

View definitions for steep


adjective as in extreme in direction, course

adjective as in very expensive

verb as in let soak

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Now, after campaigning on promises to secure the border and deport undocumented immigrants, President-elect Trump is poised to take office Monday amid a steep drop in border crossings.

The school district declined to confirm that figure, but has acknowledged a steep rise in fights, weapons seizures and the use of illegal or controlled substances.

It’s a strange world steeped in sci-fi and pseudo-religion, but the show raises existential questions about our relationship to work and corporations.

Now, a generation later, the results are in—- shuttered factories, withered towns and cities, and a working-class so steeped in despair that suicide seems preferable to living.

From Salon

Landslides following torrential rains are not uncommon in the rainy season, with neighbourhoods precariously built on steep hillsides the worst hit.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


