. I( is (3e ori1i0a2 record o" ac(-a2 /eas-re/e0( o" co-0(. T3e descrip(io0s /-s( .e 2-cid so as (o ad/i( o" eas7 ide0(i"ica(io0 a0d c3ec;. & re2ia.2e record is (3e o.=ec( (o .e ai/ed a( as i( /a7 3a8e (o .e prod-ced as e8ide0ce i0 a Co-r( o" La6. R-2es re1ardi01 (3e /ai0(e0a0ce o" /eas-re/e0( .oo;s a0d (3e /a00er o" /a;i01 e0(ries (3erei0 are "o-0d i0 (3e &99B &cco-0(s Code 9ara 2*3 a0d 2*4. No(e.1:) I0 (3e case o" 6or;s, 63ere co0sidera.2e ear(3 6or; 3as (o .e do0e, e1., e<ca8a(io0 o" a ca0a2, (3e :-a0(i(7 o" 6or; do0e s3a22 .e de(er/i0ed 6i(3 re"ere0ce (o (3e 2e8e2s (a;e0 .e"ore a0d a"(er e<ca8a(io0 a0d (3e "i0a2 pa7/e0( (o (3e co0(rac(or s3a22 .e .ased o0 (3e 2esser o" (3e (6o >ie., :-a0(i(ies .ased o0 pi( /eas-re/e0(s a0d 2e8e2s (a;e0. T3e 2e8e2s (a;e0 i0 s-c3 cases are (o .e recorded i0 Le8e2 ?ie2d 5oo;s a0d ca2c-2a(io0s /ade a"(er p2o((i01 (3e 2e8e2s o0 ac(io0 sec(io0 s3ee(s, a0d L? .oo;s, sec(io0 s3ee(s a0d ca2c-2a(io0 s(a(e/e0(s are (o .e (rea(ed as ad=-0c(s (o (3e /eas-re/e0( .oo;. 'e(ai2ed r-2es re1ardi01 (3e /eas-re/e0( (o .e (a;e0 i0 (3e case o" ear(3 6or; e<ca8a(io0 are "o-0d i0 speci"ica(io0 2+>& >3 i0 Sec(io0.3 o" &9'SS. T3e "o22o6i01 cer(i"ica(es s3a22 .e i0ser(ed a( (3e (i/e o" passi01 .i22s:
6or;s, /eas-re/e0(s s3a22 .e recorded .7 E9C a1e0c7 i0 #.5oo;s a0d L.?.5oo;s iss-ed .7 (3e co0cer0ed EE d-27 0-/.ered a0d cer(i"ied. T3e #.5oo;s a0d L.?.5oo;s 3a8e (o .e /ai0(ai0ed .7 (3e E9C a1e0c7 (3ro-13 a-(3oriDed 1rad-a(e e01i0eers as per proced-re prescri.ed i0 Code a0d "i0a227 (o .e 3a0ded o8er (o (3e depar(/e0( >E01i0eer)i0) c3ar1e . 2. I0 Ear(3 Bor; E<ca8a(io0 a0d e/.a0;/e0( &E4&EEs 3a8e (o 8eri"7 a0d record
a. 143rd o" pre2e8e2s (a;e0 .7 E9C a1e0c7 .. 1++J 2e8e2s i0 case o" c-( o"" a0d "o-0da(io0s c . 25J o" i0(er/edia(e 6or; do0e 2e8e2s d. 1++J "or "i0a2 2e8e2s recorded .7 E9C &1e0c7. e. &22 /eas-re/e0(s recorded .7 (3e E9C a1e0c7 i0 (3e #) 5oo;s iss-ed .7 (3e EE s3a22 .e c3ec;ed (o 1++J e<(e0( .7 &Es4&EEs
Cer(i"ica(ed (3a( 2e8e2s recorded i0 ". 'EEs., EEs a0d SEs (3e L? .oo;s, 2e8e2s p2o((ed i0 3a8e (o c3ec; (3e sec(io0 s3ee(s a0d (3e a.o8e 2e8e2s a0d areas4:-a0(i(ies 6or;ed o-( i0 (3e /eas-re/e0(s as per ca2c-2a(io0 s3ee(s 3a8e .ee0 s(a0di01 coda2 c3ec;ed a0d "o-0d correc(. pro8isio0s a0d orders. No(e.2:) B3e0e8er /eas-re/e0( .oo;s, c3a01e 3a0ds, e8e0 i" i( is 3. B3ere8er E-a2i(7 o027 "ro/ o0e o""ice (o a0o(3er Co0(ro2 a1e0cies are i0 si(-a(ed i0 (3e sa/e .-i2di01, (3e e<is(e0ce, s-c3 a1e0c7 receip( o" (3e .oo;s s3o-2d .e 3as (o record i(s ac;0o62ed1ed i0 6ri(i01 .7 so/e "i0di01s i0 # 5oo;s4L? respo0si.2e perso0 o" a 1rade 0o( 5oo;s .esides i0"erior (o (3a( o" a c2er;. "-r0is3i01 cer(i"ica(es as prescri.ed separa(e27. No(e.3:) I0 (3e case o" =o. 6or;s e<ec-(ed .7 piece 6or;ers i0 (3e T3e E01i0eer)i0)c3ar1e 9B Bor;s3ops a( H7dera.ad, 3as (o appro8e (3e c-()o"" !i=a7a6ada a0d 'o62ais6ara/ (re0c3 a0d o(3er 63ere piece 6or;ers are 1i8e0 (3e "o-0da(io0 i0 co0s-2(a(io0 6or;s "or (3e a/o-0(s o" 2a.o-r 6i(3 (3e a-(3oriDed es(i/a(ed "or i0 (3e 6or; order 1eo2o1is(. es(i/a(es a0d a1reed (o .7 (3e piece 6or;ers i0 (3e "or/ o" a1ree/e0( pri0(ed i0 (3e 6or; order "or/ >9B' I!.6 (3ere is 0o 0eed (o record i0 a /eas-re/e0( .oo; a07 /eas-re/e0( o" (3e 6or;s do0e or (3e 2-/ps-/ is e0(r-s(ed (o (3e piece 6or;er s-.=ec( (o pa7/e0( (o 3i/ a( a ra(e a1reed (o 6i(3 re"ere0ce (o 6ei13( or area o" o-r (-r0, i( is 0ecessar7 (o record de(ai2ed /eas-re/e0(s or =o. 6or;s i0 a /eas-re/e0( .oo; (o ser8e as a .asis "or /a;i01 pa7/e0( (o (3e piece 6or;er. P r No/0'8/ 9o6ers o" CE, R%5 ) 9ara 415. ! IV Contr cts: co0(rac(s: No(e.1 -0der &r(ic2e 1*3 To accep( (e0ders "or e<ec-(io0 o" T3e proced-re prescri.ed .7 6or;s, i0c2-di01 (3ose (o .e Go8er0/e0( "or accep(a0ce o" e<ec-(ed .7 (3e E2ec(rica2 E01i0eer (e0ders i0 respec( o" E9C >Ge0era2 .7 co0(rac(, -p(o s3a22 .e "o22o6ed. (ec30ica227 sa0c(io0ed es(i/a(es p2-s
s-c3 perce0(a1e e<cess as (3e CE is co/pe(e0( (o sa0c(io0 -0der e<cess o8er es(i/a(es. B3e0 o0ce a 6or; is ad/i0is(ra(i8e27 sa0c(io0ed .7 (3e Go8er0/e0( a0d (3e es(i/a(e (3ere"ore is (ec30ica227 sa0c(io0ed .7 (3e co/pe(e0( a-(3ori(7 a0d a co0(rac( is co0c2-ded "or (3e e<ec-(io0 o" (3e 6or;, 0o 6or; s3o-2d .e s(opped or s2o6ed do60 >rare e/er1e0cies e<pec(ed or pa7/e0(s (o co0(rac(ors 6i(3 3e2d or de2a7ed, e8e0 i" (3ere is 0eed "or a re8ised es(i/a(e (o .e sa0c(io0ed .7 (3e Go8er0/e0(. S-c3 pa7/e0(s s3o-2d 3o6e8er, .e s-.=ec( (o (3e e<is(e0ce o" ade:-a(e .-d1e( pro8isio0 6i(3i0 (3e re2e8a0( 3ead o" acco-0(. B3e0 (3e e<pe0di(-re o0 a 6or; is 2i;e27 (o e<ceed o8er (3e 1+J o8er (3e co0(rac( 8a2-e o" (3e 6or; >i0 (3e case o" pre/i-/ (e0ders , (3e CE s3o-2d i0"or/ (3e Go8er0/e0( o" (3e appro<i/a(e e<(ra co//i(/e0( i08o28ed a0d a2so "o22o6 -p 6i(3 a re8ised es(i/a(e as ear27 as possi.2e. I", 3o6e8er, o027 a par( o" (3e 6or; co8ered .7 (3e es(i/a(e 3as .ee0 e0(r-s(ed o0 co0(rac( a( pre/i-/ ra(es, (3is 1+J re"erred (o a.o8e s3o-2d .e o8er (3e (o(a2 8a2-e o" (3e 6or;, co/prisi01 (3e co0(rac( a/o-0( "or (3e por(io0 or por(io0s a2read7 e0(r-s(ed p2-s (3e (o(a2 es(i/a(ed 8a2-e o" (3e i(e/ 0o( 7e( e0(r-s(ed or -(i2iDed. T3e CE /a7 pro8isio0a227 sa0c(io0 (3e re8ised es(i/a(es a0d s-./i( (3e/ (o Go8er0/e0( "or re1-2ar sa0c(io0 .e"ore (3e "i0a2 pa7/e0( "or 6or; is /ade.
A"en."ent to Co.e :or E/P/C/ ;or!s 3An.<r Pr .es< PuClic ;or!s Accounts Co.e4
A/P/PuClic ;or!s Pro>ision s &er Co.e Accounts Co.e P r (-7 Recor.in# o: 6e sure"ents 36e sure"ent Boo!s4: A"en."ent s &er EPC
Note 0 un.er P r (-7 I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s, #.5oo;s a0d L.?.5oo;s 3a8e 9a7/e0( "or a22 6or;s do0e (o .e iss-ed .7 (3e E<ec-(i8e o(3er6ise (3a0 .7 dai27 2a.o-r E01i0eer (o E9C a1e0c7 d-27 a0d "or a22 s-pp2ies, are /ade o0 cer(i"ied a0d 0-/.ered "or (3e .asis o" (3e /eas-re/e0(s recordi01 /eas-re/e0(s a0d recorded i0 /eas-re/e0( .oo;s, 2e8e2s. T3e #.5oo;s a0d L.?. C.?.No.2*, i0 accorda0ce 6i(3 5oo;s s3a22 .e /ai0(ai0ed .7 (3e r-2es i0 para 2*2 o" (3e P'Q E9C &1e0c7 a0d .i22s are (o Code. T3e /eas-re/e0( .oo;s .e s-./i((ed (o (3e E01i0eer s3o-2d (3ere"ore .e co0sidered as i0 C3ar1e .7 (3e E9C a1e0c7 8er7 i/por(a0( acco-0( records. a2o01 6i(3 a (r-e e<(rac( o" &22 (3e .oo;s .e2o01i01 (o a (3e e0(ire se( "or c3ec;i01 a0d di8isio0 s3o-2d .e 0-/.ered /a;i01 pa7/e0(. T3e seria227 a0d (3e pa1es o" eac3 E01i0eer)i0)c3ar1e 3as (o .oo; s3o-2d .e /ac3i0e ;eep (3e "-22 se( o" (r-e e<(rac( 0-/.ered a0d a re1is(er o" (3e/ 6i(3 3i/ a0d re(-r0 (3e s3o-2d .e /ai0(ai0ed i0 "or/ ori1i0a2s (o (3e a1e0c7 "or 9B' !I)2+, i0 (3e 'i8isio0a2 "-r(3er -se. T3e e0(ire ori1i0a2 O""ice s3o6i01 (3e seria2 0-/.er record s3a22 .e "i0a227 3a0d2ed o" eac3 .oo;, (3e 0a/es o" (3e o8er "or record (o (3e s-. di8isio0s (o 63ic3 iss-ed, E01i0eer)i0)c3ar1e .7 (3e (3e da(e o" iss-e a0d (3e da(e o" E9C &1e0c7. i(s re(-r0, so (3a( i(s e8e0(-a2 re(-r0 (o (3e 'i8isio0a2 O""ice /a7 .e 6a(c3ed. T3e r-2es re2a(i01 (o (3e /ode o" pa7/e0( i0 (3e case o" ear(3 6or; are se( "or(3 i0 No(e.1 -0der 9ara 2*2 o" P'Q code.
Note/':, a si/i2ar re1is(er s3o-2d a2so .e /ai0(ai0ed i0 (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""ice s3o6i01 (3e 0a/es o" (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer a0d Sec(io0a2 O""icer (o
63o/ /eas-re/e0( .oo;s are iss-ed. 5oo;s 0o 2o01er i0 -se s3o-2d .e 6i(3dra60 pro/p(27 e8e0 (3o-13 0o( co/p2e(e27 6ri((e0 -p.
a.S-c3 co/p2e(ed /eas-re/e0( .oo;s 63ic3 co0(ai0 /eas-re/e0(s o" (3e 6or; e<ec-(ed .7 co0(rac(ors, 3a8i01 r-00i01 acco-0(s, s3o-2d .e se0( (o (3e di8isio0a2 o""ice "or "i0a2 record, a"(er "i0a2 .i22s 3a8e .ee0 paid (o (3e co0(rac(ors. U0(i2 (3e0 s-c3 .oo;s i" 0o( re:-ired "or re"ere0ce .7 s-. di8isio0a2 o""icers, or Sec(io0 o""icers s3o-2d .e se( (o (3e 'i8isio0 o""ice "or P(e/porar7 recordsQ (o .e (a;e0 .ac; 63e0 pa7/e0(s 3a8e (o .e /ade. 5-( (3e co/p2e(ed .oo;s, 63ic3 co0(ai0 63o227 /eas-re/e0(s, 6or;s or s-pp2ies, "or 63ic3 pa7/e0(s are /ade o0 3a0d receip( are P"irs( a0d "i0a2Q .i22s, or /eas-re/e0(s o" i(e/s o" 6or;s carried o-( depar(/e0(a227, "or 63ic3 pa7/e0(s are /ade o0 0o/i0a2 /-s(er ro22s or .o(3, s3o-2d .e se0( (o (3e di8isio0a2 o""ice "or "i0a2 record i//edia(e27 a"(er a22 .i22s, (3e /eas-re/e0(s o" 63ic3 are recorded (3erei0, 3a8e .ee0 paid. Note/(:, 5oa( 0o(es 63ic3 (a;e (3e p2ace o" /eas-re/e0( .oo;s i0 respec( o"
/a(eria2s 2oaded i0(o a0d -02oaded "ro/ .oa(s s3o-2d .e (rea(ed as /eas-re/e0( .oo;s. T3e proced-re is 0o( app2ica.2e (o (3e Ri8er Co0ser8a0c7 S-. 'i8isio0, G-0(-r di8isio0. Note/7:, I0 specia2 cases o" dis(a0ce o8er 1++ /i2es 63ere (3e EE 3as a-(3orised (3e dri8ers co0cer0ed (o p-rc3ase pe(ro2 or diese2 oi2 e0ro-(e C8ice s-. para 4 -0der I0s(r-c(io0.6 i0 para3+6, (3e record o" /eas-re/e0(s a0d pa7/e0(s /a7 .e /ade .7 (3e S-per8isors or o(3er a-(3orised o""icer as ear27 as possi.2e a"(er (3e ac(-a2 p-rc3ase a0d pa7/e0( .7 (3e dri8ers, s-c3 records .ei01 .ased o0 (3e cas3 .i22s "or (3e pe(ro2 or oi2 a0d .a2a0ce o0 3a0d a( (3e (i/e o" s-c3 record. P r (-0 Det ile. 6e sure"ents: Note/8 un.er & r (-0 o: a EAF Co.e: ii B3ere pa7/e0( is resor(ed (o, 1. I0 case o" E9C 6or;s, 6i(3 re"ere0ce (o (3e 2e8e2s i0 /eas-re/e0(s s3a22 .e (3e case o" ear(3 6or;, (3e recorded .7 E9C a1e0c7 2e8e2s (a;e0 s3o-2d .e recorded i0 #.5oo;s a0d i0 L? .oo;s, ca2c-2a(io0 o" L.?.5oo;s iss-ed .7 (3e :-a0(i(7 o" ear(3 6or; do0e co0cer0ed EE d-27 s3o-2d .e /ade a"(er p2o((i01 0-/.ered a0d cer(i"ied. (3e 2e8e2s o0 sec(io0 s3ee(s. I0 T3e #.5oo;s a0d s-c3 cases, (3e L? .oo;s L.?.5oo;s 3a8e (o .e sec(io0 s3ee(s a0d ca2c-2a(io0 /ai0(ai0ed .7 (3e E9C s(a(e/e0(s s3o-2d .e (rea(ed as a1e0c7 (3ro-13 ad=-0c(s (o (3e /eas-re/e0( a-(3oriDed 1rad-a(e .oo;. e01i0eers as per proced-re prescri.ed i0 ii. I0 recordi01 de(ai2ed Code a0d "i0a227 (o .e /eas-re/e0(s, (3e "o22o6i01 3a0ded o8er (o (3e 1e0era2 i0s(r-c(io0s s3o-2d .e depar(/e0( >E01i0eer) care"-227 o.ser8ed. i0)c3ar1e . T3e (op /os( 2i0es -0der co2-/0.1 (o 4 o0 eac3 pa1e o"
a /eas-re/e0( .oo; s3o-2d e/.a0;/e0( &E4&EEs i08aria.27 .e "i22ed i0 (3e "i2ed. 3a8e (o 8eri"7 a0d No0 o" (3e 2i0es s3o-2d .e 2e"( record .2a0;. &07 2i0es 0o( re:-ired s3o-2d .e care"-227 scored a. 143rd o" pre2e8e2s (a;e0 (3ro-13 i0 order (o pre8e0( .7 E9C a1e0c7 addi(io0a2 e0(ries .ei01 /ade 2a(er o0. 'e(ai2ed .. 1++J 2e8e2s i0 case o" /eas-re/e0(s s3o-2d .ec-( o"" a0d recorded o027 .7 E<ec-(i8e, "o-0da(io0s &ssis(a0( E<ec-(i8e or &ss(.E01i0eers or .7 E<ec-(i8e c . 25J o" i0(er/edia(e s-.ordi0a(es i0 c3ar1e o"6or; do0e 2e8e2s 6or;s (o 63o/ /eas-re/e0( .oo;s 3a8e .ee0 s-pp2ied "or d. 1++J "or "i0a2 2e8e2s (3e p-rpose. recorded .7 Note/':, E01i0eer a0d E01i0eer E9C &1e0c7. s-.ordi0a(e s(-de0(s e. &22 /eas-re/e0(s -0der1oi01 (3eir prac(ica2 recorded .7 (3e E9C co-rse /a7 .e a22o6ed (o a1e0c7 i0 (3e #)5oo;s record /eas-re/e0(s pro8ided iss-ed .7 (3e EE s3a22 (3e7 are s7s(e/a(ica227 .e c3ec;ed (o 1++J c3ec;ed .7 o0e o" (3e o""icers e<(e0( .7 &Es4&EEs /e0(io0ed a.o8e. ". 'EEs., EEs a0d SEs 3a8e (o c3ec; (3e a.o8e Note/(:, 'i8isio0a2 s(ore;eepers or 2e8e2s a0d /eas-re/e0(s s(ores c2er;s or (3e di8isio0a2 as per s(a0di01 coda2 3ead c2er;s i0 (3e a.se0ce o" pro8isio0s a0d orders. .o(3 /a7, i0 cases 63ere (3ere are 0o e<ec-(i8e s-.ordi0a(es. o0 (3e spo(, a0d i0 specia2 cases 63ere (3e EE co0siders 3. B3ere8er E-a2i(7 (3a( (3e e<i1e0cies o" (3e Co0(ro2 a1e0cies are i0 ser8ice re:-ire i(, record (3eir e<is(e0ce, s-c3 a1e0c7 /eas-re/e0(s o" s(ores 3as (o record i(s "i0di01s recei8ed i0 /eas-re/e0( i0 # 5oo;s4L? 5oo;s .oo;s. .esides "-r0is3i01 cer(i"ica(es as prescri.ed Note/7:,T3e B3ar" S-peri0(e0de0(s separa(e27 a( Nidada8o2e a0d Tadepa22i1-de/ i0 (3e Gada8ari Bes(er0 'i8isio0 a0d (3e Loc; S-peri0(e0de0( a( '-11ira2a i0 (3e @ris30a Bes(er0 'i8isio0 are a-(3orised (o record (3eir
Note/0:, T3e ?ore/e0 i0 (3e 9B Bor;s3ops, &9 are per/i((ed (o record de(ai2ed /eas-re/e0(s i0 #..oo;s. Note/2:, T3e por( Co0ser8a(ors a( Ca2i01apa(0a/ a0d 53ee/-0ipa(0a/ 9or(s are a-(3orised (o record /eas-re/e0(s i0 /eas-re/e0( .oo;s. T3e (oo2s ;eeper i0 (3e 9B Bor;s3ops is a-(3orised (o record i0 /eas-re/e0( .oo;s (3e receip( o" /a(eria2s i0 cases 63ere (3eir 8a2-e does 0o( e<ceed (3e a/o-0( o" 3is sec-ri(7 deposi(. T3e /eas-re/e0(s o" 6or;s i0 (3e 'o62ais6ara/ Bor;s3ops 6i22 ordi0ari27 .e recorded .7 (3e ?ore/a0 S-peri0(e0de0( 63e0 0ecessi(7 arises o6i01 (o e/er1e0c7 or r-s3 o" 6or; d-e (o c2os-re o" 6or;s, e(c., (3e EE, Goda8ari Heads Bor;s 'i8isio0, /a7 per/i( (3e /ec3a0ica2 dra-13(s/a0 a0d (3e "2oa(i01 p2a0 dra-13(s/a0 a2so (o record /eas-re/e0(s. T3e /eas-re/e0(s recorded .7 (3ese s-.ordi0a(es /-s( .e c3ec;ed .7 (3e Gr. S-peri0(e0de0(. T3e Road S-peri0(e0de0(, 'o62ais6ara/, is per/i((ed (o record i0 /eas-re/e0( .oo;s (3e :-a0(i(ies o" /a(eria2s recei8ed .7 3i/ "ro/ (i/e (o
(i/e "ro/ (3e 9B S(ores e(c., "or (3e r-00i01 o" (3e "2oa(i01 p2a0( i0 3is c3ar1e. T3e 5oa( S-peri0(e0de0( a0d (3e ?ore/e0, !i=a7a6ada Bor;s3ops, are per/i((ed (o record /eas-re/e0(s i0 /eas-re/e0( .oo;s s-.=ec( (o (3e co0di(io0 (3a( (3e /eas-re/e0(s are c3ec;ed .7 (3e G-0ior S-peri0(e0de0( o" (3e 9-.2ic Bor;s3ops, 8i=a7a6ada. T3e o-(door ?ore/a0, 9B Bor;s3ops, 'o62ais6ara/ is a2so per/i((ed (o record /eas-re/e0(s i0 (3e #. 5oo;s -0der (3e s-per8isio0 o" (3e Gr. S-pd(., 9B 6or;s3ops, 'o62ais6ara/. Note:, I0 specia2 cases o" dis(a0ce o8er 1++ /i2es 63ere (3e EE 3as a-(3orised (3e dri8ers co0cer0ed (o p-rc3ase pe(ro2 or diese2 oi2 o0 ro-( 8ide s-. para 4 -0der i0s(r-c(io0.6 i0 para 3+6 (3e record o" /eas-re/e0(s a0d pa7/e0(s /a7 .e /ade .7 (3e S-per8isors or o(3er a-(3orised o""icer as ear27 as possi.2e a"(er (3e ac(-a2 p-rc3ase a0d pa7/e0( .7 (3e dri8ers, s-c3 records .ei01 .ased o0 (3e cas3 .i22s "or (3e p-rc3ase a0d o0 a re8ie6 o" (3e 2o1 .oo; o" (3e 8e3ic2e "or co0s-/p(io0 o" pe(ro2 or oi2 a0d .a2a0ce o0 3a0d a( (3e (i/e o" s-c3 record. 3C4 &22 /eas-re/e0(s s3o-2d .e 0ea(27 (a;e0 do60 i0 a
/eas-re/e0( .oo;, C? No.2*,, iss-ed "or (3e p-rpose, a0d 0o63ere e2se 3c4 Eac3 se( o" /eas-re/e0(s s3o-2d co//e0ce 6i(3 e0(ries s(a(i01: 3i4 In c se o: Cills :or Bor! .one/
>a "-22 0a/e o" 6or; as 1i8e0 i0 es(i/a(e. >. si(-a(io0 o" 6or;, >c 0a/e o" co0(rac(or >d 0-/.er a0d da(e o" 3is a1ree/e0( >e da(e o" co//e0ce/e0( o" 6or; >ie., da(e o0 63ic3 (3e si(e 6as 3a0ded o8er . >" da(e o" ac(-a2 co/p2e(io0 o" 6or;, a0d >1 da(e o" /eas-re/e0( 3ii4 In c se o: Cills :or su&&l= o: " teri ls
>a 0a/e o" s-pp2ier >. 0-/.er a0d da(e o" 3is a1ree/e0( or order >iii &ur&ose o: su&&l= in one o: t<e :olloBin# :or"s, &&lic Cle to t<e c se >i PS(oc;Q >"or a22 s-pp2ies "or s(oc; p-rposes >ii P9-rc3ase P "or direc( iss-e (o >3ere e0(er "-22 0a/e o" 6or; as 1i8e0 i0 es(i/a(e VVVVVVV >iii P9-rc3aseQ "or >3ere e0(er "-22 0a/e o" 6or; as 1i8e0 i0 es(i/a(e
VVVVVV.. ?or iss-e (o co0(rac(or VVVVV..o0 VVVV.. >d da(e o" 6ri((e0 order or co//e0ce/e0( o" s-pp2ies. >e 'a(e o" ac(-a2 co/p2e(io0 o" s-pp2ies, a0d >" 'a(e o" /eas-re/e0( VVVV a0d VVVVV.s3o-2d e0d 6i(3 (3e da(ed si10a(-re a0d desi10a(io0 o" (3e perso0 /a;i01 (3e /eas-re/e0( see a2so para 2*4. & s-i(a.2e a.s(rac( s3o-2d (3e0 .e prepared 63ic3 s3o-2d corre2a(e i0 (3e case o" /eas-re/e0( "or 6or; do0e, (3e (o(a2 :-a0(i(ies o" eac3 dis(i0c( i(e/ o" 6or; re2a(i01 (o eac3 sa0c(io0ed s-. 3ead. 3.4 &s a22 pa7/e0(s "or 6or; or s-pp2ies are passed o0 (3e :-a0(i(ies recorded i0 (3e /eas-re/e0( .oo;, i( is i0c-/.e0( -po0 (3e perso0 (a;i01 (3e /eas-re/e0( (o record (3e :-a0(i(ies c2ear27 a0d acc-ra(e27. He 6i22 a2so .e respo0si.2e "or (3e correc(0ess o" (3e e0(ries i0 (3e co2-/0 PCo0(e0(s or areaQ "or (3e /eas-re/e0( recorded .7 3i/. I" (3e /eas-re/e0(s are (a;e0 i0 co00ec(io0 6i(3 a r-00i01 co0(rac( acco-0( o0 63ic3 6or; 3as .ee0 pre8io-s27 /eas-red, 3e is "-r(3er respo0si.2e. 1 that reference to the last set of measurements is recorded, and 2 that if the entire job or contract has been completed, the date of
completion is duly noted in the prescribed place vide clause (c) above. If the measurements taken are the first set of measurements on a running account, or the first and final measurements, this fact should be suitably noted against the entries in the measurement book and in the latter case the actual date of completion noted in the prescribed place. The signature of the contractor or his agent should be obtained in measurement books after each set of measurements, with the addition !I accept the measurement". In the case of illiterate men their marks should be attested by an independent witness. 3e4 E0(ries s3o-2d .e recorded co0(i0-o-s27 i0 (3e /eas-re/e0( .oo;. No .2a0; pa1es /a7 .e 2e"( a0d 0o pa1e .e (or0 o-(. &07 pa1es 2e"( .2a0; i0ad8er(e0(27 /-s( .e ca0ce22ed .7 dia1o0a2 2i0es, (3e ca0ce22a(io0 .ei01 a((es(ed. See a2so para 2*2 o" (3e P'Q Code. 3:4 No e0(r7 /a7 .e erased. I" a /is(a;e is /ade, i( s3o-2d .e correc(ed .7 (3e respo0si.2e o""icer a0d i0i(ia2ed a0d da(ed. B3e0 a07 /eas-re/e0(s are ca0ce22ed, (3e ca0ce22a(io0 /-s( .e s-ppor(ed .7 (3e da(ed i0i(ia2s o" (3e o""icer orderi01 (3e ca0ce22a(io0 or .7 a re"ere0ce (o 3is orders i0i(ia2ed .7 (3e o""icer 63o /ade (3e /eas-re/e0(s. I0 ei(3er case, (3e reaso0 "or ca0ce22a(io0 s3o-2d .e recorded.
3#4 E0(ries s3o-2d, i" possi.2e , .e /ade i0 i0;H 63e0 (3is is 0o( possi.2e, pe0ci2 e0(ries s3o-2d 0o( .e i0;ed o8er. E0(ries i0 (3e Pco0(e0(s or areaQ co2-/0 s3o-2d .e /ade i0 i0; i0 (3e "irs( i0s(a0ce. 3<4 Eac3 /eas-re/e0( .oo; s3o-2d .e pro8ided 6i(3 a0 i0de< 63ic3 s3o-2d .e ;ep( -p (o da(e. 3i4 B3ere pa7/e0( is resor(ed (o 6i(3 re"ere0ce (o (3e 2e8e2s, i0 (3e case o" ear(3 6or;, (3e 2e8e2s (a;e0 s3o-2d .e recorded i0 L.?..oo;s. Ca2c-2a(io0 o" :-a0(i(7 o" ear(3 6or; do0e s3o-2d .e /ade a"(er p2o((i01 (3e 2e8e2s o0 sec(io0 s3ee(s. I0 s-c3 cases, (3e L? .oo;s sec(io0 s3ee(s a0d ca2c-2a(io0 s(a(e/e0(s s3o-2d .e (rea(ed as ad=-0c(s (o (3e /eas-re/e0( .oo;.
T<e :olloBin# s< ll Ce ..e. s: >1 >a S-. 'i8isio0a2 O""icers Note/7/ s3o-2d 0ecessari27 c3ec; /eas-re '/ I0 Ear(3 Bor; .e"ore pa7/e0( a0d i0 proper (i/e E<ca8a(io0 a0d i0 (3e "o22o6i01 cases: e/.a0;/e0( &E4&EEs 3a8e (o 8eri"7 a0d record 1. a22 "i0a2 .i22s o0 r-00i01 acco-0(s a. 143rd o" pre2e8e2s 2. a22 "irs( a0d "i0a2 .i22s o8er (a;e0 .7 E9C a1e0c7 Rs.5++ a0d .. 1++J 2e8e2s i0 3. 6or;s i0c2-di01 i0 a22 ;i0ds case o" c-( o"" a0d o" .i22s o8er Rs.1++4) "o-0da(io0s >G.O.#s.No.244 9B' c . 25J o" d(.4.1+.1*,+ 63ic3 6i22 0o i0(er/edia(e 6or; do0e .e s-scep(i.2e o" c3ec; 2e8e2s /eas-re/e0( a"(er a cer(ai0 d. 1++J "or "i0a2 s(a1e, "or e<a/p2e 6or;s i0 2e8e2s recorded .7 E9C c3a00e2 ri8er or (a0; .eds, &1e0c7. "o-0da(io0s 63ic3 6i22 .e e.&22 /eas-re/e0(s co8ered -p e(c. recorded .7 (3e E9C a1e0c7 i0 (3e #)5oo;s >. &s re1ards o(3er .i22s 0o( iss-ed .7 (3e EE s3a22 .e per(ai0i01 (o 6or;s o" (3e c3ec;ed (o 1++J e<(e0( ;i0d /e0(io0ed i0 i(e/ >iii .7 &Es4&EEs i0 (3e a.o8e s-. c2a-se 8iD ". 'EEs., EEs a0d >i i0(er/edia(e .i22s o0 SEs 3a8e (o c3ec; (3e r-00i01 acco-0(s a0d >ii a.o8e 2e8e2s a0d "irs( a0d "i0a2 .i22s o8er /eas-re/e0(s as per Rs.1++ a0d 0o( o8er Rs.5++, s-. di8isio0a2 o""icers s3o-2d s(a0di01 coda2 pro8isio0s a0d orders. c3ec; /eas-re a 2ar1e propor(io0 o" (3e/: I" i0 (. B3ere8er E-a2i(7 s-c3 cases, i( is 0o( possi.2e Co0(ro2 a1e0cies are i0 "or (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer e<is(e0ce, s-c3 a1e0c7 3as (o c3ec; /eas-re .e"ore (o record i(s "i0di01s i0 # pa7/e0( s3o-2d .e recorded 5oo;s4L? 5oo;s .esides .7 3i/ i0 (3e Pre/ar;sQ "-r0is3i01 cer(i"ica(es as co2-/0 o" (3e /eas-re/e0( prescri.ed separa(e27. .oo;s co0cer0ed a0d c3ec; /eas-re/e0( s3o-2d .e do0e .7 3i/ a( (3e ear2ies( oppor(-0i(7 a"(er pa7/e0( 3as .ee0 /ade. T3e CEs a0d SEs o" 9B' /a7 co0do0e irre1-2ari(ies arisi01 o-( o" "ai2-re (o
co0d-c( c3ec; /eas-re/e0( s-.=ec( (o (3e "o22o6i01 co0di(io0s: a. (3a( (3e cos( o" 6or; co0cer0ed is 6i(3i0 (3e po6ers o" (3e CEs or SEs co0cer0ed (o 6ri(e o"" .. (3a( (3e CEs or SEs co0cer0ed is sa(is"ied (3a( (3ere 3as .ee0 0o 2oss o0 acco-0( o" 2ac; o" i0i(ia2 c3ec; /eas-re/e0(.
c. T3e "o22o6i01 6i22 .e e<cep(io0s (o (3e a.o8e r-2es. i. I0 (3e case o" @ora/.6or;s, 63ere (3e :-a0(i(ies o" peris3a.2e /a(eria2s -sed, s-c3 as .r-s3 6ood, 0a0a2 e(c., ca00o( .e c3ec;ed /eas-red a"(er -se, (3e sec(io0 o""icer a0d (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer s3o-2d i0spec( a0d s(a7 o0 (3e 6or;s "or a as 2o01 a period as possi.2e, 3a8i01 re1ard (o (3e i/por(a0( o" (3e 6or;s a0d cer(i"7 (o (3e sa(is"ac(or7 e<ec-(io0 o" (3e 6or;s. O0 s-c3 cer(i"ica(es pa7/e0( /a7 .e /ade ii. I0 (3e case o" "irs( a0d "i0a2 .i22s "or Rs.2++4) a0d 2ess per(ai0i01 (o 6or;s o" (3e ;i0d /e0(io0ed i0 i(e/ >iii i0 s-. c2a-se >a a.o8e, i" (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer co-2d 0o( c3ec; /eas-re (3e/ i0 proper (i/e, o6i01 (o press-re o" 6or;, e(c., i( is s-""icie0( i" (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer e0(ers i0 (3e /eas-re/e0( .oo; (3e reaso0 637 c3ec; /eas-re/e0(
co-2d 0o( .e do0e i0 (i/e a0d cer(i"ies (3a( 3e is sa(is"ied a"(er i0spec(io0 (3a( (3e 6or; 3as .ee0 do0e. O0 s-c3 cer(i"ica(es, pa7/e0( /a7 .e /ade. iii. C3ec; /eas-re/e0( is 0o( 0ecessar7 i0 (3e case o" ar(ic2es recei8ed .7 o0e 9B 'i8isio0 "or/ a0o(3er a0d i0 (3e case o" /a(eria2s o.(ai0ed "ro/ "ir/s, depar(/e0(a227 "or -se o0 6or;s, 63e0 (3e cos( o" /a(eria2s p-rc3ased a( a (i/e is Rs.5++4) or 2ess. 9ro8ided 3o6e8er, (3a( c3ec; /eas-re/e0( 6i22 .e 0ecessar7 63e0 s-pp2ies are arra01ed .7 (3e 9B s(ores di8isio0 "ro/ (3e "ir/s direc( (o (3e di8isio0 co0cer0ed. i8. T3e &ss(.E01i0eer >E2ec(rica2 E01i0eer, Ge0era2 'i8isio0, 63o is i0 c3ar1e o" e2ec(rica2 6or;s (i0 (3e /-"assa2, s3a22 c3ec; /eas-re a22 "irs( a0d "i0a2 .i22s o8er Rs.254) -p(o Rs.1,+++4) 63ere8er possi.2e .e"ore pa7/e0(. I0 (3e case o" 6or;s o" 63ic3 i( is 0o( possi.2e "or (3e c3ec; /eas-re/e0( s3o-2d .e do0e .7 3i/ a( (3e ear2ies( oppor(-0i(7 a"(er pa7/e0(, (3e reaso0s "or 0o( 3a8i01 do0e c3ec; /eas-re/e0( .e"ore pa7/e0( .ei01 recorded .7 3i/ i0 (3e PRe/ar;sQ co2-/0 o" (3e /eas-re/e0( .oo;s co0cer0ed. I0 (3e case o" s-pp2ies o" 63ic3, i( is 0o( possi.2e "or (3e &E (o c3ec; /eas-re .e"ore
pa7/e0(, 3e s3o-2d sa(is"7 3i/se2" (o (3e e<(e0( possi.2e a( (3e ear2ies( possi.2e oppor(-0i(7 a"(er pa7/e0( (3a( (3e s-pp2ies 3a8e .ee0 ac(-a227 recei8ed a0d -sed o0 (3e 6or;s "or 63ic3 (3e7 6ere o.(ai0ed a0d record (o (3a( e""ec( i0 (3e co0cer0ed /eas-re/e0( .oo;. Note/':, T3is r-2e does 0o( app27 (o ad8a0ce pa7/e0(s /ade -0der para 313 s-.=ec( (o de(ai2ed /eas-re/e0(s. I( app2ies (o (3e .i22s i0 63ic3 (3e ad8a0ce pa7/e0(s are ad=-s(ed a"(er de(ai2ed /eas-re/e0(s.
Note/(:, #eas-re/e0(s o" a22 =-012e or pric;27 pear (o .e c2eared 63e(3er (3e =-012e is so2id or i0 pa(c3es s3o-2d .e recorded .7 (3e sec(io0 o""icer i0 a /eas-re/e0( .oo; .e"ore c2eara0ce. T3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer s3o-2d a2so c3ec; /eas-re (3e 6or;s .e"ore c2eara0ce e<cep( i0 (3e case o" (3ose cos(i01 2ess (3a0 Rs.5+ i0 o-( o" (3e 6a7 p2aces 63ere (3ere are 0o o(3er 6or;s re:-iri01 s-. di8isio0a2 o""icers a((e0(io0. I0 s-c3 cases (3e EE o" (3e 'i8isio0 co0cer0ed 6i22 decide 63e(3er (3e 6or; s3o-2d .e c3ec; /eas-red or 0o(. C2eara0ce 63ic3 cos( /ore (3a0 Rs.3++ s3o-2d .e i0spec(ed .7 (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer a"(er c2eara0ce a0d .e"ore pa7/e0(. 3(4
I0 addi(io0 (o c3ec;
/eas-re/e0( .7 (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icers i( is a0 i/por(a0( d-(7 o" EE 4 di8isio0a2 E01i0eers (3a( (3e7 s3o-2d , d-ri01 (3eir i0spec(io0s, "re:-e0(27 c3ec; /eas-re 6or;s 63ic3 are i0 pro1ress a0d (3a( (3e7 s3o-2d /ai0(ai0 a re1is(er o" s-c3 c3ec; /eas-re/e0(s. T3e 0-/.er o" c3ec; /eas-re/e0(s .7 (3e EEs4'i8isio0a2 E01i0eers i0c3ar1e o" co0s(r-c(io0, /ai0(e0a0ce di8isio0 s3o-2d .e a(2eas( 36 a0d (3ose .7 (3e EEs 4 'i8isio0a2 E01i0eers i0c3ar1e o" specia2 di8isio0s s3o-2d .e a(2eas( 24 i0 a "i0a0cia2 7ear. ?-r(3er, (3e EEs4'i8isio0a2 E01i0eers s3o-2d c3ec; /eas-re a(2eas( o0ce a22 i0di8id-a2 6or;s cos(i01 Rs.5+,+++ a0d /ore. T3e c3ec; /eas-re/e0(s (o .e do0e .7 (3e EE 4 'i8isio0a2 E01i0eer s3o-2d .e spread o-( (3ro-13o-( (3e 7ear a0d (3ere s3o-2d .e 0o r-s3 o" c3ec; /eas-re/e0(s (o6ard (3e e0d o" (3e "i0a0cia2 7ear. T3e "re:-e0c7 o" c3ec; /eas-re/e0( s3o-2d .e corre2a(ed 6i(3 (3e a/o-0(s .i22s (o .e paid i0 (3e respec(i8e /o0(3s. I0 addi(io0 (o (3e a.o8e, SEs o" Circ2es s3o-2d a2so c3ec; /eas-re 6or;s a( ra0do/ i0 a par(ic-2ar 7ear or 7ears as /a7 .e direc(ed .7 (3e CE "ro/ (i/e (o (i/e. 374 T3e "ac( o" c3ec; /eas-re/e0( .7 (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer or (3e EE s3o-2d i08aria.27 .e 0o(ed i0 (3e /eas-re/e0( .oo;
a( (3e (i/e o" c3ec; /eas-re/e0( a0d (3e i(e/s c3ec; /eas-red s3o-2d .e i0dica(ed .7 (3e i0i(ia2s o" (3e c3ec;i01 o""icer, 63ic3 s3o-2d .e p2aced o0 (3e 2e"( side o" (3e co2-/0 Ppar(ic-2arsQ i0 2i0e 6i(3 (3e i(e/ c3ec; /eas-red. 304 T3e o.=ec( o" c3ec; /eas-re/e0( is (o de(ec( errors i0 /eas-re/e0( a0d (o pre8e0( "ra-d-2e0( e0(ries. C3ec; /eas-re/e0( s3o-2d (3ere"ore .e co0d-c(ed 6i(3 direc(io0 a0d /e(3od, (3ose i(e/s .ei01 se2ec(ed 63ic3 appear o.8io-s27 i0correc( or 63ic3 6o-2d .e /os( easi27 s-scep(i.2e o" "ra-d or 63ic3 6o-2d /os( serio-s27 a""ec( (3e (o(a2 a/o-0( o" (3e .i22 i" i0acc-ra(e. 324 T3e e0(r7 P/eas-red i0 /7 prese0ceQ .7 a s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer ca00o( .e accep(ed as c3ec; /eas-re/e0(. B3e0 /eas-re/e0(s are (a;e0 =oi0(27 .7 o""icers or s-.ordi0a(es, (3e /eas-re/e0(s s3o-2d a26a7s .e recorded a0d si10ed .7 (3e se0ior. 384 I0 (3e case o" 6or;s s-c3 as .reac3 c2osi01 e<ec-(ed .7 (3e r7o(s o" a p2ace, es(i/a(es are -s-a227 prepared a0d sa0c(io0ed a"(er (a;i01 /eas-re/e0(s o" (3e 6or; do0e a0d a"(er 8eri"7i01 (3e sa/e 6i(3 (3e c2ai/s o" (3e r7o(s "or eac3 i(e/ o" 6or;. T3ere is, (3ere"ore, 0o 0ecessi(7 (o /eas-re or c3ec; /eas-re (3e 6or; "-r(3er.
314 S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eers s3o-2d /a;e i( a specia2 poi0( (o see (3a( (3ese r-2es are d-27 o.ser8ed. Note:, I0 (3e Sa0i(ar7 E01i0eeri01 5ra0c3 63ere (3ere are o s-. di8isio0a2 o""icers, c3ec; /eas-re/e0( re:-ired o" s-. di8isio0a2 o""icers -0der (3e a.o8e para 6i22 .e carried o-( .7 EE, 9-.2ic Hea2(3, s-.=ec( (o (3e pro8iso (3a( (3e /o0e7 2i/i( o" Rs.254) prescri.ed i0 >1 >a >iii a0d >1 >. >ii a.o8e s3a22 .e Rs.2++ i0 (3e case o" EEs, 9-.2ic Hea2(3. 3+4 T3e CEs 6i22 .e e/po6ered (o 6ai8e c3ec; /eas-re/e0( a0d a-(3orise pa7/e0( o" .i22s -p(o Rs.5++ >R-pees "i8e 3-0dred o027 i0 respec( o" cases, 63ere c3ec; /eas-re/e0( as re:-ired -0der (3e r-2es co-2d 0o( .e do0e a0d .eco/e i/possi.2e a"(er6ards s-.=ec( (o (3e co0di(io0s, (3a( (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer records (3e reaso0s "or (3e 0o0 c3ec; /eas-re/e0( a0d cer(i"ies (3a( (3e 6or; 3as .ee0 do0e a"(er i0spec(io0 i0i(ia2 c3ec; /eas-re/e0(.
P r 7*8
Pre& r tion, EA "in tion n. 7*8 314 , I0 res&ect o: EPC & ="ent o: Cills: Bor!s, EPC A#enc= s< ll 5e"ore (3e .i22 o" a co0(rac(or &re& re "ont<l= Bor! Cills is prepared, (3e e0(ries i0 (3e C se. on "e sure"ents o: /eas-re/e0( .oo; re2a(i01 (o (3e Bor! .one n. suC"it to descrip(io0 a0d :-a0(i(ies o" 6or; or En#ineer I inc< r#e/ s-pp2ies s3o-2d .e scr-(i0iDed .7 (3e I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s, s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer a0d (3e pa7/e0(s s3a22 .e re1-2a(ed i0 ca2c-2a(io0s o" Pco0(e0(s o" areaQ accorda0ce 6i(3 &00e<-re.II) s3o-2d .e c3ec;ed ari(3/e(ica227 Sc3ed-2e o" 9a7/e0(s -0der 3is s-per8isio0. He 0eed 0o( co/po0e0( 6ise. 6or; o-( perso0a227 a22 Pco0(e0(s or T3e co/po0e0(s /a7 .e "-r(3er areaQ .-( 3is is respo0si.2e "or (3e di8ided i0(o appropria(e s-. correc(0ess o" (3ose e0(ries. T3e co/po0e0(s a0d s(a1es. T3e ra(es a22o6ed s3o-2d .e e0(ered .7 pa7/e0( o" eac3 s(a1e o" s-. (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer i0 (3e co/po0e0( s3a22 .e e<pressed a.s(rac( o" /eas-re/e0(s, 8ide para as perce0(a1e o" (o(a2 cos( o" 2*4 W. T3e .i22 s3o-2d (3e0 .e appro8ed .id 63ic3 s3a22 a2so prepared, "ro/ (3e .e appro8ed .7 (3e /eas-re/e0( e0(ries, i0 o0e o" (3e S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer a0d "or/s prescri.ed i0 para 2*, (o 3+5 s3a22 "or/ par( o" co0(rac(. app2ica.2e (o (3e case. ?-22 ra(es as S-/ o" a22 s-c3 s(a1es o" per a1ree/e0(, ca(a2o1-e, i0de0( or par(ic-2ar co/po0e0( s3a22 .e o(3er order s3o-2d .e a22o6ed o027 e:-a2 (o (3e perce0(a1e o" (3a( i" (3e :-a2i(7 o" 6or; do0e or co/po0e0( s3o60 i0 s-pp2ies /ade is -p (o s(ip-2a(ed &00e<-re.II o" Sc3ed-2e o" speci"ica(io0. B3e0 (3e 6or; or 9a7/e0(s. s-pp2ies "a22 s3or( o" (3a( s(a0dard, a0d -0der (3e a1ree/e0(, i( is T3e perce0(a1e "i<ed "or per/issi.2e (o /a;e a "i0a2 pa7/e0( s-. co/po0e0( s3a22 .e i" (3e co0(rac( is de(er/i0ed, or o0 corre2a(ed (o (3e /ai0 a0 acco-0( pa7/e0( i" (3e co0(rac( is co/po0e0( a0d 8o2-/e o" (3e (o r-0 o0 o027 s-c3 a "rac(io0 o" (3e 6or;. "-22 ra(e s3o-2d .e a22o6ed as is T3e e2i1i.i2i(7 "or co0sidered reaso0a.2e, 6i(3 d-e pa7/e0( s3a22 .e 2i/i(ed (o re1ard (o (3e 6or; re/ai0i01 (o .e co/p2e(ed por(io0s o" 6or;s, do0e a0d (3e 1e0era2 (er/s o" (3e s-.=ec( (o o(3er co0di(io0s a1ree/e0(. e08isa1ed i0 (3e a1ree/e0( a0d 57 a 1e0era2 or specia2 e<ec-(i8e i0s(r-c(io0s "ro/ order i0 6ri(i01, (3e s-. di8isio0a2 (i/e (o (i/e. o""icer /a7 per/i( a0 e<ec-(i8e s-.ordi0a(e, 63o 3as a2read7 .ee0 I0 E9C S7s(e/, Sc3ed-2e)& a-(3orised (o record /eas-re/e0(s i0dica(es o027 "ir/ 2-/ps-/ Spara 2*4 >a U, (o e0(er, i0 (3e a/o-0( o" (3e co0(rac(. a.s(rac( o" /eas-re/e0(s or direc(27 5idder s3a22 :-o(e 2-/p s-/ i0 (3e .i22 i(se2", (3e ra(es a( 63ic3 3ea/o-0( "or (3e 6or; as a 63o2e.
reco//e0ds (3e pa7/e0( "or 6or; do0e (o .e /ade pro8ided. 9erce0(a1es o" co/po0e0(s s3a22 .e i0dica(ed .7 (3e a. (3a( (3e -se o" (3is depar(/e0( i0 &00e<-re)II (o per/issio0 is co0"i0ed (o Sc3ed-2e .& (3ose 6or;s i0 c3ar1e o" (3e s-.ordi0a(e 3i/se2", (3e co0(rac( ra(es "or 63ic3 3a8e T3e C3ie" E01i0eer is a2read7 .ee0 appro8ed .7 a e/po6ered (o /odi"7 (3e co/pe(e0( a-(3ori(7H perce0(a1e o" co/po0e0(sH s(a1e 6ise .ased o0 (3e de(ai2ed a. (3a( 0o i0crease i0 a0 i08es(i1a(io0, de(ai2ed a-(3orised ra(e is s-11es(ed dra6i01s, a0d de(ai2ed 6i(3o-( (3e prior sa0c(io0 i0 es(i/a(io0 do0e .7 (3e E9C 6ri(i01 o" (3e co/pe(e0( a1e0c7 ;eepi01 (3e (o(a2 price a-(3ori(7. .id -0a2(ered. a. T3a( 63e0 (3e a-(3orised ra(e T3e S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer is 3as 0o( .ee0 "-227 ear0ed, a e/po6ered (o /odi"7 (3e s-.) s-i(a.2e red-c(io0 is /ade co/po0e0(s reac3)6ise4s(a1e) (3erei0 a0d (3e reaso0s 6ise ;eepi01 (3e perce0(a1es o" (3ereo" are recorded .rie"27 co/po0e0( -0a2(ered. "or (3e co0sidera(io0 o" (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer H a0d d. T3a( i( is /ade 6ide27 ;0o60 (o co0(rac(ors (3a( a22 e0(ries o" ra(es /ade .7 s-.ordi0a(es i0 (3e a.s(rac(s o" /eas-re/e0(s a0d .i22s are s-.=ec( (o (3e appro8a2 o" (3e proper dis.-rsi01 o""icer. 2. T3e co0(rac( a1ree/e0( or 6ri((e0 order i0 (3e case o" pe((7 6or;s s3o-2d a26a7s speci"7 (3e ra(es (o .e paid "or (3e se8era2 c2asses o" 6or; or s-pp27 a0d s3o-2d 0o( re"er (o (3e es(i/a(ed ra(es. T3e "ac( (3a( a re8ised es(i/a(e 3as .ee0 sa0c(io0ed is 0o a-(3ori(7 63a(e8er "or (3e pa7/e0( o" ra(es o(3er (3a0 (3ose pro8ided i0 appro8ed a1ree/e0(s.
4. U0"oresee0 i(e/s o" 6or; pro8ided "or .7 a 2-/ps-/ pro8isio0 i0 a0 es(i/a(e, s3o-2d .e paid "or o027 a"(er ac(-a2 /eas-re/e0(. T3e a1ree/e0( s3o-2d 3a8e a c2a-se (o (3is e""ec(. T3e re8isio0 o" ra(es a"(er 6or; is carried o-( is e0(ire27 i0 ad/issi.2e. 5. &s a 1e0era2 r-2e, pa7/e0( "or s-pp2ies is 0o( per/issi.2e -0(i2 s(ores 3a8e .ee0 recei8ed a0d s-r8e7ed, a0d pro8isio0 "or (3e o.ser8a0ce o" (3is r-2e s3o-2d .e /ade i0 a22 co0(rac(s "or (3e s-pp27 o" 1oods. I0 cases i0 63ic3 (3e opera(io0 o" (3is r-2e /i13( res-2( i0 3ards3ip, as "or e<a/p2e, 63e0 cos(27 s(ores are ordered "ro/ a dis(a0( "ir/ a0d de2a7 i0 pa7/e0( is a0(icipa(ed, a0 ad8a0ce 0o( e<ceedi01 $5 perce0( o" (3e 8a2-e o" (3e co0si10/e0( dispa(c3ed /a7 .e paid (o (3e "ir/ o0 receip( o" (3e rai26a7 receip( or dispa(c3, pro8ided (3e "ir/ is o0e appro8ed .7 (3e 1o8er0/e0( ad i( is dis(i0c(27 /ade c2ear i0 (3e a1ree/e0( or o(3er6ise (3a( (3e pa7/e0( is o027 o" (3e 0a(-re o" a0 ad8a0ce. T3e a/o-0( s3o-2d .e de.i(ed (o P#isce22a0eo-s ad8a0ceQ a0d (3e &-di( O""icer 6i22 p2ace i( -0der o.=ec(io0 pe0di01 receip( o" a .i22 .ased o0 ac(-a2 /eas-re/e0(s, ad=-s(i01 (3e a/o-0( ad8a0ced.
Note/':, &d8a0ce pa7/e0( /a7 .e /ade a1ai0s( (3e rai26a7 receip( a( *+J o" (3e cos( o" iro0 a0d s(ee2 /a(eria2s s-pp2ied "or Irri1a(io0 9ro=ec(s "ro/ 0o0 s-.sidiDed i/por(s a0d a( 1++J "or (3e /a(eria2s, s-pp2ied "ro/ s-.sidiDed i/por(s. Note/(:) &d8a0ce pa7/e0( /a7 .e /ade a1ai0s( (3e Rai26a7 Receip( a( s-c3 perce0(a1e o" (3e cos( o" /a(eria2 (3a( is s(ip-2a(ed i0 (3e ra(e co0(rac( i0 respec( o" /a(eria2s p-rc3ased -0der '.G.S., a0d '. Ra(e co0(rac( .7 (3e direc( de/a0di01 o""icer. Note/7:)I0 respec( o" s(ores i0de0(ed "ro/ "ir/s o" rep-(e, o-(side (3e '.G.S % ' ra(e co0(rac(, ad8a0ce pa7/e0( 0o( e<ceedi01 *+J o" (3e 8a2-e o" (3e dispa(c3 doc-/e0(s /a7 .e /ade (o (3e "ir/s o0 (3e s(re01(3 o" (3e dispa(c3 doc-/e0(s 63ic3 i0c2-de (es( cer(i"ica(es a0d i0spec(io0 0o(es, i" a07, prescri.ed -0der (3e (er/s a0d co0di(io0s o" (3e (e0der or p-rc3ase order. I0 case 63ere dispa(c3 doc-/e0(s are se0( (3ro-13 a .a0;, ad8a0ce pa7/e0( 0o( e<ceedi01 *+J o" (3e 8a2-e o" (3e s(ores co8ered .7 (3e dispa(c3 doc-/e0(s /a7 .e /ade (o (3e .a0; a0d (3e dispa(c3 doc-/e0(s 1o( re2eased, (3e .a0; c3ar1es .ei01 .or0e .7 (3e "ir/. I0 .o(3 (3e cases, (3e "ir/ s3o-2d "-r0is3 (3e "o22o6i01 -0der(a;i01 .e"ore (3e ad8a0ce pa7/e0( is /ade. PBe -0der(a;e, (3e e8e0( o" a07 pa7/e0( .ei01 /ade i0 ad8a0ce o" de2i8er7 (o de2i8er
(3e /a(eria2 i0 accorda0ce 6i(3 (3e (er/s o" (3e co0(rac( a0d i0 (3e e8e0( o" i(s 0o( .ei01 so de2i8ered "or a07 cases 63a(soe8er or (3e /a(eria2 de2i8ered .7 -s 0o( co0"or/i01 (o (3e speci"ica(io0s /e0(io0ed i0 (3e (e0der 4 p-rc3ase order, 6e 6i22 a( op(io0 o" (3e 1o8er0/e0(, re"-0d (3e a/o-0( so paid i0 ad8a0ce o" de2i8er7. T3e 1o8er0/e0( a2so direc( (3a( (3e ad8a0ce pa7/e0(s s3o-2d .e /ade "or co/p2e(e asse/.2ies or /a(eria2s o027 63ic3 3a8e a speci"ic -0i( ra(e i0 (3e p-rc3ase orderQ. 6. I0 specia2 cases, 3o6e8er, 63ere (3e EEs co0sider (3a( (3e e<i1e0cies o" ser8ice re:-ire i(, s(ore ;eepers /a7 .e re:-ired (o prepare pe((7 .i22 co00ec(ed 6i(3 s(ores, s-c3 as .i22s "or .a0d7 3ire, .i22s "or co22ies "or 3a0d2i01 s(ores, s(oc;, e(c., .i22s "or repairs (o (e0(s, o""ice "-r0i(-re a0d (3e 2i;e a0d i0 (3ese cases (3e .i22s or (3e 0o/i0a2 /-s(er ro22s s3o-2d i08aria.27 .e c3ec;ed .7 ei(3er (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer o (3e EE .e"ore pa7/e0( is /ade o0 (3e/. I0 0o case s3o-2d dis.-rse/e0(s o" p-.2ic /o0e7 .e e0(r-s(ed (o s(ore ;eepers a0d s(ore c2er;s e<cep( 6i(3 (3e specia2 sa0c(io0 o" 1o8er0/e0( T3e s(ore ;eeper o" (3e @ris30a Ce0(ra2 'i8isio0 is per/i((ed (o /a;e pa7/e0(s, "ro/ a0 i/pres( 1i8e0 (o 3i/ .7 (3e EE, o0 0o/i0a2 /-s(er ro22 .e2o6 Rs.25
passed .7 (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer or (3e EE a0d o0 pe((7 .i22s "or co08e7a0ce o" /a(eria2s, e(c., .e2o6 (3e sa/e a/o-0( a0d (o pa7 rai26a7 "rei13( c3ar1es .e2o6 Rs.1+4). T3e s(ore ;eeper o" (3e Goda8ari Head Bor;s 'i8isio0 is per/i((ed (o p-rc3ase pe((7 ar(ic2es a0d /a;e pa7/e0(s (3ere"ore 6i(3o-( pre a-di( (o (3e e<(e0( o" Rs.15 >"i"(ee0 a /o0(3 "ro/ a0 i/pres( 1i8e0 (o 3i/ .7 (3e EE. I0 specia2 cases or dis(a0ce o8er 1+ /i2es 63ere rep2e0is3/e0( o" pe(ro2 or diese2 oi2 e0ro-(e ca00o( .e a8oided, (3e EE co0cer0ed /a7 a-(3orise (3e ope0i01 o" a s-i(a.2e (e/porar7 i/pres( 6i(3 (3e dri8ers o" (3e 2orries or o(3er 8e3ic2es as (3e case /a7 .e a0d p+er/i( (3e/ e0ro-(e (o p-rc3ase pe(ro2 or diese2 oi2 (o (3e e<(e0( re:-ired i0 eac3 case.
P r 7*-
?ro/ (3e /eas-re/e0( .oo;s, a22 :-a0(i(ies s3o-2d .e c2ear27 (racea.2e i0(o (3e doc-/e0(s o0 63ic3 pa7/e0(s are /ade. B3e0 (3e .i22 is prepared "or 6or; or s-pp2ies /eas-red a re/ar; (o (3e e""ec( P5i22 s-./i((ed (o (3e s-. di8isio0a2 o""icer 4 EE o0 VV.Q S3o-2d .e e0dorsed o0 (3e a.s(rac( o" /eas-re/e0(s. T3e o""icer 63o si10s (3e pa7 order s3o-2d i//edia(e27 o0 si10i01 i( cross o-( e8er7 pa1e co0(ai0i01 (3e de(ai2ed /eas-re/e0(s o" (3e 6or; or s-pp2ies paid "or .7 a dia1o0a2 red i0; 2i0e. T3e o""icer 63o ac(-a227 dis.-rses (3e a/o-0( s3o-2d e0(er (3e 0-/.er a0d da(e o" (3e 8o-c3er
T3e "o22o6i01 s3a22 .e added -0der 9ara 3+*: T3e S-. 'i8isio0a2 O""icer a0d E01i0eer)i0)c3ar1e s3a22 e<ercise c3ec; (o see (3a( (3e .i22 s-./i((ed .7 E9C a1e0c7 is i0 accorda0ce 6i(3 a1ree/e0( co0di(io0s a0d cer(i"ied .7 (3e depar(/e0(a2 E-a2i(7 Co0(ro2 &-(3ori(ies >or 3rd 9ar(7 E-a2i(7 Co0(ro2 &1e0c7 >or .7 .o(3 i" .o(3 are dep2o7ed o0 (3e 6or;. E01i0eer)i0)c3ar1e >EE s3o-2d c3ec; (3e c2ai/ 6i(3 re"ere0ce (o (3e /eas-re/e0(s recorded
o" pa7/e0( 6i(3 (3e re/ar; P9aid o0 .7 8o-c3er No. P o0 (3e a.s(rac( o" /eas-re/e0(s.
(o see (3a( (3e perce0(a1e a( 63ic3 (3e .i22 is c2ai/ed is c2ear27 (racea.2e i0(o (3e doc-/e0(s o0 63ic3 pa7/e0(s No(e:) T3e doc-/e0( o0 63ic3 are (o .e /ade. 9a7/e0(s s3a22 pa7/e0( is /ade s3o-2d i08aria.27 .e ad=-s(ed "or reco8er7 o" s3o6 i0 (3e space pro8ided "or (3e ad8a0ce pa7/e0(s, 2i:-ida(ed p-rpose, (3e 0-/.er a0d pa1e o" (3e da/a1es i0 (er/s o" a1ree/e0( /eas-re/e0( .oo; i0 63ic3 (3e co0di(io0s, sec-ri(7 deposi( "or de(ai2ed /eas-re/e0(s are recorded d-e "-2"i22/e0( o" (3e co0(rac(. a0d (3e da(es o0 63ic3 (3e Reco8eries s3a22 .e a""ec(ed /eas-re/e0( a0d c3ec; (o6ards sei10ior a1e c3ar1es o0 /eas-re/e0(s 6ere /ade. (3e /a(eria2s -sed a0d !&T a0d o(3er s(a(-(or7 reco8eries as per S(a(e a0d Ce0(ra2 Go8er0/e0( R-2es a0d &c(s. 9ara 45$ C s< .e&osit o: suCor.in tes n. contr ctors " = Ce con>erte., t t<e cost o: t<e .e&ositor, into one or "ore o: t<e :or"s o: interest Ce rin# securities &ro>i.e. I T3e "o22o6i01 s3a22 .e added (o (3e e<e/p(io0 >1 -0der No(e:
I0 respec( o" E9C 6or;s (3e re(e0(io0 a/o-0( i0 e<cess o" 2.5J o" (o(a2 8a2-e o" 6or; .i22ed "or s3a22 .e re2eased i. (3a( (3e deposi(or 3as a1ai0s( 5G i0 /-2(ip2es o" e<press27 desired (3is is 6ri(i01H a0d a/o-0(s speci"ied i0 (3e a1ree/e0(, i" (3e ra(e o" ii. (3a( (3e accep(a0ce o" pro1ress is /ai0(ai0ed. (3e 0e6 "or/ o" sec-ri(7 is per/issi.2e -0der (3e r-2es as 6e22 as -0der (3e (er/s o" (3e a1ree/e0( or .o0d. '/ Cas3 63ic3 3as ac(-a227 .ee0 recei8ed or reco8ered /a7 .e co08er(ed e8e0 (3o-13 (3e "-22 a/o-0( o" (3e deposi(, 63ic3 is .ei01 paid i0 i0s(a2/e0(s, 3as 0o( 7e( .ee0 rea2iDed. Note:,
"ro/ a co0(rac(orMs .i22 "or (3e d-e "-2"i22/e0( o" a co0(rac( s3o-2d 0o(, e<cep( i0 (3e "o22o6i01 cases, .e i08es(ed i0 1o8er0/e0( sec-ri(ies.
EAce&tion:, 1.Co0(rac(s e0(ered i0(o -0der (3e 0e6 2-/ps-/ co0(rac( "or/, 6i(33e2d 63e0e8er (3e reac3 a/o-0(s
Rs.1,+++ or /-2(ip2es (3ereo", s-.=ec( o027 (o (3e co0di(io0 (3a( (3e da(e is o" pro1ress proper27 co0(ai0ed i0 (3e &r(ic2es o" &1ree/e0( /ai0(ai0ed C 8ide C2a-se 6* >. o" (3e pre2i/i0ar7 speci"ica(io0 (o (3e &.9.'.S.S.
Co0(rac( e0(ered i0(o -0der (3e o2d 2-/ps-/ co0(rac( "or/ s-.=ec( (o (3e co0di(io0 (3a( (3e CE speci"ica227 a-(3orised (3e co0cessio0 o" co08er(i01 (3e 6i(33e2d a/o-0(s i0(o i0(eres( .eari01 sec-ri(ies, i0 cases i0 63ic3 (3e 6i(33e2d a/o-0(s
Article '87
I0 addi(io0 (o (3e "o-r /e(3ods o" e<ec-(io0 "i"(3 /e(3od is Bor;s are e<ec-(ed .7 o0e or i0(rod-ced "or e<ec-(io0 o" E9C o(3er o" (3e "o22o6i01 "o-r 6or;s. /e(3odsH >8 57 a0 a1ree/e0( i0 (3e "or/ i8 (3e depar(/e0(a2 /e(3od appro8ed .7 Go8er0/e0( "or 8 piece 6or; co0(rac( E9C 6or;s. /e(3od 8i (3e 2-/p s-/ co0(rac( I0 re1ard (o /e(3od >8 (3e de(ai2s /e(3od a0d are se( "or(3 c2ear27 i0 (3e "or/ o" i8 (3e sc3ed-2e co0(rac( ar(ic2es o" a1ree/e0(, (e0der /e(3od. 0o(ice a0d (e0der doc-/e0(s Un.er "et<o. 3i , (3e depar(/e0( co0cer0ed i(se2" e01a1es (3e 0ecessar7 dai27 2a.o-r a0d p-rc3ases or s-pp2ies (3e 0ecessar7 /a(eria2s. T3is /e(3od is adop(ed 63e0 0o co0(rac(or is a8ai2a.2e or 63e0 i( is co0sidered (o .e (3e /os( eco0o/ica2 /e(3od. Un.er "et<o. 3ii4, (3e piece 6or;er a1rees (o e<ec-(e a speci"ied 6or; or par( o" a 6or; as speci"ied ra(es 6i(3o-( re"ere0ce (o :-a0(i(7 or (3e (i/e (a;e0, a0d (3e depar(/e0( co0cer0ed arra01es "or (3e s-per8isio0, se((i01 o-( a0d /eas-ri01 o" a22 (3e 6or; do0e. &s a r-2e, (3is /e(3od s3o-2d 0o( .e adop(ed "or 6or;s o(3er (3a0 pe((7 6or;s >i0c2-di01 i/pro8e/e0(s a0d repairs . Un.er "et<o. 3iii4, (3e co0(rac(or a1rees (o e<ec-(e a co/p2e(e 6or; i0 accorda0ce 6i(3 (3e speci"ica(io0s "or a 2-/p s-/ pa7/e0(. T3is114 appro8ed .7 Go8er0/e0(.
