Last Previous Highest Lowest
Currency 1.1 1.1 1.87 0.64 Sep/24
Stock Market 11204 11273 16040 1862 points Sep/24
GDP Growth Rate 0.8 0.8 16.2 -17.6 percent Jun/24
GDP Annual Growth Rate 2.9 2.6 19.4 -21.7 percent Jun/24
Unemployment Rate 11.27 12.29 26.94 4.41 percent Jun/24
Inflation Rate 2.2 2.8 28.43 -1.37 percent Aug/24
Inflation Rate MoM 0 -0.5 4.58 -1.9 percent Aug/24
Interest Rate 4.25 4.25 4.75 0 percent Aug/24
Balance of Trade -712908 -2348680 1481717 -9834766 EUR Thousand Jun/24
Current Account 5020 5560 5911 -12201 EUR Million Jun/24
Current Account to GDP 2.6 0.6 3.2 -9.4 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Debt to GDP 108 112 120 16.6 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget -3.6 -4.8 2.1 -11.6 percent of GDP Dec/23
Business Confidence -3.6 -4.2 9.5 -38.3 points Aug/24
Manufacturing PMI 50.5 51 60.4 30.8 points Aug/24
Services PMI 54.6 53.9 62.5 7.1 points Aug/24
Consumer Confidence 89.4 88.4 109 37.6 points Jul/24
Retail Sales MoM 0.5 0.3 18.6 -19.8 percent Jul/24
Corporate Tax Rate 25 25 35 25 percent Dec/24
Personal Income Tax Rate 47 47 56 43 percent Dec/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
GDP Growth Rate 0.8 0.8 16.2 -17.6 percent Jun/24
GDP Annual Growth Rate 2.9 2.6 19.4 -21.7 percent Jun/24
GDP 1581 1418 1632 12.43 USD Billion Dec/23
GDP Constant Prices 380391 375219 380391 112760 EUR Million Mar/24
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 73614 73236 81720 24617 EUR Million Mar/24
GDP per Capita 28047 27703 28088 6218 USD Dec/23
GDP per Capita PPP 46357 45788 46424 31354 USD Dec/23
Full Year GDP Growth 2.5 5.8 6.4 -11.2 percent Dec/23
GDP from Agriculture 8773 8519 9285 4189 EUR Million Mar/24
GDP from Construction 19653 18537 29227 9818 EUR Million Mar/24
GDP from Manufacturing 44298 42741 44298 18386 EUR Million Mar/24
GDP from Public Administration 61187 60296 61187 17196 EUR Million Mar/24
GDP from Services 259798 259422 259798 67961 EUR Million Mar/24
GDP from Transport 84788 84296 84788 25987 EUR Million Mar/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Unemployment Rate 11.27 12.29 26.94 4.41 percent Jun/24
Employed Persons 21684 21250 21684 10949 Thousand Jun/24
Unemployed Persons 2561 2608 5040 79 Thousand Jun/24
Full Time Employment 18742 18308 18757 11008 Thousand Jun/24
Part Time Employment 2943 2942 2952 573 Thousand Jun/24
Unemployment Change 21.9 -10.8 461 -198 Thousand Aug/24
Long Term Unemployment Rate 4.1 4.2 13.4 1.5 percent Mar/24
Youth Unemployment Rate 25.5 25.9 56 17.2 percent Jul/24
Labour Costs 106 116 116 53.18 points Mar/24
Productivity 104 104 107 85.02 points Jun/24
Job Vacancies 42.18 60.2 542 14.47 Thousand Mar/24
Wages 2206 2359 2359 1264 EUR/Month Mar/24
Minimum Wages 1323 1323 1323 486 EUR/Month Dec/24
Population 48.59 48.09 48.59 30.33 Million Dec/23
Retirement Age Women 66.5 66.33 66.5 65 Years Dec/24
Retirement Age Men 66.5 66.33 66.5 65 Years Dec/24
Job Vacancy Rate 0.9 0.9 1.4 0.4 percent Jun/24
Employment Change 0.4 0.4 2.9 -7.2 percent Jun/24
Employment Rate 52.26 51.42 54.73 38.36 percent Jun/24
Labor Force Participation Rate 58.9 58.63 60.55 48.88 percent Jun/24
Wage Growth 3.7 4.03 14.43 -9.44 percent Mar/24
Wages in Manufacturing 2532 2723 2723 1372 EUR/Month Mar/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Inflation Rate 2.2 2.8 28.43 -1.37 percent Aug/24
Inflation Rate MoM 0 -0.5 4.58 -1.9 percent Aug/24
