

Definition for corrupt

adjective as in debased, vicious

adjective as in adulterated, rotten

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A rebel coalition brought a swift end last month to Assad’s corrupt regime.

Anyone who works for the government, from sanitation workers to IRS agents, is demonized as a corrupt parasite who only wants to "serve themselves first and everyone else a distant second."

From Salon

The leaked data shows how Mr Abramovich invested a large part of the wealth he acquired in the 1990s through a corrupt deal - ploughing it into a company in the BVI called Keygrove Holdings Ltd.

From BBC

Now it turns out that he appears to be corrupt as well, having made millions off anti-vaccine suits brought by law firms with which he's been affiliated.

From Salon

She said she believed one operation targeting the investigative journalist Christo Grozev was itself a form of journalism and would reveal to the public that he was corrupt.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