Article '87
6et<o.s o: eAecutin# Bor!s: Bor;s are e<ec-(ed .7 o0e or o(3er o" (3e "o22o6i01 "o-r /e(3odsH 8ii (3e depar(/e0(a2 /e(3od 8iii piece 6or; co0(rac( /e(3od i< (3e 2-/p s-/ co0(rac( /e(3od a0d i8 (3e sc3ed-2e co0(rac( /e(3od. Un.er "et<o. 3i , (3e depar(/e0( co0cer0ed i(se2" e01a1es (3e 0ecessar7 dai27 2a.o-r a0d p-rc3ases or s-pp2ies (3e 0ecessar7 /a(eria2s. T3is /e(3od is adop(ed 63e0 0o co0(rac(or is a8ai2a.2e or 63e0 i( is co0sidered (o .e (3e /os( eco0o/ica2 /e(3od. Un.er "et<o. 3ii4, (3e piece 6or;er a1rees (o e<ec-(e a speci"ied 6or; or par( o" a 6or; as speci"ied ra(es 6i(3o-( re"ere0ce (o :-a0(i(7 or (3e (i/e (a;e0, a0d (3e depar(/e0( co0cer0ed arra01es "or (3e s-per8isio0, se((i01 o-( a0d /eas-ri01 o" a22 (3e 6or; do0e. &s a r-2e, (3is /e(3od s3o-2d 0o( .e adop(ed "or 6or;s o(3er (3a0 pe((7 6or;s >i0c2-di01 i/pro8e/e0(s a0d repairs . Un.er "et<o. 3iii4, (3e co0(rac(or a1rees (o e<ec-(e a co/p2e(e 6or; i0 accorda0ce 6i(3 (3e speci"ica(io0s "or a
I0 addi(io0 (o (3e "o-r /e(3ods o" e<ec-(io0 "i"(3 /e(3od is i0(rod-ced "or e<ec-(io0 o" E9C 6or;s. >8 57 a0 a1ree/e0( i0 (3e "or/ appro8ed .7 Go8er0/e0( "or E9C 6or;s. I0 re1ard (o /e(3od >8 (3e de(ai2s are se( "or(3 c2ear27 i0 (3e "or/ o" ar(ic2es o" a1ree/e0(, (e0der 0o(ice a0d (e0der doc-/e0(s appro8ed .7 Go8er0/e0(.
2-/p s-/ pa7/e0(. T3is /e(3od s3o-2d .e adop(ed e<cep( 63e0 o0e o" (3e o(3er /e(3ods is co0sidered /ore ad8a0(a1eo-s. T3e reco//e0da(io0s /ade i0 (3e 6or;s3op co0d-c(ed .7 (3e ?i0a0ce a0d Irri1a(io0 'epar(/e0( i0 'r. #CR.HR' I0s(i(-(e o" &.9. o0 22.1.2++$.
S(a0dardiDa(io0 o" O%# "or 2ar1e Li"( Irri1a(io0 Sc3e/es) #i0-(es o" (3e /ee(i01 3e2d o0 6.$.2++$ a( 1+.3+ &# a( Ga2aso-d3a 5-i2id01, H7dera.ad) Co//-0ica(ed C Re1ardi01.
XXX & cop7 o" (3e /i0-(es o" (3e /ee(i01 3e2d o0 6.$.2++$ i0 (3e O""ice o" (3e @ris30a 5asi0, Ga2aso-d3a 5-i2di01 is co//-0ica(ed (o a22 (3e C3ie" E01i0eers o" I % C&' 'epar(/e0( "or 0ecessar7 ac(io0. 2. T3e E01i0eer)i0)C3ie" >&B is re:-es(ed (o "-r0is3 a 2is( o" &EEs4'EEs 6i(3 5.E. E2ec(rica2 % #ec3a0ica2 :-a2i"ica(io0 d-27 i0dica(ed .7 2+.$.2++$. 3. T3e C3ie" E01i0eer, Ce0(ra2 'esi10s Or1a0isa(io0 s3a22 (a;e (3e respo0si.i2i(7 o" >a 3iri01 o" a0 e<perie0ced co0s-2(a0( i0 co0s-2(a(io0 6i(3 &9GENCO (o /o0i(or a22 (3e ac(i8i(ies o" (3is 9ro=ec( >. "ra/i01 /ai0(e0a0ce a1ree/e0(s >c p2a00i01 /a0po6er a0d >d ide0(i"7i01 (rai0i01 0eeds. 4. &22 (3e C3ie" E01i0eers, S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eers co0cer0ed are re:-es(ed (o se0d copies o" &1ree/e0(s o" Li"( Irri1a(io0 9ac;a1es (o Sri A.La8a;-s3a Redd7, &d8isor (o Go8er0/e0( "or a de(ai2ed s(-d7 -0der (3is 9ro=ec( i0 (3e specia2 "or-/ o0 /ai0(e0a0ce aspec(s a0d a2so (o de8e2op a s(a0dard /ai0(e0a0ces ce0(er as par( o" (3is s(-d7. R&GI! R&NG&N #ISHR& SECRET&RA TO GO!ERN#ENT
#i0-(es o" (3e /ee(i01 3e2d o0 6.$.2++$ a( 1+.3+ &# a( Ga2aso-d3a 5--i2di01, H7dera.ad. T<e :olloBin# O::icers Bere &resent: 1. Secre(ar7 (o Go8er0/e0( >RR# I % C&' 2. &d8isor >#o0i(ori01 3. Lead Co0s-2(a0( S9IU >I%C&' 4. C3ie" E01i0eer, C'O, H7dera.ad 5. C3ie" E01i0eer >9ro=ec(s , #a3a.-.0a1ar 6. C3ie" E01i0eer, NSRS9, H7dera.ad $. Co//issio0er, Goda8ari 5asi0. ,. C3ie" E01i0eer, SS9 % ??CL#' Co2o07, @ari/0a1ar. T3e p-rpose o" (3e /ee(i01 a0d iss-es i08o28ed 6ere e<p2ai0ed (o (3e #e/.ers. T3e "o22o6i01 6ere (3e poi0(s disc-ssed. i. ?or a22 (3e O0)1oi01 #a=or Li"( Irri1a(io0 9ro=ec(s, (er/s a0d co0di(io0s "or Opera(io0 a0d #ai0(e0a0ce o" 9-/p Ho-ses a0d 9ipe2i0e "or (6o 7ears are i0c2-ded i0 (3e &1ree/e0(. T3e Opera(io0 a0d #ai0(e0a0ce o" (3e 9-/ps a0d #o(ors is (o .e do0e as per (3e /a0-"ac(-rer /a0-a2s. &22 (3e co0(rac(ors s-pp27i01 erec(i01 di""ere0ce (7pes o" p-/ps a0d /o(ors 3a8e (o .e re:-es(ed .7 (3e co0cer0ed C3ie" E01i0eers "or o.(ai0i01 a0d "-r0is3i01 ori1i0a2 copies o" /a0-"ac(-rer /a0-a2s "or (3e p-/ps a0d /o(ors i0s(a22ed. >&c(io0: &22 C3ie" E01i0eers T3e Opera(io0 a0d #ai0(e0a0ce o" 9-/pi01 S(a(io0s /a7 .e a8ai2a.2e "or (3e p-.2ica(io0s o" Ce0(ra2 5oard o" Irri1a(io0 a0d 9o6er >C5I9 or NH9C or CE&. T3e C3ie" E01i0eer, NSRS9 pro/ised (o c3ec;)-p a0d o.(ai0 copies o" 1-ida0ce a0d "-r0is3. &s per (3e a1ree/e0(s o" o01oi01 9ro=ec(s (3e Co0(rac(ors are s-pposed (o s-pp27 spares re:-ired "or 2 (o 5 7ears o" /ai0(e0a0ce i08e0(or7 o" spares re:-ired 3as (o .e ascer(ai0ed "ro/ (3e #a0-"ac(-rers #a0-a2s a0d a2so i0 co0s-2(a(io0 6i(3 (3e &9GENCO 63o are e<perie0ced i0 /ai0(e0a0ce o" H7dro E2ec(ric S(a(io0. >&c(io0 &22 C3ie" E01i0eers #ai0(e0a0ce o" E2ec(rica2 S-.s(a(io0s a( (3e 9-/pi01 S(a(io0s 3as (o .e e0(r-s(ed (o &9TR&NSCO .7 e0(eri01 i0(o a1ree/e0( 6i(3 (3e/.
To "aci2i(a(e s/oo(3 (a;e o8er "ro/ (3e Co0(rac(ors a"(er co/p2e(io0 o" (3e /ai0(e0a0ce period .7 (3e Co0(rac(or (3e S(a"" o" (3e 'epar(/e0( 3a8e (o .e (rai0ed. ?-r(3er, (3e &9GENCO 6i22 3a8e (o .e re:-es(ed (o dep-(e (3e "o22o6i01 s(a"". a 'i8isio0a2 E2ec(rica2 E01i0eers >O0e eac3 "or 2 (o 3 L.I. Sc3e/es . &ss(. 'i8isio0a2 E2ec(rica2 E01i0eers 3 Nos. 1 "or eac3 9ro=ec(.
c &.E.Es. C T3e &EEs recr-i(ed a2read7 a0d a8ai2a.2e i0 (3e 'epar(/e0( are (o .e pos(ed (o (3e o01oi01 L.I. Sc3e/es "or o.(ai0i01 re:-ired (rai0i01 .7 &9GENCO. 8ii. 2. S(a"" E-ar(ers are (o .e co0s(r-c(ed "or /ai0(e0a0ce s(a"" a( eac3 9-/pi01 S(a(io0 6i(3 0ecessar7 a/e0i(ies. &c(io0 o0 (3e "o22o6i01 iss-es is (o .e i0i(ia(ed i//edia(e27. a I" (3e co0s(r-c(io0 o" S(a"" E-ar(ers is 0o( pro8ided i0 (3e prese0( &1ree/e0(s, es(i/a(es are (o .e prepared "or (3e sa/e a0d a"(er sa0c(io0 co0s(r-c(io0 is (o .e (a;e0 -p. O0e re(ired C3ie" E01i0eer 4 S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eer 6i(3 e<perie0ce i0 37dro po6er s(a(io0 a0d (3eir /ai0(e0a0ce 3as (o .e recr-i(ed as Co0s-2(a0(s, (3ro-13 &d8er(ise/e0( a0d ;ep( 6i(3 CE, C'O "or prepara(io0 o" 1-ide2i0es "or O%# o" eac3 Li"( Irri1a(io0 Sc3e/e. T3e a8ai2a.2e E2ec(rica2 a0d #ec3a0ica2 &.E.Es are (o .e se0( "or (rai0i01 i0 /ai0(e0a0ce o" p-/ps, (-r.i0es a0d /o(ors o" &9GENCO.
D te./*+/*-/(**+/
E9C Co0(rac(s C #ai0(e0a0ce "or (6o 7ears .7 (3e E9C Co0(rac(ors C Re1ardi01.
XXX I0 (3e E9C co0(rac(s, (3e scope o" 6or; i0c2-des /ai0(e0a0ce "or (6o or /ore 7ears, .7 (3e E9C co0(rac(or as per (3e a1ree/e0(. &s per (3e c2a-ses re2a(i01 (o /ai0(e0a0ce i0 E9C a1ree/e0(s >Sp2. Co0di(io0s o" co0(rac()!o2.I C 9ar()& C &ppe<. Sec.! (3e E9C co0(rac(or 3as: i (o pro8ide a22 ser8ices 0ecessar7 ( /ai0(ai0 (3e pro=ec( e""icie0(27, /a<i/iDe (3e a8ai2a.i2i(7 o" (3e pro=ec(, op(i/iDe (3e -se"-2 2i"e o" (3e pro=ec(. (o pro8ide re:-isi(e 0o. o" :-a2i"ied > a0d i" re:-ired 2ice0sed perso00e2 (o per"or/ (3e ser8ices s-c3 as opera(io0 a0d /ai0(e0a0ce o" (3e s7s(e/. (o carr7o-( opera(io0, /ai0(e0a0ce a0d repair a0d pre8e0(i8e /ai0(e0a0ce 6i(3 (3e reco//e0da(io0s o" (3e e/p2o7er. (o carr7 o-( a07 /ai0(e0a0ce or repairs or rec(i"ica(io0 6or; i0 case o" a07 pro.2e/ or e/er1e0c7 (3a( /a7 arise 63i2e (3e s7s(e/ is i0 opera(io0 d-ri01 (3e a1reed /ai0(e0a0ce period o" (6o 7ears. (o prepare a00-a2 opera(io0 p2a0 a0d s-./i( (o e/p2o7er "or appro8a2. (o prepare Ga(e opera(io0 sc3ed-2es o" a22 re1-2a(io0 s(r-c(-res, a"(er /ode2 s(-d7 a0d 1e( i( appro8ed .7 (3e e/p2o7er. (o prepare Reser8oir 6or;i01 (a.2es a0d Ga(e opera(io0 sc3ed-2es, i0 case o" Reser8oirs. I0 respec( o" LI Sc3e/es, a de(ai2ed O%# a1ree/e0( 3as (o .e co0c2-ded 6i(3 (3e E9C co0(rac(or, d-27 speci"7i01 a22 (as;s (o .e per"or/ed.
ii iii 8i
8 8i 8ii 8iii
2. &22 (3e E01i0eers)i0)C3ie"4C3ie" E01i0eers 4 S-peri0(e0di01 E01i0eers are re:-es(ed (o e0s-re (3a( (3ese c2a-ses are s(ric(27 co/p2ied 6i(3 .7 (3e co0cer0ed E9C co0(rac(ors, "or (3e 6or;s -0der (3eir =-risdic(io0. T3e E01i0eer)i0)C3ie" >Irri1a(io0 /a7 e8o28e s-i(a.2e 1-ide2i0es "or dep2o7/e0( o" perso0a2 "or Opera(io0 a0d /ai0(e0a0ce o" (3e sc3e/es d-ri01 /ai0(e0a0ce period. 3. &07 2a<i(7 i0 (3is re1ard 6i22 .e 8ie6ed serio-s27. R&GI! R&NG&N #ISHR& SECRET&RA TO GO!ERN#ENT
Investigation, Design and Excavation of Western Branch Canal taking off at KM.25.465 of Eastern Main canal including Construction of tunnel, CM & CD orks, distri!utor" s"ste#, $u#$ %ouses, deliver" cisterns and $ressure #ains to create an I& of 5',5(( )cres !" lift including for#ation of reservoirs of *uri#ella, +ac%erla & ,eet%ara# ,agar and also for#ation of inde$endent reservoirs of +allavagu & -undla!ra%#es ara# to create an I& of 5((( )cres in &rakasa#, Kada$a and .ellore Districts.
T+e dates sti ulated in t+e Bid notice are !irm and under an6 circumstances t+e6 $ill not "e rela8ed unless o!!iciall6 e8tended( '(' '() '(T+e Bid o ening Aut+orit6 $ill not consider an6 Bid received a!ter e8 ir6 o! date and time !i8ed ?As s eci!ied in Bid document@ !or recei t o! Bids( T+e success!ul Bidder is e8 ected to com lete t+e $or3 $it+in t+e time eriod s eci!ied in t+e "id document( Bidders s+all su"mit a declaration $it+out an6 reservation $+atsoever t+at t+e su"mitted !inancial "id is $it+out an6 deviations and are strictl6 in con!ormit6 $it+ t+e documents issued "6 t+e Em lo6er( T+e "idder s+all su"mit a $ritten o$er o! attorne6 aut+ori=ing t+e signator6 o! t+e "id to commit !or t+e "idder( T+e Bidder s+all !urnis+ declarations t+atD Bidder% Partners o! Ioint Aenture ?IA@ !irm +ave not "een "lac3listed in an6 de artment in t+e A(P( T+at Bidder% Partners o! Ioint Aenture ?IA@ !irm +ave not "een demoted to lo$er categor6 in an6 de artment in A(P( #OR NOT #I<ING TBE BIDS A#TER BUJING BID SCBEDU<ES IN A >BO<E JEAR AND TBEIR Registration +ave not "een cancelled !or a similar de!ault in t$o consecutive 6ears( T+at Bidder% Partners o! Ioint Aenture ?IA@ !irm $ill agree to get dis:uali!ied t+emselves !or an6 $rong declaration in res ect o! t+e a"ove and to summaril6 re&ect t+eir Bids(
'(. '(/
P+/E).2 I*4/+5,21/*: In!ormation regarding t+e ro&ect !eatures; ma&or com onents and t+eir location etc(; as availa"le are rovided in Aolume(I Part *E Pro&ect ro!ile o! t+e Bid documents(
'( T+e "ids are limited to re uted !irms % Ioint venture com anies% consortiums +aving e8 erience in e8ecution o! um ing stations% %irrigation canals%reservoirs% tunnels% irrigation structures and "ridges( Contractor % Contracting !irm registered $it+ Government o! And+ra Prades+ $it+ valid Registration in terms o! G.O.#s.No: 13+,I%C&' 'epar(/e0( d(.22)+5)2++$ G(O(7s(No(/)'; I C CAD ?P>@; dt('5*')*'42. G(O(7s(No('12; I C CAD ?P>*COD@ De t(; dt()1*4*'441 G(O(7s(No()); TRCB ?B(III@ De t(; dt(0*)*42 G(O(7s(No()-; I C CAD ?P>@ De t(; dt(/*-*'444 G(O(7s(No('-); TRCB ?R('@ De t(; dt(''*2*'442 G(O(7s(No(2; TRCB ?R'@ De t(; dt(2*'*)55G(O(7s(No(4.; I C CAD ?P>*COD@ De t(; dt('*1*)55- are onl6 eligi"le(
2 I0 case o" =oi0( 8e0(-re a a( 2eas( o0e o" (3e par(0ers s3o-2d 3a8e a 8a2id re1is(ra(io0 6i(3 (3e Go8( o" &.9. as a.o8e a0d (3e o(3er par(0ers s3o-2d 3a8e app2ied "or re1is(ra(io0 a0d s3a22 -p2oad (3e sa/e as proo". . T3e (o(a2 /e/.ers i0 (3e =oi0( 8e0(-re s3o-2d 0o( .e /ore (3a0 ?o-r. c T3e G! par(0ers s3o-2d .e respo0si.2e "or 2ia.i2i(7 i0di8id-a227 propor(io0a(e (o (3e e<(e0( o" (3eir s3are i0 (3e G! a0d =oi0(27 "or 1++J s3are. d S3a22 s-./i( G! deed d-27 re1is(ered 6i(3 co0di(io0 (3a( 2ead par(0er s3are s3a22 0o( .e 2ess (3a0 5+J i0 Goi0( !e0(-re. e T3e G! par(0er o" o0e .idder4"ir/ s3a22 0o( e0(er i0(o G! par(0ers3ip 6i(3 a0o(3er .idder4"ir/ "or (3e .id. !@ T3e .idder4"ir/4co/pa07 s3o-2d 3a8e ISO cer(i"ica(io0 or prod-ce e8ide0ce o" /a;i01 app2ica(io0 "or ISO cer(i"ica(io0( T3e .ids are 2i/i(ed (o (3ose i0di8id-a2 "ir/s, Co/pa07 a0d =oi0( 8e0(-res (3a( /ee( (3e e2i1i.i2i(7 cri(eria > .o(3 Tec30ica2 % ?i0a0cia2 . 4 I0 case o" =oi0( 8e0(-re (3e e2i1i.i2i(7 cri(eria 6i22 .e co0sidered o0 (3e .asis o" co/.i0ed reso-rces. 5K T3e .idder i0 3is 0a/e s3o-2d sa(is"7 as per "or/-2a >2 &N)5 63ic3 s3o-2d .e 1rea(er (3a0 I5#. B3ere &L #a<. 8a2-e o" ci8i2 E01i0eeri01 6or;s e<ec-(ed i0 a07 o0e 7ear d-ri01 precedi01 "i8e "i0a0cia2 7ears. i.e. (3e "i0a0cia2 7ear i0 63ic3 5ids are i08i(ed (a;i01 i0 (o acco-0( (3e co/p2e(ed as 6e22 as 6or;s i0 pro1ress. NL No. o" 7ears prescri.ed "or co/p2e(io0 o" 6or;s "or 63ic3 (e0ders are i08i(ed.
5L !a2-e o" e<is(i01 co//i(/e0(s a0d o01oi01 6or;s (o .e co/p2e(ed d-ri01 (3e period o" co/p2e(io0 o" 6or;s "or 63ic3 (e0ders are i08i(ed -(' T+e Bidders are lia"le to "e dis:uali!ied % de"arred % sus ended % "lac3 listed i! t+e6 +ave #urnis+ed !alse % !a"ricated articulars in t+e !orms; statements and anne8ures su"mitted in roo! o! t+e :uali!ication re:uirements and%or Not turned u !or entering into contract; $+en called u on; and Even $+ile e8ecution o! t+e $or3; i! !ound t+at t+e $or3 $as a$arded to t+e Contractor "ased on !alse % !a3e certi!icates o! e8 erience; t+e Contractor $ill "e "lac3listed and action $ill "e ta3en as er Paras*// and /0 o! Conditions o! Contract o! Aolume*I and Part*A(
-() a@ I! t+e contract rice :uoted "6 a Bidder is !ound to "e eit+er a"normall6 +ig+ or $it+ in t+e reasona"le limits "ut under collusion or due to unet+ical ractices ado ted at t+e time o! Bidding rocess; suc+ "ids s+all "e re&ected( "@ A Bidder su"mitting a Bid $+ic+ t+e Bid acce ting aut+orit6 considers e8cessive and% or indicative o! insu!!icient 3no$ledge o! current rices or de!inite attem t o! ro!iteering $ill render +imsel! lia"le to "e de"arred ermanentl6 !rom Bidding or !or suc+ eriod as t+e Bid acce ting aut+orit6 ma6 decide( T+e Bidder,s :uoted rice s+ould "e "ased on t+e controlled rices !or t+e materials; i! an6; !i8ed "6 t+e Government or t+e reasona"le rices ermissi"le !or t+e Bidder to c+arge a rivate urc+aser under t+e rovisions o! clause*0 o! t+e +oarding and ro!iteering revention ordinance o! '4.- as amended !rom time to time and on similar rinci le in regard to la"our su ervision on t+e construction( -(- Bidder $+o su"mits t+e "id +aving tie*u $it+ re uted agencies % !irms !or t+e s eciali=ed $or3 o! conducting surve6s and detailed investigation o! canal s6stem and design*engineering o! t+e total canal s6stem and design; !a"rication and erection o! gates s+all com l6 $it+ t+e !ollo$ing re:uirements( ?i@ T+e "idder s+all "e t+e lead artner o! t+e Ioint venture( In case o! success!ul Bid on a$ard o! $or3 &ointl6 aut+ori=ed re resentative s+all sign t+e contract( T+e c+ange o! 7OU% Ioint Aenture artner s+all not "e acce ted under normal conditions a!ter su"mitting t+e Bid documents( Bo$ever t+e c+ange in &oint venture%7OU artner ma6 "e considered in t+e event o! insolvenc6; deat+; sto age o! "usiness; a"staining !rom countr6 !or longer eriod and artici ation in terms o! eo le,s re resentation Act o! India etc; onl6 $it+ t+e rior a roval o! t+e em lo6er( T+e em lo6er reserves t+e rig+t to re&ect suc+ re:uests% ro osals !rom an6 &oint venture % 7OU artner i! it adversel6 a!!ects t+e Ioint venture% 7OU strengt+(
?iii@T+e Bidder s+all "e nominated; as "eing in c+arge and +is aut+ori=ation s+all "e evidenced "6 su"mitting a o$er o! attorne6 signed "6 legal aut+orities o! all t+e 7OU%Ioint venture artners( iv@T+e Bidder nominated as in c+arge s+all "e aut+ori=ed to incur lia"ilities and receive instructions !or and on "e+al! o! an6 and all artners o! t+e 7OU%Ioint venture and t+e entire e8ecution o! t+e contract including a6ments s+all "e made in !avor o! &oint venture onl6( ?v@ All artners o! 7OU%Ioint Aenture s+all "e lia"le &ointl6 and severall6 res onsi"le !or t+e e8ecution o! contract in accordance $it+ contract terms and a relevant statement to t+is e!!ect s+all "e included in t+e 7OU%Ioint Aenture artners+i deed(
vi@ Bidders%#irms entering !or t+e $or3 in association $it+ t+eir 7OU% Ioint venture artners s+all o"tain and su"mit along $it+ Bid; an underta3ing !rom t+e 7OU%Ioint Aenture artners+i &ointl6 or se aratel6 i! artici ating $it+ 7OU%Ioint Aenture artner to t+e e!!ect t+at t+e6 +ave read t+e Bid documents and t+e6 underta3e to e!!ectivel6 associate $it+ t+e contractor in disc+arging t+e contracting o"ligations under t+e contract t+roug+ out during surve6s; detailed investigation; design engineering; e8ecution true to s eci!ications; commissioning; de!ect lia"ilit6 !or a eriod o! ). mont+s !rom t+e date o! com letion certi!icate( vii@ Detailed in!ormation as re:uired in t+e rescri"ed !ormat rovided in Aol(I Part(C s+ould "e su"mitted !or eac+ mem"er o! Ioint Aenture % 7OU( #ull ertinent in!ormation t+at ma6 e!!ect t+e er!ormance or t+e res onsi"ilities o! an6 Ioint Aenture % 7OU mem"ers suc+ as ongoing litigation; !inancial constraints % ro"lems or an6 ot+er distress must also "e disclosed( -(. I! t+e "idder desires to su"let a art o! t+e $or3; +e s+all mention t+e names o! t+e su"contractors; i! an6; against t+e articular items o! $or3 !or $+ic+ su"contracting is ro osed "6 t+e "idder at t+e time o! !illing o! Bids itsel! or during e8ecution( In suc+ case; t+e "idder s+all !urnis+ t+e ertinent :uali!ication and e8 erience o! t+e su"contractor?s@ including end users, certi!icates; i! t+e Bid acce ting aut+orit6 satis!ies +imsel! $it+ :uali!ication criteria in ro ortion to t+e value o! $or3 ro osed !or su"let; +e ma6 ermit t+e same( Bidder s+all !urnis+ additional in!ormation t+at ma6 "e re:uired "6 t+e em lo6er( T+e assessment o! eligi"ilit6 o! su"contractors $ould "e done onl6 !or success!ul "idder( T+e value o! su"letting s+all not e8ceed /5F o! contract value( Bo$ever even i! su"letting is acce ted entire res onsi"ilit6 $ill "e $it+ t+e "idder +im sel!( T+e e8tent o! su"letting s+all "e added to t+e e8 erience o! su" contract and to t+at e8tent deduct !rom t+at o! t+e main contractor no corres ondent $it+ t+e su"let contractor $ill "e entertained( S./6) /4 W/+A:
;estern Br nc< c n l to cre te n = cut o: 2+,2** Acres
I08es(i1a(io0, 'esi10, S-pp27, Erec(io0 a0d Co//issio0i01 o" 0ecessar7 Li"( S7s(e/s 6i(3 a22 E2ec(rica2 % #ec3a0ica2 Co/po0e0(s, S-r1e 9ro(ec(io0 S7s(e/s, 'e2i8er7 Cis(er0s, 9ress-re #ai0s (o carr7 (3e re:-ired disc3ar1e d-ri01 crop period as per #odi"ied 9e0 #e0 /e(3od a0d &22 Co0(ro2 !a28es "or 2i"(i01 o" 2.,++ T#C o" 6a(er i0 3 S(a1es (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 25,6++ &cres i0 9ra;asa/ 'is(ric( a0d 3.,6+ T#C o" 6a(er i0 si012e S(a1e (3ro-13 2 Separa(e 9ress-re #ai0s >#S (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 25,4++ &cres i0 @adapa 'is(ric( a0d $,5++ &cres i0 Si(ara/p-ra/ #a0da2 o" Ne22ore 'is(ric( i0c2-di01 ?or/a(io0 o" 3 Nos. o" Reser8oirs a0d e0(ire Ca0a2 S7s(e/, C#%C' Bor;s a0d i(s 'is(ri.-(or7 S7s(e/ (o carr7 disc3ar1e re:-ired d-ri01 crop period as per 1-ide 2i0es o" C3ie" E01i0eer, C'O, H7dera.ad "or a0 a7ac-( o" 5,,5++ &cres a0d a2so "or/a(io0 o" (6o i0depe0de0( reser8oir 0a/e27 G-0d2a.ra3/es6ara/ % Ra22a8a1- (o crea(e a0 I9 o" 5+++ &cres i0c2-di01 C# % C' 6or;s a0d dis(ri.-(or7 s7s(e/ i0 Ra.i Seaso0 as co0(e/p2a(ed i0 di""ere0( .2oc;s i0 di""ere0( #a0da2s o" 9ra;asa/, @a0dapa a0d Ne22ore 'is(ric(s as per 'e(ai2ed 9ro=ec( Repor( o" !e2i1o0da 9ro=ec(.
Co"&onents: 1. 'ra62 o" 6.66+ T#C o" 6a(er (3ro-13 &pproac3 c3a00e2 6i(3 a /i0i/-/ disc3ar1e o" 2*.5+ C-/ecs i0c2-di01 2i0i01 >C.C. #15 6i(3 pa8ers "ro/ Eas(er0 #ai0 ca0a2 F C3.@/. 25.465 (o "eed a0 a7ac-( o" 5,,5++ &cres.
Pr ! s " District
2. Li"(i01 o" 2.,++ T#C o" 6a(er i0 3 S(a1es 6i(3 s-""icie0( 2e01(3 o" 9ress-re #ai0s (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 25,6++ &cres i0 9ra;asa/ 'is(ric(.
a. S(a1e)I: ?ro/ approac3 c3a00e2 (o T-ri/e22a Reser8oir (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 25,6++ &cres.. . Gra8i(7 ca0a2 i0c2-di01 2i0i01 >C.C. #15 6i(3 pa8ers "ro/ T-ri/e22a reser8oir (o i0(a;e s-/p a( 2i"( )2 (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 6+++ &cres. c S(a1e)II: ?ro/ Tai2 E0d o" Gra8i(7 ca0a2 (a;i01 o"" "ro/ T-ri/e22a crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 1*,6++ &cres. Reser8oir (o Rac3er2a Ta0; (o
d Gra8i(7 ca0a2 i0c2-di01 2i0i01 >C.C. #15 6i(3 pa8ers "ro/ Rac3er2a (a0; "or a 2e01(3 o" 3.++@/ >(e0(a(i8e (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 2,+++ &cres. e S(a1e)III: ?ro/ Tai2 E0d o" Gra8i(7 ca0a2 (a;i01 o"" "ro/ Rac3er2a Ta0; (o (3e ca0a2 6i(3 a0 ?SL o" O265.++# (o crea(e a7ac-( o" 1$,6++ &cres. " Gra8i(7 ca0a2 i0c2-di01 2i0i01 >C.C. #15 6i(3 pa8ers s(ar(i01 a"(er s(a1e)III 2i"( a0d e0di01 a( a s-i(a.2e 2oca(io0 0ear Gidda2-r (o60 d-27 crossi01 (3e SCR rai26a7 (rac; (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 1$,6++ &cres i0 9ra;asa/ 'is(ric(. 9 . & District Li"(i01 o" 3.,6+ T#C o" 6a(er 6i(3 9ress-re #ai0s >#i2d s(ee2 i0 si012e S(a1e (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 32,*++ &cres i0 @adapa a0d Ne22ore 'is(ric(s. .. c. Li"( )4 C (o6ards @a2asapad- #a=or: Li"(i01 o" 1.$,+ T#C o" 6a(er i0 si012e s(a1e (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 15,,++ &cres i0 @a2asapad- #a0da2. Li"( )4 C (o6ards 9or-/a/i22a #a=or: Li"(i01 o" 2.+,+ T#C o" 6a(er i0 si012e s(a1e (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 1$,1++ &cres i0 9or-/a/i22a #a0da2 >*,6++&cres a0d Si(ara/p-ra/ #a0da2 >$,5++ &cres &pproac3 c3a00e2 "ro/ 9or-/a/i22a #a=or "or a s-""icie0( 2e01(3 (o (3e i02e( o" (-00e2 (o irri1a(e $5++ &cres i0 Si(ara/p-ra/ #a0da2 i0 Ne22ore 'is(ric(.
T-00e2 "or a 2e01(3 o" *.++ @/s (o carr7 (3e disc3ar1e o" 3.5+ C-/es "ro/ (3e (ai2e0d o" approac3 c3a00e2. ". ?eeder ca0a2 6i(3 a disc3ar1e o" 3.5+ C-/ecs "ro/ (3e E<i( o" T-00e2 (o Si(ara/p-ra/ Reser8oir o0 9i22aper- !a1- 0ear Ga01a8ara/ !i22a1e, Si(ara/p-r/ #a0da2. e. 'is(ri.-(or7 s7s(e/ i0c2-di01 C# % C' 6or;s (o crea(e a0 I9 o" 5,,5++ &cres i0 9ra;asa/, @adapa a0d Ne22ore 'is(ric(s. ". S-pp27 erec(io0 a0d /ai0(e0a0ce o" 22+ @! 'C 2i0e >'o-.2e circ-i( 2i0e (o 3a8e 1++J re2ia.i2i(7 o" s-pp27 d-ri01 p-/pi01 opera(io0 period a0d a 2i0e is (o .e 2aid "ro/ 0ear .7 22+ @! S-.) S(a(io0 a0d Co0s(r-c(io0 o" s6i(37ard. Reser>oirs on ;estern Br nc< c n l: I08es(i1a(io0, 'esi10 a0d E<ec-(io0 6i(3 a22 0ecessar7 a0ci22ar7 6or;s s-c3 as s-rp2-s 6eir ,s-rp2-s co-rse, Irri1a(io0 s2-ice a0d de2i8er7 cis(er0 e(c., as per appro8ed desi10s a0d dra6i01s o" C3ie" E01i0eer, Ce0(ra2 'esi10s Or1a0iDa(io0, H7dera.ad 1. 2. 3. In.e&en.ent Reser>oirs: I08es(i1a(io0, 'esi10 a0d E<ec-(io0 6i(3 a22 0ecessar7 a0ci22ar7 6or;s s-c3 as s-rp2-s 6eir ,s-rp2-s co-rse, Irri1a(io0 s2-ice a0d de2i8er7 cis(er0 e(c., as per appro8ed desi10s a0d dra6i01s o" C3ie" E01i0eer, Ce0(ra2 'esi10s Or1a0iDa(io0, H7dera.ad i0c2-di01 Ca0a2 S7s(e/, C# % C' 6or;s a0d 'is(ri.-(ar7 S7s(e/ (o carr7 (3e disc3ar1e re:-ired d-ri01 crop period as per #odi"ied 9e0 #e0 /e(3od. 1. 2. 3. ?or/a(io0 o" G-0d2a 5ra3/es6ara/ Reser8oir 0ear C3i0a1a0apa2ii !i22a1e o" Rac3er2a #a0da2, (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 35++ &cres i0 Rac3er2a #a0da2 o" 9ra;asa/ 'is(ric(. ?or/a(io0 o" Ra22a8a1- Reser8oir 0ear 9api0e0ipa22i !i22a1e o" &r(3a8eed- #a0da2 (o crea(e a0 a7ac-( o" 15++ &cres i0 &r(3a8eed- #a0da2 o" 9ra;asa/ 'is(ric(. S-pp2e/e0(a(io0 o" 6a(er "ro/ 9or-/a/i22a #a=or (o Rac3er-8- (a0; o" Ra=-pa2e/ o" @a2asapad- #a0da2 (o s(a.i2iDe (3e e<is(i01 a7ac-( o" 1,++ &cres. ?or/a(io0 o" T-ri/e22a Reser8oir 0ear T-ri/e22a 8i22a1e ?or/a(io04I/pro8e/e0(s (o Rac3er2a Ta0; 0ear Rac3er2a !i22a1e ?or/a(io0 o" Si(ara/sa1ar Reser8oir o0 9i22aper- 8a1- 0ear Ga01a8ara/ !i22a1e, Si(ara/p-r/ #a0da2.
M13.)--,*)/83 12)53: '( 9repara(io0 o" 2a0d p2a0 sc3ed-2es % La0d &c:-isi(io0 proposa2s o0 (3e .asis o" appro8ed a2i10/e0( a0d a22ied 6or;s i0c2-di01 s-./er1e0ce o" .a2a0ci01 Reser8oir. )( 9repara(io0 o" cos( es(i/a(es "or a22 (3e co/po0e0(s a"(er appro8a2 o" desi10s a0d c2-..i01 (3e i(e/s s-i(a.27 "or record /eas-re/e0( p-rpose. -( ?or/a(io0 o" ser8ice roads i0 (3e pro=ec( area a2o01 (3e ca0a2 .a0;s a0d p2a0(a(io0 a2o01 (3e ca0a2 .a0;s. .( &22 0ecessar7 per/issio0s4c2eara0ces4 appro8a2s are (o .e processed a0d o.(ai0ed .7 (3e "ir/ o027 o0 i(s o60 cos(s. &s a -ser a1e0c7 (3is depar(/e0( 6i22 i0i(ia(e (3e proposa2s i0 respec( o" (3is sc3e/e. /( 9ro8idi01 i0(er0a2 e2ec(ri"ica(io0 a0d 2i13(i01 arra01e/e0(s, .ea-(i"ica(io0 a0d p2a0(a(io0 0ear p-/p 3o-se a0d i0(a;e 6e22. 0( 9ro8idi01 dri0;i01 6a(er re1-2a(i01 arra01e/e0(s >O"")Ta;e S2-ice 8i22a1es. <.0 T15) 4/+ ./56-)21/*
(o e0ro-(e
T+e time !or com letion o! t+e ro&ect including time re:uired !or creation o! construction !acilities and in!rastructure $or3s; necessar6 re*construction surve6; investigation; soil e8 loration; design and engineering etc(; s+all not e8ceed 48 5/*2:3 !rom t+e date o! conclusion o! contract( Sti ulated eriod o! com letion is t+e main essence o! t+e contract and s+all "e strictl6 ad+ered to( /('5 T+e start date and date o! ossession o! t+e site s+all "e t+e date o! Agreement( =.0 O*) '10 6)+ '100)+D Bidder s+all su"mit onl6 one Bid !or t+e $or3 in res onse to invitation !or "idding( An6 "idder $+o su"mits or artici ates in more t+an one "id $ill "e dis:uali!ied and $ill also cause t+e dis:uali!ication o! t+e consortium%&oint venture com an6 in $+ic+ is a mem"er(
?.0 C/32 /4 '1001*; T+e Bidder s+all "ear all costs associated $it+ t+e re aration and su"mission o! +is Bid tec+nical and ot+er documentation; site visits; surve6s etc(; and t+e Bid inviting aut+orit6 $ill in no case "e res onsi"le and lia"le !or t+ose costs( 8.0 S12) V1312. 2(' T+e Bidder; at t+e Bidder,s o$n res onsi"ilit6 and ris3 is advised to visit and e8amine t+e Site o! >or3 and its surroundings and o"tain all in!ormation t+at ma6 "e necessar6 !or re aring t+e Bid !or entering into a contract; !or construction o! t+e $or3( T+e costs o! visiting t+e site s+all "e at t+e Bidder,s o$n e8 ense(
'ID DOC MENT 9.0 9.1 C/*2)*23 /4 '10 D/.85)*2 '1001*; D/.85)*23 T+e "idding documents s+all com rise t+e !ollo$ingD AO<U7E*I PART*A Bid Notice; Instructions to Bidders; Bid conditions; 9uali!6ing and Eligi"ilit6 Re:uirements; Tec+nical Bid; General conditions o! Contract and S ecial Conditions o! Contract Bill o! 9uantities #ormats o! Securities( Dra$ings( #ormats B*' to B*'4 #ormats o! Tec+nical Bid ?Data S+eets '*')@ Basic Parameters Pro&ect Pro!ile( Price Bid ?SCBEDU<E*A@ Tec+nical S eci!ications !or Civil >or3s; E(7( C B(7(
'5(5 Tec+nical S eci!ication '5(' Addenda i! an6 issued "6 t+e Bid inviting o!!icer "e!ore t+e last date !or su"mission o! Bids s+all !orm art o! "id documents( '5() T+e "idder s+all "e deemed to +ave care!ull6 e8amined all t+e "id documents and also to +ave satis!ied +imsel! as to t+e nature and c+aracter o! t+e $or3 to "e e8ecuted and $+ere necessar6 o! t+e site conditions and ot+er relevant matters % details; an6 in!ormation t+us +ad or ot+er$ise o"tained !rom Em lo6er; De artment; Engineer*in C+arge or ins ector s+all not in an6 $a6 relieve t+e contractor !rom +is res onsi"ilit6 !or e8ecuting t+e $or3 in terms o! t+e s eci!ications including all details and incidental $or3 and su l6 o! all accessories and a aratus $+ic+ ma6 not +ave "een s eci!icall6 mentioned in t+e s eci!ication or dra$ings; "ut ot+er$ise necessar6 !or ensuring com letion o! ro&ect $it+in t+e :uoted contract rice onl6( 11.0 C-,+141.,21/* /* '10 D/.85)*23
''(' A ros ective Bidder re:uiring an6 clari!ication on Bid documents ma6 contact t+e Bid Inviting O!!icer at t+e address indicated( T+e Bid Inviting O!!icer $ill also res ond to an6 re:uest !or clari!ication; received t+roug+ ost( 12.0 A5)*05)*2 2/ '10 D/.85)*23 ')(' Be!ore t+e last date !or su"mission o! Bids; t+e Bid Inviting O!!icer ma6 modi!6 an6 o! t+e Contents o! t+e Bid Notice; Bid documents "6 issuing amendment % Addendum( ')() Deleted ')(- To give ros ective Bidders reasona"le time to ta3e an addendum into account in re aring t+eir "ids; t+e Bid Inviting O!!icer ma6 e8tend i! necessar6; t+e last date !or su"mission o! Bids(
'-(' All documents relating to t+e Bid s+all "e in t+e Englis+ <anguage onl6( '-() Documents com rising o! t+e Bid( T+e Bid com rise t+e !ollo$ing( a( Price "id "( Engineering Bid '-(- Tec+nical Bid T+e Tec+nical "id s+ould contain E7D in t+e !orm o! DD%BG in original as sti ulated in t+e document( Transaction #ees !or an amount o! Rs( )/;555%* E ')(-0F service ta8 E '(2/F Education cess ?i(e(; Rs( )2;155%*@ s+all "e aid t+roug+ electronic gate $a6( #ormats as given in Aolume*I Part*B o! t+is document dul6 !illed in( Certi!icates regarding Annual Turnover o! t+e !irm dul6 aut+enticated "6 t+e C+artered Accountant( E8 erience in e8ecution o! $or3s ertaining to s ill$a6s; reservoirs; +oist and +oist "ridges o! Irrigation De artment dul6 certi!ied "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer and countersigned "6 t+e Su erintending Engineer( Registration o! !irm%Ioint Aenture%Consortiums( >or3 lan and met+odolog6 !or e8ecuting t+is $or3( Bio*Data o! ersonnel to "e de lo6ed !or t+is $or3s( 7ac+iner6 and E:ui ment availa"le% ro osed to rocure !or e8ecuting t+is $or3 etc( T+e "idder s+all sign on all t+e documents ?suc+ as E7D; transaction !ee a6a"le to C' India etc; certi!icates re:uired !or :uali!ication@ o$ning res onsi"ilit6 !or t+eir correctness%aut+enticit6 and u load t+em( T+e "idder s+all invaria"l6 !urnis+ t+e original DD%BG to t+e tender inviting aut+orit6 $it+ in t+e sti ulated time( De artment $ill not ta3e an6 res onsi"ilit6 !or an6 dela6 or non recei t( T+e "idder s+all !urnis+ t+e original +ard co ies o! all t+e documents %certi!icates%statements u loaded "6 +im "e!ore o ening o! tec+nical "ids( T+e success!ul "idder is re:uired to a6 a e* rocurement cor us !und Rs( )/;555%* in !avour A(P(T(S B6dera"ad "e!ore conclusion o! agreement in t+e s+a e o! demand dra!t dra$n on an6 Indian Nationali=ed Ban3 a6a"le at B6dera"ad(
T+e "idders s+ould !urnis+ a declaration in online stating t+at t+e so!t co ies u loaded "6 t+em are genuine( An6 incorrectness%deviation noticed $ill "e vie$ed seriousl6 and a art !rom canceling t+e $or3 dul6 !or!eiting t+e E7D; criminal action $ill also "e initiated including sus ension o! "usiness(
1(.4 F1*,*.1,- '10 '-(.('T+e "idder s+all :uote +is rice in t+e rescri"ed !ormat given in AolumeI Part*# #inancial Bid in Indian Ru ees( '-(.() Bidders s+all :uote !or t+e entire $or3 on a !irm lum sum rice and on a single source res onsi"ilit6 "asis( T+e total cost o! t+e $or3 s+all "e :uoted in t+e rescri"ed !ormat in #inancial Bid( '-(.(- T+e rates and rices :uoted "6 t+e Bidder are not su"&ect to ad&ustment during t+e er!ormance o! t+e Contract !or ta8es; duties and an6 ot+er levies( '-(.(. Not $it+standing an6t+ing t+at is stated t+e rice once acce ted "6 t+e Em lo6er s+all "e !inal and s+all not "e su"&ect to an6 claim on an6 ground $+at so ever( '-(.(/ T+e "id o!!er s+all "e !or t+e art o! $+ole t+e $or3 and not !or individual items "6 art o! t+e $or3( '-(.(0 All duties; ta8es; and ot+er levies a6a"le "6 t+e contractor as er State % Central Government rules; s+all "e included in t+e contract value :uoted "6 t+e Bidder( '-(.(1 Bidders s+all :uote rice in t+e ro!ormas given in Aolume*I; Part*# ?Price Bid@( T+e ro ortional cost o! eac+ o! t+e com onents o! $or3 as com ared to overall cost o! t+e ro&ect s+all "e as rovided in Anne8ure II; ,Sc+edule o! Pa6ment,( T+e contractor $+ose rice "id +as "een acce ted s+all "e re:uired to su"mit com onent $ise cost details "ased on and limited to t+e rovision s+o$n in Anne8ure*II; ,Sc+edule o! Pa6ments,( T+e same s+all "e !inalised $it+ t+e success!ul "idder; "e!ore a$ard o! t+e contract !or ur ose o! interim a6ments( >+ile doing so contract rice i(e(; :uoted lum sum rice o! t+e Bid s+all "e 3e t !irm( '-(.(2 T+e contractor is e8 ected to :uote t+e "id rice in lum sum a!ter care!ul anal6sis o! cost involved !or t+e er!ormance o! $or3 com lete considering all s eci!ications and conditions o! contract( In case it is noticed t+at t+e rice :uoted "6 t+e Bidder is unusuall6 +ig+ or unusuall6 lo$; it $ill "e su!!icient cause !or t+e re&ection o! t+e "id or unless t+e Em lo6er is convinced a"out t+e reasona"leness o! "id rice on scrutin6 o! t+e anal6sis !or suc+ rice to "e !urnis+ed "6 t+e Bidder( '-(.(4 Bidders s+all :uote !or t+e entire ac3age on a single source res onsi"ilit6 "asis( T+e total cost o! t+e $or3 s+all "e :uoted entirel6 in Indian Ru ees(
'-(.('5 T+e "idder s+all su"mit along $it+ +is "id mont+l6 cas+*!lo$ statement "ased on re:uirement o! !unds ?Indian Ru ees@ to matc+ t+e P+6sical targets o! construction( '-(.('' T+e "idder s+all a6 s ecial attention as regards ac+ieving o! critical milestones on sc+edule; so as to ensure !inal commissioning on time( T+e Em lo6er s+all criticall6 monitor "ot+ t+e P+6sical as $ell as #inancial Targets; on mont+l6 and :uarterl6 "asis( S+ort!alls; i! an6; in t+e mont+l6 targets s+all "e immediatel6 recti!ied "6 su lementing t+e resources "6 t+e contractor leading to increase in t+e rogress; at no e8tra cost to t+e Em lo6er; so as to ac+ieve t+e :uarterl6 targets as er sc+edule(
1(.< V,-10129 /4 '103: '-(/(' Bids s+all remain valid !or a eriod o! not less t+an si8 mont+s !rom t+e date o! su"mission o! Bids( '-(/() During t+e a"ove mentioned eriod no lea "6 t+e Bidder !or an6 sort o! modi!ication o! t+e Bid "ased u on or arising out o! an6 alleged misunderstandings or misconce tions or mista3e or !or an6 reason $ill "e entertained( '-(/(- In e8ce tional circumstances; rior to e8 ir6 o! t+e original time limit; t+e Bid Inviting O!!icer ma6 re:uest t+e "idders to e8tend t+e eriod o! validit6 !or a s eci!ied additional eriod( Suc+ re:uest to t+e Bidders s+all "e made in $riting( A Bidder ma6 re!use t+e re:uest $it+out !or!eiting +is E(7(D( A Bidder agreeing to t+e re:uest $ill not "e ermitted to modi!6 +is Bid; "ut $ill "e re:uired to e8tend t+e validit6 o! +is E(7(D( !or a eriod o! t+e e8tension( 1(.= E,+*)32 M/*)9 D)6/312 & T+,*3,.21/* 4)) '-(0(' T+e Bidder s+all !urnis+; Earnest 7one6 De osit o! Ru ees seven crores !i!t6 la3+s #?.<0 .+/+)3$ !rom an6 Nationalised Ban3 $it+ valid !or si8 mont+s !rom t+e last date o! su"mission o! "id; at t+e time o! "id su"mission( T+e Earnest 7one6 De osit ?E7D@ calculated K )(/F o! "id amount s+all "e aid at t+e time o! concluding Contract "6 t+e success!ul Bidder( T+is E7D can "e in t+e !orm o!D a@ "@ A "an3 demand dra!t on an6 Government o$ned u"lic sector "an3 or an6 sc+eduled commercial "an3( or A "an3 guarantee in t+e !orm given Lunder !ormats o! securitiesM; !rom a Government o$ned u"lic sector "an3 or an6 sc+eduled commercial "an3(
'-(0() Demand Dra!ts % Ban3 Guarantees !urnis+ed to$ards E7D along $it+ Bid s+all "e valid !or a eriod o! si8 mont+s !rom t+e date o! su"mission o! Bids( '-(0(- T+e E7D must "e aid in !ull $it+out concession( T+e "ids $it+out sti ulated E7D or $it+ an6 s+ort!all in amount or eriod o! validit6 $ill "e summaril6 re&ected( '-(0(.
Hard copies: i !ide re".G.O.#s.No.1$4, I % C&' 'ep(., 'a(ed: 1)*)2++,, s-./issio0 o" ori1i0a2 3ard copies o" (3e -p2oaded sca00ed copies o" ''45G (o6ards E#' .7 par(icipa(i01 .idders (o (3e (e0der i08i(i01 a-(3ori(7 .e"ore (3e ope0i01 o" (3e price .id is dispe0sed "or(36i(3. ii &22 (3e .idders s3a22 i08aria.27 -p2oad (3e sca00ed copies o" ''45G i0 e9roc-re/e0( s7s(e/ a0d (3is 6i22 .e (3e pri/ar7 re:-ire/e0( (o co0sider (3e .id respo0si8e. iii T3e depar(/e0( s3a22 carr7 o-( (3e (ec30ica2 e8a2-a(io0 so2e27 .ased o0 (3e -p2oaded cer(i"ica(es4doc-/e0(s, ''45G (o6ards E#' i0 (3e e9roc-re/e0( s7s(e/ a0d ope0 (3e price .ids o" (3e respo0si8e .idders. i8 T3e depar(/e0( 6i22 0o(i"7 (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder "or s-./issio0 o" ori1i0a2 3ardcopies o" a22 (3e -p2oaded doc-/e0( ''45G (o6ards E#' prior (o e0(eri01 i0(o a1ree/e0(. 8 T3e s-ccess"-2 .idder s3a22 i08aria.27 "-r0is3 (3e ori1i0a2 ''45G (o6ards E#', Cer(i"ica(es4'oc-/e0(s o" (3e -p2oaded sca0 copies (o (3e Te0der I08i(i01 &-(3ori(7 .e"ore e0(eri01 i0(o a1ree/e0(, ei(3er perso0a227 or (3ro-13 co-rier or pos( a0d (3e receip( o" (3e sa/e 6i(3i0 (3e s(ip-2a(ed da(e s3a22 .e (3e respo0si.i2i(7 o" (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder. T3e depar(/e0( 6i22 0o( (a;e a07 respo0si.i2i(7 "or a07 de2a7 i0 receip( 4 0o0)receip( o" ori1i0a2 ''45G (o6ards E#', Cer(i"ica(es4'oc-/e0(s "ro/ (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder .e"ore (3e s(ip-2a(ed (i/e. O0 receip( o" doc-/e0(s, (3e depar(/e0( s3a22 e0s-re (3e 1e0-i0i(7 o" (3e ''45G (o6ards E#' a0d a22 o(3er cer(i"ica(es4doc-/e0(s -p2oaded .7 (3e .idder i0 e9roc-re/e0( s7s(e/. I0 s-ppor( o" (3e :-a2i"ica(io0 cri(eria .e"ore co0c2-di01 (3e a1ree/e0(. T3e GO.#s.NO.1$4, I % C&' 'a(ed: 1.*.2++, 'eac(i8a(io0 o" 5idders I" a07 s-ccess"-2 .idder "ai2s (o s-./i( (3e ori1i0a2 3ard copies o" -p2oaded cer(i"ica(es 4 doc-/e0(s, ''45G (o6ards E#' 6i(3i0 s(ip-2a(ed (i/e or i" a07 8aria(io0 is 0o(iced .e(6ee0 (3e -p2oaded doc-/e0(s a0d (3e 3ardcopies s-./i((ed .7 (3e .idder, as (3e s-ccess"-2 .idder 6i22 .e s-spe0ded "ro/ par(icipa(i01 i0 (3e (e0ders o0 e9roc-re/e0( p2a("or/ "or a period o" 3 7ears. T3e e9roc-r/e0( s7s(e/ 6o-2d deac(i8a(e (3e -ser I' o" s-c3 de"a-2(i01 .idder .ased o0 (3e (ri11er4reco//e0da(io0 .7 (3e Te0der I08i(i01 &-(3ori(7 i0 (3e s7s(e/. 5esides (3is, (3e depar(/e0( s3a22 i08o;e a22 processes o" 2a6 i0c2-di01 cri/i0a2 prosec-(io0 o" s-c3 de"a-2(i01 .idder as a0 ac( o" e<(re/e de(erre0ce (o a8oid de2a7s i0 (3e (e0der process "or e<ec-(io0 o" (3e de8e2op/e0( sc3e/es (a;e0 -p .7 (3e 1o8er0/e0(. O(3er co0di(io0s as per (e0der doc-/e0( are app2ica.2e. T3e .idder is re:-es(ed (o 1e( a co0"ir/ed ac;0o62ed1e/e0( "ro/ (3e Te0der I08i(i01 &-(3ori(7 a proo" o" Hardcopies s-./issio0 (o a8oid a07 discrepa0c7.
'-(0(/ T+e E7D $ill "e retained in t+e case o! success!ul Bidder and $ill not carr6 an6 interest and $ill "e dealt $it+ as rovided in t+e Bid( T+e T).:*1.,- B10 o! onl6 suc+ "idders $ill "e o ened( #ailure to su"mit t+e a"ove Documents "e!ore t+e rescri"ed da6 $ill entail re&ection o! t+e Bid and lia"le !or non* artici ation o! tender called !or "6 t+e de artment during t+e ne8t ') mont+s i(e( accordance $it+ G(O( 7s( No( )./; dated -5(')()55/ and G(O( 7s( No( '//; dated )-(52()550(
'-(0(0 T+e success!ul Bidder s+ould +o$ever a6 t+e E7D calculated K )(/F o! "id amount at t+e time o! signing t+e contract in t+e s+a e o! demand dra!t or unconditional and irrevoca"le Ban3 Guarantee on t+e standard !ormat enclosed to t+e Bid sc+edule !or a total eriod not less t+an t+e sti ulated eriod o! t+e com letion o! t+e $or3 in :uestion; lus t+e de!ect lia"ilit6 eriod o! ). mont+s !rom t+e com letion certi!icate T+e E(7(D( o! R86))3 #?.<0 .+/+)3$ S)@)* .+/+)3 ,*0 F1429 -,A:3 aid "6 t+e success!ul Bidder at t+e time o! !iling o! Bid sc+edules t+roug+ Demand Dra!t or Ban3 guarantee $ill "e disc+arged '-(0(1 T+e retention amount !rom t+e "ills $ill "e deducted at t+e rate o! 1(/F ?Seven and +al! ercent onl6@ as usual( '-(0(2 T+e E7D $ill "e re!unded to t+e :uali!ied "ut unsuccess!ul Bidder eit+er a!ter !inali=ation o! Bids or on t+e e8 ir6 o! validit6 eriod o! Bids ? i(e si8 mont+s !rom t+e date o! o ening o! Bids@ $+ic+ever is earlier( '-(0(4 I! t+e success!ul "idder !ails to su"mit E7D as s eci!ied in t+e Clause '-(0 o! ITB and !ails % re!uses to sign t+e Contract $it+in s eci!ied time t+en t+e E7D s+all "e !or!eited( '-(0('5 T+e earnest mone6 de osited "6 t+e success!ul Bidder $ill not carr6 an6 interest or ot+er c+arges and it $ill "e dealt $it+ as rovided in t+e conditions sti ulated in t+e Bid( T+e E(7(D( given in t+e !orm o! Ban3 Guarantee on a Government o$ned u"lic sector "an3 or an6 sc+eduled commercial "an3(( s+all "e valid !or t+e duration o! contract eriod lus de!ect lia"ilit6 eriod o! ). mont+s !rom t+e com letion certi!icate and in case an6 valid e8tension o! contract eriod is granted; t+e validit6 o! BG s+all also "e e8tended !or t+e corres onding eriod( T+e Ban3 Guarantee on Government o$ned u"lic sector "an3 or an6 sc+eduled commercial "an3 !urnis+ed "6 t+e Bidder to$ards additional securit6 amount s+all "e valid till t+e $or3 is com leted in all res ects( '-(0('' T+e E(7(D( s+all "e !or!eited( ?a@ ?"@ ?c@ I! t+e Bidder $it+dra$s t+e Bid during t+e validit6 eriod o! Bid( In t+e case o! a success!ul Bidder; i! +e !ails to sign t+e Contract !or $+atever t+e reason( In case o! success!ul Bidder; i! +e !ails to su"mit E7D as s eci!ied in '-(' and '-(0 o! instructions to "idder(
'-(0(') In consideration o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer % Su erintending Engineer %C+ie! Engineer% Commissionerate o! Tenders % +ig+ o$er committee underta3ing to investigate and to ta3e into account eac+ Bid and in consideration o! t+e $or3 t+ere"6 involved; all earnest monies de osited "6 t+e Bidder $ill "e !or!eited to t+e Government in t+e event o! suc+ Bidder eit+er modi!6ing or $it+*dra$ing +is Bid at +is instance $it+in t+e said validit6 eriod o! Si8 mont+s(
'-(0('- Transaction !ees D T+e transaction !ee o! Rs()/555%* E ')(-0F service ta8 E '(2/F Education cess +as to "e aid "6 t+e artici ating "idders t+roug+ t+e Electronic Pa6ment Gate$a6 in !avour o! 7%s( C' India Pvt( <td(; "6 eac+ artici ating "idder at t+e time o! Bid su"mission( T+e amount is not reim"ursa"le '-(0('. An6 "id not accom anied "6 "ot+ t+e E7D and Transaction !ee $ill "e re&ected "6 t+e em lo6er as Nnon res onsiveO '-(0('/ Interest or an6 ot+er c+arges $+atsoever; $ill not "e a6a"le "6 t+e em lo6er on t+e a"ove E7D( '-(0('0 T+e success!ul "idder +as to a6 e* rocurement cor us !und o! Rs()/;555%* t+roug+ DD Dra$n in !avour o! APTS; B6dera"ad at t+e time o! concluding agreement and +andover t+e DD to t+e Su erintending Engineer $+o enters t+e agreement $it+ success!ul "idder( '-(0('1 Deleted( '-(0(18 L,B/8+ W)-4,+) C)33 F 1.00G :,3 2/ B) 6,10 B9 2:) S8..)3348- B100)+ 2/ B) +)./@)+)0 4+/5 2:) B1--3 08+1*; 2:) )C).821/*. '-(0('4 No alteration $+ic+ is made "6 t+e Bidder in t+e contract !orm; t+e conditions o! t+e contract; t+e dra$ings; s eci!ications or statements % !ormats or :uantities accom an6ing t+e same $ill "e recogni=edH and; i! an6 suc+ alterations are made t+e Bid $ill "e void( 14.0 P+)-'10 M))21*;: A Pre*Bid 7eeting; o en to all ros ective "idders; $ill "e convened at t+e at o!!ice o! t+e Su erintending Engineer; Construction Circle; Ongole on )/(''()552 and 0(')()552 K ''(55 A7( T+e ur ose o! t+is meeting $ill "e to discuss and ans$er to :ueries on an6 matter t+at ma6 "e raised at t+at stage( T+e "idders are re:uested to su"mit an6 :uer6 in $riting; #AP or e*mail to reac+ t+e o!!ice o! Em lo6er "e!ore re*"id meeting( An6 modi!ication o! t+e "id documents t+at ma6 "ecome necessar6 as a result o! t+e Pre*Bid meeting; s+all "e made "6 t+e Em lo6er; "6 issuing an addendum to Bid Documents( 1<.0 P+)6,+,21/* /4 '103: a@ T+e Bid must contain t+e name; and laces o! "usiness o! t+e erson or ersons ma3ing t+e "id and all documents certi!icates etc(; must "e signed "6 t+e dul6
aut+ori=ed re resentative and sealed "6 t+e Bidder $it+ +is usual signature( T+e name o! t+e erson signing s+ould also "e t6 ed or rinted "elo$ t+e signature(
"@ Bid?s@ "6 a Ioint Aenture o! com anies % #irms must "e !urnis+ed $it+ !ull names o! all com anies !irms and "e signed "6 t+eir aut+ori=ed re resentatives( c@ Bid?s@ "6 Cor oration%Com an6 must "e signed $it+ t+e legal name o! t+e Cor oration % Com an6 and "6 t+e President%c+airman; 7anaging Director or "6 t+e Secretar6 or ot+er erson or ersons aut+ori=ed to "id on "e+al! o! suc+ Cor oration%Com an6 in t+e matter( d@ T+e "idder s+ould !urnis+ a Declaration t+at t+e credentials su"mitted "6 t+e "idder are correct( e@ Satis!actor6 evidence o! aut+orit6 o! t+e erson?s@ signing on "e+al! o! t+e Bidder s+all invaria"l6 "e !urnis+ed $it+ t+e "id( !@ T+e BidderQs name stated on t+e "id s+all "e t+e e8act legal name o! t+e !irm(
g@ T+e "id s+ould cover t+e entire sco e o! service indicated in t+e "id document( +@ T+e "idder s+all su"mit a declaration a"out "anning or de*listing o! t+e "idder "6 an6 government and%or semi*government organi=ation( i@ &@ Eac+ "idder s+all su"mit onl6 one "id eit+er "6 +imsel!; or as a artner in a &oint Aenture( Bids not con!orming to t+e a"ove re:uirements are lia"le to "e re&ected(
1=.0 C/*32+8.21/* P+/;+,55) '0(' T+e Bidder s+all include in +is Bid; a detailed construction rogramme o! e8ecuting t+e Pro&ect; descri"ing "roadl6 t+e Tec+nolog6 and Construction 7et+odolog6 o! 7a&or Com onents o! t+e Pro&ect including surve6; investigation; soil e8 loration; design C Engineering estimation; land ac:uisition ro osals; commissioning o! total ro&ect trial o! total canal s6stem( T+e rogramme s+all "e su lemented $it+ 7aster Control Net$or3( '0() T+e Em lo6er reserves t+e rig+t to re:uest !or c+anges in t+e 7aster control Net$or3 during re*a$ard discussions $it+ t+e res onsive "idder( 7utuall6 agreed 7aster Control Net$or3 s+all !orm art o! t+e Contract( 1?.0 S6).141. I338)3: A ros ective "idder is e8 ected to e8amine all instructions; terms C conditions; !orms and s eci!ications in t+e Bid Document and !ull6 in!orm +imsel! as to all t+e conditions and matters $+ic+ ma6 in an6 $a6 a!!ect t+e $or3s; +is "id or t+e cost t+ereo!( #urt+er; !ailure to !urnis+ all in!ormation re:uired "6 t+e Bid Document or
su"mission o! incom lete o!!ers; conditional "ids and "ids containing deviations !rom t+e "id document s+all "e re&ected as non*res onsive( It $ill "e im erative !or eac+ Bidder to !ull6 in!orm +imsel! o! all local conditions and !actors $+ic+ ma6 +ave an6 e!!ect on t+e e8ecution o! t+e >or3s covered under t+e s eci!ications and documents( In t+eir o$n interest; t+e "idders are articularl6 re:uested to !amiliarise t+emselves $it+ t+e revailing Income Ta8 Act; Com anies Act; Customs Act; revailing <a"our <a$s and ot+er related Acts and <a$s( #urt+er; t+e "idders are re:uested to com l6 $it+ t+e Insurance Act including >or3men,s Com ensation Act and t+ird art6 insurance and ot+er relevant rovisions articularl6 $it+ re!erence to t+e re:uirements o! ta3ing insurance !or storage; Civil; Structural and Arc+itectural >or3; Erection; testing and commissioning; o eration and 7aintenance; till t+e ro&ect is +anded over to Em lo6er( Em lo6er s+all not entertain an6 re:uest !or clari!ication !rom t+e "idders regarding suc+ local conditions( It must "e understood and agreed t+at suc+ !actors +ave ro erl6 "een investigated and considered "6 t+e "idders $+ile su"mitting t+eir "ids( #ailure to do so $ill not relieve t+e "idders !rom res onsi"ilit6 !or estimating ro erl6 t+e cost o! success!ull6 er!orming t+e $or3 and com letion time re:uired !or t+e >or3( Em lo6er $ill assume no res onsi"ilit6 !or an6 understanding; or re resentation concerning conditions made "6 an6 o! its o!!icers or agents rior to a$ard o! t+e Contract( Neit+er an6 c+ange in t+e time sc+edule o! t+e contract nor an6 !inancial ad&ustments arising t+ereo! s+all "e ermitted "6 Em lo6er; $+ic+ arises out o! lac3 o! suc+ clear 3no$ledge or its e!!ect on t+e cost o! e8ecution o! t+e contract on t+e art o! t+e "idder( Em lo6er s+all not entertain an6 re:uest !or clari!ications !rom t+e Bidders; regarding an6 statutor6 rovisions( Being a Turn3e6 Contract; t+e Bidder is to ta3e !ull res onsi"ilit6 !or t+e surve6; Investigation; Design C Engineering and e8ecution o! entire canal s6stem%Dam and a urtenant $or3s including commissioning; Trial run o! t+e Canal S6stem%Dam gate s6stem com lete including maintenance o! t+e ro&ect !or a eriod o! / 6ears !or Civil $or3s and '/ 6ears !or B6dro 7ec+anical and Electro 7ec+anical $or3s !rom t+e com letion certi!icate( T+e "asic arameters o! t+e ro&ect stated in V/-85) I #P,+2 ! D$ are to "e strictl6 ad+ered to "6 t+e "idders; unless ot+er$ise s eci!ied; during detailed Surve6; investigation engineering; design and e8ecution o! t+e ro&ect( T+e "idders are also re:uired to revie$ t+e To ogra +ical; B6drological; Geological C 7eteorological data and ot+er data%in!ormation rovided in t+e V/-85) I #P,+2 -E$- P+/E).2 P+/41-) o! t+e Bid document and satis!6 t+emselves !or t+eir ade:uac6( BidderQs Surve6; Investigation; Designs; Tec+nical S eci!ications and Tec+nical Parameters s+all con!orm to Bureau o! Indian Standard Codes and%or International Standards C ractices%C(>(C( 7anuals % IRC Codes% I C CAD De artment s eci!ications % Circulars issued "6 De artment !rom time to time(
It is understood t+at all lant; e:ui ment; and $or3s connected $it+ t+e normal e!!icient e8ecution o! t+e Pro&ect are covered in t+e sco e; "roug+t out in Bid Documents( >+ile $or3ing out t+eir rice "id; t+e "idders are re:uired to ta3e into account entire sco e o! t+e $or3 de!ined in Bid documents; additional In!rastructure and Construction !acilities and ot+er related activities; !or all t+e artners o! t+e &oint venture; $+atsoever re:uired( Bidder s+all also include in +is rice "id; cost o! de*mo"ili=ation and s+i ing "ac3 t+e construction e:ui ment and ot+er e:ui ment % materials etc( !rom t+e Pro&ect Site(
18.0 S6).1,- A22)*21/* >+ile re aring t+e Bid*Price t+e Bidders s+all also ta3e into account t+e !ollo$ingD I( In!rastructure C Construction #acilities; Preliminar6; Ena"ling C Ancillar6 $or3s $+atsoever re:uired "6 t+em !or success!ul com letion o! t+e Pro&ect in t+e s eci!ied time sc+edule( II( Indian Income Ta8 and Surc+arge on Income Ta8 on Salaries o! E8 atriates etc( III( Cor orate Income Ta8(
IA( All Ta8es; Duties and e8 enses suc+ as E8cise Dut6; Sales Ta8 on Indian Su lies; Customs Dut6 and Custom Clearance on im orted items; trans ortation and storage at site etc( A( All local duites; ro6alties; octroi etc( AI( AAT and Commercial Ta8 on $or3s contract etc( in t+e State o! And+ra Prades+( 18.1 T:) 4/--/D1*; +)./@)+1)3 D1-- B) 5,0) 2/D,+03 2,C)3 '@ AAT at )(2F ?.F o! 15F@ )@ Income ta8 at )().F -@ Seigniorage c+arges* $+ere ever a .@ <a"our $el!are cess at 'F /@ C+ie! 7inister relie! !und and NAC at 5()/F N/2).1DAn6 increase o! a"ove recoveries as amended during agreement eriod $ill "e reim"ursed( N/2).2DCentral sales ta8 and E8cise dut6 K t+e rate o! '0()/F are laced "e6ond t+e sco e o! t+is "id( It $ill "e reim"ursed on t+e roduction o! evidence o! a6ment( lica"le
'4(' T+e Bidders $+o are desirous o! artici ating s+all su"mit t+eir rice "ids etc(; at t+e rescri"ed !ield % lace rovided in t+e e*mar3et lace( T+e "idders s+all sign on all t+e statements; documents; certi!icates; u loaded "6 +im; o$ning res onsi"ilit6 !or t+eir correctness % aut+enticit6( T+e E7D a6a"le along $it+ t+e "id s+all "e in accordance $it+ clauses o! ITB( '4() An6 ot+er condition regarding recei t o! Bids in conventional met+od a Bid document ma6 "e treated as Non*a lica"le( earing in
20.0 T:) 0/.85)*23 2/ B) 86-/,0)0 D12: +)36).2 2/ 2:) P,+23 /4 2:) B1001*; 6+/.)33 3:,-- B) ,3 4/--/D3: 1$ PART I ! ELIGI'ILT" AND TECHNICAL STAGE Bid Securit6 in t+e !orm o! Ban3 Guarantee % D(D A letter o! declaration as in t+e !ormat rovided in Aol(I Transaction !ee( A declaration a"out "anning%de*listing "6 an6 government%semi government agencies( Sales Ta8 clearance certi!icate ?as a lica"le@
Declaration !or t+e veracit6 or genuinit6 o! t+e credentials su"mitted( In!ormation%Data; Part*C ertaining to "idders organi=ation; !inancial
ca a"ilit6 and tec+nical ca a"ilit6 as er Statements ' to 0; Aolume*I In!ormation%Data; ertaining to "idder,s ro osal as Data s+eet ' to Data s+eet ') o! Aolume*I Part* C o! t+e Bid documents( 11$ PART II ! FINANCIAL 'ID STAGE 9uote tender contract rice in t+e tem late rescri"ed on line( <etter o! Tender Se arate Price against t+e di!!erent ro osals%o tions as indicated under S ecial Conditions o! Contract( In:r structure n. ot<er : cilities :
5idder s3a22 co22ec( a22 i0"or/a(io0 o0 e<is(i01 i0"ras(r-c(-re 2i;e roads (o co0s(r-c(io0 area, po6er (e2eco//-0ica(io0s e(c., a0d sa(is"7 3i/se2" prior (o s-./issio0 o" 3is 4 (3eir .id.