Consumer Price Index CPI 116 116 116 1.66 points Jul/24
Harmonised Consumer Prices 124 124 124 53.6 points Jul/24
Core Consumer Prices 115 115 115 9.42 points Jul/24
Core Inflation Rate 2.7 2.8 27.1 -0.1 percent Aug/24
Producer Prices 126 124 144 10.8 points Jul/24
Producer Prices Change -1.4 -3.2 47 -9.9 percent Jul/24
Export Prices 117 116 120 77.3 points Jul/24
Import Prices 120 120 131 73.7 points Jul/24
Food Inflation 3.1 4.2 16.64 -2.75 percent Jul/24
Harmonised Inflation Rate MoM 0 -0.7 3.9 -2.5 percent Aug/24
Harmonised Inflation Rate YoY 2.4 2.9 10.7 -1.5 percent Aug/24
Producer Price Inflation MoM 1.7 2.2 6.7 -3 percent Jul/24
CPI Housing Utilities 106 108 125 58.76 points Jul/24
CPI Transportation 113 113 119 63.81 points Jul/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Interest Rate 4.25 4.25 4.75 0 percent Aug/24
Money Supply M1 1292438 1244314 1407939 88382 EUR Million Jun/24
Money Supply M2 1549098 1495432 1549098 294870 EUR Million Jun/24
Money Supply M3 1624220 1573472 1624220 413023 EUR Million Jun/24
Banks Balance Sheet 3054 3040 3733 440 EUR Billion Jul/24
Foreign Exchange Reserves 98192 97661 98192 324 EUR Million Jul/24
Loans to Private Sector 450601 448930 952604 105781 EUR Million Jul/24
Central Bank Balance Sheet 920838 928288 1231518 13829 EUR Million Jul/24
Loan Growth 1.9 1.8 19.8 -2.1 percent Jun/24
Private Debt to GDP 166 186 276 129 percent Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Balance of Trade -712908 -2348680 1481717 -9834766 EUR Thousand Jun/24
Current Account 5020 5560 5911 -12201 EUR Million Jun/24
Current Account to GDP 2.6 0.6 3.2 -9.4 percent of GDP Dec/23
Exports 32968749 34716427 38932728 14286 EUR Thousand Jun/24
Imports 33681657 37065108 41597358 37437 EUR Thousand Jun/24
Terms of Trade 97.1 96.8 105 90.9 points Jul/24
Capital Flows 7658 10264 14499 -11176 EUR Million Jun/24
Foreign Direct Investment 1597 2158 22976 -10696 EUR Million Jun/24
Remittances 7617 4464 7617 857 EUR Million Mar/24
Tourist Arrivals 10851 9313 10851 0 Thousand Jul/24
Gold Reserves 282 282 523 282 Tonnes Jun/24
External Debt to GDP 167 165 204 161 percent of GDP Mar/24
Natural Gas Imports 0 102011 154762 0 Terajoule Jul/24
External Debt 2475279000 2418226000 2475279000 141746000 EUR Thousand Mar/24
Terrorism Index 1.67 2.71 6.52 1.28 Points Dec/23
Tourism Revenues 9465 8929 10934 0 EUR Million Jun/24
Weapons Sales 940 970 997 1 SIPRI TIV Million Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Government Debt to GDP 108 112 120 16.6 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget -3.6 -4.8 2.1 -11.6 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Budget Value -10884 -60 13633 -101629 EUR Million May/24
Government Spending 74442 74623 74623 19902 EUR Million Mar/24
Government Spending to GDP 46.4 47.4 51.9 38.4 percent of GDP Dec/23
Government Debt 1613042624 1573753506 1613042624 136774640 EUR Thousand Mar/24
Asylum Applications 14855 15430 17405 55 persons Jun/24
Corruption Index 60 60 71 43.1 Points Dec/23
Corruption Rank 36 35 42 20 Dec/23
Credit Rating 71 Sep/24
Military Expenditure 23699 20307 23699 144 USD Million Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Corporate Tax Rate 25 25 35 25 percent Dec/24
Personal Income Tax Rate 47 47 56 43 percent Dec/24
Sales Tax Rate 21 21 21 16 percent Dec/24
Social Security Rate 36.25 36.25 39.44 36.2 percent Dec/24
