The site observation report summarizes the findings from an inspection of a construction site. Several safety and housekeeping issues were observed, including improperly installed electrical wiring, missing toe boards, and unbalanced gondola winches. Poor casting and concrete work was also noted, with honeycombing and exposed rebar on slabs. The contractor and consultants provided comments to address the issues, such as reinstalling wiring, adding toe boards, balancing winches, and repairing concrete work. Overall, the report identifies areas of non-compliance and work needed to ensure a safe and properly constructed site.
The site observation report summarizes the findings from an inspection of a construction site. Several safety and housekeeping issues were observed, including improperly installed electrical wiring, missing toe boards, and unbalanced gondola winches. Poor casting and concrete work was also noted, with honeycombing and exposed rebar on slabs. The contractor and consultants provided comments to address the issues, such as reinstalling wiring, adding toe boards, balancing winches, and repairing concrete work. Overall, the report identifies areas of non-compliance and work needed to ensure a safe and properly constructed site.
The site observation report summarizes the findings from an inspection of a construction site. Several safety and housekeeping issues were observed, including improperly installed electrical wiring, missing toe boards, and unbalanced gondola winches. Poor casting and concrete work was also noted, with honeycombing and exposed rebar on slabs. The contractor and consultants provided comments to address the issues, such as reinstalling wiring, adding toe boards, balancing winches, and repairing concrete work. Overall, the report identifies areas of non-compliance and work needed to ensure a safe and properly constructed site.
The site observation report summarizes the findings from an inspection of a construction site. Several safety and housekeeping issues were observed, including improperly installed electrical wiring, missing toe boards, and unbalanced gondola winches. Poor casting and concrete work was also noted, with honeycombing and exposed rebar on slabs. The contractor and consultants provided comments to address the issues, such as reinstalling wiring, adding toe boards, balancing winches, and repairing concrete work. Overall, the report identifies areas of non-compliance and work needed to ensure a safe and properly constructed site.
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UPGRADING CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SECTION UPGRADING CONSTRUCTION MAMAGEMENT UNIT 3 SITE OBSERVATION REPORT Ref No: 452-21-11-0163A Precinct Chai Chee / Chin Swee Blk 1,2, ! to " / Blk # Contract $IP % &'P C("A Recor) Ref No* 'C+ / !!2 / 11 Na,e of +ain Contractor &o-i.tic. Pte &t) Contract No* 0/!1(/!2 0ate of 1# 3an 2!11 Stat/. of 4ork. (#*!5 O6erall 4ork 0one a. at 0ec 1! 4ork. 4ithin 7lat Sta-e 1 : In Progress Pro8ect +ana-er IC AVP Chow 9ew :eon- Ori-inal Contract Perio) 2( +a; !2 to !" No6 11 4ork. O/t.i)e 7 l a t In <ro-re.. Site S/<er6i.or
SSS On- Tin- $ock Recor)e) B;: PD Ong Toon Lian (Lead) PDA Wong Woon Meng
A'0IT 7IN0IN=S S/N =OO0 4OR: PRACTICES RE+AR:S Overhead shelter provided at edge of hoarding to prevent falling objet!
Precinct 4ork fin)in-. an) clarification. "#ons$ltants to #o%plete& S/N OBSERVATIONS / NON>CO+P&IANCES RE+AR:S CONS'&TANTS CO++ENTS / C&ARI7ICATIONS B SA7ET9 / SEC'RIT9 PROVISIONS 1!0 Electrical tr/ckin- 'e fo$nd the eletrial tr$(ing and )ires hanging at eiling not properl* installed! + ,l( 52 -02-324 half landing .hese )ill posed safet* ha/ard0 to instate i%%ediatel*!
1letrial tr$(ing and )ire not properl* instated .he affeted eletrial tr$n(ing and )ires have been properl* reinstated! Page 2 of 9 TMPU Te!"#a$ Co%&$#a"e & P'o(e) Ma"age%e") A*+#) , -2-.-. Precinct 4ork fin)in-. an) clarification. "#ons$ltants to #o%plete& S/N OBSERVATIONS / NON>CO+P&IANCES RE+AR:S CONS'&TANTS CO++ENTS / C&ARI7ICATIONS 2!0 Toe>?oar) 'e notied the ne) lift lobb* 2.oe-boards3 not provided! .his )ill posed falling objet ha/ard! + ,l( 52 .o retif* i%%ediatel*!