21.0 L,32 0,2) / 215) 4/+ S8B51331/* /4 2:) '103. Bids must "e su"mitted not later t+an -(55 P(7( on '5*')*)552
o0 2i0e.
)'() T+e ,u$erintending Engineer, Construction Circle; Ongole; Pra3asam District ma6 e8tend t+e dates !or issue o! "id documents and recei t o! Bids "6 issuing an amendment in $+ic+ case all rig+ts and o"ligations o! t+e Su erintending Engineer; Construction Circle; Ongole and t+e Bidders $ill remain same as reviousl6(
22.0 L,2) '103. Bids $ill not "e received a!ter t+e last date % time rescri"ed( 2(.0 M/0141.,21/* 2/ 2:) '10. )-(' Bidders can modi!6 t+eir Bid rice "e!ore t+e last date%time o! !iling Bids( )-() No Bid s+all "e modi!ied a!ter t+e last date %time o! su"mission o! Bids( )-(- >it+dra$al o! "id is acce ta"le once t+e "id is su"mitted( 24.0 D)-)2)0.
E2i1i.i2i(7 Cri(eria i Ge0era2 Re:-ire/e0(s
: '( T+e "ids are limited to re uted !irms % Ioint venture com anies% consortiums +aving e8 erience in e8ecution o! um ing stations% %irrigation canals%reservoirs% tunnels% irrigation structures and "ridges( Contractor % Contracting !irm registered $it+ Government o! And+ra Prades+ $it+ valid Registration in terms o! G.O.#s.No: 13+,I%C&' 'epar(/e0( d(.22)+5)2++$ G(O(7s(No(/)'; I C CAD ?P>@; dt('5*')*'42. G(O(7s(No('12; I C CAD ?P>*COD@ De t(; dt()1*4*'441 G(O(7s(No()); TRCB ?B(III@ De t(; dt(0*)*42 G(O(7s(No()-; I C CAD ?P>@ De t(; dt(/*-*'444 G(O(7s(No('-); TRCB ?R('@ De t(; dt(''*2*'442 G(O(7s(No(2; TRCB ?R'@ De t(; dt(2*'*)55G(O(7s(No(4.; I C CAD ?P>*COD@ De t(; dt('*1*)55- are onl6 eligi"le( 2 I0 case o" =oi0( 8e0(-re a a( 2eas( o0e o" (3e par(0ers s3o-2d 3a8e a 8a2id re1is(ra(io0 6i(3 (3e Go8( o" &.9. as a.o8e a0d (3e o(3er par(0ers s3o-2d 3a8e app2ied "or re1is(ra(io0 a0d s3a22 -p2oad (3e sa/e as proo". . T3e (o(a2 /e/.ers i0 (3e =oi0( 8e0(-re s3o-2d 0o( .e /ore (3a0 ?o-r. c T3e G! par(0ers s3o-2d .e respo0si.2e "or 2ia.i2i(7 i0di8id-a227 propor(io0a(e (o (3e e<(e0( o" (3eir s3are i0 (3e G! a0d =oi0(27 "or 1++J s3are. d S3a22 s-./i( G! deed d-27 re1is(ered 6i(3 co0di(io0 (3a( 2ead par(0er s3are s3a22 0o( .e 2ess (3a0 5+J i0 Goi0( !e0(-re. e T3e G! par(0er o" o0e .idder4"ir/ s3a22 0o( e0(er i0(o G! par(0ers3ip 6i(3 a0o(3er .idder4"ir/ "or (3e .id. !@ T3e .idder4"ir/4co/pa07 s3o-2d 3a8e ISO cer(i"ica(io0 or prod-ce e8ide0ce o" /a;i01 app2ica(io0 "or ISO cer(i"ica(io0( 3 T3e .ids are 2i/i(ed (o (3ose i0di8id-a2 "ir/s, Co/pa07 a0d =oi0( 8e0(-res (3a( /ee( (3e e2i1i.i2i(7 cri(eria > .o(3 Tec30ica2 % ?i0a0cia2 . 4 I0 case o" =oi0( 8e0(-re (3e e2i1i.i2i(7 cri(eria 6i22 .e co0sidered o0 (3e .asis o" co/.i0ed reso-rces. 5K T3e .idder i0 3is 0a/e s3o-2d sa(is"7 as per "or/-2a >2 &N)5 63ic3 s3o-2d .e 1rea(er (3a0 I5#. B3ere &L #a<. 8a2-e o" ci8i2 E01i0eeri01 6or;s e<ec-(ed i0 a07 o0e 7ear d-ri01 precedi01 "i8e "i0a0cia2 7ears. i.e. (3e "i0a0cia2 7ear i0 63ic3 5ids are i08i(ed (a;i01 i0 (o acco-0( (3e co/p2e(ed as 6e22 as 6or;s i0 pro1ress. NL No. o" 7ears prescri.ed "or co/p2e(io0 o" 6or;s "or 63ic3 (e0ders are i08i(ed. 5L !a2-e o" e<is(i01 co//i(/e0(s a0d o01oi01 6or;s (o .e co/p2e(ed d-ri01 (3e period o" co/p2e(io0 o" 6or;s "or 63ic3 (e0ders are i08i(ed. ii Tec30ica2 Re:-ire/e0( : 5idder s3o-2d 3a8e e<ec-(ed >O0e si/i2ar co/po0e0(s o" 6or;s as per i(e/ No.4 O? Te0der 0o(ice. *. 5idder s3o-2d 3a8e e<ec-(ed a( 2eas( >1 Si"il r pro=ec(.
5idder s3o-2d 3a8e e<ec-(ed a Ear(3e0 da/4 reser8oir 6i(3 a s(ora1e capaci(7 o" 0o( 2ess (3a0 1.4+ T#C. T3e .idder 3as (o s-./i( (3e per"or/a0ce cer(i"ica(e i0 proo" o" (3e a.o8e 1+. 5idder s3o-2d 3a8e /a0-"ac(-red, s-pp2ied, erec(ed (es(ed a0d co//issio0ed 2ar1e e:-i8a2e0( p-/ps 6i(3 per"or/a0ce i0dica(ers a0d speci"ic (o 2i"( a (o(a2 disc3ar1e o" 15 C-/ecs 6i(3 i0di8id-a2 p-/p disc3ar1e o" 3.+ C-/ecs or /ore 63ic3 is 6or;i01 sa(is"ac(or7 "or o0e 7ear as o0 da(e o" s-./issio0 o" .id. T3e .idder 3as (o s-./i( (3e per"or/a0ce cer(i"ica(e i0 proo" o" (3ere o". 11. 5idder s3o-2d 3a8e s-pp2ied, erec(ed, (es(ed a0d s-ccess"-227 co//issio0ed e2ec(ric /o(ors "or p-/pi01 app2ica(io0 o" 3.++ #.B. capaci(7 or /ore re:-ired "or eac3 /o(or 6i(3 associa(ed ci8i2 /ec3a0ica2, e2ec(rica2 a0d i0s(r-/e0(a(io0 63ic3 are 6or;i01 sa(is"ac(or7 "or a( 2eas( o0e 7ear as o0 da(e o" s-./issio0 o" 5id. T3e .idder 3as (o s-./i( cer(i"ica(e i0 proo" o" s-pp27i01 e2ec(ric /o(ors o" capaci(7 3.++ #.B. or /ore. 12. 5idder s3o-2d 3a8e /a0-"ac(-red, s-pp2ied erec(ed, (es(ed a0d s-cess"-27 co//issio0ed 2ar1e dia/e(er 6a(er s-pp27 pipe 2i0e >5-ried a0d 4 or s-r"ace 3a8i01 i0(er0a2 dia/e(er o" 2.++ # or /ore "or a 2e01(3 o" 5.++ @/s i0 (6o ro6s or /ore 6i(3 associa(ed ci8i2 6or;s 63ic3 are 6or;i01 sa(is"ac(or7 "or a( 2eas( o0e 7ear. T3e .idder 3as (o s-./i( a cer(i"ica(e i0 proo" o" a.o8e or /ore. 13. T3e .idder s3o-2d 3a8e e<ec-(ed (-00e2 o" dia/e(er o" 0o( 2ess (3a( 3.5+ "ts "or a /i0i/-/ o" 2e01(3 o" 2.5+ 9"s 14. 5idder s3o-2d 3a8e capaci(7 "or .esi#n o::ice .ac;-p 3a8i01 e<perie0ce o0 s(r-c(-ra2 a0d 37dra-2ic desi10 "or p-/ps, p-/p 3o-ses a0d pipe 2i0e a0d (ra0sie0( a0a27sis, ear(3 da/ 6or;, ca0a2 0e(6or;, drops a0d C#4C' s(r-c(-res a0d Reser8oirs a0d (-00e2s or s3o-2d 3a8e #.O.U 6i(3 s-c3 "ir/ o" e<perie0ce. 15. T3e 5idder s3a22 3a8e ISO accredi(a(io0 or s3a22 3a8e app2ied "or ISO accredi(a(io0. Ho6e8er (3e 5idder s3a22 s-./i( ISO accredi(a(io0 a( (3e (i/e o" co0c2-di01 &1(. iii ?i0a0cia2 Re:-ire/e0(s. : 1. T3e .idder s3a22 3a8e a00-a2 "i0a0cia2 (-r0 o8er "ro/ Ci8i2 E01i0eeri01 6or;s i0c2-si8e o" E2ec(ro #ec3a0ica2 Bor;s o" 0o( 2ess (3a0 Rs.i.e.I5# 8a2-e4No o" 7ears prescri.ed "or co/p2e(io0 i0 a07 "i0a0cia2 7ear d-ri01 2as( "i8e 7ears i.e., "ro/ 2++3)+4 (o 2++$)+, -p da(ed .7 1i8i01 1+J si/p2e 6ei13( a1e per 7ear (o .ri01 (3e/ (o 2++,)+* price 2e8e2.
2. Ho6e8er, (3e (o(a2 (-r0o8er o" =oi0( 8e0(-re 1ro-p s3o-2d 0o( .e 2ess (3a0 Rs.i.e.I5# 8a2-e4No o" 7ears prescri.ed "or co/p2e(io0, i0 a07 o0e 7ear d-ri01 (3e 2as( 5 "i0a0cia2 7ears i.e. "ro/ 2++3)+4 (o 2++$) +,, -pda(ed .7 1i8i01 1+J si/p2e 6ei13(a1e per 7ear (o .ri01 (3e/ (o 2++,)+* price 2e8e2. 3. T3e .idder s3o-2d 3a8e sa(is"ac(ori27 co/p2e(ed si/i2ar 0a(-re 6or;s >0o( 2ess (3a0 *+J o" (3e co0(rac( 8a2-e a0d (3e 8a2-e o" 6or; do0e s3o-2d 0o( .e 2ess (3a0 Rs.i.e.>I5# 8a2-e4No o" 7ears prescri.ed "or co/p2e(io0 I25J as a pri/e co0(rac(or, i0 a07 o0e 7ear d-ri01 (3e "i0a0cia2 7ears 2++3)2++4 (o 2++$) +, -pda(ed .7 1i8i01 1+J si/p2e 6ei13(a1e per 7ear (o .ri01 (3e/ (o 2++,)2++* price 2e8e2.S-. co0(rac(orMs 4G9 3o2derMs e<perie0ce s3a22 0o( .e (a;e0 i0(o acco-0(. 4. Li:-id asse(4credi( "aci2i(ies4So28e0c7 cer(i"ica(e "ro/ a07 I0dia0 Na(io0a2ised4 Sc3ed-2ed 5a0;s o" 8a2-e 0o( 2ess (3a0 Rs.i.e.I5# 8a2-e I +.254No o" 7ears prescri.ed "or co/p2e(io0 5. T3e .idder /-s( 3a8e a 0e( 6or(3 o" Rs.i.e.I5# 8a2-e I +.254No o" 7ears prescri.ed "or co/p2e(io0 6. T3e .idder /-s( 3a8e a 0e( pro"i( >a"(er ded-c(i01 (a<, deprecia(io0 a0d i0(eres( i0 a07 (3ree 7ears d-ri01 (3e 2as( "i8e 7ears.
$. T3e No. o" par(0ers i0 (3e >G! s3a22 0o( .e /ore (3a0 4 >?o-r . ,. I0 case i" (3e app2ica(io0 is "ro/ a =oi0( 8e0(-re, i( s3o-2d sa(is"7 (3e "o22o6i01 6ini"u" criteri / a T3e Goi0( 8e0(-re s3o-2d /ee( (3e re:-ire/e0( as prescri.ed a( para1.Eac3 par(0er s3o-2d /ee( 0o( 2ess (3a0 2+J o" (3e a00-a2 (-r0o8er as prescri.ed a( para1 i0di8id-a227. . T3e G! s3o-2d /ee( si/i2ar 6or; cri(eria as prescri.ed a( para 5 a0d (3e o(3er par(0ers s3o-2d /ee( a(2eas( 2+J 0e( 6or(3 as prescri.ed a( para 5 i0di8id-a227. c &22 par(0ers o" G! s3o-2d /ee( ISO cer(i"ica(e as prescri.ed i0 para 2 o" (3e 1e0era2 re:-ire/e0(s. d &22 (3e G! par(0ers s3o-2d /ee( (3e cri(eria o" 0e( pro"i( as prescri.ed a( para 6 i0di8id-a227. e &0 a-(3oriDed represe0(a(io0 o" G! 63o 6i22 .e 0o/i0a(ed .7 G! 63o 6i22 .e a-(3oriDed (o dea2 6i(3 (3e e/p2o7er o0 a22 pro=ec( re2a(ed /a((ers d-ri01 (3e co-rse o" e<ec-(io0 o" pro=ec(
)/(' T+e tec+nical "ids $ill "e o ened online "6 t+e concerned Su erintending Engineer at t+e time and date as s eci!ied in t+e tender documents( All t+e statements; documents; certi!icates; DD%BG etc(; u loaded "6 t+e tenders $ill "e veri!ied and do$nloaded; !or tec+nical evaluation( T+e clari!ications; articulars; i! an6; re:uired !rom t+e "idders; $ill "e o"tained eit+er online or in t+e conventional met+od "6 addressing t+e "idders( T+e tec+nical "ids $ill "e evaluated against t+e s eci!ied arameters%criteria; and t+e tec+nicall6 :uali!ied "idders $ill "e identi!ied( T+e result o! tec+nical "id evaluation $ill "e dis la6ed on t+e Re, mar3et lace; $+ic+ can "e seen "6 all t+e "idders $+o artici ated in t+e tenders( )/() Similarl6; at t+e s eci!ied date and time; t+e rice "ids o! all t+e tec+nicall6 :uali!ied "idders $ill "e o ened online "6 t+e concerned Su erintending Engineer and t+e result $ill "e dis la6ed on t+e Re, mar3et lace $+ic+ can "e seen "6 all t+e "idders $+o artici ated in t+e tenders( Till t+e tec+nical "ids are o ened; t+e identit6 o! t+e "idders $+o artici ated in t+e tenders are to "e 3e t con!idential( Similarl6; till t+e rice "ids are o ened; t+e "id*o!!ers are to "e 3e t con!idential( Be!ore recommending%acce ting t+e tender; t+e tender acce ting aut+orit6; i! !ound necessar6; s+all veri!6 t+e correctness o! certi!icates su"mitted to meet t+e eligi"ilit6 criteria and s eci!icall6 !or e8 erience( T+e aut+enticated agreements o! revious $or3s e8ecuted "6 t+e lo$est "idder; s+all "e called !or i! !ound necessar6(
2=.0 F1*,-13,21/* /4 T)*0)+3: )0(' T+e Su erintending Engineer $ill evaluate and rocess t+e tenders and su"mit to t+e concerned C+ie! Engineer%ENC ?Irrigation@( In turn t+e "ids $ill "e sent to t+e committee constituted !or t+e ur ose( T+e committee $ill e8amine t+e "ids and decides t+e success!ul "idder and communicates its decision to t+e C+ie! Engineer%ENC ?Irrigation@( )0() Negotiations are not ermitted to "e conducted at an6 level(
)0(- Bids s+all "e scrutini=ed in accordance $it+ t+e conditions sti ulated in t+e Bid document( In case o! an6 discre anc6 or non*ad+erence o! conditions t+e Bid acce ting aut+orit6 s+all communicate t+e same; $+ic+ $ill "e "inding "ot+ on t+e Bid o ening aut+orit6 and t+e Bidder( In case o! an6 am"iguit6; t+e decision ta3en "6 t+e Bid Acce ting Aut+orit6 on Bids s+all "e !inal( 2?.0 E@,-8,21/* ,*0 C/56,+13/* /4 P+1.) '103 T+e Su erintending Engineer; Construction Circle; Ongole; Pra3asam District; And+ra Prades+ $ill evaluate and com are t+e rice "ids o! all t+e :uali!ied Bidders( Negotiations at an6 level are strictl6 ro+i"ited( Bo$ever; good gesture re"ate; i! o!!ered "6 t+e lo$est Bidder rior to !inalisation o! Bids ma6 "e acce ted "6 t+e Bid acce ting aut+orit6( Selection o! Bidder among t+e lo$est C e:uall6 :uoted Bidders $ill "e in t+e !ollo$ing ordersD a@ "@ c@ T+e Bidder $+ose "id ca acit6 is +ig+er $ill "e selected( In case t+e "id ca acit6 is also same t+e Bidder $+ose annual turnover is more $ill "e re!erred( Even i! t+e criteria incidentall6 "ecome t+e same; t+e turnover on similar $or3s and t+erea!ter mac+iner6 availa"le !or t+e $or3 and t+en t+e clean trac3 record o! t+e !irm or all t+e artners o! I(A( $ill "e considered !or selection(
28.0 D13.+)6,*.9 1* C/*2+,.2 P+1.) H8/2)0. In case o! an6 discre anc6 "et$een t+e overall Contract rice :uoted in $ords and !igures; t+e rice :uoted in $ords s+all revail( In case o! an6 discre anc6 "et$een t+e overall rice :uoted in online and o!!line ?Bard Co 6@; t+e rice :uoted in online s+all revail( 29.0 P+/.)33 2/ B) C/*410)*21,-. )4(' In!ormation relating to t+e e8amination; clari!ication; evaluation and com arison o! Bids and recommendations !or t+e a$ard o! a contract s+all not "e disclosed to Bidders or an6 ot+er ersons not o!!iciall6 concerned $it+ suc+ rocess until t+e a$ard to t+e success!ul Bidder +as "een announced "6 t+e Bid acce ting aut+orit6( An6 e!!ort "6 a Bidder to in!luence t+e rocessing o! Bids or a$ard decisions ma6 result in t+e re&ection o! +is Bid( )4() No Bidder s+all contact t+e Su erintending Engineer; Construction Circle; Ongole or an6 aut+orit6 concerned $it+ !inali=ation o! Bids on an6 matter relating to its Bid !rom t+e time o! t+e Bid o ening to t+e time t+e Contract is a$arded( I! t+e Bidder $is+es to "ring additional in!ormation to t+e notice o! t+e Su erintending Engineer; +e s+ould do so in $riting(
)4(- Be!ore recommending % acce ting t+e Bid; t+e Bid recommending % acce ting aut+orit6 s+all veri!6 t+e correctness o! certi!icates su"mitted to meet t+e eligi"ilit6 criteria and s eci!icall6 e8 erience( T+e aut+enticated contracts o! revious $or3s e8ecuted "6 t+e lo$est Bidder s+all "e called !or( )4(. Polic6 !or Bids under ConsiderationD Bids s+all "e deemed to "e under consideration immediatel6; a!ter t+e6 are o ened and until suc+ time o!!icial intimation o! a$ard % re&ection o! "id is communicated "6 t+e em lo6er( >+ile t+e "ids are under consideration; Bidders and % or t+eir re resentatives or ot+er interested arties are advised to re!rain !rom contacting "6 an6 means; t+e Em lo6er and % or +is em lo6ees%re resentatives%consultants on matters related to t+e "ids under consideration( To assist in t+e e8amination; evaluation and com arison o! "ids; t+e Em lo6er%Em lo6er,s aut+orised re resentative ma6; at +is discretion; as3 an6 or all "idders !or clari!ication o! +is %t+eir "ids; including "rea3u s o! unit rates; tec+nical in!ormation; documents and materials a!ter o ening o! t+e "id( T+e re:uest !or clari!ication and t+e res onse s+all "e in $riting or "6 #a8( T+e "idders s+all su"mit all clari!ications % additional documents in one original and T+ree co ies( Em lo6er ma6 also re:uest !or $it+ dra$l o! deviations $it+in a s eci!ied time; i! necessar6( It ma6 "e noted t+at it is not o"ligator6 on t+e art o! Em lo6er to +old an6 3ind o! discussions % negotiations $it+ t+e "idders( )4(/ T+e Bids $ill "e re!erred to Bid acce ting aut+orit6 along $it+ "id evaluation !or consideration( T+e Bid acce ting aut+orit6 s+all scrutini=e t+e Bids in accordance $it+ conditions sti ulated in t+e Bid document and in case o! an6 discre anc6 or non*ad+erence to t+e conditions; t+e same s+all "e communicated $+ic+ $ill "e "inding "ot+ on t+e Bid concluding aut+orit6 and contractor( In case o! an6 am"iguit6 t+e decision ta3en "6 t+e Bid acce ting aut+orit6 on Bids s+all "e !inal( No claim !or com ensation !or su"mission o! Bids( T+e Bidders $+ose "id is not acce ted s+all not "e entitled to claim an6 costs; c+arges and e8 enses o! and incidental to or incurred "6 +im t+roug+ or in connection $it+ +is su"mission o! "id; even t+oug+ t+e em lo6er ma6 elect to modi!6 % $it+dra$ t+e invitation to "ids(
AWARD OF CONTRACT (0.0AD,+0 C+12)+1,: -5('T+e Committee% Engineer*in*C+ie!?Irrigation@ % C+ie! Engineer ?Proe&cts@; Ongole $ill a$ard or recommend to t+e Com etent Bid acce ting aut+orit6 !or a$ard o! t+e contract to t+e Bidder $+o is !ound :uali!ied as er t+e Bid conditions and $+ose rice "id is evaluated as t+e lo$est( T+e Bid acce ting aut+orit6% t+e Em lo6er reserves t+e rig+t to acce t or re&ect an6 Bid or all Bids and to cancel t+e Bidding rocess; at an6 time rior to t+e a$ard o! Contract; and s+all not "ear an6 lia"ilit6 !or suc+ decision and s+all not +ave an6 o"ligation to in!orm t+e a!!ected Bidder or Bidders o! t+e reasons( (1.0 N/2141.,21/* /4 AD,+0 ,*0 S1;*1*; /4 C/*2+,.2. -'() T+e Bidder $+ose Bid +as "een acce ted $ill "e noti!ied o! t+e a$ard o! t+e $or3 "6 t+e; ,u$erintending Engineer, Construction Circle, /ngole, &rakasa# District rior to e8 iration o! t+e Bid validit6 eriod "6 registered letter( T+is letter ?+ereina!ter and in t+e Conditions o! Contract called N<etter o! Acce tanceO@ $ill indicate t+e sum t+at t+e Government $ill a6 t+e Contractor in consideration o! t+e e8ecution; com letion; and maintenance o! t+e >or3s "6 t+e Contractor as rescri"ed "6 t+e Contract ?+ereina!ter and in t+e Contract called t+e NContract AmountO@( -'() >+en a Bid is acce ted; t+e concerned Bidder s+all attend t+e o!!ice o! t+e Su erintending Engineer concerned on t+e date !i8ed in t+e <etter o! acce tance( U on intimation "eing given "6 t+e Su erintending Engineer o! acce tance o! +is Bid; t+e Bidders s+all ma3e a6ment o! t+e "alance E(7(D(; and additional securit6 de osit $+erever needed "6 $a6 o! Demand Dra!t or unconditional and irrevoca"le Ban3 Guarantee o"tained !rom an6 Government o$ned u"lic sector "an3 or an6 sc+eduled commercial "an3 $it+ re:uired validit6 eriod and sign an contract in t+e !orm rescri"ed "6 t+e de artment !or t+e due !ul!illment o! t+e contract( #ailure to attend t+e ,u$erintending Engineer, Construction Circle, /ngole, &rakasa# District o!!ice on t+e date !i8ed; in t+e $ritten intimation; to enter into t+e re:uired contract s+all entail !or!eiture o! t+e Earnest 7one6 de osited( T+e $ritten contractor "e entered into "et$een t+e contractor and t+e Government s+all "e t+e !oundation o! t+e rig+ts and o"ligations o! "ot+ t+e arties and t+e contract s+all not "e deemed to "e com lete until t+e contract +as !irst "een signed "6 t+e contractor and t+en "6 t+e ro er o!!icer aut+orised to enter into contract on "e+al! o! t+e Government( -'(- e* rocurement Cor us #und to APTS D* An e* rocurement cor us !und o! Rs )/;555%*?Ru ees t$ent6 #ive t+ousand onl6@ administered "6 APTS +as to "e aid "6 t+e success!ul "idder in t+e s+a e o! Demand dra!t in !avour o! A(P Tec+nological services; B6dera"ad at t+e time o! concluding t+e agreement( T+e amount is not reim"ursa"le(
-'(. T+e success!ul Bidder +as to sign t+e contract $it+in a eriod o! '/ da6s !rom t+e date o! recei t o! communication o! acce tance o! +is Bid( On !ailure to do so +is Bid $ill "e cancelled dul6 !or!eiting t+e E(7(D(; aid "6 +im $it+out issuing an6 !urt+er notice and action $ill "e initiated !or "lac3 listing t+e Bidder(
(2.0 C/++862 /+ F+,808-)*2 P+,.21.)3 -)(' T+e Government re:uires t+at t+e "idders % su liers % contractors under Government !inanced contracts; o"serve t+e +ig+est standard o! et+ics during t+e rocurement and e8ecution o! suc+ contracts( In ursuance o! t+is olic6; t+e Government a@ De!ine !or t+e ur oses o! t+e rovision; t+e terms set !ort+ "elo$ as !ollo$sD i@ Ncorru t racticesO means t+e o!!ering; giving; receiving or soliciting o! an6 t+ing o! value to in!luence t+e action o! a Government o!!icial in rocurement rocess or in contract e8ecutionD and ii@ N#raudulent racticeO means a misre resentation o! !acts in order to in!luence a rocurement rocess or t+e e8ecution o! a contract to t+e detriment o! t+e Government and includes collusive ractice among Bidders ? rior to or a!ter Bid su"mission@ designed to esta"lis+ in Bid rices at arti!icial non*com etitive levels and to de rive t+e Government o! t+e "ene!its o! !ree and o en com etition( "@ >ill re&ect a ro osal !or a$ard i! it determines t+at t+e Bidder recommended !or a$ard +as engaged in corru t or !raudulent ractices in com eting !or t+e contract in :uestion( c@ >ill "lac3list % or de"ar a !irm%IA and artners in I(A( eit+er inde!initel6 or !or a stated eriod o! time; i! at an6 time determines t+at t+e !irm +as engaged in corru t or !raudulent ractices in com eting !or; or in e8ecuting a Government Contract( d@ #urt+er more; Bidders s+all "e a$are o! t+e rovisions stated in t+e General Conditions o! Contract( --(5 T+e Bidder s+all e8amine closel6 t+e A(P(S(S( and also t+e standard reliminar6 s eci!ications contained t+erein and sign at ,u$erintending Engineer, Construction Circle, /ngole, &rakasa# District; o!!ice co 6 o! t+e A(P(S(S( and its addenda volume in to3en o! suc+ stud6 "e!ore su"mitting +is Bid $+ic+ s+all "e !or !inis+ed $or3 IN*SITU( Be s+all also care!ull6 stud6 t+e dra$ing and additional s eci!ications and all t+e documents $+ic+ !orm art o! t+e contract "e entered into "6 t+e success!ul Bidder( T+e A(P(S(S( and ot+er documents connected $it+ suc+ as s eci!ications lans and an6 ot+er in!ormation can "e +ad at an6 time "et$een ''*55 A(7( to /*55 P(7( on all $or3ing da6s in t+e o!!ice o! t+e ,u$erintending Engineer, Construction Circle, /ngole, &rakasa# District
--(' T+e Bidders attention is directed to re:uirements o! materials under t+e clause materials and S>or3 man s+i S in t+e reliminar6 s eci!ications( 7aterial con!orming to t+e Indian standards s eci!ications s+all "e used on t+e $or3 and t+e Bids s+all :uote +is "id accordingl6( --() T+e Bidder +as to do +is o$n testing o! materials and satis!6 +imsel! t+at t+e6 con!irm to t+e s eci!ications o! res ective I(S(I( codes "e!ore Bidding( --(- T+e contractor s+all +imsel! rocure t+e re:uired construction materials o! a roved :ualit6 including t+e eart+ !or !ormation o! em"an3ment and $ater !rom source o! +is c+oice all materials re:uired !or t+e $or3 s+all "e got a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge in $riting $ell "e!ore t+eir use on t+e $or3( ((.4 T+e contractor s+all +imsel! rocure t+at s+eet iles; Cement; steel "itumen; sand; "lasting materials; metal; soils etc(; and suc+ ot+er materials re:uired !or t+e $or3 $ell in advance( T+e contractor +as to "ear t+e cost o! materials; conve6ance and storage c+arges etc(; T+e de artment $ill not ta3e an6 res onsi"ilit6 !or !luctuations in mar3et in cost o! materials; trans ortation and loss o! materials( (4.0 I*36).21/* /4 S12) ,*0 78,++1)3 B9 2:) '100)+3 Ever6 Bidder is e8 ected; "e!ore :uoting +is "id; ins ect t+e site o! ro osed $or3( Be s+ould also ins ect t+e :uarries and satis!6 +imsel! a"out t+e :ualit6 and availa"ilit6 o! materials( T+e "est class o! materials to "e o"tained !rom :uarries; or ot+er source s+all "e used on t+e $or3( In ever6 case t+e material must com l6 $it+ t+e relevant standard s eci!ications( Sam les o! materials as called !or in t+e standard s eci!ications or in t+e Bid notice or as re:uired "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer; in an6 case s+all "e su"mitted !or t+e E8ecutive EngineerQs; a roval "e!ore t+e su l6 to site o! $or3 is "egun( T+e contractor a!ter e8amination o! t+e source o! materials s+all state clearl6 in +is Bid; $+ere !rom +e intends to o"tain materials; su"&ect to a roval o! t+e concerned Su erintending Engineer % E8ecutive Engineer( 72/* T:) '100)+3 6,+21.8-,+ ,22)*21/* 13 0+,D* 2/ 2:) 3).21/*3 ,*0 .-,83)3 1* 2:) 32,*0,+0 36).141.,21/*3 0),-1*; D12:. i@ ii @ Test; Ins ection and re&ection o! de!ective materials and $or3( Carriage(
iii @ Construction lant( iv @ >ater and lig+ting( v@ Cleaning u during t+e rogress and !or deliver6( vi @ Accidents( vii @ Dela6s( viii @ Particulars o! a6ments(
T+e contractor s+ould closel6 ursue all t+e s eci!ications clauses; $+ic+ govern t+e "id +e is Bidding( T+e contractor is res onsi"le !or t+e :ualit6 o! $or3s e8ecuted( I! an6 de!ects are noticed during t+e de!ect lia"ilit6 eriod o! ). mont+s a!ter com letion o! $or3s; t+e contractor +as to recti!6 at +is o$n cost( 7aintaining t+e S6stem !or ) ?t$o@6ears !or Civil $or3s not connected to li!t s6stem and '/ ?!i!teen@6ears !or Civil; B6dro*7ec+anical and Electro*7ec+anical $or3s connected to li!t s6stem a!ter issue o! com letion certi!icate "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( T+e Bidder $ill :uote lum sum rice on t+e $or3 as a $+ole( ( No alteration $+ic+ is made "6 t+e Bidder in t+e contract !orm; t+e conditions o! t+e contract; t+e dra$ings; s eci!ications or Sc+edule QAQ accom an6ing t+e same $ill "e recognised and i! an6 suc+ alterations are made; t+e Bid $ill "e void(
(8.0 7-/*
A Bidder su"mitting a :uotation $+ic+ t+e Bid acce ting aut+orit6 considers e8cessive and or indication o! insu!!icient 3no$ledge o! current Prices or de!inite attem t o! ro!iteering $ill render +imsel! lia"le to "e de"arred ermanentl6 !rom Bidding or !or suc+ eriod as t+e Bid acce ting aut+orit6 ma6 decide( T+e Bidders "id s+ould "e "ased on t+e controlled rices !or t+e materials i! an6 !i8ed "6 t+e Government or t+e reasona"le rices ermissi"le !or t+e Bidder to c+arge a rivate urc+ase under t+e rovisions o! clause*0 o! t+e +oarding and ro!iteering revention ordinance o! '4.- as amended !rom time to time and on similar rinci le in regard to <a"our su ervision in t+e construction( Read as er Clause .0 o! D*Cost Control T+e Bidder s+ould demonstrate availa"ilit6 ?o$ned or leased or to "e rocured against mo"ilisation advance@ o! t+e Ge6 and critical e:ui ment in t+e s+a e o! list and declaration su orted "6 o$ners+i documents necessaril6 "e enclosed to t+e Bid on Non Iudicial Stam Pa er o! $ort+ o! Rs('55%* stating( NI do +ere"6 solemnl6 declare t+at I o$n rocured on lease t+e !ollo$ing e:ui mentO(
0'/* 0(/*
S 'LETTING OF CONTRACT No art o! t+e contract s+all "e su"let $it+out $ritten ermission o! t+e Em lo6er nor s+all trans!er "e made "6 o$er o! attorne6; aut+ori=ing ot+ers to receive a6ment on t+e contractor,s "e+al!( I! t+e rime contractor desires to su"let a art t+e $or3 +e s+ould su"mit t+e same at t+e time o! !iling Bids itsel! or during e8ecution giving t+e names o! t+e ro osed t+e su"*contractor along $it+ t+e details o! +is :uali!ication and e8 erience( T+e Bid acce ting aut+orit6 s+ould veri!6 t+e e8 erience o! t+e su"* contractor and i! t+e su"*contractor satis!ies t+e :uali!ication criteria $it+ re!erence to t+e value o! $or3 ro osed to "e su"let; +e ma6 ermit t+e same( Bo$ever; t+e total value o! $or3s to "e a$arded on su"letting s+all not e8ceed /5F o! contract value( T+e e8tent 07/*
o! su"letting s+all "e added to t+e e8 erience o! t+e su"*contractor and to t+at e8tent deducted !rom t+at o! t+e main contractor( 44.0 I! !urt+er necessar6 in!ormation is re:uired; t+e C+ie! Engineer % Su erintending Engineer % E8ecutive Engineer $ill !urnis+ suc+ in!ormation "ut it must "e clearl6 understood t+at Bids must "e received in order and according to instructions( 02/* T+e Su erintending Engineer; Construction Circle, /ngole, &rakasa# District or t+e sanctioning aut+orit6 reserves t+e rig+t to re&ect an6 or all t+e Bids $it+out assigning an6 reasons t+ere !or( 08/* T+e contractor s+all 3ee identi!ication cards issued "6 t+e registering aut+orit6 at all times; $+ile at t+e site o! $or3 and at o!!ices and roduce t+e identit6 cards as and $+en as3ed !or( C/*2+,.2/+3 O+;,*1I,21/*,- P)+3/* T+e contractor s+all em lo6 t+e Organi=ational sta!! during e8ecution o! $or3; as indicated in Sc+edule C data s+eets 1 and ')( NoteD '@ T+e Ge6 ersonnel s+ould "e on !ull time "asis and availa"le at site $+enever re:uired "6 Engineer in c+arge to ta3e instructions( )@ T+e names o! t+e Ge6 ersonnel to "e em lo6ed "6 t+e contractor s+ould "e !urnis+ed in t+e statement enclosed se aratel6(
-@ In case t+e contractor is alread6 +aving more t+an one $or3 on +and and i! +e is +imsel! :uali!ied Engineer and +as underta3ing more t+an one $or3 at t+e same time; +e s+ould em lo6 se arate Ge6 erson on eac+ $or3( 48.0 T+e contractor s+ould !urnis+ t+e address in t+e Bid to $+ic+ communication relating to t+e contract ma6 "e sent and also aut+ori=e a erson to "e availa"le at $or3 s ot during +is a"sence( An6 c+ange in t+e incum"enc6 o! t+e aut+ori=ed agent s+all "e communicated in $riting "6 t+e contractor to t+e E8ecutive Engineer and t+eir ac3no$ledgement o"tained on +is co 6 o! t+e communication( 0+/*/' It is to "e e8 ressl6 and clearl6 understood t+at contractor s+all ma3e +is o$n arrangements to e:ui +imsel! $it+ all mac+iner6 and s ecial tools and lant re:uired !or t+e s eed6 and ro er e8ecution o! t+e $or3 and t+e de artment does not underta3e an6 res onsi"ilit6 to$ards t+eir su l6( 0+/*/( T+e Bidder s+ould select :uarries o! +is o$n c+oice as $ell as sources o! $ater and :uote t+e "id including :uarr6ing; conve6ance and all ot+er c+arges and ot+er construction materials(
0+/*/7 T+e $or3 $ill +ave to "e e8ecuted as er t+e IS s eci!ications; standard s eci!ications o! APSS and s ecial s eci!ication attac+ed +ere$it+ or as directed "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge $it+ re!erence to t+e $or3ing dra$ings( 0+/*/4 Bid :uoted s+all "e !or !inis+ed $or3 in situ and inclusive o! all incidental and contingent c+arges( All ta8es suc+ as sales ta8; seigniorage; ro6alties turnover ta8 etc(; in res ect o! materials to "e used on t+e $or3 must "e "orne "6 t+e contractor( T+e contractor is advised to anal6=e t+e rates $or3a"le to +im rec3oning all t+e ertinent arameters and :uote overall Bid amount( 0+/*/2 Aernacular signature s+ould "e translated into Englis+( 0-/* T+e contractor s+all at +is cost do all t+e drainage and um ing necessar6 !or carr6ing out t+e $or3 including s+oring; strutting etc(; T+e contractor s+all rovide at +is o$n cost necessar6 river diversion $or3s ot+er t+an co!!er dams and ot+er rotective $or3s contingent on t+e $or3( It is t+e dut6 o! t+e contractor not onl6 to rovide !or suc+ $or3s "ut also maintain t+em during t+e course o! $or3 in servicea"le and sa!e condition( T+e De artment acce ts no res onsi"ilit6 !or an6 damage to t+e $or3 itsel! conse:uent on t+e !ailure o! t+e co!!er dams; diversion $or3s or rotective $or3s; $+et+er it "e due to rains; !loods in t+e river or ot+er causes( T+e "id :uoted must "e inclusive o! all t+e a"ove c+arges( .4(5(' Re*+andling o! e8cavated soil due to in&udicious selection o! t+e lace o! dum ing s+all not "e aid !or( .4(5() T+e contractor s+ould use t+e e8cavated use!ul soil and stone o"tained !rom e8cavation !or construction ur ose(
.4(5(- T+e res onsi"ilit6 !or arranging t+e land !or "orro$ area rests $it+ t+e contractor and no se arate a6ment $ill "e made !or t+e rocurement or ot+er$ise and contractor :uoted "id $ill "e inclusive o! t+e land cost( 5+.1 T+e s ecial attention o! t+e Bidder is dra$n to t+e conditions in t+e Bid notice $+erein re!erence +as "een made to t+e And+ra Prades+ standard S eci!ications and t+e standard reliminar6 s eci!ications contained t+erein( T+ese reliminar6 s eci!ications s+all a l6 to t+e contract to "e entered into "et$een t+e contractor and Government o! And+ra Prades+ and s+all !orm an inse ara"le condition o! t+e contract along $it+ t+e additional conditions o! contract; s ecial s eci!ications; dra$ings; contract; sc+edules etc( All t+ese documents ta3en toget+er s+all "e deemed to !orm one contract and s+all "e com lementar6 to one anot+er(
I % >E ************************************************************ +ave gone t+roug+ care!ull6 all t+e Bid conditions and solemnl6 declare t+at I % $e $ill a"ide "6 an6 enal action suc+ as
dis:uali!ication or "lac3 listing or determination o! contract or an6 ot+er action deemed !it; ta3en "6; t+e De artment against us; i! it is !ound t+at t+e statements; documents; certi!icates roduced "6 us are !alse % !a"ricated(
I % >E +ere"6 declare t+at; I % >E +ave not "een "lac3listed % de"arred % Sus ended % demoted in an6 de artment in And+ra Prades+ or in an6 State due to an6 reasons(
STATEMENT ! I C+121.,- EH8165)*2 6+/6/3)0 2/ B) 0)6-/9)0 T+e Bidder s+ould !urnis+ t+e in!ormation re:uired "elo$; regarding t+e availa"ilit6 o! t+e e:ui ment; re:uired !or construction % :ualit6 control( Num"er <ease To "e rocured d / 0
Num"er re:uired -
O$ned .
S1;*,28+) /4 2:) '100)+ A 0).-,+,21/* +);,+01*; 2:) )H8165)*2 /D*)0 3:,-- B) 6+/08.)0 B9 2:) '100)+ /* , */*-E801.1,- 32,56 6,6)+ /4 R3 100/-,3 B)-/D
DECLARATION JI ------------------------------------- 0/ :)+)B9 3/-)5*-9 ,441+5 ,*0 0).-,+) 2:,2 I /D) /D* 2:) 4/--/D1*; )H8165)*2 4/+ 831*; /* 2:) 38BE).2 D/+A ,*0 ,-3/ 0).-,+) 2:,2 I / W) D1-- ,B10) B9 ,*9 ,.21/* 38.: ,3 013H8,-141.,21/* /+ 0)2)+51*,21/* /4 C/*2+,.2 /+ B-,.A-1321*; /+ ,*9 ,.21/* 0))5)0 412% 14 2:) 0)6,+25)*2 0)2).23 ,2 ,*9 32,;) 2:,2 I/D) 0/ */2 6/33)33 2:) )H8165)*2 -132)0 B)-/D. Sl( No ' Details o! eac+ E:ui ment ) Jear o! urc+as e Regn( Num"er . Ca acit6 / An6 ot+er data( 0 Is it in $or3ing condition 1
BID LTo "e su"mitted along $it+ t+e Bard co ies o! $or3 done certi!icates(M DateD TTTTT To ,u$erintending Engineer, Construction Circle, /ngole, &rakasa# District Sir; I % >e do +ere"6 Bid and i! t+is Bid "e acce ted; under ta3e to e8ecute t+e !ollo$ing $or3 vi=(; TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT((TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTT( TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT(( TTTTTTTTTTT(( as rovided !or in t+e Nconditions o! t+e contractO !or t+e sum o! Ru ees TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I%>E +ave also :uoted t+e "id in Sc+edule RA, Part*# Aolume( I; anne8ed ?in $ords and !igures@ !or $+ic+ I%>e agree to e8ecute t+e $or3 at t+e :uoted lum sum a6ment under t+e terms o! t+e contract( I%>E +ave :uoted t+e rice "id in Sc+edule RA, Part*# Aolume( I "ot+ in $ords C !igures( In case o! an6 discre anc6 "et$een t+e "id rice :uoted in $ords and !igures; t+e "id rice :uoted in $ords onl6 s+all revail( I%>E agreed to 3ee t+e o!!er in t+is Bid valid !or a eriod o! si8 mont+?s@ mentioned in t+e Bid notice and not to modi!6 t+e $+ole or an6 art o! it !or an6 reason $it+in a"ove eriod( I! t+e Bid is $it+dra$n "6 me%us !or an6 reasons $+atsoever; t+e earnest mone6 aid "6 me%us $ill "e !or!eited to Government I%>E +ere"6 distinctl6 and e8 ressl6; declare and ac3no$ledge t+at; "e!ore t+e su"mission o! m6%our Bid I%>e +ave care!ull6 !ollo$ed t+e instructions in t+e Bid notice and +ave read t+e A(P(S(S( and t+e reliminar6 s eci!ications t+erein and t+e A(P(S(S( addenda volume and t+at I%>e +ave made suc+ e8amination o! t+e contract documents and t+e lans; s eci!ications and o! t+e location $+ere t+e said $or3 is to "e done; and suc+ investigation o! t+e $or3 re:uired to "e done; and in regard to t+e material re:uired to "e !urnis+ed as to ena"le me%us to t+oroug+l6 understand t+e intention o! same and t+e re:uirements; covenants; contracts; sti ulations and restrictions contained in t+e contract; and in t+e said lans and s eci!ications and distinctl6 agree t+at I%>e $ill not +erea!ter ma3e an6 claim or demand u on t+e Government "ased u on or arising out o! an6 alleged misunderstanding or misconce tion %or mista3e on m6%or our art o! t+e said re:uirement; covenants; contracts; sti ulations; restrictions and conditions( I%>E enclosed to m6%our a lication !or Bid a crossed demand dra!t%B(G( ?NoTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT((datedD
TTTTTTT((@ !or RsTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT((as earnest mone6 not to "ear interest( I%>E s+all not assign t+e contract or su"let an6 ortion o! t+e same( In case i! it "ecomes necessar6 I%>e s+all su"mit t+e same at t+e time o! !iling Bids itsel! or during e8ecution; giving t+e name o! t+e su" contractor $it+ details o! +is :uali!ication and e8 erience and agree to su"let $it+ ermission o! Bid acce ting aut+orit6 onl6 to suc+ o! t+e su"*contractors $+o satis!ies t+e :uali!ication criteria in ro ortion to t+e value o! $or3 ro osed to "e su"let( I%>e agree !or t+e total value o! $or3s to "e a$arded on su"letting not to e8ceed /5F o! contract value( I%>e also agree to add t+e e8tent o! su"*letting to t+e e8 erience o! t+e Su"*Contractor and to deduct t+at e8tent !rom t+e e8 erience o! t+e 7ain Contractor( I# 7J%OUR Bid is not acce ted t+e sum s+all "e returned to me%us on a lication $+en intimation is sent to me%us o! re&ection or at t+e e8 iration o! t+ree mont+s !rom last date o! recei t o! t+is Bid; $+ic+ever is earlier( I! m6%our Bid is acce ted t+e earnest mone6 s+all "e retained "6 t+e Government as securit6 !or t+e due !ul!illment o! t+is contract( I! u on $ritten intimation to me%us "6 t+e Su erintending % E8ecutive Engineer,s O!!ice; I%>e !ail to attend t+e said o!!ice on t+e date +erein !i8ed or i! u on intimation "eing given to me%us "6 t+e Su erintending %E8ecutive Engineer or acce tance o! m6%our Bid; and i! I%>e !ail to ma3e t+e additional securit6 de osit or to enter into t+e re:uired contract as de!ined in condition -'() o! t+e instructions to Bidders; t+en I%>e agree to t+e !or!eiture o! t+e earnest mone6( An6 notice re:uired to "e served on me%us +ere under s+all "e su!!icientl6 served on me%us i! delivered to me%us +ereunder s+all "e su!!icientl6 served on me%us i! delivered to me%us ersonall6 or !or$arded to me%us "6 ost to ?registered or ordinar6@ or le!t at m6%our address given +erein( Suc+ notice s+all i! sent "6 ost "e deemed to +ave "een served on me%us at t+e time $+erein due course o! ost it $ould "e delivered at t+e address to $+ic+ it is sent( I%>E !ull6 understand t+at t+e $ritten contract to "e entered into "et$een me%us and Government s+all "e t+e !oundation o! t+e rig+ts o! t+e "ot+ t+e arties and t+e contract s+all not "e deemed to "e com lete until t+e contract +as !irst "een signed "6 me%us and t+en "6 t+e ro er o!!icer aut+ori=ed to enter into contract on "e+al! o! Government( I A7%>E ARE ro!essionall6 :uali!ied an m6%our :uali!ications are given "elo$D Name 9uali!ied
I%>E $ill em lo6 t+e !ollo$ing tec+nical sta!! !or su ervising t+e $or3 and $ill see t+at one o! t+em is al$a6s at site during $or3ing +ours; ersonall6 c+ec3ing all items o! $or3s and a6ing e8tra attention to suc+ $or3s as re:uired s ecial attention ?e(g(@ Rein!orced concrete $or3(
I % >E declare t+at I%>E agree to recover t+e salaries o! t+e tec+nical sta!! actuall6 engaged on t+e $or3 "6 t+e de artment; !rom t+e $or3 "ills; i! I%>e !ail to em lo6 tec+nical sta!! as er t+e Bid condition(
BIDDERS % CONTRACTOR,S CERTI#ICATE( ?'@ I%>E +ere"6 declare t+at I%>e +ave erused in detail and e8amined closel6 t+e And+ra Prades+ Standard S eci!ications; all clauses o! t+e reliminar6 s eci!ications $it+ all amendments and +ave eit+er e8amined all t+e standards s eci!ications or $ill e8amine all t+e standard s eci!ications !or items !or $+ic+ I%>e Bid; "e!ore I%>e su"mit suc+ Bid and agree to "e "ound and com l6 $it+ all suc+ s eci!ications !or t+is contract $+ic+ I%>e e8ecute in t+e Irrigation C Command Area Develo ment De artment( I%>E certi!6 t+at I%>e +ave ins ected t+e site o! t+e $or3 "e!ore :uoting m6 rice "id; I %>e +ave satis!ied a"out t+e :ualit6; availa"ilit6 and trans ort !acilities !or stones sand and ot+er materials( I%>E am%are re ared to !urnis+ detailed data in su ort o! all m6 :uoted rates; i! and $+en called u on to do so $it+out an6 reservations( I%>E +ere"6 declare t+at I am%$e are acce ting to re&ect m6 Bid in terms o! condition; -5() I%>E +ere"6 declare t+at I%>e $ill not claim an6 rice escalation( I%>E +ere"6 declare t+at I am%>e are acce ting !or t+e de!ect lia"ilit6 eriod as ). mont+s or t$o 3+ari! cro seasons $+ic+ ever is +ig+er instead o! 0 mont+s under clause )2 o! APSS( a@ I%>E declare t+at I%>E $ill rocure t+e re:uired construction materials including eart+ and use !or t+e $or3 a!ter a roval o! t+e Engineer*in* C+arge( T+e res onsi"ilit6 !or arranging and o"taining t+e land !or "orro$ing or e8 loitation in an6 ot+er $a6 s+all rest $it+ me%us !or t+e materials !or construction; I%>E s+all ensure smoot+ and un*interru ted su l6 o! materials( B@ I%>E declare t+at t+e res onsi"ilit6 !or arranging and o"taining t+e land !or dis osal o! s oil%soil not use!ul !or construction ur oses s+all rest $it+ me%us( C@ I%>E declare t+at I%>E s+all not claim an6 com ensation or an6 a6ment !or t+e land so arranged !or dis osal o! soil and t+e land !or "orro$ area( 76%our :uoted "id rice are inclusive o! t+e land so arranged and I%>e $ill +and over t+e land so arranged !or dis osal o! soil toH t+e de artment a!ter com letion o! $or3(
D@ I%>E declare t+at I%>E $ill not claim an6 e8tra amount to$ards an6 material used !or t+e $or3 ot+er t+an t+e :uoted $or3s !or res ective sc+edule RA, items( ?2@ I%>E declare t+at I%>E $ill e8ecute t+e $or3 as er t+e mile stone rogramme; and i! I%>E !ail to com lete t+e $or3 as er t+e mile stone rogramme I a"ide "6 t+e condition to recover li:uidated damages as er t+e Bid conditions( I%>E declare t+at I%>E $ill a"ide !or settlement o! dis utes as conditions( er t+e Bid
DEC<ARATION O# TBE BIDDER( '@ I%>E +ave not "een "lac3 listed in an6 de artment in And+ra Prades+ due to an6 reasons( I%>E +ave not "een demoted to t+e ne8t lo$er categor6 !or not !iling t+e Bids a!ter "u6ing t+e Bid sc+edules in a $+ole 6ear and m6%our registration +as not "een cancelled !or a similar de!ault in t$o consecutive 6ears( I%>E agree to dis:uali!6 me%us !or an6 $rong declaration in res ect o! t+e a"ove and to summaril6 re&ect m6%our Bid(
N/2): I4 2:) '10 13 5,0) B9 ,* 1*01@108,-% 12 3:,-- B) 31;*)0 D12: :13 48-- *,5) ,*0 :13 ,00+)33 3:,-- B) ;1@)*. I4 12 13 5,0) B9 , 41+5% 12 3:,-- B) 31;*)0 D12: 2:) ./-6,+2*)+3:16 *,5) B9 , 5)5B)+ /4 2:) 41+5% D:/ 3:,-- ,-3/ 31;* :13 /D* *,5)% ,*0 2:) *,5) ,*0 ,00+)33 /4 ),.: 5)5B)+ /4 2:) 41+5 3:,-- B) ;1@)*% 14 2:) '10 13 5,0) B9 , ./+6/+,21/* 12 3:,-- B) 31;*)0 B9 , 08-9 ,82:/+13)0 /441.)+ D:/ 3:,-- 6+/08.) D12: :13 '10 3,2134,.2/+9 )@10)*.) /4 :13 ,82:/+1I,21/*. S8.: '101*; ./+6/+,21/* 5,9 B) +)H81+)0 B)4/+) 2:) ./*2+,.2 13 )C).82)0% 2/ 48+*13: )@10)*.) /4 123 ./+6/+,2) )C132)*.). '103 31;*)0 /* B):,-4 /4 G.P.A. :/-0)+ D1-- B) +)E).2)0
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU "et$een Bis E8cellenc6 t+e Governor o! And+ra Prades+ ?+erein a!ter called Governor $+ic+ e8 ression s+all( include +is successors in o!!ice and >+ere t+e conte8t so admits o! t+e one art and assignees@
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU o! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ?+erein a!ter called t+e contractor $+ic+ e8 ression s+all $+ere t+e conte8t so admits include +is +eirs; e8ecutors; administrators and legal re resentative@ o! t+e ot+er art( >+ereas t+e Government o! And+ra Prades+ ?+erein a!ter called t+e Government@ are desirous o! ta3ing u t+e $or3 o! ro osal UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUand UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUand +ave caused an estimate % "e re ared( And $+ereas t+e said Sc+edule A; dra$ings num"ered seriall6 ' to UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU inclusive ?Sc+edule B@ and t+e s ecial s eci!ications ?Sc+edule C@; additional conditions !or materials ?Sc+edule D@ General Conditions ?Sc+edule E@ detailed Bid notice; Bid articles o! Contract +ave "een signed "6 or on "e+al! o! t+e arties +ere to( And $+ereas t+e contractor +as agreed to retain $it+ t+e Government o! t+e earnest mone6 o! Ru ees UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ?i@ aid "6 +im vide D(D(% B(G( No( UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Date UUUUUUUUUUUU issued "6 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU and enclosed to t+e a lication !or su l6 o! Bid Sc+edules ?)@ Ru ee UUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU aid "6 +im vide D(D(No( UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUdated UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU issued "6 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUto$ards "alance E(7(D(
contained in sc+edule A dra$ings and s eci!ications descri"ing t+e $or3 to "e done to
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU valid u to UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU +ave "een roduced $it+ to$ards additional securit6 !or t+e due !ul!illment o! t+e contract to t+e satis!action o! E8ecutive Engineer; UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU( Contractor +aving agreed to 3ee E7D at )(/F valid till t+e com letion o! $or3 T+e lus
t$ent6 !our mont+s o"servation eriod and additional securit6 de osit till t+e com letion o! $or3 to t+e satis!action o! Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, /ngole, &rakasa# District ( And $+ereas t+e contractor +as agreed t+at during t+e course o! t+e contract eriod an amount at t+e rate o! 1(/ F o! t+e value o! $or3 done $ill "e $it++eld !rom t+e "ills as #(S(D( And $+ereas t+e contractor +as also signed t+e co 6 o! t+e And+ra Prades+ standard s eci!ication and addenda volume t+ere to "e maintained in t+e o!!ice o! Superintending Engineer, Construction Circle, /ngole, &rakasa# District in to3en o! ac3no$ledgment o! "eing "ound "6 all t+e conditions o! t+e clauses o! t+e Standard reliminar6 s eci!ication and all t+e standard s eci!icationQs !or items o! $or3s descri"ed "6 a standard s eci!ication num"er in sc+edule A( And $+ere as contractor +as agreed to e8ecute u on t+e su"&ect to t+e conditions set !ort+ in t+e reliminar6 s eci!ication o! t+e And+ra Prades+ standard s eci!ications and suc+ ot+er conditions as are contained in all s eci!ications !orming art o! t+e contract ?+erein a!ter re!erred to as St+e said conditions@ t+e $or3 s+o$n u on t+e dra$ing and descri"ed in t+e said s eci!ications and set !ort+ in sc+edule A as t+e QPro"a"le 9uantitiesQ and com l6 $it+ t+e rate o! articles o! contract !or a sum o! rogress noted at t+e end o! t+is Rs( UUUUUUUUUUU?Ru ees
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@ or suc+ ot+er sum as ma6 "e arrived at under t+e clauses o! t+e standard reliminar6 s eci!ications relating to a6ment on lum sum "asis( Note it is +ere"6 agreed as !ollo$s D '( In consideration o! t+e a6ment o! t+e said sum o! Rs(
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU@ or suc+ ot+er sum as ma6 "e arrived at under t+e clause o! t+e standard
a6ments on
lum sum "asis ; t+e contractor $ill; u on and su"&ect to t+e said conditions;
e8ecute and com lete t+e $or3s s+o$n u on t+e said dra$ing and descri"ed in said s eci!ications; and to t+e e8tent; o! $or3 s+o$n in t+e Bill o! 9uantities( T+e said $or3s and met+od o! rovided !or in t+e said $or3s and conditions( )( T+e term E8ecutive Engineer in t+e said conditions s+all mean t+e u"lic a6ment t+ere !or as are
$or3s o!!icer in*c+arge o! t+e $or3 +aving &urisdiction !or t+e time "eing over t+e $or3( >+o s+all "e com etent to e8ercise all t+e o$ers and rivileges reserved +erein; in !avour o! t+e Government $it+ t+e revious sanction o! or su"&ect to t+e rati!ication "6 t+e ,u$erintending Engineer, Construction Circle, /ngole, &rakasa# District +erein a!ter called Su erintending Engineer in case $+ere suc+ sanction or rati!ication ma6 "e necessar6( (. AD> DICATION OF DISP TES: E8ce t as ot+er$ise rovided in t+e contract; an6 dis utes and di!!erences arising out o! or relating to t+e contract s+all "e re!erred to ad&udication as !ollo$s D '@ ?i@ Settlement o! all claims u to Rs(/5;555%* in value and "elo$ "6 $a6 o! Ar"itration to "e re!erred as !ollo$s D a( Claims u to Rs('5;555%* in value Su erintending Engineer; Construction Circle, /ngole, "( Claims a"ove Rs('5;555%* and u to Rs(/5;555%* in value C+ie! Engineer; Ongole
T+e ar"itration roceedings $ill "e conducted in accordance $it+ rovisions o! t+e Ar"itration Act; '4.5 as amended !rom time to time( T+e ar"itrator s+all invaria"l6 give reasons in t+e a$ard( ii@ Settlement o! all claims a"ove Rs(/5;555%* in value D All claims a"ove Rs(/5;555%* in value s+all "e decided "6 t+e civil court o! com etent &urisdiction "6 $a6 o! regular suit and not "6 ar"itration( )( A re!erence !or ad&udication under t+is clause s+all "e made "6 eit+er art6 to t+e contract $it+ in si8 mont+s !rom t+e date o! intimating t+e contractor o! t+e re aration o! !inal "ill or +is +aving acce ted a6ment $+ic+ever is earlier(
-( T+e relevant clause o! And+ra Prades+ Standard s eci!ication stand modi!ied to t+e e8tent rovided in t+is clause( .( Time s+all "e considered as o! t+e essence o! t+e contract and t+e contractor +ere"6 agrees to commence t+e $or3 as soon as t+e contract is signed and agrees to com lete t+e $or3 $it+in .2 mont+s !rom t+e date o! suc+ signing t+e contract and to s+o$ t+e rogress as de!ined in t+e ta"ular statement SRate o! ProgressS; su"&ect nevert+eless to t+e rovisions !or e8tension o! time contained in clause /4 o! t+e standard reliminar6 s eci!ications( /( T+e said conditions s+all "e read and construed as !orming art o! t+is contract and t+e arties +ere to $ill res ect!ull6 a"ide "6 and su"mit t+emselves to t+e conditions and sti ulations and er!orm t+e contract on t+eir art; res ectivel6( 0( U on t+e terms and conditions o! t+is contract "eing !ul!illed and er!ormed to t+e satis!action o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer; t+e securit6 de osited "6 t+e Contractor as +erein "e!ore recited or suc+ ortion t+ere o! as +e ma6 "e entitled to under t+e said condition s+all "e returned to t+e contractor as rovided In $itness t+ereo!; t+e contractor 7%s( % Sri( UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU +as +ere unto set +is +and and Sri(
Su erintending
Engineer; Construction Circle, /ngole, &rakasa# District acting on "e+al! o! and "6 t+e order and direction o! +is e8cellenc6; t+e Governor o! And+ra Prades+ +as +ere into set +is +and t+e da6 and 6ear !irst a"ove $ritten(
G)*)+,- P+/@131/* D)41*121/*3 In t+e Conditions o! Contract; t+e !ollo$ing $ords and e8 ressions s+all +ave t+e meanings stated( >ords indicating ersons or arties include cor orations and ot+er legal entities; e8ce t $+ere t+e conte8t re:uire ot+er$ise( THE CONTRACT JC/*2+,.2K means t+e Contract Agreement; t+ese Conditions; t+e Em lo6er,s Re:uirements; t+e Tender; and t+e !urt+er documents ?i! an6@ $+ic+ are listed in t+e Contract Agreement( JC/*2+,.2 A;+))5)*2O means t+e Contract Agreement re!erred to in Su"*Clause '(0 LContract AgreementM; including an6 anne8ed memoranda JE56-/9)+L3 R)H81+)5)*23O means t+e document entitled Em lo6er,s re:uirements; as included in t+e Contract; and an6 additions and modi!ications to suc+ documents in accordance $it+ t+e Contract( Suc+ document s eci!ied t+e ur ose; sco e; and%or design or ot+er tec+nical criteria; !or t+e >or3s( JT)*0)+K/ K'10O means t+e Contractor,s signed o!!er !or t+e >or3s and all ot+er documents $+ic+ t+e Contractor su"mitted t+ere$it+ ?ot+er t+an t+ese Conditions and t+e Em lo6er,s Re:uirements; i! so su"mitted@; as included in t+e Contract( JS.:)08-) /4 P,95)*23O mean t+e documents so named ?i! an6@; as included in t+e Contract( PARTIES AND PERSONS JP,+29O means t+e Em lo6er or t+e Contractor; as t+e conte8t re:uires( JE56-/9)+O means t+e Su erintending Engineer; Construction Circle; Ongole; Pra3asam District as designated "6 t+e Government o! And+ra Prades+ !or t+e ur ose o! t+e Contract( NC/*2+,.2/+O means t+e erson?s@ named as Contractor in t+e Contract Agreement and t+e legal successors in t+e title to t+is erson?s@ JC/*2+,.2/+L3 R)6+)3)*2,21@)O means t+e erson named "6 t+e Contractor in t+e Contract or a ointed !rom time to time "6 t+e Contractor under Su"*Clause .(?Contractor,s Re resentative@ $+o acts on "e+al! o! t+e Em lo6er(
JE56-/9)+L3 P)+3/**)-O means t+e Em lo6er,s Re resentative; t+e assistant re!erred to in Su"*Clause -() ?Ot+er Em lo6er,s Personnel@ and all ot+er sta!!; la"our and ot+er em lo6ees o! t+e Em lo6er and o! t+e Em lo6er,s Re resentativeH and an6 ot+er Personnel noti!ied to t+e Contractor; "6 t+e Em lo6er or t+e Em lo6er,s Re resentative; as Em lo6ers Personnel( NC/*2+,.2/+L3 P)+3/**)-K means t+e Contractors Re resentative and all Personnel $+om t+e Contractor utilises on Site; $+o ma6 include t+e sta!!; la"our and ot+er em lo6ees o! t+e Contractor and o! eac+ Su"contractorH and an6 ot+er Personnel assisting t+e Contractor in t+e e8ecution o! t+e >or3s( NS8B./*2+,.2/+K means an6 erson named in t+e Contract as a su"contractor; or an6 erson a ointed as su"contractor; !or a art o! t+e >or3sH and t+e legal successors in t+e title to eac+ o! t+ese ersons( NE*;1*))+-1*-.:,+;)K/ JE*;1*))+K/ JEC).821@) E*;1*))+O means t+e E8ecutive Engineer?s@; Investigation Division; Cum"um o! Construction Circle; Ongole; Pra3asam District to $+om t+e Em lo6er,s Re resentative ma6 +ave delegated certain duties( J'100)+K/KT)*0)+)+O mean t+e !irm%com anies %consortium $+o +ave re!erred t+eir "id or tender( DATES; TESTS; PERIOD O# CO7P<ETION J',3) D,2)O means t+e date )2 da6s rior to t+e latest date !or su"mission o! t+e Tender( JC/55)*.)5)*2 D,2)O means t+e date noti!ied under Su"*Clause 2(' ?Commencement o! >or3s@; unless ot+er$ise de!ined in t+e Contract Agreement( NT15) 4/+ C/56-)21/*O means t+e time !or com leting Part A o! t+e Contract !or EPC Turn3e6 Pro&ect $it+ an6 e8tension under Su"*Clause 2(. LE8tension o! Time !or Com letingM@; calculated !rom t+e Commencement Date( NT)323 /* C/56-)21/*O means t+e test $+ic+ are s eci!ied in t+e Contract or agreed "6 "ot+ Parties or instructed as Aariation; and $+ic+ are carried out under Clause 4 LTests on Com letionM "e!ore t+e >or3s com rising Sections I; II; III; IA and A are certi!ied to "e com leted "6 t+e Em lo6er( JT,A1*;-O@)+ C)+2141.,2)O means a certi!icate issued under Clause '5 LEm lo6er,s Ta3ing OverM( NT)323 ,42)+ ./56-)21/*O means t+e test ?i! an6@ $+ic+ are s eci!ied in t+e Contract and $+ic+ are carried out under Clause ') LTests a!ter com letionM a!ter t+e >or3s or a Section ?as t+e case ma6 "e@ are ta3en over "6 t+e Em lo6er( ND)4).23 L1,B1-129 P)+1/0O means t+e eriod !or noti!6ing de!ects in t+e >or3s or a Section ?as t+e case ma6 "e@ under Su"*Clause ''(' LCom letion o! Outstanding >or3 and Remed6ing De!ectM; as stated in t+e A endi8 to Tender; calculated !rom t+e date on $+ic+ t+e >or3s or Section is com leted as certi!ied under Su"*Clause
'5(' LTa3ing Over t+e >or3s and SectionM( T+e de!ect lia"ilit6 eriod s+all "e t$o 6ears !rom date calculated !rom t+e date on $+ic+ t+e >or3s or Section is com leted as certi!ied under Su"*Clause '5(' LTa3ing Over t+e >or3s and SectionM JP)+4/+5,*.) .)+2141.,2)O means t+e certi!icate issued under Su"*Clause ''(4 LPer!ormance Certi!icateM J0,9O means a calendar da6 and N6earO means -0/ da6s( MONE" ANDM PA"MENTS JC/*2+,.2 P+1.)K/ JC/*2+,.2 ,5/8*2K/ J'10 ,5/8*2 O means t+e agreed amount stated in t+e Contract Agreement in accordance $it+ t+e rice :uoted in t+e <etter o! Tender( JC/32O means all e8 enditure reasona"l6 incurred ?or to "e incurred@ "6 t+e Contractor; $+et+er on or o!! t+e Site; including over+ead and similar c+arges; "ut does not include ro!it( JF1*,- S2,2)5)*2K means t+e statement de!ined in Su"*Clause '.('' LA !or !inal a6mentM( JL/.,- C8++)*.9O means t+e la$!ul currenc6 o! India i(e( Indian Ru ees( JR)2)*21/* 5/*)9O means t+e accumulated retention mone6s $+ic+ t+e Em lo6er retains under Su"*Clause '.(- LA lication !or Interim Pa6mentsM and a6s under Su"*Clause '.(4 LPa6ment o! Retention 7one6M( NS2,2)5)*2K means a statement su"mitted "6 t+e Contractor as art o! an a lication !or a6ment under Clause '. ?Contract Price and Pa6ment@( WORKS AND GOODS NC/*2+,.2/+L3 )H8165)*2O means all a aratus; mac+iner6; ve+icles and ot+er t+ings re:uired !or t+e e8ecution and com letion o! t+e >or3s and t+e remed6ing o! an6 de!ects( Bo$ever; Contractor,s E:ui ment e8cludes Tem orar6 >or3s; Em lo6er,s e:ui ment ?i! an6@; Plant; 7aterials and an6 ot+er t+ings intended to !orm or !orming art o! t+e Permanent >or3s( JG//03K mean Contractor,s E:ui ment; 7aterials; Plant and Tem orar6 >or3s; or an6 o! t+em as a ro riate( JM,2)+1,-O means t+ings o! all 3inds ?ot+er t+an lant@ intended to !orm or !orming art o! t+e Permanent >or3s; including t+e su l6 onl6 materials ?i! an6 to "e su lied "6 t+e Contractor under t+e Contract( JP)+5,*)*2O >or3s means t+e ermanent >or3s to "e designed and e8ecuted "6 t+e Contractor under t+e Contract(
JP-,*2K means t+e a aratus; mac+iner6 and ve+icles intended to !orm or !orming art o! t+e Permanent >or3s( JS).21/*O means !ive Sections I; II; III; IA and A o! EPC art o! t+e Contract and Section AI o! O eration and 7aintenance art o! t+e contract( JT)56/+,+9 W/+A3K means all tem orar6 $or3s o! ever6 3ind ?ot+er t+an Contractor,s E:ui ment@ re:uired on Site !or t+e e8ecution and com letion o! t+e Permanent >or3s and t+e remed6ing o! an6 de!ects( NW/+AsO mean t+e Permanent >or3s and t+e Tem orar6 >or3s; or eit+er o! t+em as a ro riate(
OTHER DEFINITIONS JC/*2+,.2/+L3 D/.85)*23K means t+e calculation; com uter rograms and ot+er so!t$are; dra$ings; manuals; models and ot+er documents o! a tec+nical nature su lied "6 t+e Contractor under t+e ContractH as descri"ed in Su"*Clause /() LContractor,s DocumentsM( JC/8*2+9O means India( NEm lo6er,s E:ui mentO means t+e a aratus; mac+iner6 and ve+icles ?i! an6@ made availa"le "6 t+e Em lo6er !or t+e use o! t+e Contractor in t+e e8ecution o! t+e >or3s; as stated in t+e Em lo6ers Re:uirementsH "ut does not include Plant $+ic+ +as not "een ta3en over "6 t+e Em lo6er( JF/+.) M,E)8+)O is de!ined in Clause '2 ?#orce 7a&eure@ NL,D3O means all national ?or state@ legislation; statutes; ordinances and ot+er la$s; and regulations and "6*la$s o! an6 legall6 constituted u"lic aut+orit6( JP)+4/+5,*.) S).8+129O % NEarnest 7one6 De osit ?E7D@O means t+e securit6 ?or securities; i! an6@ under Su"*Clause .() ?Per!ormance Securit6@ NS12)O means t+e laces $+ere t+e Permanent >or3s are to "e e8ecuted and to $+ic+ Plant and 7aterials are to "e delivered; and an6 ot+er laces as ma6 "e s eci!ied in t+e Contract as !orming art o! t+e Site( JV,+1,21/*O means an6 c+ange to t+e Em lo6ers Re:uirements or t+e >or3s; $+ic+ instructed or a roved as variation under Clause '- ?Aariations and Ad&ustments@ JDA'O means t+e erson or t+ree ersons so named in t+e Contract or ot+er ersons ?s@ a ointed under Su"*Clause )5() ?A ointment o! t+e Dis ute Ad&udication Board@ or Su"*Clause )5(- ?#ailure to Agree Dis ute Ad&udication Board@ I*2)+6+)2,21/*
'()(' S ecial Conditions s+all "e read in con&unction $it+ General Conditions; Tec+nical s eci!ications; Sc+edule o! >or3s; Pro&ect Pro!ile along $it+ Dra$ings and ot+er documents !orming art o! t+is Contract $+erever a lica"le or t+e conte8t so re:uires( '()() Not$it+standing t+e su"*division o! t+e Contract into several contract documents ever6 art o! eac+ s+all "e deemed to "e su lementar6 to and com limentar6 o! ever6 ot+er art and s+all "e read $it+ and into t+e Contract so !ar as it ma6 "e ractica"le to do so( In t+e Contract unless ot+er$ise stated s eci!icall6; t+e singular s+all include t+e lural ;male means !emale and vice versa $+erever t+e Contract so re:uires( >ords im orting erson s+all include incor orated com anies % registered association % "od6 o! individuals % !irm o! artners+i as a lica"le in conte8t t+ereo!( All +eadings and marginal notes to t+e Clauses % Articles o! t+e General Condition or to t+e S eci!ications or to an6 ot+er document !orming art o! t+e Contract are solel6 !or t+e ur ose o! giving a concise indication o! t+e general su"&ect matter t+ereo! and not a summar6 o! t+e contents t+ereo!; and t+e6 s+all never "e deemed to "e art t+ereo! or "e used in t+e inter retation or construction t+ereo!( I! during t+e course o! e8ecution o! t+e >or3s an6 discre anc6 or inconsistenc6; error or omission in an6 o! t+e rovisions o! t+e Contract is discovered $+ic+ +as an6 e!!ect on t+e e8ecution o! t+e >or3s; and need to "e clari!ied; t+e same s+all "e re!erred to t+e Em lo6er,s Re resentative $+o s+all give +is decision and t+e issue instructions directing t+e manner in $+ic+ t+e >or3s are to "e carried out( An6 and all decisions and%or orders o! t+e Em lo6er,s Re resentative s+all "e deemed decision and%or orders o! t+e Em lo6er( T+e Contractor s+all carr6 out t+e >or3s in accordance $it+ suc+ decisions and%or instructions o! t+e Em lo6er,s Re resentative(
>+ere it is mentioned in t+e Contract t+at t+e Contractor s+all er!orm certain $or3 or rovide certain !acilities; it is understood t+at t+e Contractor s+all do so at +is cost and t+e Contract Price s+all "e deemed to +ave included t+e cost o! suc+ er!ormances and rovisions so mentioned( T+e materials; design and $or3mans+i s+all satis!6 t+e a lica"le standards; s eci!ications contained +erein and codes re!erred to( >+ere t+e Contract sti ulates re:uirements in addition to t+ose contained in t+e standards; codes and s eci!ications; t+ose additional re:uirements s+all also "e satis!ied(
C/558*1.,21/*3 All communications during e8ecution o! t+e Contract s+all "e made at t+e !ollo$ing adressD
,u$erintending Engineer, Construction Circle; Ongole Pra3asam District; P+one Num"erD &0 .o1 ('5223 244254 Communication t+roug+ electronic transmission s+all "e made to t+e !ollo$ing e* mail ID "esides t+e Em lo6er,s Re resentative( E*mail ID o! O!!ice o! t+e Su erintending Engineer; ,e5cc5(4.a$.nic.in Communications "et$een arties; $+ic+ are re!erred to in t+e conditions are e!!ective onl6 $+en in $riting( A notice s+all "e e!!ective onl6 $+en it is delivered( ?Into terms o! Indian contract Act@( L,D ,*0 L,*;8,;) '(.(' T+e language o! t+e Contract s+all "e Englis+( '(.() All !urt+er documents and also corres ondence in res ect o! t+e Contract s+all "e in Englis+( '(.(- T+e Em lo6erQs Assistant and t+e ContractorQs re resentative s+all "e !luent in Englis+( '(.(. Governing <a$ and Iurisdiction '(.(.(' T+e Contract s+all "e construed and inter reted in accordance $it+ and governed "6 t+e <a$s o! India( '(.(.() In res ect o! all matters or actions arising out o! t+e Contract and $+ic+ ma6 arise at an6 time; t+e Courts at com etent Iurisdiction s+all +ave e8clusive &urisdiction ?claims; dis ute and Ar"itration@( '(/ Priorit6 o! Documents T+e documents !orming t+e Contract are to "e ta3en as mutuall6 e8 lanator6 o! one anot+er( #or t+e ur oses o! inter retation; t+e riorit6 o! t+e documents s+all "e in accordance $it+ !ollo$ing se:uenceD T+e Contract AgreementH <etter o! A$ard; notice to roceed Contractor,s Bid S ecial Conditions o! Contract General Conditions o! Contract <etter o! Tender%Price Bid?Bill o! 9uantities@( an6 ot+er documents !orming art o! t+e Contract( Engineer*in*C+arge,s DecisionsD E8ce t $+ere ot+er$ise s eci!icall6 stated; t+e Engineer*in*c+arge $ill decide t+e contractual matters "et$een t+e De artment and t+e Contractor in t+e role re resenting t+e De artment( 2.0
T+e Engineer*in*c+arge ma6 delegate an6 o! +is duties and res onsi"ilities to ot+er o!!icers and ma6 cancel an6 delegation "6 an o!!icial order issued( (.0 C/*2+,.2 A;+))5)*2 T+e Contractor s+all e8ecute !ormal Contract agreement on a ro riate value o! stam a er im osed "6 <a$ in connection $it+ entr6 into Contract Agreement $it+in '/ da6s !rom t+e date o! <etter o! A$ard( T+e !ollo$ing documents s+all "e deemed to !orm and "e read and construed as art o! Contract Agreement T+e <etter o! Tender anne8ed $it+ t+e agreement ?$+ic+ includes t+e "rea3 u o! t+e Contract Price@ T+e Addenda Nos UUUUUUUUU issued "e!ore t+e last date !or su"mission o! "ids( T+e S ecial Conditions o! Contract T+e General Conditions o! Contract Basic ro&ect arameters T+e Pro&ect Pro!ile T+e Contractor,s Tender T+e Tec+nical S eci!ications Dra$ings an6 ot+er documents !orming art o! t+e Contract( Unless and until a formal agreement is prepared and executed this letter of tender together with written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding Contract between the Employer and Contractor. 4.0 .(' C/558*1.,21/*3: Communications "et$een arties; $+ic+ are re!erred to in t+e conditions; are e!!ective onl6 $+en in $riting( A notice s+all "e e!!ective onl6 $+en it is delivered ?in terms o! Indian Contract Act@
<.0 S8B-./*2+,.21*;: I! t+e rime contractor desires to su"*let a art o! t+e $or3; +e s+ould su"mit t+e same at t+e time o! !iling Bids itsel! or during e8ecution; giving t+e name o! t+e ro osed Su"*contractor; along $it+ details o! +is :uali!ication and e8 erience( T+e Bid Acce ting Aut+orit6 s+ould veri!6 t+e e8 erience o! t+e Su"*contractor and i! t+e Su"*contractor satis!ies t+e :uali!ication criteria in ro ortion to t+e value o! $or3 ro osed to "e su"*let; including +is ast trac3 record o! com letion and :ualit6 o! $or3(; +e ma6 ermit t+e same( T+e total value o! $or3s to "e a$arded on su"*letting s+all not e8ceed /5F o! contract value( T+e e8tent o! su"letting s+all "e added to t+e e8 erience o! t+e su"* contractor and to t+at e8tent deducted !rom t+at o! t+e main contractor( =.0 O2:)+ C/*2+,.2/+3:
0(' T+e Contractor s+all coo erate and s+are t+e Site $it+ ot+er contractors; Pu"lic aut+orities; utilities; and t+e De artment( T+e Contractor s+all also rovide !acilities and services !or t+em as directed "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge( ?.0 P)+3/**)-: T+e Contractor s+all em lo6 t+e re:uired Ge6 Personnel named in t+e Sc+edule o! Ge6 Personnel to carr6 out t+e !unctions stated in t+e Sc+edule or ot+er ersonnel a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge( T+e Engineer*in*c+arge $ill a rove an6 ro osed re lacement o! Ge6 Personnel onl6 i! t+eir :uali!ications; a"ilities; and relevant e8 erience are su"stantiall6 e:ual to or "etter t+an t+ose o! t+e ersonnel listed in t+e Sc+edule( 1() #ailure to em lo6 t+e re:uired tec+nical ersonnel including :ualit6 management sta!! "6 t+e contractor; t+e em lo6er $ould engage an6 :ualit6 assurance sta!! !or im lementing :ualit6 management Plan( T+e amounts s ent on suc+ de lo6ment $ill "e recovered !rom t+e contractor over and a"ove t+e rovision made in art t$o o! sc+edule*A !rom t+e contractors "ills( Bo$ever; t+is $ill not a"solve t+e contractor !rom t+e res onsi"ilit6 o! :ualit6 management on contract $or3s( 1(- T+e tec+nical ersonnel including :ualit6 assurance ersonnel s+ould "e on !ull time and availa"le at site $+enever re:uired "6 Engineer in C+arge to ta3e instructions( 1(. T+e names o! t+e tec+nical ersonnel including :ualit6 assurance ersonnel to "e em lo6ed "6 t+e contractor s+ould "e !urnis+ed in t+e statement enclosed se aratel6( 1(/ In case t+e contractor is alread6 +aving more t+an one $or3 on +and and +as underta3en more t+an one $or3 at t+e same time; +e s+ould em lo6 se arate tec+nical and :ualit6 assurance ersonnel on eac+ $or3( 1(0 I! t+e contractor !ails to em lo6 tec+nical and :ualit6 assurance ersonnel t+e $or3 $ill "e sus ended; de artment $ill engage tec+nical and :ualit6 assurance ersonnel and recover t+e cost t+ereo! !rom t+e contractor( T+is $ill not a"solve t+e contractor !rom t+e res onsi"l6 o! maintaining :ualit6 o! $or3 and im lementing :ualit6 management lan( 1(1 I! t+e Engineer*in*c+arge as3s t+e Contractor to remove a erson $+o is a mem"er o! Contractor,s sta!! or +is $or3 !orce stating t+e reasons; t+e Contractor s+all ensure t+at t+e erson leaves t+e site !ort+$it+ and +as no !urt+er connection $it+ t+e $or3 in t+e contract( 8.0 C/*2+,.2/+L3 R13A3: 2(' All ris3s o! loss o! or damage to +6sical ro ert6 and o! ersonnel in&ur6 and deat+; $+ic+ arise during and in conse:uence o! t+e er!ormance o! t+e Contract are t+e res onsi"ilit6 o! t+e Contractor( 9.0 I*38+,*.):
4(' T+e Contractor s+all rovide; in t+e &oint names o! t+e De artment and t+e contractor; insurance cover !rom t+e Start Date to t+e end o! t+e De!ects <ia"ilit6 Period i(e(; ). mont+s a!ter com letion certi!icate !or t+e !ollo$ing events $+ic+ are due to t+e Contractor,s ris3s( a@ "@ c@ d@ 4() <oss o! or damage to t+e >or3s; Plant and 7aterialsH <oss o! or damage to t+e E:ui mentH <oss o! or damage o! ro ert6 in connection $it+ t+e ContractH and Personal in&ur6 or deat+ o! ersons em lo6ed !or construction(
Policies and certi!icates o! insurance s+all "e delivered "6 t+e Contractor at t+e time o! concluding Contract( All suc+ insurance s+all rovide !or com ensation to "e a6a"le to recti!6 t+e loss or damage incurred( T+e contractor s+all !urnis+ insurance olic6 in !orce in accordance $it+ ro osal !urnis+ed in t+e Bid and a roved "6 t+e De artment !or concluding t+e contract( T+e insurance olic6 s+all "e o"tained !or t+e total eriod at t+e time o! concluding agreement $+ic+ s+all !orm art o! agreement and t+e olic6 s+ould "e o"tained "6 a6ing t+e remium at one time onl6( T+e contractor s+all !urnis+ insurance olic6 in !orce in accordance $it+ ro osal !urnis+ed in t+e Bid and a roved "6 t+e De artment !or concluding t+e contract( T+e insurance olic6 s+all "e o"tained "6 a6ing t+e remiums at one time onl6 !or t+e total eriod o! contract and de!ect lia"ilit6 eriod o! T>O ?)@ 6ears or ) RABI Seasons $+ic+ ever is later a!ter com letion o! $or3 and su"mitted to t+e em lo6er at t+e time o! concluding agreement $+ic+ s+all !orm art o! agreement 4(- Alterations to t+e terms o! insurance s+all not "e made $it+out t+e a t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( roval o!
