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Curriculum Vitae: Level II Certification in RT, UT, MPT &LPT

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CURRICULUM VITAE Name Date of birth Marital Status ddress : Bathula Srikanth. : 15 10 1973 : Married : !

!"#30$% N&' (om)le*% Sea+ood ,states% Sea+oods Nerul% Na-i Mumbai !0070".. : Mobile: 900!$19031 : bathula/$00!01ahoo.2o.in : Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Passed out in 1 : Le$el II certi%ication in RT& UT& MPT 'LPT 6no+led7e of 2om)uters like +ord% e*2el 8 internet. : C()IP *#1 + C()IP ,um-er ./0.!# : Internal Auditor I(1 //1 2 !//0 .otal ,*)erien2e 3ass 3ort Details 3resent Salar1 Dra+n Salar1 ,*)e2ted 3h1si2all1 (hallen7ed Languages ;no<n ,n7lish <indi .elu7u 6annada : 3rofi2ient 9&ead% :rite% S)eak; : 3rofi2ient 9&ead% :rite% S)eak; : 3rofi2ient 9&ead% :rite% S)eak; : 3rofi2ient 9&ead% S)eak; : !/ 3ears# 4 5*0.6*71 (/!2/82!//8 to /12112!/18"# 4 1/#7 La9hs P:A# 4 ,egotia-le# : No.

.ele)hone No ,mail 3rofessional 4ualifi2ation dditional 5ualifi2ation


)or9 e=perience4

Prepare:Re$ie< o% p)P( <here e$er re>uired as per dra<ing and pro?ect speci%ications and <itness >uali%ication o% )P( accordingl@# )itness o% <elder Auali%ication at Vendor premises# Preparation o% Contract Aualit@ Plan:Inspection Test Plan as per pro?ect speci%ications# 3re)aration of 3ur2hase .e2hni2al S)e2ifi2ation for +eldin7 2onsumables and 3ur2hase &e5uisition for :eldin7 (onsumables. &e-ie+ and ))ro-al of -arious 4ualit1 3ro2edures% :ork 'nstru2tions as )er the s)e2ifi2 )ro=e2t re5uirements. >iaison +ith (lient#.3' for -arious te2hni2al 5ueries. Bamiliar <ith $arious measuring instruments ' gauges and $eri%ication o% measuring e>uipments# Bamiliar <ith International Codes:(tandards Li9e A(ME& C(& API& I(!0!7& A)(D1#1& C16#7& C16# & C16#11 Etc# 'ns)e2tion of ?abri2ated (om)onents% ?ormed items% &a+ Material ins)e2tion like 3lates% 3i)es%.ubes% ?or7in7s% ?asteners et2 at the Manufa2turers :orksho). (tage )ise Inspection o% Deat E=changers& Coilers& Pressure Vessels& Deaters& Reactors& Process Piping&(torage Tan9s& Rotar@ E>uipment li9e Centri%ugal Bans& E=haust Bans& Rotar@ Dr@ers& Rotar@ Val$es& Pumps& Motors etc# Inspection o% Piping and Piping related items as per Rele$ant Code:(tandards# Inspection o% (ur%ace preparation o% E>uipment a%ter Clasting& Pic9ling ' Passi$ation as applica-le. 'ns)e2tion of <eat treated (om)onents#@essels% +itness of >oadin7#Anloadin7. @erifi2ation of 2alibration of thermo2ou)les et2. :itness of material testin7% (orrosion testin7 et2 at .estin7 >aboratories. Inspection o% Painting o% E>uipment and Components& 5al$aniEing as per the Pro?ect speci%ications:Dra<ing. &e-ie+ of ?inal Dossier 8 'ssue 'ns)e2tion &e)ort% &elease note. 3ro-ide te2hni2al su))ort to 4.( ins)e2tors% 7uide and ad-i2e. Prepare I(1 Audit schedules and in%orm the concerned accordingl@# ,ominate Internal Auditors and re$ie< internal Audit reports# Re$ie< o% ,CR and closing o% ,CR# Issue CPAR reports <here e$er re>uired# Conduct MRM a%ter Internal and E=ternal Audits and esta-lish Aualit@ 1-?ecti$es ' ;PIFs# Prepare %or E=ternal Audits& A(ME and I(12 //112!//0. :itnessin7 of NoB>oad runnin7 trials of ?ans%Dr1ers%Blo+ers ,t2 3re)aration of @arious 3ro2edures like <1dro Stati2 test% (alibration of Measurin7 'nstruments 8 Cau7es% :eld re)air% <eat .reatment 8 ,le2trode bakin7. Maintaining records o% Cali-rated instruments and cali-ration histor@ charts# <ad under7one trainin7 in 5S% 'nhouse <ousekee)in7 and Do2umentation.

Accomplishments4 3re)ared 4ualit1 (ontrol Manual for A(ME Coded Vessels and formats and took )art in A(ME uditin7 for su22essful Accreditation of DAE stamp Certi%ication. (om)anies for +hi2h ' ha-e +orked so far: Brom present to past A# (om)an1 Name Desi7nation Duration A1 (om)an1 Name Desi7nation Duration C# (om)an1 Name Desi7nation Duration C# (om)an1 Name Desi7nation Duration D# (om)an1 Name Desi7nation Duration ,. (om)an1 Name Desi7nation Duration : ;il-urn Engineering Ltd : Asst#Manager AA:AC : !!#/8#!//. to 1!#/0#!//6# : TEMA I,DIA LTD# : Manager AA:AC : 1.th August !//6 to *1st Gul@ !// #

3 -arious

: TUV India P$t Ltd# : (r#(ur$e@or 2 Mechanical : !7th Be-ruar@ !/1* to Till Date# : VVB LTD# : Manager AA:AC : 6th Be-ruar@ !/1! to 1 th Be-ruar@ !/1*# : Cureau Veritas India P$t Ltd# : (enior (ur$e@or 2 Mechanical : 6th 1cto-er !/1/ to August */th !/11#

: PETR1, EMIRATE( MA,UBACTURI,5 ' C1,TRACTI,5 LLC 2 DUCAI# : Manager AA:AC 8 Management Representati$e : *rd August !// to *rd August !/1/#

! B# (om)an1 Desi7nation Duration 5# (om)an1 Desi7nation Duration D# (om)an1 Name Desi7nation Duration I# (om)an1 Name Desi7nation Duration G# (om)an1 Name Desi7nation Duration ;# (om)an1 Name Desi7nation Duration :Prashanth Tan9s P$t Ltd 4Trainee (ite Engineer :1 ! Gune to 1 * Be-ruar@ . 4(aurashtra Engineering P$t Ltd 4(hop (uper$isor :/ 2/!21 * to 162/721 7 45opinath Engineering :Engineer AA:AC :!/// Gune to Gul@ !//1 . 4(#V#Tan9s ' Vessels Ltd 4Engineer AA:AC :1ct 1 7 to Ma@ !/// . 4Alliance Bittings ' Borgings P$t Ltd :Manager AA:AC :1 2/02!//1 to 1/212!//* . 4Eurrestra Industries Ltd :(r#Engineer AA:AC :!//* Ganuar@ to 1 2/82!//. .

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