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Off-shell Higgs Interpretations Task Force : Models and Effective Field Theories Subgroup Report / Azatov, Aleksandr (SISSA, Trieste ; INFN, Trieste) ; Falkowski, Adam (U. Paris-Saclay ; CNRS, France ; Paris, IN2P3 ; IJCLab, Orsay) ; Gritsan, Andrei V. (Johns Hopkins U.) ; Grojean, Christophe (DESY ; Humboldt U., Berlin) ; Kauer, Nikolas (Royal Holloway, U. of London) ; Salvioni, Ennio (Padua U. ; INFN, Padua) ; Thomas, Marion (Manchester U.) ; Vryonidou, Eleni (Manchester U.) ; Kang, Lucas (Johns Hopkins U.) ; de Blas, Jorge (CAFPE, Granada) et al.
This report presents the results of the Models and Effective Field Theories Subgroup of the Off-Shell Interpretations Task Force in the LHC Higgs Working Group. The main goal of the subgroup was to discuss and advance the potential impact of off-shell Higgs measurements on searches for BSM physics carried out in the EFT framework or as benchmark model studies. [...]
LHCHWG-2022-001.- Geneva : CERN, 16 - 54 p. - Published in : 10.17181/LHCHWG-2022-001 Fulltext: PDF;
Truncation, validity, uncertainties / Brivio, Ilaria (Heidelberg U. ; Zurich U.) ; Dawson, Sally (Brookhaven) ; de Blas, Jorge (CAFPE, Granada ; Granada U., Theor. Phys. Astrophys. ; CERN) ; Durieux, Gauthier (CERN) ; Petrucciani, Giovanni (CERN) ; Savard, Pierre (Toronto U.) ; Berger, Nicolas (Annecy, LAPP) ; Contino, Roberto (Rome U.) ; Degrande, Céline (Louvain U., CP3) ; Falkowski, Adam (IJCLab, Orsay) et al.
The truncation of the standard-model effective field theory, its validity and the associated uncertainties have been discussed in meetings of the LHC EFT WG. Proposals were made by participants to address these issues. [...]
CERN-LHCEFTWG-2021-002; CERN-LPCC-2022-01; arXiv:2201.04974.- 21 - 8 p. Fulltext: PDF; v2 draft: PDF;
EFT at FASER$\nu$ / Falkowski, Adam (IJCLab, Orsay) ; González-Alonso, Martín (Valencia U.) ; Kopp, Joachim (CERN ; U. Mainz, PRISMA) ; Soreq, Yotam (CERN ; Technion) ; Tabrizi, Zahra (Virginia Tech.)
We investigate the sensitivity of the FASER$\nu$ detector to new physics in the form of non-standard neutrino interactions. FASER$\nu$, which has recently been installed 480 m downstream of the ATLAS interaction point, will for the first time study interactions of multi-TeV neutrinos from a controlled source. [...]
arXiv:2105.12136.- 2021-10-12 - 44 p. - Published in : JHEP 2110 (2021) 086 Fulltext: 2105.12136 - PDF; document - PDF;
Light quark Yukawas in triboson final states / Falkowski, Adam (IJCLab, Orsay) ; Ganguly, Sanmay (Weizmann Inst.) ; Gras, Phillippe (IRFU, Saclay) ; No, Jose Miguel (Madrid, Autonoma U.) ; Tobioka, Kohsaku (Florida State U. ; KEK, Tsukuba) ; Vignaroli, Natascia (Pisa U. ; INFN, Pisa) ; You, Tevong (CERN ; Cambridge U., DAMTP)
Triple heavy vector boson production, $p p \to VVV$$(V = W, Z)$, has recently been observed for the first time. We propose that precision measurements of this process provide an excellent probe of the first generation light quark Yukawa couplings. [...]
arXiv:2011.09551; CERN-TH-2020-191; IFT-UAM/CSIC-20-158; FTUAM-20-25; KEK-TH-2276;.- 2021-04-02 - 23 p. - Published in : JHEP 2104 (2021) 023 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Reactor neutrino oscillations as constraints on Effective Field Theory / Falkowski, Adam (Orsay, LPT) ; González-Alonso, Martín (CERN) ; Tabrizi, Zahra (Sao Paulo U.)
