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verb as in sign up for membership

verb as in list, record

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The Oklahoma State Board of Education just voted to require that parents and legal guardians “provide proof of their citizenship when they enrolled children in school.”

Some campuses close to the devastation have already welcomed students back, including Canyon Charter Elementary School and Paul Revere Charter Middle School in Pacific Palisades, which together enroll more than 2,000 students.

The family decided to enroll him in a City Section public school rather than a private school in the hope it would help him improve as a leader and player facing double and triple teams.

The compact guaranteed an annual 5% increase in base funding in exchange for progress in increasing graduation rates, eliminating achievement gaps and enrolling more California residents.

While more than 72 million Americans enrolled in Medicaid grapple with the uncertainty introduced by the Trump administration, congressional Republicans are eyeing more permanent and sweeping cuts to the program.

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From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


