Mining production in Spain decreased 8.80 percent in June of 2024 over the same month in the previous year. Mining Production in Spain averaged -3.36 percent from 1993 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 85.50 percent in April of 2021 and a record low of -45.10 percent in April of 2020. source: National Statistics Institute (INE)

Related Last Previous Unit Reference
Bankruptcies 1560.00 1361.00 Companies Jun 2024
Changes in Inventories 3765.00 6010.00 EUR Million Mar 2024
Industrial Production YoY -0.40 0.20 percent Jul 2024
Industrial Production Mom -0.40 0.20 percent Jul 2024
Manufacturing Production 0.30 1.60 percent Jun 2024
Mining Production -8.80 -5.20 percent Jun 2024

Spain Mining Production
In Spain, mining and quarrying account for only 1 percent of total industrial production.
Actual Previous Highest Lowest Dates Unit Frequency
-8.80 -5.20 85.50 -45.10 1993 - 2024 percent Monthly
2021=100, SA