We study constraints on the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) from neutrino oscillations in short-baseline reactor experiments. We calculate the survival probability of reactors antineutrinos at the leading order in the SMEFT expansion, that is including linear effects of dimension-6 operators. [...]
arXiv:1901.04553; CERN-TH-2019-002; LPT Orsay 19-02; CERN-TH-2019-002 LPT Orsay 19-02.- 2019-05-27 - 36 p. - Published in : JHEP 05 (2019) 173 Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
The CKM parameters in the SMEFT / Descotes-Genon, Sébastien (Orsay, LPT) ; Falkowski, Adam (Orsay, LPT) ; Fedele, Marco (ICC, Barcelona U.) ; González-Alonso, Martín (CERN) ; Virto, Javier (Munich, Tech. U. ; MIT, Cambridge, CTP)
The extraction of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix from flavour observables can be affected by physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). We provide a general roadmap to take this into account, which we apply to the case of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). [...]
arXiv:1812.08163; LPT Orsay 18-92; CERN-TH-2018-276; TUM-HEP-1178/18; MIT-CTP/5081, NIOBE-2018-01.- 2019-05-27 - 37 p. - Published in : JHEP 1905 (2019) 172 Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
Hadronic tau decays as New Physics probes in the LHC era / Cirigliano, Vincenzo (Los Alamos) ; Falkowski, Adam (Orsay, LPT) ; González-Alonso, Martín (CERN) ; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Antonio (Valencia U., IFIC)
We analyze the sensitivity of hadronic tau decays to non-standard interactions within the model-independent framework of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). Both exclusive and inclusive decays are studied, using the latest lattice data and QCD dispersion relations. [...]
arXiv:1809.01161; CERN-TH-2018-171; CERN-TH-2008-171; LA-UR-18-27408; LPT-Orsay-18-82.- 2019-06-10 - 7 p. - Published in : Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 (2019) 221801 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF;
Moduli and Anomaly Mediation Combined / Falkowski, Adam (CERN)
Motivated by new developments in string theory, a new parametrization of soft supersymmetry breaking terms has been proposed. It is referred to as mirage mediation and assumes comparable contributions of moduli and anomaly mediation to the soft terms. [...]
2006 - 6 p. - Published in : , pp. 188-193 Fulltext: PDF;
In : 41st Rencontres de Moriond on Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories, La Thuile, Italy, 11 - 18 Mar 2006, pp.188-193
Compilation of low-energy constraints on 4-fermion operators in the SMEFT / Falkowski, Adam (Orsay, LPT) ; González-Alonso, Martín (Lyon, IPN ; CERN) ; Mimouni, Kin (ITPP, Lausanne)
We compile information from low-energy observables sensitive to flavor-conserving 4-fermion operators with two or four leptons. Our analysis includes data from e+e- colliders, neutrino scattering on electron or nucleon targets, atomic parity violation, parity-violating electron scattering, and the decay of pions, neutrons, nuclei and tau leptons. [...]
arXiv:1706.03783.- 2017-08-28 - 40 p. Article from SCOAP3: scoap3-fulltext - PDF; scoap - PDF; Fulltext: PDF;
On the Validity of the Effective Field Theory Approach to SM Precision Tests / Contino, Roberto (ITPP, Lausanne ; CERN) ; Falkowski, Adam (Orsay, LPT) ; Goertz, Florian (CERN) ; Grojean, Christophe (DESY) ; Riva, Francesco (CERN)
We discuss the conditions for an effective field theory (EFT) to give an adequate low-energy description of an underlying physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). Starting from the EFT where the SM is extended by dimension-6 operators, experimental data can be used without further assumptions to measure (or set limits on) the EFT parameters. [...]
arXiv:1604.06444; DESY-16-067; CERN-TH-2016-082; LPT-Orsay-16-32; CERN-TH-2016-082.- Geneva Geneva : CERN, CERN, 2016-07-28 - 26 p. - Published in : JHEP 07 (2016) 144 Article from SCOAP3: PDF; Fulltext: PDF; Springer Open Access article: PDF;

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11 Falkowski, A.
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