Course Decisions Guide
Course Decisions Guide
Course Decisions Guide
A. FOR EACH OUTCOME listed in #2, what learning activities will generate the kind of
learning you envision?
B. Is "hearing" sufficient? Or "reading"? Or "doing"? Or does the learning outcomes
require some combination of activities?
6. Choose appropriate teaching strategies to achieve your outcomes:
A. How can you help your students achieve the outcomes you have set? (What general
structure of learning activities will best assist the students in achieving the outcomes you
have established?)
Example strategies:
A. Continuous series of lectures and reading assignments, periodically interrupted by 1 or
2 midterms.
("hear - read - test")
B. Sequence of reading, reflective writing, and whole class discussion
(sequence repeated for each topic).
("read - write - talk")
(A variation is "read - talk - write")
C. Start with lab or field work observations, followed by readings, and whole class
("do/look - read - talk")
(Write-ups of lab/field work are sometimes included)
D. Present lectures, followed by field work or lab observations.
("hear - see/do")
E. Students do assigned readings, followed by mini-tests done individually and/or in
small groups; then move on to group-based application projects.
("read-individual/group tests - DO")
F. Work through a series of developmental stages: build knowledge and/or skills (3-5
weeks); work on small application projects (3-5 weeks); and then work on larger, more
complex projects (3-5 weeks).
("know/know-how - do - DO")
G. Contract for a grade: (for example; read text and pass exams = C, + do research paper
= B, +extended project = A).
H. Other?
7. Develop a sequence of activities, a week-by-week schedule for the whole term. When are
you going to do what?
For further information on this resource and more, please contact the CTE at:
[email protected]
For further information on this resource and more, please contact the CTE at:
[email protected]
For further information on this resource and more, please contact the CTE at:
[email protected]