10.0 S12) I*36).21/*3: '5(' T+e contractor s+ould ins ect t+e site and also ro osed :uarries o! materials source o! $ater and :uote +is "id conve6ance and all ot+er c+arges etc( '5() T+e res onsi"ilit6 !or arranging t+e land !or "orro$ area rests $it+ t+e Contractor and no se arate a6ment $ill "e made !or rocurement or ot+er$ise( T+e contractor,s :uoted "id rice $ill "e inclusive o! land cost( 11.0 C/*2+,.2/+ 2/ C/*32+8.2 2:) W/+A3:
c+oice !or
T+e Contractor s+all conduct Surve6s; detailed investigation; Design Engineering; re are estimates and <(P( Sc+edules construct and Commission t+e >or3 in accordance $it+ t+e a roved s eci!ications and Dra$ings( 12.0 D1@)+31/* /4 32+),53 / V,;83 / D+,1*3. ')(' T+e contractor s+all at all time carr6 out construction o! cross drainage $or3s in a manner creating least inter!erence to t+e natural !lo$ o! $ater $+ile consistent $it+ t+e satis!actor6 e8ecution o! $or3( A tem orar6 diversion s+all "e !ormed "6 t+e contractor at +is cost $+ere ever necessar6( No e8tra a6ment s+all "e made !or t+is $or3( ')() No se arate a6ment !or "ailing out su"*soils; $ater drainage or loc3ed u rain $ater !or diversion; s+oring; !oundations; "ailing o! um ing $ater eit+er !rom e8cavation o! soils !rom !oundations or suc+ ot+er incidental $ill "e aid( T+e "id rice to "e :uoted "6 t+e contractor is !or t+e !inis+ed item o! $or3 in situ and including all t+e incidental c+arges( T+e "orro$ its are also to "e de*$atered "6 t+e contractor +imsel! at +is e8 ense; i! t+at s+ould "e !ound necessar6( ')(- T+e $or3 o! diversion arrangements s+ould "e care!ull6 lanned and re ared "6 t+e contractor and !or$arded to t+e E8ecutive Engineer tec+nicall6 su"stantiating t+e ro osals and a roval o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer o"tained !or e8ecution( ')(. T+e contractor +as to arrange !or "ailing out $ater; rotection to t+e $or3 in rogress and t+e ortion o! $or3s alread6 com leted and sa!et6 measures !or men and materials and all necessar6 arrangements to com lete t+e $or3( ')(/ All t+e arrangements so re:uired s+ould "e carried out and maintained at t+e cost o! t+e contractor and no se arate or additional a6ments is admissi"le( ')(0 Co!!er Dams Necessar6 co!!er dams and ring "unds +ave to "e constructed at t+e cost o! contractor and same are to "e removed a!ter t+e com letion o! t+e $or3( T+e contractor +as to :uote +is "id rice 3ee ing t+e a"ove in vie$( 1(.0 P/D)+ S866-9. '-(' T+e contractor s+all ma3e +is o$n arrangements !or o"taining o$er !rom t+e Electricit6 de t(; at +is o$n cost( T+e contractor $ill a6 t+e "ills o! Electricit6 De artment !or t+e cost o! o$er consumed "6 +im( '-()T+e contractor s+all satis!6 all t+e conditions and rules re:uired as er Indian Electricit6 Act '4'5 and under Rule*./?I@ o! t+e Indian Electricit6 Rules; '4/0 as amended !rom time to time and ot+er ertinent rules( '-(- T+e o$er s+all "e used !or "ona!ide De artmental $or3 onl6( 14.0 T)56/+,+9 D1@)+31/*3 #W/+A3 /* H1;:D,93$ '.('T+e contractor s+all at all times carr6out $or3 on t+e +ig+$a6 in a manner creating least inter!erence to t+e !lo$ o! tra!!ic $+ile consistent $it+ t+e satis!actor6
e8ecution o! t+e same( #or all $or3s involving im rovements to t+e e8isting +ig+$a6; t+e contractor s+all in accordance $it+ t+e directions o! t+e Engineer*in* c+arge rovide and maintain during t+e e8ecution o! t+e $or3 a assage !or tra!!ic; eit+er along a art o! t+e e8isting carriage $a6 under im rovement or along a tem orar6 diversion constructed close to t+e +ig+$a6( '.() I! in t+e o inion o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge; it is not ossi"le to ass t+e tra!!ic on art $idt+ o! t+e carriage*$a6 !or an6 reason; a tem orar6 diversion close to t+e +ig+$a6 s+all "e constructed as directed( It s+all "e aved $it+ t+e materials suc+ as +ard murum; gravel and stone; metal to t+e s eci!ied t+ic3ness as directed "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( In all cases; t+e alignment; gradients and sur!ace t6 e o! t+e diversion including its &unctions; s+all "e a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge "e!ore t+e +ig+$a6 is closed to tra!!ic( '.(- T+e contractor s+all ta3e all necessar6 measures !or t+e sa!et6 o! tra!!ic during construction and rovide erect and maintain suc+ "arricades; including signs; mar3ings; !lags lig+ts and in!ormation and rotection o! tra!!ic a roac+ing or assing t+roug+ t+e section o! t+e +ig+$a6 under im rovement( Be!ore ta3ing u an6 construction; an agreed +ased rogramme !or t+e diversion o! tra!!ic on t+e +ig+$a6 s+all "e dra$n u in consultation $it+ t+e Engineer*in*c+arge( '.(. T+e "arricades erected on eit+er side o! t+e carriage $a6 ortion o! t+e carriage $a6 closed to tra!!ic; s+all "e o! strong design to resist violation and ainted $it+ alternative "lac3 and $+ite stri e( Red lanterns or $arnings lig+ts o! similar t6 e s+all "e mounted on t+e "arricades at nig+t and 3e t lit t+roug+out !rom sunset to sunrise( 1<.0 R,563: Ram s re:uired during e8ecution ma6 "e !ormed $+erever necessar6 and same are to "e removed a!ter com letion o! t+e $or3( No se arate a6ment $ill "e made !or t+is ur ose( 1=.0 M/*3//* D,5,;)3: Damages due to rain or !lood eit+er in cutting or in "an3s s+all +ave to "e made good "6 t+e contractor till t+e $or3 is +anded over to t+e De artment( T+e res onsi"ilit6 o! de*silting and ma3ing good t+e damages due to rain or !lood rests $it+ t+e contractor( No e8tra a6ment is a6a"le !or suc+ o erations and t+e contractor s+all t+ere!ore; +as to ta3e all necessar6 recautions to rotect t+e $or3 done during t+e construction eriod( 1?.0 T:) W/+A 2/ B) C/56-)2)0 B9 2:) I*2)*0)0 C/56-)21/* D,2): T+e Contractor ma6 commence e8ecution o! t+e >or3s on t+e Start Date and s+all carr6 out t+e >or3s in accordance $it+ t+e rogramme su"mitted "6 t+e Contractor; as u dated $it+ t+e a roval o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge; and com lete t+e $or3 "6 t+e Intended Com letion Date( 18.0 S,4)29: T+e Contractor s+all "e res onsi"le !or t+e sa!et6 o! all activities on t+e Site(
19.0 D13./@)+1)3: An6t+ing o! +istorical or ot+er interest or o! signi!icant value une8 ectedl6 discovered on t+e Site is t+e ro ert6 o! t+e Government( T+e Contractor is to noti!6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge o! suc+ discoveries and carr6 out t+e Engineer*in* C+arge,s instructions !or dealing $it+ t+em( 20.0 P/33)331/* /4 2:) S12). T+e De artment s+all give ossession o! t+e site to t+e Contractor( I! ossession o! a art site is given; t+e De artment $ill ensure t+at t+e art site so +anded over is amena"le to carr6out t+e $or3 at site "6 t+e Contractor( 21.0 A..)33 2/ 2:) S12): T+e Contractor s+all rovide t+e Engineer*in*C+arge and an6 erson aut+orised "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge; access to t+e site and to an6 lace $+ere $or3 in connection $it+ t+e Contract is "eing carried out or is intended to "e carried out( 22.0 I*32+8.21/*3: T+e Contractor s+all carr6 out all instructions o! t+e Engineer*in*c+arge and com l6 $it+ all t+e a lica"le local la$s $+ere t+e Site is located( 2(.0 S)22-)5)*2 /4 013682)3: )-(' I! an6 dis ute o! di!!erence o! an6 3ind $+atsoever arises "et$een t+e de artment and t+e Contractor in connection $it+; or arising out o! t+e Contract; $+et+er during t+e rogress o! t+e $or3s or a!ter t+eir com letion and $+et+er "e!ore or a!ter t+e termination; a"andonment or "reac+ o! t+e Contract; it s+all in t+e !irst lace; "e re!erred to and settled "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge $+o s+all; $it+in a eriod o! t+irt6 da6s a!ter "eing re:uested "6 t+e Contractor to do so; give $ritten notice o! +is decision to t+e Contractor( U on recei t o! t+e $ritten notice o! t+e decision o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge t+e Contractor s+all rom tl6 roceed $it+out dela6 to com l6 $it+ suc+ notice o! decision( )-() I! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge !ails to give notice o! +is decision in $riting $it+in a eriod o! t+irt6 da6s a!ter "eing re:uested or i! t+e Contractor is dissatis!ied $it+ t+e notice o! t+e decision o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge; t+e Contractor ma6 $it+in t+irt6 da6s a!ter receiving t+e notice o! decision a eal to t+e De artment $+o s+all o!!er an o ortunit6 to t+e contractor to "e +eard and to o!!er evidence in su ort o! +is a eal; t+e De artment s+all give notice o! +is decision $it+in a eriod o! t+irt6 da6s a!ter t+e Contractor +as given t+e said evidence in su ort o! +is a eal; su"&ect to ar"itration; as +ereina!ter rovided( Suc+ decision o! t+e De artment in res ect o! ever6 matter so re!erred s+all "e !inal and "inding u on t+e Contractor and s+all !ort+$it+ "e given e!!ect to "6 t+e Contractor; $+o s+all roceed $it+ t+e e8ecution o! t+e $or3s $it+ all due diligence $+et+er +e re:uires ar"itration as +ereina!ter rovided; or not( I! t+e De artment +as given $ritten notice o! +is decision to t+e Contractor and no claim to ar"itration; +as "een communicated to +im "6 t+e Contractor $it+in a eriod o! t+irt6 da6s !rom recei t o! suc+ notice t+e said decision s+all remain !inal and "inding u on t+e Contractor( I! t+e De artment !ail to give notice o! +is decision; as a!oresaid
$it+in a eriod o! t+irt6 da6s a!ter "eing re:uested as a!oresaid; or i! t+e Contractor "e dissatis!ied $it+ an6 suc+ decision; t+en and in an6 suc+ case t+e contractor $it+in t+irt6 da6s a!ter t+e e8 iration o! t+e !irst named eriod o! t+irt6 da6s as t+e case ma6 "e; re:uire t+at t+e matter or matters in dis ute "e re!erred to ar"itration as detailed "elo$D* S)22-)5)*2 /4 C-,153: Settlement o! claims !or Rs(/5;555%* and "elo$ "6 Ar"itration( All dis utes or di!!erence arising o! or relating to t+e Contract s+all "e re!erred to t+e ad&udication as !ollo$sD a@ Claims u to a value o! Ru ees '5;555 - Su erintending Engineer; Construction Circle; Ongole; Pra3asam District - Claims a"ove Rs('5;555%* and u to Ru ees /5;555%*( - C+ie! Engineer;?Pro&ects@; Ongole( T+e ar"itration s+all "e conducted in accordance $it+ t+e rovisions o! Indian Ar"itration and Conciliation Act '440 or an6 statutor6 modi!ication t+ereo!( T+e ar"itrator s+all state +is reasons in assing t+e a$ard( Claims a"ove Rs(/5;555%*( All claims o! a"ove Rs(/5;555%* are to "e settled "6 a Civil Court o! com etent &urisdiction "6 $a6 o! Civil suit and not "6 ar"itration( A re!erence !or ad&udication under t+is clauses s+all "e made "6 t+e contractor $it+in si8 mont+s !rom t+e date o! intimating t+e contractor o! t+e re aration o! !inal "ill or +is +aving acce ted a6ment $+ic+ ever is earlier(
'. TIME FOR COMPLETION 24.0 P+/;+,5: ).(' T+e total eriod o! com letion is .2 mont+s !rom t+e date o! entering $it+ contract to roceed including rain6 season( Gee ing in vie$; t+e sc+edule !or +anding over o! site; t+e $or3 s+ould "e rogrammed suc+ as to ac+ieve t+e mile*stones as in NRate o! rogress statementO enclosed( ).() T+e attention o! t+e Bidder is directed to t+e contract re:uirement at t+e time o! "eginning o! t+e $or3; t+e rate o! rogress and t+e dates !or t+e $+ole $or3 and its several arts as er milestones( T+e !ollo$ing rate o! rogress and ro ortionate value o! $or3 done !rom time to time as $ill "e indicated "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer,s Certi!icate !or t+e value o! $or3 done and com letion o! mile*stones $ill "e re:uired( Date o! commencement o! t+eir rogramme $ill "e t+e date !or concluding contract( ).(- A!ter signing t+e contract; t+e contractor s+all !ort+$it+ "egin t+e $or3; s+all regularl6 and continuousl6 roceed $it+ t+em( ).(. Rate o! rogressD >or3 rogramme o! ac+ieving t+e milestones ?Statement@( 24.4.1 WORK PROGRAMME OF ACHIEVING THE MILESTONES: MILE STONE ************************************************************ Sl 7ile stone Period in Descri tion o! $or3 9uantit6 to "e Com leted No( No( 7ont+s( P+6sical #inancial ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Se arate statement ?Anne8ure*I@ enclosed( ).(/ T+e contractor s+all commence t+e $or3s on site $it+in t+e eriod s eci!ied under condition ).(' to ).(- a"ove a!ter t+e recei t "6 +im o! a $ritten order to t+is e!!ect !rom t+e Su erintending Engineer and s+all roceed $it+ t+e same $it+ due e8 edition and $it+out dela6; e8ce t as ma6 "e e8 ressl6 sanctioned or ordered "6 t+e Su erintending Engineer; or "e $+oll6 "e6ond t+e contractor,s control( ).(0 T+is "eing a turn3e6 contract on EPC "asis; conducting o! surve6s; investigation; design*Engineering; re aration o! land lan sc+edules are $it+in t+e sco e o! t+e contract and t+e contractor s+all meticulousl6 lan so as to o"tain t+e re:uired site !or carr6ing out t+e $or3( ).(1 Save in so !ar as t+e contract ma6 rescri"e; t+e e8tent o! ortions o! t+e site o! $+ic+ t+e contractor is to "e given ossession !rom time to time and t+e order in $+ic+ suc+ ortions s+all "e made availa"le to +im and; Su"&ect to an6 re:uirement in t+e contract as to t+e order in $+ic+ t+e $or3s s+all "e e8ecuted; t+e Su erintending Engineer $ill; $it+ t+e E8ecutive Engineer,s $ritten order to
commence t+e $or3s; give to t+e contractor ossession o! so muc+ o! t+e site as ma6 "e re:uired to ena"le t+e contractor to commence and roceed $it+ t+e e8ecution o! t+e $or3s in accordance $it+ t+e rogramme i! an6; and ot+er$ise in accordance $it+ suc+ reasona"le ro osals o! t+e contractor as +e s+all "6 $ritten notice to t+e Su erintending Engineer; ma3e and $ill !rom time to time as t+e $or3s roceed; give to t+e contractor ossession o! suc+ !urt+er ortions o! t+e site as ma6 "e re:uired to ena"le t+e contractor to roceed $it+ t+e e8ecution o! t+e $or3s $it+ due dis atc+ in accordance $it+ t+e said rogramme or ro osals as t+e case ma6"e H i! t+e contractor su!!ers dela6 or incurs cost !rom !ailure on t+e art o! t+e Su erintending Engineer to give ossession in accordance $it+ t+e terms o! t+is clause; t+e Su erintending Engineer s+all grant an e8tension o! time !or t+e com letion o! $or3s and t+e contractor is not entitled !or an6 com ensation $+at so ever in t+is regard( ).(2 T+e contractor s+all "ear all costs and c+arges !or s ecial or tem orar6 $a6 leases re:uired "6 +im in connection $it+ access to t+e site( T+e contractor s+all also rovide at +is o$n cost an6 additional accommodation outside t+e site re:uired "6 +im !or t+e ur oses o! t+e $or3( ).(4 Su"&ect to an6 re:uirement in t+e contract as to com letion o! an6 section o! t+e $or3s "e!ore com letion o! t+e $+ole o! t+e $or3s s+all "e com leted in accordance $it+ rovisions o! clauses in t+e Sc+edule $it+in t+e time stated in t+e contract calculated !rom t+e last da6 o! t+e eriod named in t+e statement to t+e Bid as t+at $it+in $+ic+ t+e $or3s are to "e commenced or suc+ e8tended time as ma6 "e allo$ed( ).('5 Dela6s and e8tension o! timeD No claim !or com ensation on account o! dela6s or +indrances to t+e $or3 !rom an6 cause $+atever s+all lie; e8ce t as +erea!ter de!ined( Reasona"le e8tension o! time $ill "e allo$ed "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer or "6 t+e o!!ice com etent to sanction t+e e8tension; !or unavoida"le dela6s; suc+ as ma6 result !rom causes; $+ic+ in t+e o inion o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer; are undou"tedl6 "e6ond t+e control o! t+e contractor( T+e E8ecutive Engineer s+all assess t+e eriod o! dela6 or +indrance caused "6 an6 $ritten instructions issued "6 +im; at t$ent6 !ive er cent in e8cess or t+e actual $or3ing eriod so lost( In t+e event o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer !ailing to issue necessar6 instructions and t+ere"6 causing dela6 and +indrance to t+e contractor; t+e latter s+all +ave t+e rig+t to claim an assessment o! suc+ dela6 "6 t+e Su erintending Engineer o! t+e Circle $+ose decision $ill "e !inal and "inding( T+e contractor s+all lodge in $riting $it+ t+e E8ecutive Engineer a statement o! claim !or an6 dela6 or +indrance re!erred to a"ove; $it+in !ourteen da6s !rom its occurrence; ot+er$ise no e8tension o! time $ill "e allo$ed( >+enever aut+ori=ed alterations or additions made during t+e rogress o! t+e $or3 are o! suc+ a nature in t+e o inion o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer as to &usti!6 an e8tension o! time in conse:uence t+ereo!; suc+ e8tension $ill "e granted in $riting "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer or ot+er com etent aut+orit6 $+en ordering suc+ alterations or additions(
2<.0 C/*32+8.21/* P+/;+,55): )/(' T+e Contractor s+all !urnis+ $it+in 4142))* 0,93 o! t+e order o! t+e $or3 a rogramme s+o$ing t+e se:uence in $+ic+ +e ro osed to carr6 out t+e $or3; mont+l6 rogress e8 ected to "e ac+ieved; also indicating date o! rocurement o! materials lant and mac+iner6( T+e sc+edule s+ould "e suc+ t+at it is ractica"le to ac+ieve com letion o! t+e $+ole $or3 $it+in t+e time limit !i8ed and in 3ee ing $it+ t+e 7ile stone rogramme s eci!ied and s+all o"tain t+e a roval o! t+e Engineer*in*c+arge( #urt+er rate o! t+e rogress as in t+e rogram s+all "e 3e t u to date( In case it is su"se:uentl6 !ound necessar6 to alter t+is rogram; t+e contractor s+all su"mit su!!icientl6 in advance t+e revised rogram incor orating necessar6 modi!ications and get t+e same a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge( No revised rogram s+all "e o erative $it+ out a roval o! Engineer*in*c+arge( T+e Su erintending Engineer s+all +ave all times t+e rig+t; $it+out an6 $a6 violating t+is contract; or !orming grounds !or an6 claim; to alter t+e order o! rogress o! t+e $or3s or an6 art t+ereo! and t+e contractor s+all a!ter receiving suc+ directions roceed in t+e order directed( T+e contractor s+all also re ort t+e rogress to t+e Su erintending Engineer $it+in 1 da6s o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer,s direction to alter t+e order o! rogress o! $or3s( T+e Contractor s+all give $ritten notice to t+e Engineer*in*C+arge $+enever lanning or rogress o! t+e $or3s is li3el6 to "e dela6ed or disru ted unless an6 !urt+er dra$ings or order including a direction; instruction or a roval is issued "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge $it+in a reasona"le time( T+e notice s+all include details o! t+e dra$ing or order re:uired and o! $+6 and "6 $+en it is re:uired and o! an6 dela6 or disru tion li3el6 to "e su!!ered i! it is late( I! "6 reason o! an6 !ailure or ina"ilit6 o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge to issue $it+ in a time reasona"le in all t+e circumstances an6 dra$ing or order re:uested "6 t+e contractor t+e Contractor su!!ers dela6; t+en t+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all ta3e suc+ dela6 into accord in determining an6 e8tension o! time(
)0(5 S eed o! >or3D )0(' T+e Contractor s+all at all times maintain t+e rogress o! $or3 to con!orm to t+e latest o erative rogress sc+edule a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( T+e contractor s+ould !urnis+ rogress re ort indicating t+e rogramme and rogress once in a mont+( T+e Engineer*in*C+arge ma6 at an6 time in $riting direct t+e contractor to slo$ do$n an6 art or $+ole o! t+e $or3 !or an6 reason ?$+ic+ s+all not "e :uestioned@ $+atsoever; and t+e contractor s+all com l6 $it+ suc+ orders o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( T+e com liance o! suc+ orders s+all not entitle t+e contractor to an6 claim o! com ensation( Suc+ orders o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge !or slo$ing do$n t+e $or3 $ill +o$ever "e dul6 ta3en into account $+ile granting e8tension o! time i! as3ed "6 t+e contractor !or $+ic+ no e8tra a6ment $ill "e entertained(
)0('(' Dela6s in Commencement or rogress or neglect o! $or3 and !or!eiture o! earnest mone6; Securit6 de osit and $it++eld amountsD
I!; at an6 time; t+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all "e o! t+e o inion t+at t+e Contractor is dela6ing Commencement o! t+e $or3 or violating an6 o! t+e rovisions o! t+e Contract or is neglecting or dela6ing t+e rogress o! t+e $or3 as de!ined "6 t+e ta"ular statement; NRate o! rogressO in t+e Articles o! ContractO; +e s+all so advise t+e Contractors in $riting and at t+e same time demand com liance in accordance $it+ instructions to Bidder and conditions o! Contract( I! t+e Contractor neglects to com l6 $it+ suc+ demand $it+in seven da6s a!ter recei t o! suc+ notice; it s+all t+en or at an6 time t+ere a!ter; "e la$!ul !or t+e Engineer*in*C+arge to ta3e suita"le action in accordance $it+ Clause(05 o! PS to APSS( 2?.0 S836)*31/* /4 D/+A3 B9 2:) C/*2+,.2/+: I! t+e Contractor sus ends t+e $or3s; or su"let t+e $or3 $it+out sanction o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge; or in t+e o inion o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all neglect or !ail to roceed $it+ due diligence in t+e er!ormance o! +is art o! t+e Contract as laid do$n in t+e Sc+edule rate o! rogress; or i! +e s+all continue to de!ault or re eat suc+ de!ault in t+e res ects mentioned in clause()1 o! t+e APSS( Engineer*in*C+arge s+all ta3e action in accordance $it+ Clause //; /0 o! General conditions o! Part A o! Aol( I( 28.0 EC2)*31/* /4 2:) I*2)*0)0 C/56-)21/* D,2): )2(' T+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all e8tend or recommend !or e8tension; in accordance $it+ t+e Government orders in !orce; t+e Intended Com letion Date i! a Aariation is issued $+ic+ ma3es it im ossi"le !or Com letion to "e ac+ieved "6 t+e Intended Com letion Date( )2()5 T+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all decide $+et+er and "6 +o$ muc+ to e8tend t+e Intended Com letion Date $it+in )' da6s o! t+e Contractor as3ing t+e Engineer !or a decision u on t+e e!!ect o! a Aariation and su"mitting !ull su orting in!ormation( I! t+e Contractor +as !ailed to give earl6 $arning o! a dela6 or +as !ailed to coo erate in dealing $it+ a dela6; t+e dela6 "6 t+is !ailure s+all not "e considered in assessing t+e ne$ Intended Com letion Date( 29.0 D)-,93 O+0)+)0 B9 2:) E*;1*))+-1*-C:,+;): T+e Engineer*in*C+arge ma6 instruct t+e Contractor to dela6 t+e start or rogress o! an6 activit6 $it+in t+e >or3( (0.0 E,+-9 W,+*1*;: -5(' T+e contractor is to $arn t+e Engineer*in*C+arge at t+e earliest o ortunit6 o! s eci!ic li3el6 !uture events or circumstances t+at ma6 adversel6 a!!ect t+e E8ecution o! >or3s( -5() T+e Contractor s+all coo erate $it+ t+e Engineer*in*C+arge in ma3ing and considering ro osals !or +o$ t+e e!!ect o! suc+ an event or circumstance can "e avoided or reduced "6 an6one involved in t+e $or3 and in carr6ing out an6 resulting instruction o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( (1.0 M,*,;)5)*2 M))21*;3:
T+e Engineer*in*C+arge ma6 re:uire t+e Contractor to attend a management meeting( T+e "usiness o! a management meeting s+all "e to revie$ t+e rogramme !or remaining $or3 and to deal $it+ matters raised in accordance $it+ t+e earl6 $arning rocedure(
C. 7 ALIT" CONTROL (2.0 I0)*21491*; D)4).23: T+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all c+ec3 t+e Contractor,s $or3 and noti!6 Contractor o! an6 De!ects t+at are !ound( Suc+ c+ec3ing s+all not a!!ect Contractor,s res onsi"ilities( T+e Engineer*in*C+arge ma6 instruct Contractor to veri!6 t+e De!ect and to uncover and test an6 $or3 t+at Engineer considers ma6 "e a De!ect( ((.0 T)323: I! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge instructs t+e Contractor to carr6 out a test not s eci!ied in t+e S eci!ication to c+ec3 $+et+er an6 $or3 +as a De!ect and t+e Contractor s+all a6 !or t+e test and an6 sam ling( (4.0 C/++).21/* /4 D)4).23: -.(' T+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all give notice to t+e Contractor o! an6 De!ects "e!ore t+e end o! t+e De!ects <ia"ilit6 Period o! ). mont+s; $+ic+ "egins on Com letion( -.() Ever6 time notice o! a De!ect is given; t+e Contractor s+all correct t+e noti!ied de!ect $it+in t+e lengt+ o! time s eci!ied "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge,s notice( (<.0 *./++).2)0 D)4).23: -/(' I! t+e contractor +as not corrected t+e de!ect $it+in t+e time s eci!ied in t+e Engineer*in*C+arge,s notice; t+e Engineer*in*C+arge $ill assess t+e cost o! +aving t+e de!ect corrected and t+e contractor s+all a6 t+is amount or it $ill "e recovered !rom dues to Contractor( t+e t+e t+e t+e
-/() T+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all introduce O(G( cards and rescri"ed t+e !ormats t+ere o!( O(G( cards s+all relate to all ma&or com onents o! t+e $or3( T+e contractor % +is aut+orised re resentative s+all "e re:uired to initiate and !ill in and resent t+e O(G( card to t+e construction sta!! $+o $ould c+ec3 t+e res ective items and send to Engineer*in*c+arge or +is re resentative !or !inal c+ec3 and clearance % O(G( An6 de!ects ointed out "6 t+e su ervision sta!! o! de artment s+all rom tl6 "e attended to "6 t+e contractors and t+e !act o! doing so "e dul6 recorded on t+e "ac3 o! O(G( card( -/(T+e Engineer*in*C+arge ma6 also introduce c+ec3 lists $+ic+ s+all "e 3e t in Bound registers "6 t+e construction su ervision sta!!( T+e contractor ma6 "e re:uired to !ill u t+ese lists in t+e !irst instance and s+all "e su"se:uentl6 c+ec3ed "6 t+e Construction % 9ualit6 Control engineers(
(=.0 78,-129 C/*2+/-: 9ualit6 control monitoring re orts; test results; re orts o! corrective action etc; s+all "e !urnis+ed to t+e em lo6er at regular intervals(
9ualit6 Audit $ill "e got conducted "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge de artmentall6 or "6 ot+er organi=ation and t+e contractor s+all e8tend t+e testing !acilities to t+em also( T+e contractor s+all roduce t+e 9ualit6 records maintained "6 +im to t+e de artment !or t+e :ualit6 audit(
(?.0 C/*2+,.2 P+1.) ! S.:)08-) /4 6,95)*2. '1-- /4 H8,*2121)3. -1(' T+e contract rice s+all "e t+e total value o! $or3 !or t+e EPC turn3e6 contract as er contract including maintenance o! total s6stem !or ) ?t$o@ 6ears !or CIAI< $or3s not connected $it+ li!t s6stem and '/ ?!i!teen@ 6ears !or Civil;B6dro* 7ec+anical and Electro*7ec+anical $or3s connected $it+ li!t s6stem !rom t+e date o! com letion certi!icate( T+e Bidder s+all maintain t+e Civil $or3s !or !ive ?/@ Jears ?- Jears a!ter de!ect lia"ilit6 Period@ and Electro 7ec+anical $or3s !or !i!teen ?'/@ Jears ?T+irteen Jears a!ter t+e Dele!t <ia"ilit6 Period@ $it+ t+e cost :uoted "6 +im se aratel6 in t+e !inancial "id and no e8tra a6ment $ill "e made !or men; material and mac+iner6 $+at so ever during t+is eriod( Be s+all maintain t+is sc+eme $it+ all standards and s eci!ications o! maintenance ?con!orming to relevant B(I(S Codes o! ractice@ li3e e!!icienc6 o! um s and motors regular servicing to B6dro and Electro 7ec+anical items; carr6ing out re airs%re lacements !or trou"le !ree o eration; civil maintenance li3e Distem ering to su erstructure; ainting to doors and $indo$s; re air%re lacements o! AC S+eets%Ridge ieces o! Godo$n; maintenance o! road $a6s and assages; u 3ee o! um +ouse area ; maintenance o! la$ns and !ountains etc(; T+e Bidder s+all :uote t+is item se aratel6 in !inancial "id and a se arate agreement $ill conclude !or t+e same( -1(- Not $it+standing an6 t+ing t+at is stated; t+e contract rice once acce ted "6 t+e em lo6er s+all "e !inal and s+all not "e su"&ect to an6 claims on an6 ground $+at so ever o! t+e Contractor( -1(. T+e contract rice o! t+e total $or3 is divided among di!!erent com onent o! $or3s as er t+e ercentages s eci!ied in Anne8ure*II RSc+edule o! a6ments, and a6ments $ill "e regulated accordingl6( -1(/ T+e contractor s+all give NBill o! 9uantitiesO "ased on t+e detailed estimates re ared on t+e "asis o! a roved design dra$ings and t+e items o! t+e estimate s+all "e suita"l6 clu""ed or grou ed !or assessment o! value o! $or3 done(
(8.0 C:,*;)3 1* 2:) 78,*2121)3: -2(' Being a lum sum contract on EPC Turn3e6 "asis; t+e contractor is "ound to com lete t+e entire $or3 under t+e contract on a !irm lum sum rice :uoted and on a single source res onsi"ilit6 "asis( T+e Contractor s+all "e deemed to +ave satis!ied +imsel! as to t+e correctness and su!!icienc6 o! t+e contract rice( T+ere!ore t+e contractor is "ound to e8ecute all su lemental $or3s t+at are !ound essential; incidental and inevita"le during e8ecution o! main $or3 at no e8tra cost to t+e em lo6er( lemental items o! $or3 s+all "e "orne "6 t+e contractor(
-4(' E8tra items o! $or3 s+all not vitiate t+e contract( T+is "eing a lum sum contract on Turn3e6 ?EPC@ "asis !or a !irm lum sum rice :uoted and on single source res onsi"ilit6 "asis; t+e contractor s+all "e "ound to e8ecute an6 items o! $or3 contingent to main $or3 !or com letion in !ull s+a e as directed "6 t+e Engineer* in*C+arge at no e8tra cost to t+e em lo6er( T+e cost due to suc+ items s+all "e deemed to +ave "een included in t+e contract rice :uoted( -4() Deleted -4(- Entrustment o! additional itemsD -4(-(' >+erever additional items not contingent on t+e main $or3 and outside t+e sco e o! original contract are to "e entrusted to t+e original contractor; entrustment o! suc+ items and t+e rice to "e aid s+all "e re!erred to a committee ro osed "6 Government !or !inal decision and it s+all "e "inding on t+e contractor( -4(-() Entrustment o! t+e additional items contingent on t+e main $or3 $ill "e aut+ori=ed "6 t+e em lo6er and t+e contractor s+all "e "ound to e8ecute suc+ additional items at no e8tra cost to t+e em lo6er and t+e cost o! suc+ items s+all "e deemed to +ave "een included in t+e contract rice :uoted( C,3: F-/D F/+).,323: >+en t+e rogram is u dated; t+e contractor is to rovide t+e Engineer*in*c+arge $it+ an u dated cas+ !lo$ !orecast( 41.0 C/*2+,.2 P+1.)% S.:)08-) /4 P,95)*23% P,95)*2 C)+2141.,2)3: T+e contract rice s+all "e t+e total value o! $or3 !or t+e EPC turn3e6 contract as er contract including maintena* nce o! total s6stem !or / ?!ive@ 6ears !or CIAI< $or3s not connected $it+ li!t s6stem and '/ ?!i!teen@ 6ears !or Civil;B6dro*7ec+anical and Electro*7ec+anical $or3s connected $it+ li!t s6stem !rom t+e date o! com letion certi!icate a@ T+e em lo6er $ill a6 t+e contractor a !irm contract rice !or com letion o! all $or3s as s eci!ied under t+e sco e o! t+e $or3 % em lo6ers re:uirement $+ic+ s+all include "ut not limited to conducting surve6s; detailed investigation; #i8ing alignment; Design and Engineering re aration o! estimates; su"mission o! <(P( Sc+edules; su l6 and installation o! all lants and its accessories to success!ul commissioning o! um s at eac+ um +ouse $it+ ade:uate ca acit6 and 7(S Pi e <ine construction o! Structures; $it+ all allied $or3s re aration o! a6acut registers and command lans; roviding service road and lanting s+ade tress along t+e canals etc(; leading to success!ul commissioning C trail o! total canal s6stems and maintenance !or 2 9),+3 4/+ C1@1- D/+A3 ,*0 1< 9),+3 4/+ H90+/ M).:,*1.,- ,*0 E-).2+/ M).:,*1.,- D/+A3 4+/5 2:) 0,2) /4 ./56-)21/* .)+2141.,2) /* EPC 28+*A)9 ./*2+,.2 B,313.
?"@ T+e contractor s+all a6 all duties and ta8es in conse:uence o! +is o"ligations under t+e contract and t+e contract rice s+all not "e ad&usted !or suc+ costs( ?c@ Contract rice $ill "e aid to t+e Contractor in Indians Ru ees onl6( .'() Pa6ment Sc+edule .'()(' T+e total $or3 s eci!ied under EPC turn 3e6 contract is divided into several com onents o! $or3 to !acilitate a6ments com onent $ise( T+e cost o! eac+ o! t+e a"ove com onents is s eci!ied as ercentage o! t+e total Bid rice under Anne8ure*II NSc+edule o! a6ments(O T+e ro ortion o! di!!erent com onents o! $or3s as com ared to over all cost o! ro&ect is as sti ulated in Anne8ure*II NSc+edule o! a6ment(O .'()() T+e contractors "id rice as a roved s+all "e divided among t+e com onents o! $or3 as er res ective ercentages o! total "id rice sti ulated in Anne8ure* II NSc+edule o! a6mentsO and t+e a6ment !or eac+ o! t+e com onent $or3s s+all "e limited to t+e res ective amounts arrived on t+e "asis o! ercentages s eci!ied(
.'()(- T+e sc+edule o! a6ment Anne8ure*II s+all su ercede all modes o! a6ment % ot+er a6ment sc+edules i! sti ulated an6$+ere else in t+e contract document( .'()(. T+e com onents s+o$n in Sc+edule o! a6ment Anne8ure*II can "e !urt+er su"* divided into a ro riate su"*com onents and stages "6 t+e "idder !or t+e ur ose o! a6ment( T+e su"*com onent stages s+ould +ave relation to t+e rogramme o! construction ta3ing due cogni=ance o! interde endenc6 o! various activities( T+e a6ment sums o! eac+ stage o! su"*com onent s+all "e e8 ressed as ercentage o! total cost o! a roved "id( Sum o! all suc+ stages o! articular com onent s+all "e e:ual to t+e ercentage o! t+at com onent s+o$n in t+e Anne8ure*II Sc+edule o! a6ment( T+is detailed sc+edule o! a6ment su"*com onents s+all also "e a t+e em lo6er and s+all !orm art o! t+e contract( roved "6
.'()(/ Pa6ment s+all "e released onl6 as er $or3 done and a res ective com onent % su"*com onent o! $or3 +as "een com leted and % or levels are ac+ieved( .'()(0 An6 :uantities; rates or amounts $+ic+ ma6 "e setout in a sc+edule o! a6ment are onl6 to "e used to assess t+e value o! interim a6ments( .'(- T+e Engineer*in*c+arge s+all c+ec3 t+e Contractor,s mont+l6 statement $it+in 1 da6s( .'(. T+e value o! $or3 e8ecuted s+all "e determined "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge(
.'(/ T+e Engineer*in*c+arge ma6 e8clude an6 item certi!ied in a revious certi!icate or reduce t+e ro ortion o! an6 item reviousl6 certi!ied in an6 certi!icate in t+e lig+t o! later in!ormation( .'(0 T+e contractor $ill "e ermitted to su"mit t+eir $or3 "ills once in a mont+ and a6ment $ill "e made a!ter ro er c+ec3 o! :uantit6 and :ualit6 $it+ in a reasona"le time limit( 42.0 P,95)*23 T+e contractor s+all e8ecute t+e various com onents o! $or3 as er a roved dra$ings and s eci!ications( T+e contractor s+all arrange to ta3e and record all measurements o! $or3 done o! various com onents o! $or3 in t+e 7easurement Boo3s%<evel !ield "oo3s and lotted in t+e cross section s+eets and :uantities arrived as er actual e8ecution as and $+en re:uired( 7easurements $ill "e recorded "6 t+e contractor !or t+e !inis+ed $or3 onl6 !or $+ic+ all tests are conducted and $or3 done in accordance $it+ s eci!ications and contract conditions "6 using t+e materials s eci!ied in t+e contract T+e contractor s+all re are mont+l6 $or3 "ills "ased on t+e measurements o! $or3 done alread6 recorded as stated a"ove and su"mit to Engineer*in*c+arge dul6 signed "6 t+em or +is aut+ori=ed signator6 !or arranging a6ment( Onl6 com leted ortions o! t+e $or3s as stated "elo$ s+all "e eligi"le !or a6ment( T+e a6ments s+all "e made as er t+e "rea3*u o! a6ment sc+edule s eci!ied in t+e "id document(
G/@2. M)5/.N/.88(?/M,E.I++;*.I #2$/2008-2% D2:(1-0(-2008 3:,-- ,66-9 4/+ 6,95)*2 /4 L1*1*; ,3 4/--/D3: In res ect o! a6ment o! canal lining t+e com onent o! lining s+all "e divided in to lining o! "ed o! canal; lining o! sides o! canal; !illing u o! &oints; ro er sectioning at t+e to !old o! side lining etc(; and t+e t$o su"*com onents s+all "e divided in ro ortion o! actual :uantities involved dul6 $it++olding ' F o! value o! lining in t+e "a6 to$ards com letion o! !illing u o! &oints; ro er sectioning at t+e to !old o! side lining etc( T+e $it++eld amount o! 'F o! value o! lining s+all "e released onl6 a!ter com letion o! lining in t+e "a6 in all res ects including !illing u o! &oints; ro er sctioning at t+e to !old o! side lining etc( T+e a6ment o! su"*com onent o! lining o! canal "ed $it+out side lining s+all "e restricted !or a ma8imum lengt+ o! ' 3m in t+e reac+( #or a6ment o! su" com onent o! lining o! canal "ed; / F o! value o! lining o! canal "ed s+all "e $it++eld till t+e side lining in t+at "a6 is com leted( T+e $it++eld amount /F lining o! canal "ed s+all "e released onl6 a!ter com letion o! t+e side lining in t+at "a6(
B$ CM & CD D/+A3:
In res ect o! C7 C CD $or3s ?structures@; t+e intermediate a6ments $ill "e in t+ree stages i(e(; at ?a@ com letion o! !oundations including eart+$or3; ?"@ com letion o! su"*structure; and ?c@ com letion o! su er*structure including miscellaneous items( T+e mode o! a6ments $ill "e -5F a!ter com letion o! !oundations; -5F a!ter com letion o! Su"*structure and "alance .5F a!ter com letion o! individual structure G/@2. M)5/.N/.(19=0/R)4/+53/200?-1% 6,95)*2 /4 CM & CD D/+A3 ,3 4/--/D3: D2:2?-0<-2008 3:,-,66-9 4/+
-5F a6ment against .5F in t+e t+ird stage o! t+e Agreement ma6 "e released a!ter com letion o! Dec3*sla" o! t+e structure ?C7 C CD $or3s@ ot+er t+an A:ueducts and Su er Passages and remaining '5F ma6 "e released a!ter com letion o! t+e structure in !ull s+a e( G/@2. M)5/.N/.(?24</R)4/+53/200?-1% 6,95)*2 /4 '1; S2+8.28+)3 ,3 4/--/D3D D2:11-02-2008 3:,-,66-9 4/+
In case o! "ig structures $+ere ever t+e lengt+ o! t+e structure is .5m and a"ove on 7ain canal;t+e C+ie! Engineer ma6 revise t+e a6ment sc+edule su"&ect to ensuring t+at t+e overall a6ment is limited to t+e agreement value( c@ In res ect o! Tunnels; Dra!t tu"e tunnels; inclined tunnels t+e unit lengt+ !or eligi"ilit6 !or arranging a6ment ma6 "e ta3en as '55 7( d@ T+e a6ment !or t+e distri"ution s6stem $ill "e made ro ortionatel6 K Rs(');555%* er acre(
NBo$ever under inevita"le circumstances a reduction in t+e contem lated a6acut ot+er t+an e8isting under tan3s not e8ceeding '5F o! it can "e ermitted "6 t+e Em lo6er a!ter t+roug+ veri!ication to +is satis!action and at +is discretion( But in suc+ case; t+e :uoted contract rice s+all "e su"&ected to ad&ustment $it+ reduction at t+e rate o! Rs(');555%* er are to t+e e8tent o! actual reduction o! a6acut ?not e8ceeding '5F@ under t+e distri"utor6 s6stem( Bo$ever t+e Contractor can not see3 a roval o! t+e Em lo6er !or reduction $it+ in t+e ceiling limit o! '5F as a rig+tO( NIn case t+e actual a6acut served "6 t+e distri"utor6 s6stem ot+er t+an e8isting a6acut '( !alls s+ort "e6ond ermitted ceiling limit o! '5F o! contem lated a6acut ot+er t+an e8isting a6acut under tan3s or )( !alls s+ort $it+in ermissi"le ceiling limit o! '5F o! contem lated a6acut ot+er t+an t+e e8isting under tan3 "ut disagreed "6 t+e Em lo6er; t+en t+e Contractor s+all e8tend t+e total canal s6stem in suc+ a $a6 t+e contem lated a6acut ot+er t+an t+at under tan3s get irrigation !acilit6 !ull6O( In res ect o! civil $or3s !or um ing station t+e su" com onents s+all "e in stages o! ever6 ' 7 !rom t+e dee est !oundation level consisting o! a@ Pum +ouse( "@ Cistern( In res ect o! Deliver6 main $or3s t+e su" com onents s+all "e a@ 7aterial su l6 C #a"rication //F; "@ <ining % coating; Testing o! i es '/ F; c@ Conve6ance; <a6ing and #ield &ointing )5 F; d@ Re!illing and B6dro testing '5 F( A$ P,95)*23 4/+ E-).2+/-M).:,*1.,- )H8165)*2 ,*0 D/+A3 3:,-- B) 5,0) ,3 8*0)+: F/+ S866-9% )+).21/*% 2)321*; ,*0 ./551331/*1*;:
l6 o! goods ? !or Price including all ta8es and duties@@ s+all "e aid on recei t o! goods at site "ased on certi!icate re ared "6 engineerin*c+arge and su lier,s re resentative; on t+e "asis o! various items received in accordance $it+ t+e Contract Agreement( )5F o! :uoted rice s+all "e aid on erection o! e:ui ment on ro*rate contract value o! t+e $or3 com leted as er t+e agreed construction sc+edule and on certi!ication "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge and t+e su lier,s re resentative(
iii( /F o! t+e :uoted rice s+all "e aid on success!ul testing and commissioning o! eac+ e:ui ment as rogressive a6ment against interim a6ment certi!icate re ared on t+e "asis o! various items su lied; erected; tested and commissioned in accordance $it+ t+e Contract Agreement( iv( #inal /F o! t+e :uoted rice !or su !inal "ill(
P,95)*2 4/+ 1(2 KV S8B S2,21/* EH8165)*2 ,*0 W/+A3. --- D)-)2)0 ! P,95)*23 4/+ H90+/-M).:,*1.,- D/+A3 : A$ F/+ S866-9% )+).21/*% 2)321*; ,*0 ./551331/*1*;: a@15F o! cost o! material and #a"rication including lining cost com letion o! t+ese items( "@ c@ d@ $ill "e aid a!ter
)5F o! cost o! material and !a"rication cost $ill "e aid a!ter com letion o! erection( /F o! cost o! material and !a"rication cost $ill "e commissioning in accordance $it+ t+e contract agreement( Balance /F amount $ill "e aid at t+e time o! !inal "illl( aid a!ter testing and
B@ Deleted(
42.1 P,95)*2 4/+ O& M ./*2+,.2 Pa6ment !or OC7 $or3s $ill "e made in e:ual :uarterl6 installments and $ill "e aid $it+ in one mont+ !rom t+e date o! su"mission o! "ills Bo$ever; in all cases a6ment s+all "e limited to t+e total rice :uoted "6 t+e Contractor against eac+ item o! $or3s( Pa6ment s+all "e e!!ective to t+e e8tent o! e8ecution o! eac+ activit6 in res ect o! eac+ individual structure( Contractor s+all su"mit a "ill to t+e Em lo6er indicating cumulative value o! t+e $or3s e8ecuted against individual structure; a6ment alread6 received against eac+ o! t+e structure till t+e date o! ne8t % receding "ill and t+e "alance o! t+e amount a6a"le under t+ese items !or individual structure( T:) ./32 /4 2:) ./56/*)*23 /4 2:) -142 3.:)5) #/* G D12: +)36).2 2/ D:/-) D/+A$ 13 5)*21/*)0 1* J3.:)08-) /4 6,95)*2K 1.) A**)C8+) II /4 V/-85) I P,+2-A. 42.2 P,95)*23 ,*0 C)+2141.,2)3 .)()(' Pa6ments s+all "e ad&usted !or recover6 o! advance a6ments; li:uidated damages in terms o! Bid conditions and securit6 de osit !or t+e due !ul!illment o! t+e contract( Recoveries $ill "e a!!ected to$ards seigniorage and cess c+arges on t+e materials used and sales ta8 and ot+er statutor6 ta8es as er t+e State and Central Government Rules( Pa6ment $ill "e made to t+e Contractor under t+e certi!icate to "e issued at reasona"l6 !re:uent intervals "6 2:) E*;1*))+-1*CONTRACTOR
C:,+;)% and intermediate a6ment $ill "e t+e sum e:ual to 4)(/5F o! t+e value o! $or3 done as so certi!ied and "alance o! 1(/F $ill "e $it++eld and retained as securit6 !or t+e due !ul!illment o! t+e contractor under t+e certi!icate to "e issued "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( On com letion o! t+e entire $or3s t+e contractor $ill receive t+e !inal a6ment o! all t+e mone6s due or a6a"le to +im under or "6 virtue o! t+e contract e8ce t earnest mone6 de osit retained as securit6 and a sum e:ual to )(/5 ercent o! t+e total value o! t+e $or3 done( T+e amount $it++eld !rom t+e !inal "ill $ill "e retained under de osits and aid to t+e contractor toget+er $it+ t+e earnest mone6 de osit retained as securit6 a!ter a eriod o! ). mont+s as all de!ects i! an6 s+all +ave "een made good according to t+e true intent and meaning t+ere o!( .)()() In case o! over a6ments or $rong a6ment i! an6 made to t+e contractor due to $rong inter retation o! t+e rovisions o! t+e contract; APSS or Contract conditions etc(; suc+ unaut+ori=ed a6ment $ill "e deducted in t+e su"se:uent "ills or !inal "ill !or t+e $or3 or !rom t+e "ills under an6 ot+er contracts $it+ t+e Government or at an6 time t+ere a!ter !rom t+e de osits availa"le $it+ t+e Government( .)()(- An6 recover6 or recoveries advised "6 t+e Government De artment eit+er state or central; due to non*!ul!illment o! an6 contract entered into $it+ t+em "6 t+e contractor s+all "e recovered !rom an6 "ill or de osits o! t+e contractor( .)()(. No claim s+all "e entertained; i! t+e same is not re resented in $riting to t+e Engineer*in*C+arge $it+in '/ da6s o! its occurrence( .)()(/ T+e contractor is not eligi"le !or an6 com ensation !or inevita"le dela6 in +anding over t+e site or !or an6 ot+er reason( In suc+ case; suita"le e8tensions o! time $ill "e granted a!ter considering t+e merits o! t+e case( .)(-(' T+e Em lo6er s+all $it+in )2 da6s a!ter receiving a Statement and su orting documents; give to t+e Contractor notice o! an6 items in t+e Statement $it+ $+ic+ t+e Engineer in c+arge disagrees; $it+ su orting articulars( Pa6ments due s+all not "e $it++eld; e8ce t t+atH ?a@ I! an6 t+ing su lied or $or3 done "6 t+e Contractor is not in accordance $it+ t+e Contract; t+e cost o! recti!ication or re lacement ma6 "e $it++eld until recti!ication or re lacement +as "een com letedH and % or I! t+e Contractor $as or is !ailing to er!orm an6 $or3 or o"ligation in accordance $it+ t+e contract and +ad "een as noti!ied "6 t+e Engineer in c+arge; t+e value o! t+is $or3; or o"ligation ma6 "e $it++eld until t+e $or3 or o"ligation +as "een er!ormed( T+e Em lo6er ma6; "6 an6 a6ment; ma3e an6 correction or modi!ication t+at s+ould ro erl6 "e made to an6 amount reviousl6 considered due( Pa6ment s+all not "e deemed to indicate Engineer in c+arge acce tance; a roval; consent or satis!action(
.)(-() All rogressive a6ments made to t+e Contractor s+all "e revie$ed on :uarterl6 "asis and reconciled $it+ t+e "rea3*u o! t+e sc+edule( Over a6ments%under a6ments made; i! an6; s+all "e ad&usted in t+e ne8t interim%!inal a6ments( 42.4 A66-1.,21/* 4/+ I*2)+5)01,2) P,95)*2 C)+2141.,2) T+e Contractor s+all su"mit a statement%"ill in si8 co ies to t+e Engineer*in* c+arge a!ter t+e end o! eac+ mont+; in a !orm a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in* c+arge; s+o$ing t+e amounts to $+ic+ t+e Contractor considers +imsel! to "e entitled; toget+er $it+ su orting documents $+ic+ s+all include t+e detailed re ort on t+e rogress during t+e mont+ !or eac+ section o! t+e >or3( T+e statement s+all include t+e !ollo$ing items; as a lica"le; $+ic+ s+all "e e8 ressed in Indian Ru ees and also s+all include t+e !ollo$ing items; as a lica"le; $+ic+ s+all "e e8 ressed in t+e se:uence listed "elo$D ?a@ T+e estimated contract value o! t+e Construction Documents roduced and t+e >or3s e8ecuted u to t+e end o! t+e mont+H ?"@ Amount to "e deducted !or retention; s+all "e K1(/F !rom t+e eac+ interim "ills( c@An6 amount to "e deducted against recover6 o! advance amount in accordance $it+ rate s eci!ied in Contract( d@Dela6 damages in res ect o! non*ac+ievement o! milestone as er Contract e@An6 ot+er additions or deductions $+ic+ ma6 +ave "ecome due in accordance $it+ t+e Contract !@Deduction o! Income Ta8 ; AAT; contract ta8 and ot+er ta8es and seigniorage and cess c+arges on materials used and ot+er statutor6 o"ligations etc( as a lica"le( g@T+e total amounts certi!ied on all revious Interim Pa6ment Certi!icates( 4(.0 I*2)+)32 /* M/*)9 08) 2/ 2:) C/*2+,.2/+: No omission "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge or t+e su"*divisional o!!icer to a6 t+e amount due u on certi!icates s+all vitiate or ma3e void t+e contract; nor s+all t+e contractor "e entitled to interest u on an6 guarantee !und or a6ments in arrear; nor u on an6 "alance $+ic+ ma6; on t+e !inal settlement o! +is accounts; !ound to "e due to +im( 44.0 C)+2141.,2) /4 C/56-)21/* /4 D/+A3: ..(' Certi!icate o! Com letion o! $or3sD ..('(' >+en t+e $+ole o! t+e $or3 +as "een com leted and +as satis!actor6 assed an6 !inal test t+at ma6 "e rescri"ed "6 t+e Contract; t+e Contractor ma6 give a notice to t+at e!!ect to t+e Engineer*in*C+arge accom anied "6 an underta3ing to carr6out an6 recti!ication $or3 during t+e eriod o! maintenance; suc+ notice and underta3ing s+all "e in $riting and s+all "e deemed to "e re:uest "6 t+e
Contractor !or t+e Engineer*in*C+arge to issue a Certi!icate o! com letion in res ect o! t+e >or3s( T+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all; $it+in t$ent6 one da6s o! t+e date o! deliver6 o! suc+ notice eit+er issue to t+e Contractor; a certi!icate o! com letion stating t+e date on $+ic+; in +is o inion; t+e $or3s $ere com leted in accordance $it+ t+e Contract or give instructions in $riting to t+e Contractor s eci!6ing all t+e >or3s $+ic+; in t+e Engineer*in*C+argeQ, o inion; re:uired to "e done "6 t+e Contractor "e!ore t+e issue o! suc+ Certi!icate( T+e Engineer* in*C+arge s+all also noti!6 t+e Contractor o! an6 de!ects in t+e >or3s a!!ecting com letion t+at ma6 a ear a!ter suc+ instructions and "e!ore com letion o! t+e >or3s s eci!ied t+ere in( T+e Contractor s+all "e entitled to receive suc+ Certi!icate o! t+e Com letion $it+in t$ent6 one da6s o! com letion to t+e satis!action o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge o! t+e >or3s so s eci!ied and ma3ing good o! an6 de!ects so noti!ied( ..('() Similarl6; t+e Contractor ma6 re:uest and t+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all issue a Certi!icate o! Com letion in res ect o!D a@ An6 section o! t+e Permanent $or3s in res ect o! $+ic+ a se arate time !or com letion is rovided in t+e Contract; and "@ An6 su"stantial art o! t+e Permanent >or3s $+ic+ +as "een "ot+ com leted to t+e satis!action o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge and occu ied or used "6 t+e De artment( ..('(- I! an6 art o! t+e Original%Permanent >or3s s+all +ave "een com leted and s+all +ave satis!actoril6 assed an6 !inal test t+at ma6 "e rescri"ed "6 t+e Contract; t+e Engineer*in*C+arge ma6 issue suc+ certi!icate; and t+e Contractor s+all "e deemed to +ave underta3en to com lete an6 outstanding $or3 in t+at art o! t+e >or3s during t+e eriod o! 7aintenance( 4<.0 T,C)3 1*.-80)0 1* 2:) B10: T+e Bid rice :uoted "6 t+e contractor s+all "e deemed to "e inclusive o! t+e sales Ta8 and ot+er ta8es on all materials t+at t+e contractor $ill +ave to urc+ase !or er!ormance o! t+is contract( 4=.0 P+1.) A0E8325)*2 .0(' T+e Price Ad&ustment $ill "e made !or cement; steel and !uel items onl6( No escalation on la"our and ot+er materials $ill "e aid( T+e Bidder +as to :uote t+e "id ta3ing into account o! an6 variation in rates and $ages during t+e eriod o! e8ecution i(e(; !rom t+e date o! :uoting t+e rates to t+e end o! com letion o! $or3 in all res ects( .0() Bo$ever; in res ect o! cement and steel rice ad&ustment $ill "e made !or t+e actual :uantit6 used in t+e $or3 !or increase or decrease o! rices "6 more t+an /F over current rates ? As a roved "6 t+e Board o! C+ie! Engineers@ o!
