adjective as in dishonest
Strongest matches
crooked, fraudulent, nefarious, rotten, shady, unethical, unscrupulous, untrustworthy, venal
adjective as in debased, vicious
Strong matches
abandoned, abased, degenerate, degraded, dishonored, loose, low
Weak matches
baneful, deleterious, dissolute, flagitious, infamous, miscreant, monstrous, perverse, profligate, villainous
adjective as in adulterated, rotten
verb as in pervert; pollute
Strongest matches
bribe, contaminate, debase, degrade, demean, demoralize, harm, impair, misuse, ruin, subvert, taint, undermine, violate, warp
Strong matches
abase, abuse, adulterate, animalize, bastardize, blemish, blight, damage, debauch, decay, decompose, deface, defile, deform, deprave, depreciate, despoil, disfigure, disgrace, dishonor, fix, hurt, ill-treat, infect, injure, lower, lure, maltreat, mar, mistreat, outrage, putrefy, ravage, reduce, rot, spoil, square, stain, suborn, vitiate, waste
Weak matches
Example Sentences
A rebel coalition brought a swift end last month to Assad’s corrupt regime.
Anyone who works for the government, from sanitation workers to IRS agents, is demonized as a corrupt parasite who only wants to "serve themselves first and everyone else a distant second."
The leaked data shows how Mr Abramovich invested a large part of the wealth he acquired in the 1990s through a corrupt deal - ploughing it into a company in the BVI called Keygrove Holdings Ltd.
Now it turns out that he appears to be corrupt as well, having made millions off anti-vaccine suits brought by law firms with which he's been affiliated.
She said she believed one operation targeting the investigative journalist Christo Grozev was itself a form of journalism and would reveal to the public that he was corrupt.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.