Ecu204 Session 4

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ECU204 Design and Technology: Session 4: Weeks 8 &9

By the Start of Week 10

1: Assignment 2: Completed and submitted in hard copy and able to be copied to usb for Al
Resources to help you work through the different elements of the unit:

Annie and Justin

Learning Design Process/lesson plan template to help with your planning
Readings: the text book: esp. Ch 4, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16 and the three additional readings
(see below)
The notes in last sessions study guide (on the first page and those at the end)
The preservice teacher examples of 2 x lesson plans (intro lesson and design brief
lesson), unit overview w curriculum links, assessment rubric and student booklet) for a
T&D unit of work

2: Readings from Fleer: Ch 13 and 16

3: Readings about D&T units of work in other schools:
a) Keep it Simple: Read and make notes so you can explain: what were the four main
projects? Which would you imagine would a) work best with the kids in terms of engagement
and learning b) be most straightforward to organise
b) Kites by Kids: Read and make notes so you can explain: what were the key learning
activities/learning stages? What were the main assessment activities? What were the main
learning intentions in Technology and in other curriculum areas? What have you learned that
you will apply to your unit of work?
c) Our Zoo: Skim read for ideas for your own unit of work. Explain 1-2 interesting things you
found in the reading.
4: Complete collection of technology activities (short and longer) you could use with your
class. There are lots mentioned in the Kites unit reading and the textbook. Put a star next to
those you might adapt and use in your unit of work.

Week 8 Workshop ideas: working together: what do you

want/need to do??
1: Note-taking work: Fleer Ch 13: co-read and co-construct notes for this chapter,
focusing on purpose to help with Assig 2 and Collection of Technology Activities
2: Unpacking a model example of a UoW: Examine the example unit of work
prepared for this unit by a previous local student. What do you notice about a)
engagement of students (throughout) b) ways of linking from curriculum to student
learning and activities (in outline) c) features of her lesson plans d) use of the student
What ideas does this offer to help you improve your own UoW?
3: Examples of D & T units in other schools: Co-skim reading activity: each
skim reads a reading and picks out 3-5 key ideas that are a) interesting in their own
right b) directly interesting in relation to Assignment 2

4: Formative feedback given on Unit of Work so far: if theres an area youre

particularly stuck on or want to talk through, we can focus on helping you push
forward with this (what do I need to do to push past any barrier here . . . reading
AC/using the models/re-visiting notes etc)

Key Tasks on the unit of work (repeated from end of last

sessions notes)
Begin developing your Unit of Work Rationale and details of ideas, design brief
and approaches. Type up 2-4 pages of notes that cover:
a) What activities or other approaches will I use that BUILD AGENCY in the children
b) How will I conduct ongoing FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT that builds on the
PROFILING ASSESSMENT lessons Ive already created. What tasks or activities
will I set up and how will I record the evidence of learning? Will I use the same
rubric I developed for this or a different one? Write a DRAFT FORMATIVE
c) What MAIN TEACHING APPROACH(ES) will I use in my UoW (Discrete, Symbiotic
etc) and why? What activities will I include that come from these approaches?
d) Write a draft of your DESIGN BRIEF to be given to the children. Check it against
the criteria above for a good design brief and annotate where it meets or fails to
meet the criteria at this stage.
e) How will I SCAFFOLD the DMA process for the children? What will be the hardest
part for them to develop their understanding/skills in? How will I help them do
this by breaking the skills down into chunks or linking them to skills theyve
already mastered?
f) Where do the elements of the NTCF fit into your unit of work? What indicators
will you be looking for? How will you turn these into a clear SUMMATIVE
ASSESSMENT task or tasks?
Write up different sections of the UoW plan ONLY after youve done the preliminary
thinking and planning in above. Jumping into the UoW too soon will only mean it takes
you longer to do as you wont have done the necessary planning (just like the
importance of planning in the DMA process of technology!)

Week 10: Youll pick out elements from Assig 1 and 2 in this unit and Assig
1 and 2 in EST200 to put onto your Googlesite for the portfolio. Depending
on your Assig 2 deadline for EST200, there may be chance for us to have a
look at that together if you wish.

Lesson Plan
Date / Lesson Time

Year Level

Learning Areas / Lesson Topic

Procedural and
Declarative Learning

Sequence of Teacher Instruction and Student Activities

Introduction: Teacher Explain
What are we doing today?
Why are we doing it?
Before Activity: Tuning In
Teacher Instruct/demo then Student
Setting up: What resources will I need to get
out/the children to use
1. What task/discussion will I set to
make links to prior learning? What
will I say/do?
2. What do I want the children to
do? How do I make this clear
(demonstrate? Use board? Do
one together)
During Activity: Finding Out
Teacher Instruct/demo then Student
Setting up: What resources will I need to get
out/the children to use
1. How does this follow on from
previous activity?
2. Whats the goal of this activity?
What will I say?
3. What do the children need to do
first? What will I say?
4. What problems might they have
and how will I avoid/deal with
After Activity: Sorting Out
Teacher led Discussion?
Packing up. Who will do what?
1. How will I assess outcomes here?
(or earlier)
2. What activity will I have to help
students pick out the main things
learnt this lesson?
3. How will I create space to give
encouragement and let students
talk about their learning?
Conclusion: Teacher Review

How will I link it back to the Intro:

what will I say?
How will I link to forward to the
next lesson: what will I say?

Learning Management Plan


On (Topic/Question and Key Learning Areas):

(1) What does my learner already know?

(2) Where does my learner(s) need / want to be?

a) Curriculum Outcomes:
b) Specific Objectives: my learner will be able to:
Declarative Knowledge

Procedural Knowledge

(3) How does my learner best learn?

4) What resources do I have at my disposal?

5) What will be the learning journey?


Learning Experiences
What is to be taught (teaching point)? What is the main teaching and learning activity?

(6) Who will do what?

7) How will I check to see my learner has achieved the learning outcomes?
(8) How will I inform the learner and others of the learners progress?


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