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Modified stem cells are then transfused back into the body, where they multiply and increase the production of stable, well-functioning red cells.

From BBC

Another 8% have O negative blood, often called the universal blood type, which can be safely transfused into any patient, because it will not trigger an immune response.

From BBC

Dozens of additional units may have to be transfused if bleeding continues or worsens, he added.

The reason why it is necessary to remove the A and B antigens to create universal donor blood is because they can trigger life-threatening immune reactions when transfused into non-matched recipients.

Blood that is destined for new babies, immunocompromised patients, pregnant women or to be transfused into a foetus in-uterine must be screened for a virus called cytomegalovirus or CMV.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


