Bankruptcies in Spain increased to 1560 Companies in June from 1361 Companies in May of 2024. Bankruptcies in Spain averaged 1203.66 Companies from 1980 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 4157.00 Companies in January of 2019 and a record low of 11.00 Companies in September of 1988. source: National Statistics Institute (INE)

Related Last Previous Unit Reference
Bankruptcies 1560.00 1361.00 Companies Jun 2024
Changes in Inventories 3765.00 6010.00 EUR Million Mar 2024
Industrial Production YoY -0.40 0.20 percent Jul 2024
Industrial Production Mom -0.40 0.20 percent Jul 2024
Manufacturing Production 0.30 1.60 percent Jun 2024
Mining Production -8.80 -5.20 percent Jun 2024

Spain Bankruptcies
In Spain, bankruptcies account for insolvent corporations who cannot repay their debts to creditors and carry on with their business.
Actual Previous Highest Lowest Dates Unit Frequency
1560.00 1361.00 4157.00 11.00 1980 - 2024 Companies Monthly
Volume, NSA