R3.4%(00 /M.T. ,*0 R3.4(%800 /MT- & R3.((%000/MT 4/+ C)5)*2% M.S 6-,2)3 ,*0 T,+ 32))- +)36).21@)-9. #or t+e ur ose o! assessing t+e
increase and decrease t+e rates; o! cement and steel as a roved "6 t+e Board o! C+ie! Engineers communicated "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+ie!; Irrigation >ing; ICCAD De t(; !rom time to time $ill "e ado ted(
T+is Price Ad&ustment $ill "e made !or t+e Price variation "e6ond /F on t+e "asic rates !urnis+ed in t+e Bid document
.0(- In res ect o! !uels t+e rates revailing in t+e nearest !uel station %stations to $or3 s ot on t+e last da6 o! !iling t+e "ids $ill "e ado ted as "ase rates( An6 +i3e "e6ond /F over t+e "ase rates $ill "e com ensated in accordance $it+ t+e !ollo$ing !ormula( A#W5(2/PP#%'55PRIP?#I*#O@%#O >+ere; RIWAalue o! $or3 done during t+e :uarter( A#Wincrease or decrease in t+e cost o! $or3 during t+e :uarter under consideration due to c+ange in rates !or !uels and lu"ricants( P#WF o! !uel and lu"ricants com onent o! t+e $or3( ?T+e com onent o! P# $ill "e assessed and decided "6 a committee constituted "6 t+e Government@( #OW Average o!!icial retail rice o! BSD at t+e e8isting consumer,s um s o! IOC%IBP%BP%Reliance nearest to t+e $or3 s ot on t+e last da6 o! !iling "ids( #IW Average o!!icial retail rice o! BSD at t+e e8isting consumer,s um s o! IOC%IBP%BP%Reliance nearest to t+e $or3 s ot on t+e '/t+ da6 o! t+e middle calendar mont+ o! t+e :uarter under consideration( Price ad&ustment not a lica"le !or t+e art o! t+e $or3 carried out !or $+ic+ <i:uidated Damages are levied( 4?.0 R)2)*21/* .1(' T+e de artment s+all retain !rom eac+ a6ment due to t+e contractor K t+e rate o! 1(/F o! "ill amount until com letion o! t+e $+ole o! t+e >or3s( T+e retention amount so accumulated $ill "e released u to /F against t+e Ban3 Guarantee in S ells o! Rs(/5(55%'55(55 la3+s ?Ru ees !i!t6 !ive %+undred la3+s onl6@( .1() On com letion o! t+e $+ole o! t+e >or3s out o! total amount retained ? i(e(; 1(/F@ /F $ill "e re* aid to t+e Contractor and "alance ? i(e(; )(/F @ $+en t+e De!ects <ia"ilit6 Period +as assed and t+e Engineer*in*C+arge +as certi!ied t+at all t+e De!ects noti!ied "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge to t+e Contractor "e!ore t+e end o! t+is eriod +ave "een corrected( 48.0 L1H810,2)0 D,5,;)3 .2(' I! !or an6 reason; $+ic+ does not entitle t+e contractor to an e8tension o! time; t+e rate o! rogress o! $or3s; or an6 section is at an6 time; in t+e o inion o! t+e Su erintending Engineer too slo$ to ensure com letion "6 t+e rescri"ed time or e8tended time !or com letion Su erintending Engineer s+all so noti!6 t+e contractor in $riting and t+e contractor s+all t+ere u on ta3e suc+ ste s as are
necessar6 and t+e Su erintending Engineer ma6 a rove to e8 edite rogress so as to com lete t+e $or3s or suc+ section "6 t+e rescri"ed time or e8tended time( T+e contractor s+all not "e entitled to an6 additional a6ment !or ta3ing suc+ ste s( I! as a result o! an6 notice given "6 t+e Su erintending Engineer under t+is clause t+e contractor s+all see3 t+e Su erintending Engineers ermission to do an6 $or3 at nig+t or on Sunda6s; i! locall6 recogni=ed as da6s or rest; or t+eir locall6 recogni=ed e:uivalent; suc+ ermission s+all not "e unreasona"l6 re!used( .2() I! t+e contractor !ails to com lete $+ole o! t+e $or3s or an6 art t+ereo! or section o! t+e $or3s $it+in t+e sti ulated eriods o! individual mile stones ?including an6 "ona!ide e8tensions allo$ed "6 t+e com etent aut+orit6 $it+out lev6ing li:uidated damages@; t+e Su erintending Engineer ma6 $it+out re&udice to an6 ot+er met+od o! recover6 $ill deduct one t$entiet+ o! one ercent o! res ective mile stone !inancial rogramme value er calendar da6 or art o! t+e da6 !or t+e eriod o! dela6s su"&ect to a ma8imum o! '5F o! t+e contract value as damages due !rom t+e contractor !rom an6 monies in +is +ands due or $+ic+ ma6 "ecome due to t+e contractor( T+e a6ment or deductions o! suc+ damages s+all not relieve t+e contractor !rom +is o"ligation to com lete t+e $or3s; or !rom an6 ot+er o! +is o"ligations and lia"ilities under t+e contract( T+e ma8imum amount o! li:uidated damages !or t+e $+ole o! t+e $or3s is ten ercent o! !inal contract rice( 48.( L1H810,2)0 D,5,;)3 4/+ S:/+2 F,-- 1* P)+4/+5,*.) S+ould t+e results o! t+e !ormal er!ormance test s+o$ t+at t+e e:ui ments +ave !ailed to meet t+e guarantees t+e CONTRACTOR s+all carr6 out t+e modi!ication; at +is o$n cost; i! considered necessar6 to meet t+e guaranteed values( In suc+ a case t+e er!ormance and guarantee tests s+all "e re eated "6 t+e CONTRACTOR $it+in one ?'@ mont+ !rom t+e date t+e e:ui ment is read6 !or re*test( I! t+e s eci!ied guarantees are not esta"lis+ed $it+in 45 da6s o! noti!ication "6 t+e E7P<OJER; t+e E7P<OJER ma6 at +is discretion re&ect t+e e:ui ment and recover t+e a6ments alread6 made or acce t t+e e:ui ment a!ter assessing t+e li:uidated damages a6a"le at t+e rates s eci!ied "elo$ !or eac+ e:ui ments( Suc+ li:uidated damages s+all "e recovera"le "6 invo3ing t+e Per!ormance Ban3 Guarantee o! t+e CONTRACTOR or "6 deduction !rom t+e contract rice; or ot+er$ise( 49.0 M/B1-1I,21/* A0@,*.) .4(' T+e contractors !or $or3s e8ceeding more t+an Rs('(55 Crore o! estimated contract value are ermitted to avail t+e !acilit6 o! mo"ili=ation advance in t$o installments e:uivalent to '5F o! t+e contract amount? /F !or la"our mo"ili=ation and /F !or mac+iner6 and e:ui ment@(T+e mo"ili=ation advance o! /F to$ards <a"our mo"ili=ation $ill "e aid in t$o installments? 'F a!ter concluding agreement and .F at t+e time o! commencement o! $or3 i(e a!ter com letion o! investigation; surve6 and designs@ vide Government 7emo No( )0'-/% re!orms%50; Dt('0(4()550
Pa6ment o! t+e loan $ill "e done under se arate certi!ication "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer a!ter ?i@ E8ecution o! t+e !orm o! contract "6 t+e arties t+ere to ?ii@ Provisions "6 t+e contractor o! t+e !urt+er securit6 in accordance $it+ relevant condition and ?iii@ rovision "6 t+e contractor o! a Ban3 Guarantee !rom sc+eduled Ban3 acce ta"le to t+e E8ecutive Engineer !or an amount e:ual to '5F o! a contract amount as indicated in t+e letter o! acce tance to$ards t+e installment o! t+e advance mo"ili=ation loan; suc+ "an3 guarantee to remain e!!ective until t+e said advance loan +as "een com letel6 re aid "6 t+e contractor out o! t+e current earnings under t+e contract and certi!ied accordingl6 "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer T+e RAdvance mo"ili=ation loan, $ill "e aid in -5 da6s a!ter !ul!illing t+e a"ove i; ii; and iii items( Advance mo"ili=ation loan $ill "e aid onl6 in case o! contracts $it+ estimated contract value e8ceeding Rs('55 la3+s( .4() A !orm o! Ban3 Guarantee acce ta"le to E8ecutive Engineer is indicated ?under !ormats o! Securities@( T+e advance mo"ilisation loan s+all "e used "6 t+e contractor e8clusivel6 !or mo"ilisation e8 enditures; including t+e ac:uisition o! constructional lant; in connection $it+ t+e $or3s( Pa6ment o! t+e second installment o! advance mo"ilisation loan e:uivalent to / ercent o! t+e contract amount $ill "e due $it+in a eriod o! 4 mont+s !or local urc+ase o! mac+iner6 and e:ui ment and $it+in one 6ear in case t+e mac+iner6 and e:ui ment +as to "e im orted under se arate certi!ication "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge a!ter ?I@ t+e value o! t+e mac+iner6 and e:ui ment rocured; and "roug+t to site and%or ordered ?satis!actor6 evidence to "e roduced@ "6 t+e contractor assessed at '55F !or ne$ mac+iner6 and /5F !or old mac+iner6 "roug+t to site and in $or3ing condition is e:uivalent to / ercent o! t+e contract amount alread6 aid as !irst advance loan and ?ii@ !urnis+ing "6 t+e contractor o! a "an3 guarantee !or an amount e:ual to / ercent o! t+e contract value( .4(- S+ould t+e contractor misa ro riate an6 ortion o! t+e advance loan; it s+all "ecome due to t+e E8ecutive Engineer and a6a"le immediatel6 in one lum "6 t+e contractor and no !urt+er loan $ill "e considered t+erea!ter( .4(. T+e a"ove advance s+all "ear "orro$ing rate o! interest as a roved "6 t+e Government o! A(P !rom time to time( T+e interest on t+e amounts aid as advance is c+argea"le !rom t+e date t+e amount is aid( Bo$ever i! com letion is dela6ed "6 circumstances "e6ond control o! t+e contractor !or $+ic+ an e8tension +as "een granted "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer % Su erintending Engineer t+e interest c+arges on suc+ advances s+all "e $aived !or t+e eriod o! e8tension( .4(/ T+e value o! Ban3 Guarantee !or t+e advance a6ment given to t+e contractor can "e rogressivel6 reduced "6 t+e amount re aid "6 t+e contractor as certi!ied "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer( 49.= R)./@)+9 /4 ,0@,*.)3 49.=.1 T+e advance loan toget+er $it+ interest at t+e "orro$ing rate o! interest as a roved "6 t+e Government o! A(P !rom time to time s+all "e re aid $it+in ercentages deductions !rom t+e intermediate a6ments under t+e contract(
Deduction s+all commence in t+e ne8t interim a6ment !ollo$ing t+at in $+ic+ t+e total o! all suc+ a6ments to t+e contractor +ave reac+ed '5 ercent o! t+e contract amount and s+all "e made at t+e rate o! )5 ercent o! amount o! all interim a6ments in $+ic+ t+e loan $as made toget+er $it+ interest a6a"le u to t+at date; until suc+ time as t+e loan toget+er $it+ interest at t+e rate s eci!ied in ara a"ove s+all "e com letel6 re aid rior to t+e e8 ir6 o! t+e contract eriod including aut+ori=ed e8tensions !or com letion( G/@2. M)5/.N/.22<00/R)4/+53/2008-1% R)./@)+9 /4 A0@,*.) ,3 4/--/D3D D2:20-08-2008 3:,-,66-9 4/+
NT+e recover6 to$ards re a6ment o! 7o"ili=ation Advance and interest on t+at starts onl6 !rom t+e ne8t running "ill a!ter '5F o! t+e Contract Aalue is touc+ed( An6 recover6 on t+e interim "ills to$ards 7o"ili=ation Advance s+ould "e limited to t+e )5F on eac+ suc+ interim a6ment "ill till 7o"ili=ation advance $it+ interest is com letel6 recovered( T+e )5F recover6 s+ould "e a ro riated to$ards rinci al amount o! 7o"ili=ation advance and interest out standing on t+e a"ove amount on t+at date s+ould "e recovered additionall6(O As t+e loan toget+er $it+ interest at t+e rate s eci!ied in ara a"ove s+all "e com letel6 re aid rior to t+e e8 ir6 o! t+e contract eriod including aut+ori=ed e8tensions !or com letion( T+e de artment $ill a roac+ t+e !inance de artment and !i8 u t+e "orro$ing rate o! interest !rom time to time( <0.0 S).8+121)3 T+e Earnest 7one6 De osit and s+all "e rovided to t+e De artment not later t+an t+e date s eci!ied in t+e <etter o! Acce tance and s+all "e issued in an amount and !orm and "6 a "an3 acce ta"le to t+e De artment( T+e Earnest 7one6 s+all "e valid until a date )2 da6s !rom t+e date o! e8 ir6 o! De!ects <ia"ilit6 Period and t+e additional securit6 s+all "e valid until a date )2 da6s !rom t+e date o! issue o! t+e certi!icate o! com letion( <1.0 C/32 /4 R)6,1+3 <oss or damage to t+e >or3s or materials to t+e >or3s "et$een t+e Start Date and t+e end o! t+e De!ects Correction Periods s+all "e remedied "6 t+e Contractor at t+e Contractor,s cost i! t+e loss or damage arises !rom t+e Contractor,s acts or omissions(
E. <2.0 C/56-)21/*
T+e Contractor s+all re:uest t+e Engineer*in*C+arge to issue a Certi!icate o! com letion o! t+e >or3s and t+e Engineer*in*C+arge $ill do so u on deciding t+at t+e $or3 is com leted( <(.0 T,A) O@)+ T+e De artment s+all ta3e over t+e Site and t+e >or3s $it+in !ourteen da6s o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge issuing a certi!icate o! Com letion( <4.0 F1*,- A../8*2 T+e Contractor s+all su l6 to t+e Engineer*in*C+arge a detailed account o! t+e total amount t+at t+e Contractor considers a6a"le under t+e Contract "e!ore t+e end o! t+e De!ects <ia"ilit6 Period( T+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all issue a De!ects <ia"ilit6 Certi!icate and certi!6 an6 !inal a6ment t+at is due to t+e Contractor $it+in/0 da6s o! receiving t+e Contractor,s account i! it is correct and com lete( I! it is not; t+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all issue $it+in /0 da6s a sc+edule t+at states t+e sco e o! t+e corrections or additions t+at are necessar6( I! t+e !inal Account is still unsatis!actor6 a!ter it +as "een resu"mitted; t+e Engineer*in* C+arge s+all decide on t+e amount a6a"le to t+e Contractor and issue a a6ment certi!icate $it+ in /0 da6s o! receiving t+e Contractor,s revised account( <<.0 T)+51*,21/*: //(' //() T+e De artment ma6 terminate t+e Contract i! t+e contractor causes a !undamental "reac+ o! t+e Contract( #undamental "reac+es o! Contract include; "ut s+all not "e limited to t+e !ollo$ing( a@ T+e Contractor sto s $or3 !or )2 da6s $+en no sto age o! $or3 is s+o$n on t+e current rogram and t+e sto age +as not "een aut+orised "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( "@ T+e Contractor is made "an3ru t or goes into li:uidation ot+er t+an !or a reconstruction or amalgamation( c@ T+e Engineer*in*C+arge gives Notice t+at !ailure to correct a articular De!ect is a !undamental "reac+ o! Contract and t+e Contractor !ails to correct it $it+in a reasona"le eriod o! time determined "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+argeH and d@ T+e Contractor does not maintain a securit6 $+ic+ is re:uired and
e@ T+e Contractor +as dela6ed t+e com letion o! $or3s "6 t+e num"er o! da6s !or $+ic+ t+e ma8imum amount o! li:uidated damages can "e aid as de!ined( !@ I! t+e contractor; in t+e &udgment o! t+e De artment +as engaged in corru t or !raudulent ractices in com eting !or or in t+e e8ecuting t+e contract(
#or t+e ur ose o! t+is aragra +D Ncorru t racticeO means t+e o!!ering; giving; receiving or soliciting o! an6 t+ing o! value to in!luence t+e action o! a u"lic o!!icial in t+e rocurement rocess or in contract e8ecution( N#raudulent racticeO means a misre resentation o! !acts in order to in!luence a rocurement rocess or t+e e8ecution o! a contract to t+e detriment o t+e Government and includes collusive ractice among Bidders ? rior to or a!ter Bid su"mission@ designed to esta"lis+ Bid rices at arti!icial non*com etitive levels and to de rive t+e Government o! t+e "ene!its o! !ree and o en com etition( //(- Not $it+standing t+e a"ove t+e De artment or Engineer*in*c+arge or Em lo6er ma6 terminate t+e contract !or convenience( //(. I! t+e Contract is terminated; t+e Contractor s+all sto $or3 immediatel6; ma3e t+e Site sa!e and secured leave t+e Site as soon as reasona"l6 ossi"le( <=.0 P,95)*2 86/* T)+51*,21/* I! t+e Contract is terminated "ecause o! a !undamental "reac+ o! Contract "6 t+e Contractor; t+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all issue a certi!icate !or t+e value o! t+e $or3 done less advance a6ments received u on t+e date o! t+e issue o! t+e certi!icate; less ot+er recoveries due in terms o! t+e Contract; less ta8es due to "e deducted at source as er a lica"le la$s and less )5F er cent o! t+e value o! $or3 not com leted( Additional <i:uidated Damages s+all not a l6( I! t+e total amount due to t+e De artment e8ceeds an6 a6ment due to t+e Contractor t+e di!!erence s+all "e a de"t a6a"le to t+e De artment( In case o! de!ault !or a6ment $it+in )2 da6s !rom t+e date o! issue o! notice to t+e a"ove e!!ect; t+e contractor s+all "e lia"le to a6 interest at ')F er annum !or t+e eriod o! dela6( <?.0 P+/6)+29 All materials on t+e Site; Plant; E:ui ment; Tem orar6 >or3s and >or3s are deemed to "e t+e ro ert6 o! t+e De artment i! t+e Contract is terminated "ecause o! Contractor,s de!ault( <8.0 R)-),3) 4+/5 P)+4/+5,*.) I! t+e Contract is !rustrated "6 t+e out"rea3 o! $ar or "6 an6 ot+er event entirel6 outside t+e control o! eit+er t+e De artment or t+e Contractor t+e Engineer*in* C+arge s+all certi!6 t+at t+e contract +as "een !rustrated( T+e Contractor s+all ma3e t+e site sa!e and sto $or3 as :uic3l6 as ossi"le a!ter receiving t+is certi!icate and s+all "e aid !or all $or3s carried out "e!ore receiving it and !or an6 $or3 carried out a!ter $ards to $+ic+ commitment $as made(
T+e Contractor +as to ma3e +is o$n arrangements !or $ater re:uired !or t+e $or3 and to t+e colonies and $or3 sites; $+ic+ are to "e esta"lis+ed "6 t+e Contractor( =0.0 E-).2+1.,- P/D)+ T+e Contractors $ill +ave to ma3e t+eir o$n arrangements !or dra$ing electric o$er !rom t+e nearest o$er line a!ter o"taining ermission !rom t+e And+ra Prades+ State Electricit6 Board at +is o$n cost( In case o! !ailure o! electricit6; t+e Contractor +as to ma3e alternative arrangements !or su l6 o! electricit6 "6 Diesel Generator sets o! suita"le ca acit6 at lace o! $or3( I! t+e su l6 is arranged "6 t+e De artment; necessar6 Tari!! rates s+all +ave to "e aid "ased on t+e revailing rates( T+e contractor $ill consumed "6 +im( a6 t+e "ills o! Electricit6 Board !or t+e cost o! o$er
T+e contractor s+all satis!6 all t+e conditions and rules re:uired as er Indian Electricit6 Act '4'5 and under rule ./?I@ o! t+e Indian Electricit6 Rules; '4/0 as amended !rom time to time and ot+er ertinent rules( T+e o$er s+all "e used !or "ona!ide De artmental $or3s onl6( Electric Po$er !or Domestic Su l6D
a@ T+e contractor +as to ma3e +is o$n arrangements !or t+e su l6 o! electric o$er !or domestic ur oses and t+e c+arges !or t+is ur ose +ave to "e aid "6 +im at t+e rates as !i8ed "6 t+e And+ra Prades+ State Electricit6 Board !rom time to time( "@ T+e contractor $ill +ave to ma3e +is o$n arrangements to la6 and maintain t+e necessar6 distri"ution lines and $iring !or t+e cam at +is o$n cost( T+e la6out and t+e met+ods o! la6ing t+e lines and $iring s+all +ave t+e rior a roval o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( All cam area s+all "e ro erl6 electri!ied( All lines; streets; a roac+es !or t+e cam etc(; s+all "e su!!icientl6 lig+ted !or t+e sa!et6 o! sta!! and la"our o! t+e contractor; at t+e cost o! t+e Contractor and it $ill "e su"&ect to t+e a roval o! t+e Engineer*in* C+arge( =1.0 L,*0 =1.1 L,*0 4/+ C/*2+,.2/+L3 83): T+e contractor $ill "e ermitted to use Government land !or e8ecution o! $or3( T+e contractor s+all +ave to ma3e +is o$n arrangements !or ac:uiring and clearing t+e site; leveling; roviding drainage and ot+er !acilities !or la"our sta!! colonies; site o!!ice; $or3*s+o or stores and !or related activities( T+e
Contractor s+all a l6 to t+e De artment $it+in a reasona"le time a!ter t+e a$ard o! t+e contract and at least -5 da6s in advance o! its use; t+e details o! land re:uired "6 +im !or t+e $or3 at site and t+e land re:uired !or +is cam and s+ould an6 rivate land $+ic+ +as not "een ac:uired; "e re:uired "6 t+e contractor !or +is use( T+e same ma6 "e ac:uired "6 t+e contractor at +is o$n cost "6 rivate negotiations and no claim s+all "e admissi"le to +im on t+is account( T+e Engineer*in*C+arge reserves t+e rig+t to re!use ermission !or use o! an6 government land !or $+ic+ no claim or com ensation s+all "e admissi"le to t+e contractor( T+e contractor s+all; +o$ever; not "e re:uired to a6 cost or an6 rent !or t+e Government land given to +im( =1.2 S8++)*0)+ /4 O..861)0 L,*0 a@ T+e Government land as +ere in "e!ore mentioned s+all "e surrendered to t+e Engineer*in*C+arge $it+in seven da6s; a!ter issue o! com letion certi!icate( Also no land s+all "e +eld "6 t+e contractor longer t+an t+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all deem necessar6 and t+e contractor s+all on t+e recei t o! due notice !rom t+e Engineer*in*C+arge; vacate and surrender t+e land $+ic+ t+e Engineer*in*C+arge ma6 certi!6 as no longer re:uired "6 t+e Contractor !or t+e ur ose o! t+e $or3( "@ T+e contractor s+all ma3e good to t+e satis!action o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge an6 damage to areas; $+ic+ +e +as to return or to ot+er ro ert6 or land +anded over to +im !or ur ose o! t+is $or3( Tem orar6 structures ma6 "e erected "6 t+e contractor !or storage s+eds; o!!ices; residences etc(; !or non* commercial use; $it+ t+e ermission o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer on t+e land +anded over to +im at +is o$n cost( At t+e com letion o! t+e $or3 t+ese structures s+all "e dismantled site cleared and +anded over to t+e E8ecutive Engineer( T+e land re:uired !or roviding amenities $ill "e given !ree o! cost !rom Government lands i! availa"le ot+er$ise t+e contractor s+all +ave to ma3e +is o$n arrangements( =1.( C/*2+,.2/+ */2 2/ 0136/3) /44 S6/1- )2. T+e contractor s+all not dis ose o!! or remove e8ce t !or t+e ur ose o! !ul!illment o! t+is contract; sand; stone; cla6 "allast; eart+; trees and s+ru"s or ot+er materials o"tained in t+e e8cavation made or l6ing on t+e site o! t+e $or3; and all suc+ materials and roduce s+all remain ro ert6 o! t+e Government( T+e De artment ma6 u on re:uest !rom t+e contractor; or i! so sti ulated in t+e conditions o! t+e contract allo$ t+e contractor to use an6 o! t+e a"ove materials !or t+e $or3s eit+er !ree o! cost or a!ter a6ment as ma6 "e s eci!icall6 mentioned or considered necessar6 during t+e e8ecution o! t+e $or3( =2.0 A66+/,.: R/,03 ,*0 R/,03 1* W/+A A+), In addition to e8isting u"lic roads and roads Constructed "6 Government; i! an6; in $or3 area all additional a roac+ roads inside $or3 area and cam re:uired "6 t+e Contractor s+all "e constructed and maintained "6 +im at +is o$n cost( T+e la6out design; construction and maintenance etc( o! t+e roads s+all "e
su"&ect to t+e a roval o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( T+e contractor s+all ermit t+e use o! t+ese roads "6 t+e Government !ree o! c+arge( It is ossi"le t+at $or3 at; or in t+e vicinit6 o! t+e $or3 site $ill "e er!ormed "6 t+e Government or "6 ot+er contractors engaged in $or3 !or t+e Government during t+e contract eriod( T+e contractor s+all $it+out c+arge ermit t+e government and suc+ ot+er contractor and ot+er $or3men to use t+e access !acilities including roads and ot+er !acilities; constructed and ac:uired "6 t+e contractor !or use in t+e er!ormance o! t+e $or3s( T+e contractor,s +eav6 construction tra!!ic or trac3ed e:ui ment s+all not traverse an6 u"lic roads or "ridges unless t+e contractor +as made arrangement $it+ t+e aut+orit6 concerned( In case contractor,s +eav6 construction tra!!ic or trac3ed e:ui ment is not allo$ed to traverse an6 u"lic roads or "ridges and t+e contractor is re:uired to ma3e some alternative arrangements; no claim on t+is account s+all "e entertained( T+e contractor is cautioned to ta3e necessar6 construction materials to avoid accidents( =(.0 P,95)*2 4/+ C,56 C/*32+8.21/* No a6ment $ill "e made to t+e contractor !or construction; o eration and maintenance o! cam and ot+er cam !acilities and t+e entire cost o! suc+ $or3 s+all "e deemed to +ave "een included in t+e Bided rate !or t+e various items o! $or3 in t+e sc+edule o! :uantities and "ids( =4.0 EC6-/31@) ,*0 F8)- S2/+,;) T,*A3 No e8 losive s+all "e stored $it+in X ?+al!@ G7 o! t+e limit o! t+e cam sites( T+e storage o! gasoline and ot+er !uel oils or o! Butane; Pro ane and ot+er li:ue!ied etroleum gases; s+all con!irm to t+e regulations o! And+ra Prades+ State Government and Government o! India( T+e tan3s; a"ove ground and +aving ca acit6 in e8cess o! )555 liters; s+all not "e located $it+in t+e cam area; nor $it+in )55m; o! an6 "uilding( =<.0 L,B/8+ T+e contractor s+all; ma3e +is o$n arrangements !or t+e engagement o! all sta!! and la"our; local or ot+er; and !or t+eir a6ment; +ousing; !eeding and trans ort( <a"our im ortation and amenities to la"our and contractor,s sta!! s+all "e to t+e contractor,s account( Bis :uoted ercentage s+all include t+e e8 enditure to$ards im ortation o! la"our amenities to la"our and sta!!H T+e contractor s+all; i! re:uired "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge; deliver to t+e Engineer*in*C+arge a $ritten in detail; is suc+ !orm and at suc+ intervals as t+e Engineer*in*C+arge ma6 rescri"e; s+o$ing t+e sta!! and t+e num"ers o! t+e several classes o! la"our !rom time to time em lo6ed "6 t+e contractor on t+e Site and suc+ in!ormation res ecting Contractor,s E:ui ment as t+e Engineer*in* C+arge ma6 re:uire(
Trans ortation o! <a"our T+e contractor s+all ma3e +is o$n arrangement !or t+e dail6 trans ortation o! t+e la"our and sta!! !rom la"our cam s colonies to t+e $or3 s ot and no la"our or sta!! o! t+e contractor s+all sta6 at t+e $or3 s ot( No e8tra a6ment $ill "e made to t+e contractor !or t+e a"ove trans ortation o! t+e la"our and +is :uoted ercentage to t+e $or3 s+all include t+e trans ortation c+arges o! la"our !rom colonies to $or3s ot and "ac3( T+e contractor $ill at all times dul6 o"serve t+e rovisions o! em lo6ment o! c+ildren Act PPAI o! '4-2 and an6 enactment or modi!ication o! t+e same and $ill not em lo6 or ermit an6 erson to do an6 $or3 !or t+e ur ose under t+e rovisions o! t+is contract in contravention o! said Act( T+e contractor +ere "6 agrees to indemni!6 t+e de artment !rom and against all claims; enalties $+ic+ ma6 "e su!!ered "6 t+e de artment or an6 erson em lo6ed "6 t+e de artment "6 an6 de!ault on t+e art o! t+e contractor in t+e o"servance and er!ormance o! t+e rovisions o! t+e em lo6ment o! c+ildren Act( PPAI o! '4-2 or an6 enactment or modi!ication o! t+e same( As er Govt( memo No(1)'%Gr(?'@%2'*-/; dtD'1(''(21( T+e contractor s+all o"tain t+e insurance at +is o$n cost to cover t+e ris3 on t+e $or3s to la"our engaged "6 +im during eriod o! e8ecution against !ire and ot+er usual ris3s and roduce t+e same to t+e E8ecutive Engineer concerned "e!ore commencement o! $or3( ==.00 S,4)29 M),38+)3 a@ T+e contractor s+all ta3e necessar6 recautions !or sa!et6 o! t+e $or3ers and reserving t+eir +ealt+ $+ile $or3ing in suc+ &o"s; $+ic+ re:uire s ecial rotection and recautions( T+e !ollo$ing are some o! t+e measures listed "ut t+e6 are not e8+austive and contractor s+all add to and augment t+ese recautions on +is o$n initiative $+ere necessar6 and s+all com l6 $it+ directions issued "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer or on +is "e+al! !rom time to time and at all times( Providing rotective !oot $ear to $or3ers situations li3e mi8ing and lacing o! mortar or concrete sand in :uarries and laces $+ere t+e $or3 is done under muc+ $et conditions( Providing rotective +ead $ear to $or3ers at e8cavations to rotect t+em against roc3 !alls( laces li3e under ground
c@ d@
Providing mas3s to $or3ers at granulates or at ot+er locations $+ere too muc+ !ine dust is !loating a"out and s rin3ling $ater at !re:uent intervals "6 $ater +oses on all stone crus+ing area and storage "ins a"ate to dust( Getting t+e $or3ers in suc+ &o"s eriodicall6 e8amined !or c+est trou"le due to too muc+ "reat+ing in to !ine dust( Ta3ing suc+ normal recautions li3e !encing and lig+tening in e8cavation o! trenc+es; not allo$ing rolls and metal arts o! useless tim"er s read around; ma3ing danger areas !or "lasting roviding $+istles etc(
e@ !@
g@ +@ i@
Su l6 $or3 men $it+ ro er "elts; ro es etc(; $+en $or3ing in recarious slo es etc( Avoiding named electrical $ire etc(; as t+e6 $ould electrocute t+e $or3s( Ta3ing necessar6 ste s to$ards training t+e $or3ers concerned on t+e mac+iner6 "e!ore t+e6 are allo$ed to +andle t+em inde endentl6 and ta3ing all necessar6 recautions in around t+e areas $+ere mac+ines +oists and similar units are $or3ing(
F,1+ W,;) C-,83) T+e contractor s+all a6 not less t+an !air $ages to la"ourers engaged "6 +im on t+e $or3( N#airO $ages means $ages $+et+er !or time o! iece$or3 noti!ied "6 t+e Government !rom time in t+e area in $+ic+ t+e $or3 is situated( T+e contractor s+all not $it+*standing t+e revisions o! an6 contract to t+e contrar6 cause to "e aid to t+e la"our; in directl6 engaged on t+e $or3 including an6 la"our engaged "6 t+e su"*contractor in connection $it+ t+e said $or3; as i! t+e la"ourers +ad "een directl6 em lo6ed "6 +im( In res ect o! la"our directl6 or indirectl6 em lo6ed in t+e $or3s !or t+e ur ose o! t+e contractors art o! t+e contract t+e contractor s+all com l6 $it+ t+e rules and regulations on t+e maintenance o! suita"le records rescri"ed !or t+is ur ose !rom time to time "6 t+e Government( Be s+all maintain +is accounts and vouc+ers on t+e a6ment o! $ages to t+e la"orers to t+e satis!action o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer( T+e E8ecutive Engineer s+all +ave t+e rig+t to call !or suc+ record as re:uired to satis!6 +imsel! on t+e a6ment o! !air $ages to t+e la"ourers and s+all +ave t+e rig+t to deduct !rom t+e contract amount a suita"le amount !or ma3ing good t+e loss su!!ered "6 t+e $or3er or $or3ers "6 reason o! t+e N!air $agesO clause to t+e $or3ers( T+e contractor s+all "e rimaril6 lia"le !or all a6ments to "e made and !or t+e o"servance o! t+e regulations !ramed "6 t+e Govt( !rom time to time $it+out re&udice to +is rig+t to claim indemnit6 !rom +is su"*contractors( As er contract la"our ?Regulation and a"olition@ Act( '415 t+e contractor +as to roduce t+e license o"tained !rom t+e licensing o!!icers o! t+e la"our de artment along $it+ t+e Bid or at t+e time o! contract( An6 violation o! t+e conditions a"ove s+all "e deemed to "e a "reac+ o! +is contract( E:ual $ages are to "e aid !or "ot+ men and $omen i! t+e nature o! $or3 is same and similar(
T+e contractor s+all arrange !or t+e recruitment o! s3illed and uns3illed la"our local and im orted to t+e e8tent necessar6 to com lete t+e $or3 $it+in t+e agreed eriod as directed "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer in $riting( =8.0 I*0)5*129 '/*0 N "e o: Bor!: : Pula Subbaiah Veligonda Project: Investigation, Design and
Excavation of Western Branch Canal taking off at KM.25.465 of Eastern Main canal including Construction of tunnel, CM & CD %ouses, deliver" cisterns and $ressure #ains and also for#ation of inde$endent orks, distri!utor" s"ste#, $u#$ to create an I& of 5',5(( )cres !" reservoirs of +allavagu &
lift including for#ation of reservoirs of *uri#ella, +ac%erla & ,eet%ara# ,agar -undla!ra%#es ara# to create an I& of 5((( )cres in &rakasa#, Kada$a and .ellore Districts.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Reside0( o" YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY do 3ere.7 .i0d /7se2" (o pa7 a22 (3e c2ai/s /a7 co/e >a -0der Bor;/e0Ms Co/pe0sa(io0 &c(. 1*33 6i(3 a07 s(a(-(or7 /odi"ica(io0 (3ere o" a0d r-2es (3ere -0der or o(3er6ise "or or i0 respec( o" a07 da/a1e or co/pe0sa(io0 pa7a.2e i0 co00ec(io0 6i(3 a07 accide0( or i0=-r7 s-s(ai0ed >. -0der #i0i/-/ 6a1es &c( 1*4, >c -0der pa7/e0( o" 6a1es &c(.1*36 >d -0der (3e Co0(rac(or 2a.o-r >Re1-2a(io0 a0d &.o2i(io0 &c(. 1*$+ .7 6or;/e0 e01a1ed "or (3e per"or/a0ce o" (3e .-si0ess re2a(i01 (o (3e a.o8e co0(rac( ie., ?ai2i01 s-c3 pa7/e0( o" c2ai/s o" 6or;/e0 e01a1ed i0 (3e a.o8e 6or;, I a.ide i0 accep(i01 "or (3e reco8er7 o" s-c3 c2ai/s, e""ec(ed "ro/ a07 o" /7 asse(s 6i(3 (3e depar(/e0(s.
=9.0 C/56-1,*.) W12: L,B/8+ R);8-,21/*3 During continuance o! t+e contract; t+e contractor and +is su" contractors s+all a"ide at all times "6 all e8isting la"our enactments and rules made t+ere under; regulations; noti!ications and "6e la$s o! t+e State or Central Government or local aut+orit6 and an6 ot+er la"our la$ ?including rules@; regulations; "6e la$s t+at ma6 "e assed or noti!ications t+at ma6 "e issued under an6 la"our la$ in !uture eit+er "6 t+e State or t+e Central Government or t+e local aut+orit6 and also a lica"le la"our regulations; +ealt+ and sanitar6 arrangements !or $or3men; insurance and ot+er "ene!its( Salient !eatures o! some o! t+e ma&or la"our la$s t+at are a lica"le to construction industr6 are given "elo$( T+e contractor s+all 3ee t+e De artment indemni!ied in case an6 action is ta3en against De artment "6 t+e com etent aut+orit6 on account o! contravention o! an6 o! t+e rovisions o! an6 Act or rules made t+ere under; regulations or noti!ications including amendments( I! t+e De artment is caused to a6 or reim"urse; suc+ amounts as ma6 "e necessar6 to cause or o"serve; or !or non* o"servance o! t+e rovision sti ulated in t+e noti!ications%"6e
la$s%Acts%Rules%regulations including amendments; i! an6; on t+e art o! t+e contractor; t+e Engineer*in*c+arge %De artment s+all +ave t+e rig+t to deduct an6 mone6 due to t+e contractor including +is amount o! er!ormance securit6( T+e De artment%Engineer*in*C+arge s+all also +ave rig+t to recover !rom t+e contractor an6 sum re:uired or estimated to "e re:uired !or ma3ing good t+e loss or damage su!!ered "6 t+e De artment( T+e em lo6ees o! t+e Contractor and t+e Su"*contractor in no case s+all "e treated as t+e De artment o! t+e De artment at an6 oint o! time( ?0.0 S,-1)*2 4),28+)3 /4 3/5) 5,E/+ -,B/8+ -,D3 ,66-1.,B-) 2/ )32,B-13:5)*2 )*;,;)0 1* B81-01*;3 ,*0 /2:)+ ./*32+8.21/* D/+A ?a@ ?"@ >or3men com ensation Act '4)-D T+e Act rovides !or com ensation in case i! in&ur6 "6 accident arising out o! and during t+e course o! em lo6ment( Pa6ment o! Gratuit6 Act '41)D Gratuit6 is a6a"le to an em lo6ee under t+e Act on satis!action o! certain conditions on se aration i! an6 em lo6ee +as com leted / 6ears service or more; or on deat+; t+e rate o! '/ da6s $ages !or ever6 com leted 6ear o! service( T+e Act is a lica"le to all esta"lis+ments; em lo6ing '5 or more em lo6ees(
?1.0 L1,B1-121)3 /4 2:) C/*2+,.2/+ ?1.1 A..10)*2 R)-1)4 ,*0 D/+A5)* ./56)*3,21/*: T+e contractor s+ould ma3e all necessar6 arrangements !or t+e sa!et6 o! $or3men on t+e occurrence o! t+e accident; $+ic+ results in t+e in&ur6 or deat+ o! an6 o! t+e $or3men em lo6ed "6 t+e contractor; t+e contractor s+all $it+in ). +ours o! t+e +a enings o! t+e accident and suc+ accidents s+ould intimate in $riting to t+e concerned Asst( Engineer % Asst( E8ecutive Engineer o! t+e De artment t+e act o! suc+ accident( T+e contractor s+all indemni!6 Government against all loss or damage sustained "6 t+e Government resulting directl6 or indirectl6 !rom +is !ailure to give intimation in t+e manner a!oresaid including t+e enalties or !ines i! an6 a6a"le "6 Govt( as a conse:uence o! Govt( !ailure to give notice under $or3men,s com ensation Act or ot+er$ise con!orm to t+e rovisions o! t+e said Act( in regard to suc+ accident( 1'() In t+e event o! an accident in res ect o! $+ic+ com ensation ma6 "ecome a6a"le under t+e $or3men,s com ensation Act AIII )- $+et+er "6 t+e contractor; "6 t+e Government it s+all "e la$!ul !or t+e E8ecutive Engineer to retain suc+ sum o! mone6 $+ic+ ma6 in t+e o inion o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer "e su!!icient to meet suc+ lia"ilit6( T+e o inion o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer s+all "e !inal in regard to all matters arising under t+is clause( 1'(T+e contractor s+all at all times indemni!6 t+e Govt( o! A(P( against all claims $+ic+ ma6 "e made under t+e $or3men,s com ensation act or an6 statutor6 modi!ication t+erea!ter or rules t+ere under or ot+er$ise conse:uent o! an6 damage or com ensation a6a"le in conse:uent o! an6 accident or in&uries
sustained or deat+ o! an6 $or3men engaged in t+e er!ormance o! t+e "usiness relating to t+e contractor( ?2.0 C/*2+,.2/+L3 S2,44% R)6+)3)*2,21@)3 ,*0 L,B/8+ T+e contractor s+all; at all times; maintain on t+e $or3s; sta!! o! :uali!ied Engineers; and Su ervisors o! su!!icient e8 erience o! similar ot+er &o"s to assure t+at t+e :ualit6 o! $or3 turned out s+all "e as intended in t+e s eci!ications( T+e contractor s+all also maintain at t+e $or3s; a >or3 7anager or su!!icient status; e8 erience and o!!ice and dul6 aut+ori=e +im to deal $it+ all as ects o! t+e da6*toda6 $or3( All communications to an6 commitments "6 t+e >or3 7anager s+all "e considered as "inding on t+e Contractor( T+e Contractor s+all at all times su"mit details o! s3illed and uns3illed la"our and e:ui ment em lo6ed to t+e Engineer*in*C+arge in rescri"ed ro!orma as +e ma6 re:uire to assess and ensure t+e ro er rogress o! $or3( I! t+e contractor does not em lo6 t+e tec+nical erson agreed to on t+e $or3 a !ine o! Rs()/;555%* $ill "e im osed( I! +e does not em lo6 !or -5 da6s; t+erea!ter it "ecomes a !undamental "reac+ o! contract( T+e Contractor s+all at all times; maintain on t+e $or3 a sta!! o! :uali!ied Engineers and Su ervisors o! su!!icient e8 erience o! similar ot+er &o"s to ensure t+at t+e :ualit6 o! $or3 turned out s+all "e as intended in t+ese s eci!ications and t+e6 s+all "e resent at t+e $or3 s ot during $or3ing +ours and at t+e time o! ins ection "6 t+e De artment O!!icers( All orders and direction given to suc+ su ervisor6 or ot+er sta!! o! t+e contractor to "e resent on an6 s eci!ied ins ection and t+e contractor s+all com l6 $it+ suc+ re:uisitions( T+e contractor s+all su l6 to t+e E8ecutive Engineer details o! name; :uali!ications and e8 erience in regard to all su ervisor6 sta!! em lo6ed "6 t+e contractor and noti!6 t+e c+anges $+en made and satis!6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer regarding t+e :ualit6 and ade:uac6 o! sta!! t+us em lo6ed( T+e E8ecutive Engineer $ill +ave t+e un:uestiona"le rig+t to as3 !or c+ange in t+e contractor,s su ervisor6 sta!! and to ot+er removal !rom t+e $or3 and connection +ere$it+ o! an6 o! suc+ sta!!( T+e contractor s+all com l6 $it+ suc+ order and e!!ect re lacement to t+e satis!action o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer( T+e Contractor s+all not $it+out $ritten aut+ori=ation ermit entr6 on site o! $or3 o! an6 erson aut+ori=ed agents; engaged in connection $it+ $or3( All ve+icles used "6 t+e contractor s+all "e clearl6 mar3ed $it+ contractor,s name( ?(.0 A../55/0,21/* ,*0 4//0
T+e contractor s+ould arrange accommodation +e needs; at +is o$n cost( T+e contractor s+all ma3e +is o$n arrangements !or su l6 o! !ood grains; !uel and ot+er rovision to +is sta!! and la"ourers including controlled commodities( ?4.0 R)-,21/*3:16 Contractor s+all +ave to !urnis+ in!ormation along $it+ Bid; a"out t+e relations+i +e is +aving $it+ an6 o!!icer o! t+e De artment; Government o! And+ra Prades+ o! t+e ran3 Assistant Engineer and a"ove engaged in t+e $or3 and an6 o!!icer o! t+e ran3 o! Assistant Secretar6 and a"ove o! t+e De artment o! Government o! And+ra Prades+( ?<.0 P+/2).21/* /4 ,0E/1*1*; 6+)513)3 T+e contractor s+all rotect ad&oining sites against structural; decorative and ot+er damages t+at could "e caused "6 t+e e8ecution o! t+ese $or3s and ma3e good at +is cost an6 suc+ damages( ?=.0 W/+A 08+1*; *1;:2 /+ /* S8*0,93 ,*0 :/-10,93 T+e $or3s can "e allo$ed to "e carried out during nig+t; Sunda6s or aut+orised +olida6s in order to ena"le +im to meet t+e sc+edule targets and t+e $or3 s+all re:uire almost round t+e cloc3 $or3ing 3ee ing in vie$D ?i@ ?ii@ ?iii@ T+e rovisions o! relevant la"our la$s "eing ad+ered toD Ade:uate lig+ting; su ervision and sa!et6 measures are esta"lis+ed to t+e satis!action o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge and T+e construction rogramme given "6 t+e Contractor and agreed u on "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge envisages suc+ nig+t $or3ing or $or3ing during Sunda6s or aut+orised +olida6s(
??.0 L,9/82 /4 5,2)+1,-3 32,.A3 T+e contractor s+all de osit materials !or t+e ur ose o! t+e $or3 on suc+ arts onl6 o! t+e ground as ma6 "e a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge "e!ore starting $or3( A detailed surve6; clearl6 indicating osition and areas $+ere materials s+all "e stac3ed and s+eds "uilt is to "e conducted "6 t+e contractor at +is o$n cost and onl6 a!ter o"taining necessar6 a roval o! t+e lan !or use o! sites "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge; t+e Contractor can use t+e sites accordingl6( ?8.0 3) /4 B-,321*; 5,2)+1,-3 Procurement o! "lasting materials and its storage is t+e res onsi"ilit6 o! t+e contractor( T+e contractor s+all engage licensed "laster !or "lasting o eration( T+e contractor is to act in accordance $it+ Indian E8 losive Act and ot+er rules revailing; during t+e e8ecution o! $or3( It is t+e res onsi"ilit6 o! t+e contractor to see; t+at $or3s "6 ot+er agencies in t+e vicinit6 are not +am ered; in suc+ cases i! an6 claim is made "6 ot+er agencies t+at s+ould "e "orne "6 t+e
contractor( Carriage o! "lasting materials; !rom t+e maga=ine to t+e $or3 site; is t+e res onsi"ilit6 o! t+e contractor( ?9.0 P-,*2 ,*0 EH8165)*2 14(' T+e contractor s+all +ave su!!icient lant; e:ui ment and la"our and s+all $or3 suc+ +ours and s+i!ts as ma6 "e necessar6 to maintain t+e rogress on t+e $or3 as er t+e a roval rogress sc+edule( T+e $or3ing and s+i!ts +ours s+all com l6 $it+ t+e Govt( Regulations in !orce( 14() It is to e8 ressl6 and clearl6 understood t+at contractor s+all ma3e +is o$n arrangements to e:ui +imsel! $it+ all mac+iner6 and s ecial tools and lant !or t+e s eed6 and ro er e8ecution o! t+e $or3 and t+e de artment does not underta3e res onsi"ilit6 to$ards t+eir su l6(
14(- T+e de artment s+all su l6 suc+ o! t+e mac+iner6 t+at ma6 "e availa"le on +ire "asis "ut t+eir su l6 cannot "e demanded as matter o! rig+t and no dela6 in rogress can "e attri"uted to suc+ non*su l6 o! t+e lant "6 t+e de artment and t+e de artment cannot "e made lia"le !or an6 damage to t+e contractor( T+e Contractor s+all "e res onsi"le !or sa!e custod6 o! t+e de artmental mac+iner6 su lied to +im ?$+ic+ $ill "e delivered to contractor at t+e mac+iner6 6ard at site o! $or3@ and +e +as to ma3e good all damages and losses i! an6 ot+er t+an !ire; $ear and tear to "ring it to t+e conditions t+at e8isted at t+e time o! issue to t+e contractor "e!ore +anding over t+e same to t+e de artment( T+e +ire c+arges !or t+e mac+iner6 +anded over to t+e contractor $ill "e recovered at t+e rate revalent at t+e time o! su l6( T+e contractor $ill +ave to e8ecute su lemental contract $it+ E8ecutive Engineer at t+e time o! su l6 o! t+e mac+iner6( 14(. T+e acce tance o! de artmental mac+iner6 on +ire is o tional to t+e contractor( 80.0 S2))- F/+53 Steel !orms s+ould "e used !or all items involving use o! centering and s+uttering( T+e6 s+all "e suc+ t+at t+e concrete sur!ace o"tained a!ter removal o! centering and s+uttering s+all "e single lane $it+out an6 dents and undulations( 81.0 I*./*@)*1)*.) 2/ 68B-1. T+e contractor s+all not de osit materials at an6 site; $+ic+ $ill cause inconvenience to u"lic( T+e Engineer*in*C+arge ma6 direct t+e contractor to remove suc+ materials or ma6 underta3e t+e &o" at t+e cost o! t+e contractor( 82.0 C/*4-1.2 /4 I*2)+)32 An6 "ri"e; commission; gi!t or advantage given; romised or o!!ered "6 on "e+al! o! contractor or +is artner; agent or servant or an6 one on +is "e+al! to an6 o!!icer; servant; re resentatives; agents o! Engineer*in*C+arge; or an6 ersons on t+eir "e+al!; in relation to t+e o"taining or to e8ecution o! t+is; or an6 ot+er contract $it+ Engineer*in*C+arge s+all in addition to an6 criminal lia"ilit6; $+ic+ it ma6 occur; su"&ect to t+e cancellation o! t+is or all ot+er contracts and also to a6ment o! an6 loss or damage resulting !rom an6 suc+ cancellation( Engineer*
in*C+arge s+all t+en "e entitled to deduct t+e amount; so a6a"le !rom an6 mone6; ot+er$ise due to t+e contractor under t+is or an6 ot+er contract( 8(.0 C/*2+,.2 D/.85)*23 ,*0 M,2)+1,-3 2/ B) T+),2)0 ,3 C/*410)*21,All documents; corres ondences; decisions and orders; concerning t+e contract s+all "e considered as con!idential and%or restricted in nature "6 t+e contractor and +e s+all not divulge or allo$ access to t+em "6 an6 unaut+orised erson( 84.0 G)*)+,- /B-1;,21/*3 /4 C/*2+,.2/+ 2.(' T+e contractor s+all; su"&ect to t+e rovision o! t+e contract and $it+ due care and diligence; e8ecute and maintain t+e $or3s in accordance $it+ s eci!ications and dra$ings( 2.() T+e contractor s+all rom tl6 in!orm t+e De artment and t+e Engineer*in*C+arge o! an6 error; omission; !ault and to recti!6 t+e de!ect in t+e design or s eci!ications !or t+e $or3s $+ic+ are discovered $+en revie$ing t+e contract documents or in t+e rocess o! e8ecution o! t+e $or3s(
8<.0 S).8+129 M),38+)3 a@ Securit6 re:uirements !or t+e $or3 s+all "e in accordance $it+ t+e Government,s general re:uirements including rovisions o! t+is clause and t+e Contractor s+all con!orm to suc+ re:uirements and s+all "e +eld res onsi"le !or t+e actions o! all +is sta!!; em lo6ees and t+e sta!! and em lo6ees o! +is su"*contractors( All contractors, em lo6ees; re resentatives and su"*contractor,s em lo6ees s+all $ear identi!ications "adges rovided "6 t+e contractor( Badges s+all identi!6 t+e contractor; s+o$ing and em lo6ee,s num"er and s+all "e $orn at all times $+ile at t+e site( Individual la"our $ill not "e re:uired to $ear identi!ication "adges( All ve+icles used "6 t+e contractor s+all "e clearl6 mar3ed $it+ contractor,s name( T+e contractor s+all "e res onsi"le !or t+e securit6 o! t+e $or3s !or t+e duration o! t+e contract and s+all rovide and maintain continuousl6 ade:uate securit6 ersonnel to !ul!ill t+ese o"ligations( T+e re:uirements o! securit6 measures s+all include; "ut not limited to maintenance o! order on t+e site; rovision o! all lig+ting; !encing; guard !lagmen and all ot+er measures necessar6 !or t+e rotection o! t+e $or3s $it+in t+e colonies; cam s and else$+ere on t+e site; all materials delivered to t+e site; all ersons em lo6ed in connection $it+ t+e $or3s continuousl6 t+roug+out $or3ing and non $or3ing eriod including nig+ts; Sunda6s and +olida6s !or duration o! t+e contract( Ot+er contractors $or3ing on t+e site concurrentl6 $it+ t+e contractor $ill rovide securit6 !or t+eir o$n lant and materials( Bo$ever; t+eir securit6
c@ d@
rovisions s+all in no $a6 relieve t+e contractor o! +is res onsi"ilities in t+is res ect !@ Se arate a6ment $ill not "e made !or rovision o! securit6 services and t+e cost o! t+is $or3 s+all "e deemed to +ave "een included in t+e "id(
F1+) F1;:21*; M),38+)3 a@ T+e contractor s+all rovide and maintain ade:uate !ire !ig+ting e:ui ment and ta3e ade:uate !ire recaution measures !or t+e sa!et6 o! all ersonnel and tem orar6 and ermanent $or3s and s+all ta3e action to revent damage to destruction "6 !ire o! trees s+ru"s and grasses( "@ Se arate a6ment $ill not "e made !or t+e measures( rovision o! !ire revention
8?.0 S,*12,21/* T+e contractor s+all im lement t+e sanitar6 and $atc+ and $ard rules and regulations !or all !orces em lo6ed under t+is contract and i! t+e Contractor !ails to en!orce t+ese rules; t+e Engineer*in*C+arge ma6 en!orce t+em at t+e e8 enses o! t+e Contractor( 88.0 T+,1*1*; /4 6)+3/**)-: T+e contractor; s+all; i! and as directed "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge rovide !ree o! an6 c+arge ade:uate !acilities; !or vocational training o! Government O!!icers; students; Engineers; su ervisors; !oremen; s3illed $or3men etc( not e8ceeding si8 in num"er at an6 one time on t+e contractor,s $or3( T+eir salaries; allo$ances etc( $ill "e "orne "6 t+e Government and t+e training sc+emes $ill "e dra$n u "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge in consultation $it+ t+e contractor( 89.0 E./-/;1.,- ',-,*.): T+e contractor s+all maintain ecological "alance "6 reventing de*!orestation; $ater ollution and de!acing o! natural landsca e( T+e contractor s+all so conduct +is construction o eration as to revent an6 unnecessar6 destruction; scarring; or de!acing o! t+e natural surrounding in t+e vicinit6 o! t+e $or3( In res ect o! t+e ecological "alance; Contractor s+all o"serve t+e !ollo$ing instructions( >+ere unnecessar6 destruction; scarring; damage or de!acing ma6 occur; as result o! t+e o eration; t+e same s+all "e re aired re lanted or ot+er$ise corrected at t+e contractor,s e8 ense( T+e contractor s+all ado t recautions $+en using e8 losives; $+ic+ $ill revent scattering o! roc3s or ot+er de"ris outside t+e $or3 area( All $or3 area including "orro$ areas s+all "e smoot+ened and graded in a manner to con!orm to t+e natural a earances o! t+e landsca e as directed "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( All trees and s+ru""er6 $+ic+ are not s eci!icall6 re:uired to "e cleared or removed !or construction ur oses s+all "e reserved and s+all "e rotected !rom an6 damage t+at ma6 "e caused "6 t+e contractor,s construction o eration and e:ui ment( T+e removal o! trees and s+ru"s $ill "e ermitted onl6 a!ter rior a roval "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( S ecial care s+all "e e8ercised $+ere trees or s+ru"s are e8 osed to in&uries "6 construction
e:ui ment; "lasting; e8cavating; dum ing; c+emical damage or ot+er o eration and t+e contractor s+all ade:uatel6 rotect suc+ trees "6 use o! rotective "arriers or ot+er met+ods a roval "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( Trees s+all not "e used !or anc+orages( T+e contractor s+all "e res onsi"le !or in&uries to trees and s+ru"s caused "6 +is o erations( T+e term Nin&ur6O s+all include; $it+out limitation "ruising; scarring; tearing and "rea3ing o! roots; trun3s or "ranc+es( All in&ured trees and s+ru"s "e restored as nearl6 as ractica"le $it+out dela6 to t+eir original condition at t+e contractor,s e8 ense( T+e contractor,s construction activities s+all "e er!ormed "6 met+ods t+at $ill resent entrance or accidental s illage o! solid matter contaminants; de"ris and ot+er o"&ectiona"le ollutants and $astage into river( Suc+ ollutant and $aste include eart+ and eart+ roducts; gar"age; cement concrete; se$age e!!luent; industrial $astes; radio*active su"stances; mercur6; oil and ot+er etroleum roducts; aggregate rocessing; mineral salts and t+ermal ollution( Pollutants and $astes s+all "e dis osed o!! in a manner and at sites a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( In conduct o! construction activities and o eration o! e:ui ments t+e contractor s+all utili=e suc+ ractica"le met+ods and devices as are reasona"l6 availa"le to control; revent and ot+er$ise minimi=e t+e air ollution( T+e e8cessive omission o! dust in to t+e atmos +ere $ill not "e ermitted during t+e manu!acture; +andling and storage o! concrete aggregates and t+e contractor s+all use suc+ met+ods and e:ui ment as a necessar6 !or collection and dis osal or revention o! dust during t+ese o erations( T+e contractor,s met+ods o! storing and +andling cement s+all also include means o! eliminating atmos +eric disc+arges o! dust; e:ui ment and ve+icles t+at give o"&ectiona"le omission o! e8+aust gases s+all not "e o erated( Burning o! materials resulting !rom clearing o! trees; "us+es; com"usti"le construction materials and ru""is+ ma6 "e ermitted onl6 $+en atmos +eric conditions !or "urning are considered !avoura"le( Se arate a6ment $ill not "e made !or com l6ing $it+ t+e rovisions o! t+is clause and all cost s+all "e deemed to +ave "een included in t+e unit rates and rices included in t+e contract i! an6 rovision is not com lied $it+ $it+in a reasona"le time even a!ter issue o! a notice in t+is res ect; t+e necessar6 o erations $ould "e carried out "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge at t+e cost o! t+e Contractor; Orders o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge in t+is res ect $ould "e !inal and "inding on t+e contractor( 90.0 P+)3)+@,21/* /4 )C1321*; @);)2,21/* T+e contractor $ill reserve and rotect all e8isting vegetation suc+ as trees; on or ad&acent to t+e site $+ic+ do not unreasona"l6 inter!ere $it+ t+e construction as ma6 "e determined "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( T+e contractor $ill "e +eld res onsi"le !or all unaut+ori=ed cutting or damage o! trees; including damage due to careless o eration o! e:ui ment; stoc3 iling o! materials or tre33ing o! grass areas "6 e:ui ment( Care s+all "e ta3en "6 t+e Contractor in !elling tress aut+ori=ed !or removal to avoid an6
unnecessar6 damages to vegetation and tress t+at are to remain in lace and to structures under construction or in e8istence and to $or3men( All t+e roduce !rom suc+ cutting o! trees "6 t+e contractor s+all remain t+e ro ert6 o! Government and s+all "e ro erl6 stac3ed at site; a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( No a6ment $+at soever; s+all "e made !or suc+ cutting and its stac3ing "6 t+e Contractor( I! an6 roduce !rom suc+ cutting is not +anded over to t+e Government "6 t+e contractor; +e s+all "e c+arged !or t+e same at t+e rates to "e decided "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( T+e recover6 o! t+is amount s+all "e made in !ull !rom t+e intermediate "ill t+at !ollo$s( T+e contractor s+all also ma3e arrangements o! !uel de osits !or su l6 o! re:uired !uel !or t+e la"ourer to "e em lo6ed !or coo3ing ur ose at +is o$n cost in order to revent destruction o! vegetation gro$t+ in t+e surrounding area o! t+e $or3 site( 91.0 P/33)331/* 6+1/+ 2/ ./56-)21/* T+e Engineer*in*c+arge s+all +ave t+e rig+t to ta3e ossession o! or use an6 com leted art o! $or3 or $or3s or an6 art t+ere o! under construction eit+er tem oraril6 or ermanentl6( Suc+ ossession or use s+all not "e deemed as an acce tance o! an6 $or3 eit+er com leted or not com leted in accordance $it+ t+e contract $it+ in t+e interest o! Clause )2 o! APSS e8ce t $+ere e8 ressl6 ot+er$ise s eci!ied "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge( 4)(5 Deleted 9(.0 A..)33 2/ 2:) ./*2+,.2/+L3 B//A3 >+enever it is considered necessar6 "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge to ascertain t+e actual cost o! e8ecution o! an6 articular e8tra item o! $or3 or su l6 o! t+e lant or material on $+ic+ advance is to "e made or o! e8tra items or claims; +e s+all direct t+e contractor to roduce t+e relevant documents suc+ as a6rolls; records o! ersonnel; invoices o! materials and an6 or all data relevant to t+e item or necessar6 to determine its cost etc( and t+e contractor s+all $+en so re:uired !urnis+ all in!ormation ertaining to t+e a!oresaid items in t+e mode and manner t+at ma6 "e s eci!ied "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( 94.0 D+,D1*; 2/ B) A)62 ,2 S12) One co 6 o! t+e dra$ings !urnis+ed s+all "e 3e t "6 t+e contractor on t+e site and t+e same s+all at all reasona"le time "e availa"le !or ins ection and use "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge and t+e Engineer*in*C+arge,s re resentative and "6 an6 ot+er ersons aut+ori=ed "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge in $riting( 9<.0 '.I.S. NI.S.I.O '//A3 ,*0 APSS 2/ B) A)62 ,2 S12) A com lete set o! Indian Standard s eci!ication re!erred to in NTec+nical S eci!icationsO and A(P(S(S( s+all "e 3e t at site !or re!erence(
9=.0 S12) O+0)+ '//A An order "oo3 s+all "e 3e t at t+e site o! t+e $or3( As !ar as ossi"le; all orders regarding t+e $or3 are to "e entered in t+is "oo3( All entries s+all "e signed and dated "6 t+e De artment O!!icer in direct c+arge o! t+e $or3 and "6 t+e contractor or "6 +is re resentative( In im ortant cases; t+e E8ecutive Engineer or t+e Su erintending Engineer $ill countersign t+e entries; $+ic+ +ave "een made( T+e order "oo3 s+all not "e removed !rom t+e $or3; e8ce t $it+ t+e $ritten ermission o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer(
9?.0 V,+1,21/*3 B9 D,9 /4 M/0141.,21/*% O51331/*3 /+ A00121/*3 #or all modi!ications; omissions !rom or additions to t+e dra$ings and s eci!ications; t+e E8ecutive Engineer $ill issue revised lans; or $ritten instructions; or "ot+ and no modi!ication; omission or addition s+all "e made unless so aut+ori=ed and directed "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer in $riting( T+e E8ecutive Engineer s+all +ave t+e rivilege o! ordering modi!ications; omission or additions at an6 time "e!ore t+e com letion o! t+e $or3 and suc+ orders s+all not o erate to annual t+ose ortions o! t+e s eci!ications $it+ $+ic+ said c+anges do not con!lict( Engineer*in*C+arge,s DecisionD It s+all "e acce ted as in se ara"le art o! t+e contract t+at in matters regarding materials; $or3mans+i ; removal o! im ro er $or3; inter retation o! t+e contract dra$ings and contract s eci!ication; mode o! t+e rocedure and t+e carr6ing out o t+e $or3; t+e decision o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge; $+ic+ s+all "e given in $riting s+all "e "inding on t+e contractor( 98.0 C,+) ,*0 D1@)+31/* /4 R1@)+/ S2+),5: T+e contractor s+all su"mit details regarding t+e diversion and care o! river or stream during construction o! t+e $or3 along $it+ a se arate rint*out o! t+e time ta"le s+o$ing earliest and latest start and !inis+ dates o! various activities( Be s+ould su"mit a detailed la6out lan $it+ dra$ings !or t+e diversion and care o! river during construction o! $or3( T+e a"ove arrangements s+all "e at contractor,s cost( 99.0 C-),+1*; /4 2:) 312) ,*0 R)-:,*01*; /@)+ 44(' Government land as ma6 "e considered necessar6 "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer !or t+e e8ecution o! t+e $or3 $ill "e given to t+e contractor and s+all "e +anded over to t+e de artment in good condition and to t+e com lete satis!action o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer(
All areas o! o erations including t+ose !or +is sta!! and la"our colonies +anded over to t+e contractor s+all "e cleared and +anded "ac3 to t+e e8ecutive Engineer( T+e contractor s+all ma3e good to t+e satis!action o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer all damages or alterations made to t+e area $+ile +anding over "ac3 o! ot+er ro ert6 or land +anded over to +im !or ur ose o! t+e $or3s( Tem orar6 structures ma6 "e erected "6 t+e contractor; suc+ as storage s+eds; o!!ice; residence etc(; !or non*commercial use in t+e land +anded over to +im at +is e8 ense and $it+in t+e ermission o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer( At t+e com letion o! $or3; t+e structures s+ould "e dismantled at t+e site cleared and +anded over to t+e de artment(
100.0 HEALTH AND SANITAR" 7edical rules !or t+e rovision o! +ealt+ and sanitar6 arrangements !or $or3er em lo6ed "6 t+e de artments and contractors( T+e cam and +utting accommodation $ater su l6 and sanitar6 arrangement !or t+e $or3ers and la"our em lo6ed on t+e $or3s s+all "e made "6 t+e contractor at +is o$n cost and s+all strictl6 con!irm to t+e re:uirements and to t+e
satis!action o! t+e 7edical and Sanitar6 aut+orities o! t+e accordance $it+ t+e medical RU<ES <ISTED BE<O>D I(
ro&ect and in
T+e contractorQs s ecial attention is invited to clauses -1; -2; -4; /5 and /' o! reliminar6 s eci!ications to t+e APSS and +e is re:uested to rovide at +is o$n e8 ense t+e !ollo$ing amenities to t+e satis!action o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer(
II( #irst AidD At t+e $or3 site t+ere s+all "e maintained in a readil6 accessi"le lace !irst aid a liances and medicines including an ade:uate su l6 o! sterili=ed dressing and sterili=ed cotton $ool( T+e a liances s+all "e 3e t in good order( T+e6 s+all "e laced under t+e c+arge o! res onsi"le erson $+o s+all "e readil6 availa"le during $or3ing +ours( Drin3ing >aterD >ater o! good :ualit6 !it !or drin3ing ur ose s+all "e rovided !or t+e $or3ing eo le on a scale o! not less t+an - gallons er da6( >+ere drin3ing $ater is o"tained !rom an intermittent u"lic $ater su l6; eac+ $or3 lace s+all "e rovided $it+ storage tan3 $+ere suc+ drin3ing $ater s+all "e stored( Ever6 $ater su l6 storage s+all "e at a distance o! not less t+an '/ m !rom an6 latrine drain or ot+er source o! ollution( >+ere $ater +as to "e dra$n !rom an e8isting $ell $+ic+ is $it+in suc+ ro8imit6 o! latrine; drain or ot+er source o! ollution; t+e $ell s+all "e ro erl6 c+lorinated "e!ore $ater is dra$n !rom it !or drin3ing( All suc+ $ells s+all "e entirel6 enclosed in and "e rovided $it+ a tra door; $+ic+ s+all "e &ust and $ater roo!( A relia"le um s+all "e !itted to eac+ covered $ell and t+e tra door s+all "e 3e t closed and o ened onl6 !or cleaning !or ins ection $+ic+ s+all "e done atleast once in a mont+( >as+ing and "at+ing lacesD Ade:uate $as+ing and "at+ing lace s+all "e rovided se aratel6 !or men and $omen suc+ laces s+all "e 3e t in clean and drained conditions; "at+ing and $as+ing s+ould not "e allo$ed in or near an6 drin3ing $ater $ell( <atrines and UrinalsD T+ese s+all "e rovided $it+in t+e remises o! ever6 $or3 lace; latrines and urinal in an accessi"le lace and t+e accommodation se aratel6 !or eac+ o! t+em s+all "e on t+e !ollo$ing scale or as directed "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer in an6 articular case(