4ite staff and safet* offier %$st arr* o$t dail* inspetion to ens$re all safet* %eas$res appl* on site! .oe-boards not provided
.he affeted lift lobb* has been provided )ith toe boards! 3!0 =on)ola 'e fo$nd the gondola )inhes not s*%%etriall* installed on radle! .his )ill a$sed $nbalane )hen the gondola in operation! .o adj$st i%%ediatel*! 5ondola )inhes not s*%%etriall* installed .he affeted 5ondola )inhes have been s*%%etriall* installed on radle! Page 3 of 9 TMPU Te!"#a$ Co%&$#a"e & P'o(e) Ma"age%e") A*+#) , -2-.-. Precinct 4ork fin)in-. an) clarification. "#ons$ltants to #o%plete& S/N OBSERVATIONS / NON>CO+P&IANCES RE+AR:S CONS'&TANTS CO++ENTS / C&ARI7ICATIONS C 4OR:SITE $O'SE:EEPIN= +EAS'RES 1!0 $o/.ekee<in- 'e fo$nd poor ho$se(eeping aro$nd lift lobb* and drain! + ,l( 52 6 53
7ebris olleted aro$nd lift lobb* 7ebris and )ater stagnant at drain .he debris have been re%oved! .he debris and stagnant )ater at drain have been leared! Page / of 9 TMPU Te!"#a$ Co%&$#a"e & P'o(e) Ma"age%e") A*+#) , -2-.-. Precinct 4ork fin)in-. an) clarification. "#ons$ltants to #o%plete& S/N OBSERVATIONS / NON>CO+P&IANCES RE+AR:S CONS'&TANTS CO++ENTS / C&ARI7ICATIONS 1!0 $o/.ekee<in-@ConAtB 'e fo$nd $n)anted %aterials s$h as steel bars and %esh not leared off! + ,l( 53
8n)anted %aterials not leared off .he $n)anted %aterials have been leared. .he $n)anted ti%ber has been leared! Page 0 of 9 TMPU Te!"#a$ Co%&$#a"e & P'o(e) Ma"age%e") A*+#) , -2-.-. Precinct 4ork fin)in-. an) clarification. "#ons$ltants to #o%plete& S/N OBSERVATIONS / NON>CO+P&IANCES RE+AR:S CONS'&TANTS CO++ENTS / C&ARI7ICATIONS 1!0 Ca.tin- work 'e fo$nd lift lobb* slab badl* asted )ith hone*o%b! +,l( 53 -04- 336 #ontrator to propose repair %ethod to 9esident 1ngineer for approval! 4ite staffs to tighten the asting )or( and to he( and ens$re all defets are retif*! 4lab asted badl* 4teel bar e:posed .he affeted lift lobb* slabs have retified aording to 91;s reo%%endation and site staff )ill step $p their he(s and s$pervisions on this aspet of asting )or(s!! .he affeted steel bar and slab )ith the hone*o%b have been retified Page . of 9 TMPU Te!"#a$ Co%&$#a"e & P'o(e) Ma"age%e") A*+#) , -2-.-. Precinct 4ork fin)in-. an) clarification. "#ons$ltants to #o%plete& S/N OBSERVATIONS / NON>CO+P&IANCES RE+AR:S CONS'&TANTS CO++ENTS / C&ARI7ICATIONS 1!0 Ca.tin- work@ConAtB 'e fo$nd lift lobb* slab badl* asted )ith hone*o%b! +,l( 52 - 02-324 4lab not properl* asted .he affeted slab )ith hone*o%b has been retified!
Page 1 of 9 TMPU Te!"#a$ Co%&$#a"e & P'o(e) Ma"age%e") A*+#) , -2-.-. Precinct 4ork fin)in-. an) clarification. "#ons$ltants to #o%plete& S/N OBSERVATIONS / NON>CO+P&IANCES RE+AR:S CONS'&TANTS CO++ENTS / C&ARI7ICATIONS 1!0 Ca.tin- work@ConAtB 'e fo$nd lift lobb* ol$%n not properl* asted! + ,l( 53 -02-336 #ol$%n not properl* asted .he affeted ol$%n has been properl* retified! Page 2 of 9 TMPU Te!"#a$ Co%&$#a"e & P'o(e) Ma"age%e") A*+#) , -2-.-. Precinct 4ork fin)in-. an) clarification. "#ons$ltants to #o%plete& S/N OBSERVATIONS / NON>CO+P&IANCES RE+AR:S CONS'&TANTS CO++ENTS / C&ARI7ICATIONS E OT$ERS OBSERVATION 1!0 Rain water )own <i<e 'e fo$nd rain )ater do)n pipe at stairase half landing not reinstated after re%ove for learing ho(e! + ,l( 53 -02-336 .o retif* i%%ediatel* to prevent rain )ater stagnant at lift lobb* a$sed %os<$ito breeding ha/ard! 9ain )ater do)n pipe not reinstated .he affeted rain)ater do)n pipe has been reinstated! Page 9 of 9 TMPU Te!"#a$ Co%&$#a"e & P'o(e) Ma"age%e") A*+#) , -2-.-.