Social Security Rate For Companies 29.9 29.9 33.7 29.9 percent Dec/24
Social Security Rate For Employees 6.35 6.35 6.35 5.74 percent Dec/24
Withholding Tax Rate 19 19 19 19 percent Dec/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Business Confidence -3.6 -4.2 9.5 -38.3 points Aug/24
Manufacturing PMI 50.5 51 60.4 30.8 points Aug/24
Services PMI 54.6 53.9 62.5 7.1 points Aug/24
Industrial Production -0.4 0.2 46.4 -33.5 percent Jul/24
Industrial Production Mom -0.4 0.2 14.1 -22.2 percent Jul/24
Manufacturing Production 0.3 1.6 56.9 -38.1 percent Jun/24
Capacity Utilization 77.2 77.84 90 69.44 percent Mar/24
New Orders -6.3 -5.1 15 -61.2 points Jun/24
Changes in Inventories 3765 6010 8379 -3183 EUR Million Mar/24
Bankruptcies 1560 1361 4157 11 Companies Jun/24
Car Production 1756 2086 2504 45 Hundred Units Jun/24
Car Registrations 83979 103357 173491 3103 Units Jul/24
Total Vehicle Sales 52322 103357 177375 4163 Units Aug/24
Composite Leading Indicator 99.96 100 105 89.18 points Jun/24
Electric Car Registrations 3827 5531 6053 1401 Units Jul/24
Electricity Price 75.21 0.44 545 0.44 EUR/MWh Sep/24
New Passenger Car Registrations YoY 3.4 2.2 1788 -96.5 percent Jul/24
Cement Production 1595 1538 5123 580 Thousands of Tonnes Jun/24
Composite PMI 53.5 53.4 62.4 9.2 points Aug/24
Electricity Production 21481 21340 27405 17470 Gigawatt-hour Jun/24
Mining Production -8.8 -5.2 85.5 -45.1 percent Jun/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Consumer Confidence 89.4 88.4 109 37.6 points Jul/24
Retail Sales MoM 0.5 0.3 18.6 -19.8 percent Jul/24
Retail Sales YoY 1 0.4 40.7 -31.3 percent Jul/24
Consumer Spending 207825 204189 207825 67786 EUR Million Mar/24
Disposable Personal Income 299999 251796 299999 102241 EUR Million Dec/23
Personal Savings 6.23 17.28 33.58 -6.74 percent Mar/24
Consumer Credit 629328268 631222273 821459799 79332126 EUR Thousand Dec/23
Private Sector Credit 1159711 1141798 1871339 1766 EUR Million Jun/24
Bank Lending Rate 3.73 3.2 6.29 0.71 percent Jul/24
Gasoline Prices 1.78 1.81 2.29 0.73 USD/Liter Aug/24
Households Debt to GDP 46.9 48 85.8 22.6 percent of GDP Dec/23
Households Debt to Income 84.78 88.35 134 68.9 percent Dec/22
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Construction Output 4.8 -1.8 51.7 -45.3 percent Jun/24
Housing Index 1842 1812 2101 266 EUR/SQ. METRE Dec/23
House Price Index YoY 6.4 4.3 14.6 -16.1 percent Mar/24
Existing Home Sales 39.89 34.91 50.23 11.54 Thousand Jun/24
Home Ownership Rate 75.3 76 80.6 75.1 percent Dec/23
Housing Starts 2.04 0.84 80.11 0.3 Thousand units Dec/23
Mortgage Approvals 27435 34264 129128 12146 Units May/24
New Home Sales 10.21 9.11 33.48 4.27 Thousand units Jun/24
Price to Rent Ratio 140 137 163 29.18 Mar/24
Residential Property Prices 4.29 4.53 43.84 -16.1 Percent Dec/23
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Natural Gas Stocks Capacity 35.83 35.83 35.83 26.28 TWh Sep/24
Natural Gas Stocks Injection 0 0 123 0 GWh/d Sep/24
Natural Gas Stocks Inventory 35.88 35.88 35.88 8.79 TWh Sep/24
Natural Gas Stocks Withdrawal 0 0 156 0 GWh/d Sep/24
Last Previous Highest Lowest
Hospital Beds 2.96 2.96 5.36 2.95 per 1000 people Dec/21
Hospitals 16.37 16.3 28.91 16.23 per one million people Dec/21
Medical Doctors 4.8 4.91 4.91 2.24 per 1000 people Dec/21
Nurses 6.57 6.31 6.57 2.87 per 1000 people Dec/21
ICU Beds 2.52 2.51 3.51 2.43 per 1000 people Dec/21