Seats '( )( -( >+ere t+e num"er o! ersons em lo6ed does not e8ceed /5 >+ere t+e num"ers o! ersons em lo6ed does not e8ceed /5 "ut not '55 #or ever6 additional '55 ) -
I! $omen are em lo6ed; se arate latrines and urinals; screened !rom t+ose !or men s+all "e rovided on t+e same scale( E8ce t in $or3 laces rovided $it+ $ater !lus+ed latrines connected $it+ a $ater "orne se$age s6stem; all latrines s+all "e cleaned at least !our times dail6( T+e e8creta !rom t+e latrines s+all "e dis osed o!! at t+e contractorQs e8 enses in out o! $a6 its a roved "6 t+e local u"lic +ealt+ aut+orit6( T+e contractor s+all also
em lo6 ade:uate num"er o! scavengers and conserve sta!! to 3ee t+e latrines and urinal in a clean condition $+ic+ s+all "e cleaned at least !our times dail6( Rest S+eltersD At t+e $or3 site t+ere s+all "e rovided !ree o! cost( T$o suita"le s+eds one !or meals and t+e ot+er !or use o! la"our s+all "e rovided( Crec+es D At ever6 $or3 lace at $+ic+ /5 or more $omen $or3ers are ordinaril6 em lo6ed t+ere s+all "e rovided t$o +uts o! suita"le si=e !or t+e use o! c+ildren under t+e age o! 0 6ears "elonging to suc+ $omen one +ut s+all "e used !or im ortant games and la6 and ot+er as t+eir "ed rooms( T+e +ut s+all not "e constructed on lo$er standards t+an t+e !ollo$ing( T+atc+ed roo!( 7ud !loors and $alls( Plan3s s read over t+e mud !loor and covered $it+ matting( T+e use o! t+e +uts s+all "e restricted to c+ildren; t+eir attendants and mot+ers o! t+e C+ildren( CanteensD A coo3ed !ood canteen on a moderate scale s+all "e rovided !or t+e "ene!it o! $or3ers; i! it is considered essential( S+eds !or $or3menD T+e contractor s+all rovide at +is o$n e8 ense s+eds !or +ousing t+e $or3men( T+e s+ed s+all "e on a standard not less t+an c+ea s+elter t6 e to live in $+ic+ t+e $or3 eo le in t+e localit6 are accustomed to a !loor area o! a"out )m 8 '(/m er t$o ersons s+all "e rovided( T+e s+eds are to "e in ro$s $it+ ')(/m clear s ace "et$een s+eds and '4m clear s ace "et$een ro$s i! conditions ermit( T+e $or3 eo leQs cam s+all "e laid in units o! .55 ersons eac+ unit to +ave a clear s ace o! ')m all round( <and s+ould "e ac:uired tem oraril6 !or storing contractorQs materials or !or +is sta!!( T+e contractor s+ould ma3e +is o$n arrangements !or tem orar6
ac:uisition o! land re:uired !or storing +is materials and !or +ousing o! t+is sta!! at +is e8 enses( 101.0 L,B/8+ C,56 ,*0 C/*2+,.2/+P3 S2,44 C/-/*9 T+e E8ecutive Engineer $ill +andover t+e site !or t+e contractor and +is la"our( All areas o! o eration including t+ose !or +is sta!! and la"our colonies +andover to t+e contractor s+all "e cleared and +anded "ac3 as soon as +is contract !or t+e $or3 is over( T+e contractor at t+e time o! +anding over "ac3 s+all ma3e good to t+e satis!action o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer an6 damage or alterations made to t+e areas or ot+er ro ert6 or land +anded over to +im !or t+e ur ose o! t+e ro&ect $or3( Tem orar6 structures ma6 "e erected "6 t+e contractor !or storage s+eds; o!!ices; residences etc(; #or non commercial use; $it+ t+e ermission o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer on t+e land +anded over to +im at +is o$n cost( At t+e com letion o! t+e $or3 t+ese structures s+all "e dismantled site cleared and +anded over to t+e E8ecutive Engineer( T+e land re:uired !or roviding amenities $ill "e given !ree o! cost !rom Government lands i! availa"le ot+er$ise t+e contractor s+all +ave to ma3e +is o$n arrangements( <a"our im ortation and amenities to la"our and contractorQs sta!! s+all "e to t+e contractorQs account( Bis :uoted "id s+all include t+e e8 enditure to$ards im ortation o! la"our amenities to la"our and sta!!H
3) /4 S12) T+e contractor ma6 "e ermitted to avail t+e site as er de artmental rules on lease !or use "6 +im in carr6ing out t+e contractor $or3 and $+en E8ecutive Engineer ma6 consider suc+ use to "e necessar6 !or t+e "ona!ide ur ose o! e8ecuting $or3s( T+e contractor s+all commence an6 o eration on suc+ lands $it+ t+e rior a roval o! t+e E8ecutive Engineer(
I*./5) T,C a@ During t+e currenc6 o! t+e contract deduction o! income ta8 and surc+arge%education cess as levied "6 Government o! India !rom time to time s+all "e made !rom t+e gross value o! eac+ "ill o! t+e contract; t+e contract value o! $+ic+ is in e8cess o! Rs('5;555%*( #or deduction o! ta8 at rates lo$er t+an t+e a"ove rocedure sti ulated under section '4.*C?.@ o! Income Ta8 Act; '40' s+all "e !ollo$ed( "@ Income Ta8 clearance certi!icate s+ould "e !urnis+ed "e!ore t+e a6ment o! !inal "ill( c@ T+e contractor,s sta!!; ersonnel and la"our $ill "e lia"le to a6 ersonnel income ta8es in res ect o! t+eir salaries and $ages as are c+argea"le under t+e la$s and regulations !or t+e time "eing in !orce; and t+e contractor s+all
er!orm suc+ duties in regard to suc+ deductions t+ereo! as ma6 "e im osed on +im "6 suc+ la$s and regulations( 104.0 S)1;*1/+,;) C:,+;)3 Seigniorage !ee s+all "e recovered !rom t+e "ills o! t+e contractor on t+e $or3 done and measured $it+ re!erence to t+e :uantities used in t+e $or3s as er t+e t+eoretical re:uirements; at t+e rates rescri"ed "6 Government o! And+ra Prades+ as er A(P 7inor 7ineral Concession Rules su"&ect to amendments issued !rom time to time "6 t+e Government(
T:) ./*2+,.2/+ 13 -1,B-) 2/ 6,9 3)1;*1/+,;) 4)) 2/ 2:) M1*)3 ,*0 G)/-/;9 D)6,+25)*2 ,2 2:) 4/--/D1*; +,2)3 4/+ 2:) 5,2)+1,- 83)0 /* 2:) D/+A R)4. G.O.M3.N/.((1% D,2): 21.0=.2000 ,*0 G.O.M3.N/.21?% 0,2) 29.9.2004 S-. N/. ' '( )( -( -?a@ .( N,5) /4 2:) M1*/+ M1*)+,) BUI<DING stone Roug+ Stone%Boulders Road 7etal C "T Dimensional Stone used !or 3er"s C Cu"es <imo3an3ar% <imestone *12 7-%7T 7-%7T 7-%7T 7T 7T R,2) /4 S);*1/+,;) F)) #IN R PPES$ . Rs(./%-5 ?ru ees !ort6 #ive%t+irt6@ Rs(./%-5 ?ru ees !ort6 #ive%t+irt6@ Rs(./%-5 ?ru ees !ort6 !ive%t+irt6@ Rs( 25 ?Ru ees eig+t6@ T+e rate o! Ro6alt6 as a lica"le to limestone ?ot+er t+an <(D( Grade@ in res ect o! 7a&or 7ineral as er t+e )nd se+edule o! t+e mines and minerals ?DCR@ Act; '4/1 Rs; ?25 ?Ru ees Eig+t6 Rs( '/5%05 ?Ru ees One +undred and !i!t6%si8t6@ Rs( .5 ?Ruees !ort6@ Rs()5%') ?Ru ees T$ent6%T$elve@ Rs( -0 ?Ru ees T+irt6 si8@
/( 0( 1( 2( 4(
<imes+el 7ar"le 7osaic c+i 7uram%Gravel C Ordinar6 eart+ Ordinar6 sand%sand manu!actured !rom "oulders use!ul !or civil construction S+ingle C+alcedon6 Pe""les #ullers Eart+%Beritonite S+ale%Slate Re+mall <imestone sla"s Colour >+ite Blac3 Ordinar6 cla6; silt and "ric3 eart+ used in t+e manu!acture o! Bric3s including 7angolore tiles
7T 7-%7t 7T 7-%7T 7-
77T 7T 7T 7** ** ** **
Rs( '/ ?ru ees #i!teen@ Rs( -5?Ru ees tirt6@ Rs( '55 ?Ru ees Bundred@ $+ite Rs( .5 ?Ru ees !ort6@ o!! $+ite Rs( '55 ?Ru ees Bundred@ Rs( '/ ?Ru ees !i!teen@ Rs( 0 ?Ru ees si8@ er S:( 7t( O! Rs(25 ?Ru ees eig+t6@ er 7T( >+ic+ever is +ig+er( Rs( . ?Ru ees !our@ er S:( 7t( Or Rs( /5 ?Ru ees !i!t6@ er 7T( >+ic+ever is +ig+er( Rs( - ?Ru ees t+ree@ er S:(7t( or Rs( .5 ?Ru ees !ort6@ er 7T $+ic+ever is +ig+er Rs( -/55 ?Ru ees T+ree t+ousand and !ive +undred@ er 3iln er annum #or Bric3s C Tiles
'1 ?a@
Granite use!ul !or cutting C Polis+ing Blac3 granite gala86 variet6 Blac3 Granite ot+er t+an Gala86 variet6
Colour granite sri3a3ulam Blue; Indian Aurors o! Ni=ama"ad Dist( T o! Blac3 earl o! ra3as+am C Guntur dists( Colour granite o! ot+er varieties
7ore t+an )15cm 8 '/5 cm si=e Rs( -555 ?Ru ees t+ree t+ousand@ Rs( ))/5 ?Ru ees T$o t+ousand t$o +undred and !i!t6@ Rs( ))/5 ?Ru ees T$o t+ousand t$o +undred and !i!t6@ Rs( '1/5 ?Ru ees One t+ousand seven +undred and !i!t6@
Belo$ )1cm 8 '/5 cm si=e Rs( ))/5 ?Ru ees T$o t+ousand t$o +undred and !i!t6@ Rs( '1/5 ?Ru ees One t+ousand seven +undred and !i!t6@
Belo$ 1/ cm si=e Rs( '555 ?Ru ees One t+ousand@ Rs( 1/5 ?Ru ees Seven +undred and !i!t6@
Rs( '1/5 ?Ru ees one t+ousand seven +undred and !i!t6@
NoteD In res ect o! Blac3 Gala86 Granite; incentive o! Rs( )/5(55 ?Ru ees t$o +undred and !i!t6@ er cu"ic meter is allo$ed !or t+e "loc3 a"ove 1/ cms( Provided t+e6 are rocessed in t+e granite industr6 $it+in state%countr6(
SCHED LE II RATES OF DEAD RENT S-. N/. '( )( -( N,5) /4 2:) M1*/+ M1*)+,R,2) /4 D),0 R)*2 6)+ :).2,+) 6)+ ,**85 Rs( /5;555 ?Ru ees !i!t6 t+ousand@ Rs( .5;555 ?ru ees !ort6 t+ousand@ Rs( )/;555 ?Ru ees t$ent6 !ive t+ousand@
Blac3 Granite Colur Granite <imostone ot+er t+an classi!ied as 7a&or minerals used !or lime "urning !or "uilding construction ur osesT((Building stone including stone used dor road metal; "allast concrete and T ur oses; s+ale; slate and +6illT masalc c+i s; !uller,s eart+%"entonite C Dimensional stones used !or cu"es C 3er"s Gravel; morrum s+ingle limestons sla"s used Rs( '/;555 ?Ru ees !i!teen t+ousand@ !or !looring ur oses lime3a3ar c+allcoden6 e""les used in t+e "uilding ur oses limes+ell !or "urning used !or "uilding ur oses and re+mall( T+e a"ove rates are lia"le to "e revised and amended !rom time to time "6 t+e State Government "6 noti!ication in t+e AP Ga=ette( In case o! revision t+e revised rates as !i8ed "6 t+e mineral and geolog6 +ave to "e ado ted( T+e di!!erence in seigniorage c+arges mentioned in t+e a"ove statement and t+e revised rates communicated !rom time to time "6 7ines and Geolog6 de artment $ill "e reim"ursed to t+e contractor(
10<.0 V,-8) A00)0 T,C # VAT$ '5/(' Aalue added Ta8 during t+e currenc6 o! t+e contract deduction to$ards And+ra Prades+ AAT Act )55/ ?Act NoD / o! )55/@ "e deducted at sources $+ile ma3ing a6ments to t+e contractor( As er memo No(05)%#*2%?'@%)550(dt('.*5-*)551( T+e AAT rovision o! 15F o! .F i(e( )(25F on total value o! $or3 $ill "e deducted !rom t+e "ills( '5/() T+e ta8 structure under clause '5/ is lia"le !or revision as er t+e orders o! t+e Government issued !rom time to time and in suc+ caseH t+e AAT $ill "e deducted at source at t+e revised rates onl6 $+ile ma3ing a6ment to t+e contractor( '5/(- E8cess recover6 due to revision in AAT rates as er orders o! Government !rom time to time $ill "e reim"ursed( '50(5 <a"our >el!are Cess
<a"our $el!are cess K '(55 F +as to "e aid "6 t+e success!ul "idder to "e recovered !rom t+e "ills during e8ecution( '51(5 Su l6 o! Construction 7aterials l6
i@ T+e contractor +as to ma3e +is o$n arrangements !or rocurements; su and use o! construction materials( ii@
All materials so rocured s+ould con!irm to t+e relevant s eci!ications indicated in t+e "idding documents(
iii@ T+e contractor s+all !ollo$ all regulations o! t+e De artment% Government o! India in res ect o! im ort licenses etc(; o! t+e rocurement o! t+e materials is t+roug+ im orts and +e s+all "e res onsi"le !or t+e a6ment o! a lica"le duties and ta8es; ort clearances; inland trans ortation etc( iv@ T+e contractor s+all ma3e +is o$n arrangements !or ade:uate storage o! t+e materials( LAny other special conditions applicable to the work put to Bid.M 108.0 S)221*; O82 T+e contractor s+all veri!6 at site t+e location lines % ro!ile; levels and re!erence oints as s eci!ied in t+e contract( T+e contractor on t+e "asis o! actual !ield surve6 s+all carr6 out setting out o! t+e entire ro&ect com onent and its relative osition( T+e contractor s+all "e res onsi"le !or t+e correct ositioning o! all arts o! t+e $or3s and s+all recti!6 an6 error in t+e osition; levels and dimensions o! alignment o! t+e $or3( 109.0 S12) D,2, T+e data and in!ormation given in t+e Pro&ect Parameters ?Aol I Part YD@ o! t+e Bid Document are "ased on t+e Investigations conducted so !ar( Aariations % alternations in t+e said data % in!ormation in res ect o! Geolog6; to ogra +6 su" soils +6drological conditions etc(; $+ic+ +ave "earing on t+e Investigation Design and Construction; cannot "e ruled out( T+e Contractor s+all; t+ere!ore; satis!6 +imsel! a"out t+e ade:uac6 and accurac6 o! t+e said data % in!ormation and inter retation t+ereo! and i! necessar6; "6 an6 !urt+er Investigations to "e conducted "6 t+e Contractor( T+us; Em lo6er s+all not "e res onsi"le !or t+e accurac6 % ade:uac6 o! t+e said data % in!ormation and inter retation t+ereo! "6 t+e Contractor( 110.0 S8441.1)*.9 /4 2:) C/*2+,.2 P+1.) T+e Contractor s+all "e deemed to +ave satis!ied +imsel! as to t+e correctness and su!!icienc6 o! t+e Contract Price(
Unless ot+er$ise stated in t+e Contract; t+e Contract rice covers all t+e Contractor,s o"ligations under t+e Contract ?including t+ose under rovisional sums; i! an6@ and all t+ings necessar6 !or t+e ro er surve6s; Investigation; design; e8ecution and com letion o! t+e >or3s and t+e remed6ing o! an6 de!ects during construction and maintenance eriod( 111.0 *4/+)3)),B-) D1441.8-21)3 E8ce t as ot+er$ise stated in t+e ContractD
a@ T+e Contractor s+all "e deemed to +ave o"tained all necessar6 in!ormation as to ris3s; contingencies and ot+er circumstances $+ic+ ma6 in!luence or a!!ect t+e >or3sD "@ B6 signing t+e Contract; t+e Contractor acce ts total res onsi"ilit6 !or +aving !oreseen all di!!iculties and costs o! success!ull6 com leting t+e >or3sH and c@ T+e Contract Price s+all not "e ad&usted to ta3e account o! an6 un!oreseen di!!iculties or costs( 112.0 R1;:23 /4 W,9 ,*0 F,.1-121)3 T+e Contractor s+all "ear all costs and c+arges !or s ecial and%or tem orar6 rig+ts*o!*$a6; $+ic+ +e ma6 re:uire; including t+ose !or access to t+e Site( T+e Contractor s+all also o"tain; at +is ris3 and cost; an6 additional !acilities outside t+e site; $+ic+ +e ma6 re:uire !or t+e ur oses o! t+e >or3s( 11(.0 A@/10,*.) /4 I*2)+4)+)*.) T+e Contractor s+all not inter!ere unnecessaril6 or im ro erl6 $it+ t+e convenience o! t+e u"lic; or T+e access to and use and occu ation o! all roads and !oot at+s; irres ective o! $+et+er t+e6 are u"lic or in t+e ossession o! t+e Em lo6er or o! ot+ers( T+e Contractor s+all indemni!6 and +old t+e Em lo6er +armless against and !rom all damages; losses and e8 enses ?including legal !ees and e8 enses@ resulting !rom an6 suc+ unnecessar6 or im ro er inter!erence( 114.0 A..)33 R/82) T+e Contractor s+all "e deemed to +ave "een satis!ied as to t+e suita"ilit6 and availa"ilit6 o! access routes to t+e Site( T+e Contractor s+all use reasona"le e!!orts to revent an6 road or "ridge !rom "eing damaged "6 t+e Contractor,s tra!!ic or "6 t+e Contractor,s Personnel( T+ese e!!orts s+all include t+e ro er use o! a ro riate ve+icles and routes( E8ce t as ot+er$ise stated in t+ese ConditionsD
a@T+e Contractor s+all ?as "et$een t+e Parties@ "e res onsi"le !or an6 maintenance $+ic+ ma6 "e re:uired !or +is use o! access routesH t+e Contractor s+all rovide all necessar6 signs or directions along access routes; and s+all o"tain an6 ermission $+ic+ ma6 "e re:uired !rom t+e relevant aut+orities !or +is use o! routes; signs and directionsH t+e Em lo6er s+all not "e res onsi"le !or an6 claims $+ic+ ma6 arise !rom t+e use or ot+er$ise o! an6 access route; t+e Em lo6er does not guarantee t+e suita"ilit6 or availa"ilit6 o! articular access routes; and Costs due to non* suita"ilit6 or non*availa"ilit6; !or t+e use re:uired "6 t+e Contractor; o! access routes s+all "e "orne "6 t+e Contractor( 11<.0 T+,*36/+2 /4 G//03 a@T+e Contractor s+all give t+e Em lo6er not less t+an )' da6s, notice o! t+e date on $+ic+ an6 Plant or a ma&or item o! ot+er Goods $ill "e delivered to t+e SiteH "@T+e Contractor s+all "e res onsi"le !or ac3ing; loading; trans orting; receiving( unloading; storing and rotection all Goods and ot+er t+ings re:uired !or t+e >or3sH and c@T+e Contractor s+all indemni!6 and +old t+e Em lo6er +armless against and !rom all damages; losses and e8 enses ?including legal !ees and e8 enses@ resulting !rom t+e trans ort o! Goods; and s+all negotiate and a6 all claims arising !rom t+eir trans ort( 11=.0 C/*2+,.2/+L3 EH8165)*2 T+e Contractor s+all "e res onsi"le !or all Contractors, E:ui ment( >+en "roug+t on to t+e Site; Contractor,s E:ui ment s+all "e deemed to "e e8clusivel6 intended !or t+e e8ecution o! t+e >or3s( '@All Constructional Plant; Tem orar6 >or3s and materials rovided "6 t+e Contractor s+all; $+en "roug+t on to t+e site; "e deemed to "e e8clusivel6 intended !or t+e e8ecution o! t+e >or3s and t+e Contractor s+all not remove t+e same or an6 art t+ereo!; e8ce t !or t+e ur ose o! moving it !rom one art o! t+e site to anot+er; $it+out t+e consent; in $riting; o! t+e Engineer; $+ic+ s+all not "e unreasona"l6 $it++eld( )@U on com letion o! t+e $or3s t+e Contractor s+all remove !rom t+e site all t+e said Constructional Plant and Tem orar6 >or3s remaining t+ereon and an6 unused materials rovided "6 t+e Contractor( -@T+e Em lo6er s+all not at an6 time "e lia"le !or t+e loss o! or damage to an6 o! t+e said Constructional Plant; Tem orar6 >or3s or materials( 11?.0 P+/;+)33 R)6/+23 7ont+l6 rogress re orts s+all "e re ared "6 t+e Contractor and su"mitted to t+e Em lo6er in si8 co ies( T+e !irst re ort s+all cover t+e eriod u to t+e end o!
t+e !irst calendar mont+ !ollo$ing t+e Commencement Date( Re orts s+all "e su"mitted mont+l6 t+erea!ter; eac+ $it+in / da6s a!ter t+e last da6 o! t+e eriod to $+ic+ it relates( Re orting s+all continue until t+e Contractor +as com leted all $or3; $+ic+ is 3no$n to "e outstanding at t+e com letion date stated in t+e Ta3ing*Over Certi!icate !or t+e >or3s( Eac+ re ort s+all includeD ?a@ C+arts and detailed descri tions o! rogress; including eac+ stage o! surve6s; Investigation; design; ContractorQs Documents; rocurement; manu!acture; deliver6 to Site; construction; commissioning and trial o erationH Digital +otogra +s s+o$ing t+e status o! rogress on t+e SiteH #or t+e manu!acture o! eac+ main item o! Plant and 7aterials; t+e name o! t+e manu!acturer; manu!acture location; ercentage rogress; and t+e actual or e8 ected dates o!D Commencement o! manu!acture; Contractor,s ins ections; Tests; and S+i ment and arrival at t+e SiteH ?d@ ?e@ ?e@ ?g@ ?+@ T+e details of Contractor's ersonnel and E!uipmentMH Co ies o! :ualit6 assurance documents; test results and certi!icates o! 7aterialH <ist o! Aariations; notices given Sa!et6 statistics; including details o! an6 +a=ardous incidents and activities relating to environmental as ects and u"lic relationsH and Com arisons o! actual and lanned rogress; $it+ details o! an6 events or circumstances $+ic+ ma6 &eo ardi=e t+e com letion in accordance $it+ t+e Contract; and t+e measures "eing ?or to "e@ ado ted to overcome dela6s(
?"@ ?c@
118.0 D)31;* 118.1 G)*)+,- D)31;* OB-1;,21/*3 T+e Contractor s+all "e deemed to +ave scrutini=ed; rior to t+e Base Date; t+e Em lo6erQs Re:uirements ?including design criteria and calculations; i! an6@( T+e Contractor s+all "e res onsi"le !or t+e Investigation and Design o! t+e >or3s and !or t+e accurac6 o! suc+ Em lo6erQs Re:uirements ?including design criteria and calculations@; e8ce t as stated "elo$(
T+e Em lo6er s+all not "e res onsi"le !or an6 error; inaccurac6 or omission o! an6 3ind in t+e Em lo6erQs Re:uirements as originall6 included in t+e Contract and s+all not "e deemed to +ave given an6 re resentation o! accurac6 or com leteness o! an6 data or in!ormation( An6 data or in!ormation received "6 t+e Contractor; !rom t+e Em lo6er or ot+er$ise s+all not relieve t+e Contractor !rom +is res onsi"ilit6 !or t+e Investigation; design and e8ecution o! t+e >or3s( 118.2 C/*2+,.2/+P3 D/.85)*23 T+e ContractorQs Documents s+all com rise t+e tec+nical documents s eci!ied in t+e Em lo6erQs Re:uirements; documents re:uired to satis!6 all regulator6 a rovals; and t+e documents( T+e Contractor s+all re are all ContractorQs Documents; and s+all also re are an6 ot+er documents necessar6 to instruct t+e Contractor,s Personnel( I! t+e Em lo6erQs Re:uirements descri"e t+e ContractorQs Documents $+ic+ are to "e su"mitted to t+e Em lo6er !or revie$; t+e6 s+all "e su"mitted accordingl6; toget+er $it+ a notice as descri"ed "elo$( In t+e !ollo$ing rovisions o! t+is Su"* Clause; ?i@ Srevie$ eriodS means t+e eriod re:uired "6 t+e Em lo6er !or revie$; and ?ii@ SContractor,s DocumentsS e8clude an6 documents $+ic+ are not s eci!ied as "eing re:uired to "e su"mitted !or revie$( T+e Em lo6ers ma6 give notice to t+e Contractor t+at a ContractorQs Document !ails ?to t+e e8tent stated@ to com l6 $it+ t+e Contract( I! a ContractorQs Document so !ails to com l6; it s+all "e recti!ied; resu"mitted and revie$ed in accordance $it+ t+is Su"*Clause; at t+e ContractorQs cost( #or eac+ art o! t+e >or3s; and e8ce t to t+e e8tent t+at t+e Parties ot+er$ise agreeD a@E8ecution o! suc+ art o! t+e >or3s s+all not commence rior to t+e e8 ir6 o! t+e revie$ eriods !or all t+e Contractor,s Documents $+ic+ are relevant to its design and e8ecutionH "@E8ecution o! suc+ art o! t+e >or3s s+all "e in accordance $it+ t+ese ContractorQs Documents; as su"mitted !or revie$H and i! t+e Contractor $is+es to modi!6 an6 design or document $+ic+ +as reviousl6 "een su"mitted !or revie$; t+e Contractor s+all immediatel6 give notice to t+e Em lo6er( T+erea!ter; t+e Contractor s+all su"mit revised documents to t+e Em lo6er in accordance $it+ t+e a"ove rocedure( c@I! t+e Em lo6erQs Re resentative instruct t+at !urt+er Construction Documents are necessar6 !or carr6ing t+e $or3s; t+e Contractor s+all u on receiving t+e Em lo6erQs Re resentative Instructions re are suc+ construction documents and s+all not "e considered as variation An6 suc+ contract ?under t+e receding aragra +@ or an6 revie$ ?under t+is Su"*Clause or ot+er$ise@ s+all not relieve t+e Contractor !rom an6 o"ligation or res onsi"ilit6(
118.( A3-'81-2 D/.85)*23 T+e Contractor s+all re are; and 3ee u *to*date; a com lete set o! Qas*"uiltQ records o! t+e e8ecution o! t+e >or3s; s+o$ing t+e e8act as*"uilt locations; si=es and details o! t+e $or3 as e8ecuted( T+ese records s+all "e 3e t on t+e Site and s+all "e used e8clusivel6 !or t+e ur oses o! t+is Su"*Clause( T$o co ies s+all "e su lied to t+e Em lo6er rior to t+e commencement o! t+e 9(C c+ec3s % Aeri!ication Tests on Com letion( In addition; t+e Contractor s+all su l6 to t+e Em lo6er as*"uilt dra$ings o! t+e >or3s; s+o$ing all >or3s as e8ecuted; and su"mit t+em to t+e Em lo6er !or revie$ under Su"*Clause LContractor's "ocumentsM( T+e Contractor s+all o"tain t+e consent o! t+e Em lo6er as to t+eir si=e; t+e re!erencing s6stem; and ot+er relevant details( Prior to t+e issue o! an6 Ta3ing*Over Certi!icate; t+e Contractor s+all su l6 to t+e Em lo6er t+e s eci!ied num"ers and t6 es o! co ies o! t+e relevant as*"uilt dra$ings; in accordance $it+ t+e Em lo6erQs Re:uirements( T+e >or3 s+all not "e considered to "e com leted !or t+e ur oses o! ta3ing*over L#aking $%er of the &orks and 'ectionsM until t+e Em lo6er +as received t+ese documents( 118.4 D)31;* E++/+ I! errors; omissions; am"iguities; inconsistencies; inade:uacies or ot+er de!ects are !ound in t+e ContractorQs Documents; t+e same and t+e >or3s s+all "e corrected at t+e ContractorQs cost; not$it+standing an6 consent or a roval under t+is Clause( 119.0 P+/;+,55) ''4(' T+e Contractor s+all su"mit a time rogramme to t+e em lo6er $it+in '/ ?!i!teen@ da6s a!ter t+e conclusion o! contract % commencement date $+ic+ever is earlier ''4() and t+e rogramme s+all "e "ased on t+e "asic time eriod !or com letion and milestone as indicated in t+e Contract Document( Contractor,s rogramme s+all "e considered e!!ective u on acce tance "6 t+e Em lo6erQs Re resentative( T+e Contractor s+all also su"mit a revised rogramme $+enever t+e revious rogramme is consistent $it+ actual rogress or $it+ t+e ContractorQs o"ligations unless ot+er $ise stated in t+e contract eac+ rogramme s+all includeD a@ T+e order in $+ic+ t+e Contractor intends to carr6 out t+e >or3s; including t+e antici ated timing o! eac+ ma&or stage o! t+e >or3s( "@ T+e eriods !or revie$s under Clause TT LContractorQs DocumentsM; c@ T+e se:uence and timing o! ins ections and tests s eci!ied in t+e Contract; and d@ A su
i@A general descri tion o! t+e met+ods $+ic+ t+e Contractor intends to ado t !or t+e e8ecution o! eac+ ma&or stage o! t+e >or3s; and ii@T+e a ro8imate num"er o! eac+ class o! ContractorQs Personnel and o! eac+ t6 e o! ContractorQs E:ui ment !or eac+ ma&or stage( T+e Contractor s+all rom tl6 give notice to t+e Em lo6er o! s eci!ic ro"a"le !uture events or circumstances; $+ic+ ma6 adversel6 a!!ect or dela6 t+e e8ecution o! t+e >or3s( In t+is event; or i! t+e Em lo6er gives notice to t+e Contractor t+at i! a rogramme !ails ?to t+e e8tent stated@ to com l6 $it+ t+e Contract or to "e consistent $it+ actual rogress and t+e ContractorQs stated intentions; t+e Contractor s+all su"mit a revised rogramme to t+e Em lo6er in accordance $it+ t+is Su"*Clause( 119.2 R,2) /4 P+/;+)33 I!; at an6 timeD a@Actual rogress is too slo$ to com lete $it+in t+e Time !or Com letion; and%or "@Progress +as !allen ?or $ill !all@ "e+ind t+e current Clause ).(. L rogrammeM; rogramme under Su"*
T+en t+e Em lo6er ma6 instruct t+e Contractor to su"mit; under Su" Clause ).('5 L rogrammeM; a revised rogramme and su orting re ort descri"ing t+e revised met+ods $+ic+ t+e Contractor ro oses to ado t in order to e8 edite rogress and com lete $it+in t+e Time !or Com letion( Unless t+e Em lo6er noti!ies ot+er$ise; t+e Contractor s+all ado t t+ese revised met+ods; $+ic+ ma6 re:uire increases in t+e $or3ing +ours and%or in t+e num"ers o! ContractorQs Personnel and%or Goods; at t+e ris3 and cost o! t+e Contractor( #rom t+e commencement o! t+e $or3s to t+e com letion o! t+e same; t+e6 are to "e under t+e contractor ?s@ c+arge( T+e Contractor?s@ is % are to "e +eld res onsi"le !or arid to ma3e good all in&uries; damages and re air occasioned or rendered necessar6 to t+e same "6 !ire or ot+er causes and t+e6 are to +old t+e em lo6er +armless !rom an6 claims !or in&uries to ersons or !or structural em lo6er +armless !rom an6 claims !or in&uries to ersons or !or structural damage to ro ert6 +a ening !rom an6 neglect; de!ault; $ant o! ro er care or misconduct on t+e art o! t+e contractors?s@ or o! an6 one in +is%t+eir em lo6ees during t+e I! at an6 time "e!ore or a!ter t+e commencement o! t+e $or3 t+e em lo6er s+all !or an6 reason $+atsoever( c@ Cause alterations; omissions or variation in t+e dra$ings and s eci!ication involving an6 curtailment o! t+e $or3s as originall6 contem lated or d@ Not re:uired t+e $+ole o! $or3 as s eci!ied in t+e Bid to "e carried out; t+e contractor?s@ s+all +ave no claim to an6 a6ment or com ensation $+atsoever on account o! an6 ro!it or advantage $+ic+ +e%t+e6 mig+t +ave
derived !rom t+e e8ecution o! t+e $or3 in !ull as s eci!ied in t+e Bid "ut $+ic+ +e%t+e6 did not derive in conse:uence o! t+e curtailment o! t+e $or3s "6 reason o! alterations; omissions or variations or in conse:uence o! t+e !ull amount o! t+e $or3 not +aving "een carried out(
SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1.0 G)*)+,T+e data and in!ormation given in t+e Pro&ect Pro!ile ?Aol( I Part E@ o! t+e Bid Document are "ased on t+e reliminar6 investigations; lanning and reliminar6 designs carried out so !ar( T+e data considered !or t+e ro&ect lanning +ave "een included in t+e "id documents( T+e Contractor s+all; t+ere!ore; satis!6 +imsel! a"out t+e ade:uac6 and accurac6 o! t+e said data % in!ormation and inter retation t+ereo! and collect !res+ data % additional data % in!ormation and carr6 out % conduct !urt+er investigations and studies( T+e Em lo6er s+all not "e res onsi"le !or t+e accurac6 % ade:uac6 o! t+e data % in!ormation and inter retation t+ereo! "6 t+e Contractor( 2.0 S8441.1)*.9 /4 '10 T+e Contractor s+all "e deemed to +ave visited and care!ull6 e8amined t+e Pro&ect Site and its surrounding to +ave satis!ied +imsel! to t+e nature and conditions o! t+e means o! trans ort and communications; $+et+er "6 land; $ater or air; as availa"le at resent and as to ossi"le interru tions t+ereto including t+e access and regress conditions !or t+e Site( T+e Contractor is also deemed to +ave made en:uiries; e8amined and satis!ied +imsel! as to t+e sites source !or o"taining sand; stones; "ric3s and ot+er materials; t+e sites !or dis osal o! sur lus materials and accommodation !or de ots; colonies; $or3s+o s and ot+er in!rastructure !acilities as ma6 "e necessar6 !or e8ecuting and com leting t+e >or3s; as also t+e su"*soil $ater and variations t+ereo!; storms; revailing $inds; climatic conditions and all ot+er similar matters a!!ecting t+e $or3s including la$ C order( An6 neglect or omission or !ailure on t+e art o! t+e Contractor in o"taining necessar6 and relia"le in!ormation u on t+e !oregoing or an6 ot+er matter a!!ecting t+e Contract s+all not relieve +im !rom an6 ris3s or lia"ilities or t+e entire res onsi"ilit6 !or t+e com letion o! t+e >or3s in accordance $it+ t+e Contract( No ver"al contract or in!erence !rom conversation $it+ an6 o!!icer or em lo6ee o! t+e Em lo6er eit+er "e!ore or a!ter t+e signing o! t+e Contract s+all in an6 $a6 a!!ect or modi!6 an6 o! t+e terms or o"ligations +erein contained( T+e Contractor s+all also "e deemed to +ave ins ected and e8amined t+e Site and to +ave satis!ied +imsel!; "e!ore su"mitting +is Bid; as to t+e !orm and nature t+ereo! including t+e su"*sur!ace conditions and ot+er local conditions; t+e +6drological; geological and climatic conditions; t+e e8tent and nature o! $or3 and materials necessar6 !or t+e com letion o! t+e >or3s; t+e means o! access to t+e Site and t+e land !or accommodation etc( +e ma6 re:uire and; in general; s+all "e deemed to +ave o"tained all necessar6 in!ormation; as to ris3s; contingencies and all ot+er circumstances $+ic+ ma6 in!luence or a!!ect +is Bid(
including for#ation of reservoirs of *uri#ella, +ac%erla & ,eet%ara# ,agar and also for#ation of inde$endent reservoirs of +allavagu & -undla!ra%#es ara# to create an I& of 5((( )cres in &rakasa#, Kada$a and .ellore Districts.
including for#ation of reservoirs of *uri#ella, +ac%erla & ,eet%ara# ,agar and also for#ation of inde$endent reservoirs of +allavagu & -undla!ra%#es ara# to create an I& of 5((( )cres in &rakasa#, Kada$a and .ellore Districts.
(.2 ',31. P+/E).2 P,+,5)2)+3 #or Basic ro&ect arameters re!er ertaining to t+e ro&ect re!er Aol '; Part* D 4.0 S./6) /4 W/+A 4.1 G)*)+,T+e ma&or com onents o! $or3s to "e e8ecuted "6 t+e contractor under t+is contract s+all "e as descri"ed section * $ise as !ollo$s( E8ecution o! all t+ese $or3s s+all include all construction lant % e:ui ment and materials indigenous or im orted; surve6; investigation; surve6 e:ui ment; studies and all services and !acilities re:uired !or com letion o! t+e $or3( An6 re:uirements o! $or3 $+et+er re:uested "6 t+e Em lo6er or ot+er$ise and $+et+er s eci!icall6 descri"ed in t+e Contract or not "ut are necessar6 or re:uired !or t+e ro er com letion and !unctioning o! t+e >or3s in accordance $it+ t+e Contract including remed6ing o! an6 ga s and de!iciencies in t+e >or3s s+all not "e deemed to "e considered as an6 c+ange in t+e Sco e o! >or3 and s+all not entitle t+e contractor !or an6 e8tra a6ment( 4.2 S).21/* #1$ ! S8+@)93 ,*0 D)2,1-)0 I*@)321;,21/*
T+e sco e o! $or3 under t+is section covers revie$ o! availa"le surve6 and investigation data and identi!ication o! additional or !res+ surve6s and investigation re:uirement considered necessar6 !or location o! sum s; inta3e structures; su" stations; um +ouses; !ormation% im rovements o! ne$% e8isting tan3s; !i8ing alignment o! Pi e line; main canal; distri"utaries minors and su" minors; !inali=ing location o! structures on Pi e line and t+e canal s6stem; grid surve6s !or structures; surve6s !or catc+ments areas o! Aagus % Nallas % Rivers; t+eir longitudes sections and cross sectional; command area surve6s re aration o! command lans and a6acut registers surve6 num"er $ise; village $ise; 7andal $ise; land lan sc+edules and land ac:uisition ro osals etcH !or e8ecution and commissioning o! t+e sc+eme( T+e contractor s+all carr6out surve6s and detailed investigation re:uired !or t+e $+ole sc+eme as er t+e I(S( Codes; C>C manuals; Standards; Guidelines; Circulars o! t+e De artment issued !rom time to time( T+is s+all not entitle t+e contractor to additional cost $+atsoever ot+er t+an t+e contract rice( T+e total sco e o! services s+all "e as er A endi8 SI( ( 4.( S).21/* #II$ ! D)31;* ,*0 E*;1*))+1*; During detailed Engineering t+e Contractor s+all su"mit design o! t+e sum s; inta3e structures; su" stations; um +ouses; standards o! ne$% e8isting tan3s; Pi e line; main canal; distri"utaries minors and su" minors; structures on Pi e line and t+e canal s6stem; and connected B6dro*7ec+anical; Electro* 7ec+anical $or3s o! t+e Sc+eme 3ee ing in vie$ t+e sa!et6; cost and time e!!ectiveness rovided al$a6s t+at t+e design o! t+e Sc+eme s+all "e al$a6s in con!ormit6 $it+ t+e "asic arameters and in accordance $it+ t+e Nationall6%Internationall6 acce ted ractice and !or t+e o timal er!ormance o! t+e $or3s as $arranted under t+e Contract( T+is s+all not entitle t+e Contractor to additional cost; $+atsoever; ot+er t+an t+e contract rice( T+e total sco e o! services under t+is section s+all "e as er A endi8*PI T+e num"er o! co ies o! t+e Re orts and ot+er Documents to "e su"mitted to t+e Em lo6er "6 t+e contractor is also s eci!ied in Aol(* I; Part(C Data and in!ormation related to t+e sc+eme as availa"le $it+ t+e Em lo6er +ave "een !urnis+ed in t+e "id documents( All additional%#res+ surve6; investigation and testing data and an6 ot+er data relevant to design s+all "e collected "6 t+e Contractor $it+out an6 !inancial "urden to t+e Em lo6er( 4.4 S).21/* #111$ ! C1@1- W/+A3 T+e sco e o! $or3 under t+is section covers rovision o! all la"our; lant and materials !or and e8ecution o! all civil $or3s; com lete in all res ect; as descri"ed in t+e A endi8 *C> read and conditions o! contract and Tec+nical S eci!ications o! Bid Documents including incidentals and all necessar6 $or3s not s+o$n or s eci!ied "ut reasona"l6 im lied or necessar6 !or t+e ro er com letion and !unctioning o! t+e >or3s in accordance $it+ t+e contract including an6 amendments t+ereo!( 4.< S).21/* #IV$ ! G,2)3 I*.-801*; H/1321*; A++,*;)5)*2 ,*0 EM P,+23
T+e sco e o! $or3 under t+is section covers rovision o! all la"our; lant and materials !or su l6 and e8ecution o! all +6dro*mec+anical $or3s i(e(; Gates; including E7 Parts and +oisting arrangements com lete in all res ect; as descri"ed in t+e A endi8*B> read in con&unction $it+ t+e Pro&ect Pro!ile ?Aol I; Part E@ and Tec+nical S eci!ications o! Bid Documents including incidentals and all necessar6 $or3s not s+o$n or s eci!ied "ut reasona"l6 im lied or necessar6 !or t+e ro er com letion and !unctioning o! t+e >or3s in accordance $it+ t+e contract including an6 amendments t+ereo!( 4.= S).21/* #V$ ! M,1*2)*,*.) T+e sco e o! $or3 under t+is section s+all "e as er t+e terms and conditions rovided in A endi8 O7( <.0 T)323 ,*0 78,-129 C/*2+//(' T+e Contractor s+all "e re:uired to carr6 out all tests in accordance $it+ relevant Clauses o! t+e General Conditions o! contracts and t+e Tec+nical S eci!ications( Em lo6er,s aut+ori=ed re resentative s+all +ave at all reasona"le times access
to t+e site and s+all +ave t+e o$er at all reasona"le times to ins ect and e8amine t+e materials and $or3mans+i o! t+e $or3s during e8ecution( /() Em lo6er,s aut+ori=ed re resentative and%or an outside ins ection agenc6 acting on "e+al! o! t+e Em lo6er s+all +ave at all reasona"le times access to t+e site and s+all +ave t+e o$er at all reasona"le times to ins ect and e8amine all $or3s t+e materials and $or3mans+i o! t+e ro&ect $or3s during e8ecution( T+e contract s+all rovide necessar6 la"ours tools; sca!!olding or an6 ot+er assistance as desired "6 t+e em lo6 in +is re resentation $it+out an6 e8tra a6ment( /()(' >+ere t+e !ield :ualit6 assurance lan rovided !or $itnessing tests%ins ection on "e+al! o! t+e Em lo6er; t+e Contractor s+all give t+e Em lo6er ade:uate $ritten notice o! an6 ins ections%tests( /()() >+ere t+e Em lo6er attends t+e tests as rovided in clause /()(' a"ove; and +as an6 o"&ection to an6 $or3s or $or3mans+i $+ic+ in +is o inion is not in accordance $it+ t+e Contract +e s+all advise t+e Contractor o! +is o"&ection during tests%ins ections( T+e Contractor s+all give due consideration to suc+ o"&ections and s+all ma3e modi!ications t+at ma6 "e necessar6 to meet t+e said o"&ective( /(T+e ins ection%tests "6 Em lo6er% Em lo6er,s Re resentative%Agenc6 and%or +is countersigning ins ection%test certi!icate?s@ t+ereon s+all in no $a6 limit t+e lia"ilities and res onsi"ilities; o! t+e Contractor as sti ulated in t+e Contract( T+e Contractor s+all maintain and record all measurements and test results and su"mit t+e same to t+e Em lo6er a!ter com letion o! suc+ ins ection%tests(
T+e :ualit6 control c+ec3s are to "e conducted "6 De artment 9ualit6 Control and t+ird art6 9ualit6 Control % 9ualit6 Assurance as er Government 7emo No(-.1-0%Re!orms%)551; Dt()1(0()552 and !rom guidelines issued !rom time to time or e8isting guidelines(
=.0 M),38+)5)*23 ,*0 P,95)*23 0(' All items +aving a !inancial value s+all "e measured in t+e manner as rescri"ed in s eci!ication "6 t+e contractor and veri!ied "6 t+e em lo6er so t+at a com lete record is maintained o! all $or3 er!ormed under t+e Contract( T+e measurement o! lum sum items $ill "e "ased on t+e $or3 com leted as a ercentage o! t+e total $or3( 7easurement s+all "e signed and dated "6 "ot+ arties on t+e Site( I! t+ere is an6 dis ute in an6 o! t+e measurements a note to t+e e!!ect s+all "e made in t+e measurement record against t+e dis uted items and suc+ note s+all "e signed and dated "6 "ot+ arties engaged in ta3ing t+e measurements and t+e Parties s+all discuss and resolve t+e same in accordance $it+ relevant clauses o! t+e contract(
?.0 C/*2+,.2/+L3 W/+A P+/;+,55) 1(' >it+in '/ ?!i!teen@ da6s !rom t+e Date o! Commencement; t+e Contractor s+all su"mit to t+e Em lo6er a $or3 rogramme s+o$ing t+e se:uence in $+ic+ +e ro oses to carr6 out various com onents !or com leting t+e >or3s as er t+e 7aster Control Net$or3 $it+in t+e TI7E #OR CO7P<ETION( T+e 7aster Control Net$or3 s+all indicate t+e se:uence o! various activities and +ig+lig+t t+e critical activities including deliver6 o! e:ui ment( Suc+ $or3 rogramme s+all "e su"&ect to revie$ and revision "6 t+e Em lo6er in consultation $it+ t+e Contractor !rom time to time in order to ac+ieve com letion o! t+e >or3s $it+in t+e TI7E #OR CO7P<ETION( T+e contractor s+all also ma3e it in 7S ro&ect or an6 suc+ model and 3ee it in internet( 1() T+e contractor s+all also su"mit to t+e Em lo6er t+e in!ormation on detailed met+odolog6 o! carr6ing out investigation surve6s; design engineering detailed construction met+odolog6 along $it+ sc+edule !or de lo6ment o! lant C mac+ineries; $+ic+ s+all successivel6 "e ad&usted in order to meet t+e actual re:uirement to com lete t+e $or3s $it+in t+e TI7E #OR CO7P<ETION along $it+ t+e $or3 rogramme(
1(- E8cavation o! 7ain Canal; and allied $or3s s+all "e ta3en u at least !ive se arate locations % section simultaneousl6H so t+at mile stone as indicated in t+e Bid is accom lis+ed( 2(5 Programme Sc+eduling % Re*Sc+eduling 2(' T+e >or3s s+all "e e8ecuted and er!ormed in accordance $it+ t+e 7aster Control Net$or3 ?>or3 Programme@ $+ic+ s+all clearl6 indicate t+e interlin3ing %
interde endencies o! all t+e $or3s o! t+e Contract including relative activities o! Civil >or3s( T+e Programme s+all "e revie$ed &ointl6 "6 t+e Em lo6er and t+e Contractor; at least once in a mont+ $+ere in t+e +old u s%dela6s; i! an6; in t+e rogress o! >or3s; $it+ re!erence to t+e agreed Sc+edule s+all "e given S ecial Attention( Necessar6 modi!ications ?u dating % Revisions@ o! t+e Programme; $it+in t+e overall Time !or Com letion; s+all "e carried out "6 mutual contract "et$een t+e Em lo6er and t+e Contractor( 2() Su l6 at Site o! t+e B6dro*7ec+anical Plant C 7ac+iner6; em"edded arts and S ares etc(; s+all "e made availa"le ) mont+s in advance o! t+e sc+eduled dates o! Installation % erection matc+ing $it+ t+e rogress and availa"ilit6 o! Civil >or3s to ta3e care o! an6 eventualities o! +old u s%dela6s during transit( I! !or an6 reason; an6 arts o! t+e >or3s o! t+e Pro&ect are dela6ed; t+en t+e total rogramme ma6 "e re*sc+eduled "6 mutual contract "et$een t+e Em lo6er and t+e Contractor; i! necessar6; 3ee ing t+e overall com letion sc+edule o! t+e ro&ect unaltered( No e8tra cost $+atsoever; on account o! suc+ re*sc+eduling s+all "e a6a"le to t+e contractor(
9.0 M/*2:-9 P+/;+)33 R)6/+2 T+e Contractor s+all su"mit to t+e Engineer*in*C+arge si8 co ies o! a 7ont+l6 rogress Re ort "6 t+e /t+ da6 o! t+e !ollo$ing mont+; in suc+ !orm and detail as t+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all reasona"l6 rescri"e; !or t+e ro er mont+l6 !ollo$ u ( T+e contractor s+all also 3ee t+e mont+l6 rogress re ort in t+e Internet and u date rom tl6 as s eci!ied a"ove( 10.0 A00121/*,- S6).1,- C/*0121/*3 /4 C/*2+,.2 '5(' GeneralD T+e s ecial conditions are su $ould !orm art o! t+e contract( '5() Dra$ings and DesignsD Dra$ings given; listed and inde8ed in volume IA are indicative; "ut $ill !orm art o! t+e contract( T+e a"ove dra$ings s+o$ t+e command area o! t+e s6stem also( lementar6 instructions to t+e Bidders and
T+e contractor s+all carr6 out alignment studies including cost economics "6 e8amining all ossi"le alternative to re are detailed la6out; designs and dra$ings o! all com onents o! t+e $or3 stated in sco e o! $or3 and sc+edule RA, ?see )@ T+e contractor s+all use guidelines in t+e relevant ISI codes%circulars issued "6 t+e de artment !rom time to time !or various com onents o! t+e $or3s( All t+e studies; la6out dra$ings and modi!ications i! re:uired to "e re ared !or ta3ing u e8ecution o! t+e $or3; s+all "e re ared "6 t+e contractor and s+all "e got a roved !rom t+e com etent aut+orit6( #or t+e ur ose o! a roval t+e contractor s+all su"mit / co ies to t+e Engineer*in*C+arge(
T+e contractor $ill +ave to su"mit detailed dra$ings o! eac+ com onent $it+ a ro riate scales; measurements; R<,s !ull dimensions; locations o! com onents suc+ as godo$n; dum ing area; internal roads; etc(; T+e contractor $ill +ave to su l6 o! one E ten co ies o! a roved dra$ings; one co 6 dul6 signed "6 t+e Contractor % and ot+er ten co ies dul6 attested and ' so!t co 6 and C(D( T+e contractor is e8 ected to organi=e +is $or3 to t+e "est o! +is 3no$ledge so t+at !inal dra!t o! various t6 es o! designs and la6outs $ill "e su"mitted to com etent aut+orit6 $it+in sti ulated time eriod( All t+e studies la6outs; dra$ings; design notes; $+ic+ +ave "een su"mitted to t+e de artment; s+all "ecome t+e a"solute ro ert6 o! de artment under t+e co 6 rig+t act and t+e contractor s+all not use t+e same in $+ole or art t+ereo! else$+ere !or an6 ur ose $it+out e8 licit $ritten ermission !rom t+e de artment( In all di!!erence o! o inion on tec+nical matters "et$een t+e contractor and t+e Engineer*in*C+arge; t+e decision given "6 t+e C+ie! Engineer; Central Designs Organisation; B6dera"ad and Su erintending Engineer; SRSP*##C Circle*' ;Iagitial;Garimnagar Dist( s+all "e !inal and "inding on t+e contractor( '5(Construction ProgrammeD T+e contractor $ill su"mit NConstruction ProgrammeO s+o$ing :uantit6 $ise se:uence o! o erations $it+in one $ee3 a!ter a roval o! estimates and s+ould get t+e rogramme a roved !rom t+e com etent aut+orities( Along $it+ t+e a"ove +e $ill also su"mit rogramme o! "ringing re:uisite tools and lant; mac+iner6 to "e engaged "6 +im to t+e site o! $or3( Contractor s+all also re are t+eir o$n mont+ $ise ?detailed $ee3 $ise@; item $ise +6sical construction rogramme; re ared $it+ com uter aided ro&ect management so!t$are to generate "ar c+art "ased on net$or3 tec+ni:ue as er a roved :uantities o! di!!erent items $it+out modi!6ing date o! $or3 order ?start date @ and sti ulated date o! com letion ? end date@ $it+in one $ee3 a!ter a roval o! estimate and get it a roved !rom Engineer*in*C+arge t+e rogramme s+all "e as er $or3 com letion sc+edule T+e contractor s+all su"mit $ee3l6 rogress re ort to Engineer*in*C+arge in a roved !ormat o! re ort regularl6( '5(. Action $+en t+e rogress o! an6 crucial item o! $or3 is unsatis!actor6D* I! t+e rogress o! a crucial item o! $or3; $+ic+ is im ortant !or timel6 com letion o! $or3 is unsatis!actor6; t+e Engineer*in*C+arge; s+all not $it+standing; t+at t+e general rogress o! $or3 is satis!actor6; in accordance $it+ relevant clause "e entitled to ta3e action under clause a!ter giving t+e contractor 1 da6s notice in $riting and t+e contractor $ill +ave no claim !or com ensation !or an6 loss sustained "6 o$ing to suc+ action(
'5(/ Ins ection and TestsD E8ce t as ot+er$ise rovided in +ere o! all materials and $or3mans+i ( I! not ot+er$ise designated "6 t+e s eci!ications s+all "e su"&ect to ins ection; e8amination and test "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge at an6 and all times during manu!acture and%or construction and at an6 % all laces $+ere suc+ manu!acture or construction are carried on( T+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all +ave t+e rig+t to re&ect de!ective material and $or3mans+i or re:uire its corrections( Re&ected $or3mans+i s+all "e satis!actoril6 re laced $it+ ro er material $it+out c+arge t+ereo! and t+e contractor s+all ro erl6 segregate and remove t+e re&ected material !rom t+e remises; i! t+e contractor !ails to roceed at once $it+ t+e re lacement o! t+e re&ected material and % or t+e construction o! de!ective $or3mans+i ; t+e Engineer*in*C+arge ma6 re lace suc+ material and % or correct suc+ $or3mans+i and c+arge t+e cost t+ereo! to t+e contractor( T+e Contractor s+all "e lia"le !or re lacement o! de!ective $or3 u to t+e time in accordance $it+ t+e conditions o! contract o! all $or3 to "e done under t+e contract( T+e contractor s+all !urnis+ rom tl6 $it+out additional c+arge all !acilities; la"our and material necessar6 !or t+e sa!e and convenient ins ection and tests t+at ma6 "e re:uired "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( All ins ections and tests "6 t+e de artment s+all "e er!ormed in suc+ a manner as not to unnecessaril6 dela6 t+e $or3( S ecial !uil si=e and er!ormance test s+all "e c+arged $it+ an6 additional cost o! ins ection $+en t+e contractor does not ma3e materials and $or3mans+i read6 at t+e time o! ins ection( '5(0 Damage to >or3sD T+e $or3s $+et+er !ull6 com leted or incom lete; all t+e $or3s materials; mac+iner6; lants; tools; tem orar6 "uildings and ot+er t+ings connected t+ere $it+ s+all remain at t+e ris3 and in t+e sole c+arge o! t+e contractor until t+e com leted $or3 +as "een delivered to t+e Engineer*in* C+arge( Until suc+ deliver6 o! t+e com leted $or3 t+e contractor s+all at +is o$n cost ta3e all recautions reasona"l6 to 3ee all t+e a!oresaid $or3s; materials; mac+iner6; lants; tem orar6 "uildings and ot+er t+ings connected t+ere $it+ !ree !rom an6 loss or damage and in t+e event o! t+e same or an6 art t+ereo! "eing lost or damaged; +e s+all !ort+ $it+ reinstate and ma3e good suc+ loss or damage at +is o$n cost( E8amination and tests on Com letionD On t+e com letion o! t+e $or3 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all ma3e suc+ e8amination and tests o! t+e $or3 as ma6 t+en seen to +im ossi"le; necessar6 or desira"le; and t+e contractor s+all !urnis+ !ree o! cost an6 materials and la"our $+ic+ ma6 "e necessar6 t+ere!ore; and s+all !acilitate in ever6 $a6 all o erations re:uired "6 t+e Engineer*in* C+arge; in ma3ing e8amination and tests(
11.0 H,8- R/,03 T+e Contractor $ill +ave to ma3e t+e $or3 sites accessi"le to t+e de artmental o!!icers !or ins ection "6 $a6 o! constructing % maintaining all $eat+er roads%a roac+es( <a6out o! construction o! road
T+e Contractor s+all +ave to su"mit detailed lan to t+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+o$ing t+e la6out o! t+e $or3 site; roads and a roac+ roads ro osed "6 +im; "e!ore +e starts t+e actual $or3( Suc+ a road la6out road lan $ill "e scrutini=ed "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge and an6 modi!ications suggested "6 +im $ill "e "inding on t+e contractor( I! it is decided "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge to +ave some o! t+e roads ro osed "6 t+e Contractor as common road !or common use o! de artment and ot+er contractors or convenient and !or com act and lanned la6out o! $or3 site; t+e Contractor $ill "e "ound to construct t+em and allo$ t+em to "e used simultaneousl6 "e ot+er Contractors and de artments( In case o! dis utes; t+e decision o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all "e !inal and t+e "inding on t+e Contractor( 12.0 R);8-,21/*3 ,*0 '9)-L,D3 T+e contractor s+all con!orm to t+e regulation; "6e*la$s; an6 ot+er statutor6 rules made "6 an6 local Aut+orities or "6 t+e Government and s+all rotect and indemni!6 Government against an6 claim or lia"ilit6 arising !rom or "ased on t+e violation o! an6 suc+ la$s; ordinance;; regulations; orders; decrees; etc(; 1(.0 P,331*; /4 F/8*0,21/* )2..% A!ter t+e com letion o! t+e $or3 o! e8cavation; t+e same $ill "e c+ec3ed and assed "6 t+e com etent aut+orit6( No masonr6 or concrete or "ac3 !illing s+all "e laid unless t+e !oundations are so assed( No concreting s+all commence; unless t+e centering and t+e rein!orcement is c+ec3ed and assed "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge( 14.0 S1;*1*; F1)-0 '//A3% L/*;12801*,- S).21/*3% C+/33- S).21/*3 ,*0 M),38+)5)*2 '//A3 Be!ore starting t+e $or3; and at t+e end "e!ore t+e $or3 is covered; levels !or lotting t+e longitudinal sections ?along t+e a8is as decided "6 Engineer*in* C+arge or +is aut+orised re resentative@ and cross section o! t+e ortion o! t+e $or3 s+all "e ta3en "6 aut+orised Engineer o! t+e contractor in t+e resence o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge or +is aut+orised re resentative and t+e same s+all +ave to "e got attested !rom t+e Engineer*in*C+arge or +is aut+orised re resentative in to3en o! acce tance( I! t+e contractor !ails to ta3e measurements and sign t+em; t+en t+e measurements recorded "6 t+e Engineer*in*c+arge; or +is aut+ori=ed re resentative in t+e aut+orised "oo3s s+all "e !inal and "inding on t+e contractor( #or t+is ur ose; suita"le date or dates s+all "e !i8ed "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge and intimated to t+e contractor at least t+ree da6s in advance( I! t+e contractor; or +is dul6 aut+orised agent !ails to attend on t+e a ointed date or dates; t+e levels and measurements s+all "e ta3en in +is a"sence and suc+ levels and measurements and longitudinal sections and cross sections "ased t+ere on s+all "e !inal and "inding on t+e Contractor( T+e levels $ill "e ta3en on suc+ alignments and cross sections as $ill "e use!ul !or re!erence ermanentl6 and descri"ed under s eci!ication !or NE8cavationO( T+e oint o! t+e locations !or t+e levels $ill de end u on t+e roug+ness o! t+e area
and $ill also "e at least in con!ormit6 $it+ t+e re:uirement o! s eci!ications !or NE8cavationO as !or as ossi"le( T+e similar rocedure !or record measurements s+all +old good !or all ot+er items and activities involved in e8ecution o! t+e $or3( All t+e levels%measurements s+all "e recorded "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge or +is aut+orised re resentatives in t+e aut+orised level % measurement "oo3s( 1<.0 T)32 R)38-23 T+e contractor s+all roduce results o! :ualit6 control tests carried out on t+e $or3s "6 +is sta!! and t+e :ualit6 audit conducted "6 t+e de artment on t+ese $or3s( I! t+e test result do not !ul!ill t+e sti ulated criteria laid do$n in s eci!ications t+e a6ment $ill "e limited as er t+e rovisions in t+e s eci!ication?s@ and i! num"er o! results !ail "e6ond t+e limit o! acce tance; t+en t+e contractor s+all not "e aid unless +e recti!ied all suc+ im er!ect $or3?s@( T+e decision o! t+e Su erintending Engineer; SRSP*##C Circle*';&agtial in res ect o! t+e matters ertaining to t+e :ualit6 control s+all "e !inal and "inding on t+e Contractor( 1=.0 C-),*1*; 6 a@ T+e Contractor s+all at all time 3ee t+e construction areas and +is colon6 and storage !ree !rom accumulation o! $aste or re&ected materials( "@ Prior to t+e com letion o! t+e $or3; t+e Contractor s+all remove all ru""is+ !rom and around t+e romises and all tools; sca!!olding e:ui ment and material $+ic+ are not art o! ermanent structures e8ecute ot+er$ise as3ed !or or as rovided under an6 ot+er Clauses o! t+is contract; t+e remises $ill "e le!t in a manner !ull6 satis!actor6 to t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( 1?.0 C/558*1.,21/*3 ,*0 N/21.)3 B9 C/*2+,.2/+3 All communication and or notices ertaining to $or3s and concerning matters; suc+ as assing and a roving o! !oundation; rein!orcement; and !orm $or3; measurements; mar3 outs; etc s+all not "e addressed "6 t+e Contractor to an o!!icer not "elo$ t+e ran3 o! E8ecutive Engineer( All suc+ notices communications; etc s+all "e addressed in good time so as not to +old u t+e $or3( 18.0 C-,15 ! S866-9 /4 D)31;*3 & D+,D1*;3 T+e contractor s+all not claim an6 com ensation !rom de artment regarding t+e dela6s caused in t+e rocessing o! designs%dra$ings o! various levels( 19.0 EC).821/* /4 W/+A3 >or3s to "e e8ecuted in accordance $it+ S eci!ications; Dra$ings; Orders etc(; T+e Contractor s+all e8ecute t+e $+ole and ever6 art o! t+e $or3 in t+e most
su"stantial and $or3men li3e manner and "ot+ as regards materials and ot+er$ise in ever6 res ect in strict accordance $it+ s eci!ications( T+e Contractor s+all also con!irm e8actl6; !ull6 and !ait+!ull6 to t+e designs; dra$ings and instructions in $riting relating to t+e $or3 signed "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge and lodged in +is o!!ice; and to $+ic+ t+e contractor s+all "e entitled to +ave access at suc+ o!!ice or on t+e site o! t+e $or3 !or t+e ur ose o! ins ection during o!!ice +ours; and t+e contractor s+all i! +e so re:uires; "e entitled at +is o$n e8 ense to ma3e or cause to "e made co ies o! s eci!ications and o! all suc+ designs; dra$ings and instructions as a!oresaid( 20.0 A-2)+,21/*3 1* S6).141.,21/*3 ,*0 D)31;*3 T+e Engineer*in*C+arge s+all +ave o$er to ma3e an6 alterations in; or omissions !rom; addition to; or su"stitutions !or t+e original s eci!ications and a roved dra$ings; designs and instructions t+at ma6 a ear to +im to "e necessar6 or advisa"le during t+e rogress o! t+e $or3 and t+e contractor s+all "e "ound to carr6 out t+e $or3 in accordance $it+ an6 instruction $+ic+ ma6 "e given to +im in $riting signed "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge and suc+ alterations omissions; additions or su"stitutions s+all not invalidate t+e contract and an6 altered; additional or su"stituted $or3 $+ic+ t+e contractor ma6 "e directed to do in t+e manner a"ove s eci!ied as art o! t+e $or3; s+all "e carried out "6 t+e contractor on t+e same conditions; in all res ects on $+ic+ +e agreed to do t+e main $or3 and at t+e same Bided cost( Being a <um sum contract on EPC * NTurn*Ge6O e8tra items % !inancial claims on t+e de artment s+all not "e considered( 21.0 T15) L1512 4/+ *4/+)3))* D13682)3
An6 dis ute s+ould "e "roug+t to t+e notice o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge in $riting $it+in one mont+ o! t+e occurrence o! suc+ dis utes( 22.0 A.21/* ,*0 C/56)*3,21/* P,9,B-) I* C,3) /4 ',0 W/+A I! at an6 time "e!ore securit6 de osit is re!unded to t+e contractor it s+all a ear to t+e Engineer*in*C+arge or +is su"ordinate in*c+arge o! t+e $or3 t+at an6 $or3 +as "een e8ecuted $it+ unsound; im er!ect or uns3illed $or3mans+i or $it+ materials o! in!erior :ualit6 or; t+at an6 materials or articles rovided "6 +im !or t+e e8ecution o! t+e $or3 are unsound or o! a :ualit6 in!erior to t+at contracted !or; or ot+er$ise not in accordance $it+ contract; i! s+all "e la$!ul !or t+e Engineer*in*C+arge to intimate t+is !act in $riting to t+e contractor; and t+en not $it+standing t+e !act t+at t+e $or3; materials or articles com lained o! ma6 +ave "een inadvertentl6 assed; certi!ied and aid !or; t+e contractor s+all "e "ound !ort+$it+ to recti!6 or remove and reconstruct t+e $or3s s eci!ied in $+ole or in art as t+e case ma6 re:uire; or i! so re:uired s+all remove t+e materials or articles so s eci!ied and rovide ot+er ro er and suita"le materials or articles at +is o$n ro er c+arge and cost and in t+e event o! +is !ailing to do so $it+ in a eriod to "e s eci!ied "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge in t+e $ritten intimation a!oresaid; t+e contractor s+all "e lia"le to a6 com ensation at t+e rate o! one
ercent on t+e amount o! t+e estimate !or ever6 da6 not e8ceeding ten da6s during $+ic+ t+e !ailure so continues and in t+e case o! an6 suc+ !ailure; t+e Engineer*in*C+arge ma6 recti!6 or remove and re*e8ecute t+e $or3 or remove and re lace t+e materials or articles com lained o! as t+e case ma6 "e at t+e ris3 and e8 ense in all res ects o! t+e contractor( S+ould t+e Engineer*in*C+arge consider t+at an6 suc+ in!erior $or3 or materials as descri"ed a"ove ma6 "e acce ted or made use o!; it s+all "e $it+in +is discretion to acce t t+e same a!ter im osing enalt6 as decided "6 +im( 2(.0 W/+A3 2/ B) /6)*)0 4/+ I*36).21/* All $or3s; under or in course o! e8ecution or e8ecuted in ursuance o! t+e contract s+all at all times "e o en to t+e ins ection and su ervision o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge and +is su"ordinates and t+e contractor s+all at all times during t+e usual $or3ing +ours and at all ot+er times at $+ic+ reasona"le notice o! t+e intention o! Engineer*in*C+arge or +is su"ordinate to visit t+e $or3 s+all +ave "een given to t+e contractor eit+er +e +imsel! "e resent to receive orders and instructions; or +ave a res onsi"le agent dul6 accredited in $riting; resent !or t+at ur ose( Orders given to t+e contractor,s agent s+all "e considered to +ave t+e same !orce as i! t+e6 +ad "een given to t+e contractor +imsel!( 24.0 N/21.) 2/ B) ;1@)* B)4/+) D/+A 13 ./@)+)0 86 T+e contractor s+all give not less t+an !ive da6s notice in $riting to t+e Engineer* in*C+arge or +is su"ordinate in*c+arge o! t+e $or3 "e!ore covering u or ot+er$ise lacing "e6ond t+e reac+ o! measurement an6 $or3 in order t+at t+e same ma6 "e veri!ied%c+ec3ed and correct dimensions t+ereo! "e ta3en "e!ore t+e same is so covered u or laced "e6ond t+e reac+ o! veri!ication%c+ec3ing o! an6 $or3 $it+out t+e consent in $riting o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge o! su"ordinate in*c+arge o! t+e $or3; and i! an6 $or3 s+all "e covered u or laced "e6ond t+e reac+ o! veri!ication%c+ec3ing $it+out suc+ notice +aving "een given or consent o"tained; t+e same s+all "e uncovered at t+e contractor,s e8 ense or in de!ault t+ereo!; no a6ment or allo$ance s+all "e made !or suc+ $or3 or materials $it+ $+ic+ t+e same $as e8ecuted( 2<.0 S866-9 P-,*2% L,00)+3% S.,44/-01*; E2.. T+e contractor s+all su l6 at +is o$n cost materials ? e8ce t suc+ s ecial materials i! an6; as ma6 in accordance $it+ t+e contract "e su lied !rom t+e Engineer*in*C+arge,s stores@; lant; tools a liances; im lements; tac3le; sca!!olding and tem orar6 $or3s re:uisite !or t+e ro er e8ecution o! t+e $or3; $+et+er original; altered or su"stituted and $+et+er included in t+e s eci!ications or ot+er documents !orming art o! t+e contract or re!erred to in t+ese conditions or not; or $+ic+ ma6 "e necessar6 !or t+e ur ose o! satis!6ing or com l6ing $it+ t+e re:uirements o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge as to an6 matter as to $+ic+ under t+ese conditions +e is entitled to "e satis!ied; or $+ic+ +e is entitled to re:uire toget+er $it+ carriage t+ere!ore to and !rom t+e $or3( T+e contractor s+all also su l6 $it+out c+arge t+e re:uisite num"er o! ersons $it+ t+e means and materials necessar6 !or t+e ur ose o! setting out $or3s and counting; $eig+ing C assisting in t+e c+ec3ing measurement or e8aminations at
