noun as in composite, mix
Strongest matches
Weak match
verb as in mix
verb as in harmonize
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
The product may need to be blended with other strong-flavored ingredients, the paper suggests, or perhaps researchers might look for new, more mild strains.
The festival is a blend of religious rituals and cultural activities.
A "blend of shock and excitement, particularly within the open-source community," is how Wei Sun, principal AI analyst at Counterpoint Research, described the reaction in China.
The Australian red and white wine components are shipped in bulk to the UK, where they are blended with wine from France's northern Rhone and Roussillon regions before bottling.
Certain online spaces have seen a blending with the occult, Satanism, misogyny, and a general ultra-violent misanthropy, creating toxic new groups that bleed back into the real worlds.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.