an6 time and !rom time to time o! t+e $or3 or materials( #ailing +is so doing; t+e same ma6 "e rovided "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge at t+e e8 ense o! t+e contractor and t+e e8 enses ma6 "e deducted !rom an6 mone6 due to t+e contractor under t+e contract; or !rom +is securit6 de osit or t+e roceeds o! sale t+ereo!; or o! a su!!icient ortion t+ereo! Contractor is lia"le !or damages arising !rom non rovisions o! lig+ts; !encing etc(; T+e contractor s+all also rovide at +is o$n cost; e8ce t $+en t+e contract s eci!icall6 rovided ot+er $ise and e8ce t; !or a6ment due under clause .()2 all necessar6 !encing and lig+ts re:uired to rotect t+e u"lic !rom accidents; and s+all "e "ound to "ear t+e e8 enses or de!ense o! ever6 suit; action or ot+er roceedings o! la$ t+at ma6 "e "roug+t "6 an6 erson !or in&ur6 sustained o$ing to neglect o! t+e a"ove recautions and to a6 an6 damages and costs $+ic+ ma6 "e a$arded in an6 suc+ suit; action or roceedings; to an6 suc+ ersons or $+ic+ ma6 $it+ t+e consent o! t+e contractor "e aid to com romise an6 claim "6 an6 suc+ erson(
2=.0 A8012 ,*0 T).:*1.,- EC,51*,21/*3 Government s+all +ave t+e rig+t to cause an6 audit and tec+nical e8amination o! t+e $or3s and t+e !inal "ills o! t+e Contractor including all su orting vouc+ers; a"stracts etc to "e made a!ter a6ment o! t+e !inal "ill and i! as a result o! suc+ audit and tec+nical e8aminations an6 sum is !ound to +ave "een over aid in res ect o! an6 $or3 done "6 t+e contractor under t+e contract or an6 $or3 claimed "6 +im to +ave "een done "6 +im under t+e contract and !ound not to +ave "een e8ecuted; t+e contractor s+all "e lia"le to re!und t+e amount o! over a6ment and it s+all "e la$!ul !or Government to recover t+e same !rom +im in t+e manner rescri"ed in relevant clause and i! it is !ound t+at t+e contractor $as aid less t+an $+at $as due to +im under t+e contract in res ect o! an6 $or3 e8ecuted "6 +im under it; t+e amount o! suc+ under a6ment s+all "e dul6 aid "6 Government to t+e contractor( Provided t+at Govt( s+all not "e entitled to recover an6 sum over aid; nor t+e contractor s+all "e entitled to a6ment o! an6 sum aid s+ort $+ere suc+ a6ment +as "een agreed u on "et$een t+e Su erintending Engineer or E8ecutive Engineer on t+e one +and and t+e contractor on t+e ot+er +and; under an6 term o! t+e contract ermitting a6ment !or $or3 a!ter assessment "6 t+e Su erintending Engineer or t+e E8ecutive Engineer( 2?.0 P)+51331/* 4/+ C+/331*; NH / SH R/,03/R,1-D,9 L1*)3 T+e $or3s o! t+e canal s6stems is li3el6 to +ave several crossings !or National Big+$a6; State Big+$a6; Ot+er Roads; Rail$a6 lines; BPC< Oil i elines; GAI< gas i elines $ater i elines etc(; and as suc+ necessar6 letter to grant t+e ermission !or crossing t+ose remises s+all "e issued to t+e res ective aut+orities "6 t+e Engineer*in* C+arge( Bo$ever t+e contractors $ill +ave to 3ee t+e !ollo$*u and o"tain timel6 clearance !rom t+e concerned aut+orities Costs o! t+ose crossing are included in t+e Bid e8ce t t+e crossings ertaining to rail$a6 lines(
L,*0 A.H813121/* Position o! land ac:uisition A!ter t+e alignments are !inalised; t+e rocess o! land ac:uisition s+all "e started "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer $it+ t+e +el o! Contractor( As suc+ necessar6 ro osals $ill "e su"mitted to t+e res ective aut+orit6 "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer and to "e ursued $it+ <(A( aut+orities !or earl6 ta3ing ossession o! land(
3) /4 S12) a@ All land re:uired s+all "e arranged "6 t+e Contractor !rom rivate land o$ner%revenue de artment at +is o$n cost and no claim on t+is account s+all "e entertained( In case o! !orest land Engineer*in*c+arge $ill rocess t+e ro osal and all !urt+er !ollo$ u !or clearance is to "e done "6 t+e contractor(
"@ All areas o! o eration including t+ose o! +is sta!! and la"our colonies in case +anded over to t+e contractor s+all "e cleared and +anded over "ac3 in good condition to t+e Engineer*in*C+arge e8ce t t+e areas under $or3s constructed !rom t+e Engineer*in*C+arge T+e Contractor s+all ma3e good to t+e satis!action o! t+e Engineer*in*C+arge an6 damage or alterations made to areas $+ic+ +e +as to +and over "ac3 or to ot+er ro ert6 or land +anded over to +im !or t+e ur ose o! t+is $or3( c@ T+e lands s+all as +erein "e!ore mentioned "e +anded over "ac3 to t+e Engineer*in*c+arge immediatel6 a!ter com letion o! t+e $or3 under t+is contract or t+e termination o! t+e contract $+ic+ever is earlier( Also no land s+all "e +eld "6 t+e Contractor longer t+an t+e Engineer*in* C+arge s+all deem necessar6 and t+e Contractor s+all on due notice "6 t+e Engineer*in* C+arge vacate and returned t+e land $+ic+ t+e Engineer* in*C+arge ma6 certi!6 as no longer re:uired "6 t+e Contractor !or t+e ur ose o! t+e $or3s( In case t+e lands are not +anded over "ac3 to t+e de artment $it+in t+e time limitH s eci!ied a"ove enal rent as ma6 "e decided "6 t+e Engineer* in*C+arge $ill "e recovered !rom t+e contractor(
d@ T+e vegetation and !orest is noticea"le in ro&ect area( T+e Contractor s+ould ta3e utmost care !or t+e reservation o! t+is vegetation and !orest( An6 damage in t+is vegetation and !orest $ill +ave to "e com ensated "6 t+e Contractor and decision o! Engineer*in*C+arge $ill "e !inal and "inding on Contractor(
APPENDI&-SI SECTION !I S RVE"S AND INVESTIGATION SCOPE OF SERVICES T:) C/*2+,.2/+P3 S./6) /4 S)+@1.)3 3:,-- 1*.-80) 2:) 4/--/D1*; ,.21@121)3: 1.0 R)@1)D ,*0 A33)335)*2 /4 D,2, R)H81+)5)*2. '(' Revie$ o! availa"le surve6 and investigation data and identi!ication o! additional %!res+ surve6 and investigation re:uirement considered necessar6 !or location o! sum s; inta3e structures; su" stations; um +ouses; !ormation % im rovements o! ne$% e8isting tan3s; !i8ing alignment o! Pi e line; main canal; distri"utaries minors and su" minors; !inali=ing location o! structures on Pi e line and t+e canal s6stem re aration o! estimates !or record; re aration o! land lan sc+edules and <(A( Pro osals including ro ert6 cases and e8ecution; investigation; commissioning and maintenance o! t+e sc+eme( '() Revie$ o! tec+nical and design arameters !or location o! sum s; inta3e structures; su" stations; um +ouses; !ormation % im rovements o! ne$% e8isting tan3s; !i8ing alignment o! Pi e line; main canal; distri"utaries minors and su" minors; including structures( '(- Pre aration and su"mission o! Re orts on t+e a"ove !or t+e in!ormation to t+e Em lo6er( '(. Pre aration o! $or3 rogrammes !or carr6ing out additional%!res+ investigations and studies !or t+e in!ormation o! t+e Em lo6er( '(/ T+e contractor s+all su"mit a revie$ re ort a!ter carr6ing out t+e a"ove activities !or acce tance o! t+e Em lo6er( )(5 Additional % !res+ Investigations and O"servations and Studies )(' Carr6ing out additional %!res+ surve6s; geotec+nical investigations and la"orator6 tests; anal6sis and studies including collection o! ot+er relevant data as necessar6( )() Evaluation o! results o! additional investigations and la"orator6 tests; anal6sis and studies including collection o! ot+er relevant data as necessar6(
)(- #inalisation o! conce tual lan "ased on reliminar6 investigation % lanning o! t+e em lo6er( T+e detailed investigation and geo tec+nical investigations are to "e carried out !or t+e Dam and a urtenant $or3s ; total canal s6stem o! t+e Pro&ect( T+e conce tual lan s+all "e on $+ole; to t+e art rinci le( )(. Pre aration and su"mission o! re orts on Clause )(' C )() a"ove !or re!erences; acce tance and record o! em lo6er(
-(5 Detailed Investigation -(' Pre aration o! a memorandum on conducting surve6s and investigation indicating investigation criteria; met+odolog6 to "e !ollo$ed; e:ui ment ro osed to "e used and met+od o! anal6sis on all com onents o! t+e sc+eme ? 7ain Canal % distri"utor6 S6stems % #ield C+annel; structures on t+e a"ove total canal s6stem@
-() Pre aration o! command surve6 lans o! $+ole command area on com"ined village ma $it+ contours at ' m intervals ma3ing ridges and villages s+o$ing clearl6 command area( -(-(. Surve6 !or !i8ing alignment ta3ing trial its and "orro$ area surve6 and o"taining a roval o! com etent aut+orit6 and !i8ing ermanent "enc+mar3s( 7ar3ing a roved alignments on command area and c+al3 "oundaries osition o! O(Ts and structures on command lan; <(S( and Site lan s+o$ing alignment o! canals( Pre aring A6acut registers village $ise and outlet $ise; Pre aring c+al3 statement; distri"utor6 $ise( Outlet register( Catc+ment area surve6; grid surve6; leveling along nalla %river to determine "ed slo e and cross section o! nalla %river !or C(D( $or3s( Grid surve6 !or ot+er structures; C(7( $or3s suc+ as Road crossing; cross regulators; Esca es !alls; distri"utor6 C 7inor +ead sluices; metering !lumes etc(; trial its; core drilling !or !oundation investigation o! structures( Pre aring land lan sc+edules and land ac:uisition ro osals ?Private <and; Government <and; #orest <and i! an6 etc(@ Pro ert6 cases i! an6 and suc+ as $ells; trees; +ouses etc(; Pre aring tem orar6 land ac:uisitions ro osals !or "orro$ area(
-(4 Surve6 o! 7icro irrigation Net $or3 $it+ !ield c+annels serving u to ' Ba( Bolding including t+eir structures( -('5 All t+e dra$ings li3e command area Plan longitudinal sections and cross section o! all t+e canals; roads; drains% Nallas %Rivers site surve6s o! all t+e C7 C CD $or3s; Bead Sluices OT*Sluices etc; <(P( Sc+edules C <(A( ro osals s+all "e su"mitted to em lo6er !or +is a roval( .(5 <iaison $it+ t+e Em lo6er Investigation liaison $it+ Su erintending Engineer !rom t+e start o! investigation to actual Commissioning o! t+e ro&ect in !ull( /(5 Pre aration o! mont+l6 rogress re orts on t+e rogress o! t+e investigation $or3( 0(5 No se arate a6ment s+all "e made !or conducting an6 o! t+e surve6s; detailed investigation and geotec+nical e8 loration etc(; indicated a"ove and needed !or
endi8 P'
T:) C/*2+,.2/+P3 S./6) /4 S)+@1.)3 3:,-- 1*.-80) 2:) 4/--/D1*; ,.21@121)3: 1.0 R)@1)D ,*0 A33)335)*2 /4 D,2, R)H81+)5)*2
'(' Revie$ o! availa"le surve6 and investigation data and identi!ication o! additional surve6 and investigation re:uirement considered necessar6 !or design; e8ecution; commissioning and o eration o! t+e ro&ect( '() Revie$ o! tec+nical and design arameters !or Dam and a urtenant $or3s; Canals % distri"utor6 s6stem; its structure and B6dro*mec+anical >or3s( '(- Pre aration and su"mission o! Re orts on t+e a"ove !or t+e in!ormation to t+e Em lo6er( '(. '(/ Pre aration o! $or3 rogrammes !or carr6ing out additional investigations and studies !or t+e in!ormation o! t+e Em lo6er( T+e contractor s+all su"mit a revie$ re ort a!ter carr6ing out t+e a"ove activities !or acce tance o! t+e Em lo6er(
)(5 Additional Investigations and O"servations and Studies )(' Carr6ing out additional surve6s; geotec+nical investigations and la"orator6 tests; anal6sis and studies including collection o! ot+er relevant data as necessar6( )() )(Evaluation o! results o! additional investigations; carr6ing out studies and anal6sis !or t+e design o! t+e Pro&ect com onents( #inali=ation o! conce tual lan "ased u on t+e reliminar6 design % lanning o! t+e Em lo6er; t+e $or3s to "e e8ecuted !or Canal S6stem o! t+e sc+eme( T+e conce tual lan s+all "e on $+ole to t+e art rinci le( Pre aration and su"mission o! Re orts on oint )('; )() and )(- a"ove !or re!erence; acce tance and record o! t+e Em lo6er(
(.0 D)2,1-)0 D)31;* -(' Pre aration o! design memorandum indicating design criteria; design arameters; design assum tions; met+od o! anal6sis on all com onents o! t+e ro&ect ?Civil; Canal S6stem and Structure; Pie line; Inta3es and um +ouses; !ormation % im rovements !or ne$ % e8isting tan3s; B6dro*mec+anical and Electro 7ec+anical $or3s@( T+ese design "rie!s s+all "e su"mitted to t+e Em lo6er !or a roval "e!ore carr6ing out detailed design and construction dra$ings(
-() Detailed design !or location o! sum s; inta3e structures; su" stations; um +ouses; !ormation % im rovements o! ne$% e8isting tan3s; Pi e line; main canal; distri"utaries minors and su" minors including dra$ings re:uired !or t+e e8ecution o! t+e calculations er!ormed and t+e construction dra$ings issued s+all "e su"mitted to Em lo6er !or +is a roval( -(Detailed design o! gates; +oisting arrangement and E7 Parts including dra$ings re:uired !or t+e e8ecution o! t+e >or3s and all calculations er!ormed and t+e construction dra$ings issued s+all "e su"mitted to Em lo6er !or +is a roval(
-(. Details o! control arrangement including dra$ings re:uired !or t+e e8ecution o! t+e >or3 s+all "e su"mitted to Em lo6er !or +is a roval( -(/ Additional designs and modi!ications; as needed; during construction( -(0 T+e contractor s+all ado t modern met+odolog6%State o! art Tec+ni:ues in design o! structures and canal lining
.(5 Pre aration o! Commissioning and O C 7 7anuals /(5 Pro&ect Com letion Re ort Pre aration o! as*"uilt dra$ings !or sum s; inta3e structures; su" stations; um +ouses; ne$% e8isting tan3s; Pi e line; main canal; distri"utaries minors and su" minors including CD C C7 $or3s; Gates C E7 Parts o! structures and a Detailed Pro&ect Com letion Re ort( 0(5 Design liaison $it+ t+e Em lo6er 0(' Design liaison $it+ t+e C+ie! Engineer; CDO; B6dera"ad % C+ie! Engineer; ?Pro&ects@; Ongole %Su erintending Engineer; Construction Circle; Ongole !rom t+e start o! t+e investigations and until commissioning o! t+e sc+eme in !ull(
0() Pre aration o! 7ont+l6 Re orts on t+e rogress o! t+e ro&ect $or3 as a $+ole !or in!ormation o! t+e Em lo6er; in res ect o!D Investigation C Surve6s( Design and engineering( Pi e line and allied $or3s; B6dro*7ec+anical and Electro*7ec+anical $or3s Civil Construction( Gates C E7 Parts Control arrangement( Tec+nical status ?Present status and !uture rogramme@ Pro&ect status ?Time Sc+edule; ac+ievement o! mile*stone; sli age in time sc+edule $it+ s eci!ic re!erence to activities and acceleration measures ro osed@ #inancial status ?Present status and !uture ro&ection@ De lo6ment o! 7an o$er; <a"our; E8 atriates sta!! and Construction E:ui ment
#urt+er more t+e Re ort s+all include necessar6 s+o$ing t+e revious mont+Qs rogress(
?.0 S866-9 /4 D+,D1*;3% R)6/+23 )2.. S<( NO( ' ) PARTICU<ARS Dra$ings !or in!ormation Dra$ings !or a BARD COPIES / ?!ive@ sets roval / ?!ive@ sets SO#T COPIES ' ?One@ ' ?One@ RE7ARGS
One +ard co 6 s+all "e returned to t+e Contractor $it+ a roval or comments( S+all "e su"mitted in accordance $it+ Clause ''2(5 o! General Conditions o! Contract( One +ard co 6 s+all "e returned to t+e Contractor $it+ a roval or comments(
roved dra$ings
' ?One@ co 6 in CD
As*"uilt document
Revie$ Re ort% Design ) ?T$o@ sets Brie!s%Design 7emo% Design Re orts ?Dra!t@ Revie$ Re ort% Design ' E '5 sets Brie!s%Design 7emo% Design Re orts ?#inal@ Commissioning and ) ?T$o@ sets OC7 7anuals ?Dra!t@ Commissioning and OC7 7anuals ?A roved@ Progress Re orts #inal design com utations Detailed Pro&ect Com letion Re ort '5 ?Ten@ sets 0 ?Si8@ sets 0 ?si8@ sets '5 ?Ten@ sets ' ?One@ co 6 in CD ' ?one@ co 6 in CD ' ?One@ co 6 in CD '?One@ co 6 in CD '?One@ co 6 in CD
0 1
One +ard co 6 s+all "e returned to t+e Contractor $it+ a roval or comments(
2 4 '5 ''
1(' T+e Contractor s+all !urnis+ to t+e Em lo6erQs o!!ice t+e !ollo$ing num"er o! co ies o! dra$ings; re orts and ot+er tec+nical documentsD 1() All So!t$are used s+all also "e loaded in Em lo6erQs com uters !or design veri!ication and Em lo6er,s su"se:uent use at no additional cost( 2(5 No se arate a6ment s+all "e made !or an6 o! t+e design and engineering $or3s indicated a"ove and needed !or t+e com letion o! t+e ro&ect and s+all deemed to "e included in t+e :uoted rice(
A66)*01C - CW CIVIL WORKS SCOPE OF SERVICES C1@1- W/+A3 Civil $or3s to "e e8ecuted s+all "e as ro osed "6 t+e "idder !or t+e !ollo$ing ma&or com onents ?"ut not limited to@ at t+e "id stage and su"se:uentl6 at t+e detailed design stage as a roved "6 t+e Em lo6erD CANALS Distri"utaries to cater t+e needs o! s eci!ied a6acut ?7ain canal% Tunnels% Distri"utaries% 7inors and Su"*7inors@ CD C C7 $or3s on 7ain canal %Tunnels% Distri"utaries% 7inors and Su"* 7inors% #ield C+annels ?7icro Net $or3 to Serve u to ' Ba( Bolding@ including structures( Ins ection at+ on t+e canals( Plantation along t+e canals( 7onitoring o! rogramme and rogress ?com uter aided@ O eration C 7aintenance o! s6stem
endi8 * B>
T:) 3./6) /4 D/+A 1* 2:13 3).21/* 1*.-80)3% B82 */2 -1512)0 2/ 2:) 4/--/D1*;. '( Detailing; su ainting etc( l6 and manu!acture; ins ection; s+o assem"l6; testing;
)( Deliver6; transit insurance; collection o! e:ui ment and custom clearance ?i! an6@; inland trans ortation to site( -( Site storage; including insurance; trans ortation and +andling( Site erection; ainting; testing and commissioning including rovision o! la"our; lant material etc( !or t+e a"ove( .( Banding over to Em lo6er( Su l6 and installation o! all incidentals not s eci!ied "ut are necessar6 !or ro er com letion and satis!actor6 !unctioning o! t+e s6stem( /( T+e Contractor s+all su l6 t+e !ollo$ing e:ui ment; $+ic+ $ill meet in all res ects; t+e re:uirements o! Em lo6er in regard to er!ormance; dura"ilit6 and satis!actor6 o eration( All t+e e:ui ment su lied s+all con!orm to t+e relevant Indian Standards( >+erever; Indian Standards are non*e8istent or silent; relevant International Standards ?as agreed "et$een t+e Em lo6er and t+e Contractor@ s+all "e !ollo$ed( T+e si=es and num"ers o! units are "ased u on Em lo6er,s reliminar6 design and ma6 var6 to suit site conditions and design re:uirements( iI@Gates $it+ +oisting arrangement( ii@Installation o! Em"edded 7etal Parts( iii@Pum s; motors and all ot+er allied $or3s iv@Deliver6 7ain
APPENDI& ! OM MAINTENANCE D RING DEFECTS LIA'ILIT" PERIOD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.0 G)*)+,#rom Commercial O eration Date o! t+e ro&ect; t+e Contractor s+all ta3e over t+e um +ouses and t+e i eline !or o eration and maintenance !or a eriod o! t$o 6ears( T+e Contractor s+all "e res onsi"le !or t+e o eration and maintenance o! all com onents o! t+e ro&ect including associated +6dro* mec+anical e:ui ment and civil $or3s in accordance $it+ rudent utilit6 ractice( 2.0 S./6) /4 S)+@1.)3 T+e sco e o! services $ould include t+e !ollo$ing( '( To maintain all ermanent civil( mec+anical and +6dro*mec+anical $or3s and o eration and maintenance o! all gates as and $+en re:uired( )( To rovide all services necessar6 to o erate and maintain t+e ro&ect e!!icientl6; ma8imi=e t+e availa"ilit6 o! t+e ro&ect; o timi=e t+e use!ul li!e o! t+e ro&ect etc( -( To o erate t+e ro&ect in accordance $it+ t+e o eration and maintenance manuals o! t+e e:ui ment manu!acturers( .( To o erate t+e ro&ect in accordance $it+ t+e re:uirements o! RSP Aut+orit6( /( To rovide re:uisite num"ers o! :uali!ied ?and i! re:uired licensed@ ersonnel to er!orm t+e services( 0( To maintain o erating logs; records indicating $ater availa"ilit6 and o erating data( um ing rate; ro&ect
1( To carr6out maintenance o! t+e e:ui ment and carr6 out re air and reventive maintenance in accordance $it+ t+e recommendations o! t+e e:ui ment manu!acturers( 2( To maintain all t+e +istorical record o! OC7 $+ic+ are use!ul to carr6 out t+e tec+nical audit !or +ealt+ o! t+e e:ui ment( 4( To rovide tec+nical and ot+er assistance to t+e Em lo6er; in solving o erational and maintenance ro"lems( '5( To rovide all s are arts; tools; e:ui ment; consuma"les etc( re:uired to o erate and maintain t+e ro&ect in accordance $it+ rudent utilit6 ractice and 3ee ing in vie$ $arrant6 eriod( ''( 7aintain all roads; 6ards; $al3$a6s; t+e colon6; +ouse 3ee ing and securit6 o! t+e ro&ect(
')( To maintain and 3ee in readiness !ire rotection s6stem and sa!et6 e:ui ment !or t+e ro&ect(
'-( To recommend im rovements % modi!ications in t+e ro&ect and im lement t+e same $it+ t+e Em lo6erQs a roval( '.( Re resent t+e Em lo6er in meetings%discussions $it+ RSP and ot+er aut+orities( '/( Engage su"*Contractors and vendors as ma6 "e necessar6 !or t+e er!ormance o! services $it+ t+e ermission o! t+e Em lo6er( '0( Suggest im rovements in t+e o eration and maintenance sc+edule !or "etter er!ormance( '1( To re are Annual O eration Plan and su"mit to t+e Em lo6er !or a (.0 G/@)+*5)*2 R8-)3 T+e Contractor s+all er!orm t+e $or3 in accordance $it+ Indian and ot+er a lica"le la$s ?including environmental rotection; sanitar6; em lo6ment; industrial sa!et6 and la"our la$s@ regulations; codes; ermits; licenses; court orders and standards "inding and en!orcea"le on t+e Em lo6er( T+e Contractor s+all a6 income or ot+er ta8es resulting !rom t+e er!ormance and a6ment made to +im in t+is connection( 4.0 O6)+,21*; P)+3/**)T+e Contractor s+all de lo6 e8 erienced ersonnel !or o eration and maintenance o! t+e ro&ect( T+e de lo6ment sc+edule indicating t+e name o! t+e ersons; res onsi"ilit6 assigned to eac+ o! t+em and t+eir "io*data s+all "e rovided in t+e tender( <.0 D).-,+,21/* /4 D,1-9 W,2)+ A@,1-,B1-129 T+e Contractor s+all declare dail6 at agreed times; t+e availa"ilit6 o! $ater( =.0 P)+1/01.,- O6)+,21/* R)6/+23 T+e Contractor s+all re are !ortnig+tl6 o eration re ort and su"mit to t+e Em lo6er $it+in t+ree da6s o! t+e end o! revious !ortnig+t( T+e re ort s+all include; t+e :uantum o! $ater released; energ6 consumed; re airs% maintenance carried out; s are arts % e:ui ment% consuma"les utili=ed; la"our status re ort; e:ui ment o erational status; status o! !ire !ig+ting e:ui ment; er!ormance o! t+e ro&ect com ared to t+e annual o eration lan etc( R1;:2 T/ P)+4/+5 86/* C/*2+,.2/+P3 D)4,8-2 It an6time; t+e Contractor !ails to er!orm and suc+ !ailure is li3el6 to cause in&ur6 to an6 erson or damage to t+e ro&ect; t+e Em lo6er ma6; "ut s+all +ave no
o"ligation to; er!orm an6 suc+ o"ligation( T+e cost to t+e Em lo6er o! a!!ecting suc+ er!ormance $ould "e deducted !rom t+e a6ment due to t+e Contractor( 8.0 P,95)*2 4/+ 2:) S)+@1.)3 T+e OC7 e8 enses a6a"le to t+e Contractor "6 t+e Em lo6er s+all "e in t+e agreed currenc6 ?INR and%or USZ@ !or ever6 mont+ "ased on t+e invoices raised "6 t+e Contractor !or t+e receding mont+ in accordance $it+ t+e relevant clauses o! t+e General Conditions o! Contract( Total a6ment s+all "e limited to t+e rice :uoted !or O eration and 7aintenance( T+e man o$er de lo6ment sc+edule $ould "e rovided to t+e Em lo6er and it $ould "e ad+ered to strictl6( #urt+er t+e !acilities eg( Accommodation; trans ort; electricit6; $ater etc( to "e rovided to t+e de lo6ed man o$er "6 t+e contractor%Em lo6er $ould "e clearl6 s eci!ied( T+e man*mont+ c+arges o! t+e de lo6ed man o$er; as sc+eduled and ad+ere to $ould "e c+arged to t+e mont+l6 invoice along $it+ t+e consuma"les%minor re airs incurred !or t+e mont+ on actual "asis( In case o! ma&or e8 enses !or re lacements % s ares; t+e contractor $ould in!orm t+e re:uirement to t+e Em lo6er( T+e Em lo6er $ould urc+ase % rovide !or t+e items not covered under de!ect lia"ilit6( 9.0 P+1.) A0E8325)*2 T+e rates and rices :uoted "6 t+e Bidder are not su"&ect to ad&ustment during t+e er!ormance o! t+e Contract !or ta8es; duties and an6 ot+er levies including variation in rate o! e8c+ange !or !oreign currenc6 and on account o! an6 ot+er reason $+at so ever( I*38+,*.) T+e Contractor s+all o"tain and maintain in !orce t+roug+out during #ive ?/@ 6ears o! o eration and maintenance; Industrial All Ris3 Insurance !or t+e Pro&ect roviding !ull coverage on re lacement value "asis( Covered eril s+all include !ire; !lood and allied erils( Insurance !or $or3ers against in&ur6 and deat+ as er >or3man Com ensation Act s+all also "e o"tained "6 t+e Contractor( T+,1*1*; O4 E56-/9)+P3 P)+3/**)T+e Contractor s+all arrange !or training o! Em lo6erQs ersonnel in o eration and maintenance o! t+e ro&ect( T+e Contractor s+all rovide a detailed training lan !or all o eration and maintenance rocedures along $it+ t+e "id documents $+ic+ s+all; a!ter a roval "6 t+e Em lo6er; !orm t+e "asis o! training rogramme( F/+.) M,E)8+) Events or circumstances leading to !orce ma&eure and its e!!ects on service etc( s+all "e a lica"le as given General Conditions o! Contract( 1(.0 A..)62,*.) T)323 /* C/56-)21/* /4 TD/ #2$ "),+3 O&M P)+1/0
U on com letion o! t$o ?)@ success!ul 6ears o! 3+ari! OC7 eriod; t+e acce tance tests s+all "e carried out "e!ore t+e ro&ect is ta3en over "6 t+e Em lo6er( T+ese acce tance tests s+all "e identical to t+e test a!ter com letion conducted under t+e EPC ortion o! t+e contract; e8ce t t+at t+e minimum condition s+all "e agreed er!ormance value !rom t+e EPC test reduced "6 t+e ercentage value o! contractual acce tance degradation( T+e Contractor s+all also ma3e availa"le t+e roo! t+at maintenance % over+aul o! e:ui ment $as carried out during t$o ?)@ success!ul 6ears o! 3+ari! 6ears, eriod in accordance $it+ t+e maintenance sc+edule o! t+e su lier o! t+e e:ui ment( 14.0 S)22-)5)*2 /4 D13682)3 T+e settlement o! dis utes i! an6 s+all "e +andled in accordance $it+ t+e General Conditions o! Contract(
APENDI&-OS OTHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT '(5 T+e contractor s+all revie$ all t+e in!ormation % data availa"le $it+ t+e De artment and assess t+e additional surve6s; investigation etc( t+at are to "e carried out to !ul!ill t+e o"ligations under t+e contract( )(5 T+e contractors s+all ta3e t+is into consideration $+ile :uoting !or t+e "id( No claims $+atsoever on t+is issue $ill "e entertained during e8ecution( )(' -(5 T+e Contractor s+all :uote t+e "id rice 3ee ing t+e a"ove as ects into consideration and no claims $+atsoever on t+is issue $ill "e entertained( T+e Contractor $ould "e ermitted to use t+e e8cavated use!ul soil and stone !or construction ur ose at !ree o! initial cost( T+e Contractor s+all ma3e necessar6 arrangement !or o eration suc+ as "rea3ing and crus+ing t+e stone to t+e s eci!ied si=e( T+e stone used !or t+e entire $or3 in t+e sco e o! t+is contract $ould "e allo$ed to utili=e !or t+e ac3age $or3 at !ree o! initial cost; t+e contractor s+ould :uote +is "id rice 3ee ing in vie$ o! t+e a"ove as ect( >+erever t+e 7ain canal and distri"utor6 s6stem and all ancillar6 $or3s re:uire s+i!ting o! B(T(%<(T( o$er lines; to$ers; Electrical oles etc(; eit+er ermanentl6 or tem oraril6 t+e contractor s+all arrange !or suc+ s+i!ting o! o$er lines to$ers; electrical oles etc(; t+roug+ concerned aut+orities o! A(P( Electricit6 Board at +is cost( T+e Engineer*in*C+arge $ill rocess t+e ro osals su"mitted "6 t+e contractor to t+e aut+orities concerned o! A(P( Electricit6 Board( T+e rice "id :uoted "6 t+e Contractor is deemed to "e inclusive o! suc+ cost and no claims !or se arate a6ment $ill "e entertained(
/(5 >+erever t+e canal s6stem is crossing Rail$a6 line; t+e contractor +as to re are; necessar6 ro osals !or see3ing ermissions o! Rail$a6 aut+orities( T+e Engineer*in*C+arge $ill rocess suc+ ro osals to t+e Rail$a6 aut+orities concerned !or ta3ing u t+e $or3 "6 t+em as a de osit $or3 dul6 a6ing t+e amount demanded "6 t+e rail$a6 aut+orities "6 t+e De t( 0(5 In order to c+ec3 t+e accurac6 o! t+e investigation $or3 t+e e:ui ment; la"our re:uired trans ort and ot+er materials etc(; at site o! $or3 +ave to "e su lied to t+e De artment $it+out e8tra cost( T+e a6acut registers s+ould "e su"mitted along $it+ +6draulic articulars( T+e a6acut registers s+ould "e i e $ise $it+ a6acutdars name and - Sets o! "ounded "oo3let(
2(5 No e8tra a6ment $ill "e made to t+e "idder i! t+ere is an6 c+ange in t6 e o! structure; s eci!ications; variation in :uantities as er actual site conditions(
B(P( Boards s+ould "e dis la6ed o! si=e )(55m 8 '(/5 on main canal; '(/5m 8 '(55m on "ranc+ canal; '(55 8 5(05m on 7a&ors; minors; su"*minors at c+ange o! reac+es; o!!*ta3e structures; road crossing or $+ere ever necessar6 or "6 engraving on t+e structure $it+ enamel ainting( B(P "oards % direction "oards s+ould also "e dis la6ed to !acilitate !or ins ection "ot+ at investigation and e8ecution stages(
'5(5 During soil e8 loration "6 drilling "ore+oles !or !oundations; t+e contractor s+all ta3e re:uired no( o! U(D( Sam les and normal sam les and o"tain soil classi!ication soil ro erties and "earing ca acit6 "6 getting t+em in t+e soil testing la"oratories o! Government <a"s%Engineering Colleges or ot+er re uted !irms( T+e contractor s+all rovide certain U(D( Sam les and normal sam les to t+e de artment% Engineer*in*C+arge also so as to get t+em tested arallell6 at APER <a" i! re:uired( T+e cost o! suc+ testing s+all "e "orne "6 t+e contractor onl6( ''(5 T+e contract s+all !urnis+ dra!t re orts on design Engineering; dra$ings; in !ive co ies !or o"taining t+e a roval o! t+e com etent aut+orit6( A!ter a roval t+e contractor s+all !urnis+ '' co ies o! "oo3lets and ' so!t co 6 in C(D( !or record o! t+e de artment at +is cost and no se arate a6ment $ill "e made to$ards t+is( ')(5 T+e contractor s+all !urnis+ ten ?'5@ co ies o! <and lan sc+edules and <and ac:uisition ro osals !or o"taining a roval o! com etent aut+orities( '-(5 T+e contractor s+all !i8 enamel coated metallic measuring gauges "ot+ on U%s and D%s side o! all t+e structures and at suita"le locations as suggested "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( '.(5 In res ect o! 7ain canal; near t+e cistern and all cross regulators; "ig structures li3e a:ueducts; si +ons on "ot+ U%s side and D%s s+all "e rovided $it+ gauges !i8ed "6 t+e contractor and t+e cost t+ere o! is deemed to "e included in t+e :uoted contract rice(
'/(5 T+e co*e!!icient o! disc+arge ?Cd@ o! all structures cross regulators; Esca es; Bead Sluices; O!!*ta3e Sluices etc(; s+all "e cali"rated and !urnis+ed to t+e de artment( #urt+er Gate o eration sc+edules !or eac+ o! t+e a"ove structure are to "e re ared and got a roved "6 t+e Em lo6er%com etent aut+orit6 "6 t+e contractor and cost to$ards t+ese items is deemed to "e included in t+e contract rice :uoted( '0(5 >+erever t+e canal s6stem is assing t+roug+ or "6 t+e side o! Aillages; To$ns and ot+er +a"itations ? in res ect o! canals $it+ "ed $idt+ o! more t+an -m onl6@ and suita"le ste s !or domestic uses o! t+e eo le one !or eac+ village at t+e nearest structure s+all "e rovided "6 t+e contractor dul6 getting t+e design dra$ing % ro osals a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge( T+e $idt+ o! ste s s+ould "e a minimum o! -(55 m incase o! main canal and )(55m in distri"utor6 s6stem( Out side ram s at an average distance o! )(55 3m s+ould "e rovided in dee cut reac+es "6 t+e contractor dul6 getting t+e design dra$ing % ro osals a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge and cost o! t+ese items are deemed to "e included in t+e contract rice :uoted(
'1(5 T+e contract s+all rovide Bectometer and Gilometer stones o! standard design on t+e main canals and distri"utories o! ca acit6 more t+an /5 cusecs and cost t+ere o! is deemed to "e included in t+e :uoted contract rice( '2(5 A gravel service road o! /m $idt+ and ))/ mm t+ic3 loose com acted to '/5mm t+ic3 in one la6er com acted $it+ 2 to '5 T o$er roller s+all "e rovided on t+e ins ection at+ !or ressure main ;7ain canal and distri"utaries (Cost o! suc+ service road is deemed to "e included in t+e contract rice( '4(5 Catc+ drains are to "e rovided $+erever necessar6 to !acilitate drainage all along t+e canals $it+ in t+e sco e o! t+e contract at no e8tra cost( )5(5 All t+e crossings o! canal s6stem o! National Big+ $a6s; State Big+$a6s; RCB Roads; Panc+a6at Ra& Roads; Aillage roads and all ot+er roads% Cart trac3s s+all "e rovided $it+ suita"le "ridges as er standards o! t+e res ective de artments and as er t+e ermissions granted "6 t+em( T+e a roac+es to t+ese "ridges s+all "e rovided as er t+e standard o! t+eir res ective de artments( T+e cost o! t+ese "ridges s+all "e deemed to +ave "een included in t+e contract rice :uoted and no claims $+atsoever on t+is $ill "e entertained( )'(5 I! an6 additional "ridges are to "e constructed at t+e re:uest o! t+e em lo6er on an6 cart trac3s % 3untas not !inding lace in village ma s or ne$ "ridges soug+t to cross t+e canal even t+oug+ t+ere is no e8isting road; t+e contractor is "ound to design and e8ecute t+e a"ove "ridges as additional items and cost t+ere o! $ill "e aid se aratel6 "6 t+e engineer in*c+arge as er t+e conditions o! contract ertaining to additional items not contingent o! main $or3( ))(5 I! t+e ro osed canal s6stem is crossing an6 e8isting irrigation canals or c+annels; su l6 c+annels or Sources % Streams to 7inor Irrigation tan3s; suita"le structures are to "e rovided $it+in t+e :uoted contract rice "6 t+e contractor( )-(5 I! t+e canal s6stem is crossing BPC< oil i e lines; GAI< i e lines; or an6 ot+er i e lines; t+e contractor s+all rovided suita"le crossing in consultation $it+ t+e aut+orities concerned a!ter o"taining t+e a roval eit+er "6 +imsel! or getting t+em e8ecuted "6 t+e concerned aut+orities as a de osit $or3 dul6 de ositing t+e re:uisite amount to t+em( T+e Engineer*in*C+arge $ill +el in rocessing t+e ro osals to t+e aut+orities concerned to o"tain t+eir ermission( T+e cost o! suc+ crossings s+all "e deemed to "e included in t+e contract rice( Diversion o! streams t+at are crossing t+e ro osed canal s6stem into near "6 stream?s@ is not ermitted in general( Bo$ever in e8ce tional cases; t+e Engineer*in* C+arge ma6 consider suc+ ro osals de ending u on t+eir !easi"ilit6; i! t+e distance "et$een t+em is not muc+ ? i(e(; less t+an )55 m @ and also i! suc+ diversion $ill not e!!ect t+e ri arian rig+ts o! e8isting or contem lated sources on D%s side( T+e o!! ta3es s+all not "e laced eit+er in +eav6 em"an3ments or in dee cuts( Sur lus esca e regulators s+all not "e rovided in dee cut reac+es(
)0(5 A launc+ing a ron o! su!!icient t+ic3ness and t+e side revetment $it+ t+e toe $all !or a re:uired lengt+ s+all "e rovided instead o! normal "ed itc+ing C revetment at Do$nstream o! O!! ta3es( )1(5 #alls or dro s on distri"ution s+ould "e located $+ere t+e #(S(<( stri3es t+e general ground level( )2(5 R(R( 7asonr6 % CR masonr6 Structures s+all not "e ermitted( )4(5 In case o! su er assages; a:ueducts; si +ons; t+e "idder s+all rovide "ridges%Ins ection at+ on one side and !oot at+ on t+e ot+er side as er standard s eci!ications; I(S( Codes etc(; #or all t+e sluices; Regulators; esca es etc(; Structural steel structures $it+ suita"le +oisting arrangement and re:uired E(7(Parts s+all "e rovided as er a roved designs o! t+e com etent aut+orit6( T+e +oisting arrangement must "e suc+ t+at t+e steel gates can "e o erated "6 single erson( #urt+er all t+e gates s+all "e rovided $it+ !ool* roo! loc3ing arrangement to avoid meddling o! gates "6 miscreants( -'(5 T+e contractor +as to ma3e +is o$n arrangement !or de$atering o! !oundation etc(; $+erever necessar6 $it+ in t+e :uoted contract rice(
-)(5 T+e concrete mi8es to "e ado ted !or all t+e structures s+all "e design mi8es onl6 and t+ese design mi8es s+all "e conducted in APRE< and got a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge "e!ore ado tion( --(5 T+e contractor s+all lant s+ade giving trees at s eci!ied K '5 7 intervals $+erever ossi"le in t+e ro&ect area as directed "6 Engineer*in*C+arge( T+e contractor s+all arrange cattle guard to all t+ese lants; rovide necessar6 manner; $ater t+em dail6 and sustain t+em !or t+ree 6ears( I! an6 trees are damaged or lost; +e s+all re lace $it+ ne$ lants and s+all maintaining t+ese lants( T+e contract rice :uoted "6 t+e contractor s+all include all t+ese items(
-.(5 In case o! cross drainage $or3s t+e contractor s+all e8cavate necessar6 a roac+% Tail c+annels to t+ese structures to +ave smoot+ drainage t+roug+ t+e structure( T+e cost o! e8cavation o! suc+ c+annels s+all "e "orne "6 t+e Contractor $it+in :uoted contract rice( T+e cost o! <and Ac:uisition !or suc+ c+annels $ill "e "orne "6 t+e De artment( -/(5 -0(5 -1(5 O eration Sc+edule !or t+e O!!*ta3es u to 7a&ors and Regulators $it+ model studies +ave to "e !urnis+ed !or o eration o! t+e sluice and regulator gate( R(C(C i es structures s+all not "e allo$ed on 7ain Canals; "ranc+ Canals and 7a&ors +aving disc+arge o! more t+an /5 C%S ?'(.' Cumecs@( T+e "idders s+ould ado t t+e latest%modern met+odologies and State o! Art Tec+ni:ues in t+e investigation; design o! canals; structures lining; etc( and also
construction; measuring devices; o eration and maintenance; monitoring mec+anism using com uters(
'( T+e Bill o! 9uantities s+all "e read in con&unction $it+ t+e instructions to Bidders; General and S ecial conditions o! Contract Tec+nical S eci!ications and Dra$ings( )( T+e :uantities to "e given in t+e Bill o! 9uantities are to "e estimated "6 t+e contractor and are given to rovide "asis !or general assessment o! value o! $or3 done( T+e :uantities are su"&ect to alterations; omissions; deductions or additions as rovided !or in t+e conditions o! t+is contract and do not necessaril6 s+o$ t+e actual :uantities o! $or3 to "e done( T+e "asis o! a6ment $ill "e t+e ercentage a6ment at various stages o! $or3 $+ic+ $ould "e assessed on :uantities measured "6 t+e Contractor and veri!ied "6 t+e Engineer at suc+ rates and rices as t+e Engineer*in*C+arge ma6 !i8( -( T+e :uoted "id rice; e8ce t in so*!ar as it is ot+er$ise rovided under t+e Contract include cost o! all constructional material; la"our; mac+iner6; trans ortation; erection; maintenance; ro!it; ta8es and duties toget+er $it+ all general ris3s; lia"ilities and o"ligations set out or im lied in t+e Contract( .( T+e lans enclosed $it+ t+e tender are lia"le to "e altered during e8ecution o! $or3 as er necessit6 o! site conditions( T+e "id rice :uoted "6 t+e "idder s+all +old good !or e8ecution o! $or3 even $it+ altered lans( /( T+e met+od o! measurements o! com leted $or3 !or a6ment s+all "e in accordance $it+ t+e relevant B(I(S( Codes C A( P( S( S eci!ications( 0( All items o! $or3 are to "e e8ecuted as er t+e dra$ings % s eci!ications re ared "6 t+e contractor as er t+e conditions o! t+e contract and a roved "6 t+e com etent aut+orit6( 1( T+e Bidder s+ould ins ect and select t+e :uarries o! +is c+oice "e!ore +e :uotes t+e tender satis!6 +imsel! a"out t+e availa"ilit6 o! re:uired :uantum o! materials( 2( T+e actual mi8 ro ortion "6 $eig+t to "e ado ted during e8ecution $ill "e got designed in t+e la"oratories to suit t+e grade o! concrete and mortar to "e used( It $ill "e t+e res onsi"ilit6 o! t+e contractor to manu!acture concrete and mortar o! re:uired strengt+( 4( T+e :uantum o! measurement !or all items o! eart+$or3 involving conve6ance manuall6 or "6 mac+iner6 s+all "e as assessed "6 level measurement( T+e measurements !or t+e em"an3ment $ill "e !or t+e consolidated "an3s onl6( '5( >+erever "ailing out o! $ater is involved eit+er !or e8cavation or !or !oundations or !or constructions; t+e Bid rice :uoted s+all ta3e into account t+e de$atering c+arges necessar6( No se arate a6ment $ill "e made !or de$atering(
''( >+erever em"an3ment $or3 is involved; use!ul soils !rom t+e cutting reac+es and diversion drains s+all "e got a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge i! used !or !orming near"6 em"an3ments( ')( T+e :uoted Bid rice s+all also include t+e $or3 o! an6 3ind necessar6 !or t+e due and satis!actor6 construction; com letion and maintenance o! t+e $or3s '-( according to t+e dra$ings and t+ese s eci!ications and !urt+er dra$ings and orders t+at ma6 "e issued "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge !rom time to time( T+e :uoted "id rice s+all include com liance "6 t+e Contractor $it+ all t+e general conditions o! contract; $+et+er s eci!icall6 mentioned or not in t+e various clauses o! t+ese s eci!ications; all materials; mac+iner6; lant; e:ui ment; tools; !uel; $ater; strutting; tim"ering; trans ort; o!!ices; stores; $or3s+o sta!!; la"our and t+e rovision o! ro er and su!!icient rotective $or3s; diversions; tem orar6 !encing and lig+ting( It s+all also include sa!et6 o! $or3ers; !irst aid e:ui ments suita"le accommodation !or t+e sta!! and $or3men; $it+ ade:uate sanitar6 arrangements; t+e e!!ecting and maintenance o! all insurances; t+e a6ment o! all $ages; salaries; !ees; ro6alties % Ta8es; duties or ot+er c+arges arising out o! t+e e8ecution o! $or3s and t+e regular clearance o! ru""is+; reinstatement and clearing*u o! t+e site as ma6 "e re:uired on com letion o! $or3s sa!et6 o! t+e u"lic and rotection o! t+e $or3s and ad&oining land( T+e $or3 o! Building in :ualit6 control % assurance s+all "e deemed to "e covered in t+e :uoted Bid rice( '.( T+e Contractor s+all ensure t+at; t+e :uoted Bid rice s+all cover all stages o! $or3 suc+ as setting out; selection o! materials; selection o! construction met+ods; selection o! e:ui ment and lant; de lo6ment o! ersonnel and su ervisor6 sta!!; :ualit6 control testing etc( T+e $or3 :ualit6 assurance s+all "e deemed to "e covered in t+e Bid rice( '. a@ T+e s ecial attention o! t+e "idder is dra$n to t+e conditions in t+e tender notice; instruction to Bidders $+erein re!erence +as "een made to t+e And+ra Prades+ Standard S eci!ications LAPSSM and t+e Standard reliminar6 s eci!ications containing t+erein( T+ese reliminar6 s eci!ications s+all a l6 to t+e contract to "e entered into "et$een t+e contractor and t+e Government o! And+ra Prades+ and s+all !orm an in*se ara"le condition o! t+e contract along $it+ t+e estimate( All t+ese documents ta3en toget+er s+all "e deemed to !orm one contract and s+all "e com limentar6 to anot+er( "@ T+e "idder s+all e8amine; closel6 t+e A(P(S(S( % 7OST and also t+e standard reliminar6 s eci!ications contained t+erein and sign t+e Su erintending Engineer,s o!!ice co 6 o! t+e APSS % 7OST and its addenda volume in to3en o! suc+ stud6 "e!ore su"mitting +is overall tender ercentage $+ic+ s+all "e !or !inis+ed $or3 in*situ( Be s+all also care!ull6 stud6 t+e dra$ings and additional s eci!ications and all t+e documents; $+ic+ !orm art o! t+e contract to "e entered into "6 t+e success!ul "idder( T+e APSS % 7OST and ot+er documents connected $it+ contract suc+ as estimate lans; s eci!ications; can "e seen on all $or3ing da6s in t+e o!!ice o! t+e Su erintending Engineer(
'/(5 T+e Bidders attention is directed to re:uirements !or materials under t+e clause Rmaterials and $or3mans+i , in t+e reliminar6 s eci!ications o! APSS( 7aterials con!orming to t+e Bureau o! Indian Standards s eci!ications; APSS etc(; s+all "e used on t+e $or3( '0(5 T+e Bidder +as to do +is o$n testing o! materials and satis!6 +imsel! t+at t+e6 con!orm to t+e s eci!ications o! res ective I(S(I( Codes "e!ore tendering( '1(5 T+e contractor s+all +imsel! rocure t+e re:uired construction materials o! a roved :ualit6 including t+e eart+ !or !ormation o! em"an3ment and $ater !rom :uarries % sources o! +is c+oice( All suc+ :uarries % sources o! materials re:uired !or t+e $or3 s+all "e got a roved "6 t+e Engineer*in*C+arge dul6 !urnis+ing t+e test re orts in $riting $ell "e!ore t+eir use o! t+e $or3( '2(5 T+e contractor s+all +imsel! rocure t+e steel; cement; Bitumen; Blasting materials; sand; metal; soils; etc(; and suc+ ot+er materials re:uired !or t+e $or3 $ell in advance( T+e contractor +as to "ear t+e cost o! materials !or conve6ance( T+e de artment $ill not ta3e an6 res onsi"ilit6 !or !luctuations in mar3et in cost o! t+e materials; trans ortation and !or loss o! materials etc( '4(5 Ins ection o! site and :uarries "6 t+e "idderD Ever6 "idder is e8 ected "e!ore :uoting +is Bid rice to ins ect t+e site o! ro osed $or3( Be s+ould also ins ect t+e :uarries and satis!6 +imsel! a"out t+e :ualit6; and availa"ilit6 o! materials( T+e "est class o! materials to "e o"tained !rom :uarries; or ot+er sources s+all "e used on t+e $or3( In ever6 case t+e materials must com l6 $it+ t+e relevant standard s eci!ications( Sam les o! materials as called !or in t+e standard s eci!ications or in t+is tender notice; Instructions to Bidder or as re:uired "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer; in an6 case; s+all "e su"mitted !or t+e E8ecutive Engineer,s a roval "e!ore t+e su l6 to site o! $or3 is "egun(
)5(5 T+e Bidder,s articular attention is dra$n to t+e sections and clauses in t+e A(P( standard s eci!ication dealing $it+ Test; ins ection and re&ection o! de!ective materials and $or3( Carriage Construction lant >ater and lig+ting Cleaning u during t+e rogress and !or deliver6( Accidents Dela6s Particulars o! a6ments( T+e contractor s+ould closel6 eruse all t+e s eci!ication clauses; $+ic+ govern t+e overall tender ercentage +e is tendering( )'(5 T+e de!ect lia"ilit6 eriod o! contract is t$ent6 !our mont+s( ))(5 T+e :uoted Bid rice rates !or items s+o$n in t+e Sc+edule NAO include all construction materials( No escalation in rates $ill "e aid unless s eci!ied in t+e
tender document( T+e "idder +as to :uote Bid rice considering all t+e as ects o! t+e tender to com lete t+e !inis+ed item o! $or3 as er t+e APSS % 7OST % B(I(S( s eci!ications; t+e s ecial s eci!ications a ended; Dra$ings etc( )-(5 ).(5 I! t+ere is an6 contradiction "et$een APSS % 7OST and B(I(S( s eci!ications; listed and detailed tec+nical s eci!ications; t+e latter s+all revail( In case o! a &o" !or $+ic+ s eci!ications are not availa"le $it+ t+e Sc+edule or in APSS % 7OST or B(I(S( code and are re:uired to "e rescri"ed; suc+ $or3 s+all "e carried out in accordance $it+ t+e $ritten instructions o! t+e Engineer*in* c+arge(
)/(5 T+e Contractor $ould "e ermitted to use t+e e8cavated use!ul soil and stone !or construction ur ose at !ree o! initial cost( T+e Contractor s+all ma3e necessar6 arrangement !or o eration suc+ as "rea3ing and crus+ing t+e stone to t+e s eci!ied si=e( T+e stone used !or t+e entire $or3 in t+e sco e o! t+is contract $ould "e allo$ed to utili=e !or t+e ac3age $or3 at !ree o! initial cost; t+e contractor s+ould :uote +is "id rice 3ee ing in vie$ o! t+e a"ove as ect( )0(5 Additions and alternations "6 t+e Bidder in t+e Sc+edule* A $ill dis:uali!6 t+e tender( )1(5 In t+e case o! discre ancies "et$een t+e $ritten descri tion o! t+e item in t+e Sc+edule NAO and t+e detailed descri tion in t+e s eci!ication o! t+e same item; t+e latter s+all "e ado ted( )2(5 #or all items o! $or3; intermediate a6ment $ill "e made rovisionall6 as er relevant clause( #ull*acce ted contract rates $ill "e aid onl6 a!ter all t+e items o! $or3s are com leted( )4(5 T+e contractor is "ound to e8ecute all su lemental $or3s t+at are !ound essential incidental and inevita"le during e8ecution o! main $or3 $it+out an6 e8tra a6ment( -5(5 Entrustment o! Additional Items( >+ere ever additional items not contingent on t+e main $or3 and outside t+e sco e o! original contract are to "e entrusted to t+e original contractor dis ensing $it+ tenders; t+e Entrustment o! all suc+ items s+all "e on mutuall6 agreed rates "et$een t+e contractor and t+e committee to "e constituted "6 t+e Government(
Mile stone
1 1
2 ( 4 < = ? 8 9
6(t% 4rd 4
( Detailed Investigation; Soil E8 loration; design re aration o! land lan sc+edules etc !or all com $or3( Detailed Investigation; Soil E8 loration; design re aration o! land lan sc+edules etc !or all com $or3( E8ecution o! A roac+ C+annel; Reservoirs(
4 a rovals onents o! a rovals onents o! 5()05' 5(0./. 5(11./ '()454 )(-)-0 -(21)1 0(././ '5(-)1) '5(-)1) ')(4545 ')(4545 1(1./. 1(1./. 1(1./. 1(1./. -(/-/-(-245
< 5()05' 5(45// '(0255 )(4154 /()4./ 4('01) '/(0)'1 )/(4.24 -0()10' .4('2/' 0)(54.' 04(2-4/ 11(/2.4 2/(--54-(51/1 40(0''5 '55(55F 100.000G
5t% 6
E8ecution o! A roac+ C+annel; Reservoirs; including Surge tan3s; Pum +ouses etc(; E8ecution o! Reservoirs; including surge tan3s; um +ouses E8ecution o! Reservoirs including C7 C CD $or3s distri"utor6 s6stem( E8ecution o! Reservoirs including C7 C CD $or3s distri"utor6 s6stemand surgetan3s; um +ouses etc( E8ecution o! Reservoirs including C7 C CD $or3s distri"utor6 s6stem including ressure mains( E8ecution o! Reservoirs including C7 C CD $or3s distri"utor6 s6stem ressure main and +6dro mec+anical and electrical $or3s etc(; E8ecution o! Reservoirs including C7 C CD $or3s distri"utor6 s6stem ressure main and +6dro mec+anical and electrical $or3s etc( E8ecution o! Reservoirs including C7 C CD $or3s distri"utor6 s6stem ressure main and +6dro mec+anical and electrical $or3s etc( E8ecution o! Reservoirs including C7 C CD $or3s distri"utor6 s6stem ressure main and +6dro mec+anical and electrical $or3s etc( E8ecution o! Reservoirs including C7 C CD $or3s distri"utor6 s6stem including tunnel e8ecution( E8ecution o! Reservoirs including C7 C CD $or3s distri"utor6 s6stem including Tunnel e8ecution( E8ecution o! C7 C CD $or3s and distri"6tor6 s6stem and Tunnel e8ecution( E8ecution o! C7 C CD $or3s; distri"6tor6 s6stem( O eration C 7aintenance eriod o! ) 6ears !or civil $or3s and '/ 6ears !or +6dro mec+anical and +6dro electrical; ressure main $or3s( T/2,- #G$ :
7t% '
12 1( 14 1< 1= 1?
64t% 64
65t% 66t%
N/2): T:) M1-) 32/*) P+/;+,55) D1-- B) +)@13)0 ,42)+ 48+*13:1*; 2:) 0)2,1-)0 E3215,2) ,*0 M1-) 32/*) 6+/;+,55) B9 2:) A;)*.9. .
S.N/. 1 '
D)3.+162I/* /4 I2)5 2 Detailed investigation; !oundation e8 loration; Designs; a rovals; <(P( Sc+edules; RCR Pro osals; #orest Pro osals; #R< Surve6s; reservoirs ca acit6 curve ta"les; Geological re orts; clearances; etc(; com lete(
E8cavation o! >estern Branc+ Canal !rom Gm(5(555 to Gm())(21/ including construction o! C7 C CD $or3s; distri"utor6 s6stem; e8ecution o! enroute reservoirs; ressure 14(4)4)F mains; um +ouses; +6dro electrical and +6dro mec+anical $or3s; to create an IP as er Basic Parameters(( #ormation o! t$o inde endent reservoirs including distri"utor6 s6stem to create an IP o! /;555 Acres( #ormation o! Seet+am Sagar reservoir including distri"utor6 s6stem; enroute tunnel e8ecution; to create and IP o! 1;/55 o! Acres( O C 7 eriod o! t$o 6ears !or civil $or3s and '/ 6ears !or +6dro mec+anical and +6dro electrical ressure main $or3s( TOTAL )(1..1F
-(-224F 100.00G
N/2):- T:13 6,95)*2 3.:)08-) 13 2)*2,21@) ,*0 13 -1,B-) 4/+ 5/0141.,21/*3 /* 3.+821*9 /4 2:) 0)2,1-)0 E3215,2)3 38B5122)0 B9 2:) ,;)*.9. T:) C/56/*)*23 ,*0 S8B-C/56/*)*23 D13) B+),A86 /4 3.:)08-)3 .,* B) 41*,-13)0 ,2 2:) 3,5) 215).
2/ ?OR6ATS O? SECURITIES PROFORMA 'ANK G ARANTEE FOR EARNEST MONE" DEPOSIT In accordance $it+ t+e rovisions and conditions o! Bid Notice !or t+e $or3 o! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUO; Sri(UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?name C Address o! t+e Contractor@ s+all de osit $it+ t+e Su erintending Engineer; Construction Circle; Ongole a "an3 guarantee to guarantee +is ro er and !ait+!ul Per!ormance under t+e said contract an amount o! ?Amount o! Guarantee@ ?in $ords@UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU >e; t+e UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?Ban3 or #inancial Institution@ as re:uested "6 t+e contractor; agree unconditionall6 and irrevoca"l6 to guarantee as rimar6 o"ligator6 and as suret6 merel6; t+e a6ment to t+e Su erintending Engineer( Construction Circle; Ongole on +is demand $it+out $+at so ever rig+t o! o"&ection on our art and $it+out +is !irst claim to t+e E8ecutive Engineer; TTT( Division; !or recover6 o! t+e $+ole or art o! t+e E(7(D !rom t+e contractor under t+e contract( >e !urt+er agree to c+ange add to or ot+er modi!ications o! t+e !orms o! t+e contract or o! $or3s to "e er!ormed t+ere under or o! an6 o! t+e contract document $+ic+ ma6 "e made "et$een t+e Su erintending Engineer; Construction Circle; Ongole and t+e contractor s+all in an6 $a6 release us !rom an6 lia"ilit6 under t+is guarantee and $e +ere "6 $aive notice o! an6 suc+ c+ange; addition or modi!ication( TBE CONDITIONS o! t+is o"ligation areD* I! a!ter Bid o ening t+e Bidder $it+dra$s or modi!ies +is Bid during t+e eriod o! "id validit6 s eci!ied in t+e #orm o! Bid( I! t+e Bidder +aving "een noti!ied o! t+e acce tance o! +is "id "6 t+e De artment during t+e eriod o! validit6( ?a@ #ails or re!uses to e8ecute t+e #orm o! Contract in accordance $it+ t+e Instructions to Bidders; i! re:uiredH or ?"@ #ails or re!uses to !urnis+ t+e "alance E7D and additional er!ormance Securit6 in accordance $it+ t+e instructions o! Bidders( >e underta3e to a6 to t+e De artment u to t+e a"ove amount u on recei t o! +is !irst $ritten demand; $it+out t+e De artment +aving to su"stantiate +is demand; rovided t+at in +is demand t+e De artment $ill note t+e amount claimed "6 +im is due to +im o$ning to t+e occurrence o! one or "ot+ o! t+e t$o conditions; s eci!6ing t+e occurred condition or conditions(
T+is Guarantee $ill remain in !orce u to and including t+e date[[ TTTTTTTT a!ter t+e dead line !or su"mission o! Tenders as suc+ deadline is stated in t+e Instructions to Tenders or as it ma6 "e e8tended "6 t+e De artment; notice o! $+ic+ e8tension?s@ to t+e Ban3 is +ere"6 $aived( An6 demand in res ect o! t+is Guarantee s+ould reac+ t+e Ban3 not later t+an t+e a"ove date( Jours trul6; Signature C Seal ?Name o! t+e Ban3@ >ITNESSTTTTTT(( SEA<TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT((
T+e Bidder s+ould insert t+e amount o! t+e E7D in $ords and !igures denominated in Indian Ru ee( T+is !igure s+ould "e t+e same as s+o$n in t+e NIT( 0 mont+s !rom t+e deadline date !or su"mission o! Tender LAs s eci!ied in NITM(
PROFORMA 'ANK G ARANTEE FOR ADDITIONAL F RTHER SEC RIT" Su erintending Engineer; Circle TTTTTT(( ?name and address o! De artment@ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU >BEREAS UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ?name and address o! Contractor @ ?+ereina!ter called Nt+e ContractorO@ +as underta3en; in ursuance o! Contract No( UUUUUUUU datedD UUUUUUUUUUUU to e8ecute UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Lname o! Contract and "rie! descri tion o! $or3sM ?+ereina!ter called Nt+e ContractorO@H AND >BEREAS it +as "een sti ulated "6 6ou in t+e said Contract t+at t+e Contractor s+all !urnis+ 6ou $it+ a Ban3 Guarantee "6 a Sc+edule "an3 !or t+e sum s eci!ied t+erein as Additional !urt+er securit6 "an3 guarantee !or com liance $it+ +is o"ligations in accordance $it+ t+e ContractH AND >BEREAS $e +ave agreed to give t+e Contractor suc+ a Ban3 GuaranteeH NO> TBERE#ORE $e +ere"6 a!!irm t+at $e are t+e Guarantor and res onsi"le to 6ou; on "e+al! o! t+e Contractor; u to a total o! (s.UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Lamount o! guaranteeM UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Lin $ordsM; suc+ sum "eing a6a"le and $e underta3e to a6 6ou; u on 6our !irst $ritten demand and $it+out cavil or argument; an6 sum or sums $it+in t+e limits o! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Lamount o! guaranteeM as a!oresaid $it+out 6our needing to rove or to s+o$ grounds or reasons !or 6our demand !or t+e sum s eci!ied t+erein( >e +ere"6 $aive t+e necessit6 o! 6our demanding t+e said de"t !rom t+e Contractor "e!ore resenting us $it+ t+e demand( >e !urt+er agree t+at no c+ange or addition to or ot+er modi!ication o! t+e terms o! t+e Contract or o! t+e >or3s to "e er!ormed t+ere under or o! an6 o! t+e contract documents $+ic+ ma6 "e made "et$een 6ou and t+e Contractor s+all in an6 $a6 release us !rom an6 lia"ilit6 under t+is guarantee; and $e +ere"6 $aive notice o! an6 suc+ c+ange; addition or modi!ication( T+is guarantee s+all "e valid u to and until )2 da6s !rom t+e date com letion( Signature C seal o! t+e GuarantorUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
PROFORMA 'ANK G ARANTEE FOR MO'ILISATION ADVANCE To Su erintending Engineer; UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCircle; UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ?Name C Address o! Contract Aut+orit6@ Su" D*UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU?Name o! t+e $or3@ GentlemenD In accordance $it+ t+e rovisions o! t+e Conditions o! Contract; 7o"ili=ation advance !or t+e a"ove*mentioned Contract; UUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Lname and address o! ContractorM ?+ereina!ter called Nt+e ContractorO@ s+all de osit $it+ UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Lname o! De artmentM a "an3 guarantee to guarantee +is ro er and !ait+!ul er!ormance under t+e said Contract !or an amount o! Rs(UUUUUUUUUUULamount o! guaranteeM' UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUU UUUUUU UUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUU?in $ords@( >e; t+e UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUL"an3M; as instructed "6 t+e Contractor; agree unconditionall6 and irrevoca"l6 to guarantee as rimar6 o"ligator and not as Suret6 merel6; t+e a6ment to UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Lname o! De artmentM on +is !irst demand $it+out $+atsoever rig+t o! o"&ection on our art and $it+out +is !irst claim to t+e Contractor; !or t+e amount not e8ceeding UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ?amount o! guarantee@- UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUU UU UU UUUUUUUU?in $ords@( >e !urt+er agree t+at no c+ange or addition to or ot+er modi!ication o! t+e terms o! t+e Contract or o! $or3s to "e er!ormed t+ere under or o! an6 o! t+e Contractor documents $+ic+ ma6 "e made "et$een UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Lname o! De artmentM and t+e Contractor; s+all in an6 $a6 release us !rom an6 lia"ilit6 under t+is guarantee; and $e +ere"6 $aive notice o! an6 suc+ c+ange; addition or modi!ication(
An amount s+all "e inserted "6 t+e "an3 re resenting t+e amount o! t+e Advance Pa6ment; and denominated in Indian Ru ees(
T+is guarantee s+all remain valid and in !ull e!!ect !rom t+e date o! t+e advance a6ment under t+e Contract untilUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Lname o! De artmentM receives !ull re a6ment o! t+e same amount !rom t+e Contractor( Jours trul6; Signature and sealDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Name o! Ban3%#inancial InstitutionDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU AddressDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU DateDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU do +ere"6 certi!6; on "eing satis!ied "6 t+e E8amination o! Revenue and ot+er records and local en:uiries t+at UUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU )here the name and address of the contractor should be mentioned* is solvent to t+e e8tent o! Rs(UUUUUUUUUUUUUUULRu eesUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM(
DateD P-,.)
I; UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 7anaging Director % 7anager a % General 7anager % Agent o! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Ban3 <imited do +ere"6 certi!6 t+at UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LRu ees UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU )here the +ames and addresses of the contractor* to "e solvent to t+e e8tent o! Rs(UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM as disclosed "6 t+e in!ormation and record $+ic+ are availa"le $it+ t+e a!oresaid "an3( #or t+e UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Ban3 DateD PlaceD Signature o! Ban3 7anager LAut+orised to SignM
=. A$ D+,D1*;3
i@ T+e dra$ings !urnis+ed "6 t+e contractor; even i! a roved "6 t+e em lo6er ma6 "e altered su"se:uentl6 during e8ecution o! $or3 as er necessit6 o! site conditions( T+e remium :uoted "6 t+e contractor !or various items s+all +old good !or e8ecution o! $or3 even $it+ altered lans( ii@ Re:uired No( o! sets o! dra$ings; on t+e "asis o! $+ic+ actual e8ecution o! t+e $or3 is to roceed s+all "e !urnis+ed "6 t+e contractor to t+e Su erintending Engineer % E8ecutive Engineer rogressivel6 according to t+e $or3 rogram su"mitted "6 t+e contractor and acce ted "6 t+e Su erintending Engineer % E8ecutive Engineer( Dra$ings !or an6 articular activit6 s+all "e !urnis+ed to t+e Engineer*in*c+arge at least -5 da6s in advance o! t+e sc+eduled date o! t+e start o! t+e activit6( No e8tra claims "6 t+e contractor to$ard an6 c+ange to t+e dra$ings issued earlier s+all "e admissi"le( iii@ Signed dra$ings a"ove s+all not "e deemed to "e an order !or $or3 unless t+e6 entered in t+e contract or sc+edule o! dra$ings under ro er aut+entication o! t+e contractor and E8ecutive Engineer or unless t+e6 +ave "een sent o! t+e contractor "6 t+e E8ecutive Engineer $it+ a covering letter con!irming t+at t+e dra$ing in and aut+orit6 !or $or3 in contract( '$D13.+)6,*.1)3 i@ In case o! discre ancies "et$een documents t+e !ollo$ing order o! rocedure s+all a l6D* a@ Bet$een t+e $ritten descri tion o! $ritten dimensions in t+e dra$ings and t+e corres onding one in t+e s eci!ications; t+e latter s+all a l6( "@ #igured dimensions s+all su ersede scaled dimensions( T+e dra$ings on a larger scale s+all ta3e recedence over t+ose on a smaller scale( c@ Dra$ings issued as construction dra$ings !rom time to time s+all su ersede tender dra$ings and also t+e corres ondence dra$ings reviousl6 issued( NoteD T+e contractor s+ould not e8ecute an6 com onent o! $or3 $it+out o"taining t+e a roval !or $or3ing dra$ings( An6 $or3 done $it+out dra$ings s+all "e at t+e contractors, res onsi"ilit6 onl6( Acce tance !or suc+ $or3 $ill "e at t+e discretion o! t+e Em lo6er(
C$ S).+).9 C-,83) T+e dra$ings and s eci!ications made availa"le to t+e "idder s+all e8clusivel6 "e used on t+e $or3 and t+e6 are retained !rom assing on eac+ lan to an6 unaut+ori=ed +and eit+er in arts or in !ull under t+e rovisions o! Section*- and / o!
t+e o!!icial secrets Act '4)-( An6 violation in t+is regard $ill entail suita"le action under a ro riate clause or o!!icial secret Act '4)-(
TECHNICAL 'ID 7 ALIFICATION INFORMATION T+e in!ormation s+all "e !illed in "6 t+e "idder in t+e c+ec3 sli and !ormats enclosed to t+e tec+nical "id % "id sc+edules $+ic+ $ill "e used !or t+e ur oses o! veri!ication o! ade:uac6 o! in!ormation as $ell as evaluating t+e "idder,s com liance to t+e :uali!ication criteria as rovided in t+e "id sc+edule( All t+e !ormats and c+ec3 sli s+all "e u load "6 t+e "idder in to t+e $e"site and t+e attested co ies o! t+e u loaded statements; certi!icates; documents; are to "e su"mitted "6 t+e "idder on or "e!ore ))*')*)552 u to /(55 P(7 at o!!ice o! t+e Su erintending Engineer; #lood #lo$ Canal Circle*I;Iagtial; Garimnagar Dist ( FORMAT '1 GENERAL 78)321/**,1+) a@>+et+er t+e "idder is su"mitting t+e "id as an individual; Individual %Ioint Aenture Com an6 or as a Ioint Aenture ?IA@^ "@Incase o! Ioint Aenture i@ ii@ iii@ iv@ Bas t+e "idder identi!ied t+e lead !irm^ Bas t+e "idder identi!ied t+e role o! t+e !irms t+at com rise t+e Ioint Aenture^ Does 6our Ioint Aenture com rise a Pu"lic Sector Com an6^ Are t+ere an6 e8isting litigation%ar"itration case against an6 mem"er o! t+e Ioint Aenture^ Jes%No Jes%No Jes%No Jes%No
c@Incase o! individual Com an6 i@ Are t+ere an6 e8isting litigation%ar"itration case against t+e Com an6^ Jes%No
d@Is t+e "idder $illing to im lement t+e Pro&ect on EPC contract "asis^ Jes%No
FORMAT '2 ORGANISATIONAL & MANAGERIAL CAPA'ILIT" A@ Ca a"ilit6 o! Bidder in case t+e ro osal is su"mitted individuall6( a@Name and Address o! t+e Bidder D Contact Person Tele +one No( #a8 No( E*mail Address "@T6 e o! Organi=ation c@Cor orate deed re!erence C date o! incor oration d@S+are+olding Pattern e@#ield o! >or3 C licensed ca acities !@E8isting 7an Po$er along $it+ "rie! Resume o! Ge6 Personnel Tec+nical ?Ge6 Personnel@ #inancial ?Ge6 Personnel@ O erational C 7aintenance ?Ge6 Personnel@ Ot+ers ?Ge6 Personnel@ g@Name and Address o! Sister Engineering Organi=ation $it+ similar nature o! &o"s +@Details o! accreditation o! :ualit6 standards ?i! availa"le; lease s eci!6@ i@General Organi=ational C+art o! Com an6 &@I! t+e Com an6 +as !ailed to com lete an6 contract or su"*contract; lease indicate $+ic+ one?s@; $+en and $+6 and give detailed e8 lanation on all as ects related $it+ non com letion ?!ines; $or3 ro"lems; com ensation etc(@
B@ Ca a"ilit6 o! Bidder in case t+e a '( Name o! Ioint Aenture Bead O!!ice address Tele +one No( #a8 No( E*mail Address Regional%<ocal O!!ice address Tele +one No( #a8 No( E*mail Address Name o! Com an6 leading t+e Ioint Aenture Agreement o! intent to !orm a Ioint Aenture% ?to "e attac+ed@ Date o! agreement Place
-( .(
Pro osed distri"ution o! res onsi"ilities and !inancial artici ation o! artnersD* P)+.)*2,;) / F1)-0 /4 T).:*1.,P,+21.16,21/*
N,5) /4 C/56,*9
P)+.)*2,;) /4 F1*,*.1,P,+21.16,21/*
a@Name and Address o! t+e Bidder D Contact Person Tele +one No(
#a8 No( E*mail Address "@T6 e o! Organi=ation c@Cor orate deed re!erence C date o! incor oration d@S+are+olding Pattern e@@#ield o! >or3 C licensed ca acities !@E8isting 7an Po$er along $it+ "rie! Resume o! Ge6 Personnel Tec+nical ?Ge6 Personnel@ #inancial ?Ge6 Personnel@ O erational C 7aintenance ?Ge6 Personnel@ Ot+ers ?Ge6 Personnel@ g@Name and Address o! Sister Engineering Organi=ation $it+ similar nature o! &o"s +@Details o! accreditation o! :ualit6 standards ?i! availa"le; lease s eci!6@ i@General Organi=ational C+art o! Com an6 &@( I! t+e Com an6 +as !ailed to com lete an6 contract or su"*contract; lease indicate $+ic+ one?s@; $+en and $+6 and give detailed e8 lanation on all as ects related $it+ non com letion ?!ines; $or3 ro"lems; com ensation etc(@
,-'imilar details should be furnished for all the members of the .oint %enture. (ating of each of the members would be used to work out a composite a%erage of Bidder and Composite a%erage would be used for e%aluation purpose/.
FORMAT '( PRO>ECT ORGANIRATION DATA '( Pro osed detailed investigation; soil e8 loration; design and engineering organi=ation Pro osed site organi=ation
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU [ Indicate clearl6 t+e res onsi"ilit6 and aut+orit6 $+ic+ $ill "e delegated to site management( ?Additional s+eet ?s@ ma6 "e attac+ed@(
FORMAT '4 S PERVISOR" PERSONNEL -S12) S2,44 6+/6/3)0 2/ B) 0)6-/9)0 1* 2:) 6+/E).2 Relevant [ e8 erience ?Jears C Pro&ect Name@
Name ?s@
Jears o! e8 (
Pro&ect 7anagement
Tec+nical management
Site Su ervision
[ A resume !or eac+ site sta!! must "e attac+ed as su t+e ro osed de lo6ment o! 3e6
orting document(
#or s eci!ic ositions essential to contract im lementation; t+e "idder s+ould rovide ersonnel ?!or Design and Engineering; Civil construction; B6dro*mec+anical $or3s@( Bio*Data o! eac+ o! t+e ersonnel ro osed to "e de lo6ed !or various activities s+all "e included in se arate s+eets !or eac+ candidate(
FORMAT '< E7 IPMENT scri tion ?activit6 $ise@ ?t6 e; model; ma3e@ A Construction E:ui ment DATA ! L132 /4 C/*32+8.21/* Jear o! No( o! eac+ manu!acture Period o! de lo6ment Source o! ma&or items K )H8165)*2% @):1.-)3% 38+@)9
1*32+85)*23% 2)321*; )H8165)*2 )2.. ,@,1-,B-) 4/+ 0)6-/95)*2 1* 2:) 6+/E).2 Ca acit6 % er!ormance % si=e
B Ae+icles
C( Surve6 instruments
T+e "idder s+ould list out all ma&or e:ui ment; $+ic+ +e ro oses to use !or construction $or3s( T+is s+ould include t+eir num"ers; ca acities and $+et+er e:ui ment ro osed are to "e urc+ased ne$ or e8isting e:ui ment is to "e used( In res ect o! e8isting is to "e stated( Num"ers o! e:ui ment; 6ear o! manu!acture and current o$ners+i
a"ove e:ui ment to "e de lo6ed during various eriods o! construction as necessar6 considering t+e construction rogramme s+all also "e included( K Indicate se aratel6 availa"ilit6H e(g(H o$ned; leased or to "e urc+ased ne$(
FORMAT ! '= FINANCIAL CAPA'ILIT" F1*,*.1,- C,6,B1-129 /4 B100)+ 1* .,3) 2:) 6+/6/3,- 13 38B5122)0 1*01@108,--9. JEAR AAG I II III IA A a( JEAR ?Please mention last !ive 6ears $+ose Balance S+eet and Pro!it C <oss Accounts +ave "een !inalised dul6 audited@ "@Total Assets "'@ #i8ed Assets ")@ Current Assets c@Total <ia"ilit6 ?<ong term <ia"ilit6 E Current <ia"ilit6@ Current <ia"ilit6 Total <oan <ia"ilit6 d@>or3ing Ca ital e@Net$ort+ ?Contri"uted Ca ital E Retained Earnings % Reserves C Sur lus@ !@Annual Turnover g@De"t*E:uit6 Ratio +@Pro!it +'@ Pro!it "e!ore Interest and Ta8es ?PBIT@ +)@ Net Pro!it i(e( Pro!it a!ter ta8es ?PAT@ i@Interest a6a"le &@Interest Coverage Ratio ?PBIT divided "6 Interest@ 3@<ia"ilit6 as Fage o! Total Asset l@Net Pro!it D Turnover m@Net Pro!it D Ca ital Em lo6ed ?Net >ort+ E Interest Bearing <oan@ n@Net Pro!it D Total Asset o@Turnover D Total Asset @Gross Aalue o! Pro&ects in +and%under e8ecution :@7a8imum value o! one Pro&ect% $or3 e8ecuted r@#und #lo$ Status s@( Past E8 erience e8+i"iting "idder a"ilit6 to secure C maintain #inancial Guarantees vi=( Ban3 Guarantees; Insurance Guarantees; <C % <enders Bond etc( '(5 >+et+er "alance s+eets; Pro!it C <oss account and #und !lo$ statement !or t+e last - 6ears enclosed J@ #inancial credit rating "6 CRISI< or an6 ot+er #inancial Credit Rating Institution o! re ute 6'@ Name and address o! #inancial Credit Rating Institution 6)@ #inancial Institution Rating 6-@ Inter retation o! rating
NoteD Audited Annual Re orts o! t+e com an6 !or t+e last !ive 6ears s+all "e su"mitted(
Signature o! t+e Bidder B( #inancial Ca a"ilit6 o! "idder in case t+e Aenture([ ro osal is su"mitted "6 a Ioint JEAR I II A -@ JEAR ?Please mention last !ive 6ears $+ose Balance S+eet and Pro!it C <oss Accounts +ave "een !inali=ed dul6 audited@ .@Total Assets "'@ #i8ed Assets ")@ Current Assets /@Total <ia"ilit6 ?<ong term <ia"ilit6 E Current <ia"ilit6@ Current <ia"ilit6 Total <oan <ia"ilit6 0@>or3ing Ca ital 1@Net$ort+ ?Contri"uted Ca ital E Retained Earnings % Reserves C Sur lus@ 2@Annual Turnover 4@De"t*E:uit6 Ratio '5@Pro!it +'@ Pro!it "e!ore Interest and Ta8es ?PBIT@ +)@ Net Pro!it i(e( Pro!it a!ter ta8es ?PAT@ ''@Interest a6a"le ')@Interest Coverage Ratio ?PBIT divided "6 Interest@ '-@<ia"ilit6 as Fage o! Total Asset '.@Net Pro!it D Turnover '/@Net Pro!it D Ca ital Em lo6ed ?Net >ort+ E Interest Bearing <oan@ '0@Net Pro!it D Total Asset '1@Turnover D Total Asset '2@Gross Aalue o! Pro&ects in +and%under e8ecution '4@7a8imum value o! one Pro&ect% $or3 e8ecuted )5@#und #lo$ Status )'@Past E8 erience e8+i"iting "idder a"ilit6 to secure C maintain #inancial Guarantees vi=( Ban3 Guarantees; Insurance Guarantees; <C % <enders Bond etc( ))@ >+et+er "alance s+eets; Pro!it C <oss account and #und !lo$ statement !or t+e last - 6ears enclosed )-@ #inancial credit rating "6 CRISI< or an6 ot+er #inancial Credit Rating Institution o! re ute 6'@ Name and address o! #inancial Credit Rating Institution 6)@ #inancial Institution Rating
?T+e listed details s+ould "e !urnis+ed se aratel6 !or all mem"ers o! Ioint venture !or t+ree 6ears@ Note D Audited Annual Re orts o! t+e com an6%mem"ers o! Ioint Aenture !or t+e last !ive 6ears s+all "e su"mitted( Signature o! t+e Bidder(
Name o! "an3
FORMAT '8 TECHNICAL CAPA'ILIT" 78)321/**,1+) a( >+et+er t+e Bidder +as got t+e Tec+nical Organi=ation !or setting u ma&or $ater Irrigation Pro&ects ^ "( >ill t+e 3e6 Tec+nical Personnel availa"le $it+ t+e Bidder "e de lo6ed on t+e Pro&ect ^ c >ill t+e Bidder engage services o! some re uta"le engineering !irm to ac:uire re:uired tec+nical ca a"ilit6^ d( Bas t+e Bidder enclosed a letters o! understanding % agreement $it+ Consultant Organi=ations to ta3e u t+e design assignment and ot+er assignments "6 t+e Bidder^ Jes% No Jes% No Jes % No Jes % No
FORMAT '9 TECHNICAL CAPA'ILIT" #DETAILS$ '100)+ 3:/8-0 1*01.,2) 10)*2149 5,C1585 1 #/*)$ *85B)+3 ),.: /4 ./56-)2)0 ,*0 /*-;/1*; 6+/E).23 ,*0 48+*13: 0)2,1-3 1*01.,2)0. I* .,3) 2:) B10 13 38B5122)0 B9 , E/1*2 @)*28+)% 6+/E).23 /4 ,*9 / ,-- 5)5B)+3 5,9 B) ./*310)+)0. S<( NO ' ) INDIAIDUA< PARA7ETERS Brie! details o! t+e ro&ect I! t+e a licant +as done t+e !ollo$ing activities in >ater Resources Develo ment Pro&ects; Irrigation Pro&ects; B6dro*Electric Pro&ects meeting :uali!ication and eligi"ilit6 re:uirement Investigation and soil e8 loration PROIECTS CO7P<ETED PROIECTS ON*GOING
Design and Engineering o! [ i@ Con i@ construction o! B6dro* o$er station% Tunnel%Canals ii@ Construction o! Pum +ouse( iii@ #a"rication and erection o! gates( iv@ #a"rication and erection o! A@ #ormation o! A vi@ E8cavation o! canals( vii@ Construction o! Structures viii@ Instrumentation( B C Procurement o! steel; cement and construction e:ui ment( Civil Construction o! [[ Bead $or3s( Gates( D [ Overall Pro&ect Coordination % Pro&ect 7anagement ?!urnis+ details@ #or eac+ o! t+ese items "idders s+ould mention relevant tec+nical details li3e t6 e; :uantit6 etc( [[ !or eac+ o! t+ese structures "idder s+ould mention relevant tec+nical details li3e total :uantit6 o! steel; volume o! concreting%!ill material involved; si=e; $eig+t and t6 e o! gates; ma8imum and average rate o! mont+l6 rogress; total time eriod !or construction ?sc+eduled and actual@; total construction cost ?in INR@( Signature o! t+e Bidder Gantr6 crane( roac+ road and ins ection at+
FORMAT '10 PRO>ECT E&EC TION E&PERIENCE #PRO>ECTS NDER E&EC TIONM$ PROIECT DATA SBEET ?Se arate s+eets s+all "e given !or eac+ o! t+e ro&ects@ PROIECT NA7E <OCATION ?Cit6 and Countr6@ TJPE CONTRACT AA<UE ?INR@ Sl(N o( ' Particulars >BICB #IR7S P<AJED TBESE RO<ES ON TBE PROIECT IN<UDING APP<ICANT,S O>ND <ead Develo er Contractor ? 7ention Com onent@ O C 7 Contractor E:ui ment Su lier Consultant #INANCIA< EPPERIENCED Bid Securit6 rovided Per!ormance Securit6 Provided Aalue o! $or3 e8ecuted till date Balance value o! $or3 to "e com leted Antici ated mont+l6 !inancial target !or ne8t ) ?t$o@ 6ears PER#OR7ANCE a@ Date o! Commencement o! $or3 "@ Original sc+eduled date o! commissioning o! t+e ro&ects c@ E8 ected date o! commissioning o! t+e ro&ects as o! no$ d@ Sc+eduled Construction Period ?mont+s@ Alread6 com leted ?actual@ Reasons o! dela6 ? i! an6@ D D D D Name o! t+e Com an6 Remar3s
ENAIRONE7ENT PROB<E7S ENCOUNTERED AND TACG<ED; ?i! an6@ NA7E; ADDRESS AND CONTRACT NU7BERS O# O>NER ?!or re!erence@ lease enclose copy of 0etter of Award 1 0etter of 2ntent and indicate their reference
FORMAT '11 PRO>ECT DEVELOPMENT E&PERIENCE #COMPLETED PRO>ECTSM$ PRO>ECT DATA SHEET #S)6,+,2) 3:))23 3:,-- B) ;1@)* 4/+ ),.: /4 2:) 6+/E).23$ PROIECT NA7E D <OCATION ?Cit6 and Countr6@ D TJPE D TOTA< CO7P<ETED COST ?Rs( Provided in INR@ D Sl( C+aracteristic Descri tion E:uit6 Provided No ?INR@ ' >BICB #IR7S P<AJED TBESE RO<ES ON TBE PROIECT IN<UDING APP<ICANT,S O>ND a <ead Develo er " E:uit6 Partici ant c( De"t artici ant d( EPC Contractor e( Contractor ? 7ention Com onent@ !( O C 7 Contractor g( E:ui ment Su lier +( Consultant ) #INANCIA< EPPERIENCED a( Total E:uit6 "( A licant,s E:uit6 c( Total De"t d( A licant,s E:uit6 e( Bid Securit6 rovided Per!ormance Securit6 Provided Construction Securit6 Provided Time ta3en !or !inancial closure ?7ont+s@ PER#OR7ANCE a( Date o! Commencement o! $or3 "( Commercial O eration Date ?COD@ c;(Construction Period ?mont+s@ I Original as er Contract ii Com leted ?actual@ iii Reasons o! dela6 ? i! an6@ O erating Bistor6 ?Jears@ Reasons !or dela6 ?i! an6@ ENAIRONE7ENT PROB<E7S ENCOUNTERED AND TACG<ED;
? i! an6@ NA7E ;ADDRESS AND CONTRACT NU7BERS O# O>NER? !or re!erence@ lease enclose copy of 0etter of Award10etter of 2ntent, completion certificate and certificate of satisfactory performance and indicate their reference herein / Signature o! t+e Bidder(
FORMAT ! '12 LITIGATION HISTOR" Name o! Bidder or artner o! a &oint venture Bidders; including eac+ o! t+e artners o! a &oint venture; s+ould rovide in!ormation on an6 +istor6 o! litigation or ar"itration resulting !rom contracts e8ecuted in t+e last !ive 6ears and currentl6 under e8ecution( A se arate s+eet s+ould "e used !or eac+ artner o! a Ioint Aenture( A$ard #OR or AGAINST Bidder Dis uted amount ?current value; Ru ees
FORMAT ! '.1( M,C1585 @,-8) /4 C1@1- E*;1*))+1*; D/+A3 )C).82)0 1* ,*9 /*) 9),+ 08+1*; 2:) -,32 41@) 41*,*.1,- 9),+3 B9 2:) '100)+. #200( ! 2004 2/ 200?-2008$ Sl( No( '@ #inancial Jear )55-*)55. Aalue in Rs( U date to t+e Price level )552*54 K '5F er t+e 6ear(
.@ /@
)550*)551 )551*)552
Attac+ certi!icate !rom t+e E8ecutive Engineer counter signed "6 Su erintending Engineer or !rom C+arted Accountant Along $it+ Annual Balance S+eet(
FORMAT ! '. 14 Details o! satis!actor6 com letion o! similar $or3s in t+e Name o! t+e Bidder as Prime Contractor in an6 one 6ear during t+e last !ive ?/@ !inancial Jears( T+e similar $or3s s+ould +ave "een com leted "6 -%)551( T+e !inancial 6ear $ise "rea3u "ot+ +6sical and #inancial to "e !urnis+ed along $it+ Name C Designation o! Agrt( Concluding Aut+orit6( !or dela6(reasonsRemar3s !or e8 lainingRemar3s ')
' ' )( -( .( /(
) )55-* )55. )55.* )55/ )55/* )550 )550* )551 )551* )552
Attac+ certi!icates issued "6 t+e E(E( concerned dul6 countersigned "6 t+e S(E(; !or t+e a"ove $or3s( t+e date o! com letion o! t+e $or3( ?)55-* )55. to )551*)552@
Aalue o! Contract(
Name o! Pro&ect(
Sl( No
FORMAT '.1< 9uantities e8ecuted "6 t+e Bidder in t+e last / !inancial 6ears( ? )55-* )55. to )551* )552 @ 9uantities e8ecuted E(>(E( "ot+ E8cavation C Em"an3* ment( .
Rema r3s( 1
Attac+ Certi!icates in Su ort o! t+e a"ove :uantities issued "6 t+e E(E( concerned and Countersigned "6 t+e Su erintending Engineer or E:uivalent o!!icers o! t+e State% Central Govt( De ts( Underta3ings(
FORMAT '- 1= In!ormation on Bid Ca acit6 >or3s !or $+ic+ Tender +ave "een su"mitted and $or3s $+ic+ are 6et to "e com leted as on t+e date o! su"mission o! t+is Tender ?To "e !urnis+ed !inancial 6ear $ise @ A@ E8isting Commitments and Ongoing >or3s Name C Address o! Agrt( concludin g Aut+orit6 Sti ulated Aalue eriod o! o! com letion >or3s E8tension o! com l time eted granted( 0 1 Aalue o! $or3s remain ing to "e com l eted 2 Antic i ate d date o! com le* tion( 4
Agrt( N5 C Date(
Aalue o! Contra ct
Rem ar3s
Attac+ certi!icates !rom t+e E8ecutive Engineer and countersigned "6 S(E( concerned( Signature o! t+e Bidder B@ >or3s !or $+ic+ lenders alread6 su"mitted Name C Address o! Agrt( concluding aut+orit6( Sti ula ted eriod o! com l etion( /
Descri ti on o! $or3 )
Remar3 s
I; Sri % 7%s(UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU do +ere"6 solemnl6 declare t+at t+e in!ormation !urnis+ed is correct and also declare t+at I%>e $ill a"ide "6 an6 action suc+ as des:uali!ication or "lac3listing o! determination o! Contract or an6 action deemed !it; i! t+e de artment detects at an6 stage t+at t+e in!ormation !urnis+ed is $rong(
FORMAT - '.1? >or3s e8ecuted under EPC Contract S6stem in t+e last / !inancial 6ears to )550*)551@ Total value o! $or3 ?)55)*)55-
Sl( No(
Name o! $or3
VOL ME ! I PART- C #DATA SHEETS 1 2/ 14$ TECHNICAL 'ID FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF PRO>ECT Com lete Tec+nical Bid !or t+e im lementation o! t+e ro&ect; 3ee ing in vie$ t+e re:uirements as de!ined in S ecial Conditions o! Contract; s+all "e su"mitted "6 t+e "idder $it+ +is "id in t+e !orm o! !ollo$ing su"mittals( Bidder su"mitting an6 alternative ro osal s+all su"mit se arate set o! Data s+eets No( ) to '.( '( )( Bidder,s a reciation o! t+e ro&ect Data S+eet ' Data S+eet )
Bidder,s ro osed organisational setu !or t+e ro&ect !or Overall Pro&ect 7anagement Surve6 and detailed Investigation; soil e8 loration ?Pressure main $it+ allied $or3s; 7ain canal; Distri"utaries minors and su"* minors and structures@ Design and engineering services ?Civil; $or3s; * Commissioning Bidder,s Pro osal !or t+e ro&ect com onents along $it+ dra$ings 7anagement o! design and engineering services Construction met+odolog6 o! di!!erent com onents ro osed B6dro*7ec+anical E:ui ment Pro osed Surge Protection Device and B6draulic E:ui ment Pro osed along $it+ Details
-( .( /( 0( 1(
Data S+eet Data S+eet . Data S+eet / Data S+eet 0 Data S+eet 1
Electrical and 7ec+anical E:ui ment and Control S6stem Pro osed Pro osed de lo6ment o! Ge6 ersonnel Pro osed de lo6ment o! construction e:ui ment Pro osed su"contractors Pro osed sourcing o! 3e6 materials
Data S+eet 2 Data S+eet 4 Data S+eet '5 Data S+eet '' Data S+eet ')
Pro osed construction sc+edule o! t+e ro&ect Data S+eet '9ualit6 Control and 9ualit6 Assurance s6stem ro osed !or t+e Data S+eet '. ro&ect
D,2, S:))2 ! 1
T+is s+ould also consist o! a re ort on t+e Bidder,s a demonstrate a$areness and understanding o! all t+e as ects related to ro&ect construction(
reciation o! t+e ro&ect; $+ic+ rior to "idding; and rinci le tec+nical and logistic
'100)+L3 P+/6/3)0 O+;,*1I,21/*,- S)286 F/+ T:) P+/E).2 T+e "idder s+ould rovide t+e !ollo$ing in!ormation( A( Preliminar6 organi=ation c+art !or
D,2, S:))2 ! 2
Overall Pro&ect 7anagement Surve6 and detailed Investigation; soil e8 loration ?Pressure main $it+ allied $or3s; 7ain canal; Distri"utaries minors and su"* minors and structures@ Design and engineering services ?Civil; * $or3s@ E8ecution o! Civil $or3s; 9ualit6 Assurance S6stem Testing and Commissioning B( Narrative descri tion o! organi=ation c+art
D,2, S:))2 ! (
T+e "idder s+all su"mit; descri tions o! ro osed ro&ect com onents; ad+ering to t+e "asic arameters indicated in t+e "id document along $it+ relevant dra$ings( T+e in!ormation s+ould "e su"mitted in su!!icient details to allo$ an assessment o! t+e general ade:uac6 o! t+e Bidder,s ro osal( S3etc+es; dra$ings and diagrams along $it+ salient design details; $+ere necessar6 s+ould "e included(
D,2, S:))2 ! 4
T+e "idder s+all su"mit descri tions o! ro osed management o! Design and engineering services and se:uences to "e used !or t+e same( Ge6 Design and Engineering activities; Ge6 e8 erts !or t+e same and t+eir de lo6ment sc+edule s+ould "e identi!ied and descri"ed( T+is in!ormation s+all "e given se aratel6 !or civil; +6dro*mec+anical; electro* mec+anical $or3s; and SCADA control s6stem(
T+e "idder s+all su"mit in "rie! descri tions o! ro osed met+ods; se:uences; !acilities and la6outs to "e used !or e8ecution o! Civil s6stem( T+is s+ould cover t+e !ollo$ingD - >or3ing !acilities - In!rastructure $or3s - Civil >or3s T+e in!ormation su"mitted s+ould "e suc+ as to allo$ an assessment o! t+e general ade:uac6 o! t+e Bidder,s o! t+e main activities( ro osal( T+e in!ormation s+all include num"er and classi!ication o! man o$er; e:ui ment and materials ro osed to "e de lo6ed !or eac+
D,2, S:))2 ! =
S8+;) P+/2).21/* D)@1.) ,*0 H90+,8-1. EH8165)*2 P+/6/3)0 ,-/*; D12: D)2,1-3
D,2, S:))2 ! ?
&he bidder should sub$it the Surge Protection De%ice and '(draulic E*uip$ent Proposed along "ith Details
D,2, S:))2 ! 8
&he bidder should sub$it the Electrical and Mechanical E*uip$ent and Control S(ste$ Proposed along "ith Details
D,2, S:))2 ! 9
#or s eci!ic ositions essential to contract im lementation; t+e "idder s+ould rovide t+e ro osed de lo6ment o! 3e6 ersonnel ?!or Design and Engineering; Civil construction; $or3s@( Bio*Data o! eac+ o! t+e ersonnel ro osed to "e de lo6ed !or various activities s+all "e included in se arate s+eets !or eac+ candidate(
D,2, S:))2 ! 10
T+e "idder s+ould list out all ma&or e:ui ment; $+ic+ +e ro oses to use !or construction $or3s( T+is s+ould include t+eir num"ers; ca acities and $+et+er e:ui ment ro osed are to "e urc+ased ne$ or e8isting e:ui ment is to "e used( In res ect o! e8isting e:ui ment; 6ear o! manu!acture and current o$ners+i is to "e stated( Num"ers o! a"ove e:ui ment to "e de lo6ed during various eriods o! construction as necessar6 considering t+e construction rogramme s+all also "e included( T+e !ollo$ing !ormat s+all "e used !or t+is ur oseD Activit6 Descri tion o! e:ui ment ?t6 e; model; ma3e@ Ca acit6 % er!ormance !actor No( o! eac+ e:ui ment Jear o! manu!acture Period o! de lo6ment Source [
P+/6/3)0 S8B./*2+,.2/+3
D,2, S:))2 ! 11
T+e "idder s+all list out t+e ro osed su"contractors( T+e in!ormation s+all "e su"mitted in t+e !ollo$ing !ormat( T+e su"contractors?s@ ro osed to "e associated !or res ective categor6 o! $or3; must +ave e8 erience o! lanning and construction o! similar t6 e o! $or3 at least in one ro&ect costing not less t+an /5F o! t+e ro osed value o! $or3 ro osed to "e su"let( Section o! $or3s Name?s@ C address?es@ o! Su"contractors Descri tion C <ocation o! similar $or3s Previousl6 e8ecuted[
[ Relevant e8 erience certi!icates !rom com etent aut+orit6 s+ould "e enclosed(
D,2, S:))2 ! 12
T+e "idder s+all su"mit; in outline; descri tions o! ro osed sourcing o! 3e6 materials covering at least !ollo$ingD Cement Rein!orcing steel Structural steel E8 losives Aggregates Admi8tures
D,2, S:))2 ! 1(
T+e "idder s+all su"mit a construction details all t+e 3e6 activities(
corres onding critical at+ net$or3; $+ic+ starts at t+e date o! commencement and s+o$s in
A* O82-1*) /4 78,-129 C/*2+/- ,*0 78,-129 A338+,*.) S932)5 P+/6/3)0 4/+ 2:) P+/E).2 T+e "idder s+all su"mit; in outline; descri tion o!
D,2, S:))2 ! 14
assurance s6stem !or t+e im lementation o! t+e ro&ect( T+is s+all also include t+e ro osed testing la"oratories $it+ t+e testing e:ui ment; 3e6 ersonnel !or !ield :ualit6 control and ins ection and la"orator6 $or3(
N;: I08es(i1a(io0, desi10 a0d e<ca8a(io0 o" Bes(er0 5ra0c3 ca0a2 (a;i01 o"" a( @/.25.465 o" Eas(er0 #ai0 ca0a2 i0c2-di01 co0s(r-c(io0 o" (-00e2, C#%C' 6or;s, dis(ri.-(or7 s7s(e/, p-/p 3o-ses, de2i8er7 cis(er0s a0d press-re /ai0s (o crea(e a0 I9 o" 5,,5++ &cres .7 2i"( i0c2-di01 "or/a(io0 o" reser8oirs o" T-ri/e22a, Rac3er2a, % See(3ara/ sa1ar a0d a2so "or/a(io0 o" i0depe0de0( reser8oirs o" Ra22a 8a1- % G-0d2a5ra3/es6ara/ (o crea(e a0 I9 o" 5+++ acres i0 9ra;asa/, @adapa a0d Ne22ore dis(ric(s.
BASIC PARA6ETERS I/ HEAD ;OR9S: 1. &pproac3 c3a00e2 i0c2-di01 2i0i01 "or a 2e01(3 o" 1++ /(s >(e0(a(i8e (a;i01 o"" a( @/ 25.465 o" Eas(er0 #ai0 Ca0a2 (o carr7 (3e disc3ar1e o" 2*.5+ C-/ecs (o "eed (3e &7ac-( o" 5,,5++ &cres. A/ PU6PING STATIONS (/ Li:t S=ste" to Pr ! s " District to co"" n. n A= cut o: (2,8** Acres/ 4 Li:t ': ?ro" t il en. o: A&&ro c< C< nnel to Turi"ell Reser>oir/ Loca(io0 o" 9-/p Ho-se: F (ai2 e0d o" &pproac3 c3a00e2 Ba(er (o .e 2i"(ed: 2.,+ T#C. &7ac-(: 25,6++ &c. To(a2 N-/.er o" 9-/ps: 3 Nos. Capaci(7 o" Eac3 9-/p: 1,++ H9 >1.34 #B . T7pe o" 9-/p: !er(ica2 T-r.i0e 9-/p. Co/.i0ed E""icie0c7 o" (3e #o(ors a0d 9-/ps : ,*J. S(a(ic Head: 34.++#. 'isc3ar1e (o .e de2i8ered (3ro-13 9ress-re #ai0s: 1+.2+ C-/ecs.
Loca(io0 o" 9ress-re /ai0 co00ec(i01 (3e p-/p 3o-se: ?ro/ Li"()1 (o T-ri/e22a Reser8oir C4 Li:t (: ?ro" t il en. o: c n l t !in# o:: :ro" Turi"ell Reser>oir to R c<erl T n!/ Loca(io0 o" 9-/p Ho-se: F (ai2 e0d o" ca0a2 (a;i01 o"" "ro/ T-ri/e22a Reser8oir. Ba(er (o .e 2i"(ed: 2.+$ T#C &7ac-(: 1*,6++ &c To(a2 N-/.er o" 9-/ps: 3 Nos. Capaci(7 o" Eac3 9-/p: 11++ H9 >+.,2 #B . T7pe o" 9-/p: !er(ica2 T-r.i0e 9-/p. Co/.i0ed E""icie0c7 o" (3e #o(ors a0d 9-/ps : ,*J. S(a(ic Head: 21.,+#. 'isc3ar1e (o .e de2i8ered (3ro-13 9ress-re #ai0s: $.54 C-/ecs. Loca(io0 o" 9ress-re /ai0 co00ec(i01 (3e p-/p 3o-se: ?ro/ Li"(2 (o Rac3er2a (a0; 'ia o" 9ress-re #ai0: 2.2+ # >#i2d s(ee2 Le01(3 o" 9ress-re #ai0: 2,++ # c4 Li:t 7: ?ro" t il en. o: c n l t !in# o:: :ro" R c<erl t n! to c n l Bit< ?ull Su&&l= Le>el o: J(82/**6/ F (ai2 e0d o" ca0a2 (a;i01 o"" "ro/ Rac3er2a (a0;. Ba(er (o .e 2i"(ed: 1.*1+ T#C. &7ac-(: 1$,6++ &c. To(a2 N-/.er o" 9-/ps: 3 Nos. Capaci(7 o" Eac3 9-/p: 12++ H9 >+.*+ #B . T7pe o" 9-/p: !er(ica2 T-r.i0e 9-/p. Co/.i0ed E""icie0c7 o" (3e #o(ors a0d 9-/ps : ,*J. S(a(ic Head: 31.++ #. Loca(io0 o" 'e2i8er7 Cis(er0: F @/.14.,+>Te0(a(i8e . 'isc3ar1e (o .e de2i8ered (3ro-13 9ress-re #ai0s: 6.*6 C-/ecs Loca(io0 o" 9ress-re /ai0 co00ec(i01 (3e p-/p 3o-se: ?ro/ Li"(3 (o de2i8er7 cis(er0 F @/.14.,+ >(e0(a(i8e 'ia o" 9ress-re #ai0: 2.1+ # >#i2d s(ee2 Le01(3 o" 9ress-re #ai0: 6++ #
Li:t 0: ?ro" t il en. o: A&&ro c< C< nnel to suit Cle loc tion ne r Gi.. lur :ter crossin# SCR Bit< #roun. le>el o: J(82/** 6 P rt,': 4 ToB r.s 9 l s & .u 6 Hor in 9 . & .istrict/ Loca(io0 o" 9-/p Ho-se: F (ai2 e0d o" &pproac3 c3a00e2 Ba(er (o .e 2i"(ed: 1.$,+ T#C. &7ac-(: 15,,++ &c. To(a2 N-/.er o" 9-/ps: 3 Nos. Capaci(7 o" Eac3 9-/p: 55++ H9 >4.1+ #B . T7pe o" 9-/p: !er(ica2 T-r.i0e 9-/p. Co/.i0ed E""icie0c7 o" (3e #o(ors a0d 9-/ps : ,*J. S(a(ic Head: 6+.++ #. Loca(io0 o" 'e2i8er7 Cis(er0: F @/.21.6+>Te0(a(i8e . 'isc3ar1e (o .e de2i8ered (3ro-13 9ress-re #ai0s: 1+.,2 C-/ecs. Loca(io0 o" 9ress-re /ai0 co00ec(i01 (3e p-/p 3o-se: ?ro/ Li"(4 (o de2i8er7 cis(er0 F @/21.6+ >Te0(a(i8e 'ia o" 9ress-re #ai0: 2.6+ # >#i2d s(ee2 Le01(3 o" 9ress-re #ai0: 216++ # C4 @a2asapad- #a=or >'is(ri.-(or7 0e( 6or; : 15,,++ &c P rt,(: 4 ?or Poru" "ill 6 Hor in 9 . & .istrict n. Seet< r " s # r Reser>oir in Nellore .istrict/ Loca(io0 o" 9-/p Ho-se: F (ai2 e0d o" &pproac3 c3a00e2 Ba(er (o .e 2i"(ed: 2.+, T#C. &7ac-(: 1$1++ &c. To(a2 N-/.er o" 9-/ps: 3 Nos. Capaci(7 o" Eac3 9-/p: 55++ H9 >4.1+ #B . T7pe o" 9-/p: !er(ica2 T-r.i0e 9-/p. Co/.i0ed E""icie0c7 o" (3e #o(ors a0d 9-/ps : ,*J. S(a(ic Head: 6+.++ #. Loca(io0 o" 'e2i8er7 Cis(er0: F@/21.6+>Te0(a(i8e 'isc3ar1e (o .e de2i8ered (3ro-13 9ress-re #ai0s: 1+.,+ C-/ecs Loca(io0 o" 9ress-re /ai0 co00ec(i01 (3e p-/p 3o-se: ?ro/ Li"(4 (o de2i8er7 cis(er0 F @/21.6+ >Te0(a(i8e
'ia o" 9ress-re #ai0: 2.6+ # >#i2d s(ee2 Le01(3 o" 9ress-re #ai0: 216++ #. C4 9or-/a/i22a #a=or >'is(ri.-(or7 0e( 6or; : *,6++ &c B/ RESERVOIRS AND CANALS/ '/ Turi"ell Reser>oir: a. Ba(er s(ora1e capaci(7 a( ?RL: .. #a<i/-/ "2ood disc3ar1e: c. No. o" Head S2-ices: d. 'isc3ar1e capaci(7 o" Head S2-ice: 2.453 T#C. 65++ C-secs. 1 No. 13.++ C-/ecs.
(/ Gr >it= C n l inclu.in# linin# :ro" Turi"ell Reser>oir/ Loca(io0: Ta;i01 o"" "ro/ T-ri/e22a Reser8oir. 'isc3ar1i01 Capaci(7: 13.++ C-/ecs. &7ac-(: 6+++ &cres. 7/ R c<erl T n!: a. Ba(er s(ora1e capaci(7 a( ?TL: .. #a<i/-/ "2ood disc3ar1e: c. No. o" Head S2-ice: d. 'isc3ar1e capaci(7 o" Head S2-ices: +.+5 T#C. ) 1 No. 1+.++ C-/ecs.
0/ Gr >it= C n l inclu.in# linin# :ro" R c<erl T n!/ Loca(io0: Ta;i01 o"" "ro/ Rac3er2a Ta0;. 'isc3ar1i01 Capaci(7: 1+.++ C-/ecs. &7ac-(: 2+++ &cres. 2/ Gr >it= C n l inclu.in# linin# :ter Li:t , 7/ Loca(io0: Ta;i01 o"" a"(er Li"( C 3. 'isc3ar1i01 Capaci(7: ,.*, C-/ecs. &7ac-(: 1$,6++ &cres. 8/ Seet r " s # r Reser>oir: a. Ba(er s(ora1e capaci(7 a( ?RL: .. #a<i/-/ "2ood disc3ar1e: c. No. o" Head S2-ices: d. 'isc3ar1e capaci(7 o" Head S2-ices: e. &7ac-(:
/ A&&ro c< C< nnel :ro" Poru" "ill 6 Hor to inlet o: Tunnel to :ee. Seet< r "s # r Reser>oir/ Loca(io0: ?ro/ 9or-/a/i22a #a=or. 'isc3ar1i01 Capaci(7: 3.5+ C-/ecs. C/ Tunnel 3Bit< VRCC linin#4 :ro" t il en. o: A&&ro c< C< nnel :or Seet< r "s # r Reser>oir/ Loca(io0: I02e( a( (ai2 e0d o" &pproac3 c3a00e2. 'isc3ar1i01 Capaci(7: 3.5+ C-/ecs. Le01(3: *.++ @#. >Te0(a(i8e c/ ?ee.er C< nnel :ro" eAit o: Tunnel to :ee. Seet< r "s # r Reser>oir/ Loca(io0: E<i( o" T-00e2. 'isc3ar1i01 Capaci(7: 3.5+ C-/ecs. In.e&en.ent Reser>oirs '/ Gun.l Br <"esB r " Reser>oir A/ He . Bor!s: a. Ba(er s(ora1e capaci(7 a( ?RL: .. #a<i/-/ "2ood disc3ar1e: c. No. o" Head S2-ices: d. 'isc3ar1e capaci(7 o" Head S2-ices: e. &7ac-(: (/ R ll > #u Reser>oir A/ He . Bor!s: a. Ba(er s(ora1e capaci(7 a( ?RL: .. #a<i/-/ "2ood disc3ar1e: c. No. o" Head S2-ices: d. 'isc3ar1e capaci(7 o" Head S2-ice: e. &7ac-(:
3. S-pp2e/e0(a(io0 o" 6a(er "ro/ 9or-/a/i22a #a=or (o Rac3er-8- (a0; o" Ra=-pa2e/ o" @a2asapad- #a0da2 (o s(a.i2iDe (3e e<is(i01 a7ac-( o" 1,++ &cres.
VOL ME ! I PART!E PRO>ECT PROFILE OCHecti>e : T3e !e2i1o0da 9ro=ec(s e08isa1es dra62 o" 43.5+ T#C o" 6a(er "ro/ "ores3ore o" Srisai2a/ Reser8oir (3ro-13 a (-00e2 a0d Li0; Ca0a2 a0d s(ore (3e sa/e (3e Na22a/a2a Sa1ar .ei01 "or/ed .7 c2osi01 (3e (3ree e<is(i01 0a(-ra2 1aps 0a/e27 S-0;es-2a, Go((ipadia a0d @a;ar2a 6i(3 ?RL a( O244.++# i0 Na22a/a2a Hi22 Ra01es (o pro8ide irri1a(io0 "aci2i(ies (o 4.3, 2a;3 acres >I' crops a0d dri0;i01 6a(er "aci2i(7 (o a.o-( 15 2a;3 peop2e i0 (3e dis(ric(s o" 9ra;asa/, Ne22ore a0d @adapa spreadi01 o8er 2* /a0da2s. T3e s(a1e)I 6or;s o" !e2i1o0da 9ro=ec( e08isa1es dra62 o" a.o-( 1+.$+T#C o" 6a(er "ro/ @o22a/8a1-, (3e "ores3ore o" Srisai2a/ Reser8oir 2oca(ed a( 4.5+@/ -ps(rea/ o" (3e Srisai2a/ 'a/ (3ro-13 a0 approac3 c3a00e2, a (-00e2 o" $#( dia a0d o" 2e01(3 1,.,++@/ a0d ?eeder Ca0a2 o" 2e01(3 o" 23.36@/ (o "eed Na22a/a2a Sa1er Reser8oir 6i(3 ?RL O22*.++# .7 c2osi01 o" (3ree 1aps, S-0;es-2a, Go((ipadia a0d @a;ar2a a0d e<ca8a(io0 o" (3ree ca0a2s 0a/e27 Tee1a2er-, Go((ipadia a0d par( o" Eas(er0 Ca0a2 (o pro8ide irri1a(io0 "aci2i(ies (o 1,1*,+++ &cres Ra.i I.'. irri1a(io0 i0 (e0 /a0da2s o" 9ra;asa/ 'is(ric( si/-2(a0eo-s27 pro8idi01 dri0;i01 6a(er (o a pop-2a(io0 o" "o-r 2a;3s (3ro-13 (3e "o22o6i01 ca0a2 s7s(e/. T3e H7dra-2ic 9ar(ic-2ars o" (3e 8ario-s co/po0e0(s o" (3e pro=ec( "or S(a1e)I are as "o22o6s. >I A&&ro c< C< nnel : Le01(3 ?SL 5ed Le8e2 3II4 Tunnel ,I: Le01(3 'ia/e(er Capaci(7 Si22 Le8e2
+.1++@/ O266.$+ O266.6* O25$.$+ O25$.6* 1,.,+ @/ $.++ # +.246 T#C4da7 O25$.1* #
O266.1*+ O25+.,12
?ee.er C n l : ?SL 5ed Le8e2 5ed Bid(3 ?S' Le01(3 o" Ca0a2: 5ed ?a22 !a2-e o" N0M S2opes : : : : : : : : : : : : O246.115 O242.115 6.++ # 4.++ # 1 i0 4+++ +.+25 1:1 6.++ # 3.++ # 1 i0 12,+++ +.+25 1:1
22.++ #
Tee# leru C n l : 5ed Bid(3 ?S' Le01(3 o" Ca0a2: 5ed ?a22 !a2-e o" N0M S2opes
4*.15 @/
N ll " l Reser>oir : Ultimate Stage >! >!I >!II S-0;es-2a Gap ?RL T5L Go((ipadia Gap ?RL T5L @a;ar2a Gap ?RL T5L 3VIII4 Gotti& .i C n l : 'isc3ar1e R4' 5ed Bid(3 ?S' S-r"ace ?a22 Side S2opes !a2-e o" N0M !e2oci(7
Stage-I O22*.++# O23+.++# O22*.++# O23+.++# O21*.++# O22+.++# $.5 (o 12.,$5@/ 2.++42.1,$ 3.++ # 1.2+ # 1 i0 12,+++ 1:1 +.+1, +.433#4Sec
H.9s "ro/ +.+ (o$.5 : : : : : : : 4.2544.6*, 4.++ # 1.6+ # 1 i0 12,+++ 1:1 +.+1, +.524#4Sec
Lin! C n l : 'isc3ar1e Re:-ired 5ed Bid(3 ?S' S-r"ace ?a22 Side S2opes !a2-e o" N0M : : : : : : 12.63$ #34Sec 4.++ # 2.$+ # 1 i0 6,+++ 1:1 +.+1,
E stern C n l : 'isc3ar1e a( Head Sec(io0 a( Head : &7ac-( a( Head : : 12.63$ C-/ecs 4# < 2.$# 4$,5++ &cs.
Ot<er co"&onents un.er st #e,II re s :olloBs: a. T-00e2 C II :) Le01(3 : 1,.,+ @/ 'ia/e(er : *.2+#
.. ?eeder Ca0a2 % Li0; Ca0a2 "or -2(i/a(e disc3ar1e. c. E<ec-(io0 o" Eas(er0 #ai0 Ca0a2 -p (o 44.624 @/ "or -2(i/a(e. d. E<ec-(io0 o" Eas(er0 #ai0 Ca0a2 -p (o .e7o0d 44.625 @/. -p (o (ai2 e0d o" Uda7a1iri 5ra0c3 Ca0a2. e. E<ec-(io0 o" Bes(er0 5ra0c3 ca0a2 i0c2-di01 e0ro-(e a0d 0e6 reser8oir.
". ?or/a(io0 o" 9eddiredd7pa22i Reser8oir. 1. ?or/a(io0 o" See(3ara/ Sa1ar. 3. Rai0 "a22:) #a<i/-/: ,,4.$+ ## #i0i/-/: 3,*.,+ ## i. 9roposed Croppi01 9a((er0 : Gro-0d N-( 5+J: S-0"2o6er 2+J : 9-2ses 3+J
H/ S=ste"s ReLuire"ent : Re:-ired 0-/.er o" Rai0 Ga-1e S(a(io0s i0 (3e Co//a0d &rea Opera(io0 #od-2e ?2ood opera(io0 #od-2e &7ac-( Re1is(er, S.No. 6ise, .2oc; 6ise 9o6er s7s(e/ 6i(3 s(a0d.7 1e0era(ors #eas-ri01 de8ices Co/p-(er S7s(e/s Co//-0ica(io0 S7s(e/ Li13(i01 arra01e/e0(s ?2ood "ore cas( s7s(e/
VOL ME- I PART-F PRICE 'ID G)*)+,'(5 T+e "idder s+ould :uote t+e total contract rice in t+e tem late rovided online( T+e Bidders s+ould also !ill u t+e same total contract rice and su"mit a <etter o! Tender as er t+e !ormat laced at Anne8ure #P'( T+e <um sum rice in t+e <etter o! Tender s+all "e t+e Contract Price( In case o! an6 discre anc6 "et$een t+e rice :uoted on line and in t+e rescri"ed !ormats o! Aolume*I Price Bid including letter o! Tender; t+en t+e rice :uoted in t+e tem late rovided on line onl6 $ill "e t+e contract rice and $ill "e considered !or evaluation( )(5 T+e "idders are to note t+at a6ments o! t+e contract amount $ill "e aid as er t+e a6ment sc+edule a -(5 .(5 /(5 ended in t+is section as Anne8ure*)(
T+e Bidders s+all :uote t+e rices "ot+ in !igure and $ords( T+e rices :uoted in all t+e !ormats s+all "e in Indian Ru ees onl6( T+e service c+arges a6a"le to 7%s C' India Pvt( <td(; is as indicated "elo$D
Transaction !ee o! Rs()2;155 %* includes all ta8es t+e transaction !ee is a6a"le "6 eac+ "idder t+roug+ online in !avour o! C' India Private <imited; B6dera"ad at t+e time o! "id su"mission(
Be, (3e -0dersi10ed, e<a/i0ed (3e Co0di(io0s o" Co0(rac(, Speci"ica(io0s, Specia2 Co0di(io0s o" co0(rac(, 5asic 9ara/e(ers o" (3e proposed Sc3e/e a0d &dde0d-/ Nos.YYYYYYYY "or (3e a.o8e)/e0(io0ed 6or;s. Be 3a8e e<a/i0ed, -0ders(ood a0d c3ec;ed (3ese doc-/e0(s a0d 3a8e ascer(ai0ed (3a( (3ere are 0o a/.i1-i(7 i0 (3e E/p2o7erMs Re:-ire/e0(s .Be accordi0127 o""er de(ai2ed i08es(i1a(io0, soi2 e<p2ora(io0, desi10, e<ec-(io0 a0d co/p2e(e (3e 6or;s a0d re/ed7 a07 de"ec(s (3erei0, opera(io0 a0d /ai0(e0a0ce "or (3tBo4 =e rs :or ci>il Bor!s n. '2 =e rs :or H=.ro,6ec< nic l n. Electro,6ec< nic l Bor!s a"(er s-ccess"-2 co//issio0i01 o" (3e pro=ec( i0 co0"or/i(7 6i(3 s-c3 doc-/e0(s a0d o-r e0c2osed Te0der >i0c2-di01 (3is 2e((er "or (3e 2-/p)s-/ price as 1i8e0 3ere -0der.
>e agree to com lete t+e $or3 o!UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU as er Em lo6ers re:uirements at a lum *sum rice o! Rs( UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ? in $ords and in !igures@ >e agree to a"ide "6 t+is Tender untilUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU and it s+all remain "inding u on us and ma6 "e acce ted at an6 time "e!ore t+at date( I! t+is o!!er is acce ted; $e $ill rovide t+e s eci!ied Per!ormance Securit6; Commence t+e >or3s $it+in '/ ?!i!teen@ da6s !rom t+e date o! issue o! <etter o! Acce tance; and com lete t+e $or3s in accordance $it+ t+e a"ove named documents $it+in t+e time sti ulated !or com letion( >e guarantee t+at t+e >or3s $ill t+en con!orm $it+ t+e er!ormance securit6 included in t+is Tender( >e understand t+at 6ou are not "ound to acce t t+e lo$est or an6 tender 6ou ma6 receive( Signature UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU in t+e ca acit6 o! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Dul6 aut+ori=ed to sign tenders !or and on "e+al! o! UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU AddressDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU DateD UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU [[ In case o! an6 discre anc6 "et$een t+e rice :uoted online and in su orting documents u loaded; t+en t+e Price :uoted in t+e tem late rovided online onl6 $ould "e considered !or evaluation(
N "e o: ;or! : I08es(i1a(io0, desi10 a0d e<ca8a(io0 o" Bes(er0 5ra0c3 ca0a2 (a;i01 o"" a( @/.25.465 o" Eas(er0 #ai0 ca0a2 i0c2-di01 co0s(r-c(io0 o" (-00e2, C#%C'
6or;s, dis(ri.-(or7 s7s(e/, p-/p 3o-ses, de2i8er7 cis(er0s a0d press-re /ai0s (o crea(e a0 I9 o" 5,,5++ &cres .7 2i"( i0c2-di01 "or/a(io0 o" reser8oirs o" T-ri/e22a, Rac3er2a, % See(3ara/ sa1ar a0d a2so "or/a(io0 o" i0depe0de0( reser8oirs o" Ra22a 8a1- % G-0d2a5ra3/es6ara/ (o crea(e a0 I.9 o" 5+++ acres i0 9ra;asa/, @adapa a0d Ne22ore dis(ric(s.
Descri&tion o: Ite"
S&eci:ic tions
A"ount in ?i#ures
A"ount in ;or.s
In>esti# tion/
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
S8B51331/* /4 6+/;+,5% ,.21/* 6-,* 4/+ )*21+) 6,.A,;)% 38B51331/* /4 D))A-9 +)6/+23% 5/*2:-9 +)6/+23 ,*0 5,1*2)*,*.) /4 +)H81+) +)./+03 1*.-801*; /*-1*) 6+/;+)33 +)6/+23. P+)6,+,21/* /4 +)6/+23 1* :,+0 ./61)3 ,*0 3/42 ./61)3 4/+ 38B51331/* 2/ 0)6,+25)*2 4/+ /B2,1*1*; ,66+/@,- 2/ ./56)2)*2 ,82:/+129.
S-pp27i01, (es(i01, erec(io0 a0d co//issio0i01 o" 0ecessar7 2i"( s7s(e/s 6i(3 a22 E2ec(rica2 % #ec3a0ica2 co/po0e0(s, s-r1e pro(ec(io0 s7s(e/s, de2i8er7 cis(er0s, press-re /ai0s>#i2d s(ee2 ,a22 co0(ro2 8a28es (o carr7 re:-ired disc3ar1e d-ri01 crop period as per #odi"ied 9e0/a0 /e(3od "or 2i"(i01 2.,+ T#C o" 6a(er i0 3 s(a1es (o crea(e a0 I.9 o" 25,6++ &cres i0 9ra;asa/ dis(ric( a0d 3.,6 T#C o" 6a(er i0 si012e s(a1e (3ro-13 (6o separa(e 9ress-re /ai0s >#i2d s(ee2 (o crea(e a0 I.9 o" 25,4++ &cres i0 @adapa dis(ric( a0d $,5++ &cres i0 see(3ra/p-ra/ /a0da2 o" Ne22ore dis(ric( i0c2-di01 "or/a(io0 o" T-ri/e22a, Rac3er2a a0d See(3ara/a sa1ar reser8oirs a0d a2so "or/a(io0 o" (6o i0depe0de0( reser8oirs 0a/e27 G-0d2a 5ra3/es6ara/ a0d Ra22a 8a1- (o crea(e a0 I.9 o" 5+++ &cres i0 9ra;asa/ dis(ric( i0c2-di01 co0s(r-c(io0 o" C#%C' 6or;s a0d dis(ri.-(or7 s7s(e/ (o carr7 disc3ar1e re:-ired d-ri01 crop period as per /odi"ied 9e0/a0 /e(3od as co0(e/p2a(ed i0 de(ai2ed pro=ec( repor( o" !e2i1o0da pro=ec(.
I/ Dr Bl o: B ter :ro" &&ro c< c< nnel to int !e su"& .
#rakasam district &pproac3 c3a00e2 i0c2-di01 C.C 2i0i01 >#15 >6i(3 9a8er (a;i01 o"" "ro/ Eas(er0 #ai0 ca0a2 F@/.25.465. Li"(i01 o" 6a(er i0 (3ree s(a1es (o crea(e a0 I9 o" 256++ acres i0 9ra;asa/ dis(ric(. S(a1e)I: ?ro/ approac3 c3a00e2 i0c2-di01 C.C 2i0i01 >#15 >6i(3 9a8er (o T-ri/e22a Reser8oir. ?or/a(io0 o" T-ri/e22a Reser8oir.
345 Gra8i(7 ca0a2 i0c2-di01 C.C 2i0i01 >#15 >6i(3 9a8er "ro/ T-ri/e22a Reser8oir (o (3e i0(a;e s-/p a( 2i"()II. S(a1e)II: ?ro/ (ai2 e0d o" 1ra8i(7 ca0a2 (o Rac3er2a (a0;. 9ress-re /ai0 >#i2d s(ee2 "ro/ Li"()II (o Rac3er2a Ta0;. ?or/a(io0 4I/pro8e/e0(s (o Rac3er2a Ta0;. Gra8i(7 ca0a2 i0c2-di01 C.C 2i0i01 >#15 >6i(3 9a8er "ro/ Rac3er2a (a0; (o i0(a;e s-/p a( 2i"()III. S(a1e)III: ?ro/ (ai2 e0d o" 1ra8i(7 ca0a2 (o (3e ca0a2 6i(3 a0 ?SL o" O265.++/. 9ress-re /ai0 >#i2d s(ee2 "ro/ Li"()III (o de2i8er7 cis(er0 F @/.14.,+ >Te0(a(i8e . Gra8i(7 ca0a2 i0c2-di01 C.C 2i0i01 >#15 >6i(3 9a8er "ro/ (3e de2i8er7 cis(er0 a"(er 2i"() III. Co0s(r-c(io0 o" dis(ri.-(or7 0e( 6or; s7s(e/ i0c2-di01 C#%C' 6or;s (o ser8e a0 &7ac-( o" 25,6++ &cres i0 9ra;asa/ dis(ric(. E2ec(rica2 (ra0s/issio0 2i0es "ro/ 132411 @! s-.s(a(io0s (o p-/pi01 s(a(io0s e(c. Co0s(r-c(io0 o" re:-ired 0-/.er o" Head s2-ices "or a22 reser8oirs i0c2-di01 s3-((er arra01e/e0(s, /o(ors, e2ec(ri"ica(io0 arra01e/e0(s % pro(ec(io0 s3eds "or /o(ors e(c..
$adapa district and %ellore district
Li"(i01 o" 6a(er i0 si012e s(a1e (3ro-13 (6o separa(e press-re /ai0s (o crea(e a0 I9 o" 15,,++ &cres i0 @a2asapad- /a0da2 a0d 1$,1++ &cres i0 9or-/a/ai22a a0d si(ara/p-ra/ #a0da2s o" @adapa a0d Ne22ore dis(ric(s. T6o 9ress-re /ai0s >#i2d s(ee2 "ro/ 2i"()I! o" 2e01(3 @/.21.6+ >Te0(a(i8e . T6o /a=ors 0a/e27 9or-/a/i22a a0d @a2sapad- "ro/ (3e (ai2 e0d o" 9ress-re /ai0s. &pproac3 c3a00e2 "ro/ 9or-/a/i22a /a=or (o i02e( o" T-00e2 (o "eed See(3ara/sa1ar reser8oir. T-00e2 i0c2-di01 Li0i01 >VRCC GRADE "ro/ (ai2 e0d o" &pproac3 c3a00e2 "or See(3ara/sa1ar Reser8oir. ?eeder c3a00e2 "ro/ (3e e<i( o" T-00e2 (o "eed See(3ara/ sa1ar reser8oir. ?or/a(io0 o" See(3ara/ sa1ar reser8oir. Co0s(r-c(io0 o" re:-ired 0-/.er o" Head s2-ices "or reser8oir i0c2-di01 s3-((er
346 arra01e/e0(s, /o(ors, e2ec(ri"ica(io0 arra01e/e0(s % pro(ec(io0 s3eds "or /o(ors e(c.. Co0s(r-c(io0 o" dis(ri.-(or7 0e( 6or; s7s(e/ i0c2-di01 C#%C' 6or;s (o ser8e a0 &7ac-( o" 32,*++ &cres i0 @adapa dis(ric(. E2ec(rica2 (ra0s/issio0 2i0es "ro/ 132411 @! s-.s(a(io0s (o p-/pi01 s(a(io0s e(c. Circ-2ars
III. ?or" tion o: In.e&en.ent Reser>oirs: ?or/a(io0 o" (6o i0depe0de0( Reser8oirs 0a/e27 G-0d2a 5ra3/es6ara/ a0d Ra22a8a1-. Co0s(r-c(io0 o" re:-ired 0-/.er o" Head s2-ices "or reser8oirs i0c2-di01 s3-((er arra01e/e0(s, /o(ors, e2ec(ri"ica(io0 arra01e/e0(s % pro(ec(io0 s3eds "or /o(ors e(c Co0s(r-c(io0 o" dis(ri.-(or7 0e( 6or; s7s(e/ i0c2-di01 C#%C' 6or;s (o ser8e a0 &7ac-( o" 5+++ &cres i0 9ra;asa/ dis(ric(. IV/ S-pp2e/e0(a(io0 o" 6a(er "ro/ 9or-/a/i22a #a=or (o Rac3er-8- (a0; o" Ra=-pa2e/ o" @a2asapad- #a0da2 (o s(a.i2iDe (3e e<is(i01 a7ac-( o" 1,++ &cres. V/ ?or/a(io0 o" e/.a0;/e0(s 63ere8er 0ecessar7 6i(3 *, J proc(ors de0si(7 i0c2-di01 co0s(r-c(io0 o" 3ead s2-ice, o"" (a;e s2-ices, C#%C' 6or;s. 92a0(a(io0 o" 0o0 "r-i( .eari01 6ide s3e2(ered se2ec(ed 8arie(7 o" dra-13( resis(a0( p2a0(s i0c2-di01 ca((2e 1-ards a22 a2o01 (3e /ai0 ca0a2 .ra0c3 ca0a2s, #a=ors, #i0or dis(ri.-(aries o0 ei(3er side a( 1+# i0(er8a2. ?or/a(io0 o" ser8ice roads o0 2e"(4ri13( .a0; o" #ai0 Ca0a2 a0d dis(ri.-(aries 3a8i01 disc3ar1e o" /ore (3a0 5+ c-secs >1.416 C-/ecs VI/ O&er tion n. 6 inten nce o: c n ls, .istriCutor= s=ste" n. reser>oirs :ter co"&letion o: construction :or tBo =e rs VII/ O&er tion n. " inten nce o: Li:t s=ste"s inclu.in# &u"&s, "otors n. &ressure " ins :or '2 =e rs/ 6iscell neous. ?or/a(io0 o" ser8ice roads a2o01 press-re /ai0s % "or/a(io0 o" di8ersio0 roads a0d approac3 roads 63ere8er 0ecessar7 "or p-/pi01 s(a(io0s, reser8oirs e(c.
34$ ?i<i01 H9 4 disp2a7 .oards a0d direc(io0 .oards a0d @.# a0d Hec(o/e(er s(o0es "or e0(ire s7s(e/. 92a00i01 "or co0s(r-c(io0 o" 63o2e s7s(e/ 6i(3 a22 re2a(ed 6or;s as per appro8ed dra6i01s desi10s a0d speci"ica(io0s E01a1i01 (ec30ica2 perso00e2, i0s-ra0ce c3ar1es, .a0;er c3ar1es e(c. Soi2 (es(i01 c3ar1es a0d Geo (ec30ica2 c3ar1es 'ri22i01 o" .ore 3o2es, 2a7i01 pipe2i0es a0d p-/ps "or 6a(er s-pp27 (o (3e e0(ire 6or;. S3i"(i01 o" e2ec(rica2 po2es, (ra0s"or/ers a0d (e2ep3o0e 2i0es. Co0s(r-c(io0 o" "ie2d s3eds. 93o(o1rap37 a0d 8ideo1rap37 d-ri01 e<ec-(io0, i0c2-di01 "i0is3i01 o" pro1ress repor( #ai0(e0a0ce o" s7s(e/ d-ri01 de"ec( 2ia.i2i(7 period "or "i"(ee0 7ears.
2. 3. 4.
T3e .idder s3a22 :-o(e a 2-/p s-/ a/o-0( "or (3e cap(io0ed 6or; irrespec(i8e o" perce0(a1e o" co/po0e0(s o" 6or;. I0 case o" a07 discrepa0c7 .e(6ee0 (3e o8er a22 co0(rac( prices :-o(ed i0 6ords a0d "i1-res, (3e price :-o(ed i0 6ords s3a22 pre8ai2. T3e &7ac-( s3o60 i0 (3e i0de< p2a0 is "or 1-ida0ce o027 a0d (3e ac(-a2 a2i10/e0(s >pipe 2i0e, ear(3e0 .-0ds a0d ca0a2s e(c. S.No 6ise, 8i22a1e 6ise &7ac-( de(ai2s s3o-2d .e prepared a0d (3e appro8a2 "or &7ac-( de(ai2s "ro/ co/pe(e0( a-(3ori(7 is (o .e o.(ai0ed. T3e &7ac-( o" (3e sc3e/e is (e0(a(i8e27 arri8ed a( 635++ acres. I" (3ere is a07 decrease or i0crease i0 (3e e<(e0( as per a.o8e appro8ed e<(e0( cos( ded-c(io0 or e<(ra cos( 6i22 .e /ade as (3e case /a7 .e as perce0(a1e o" (3e correspo0di01 co/po0e0( "or (3e di""ere0ce i0 &7ac-( as per I5# es(i/a(e O or C (e0der pre/i-/. I0 case o" decrease4i0crease i0 2e01(3 o" pipe 2i0e a1ai0s( (3e 2e01(3 pro8ided i0 i0(er0a2 .e0c3 /ar;, cos( ded-c(io04e<(ra cos( 6i22 .e /ade as (3e case /a7 .e as perce0(a1e o" the corresponding component for the difference in length of pipe line + or tender premium.