verb as in admit; acknowledge
verb as in permit an action
Strong matches
Example Sentences
President Trump pushed local leaders to allow homeowners affected by the fires access to clear and clean their properties quickly.
The UK government is considering an overhaul of the law that would allow AI developers to use creators' content on the internet to help develop their models, unless the rights holders opt out.
He believes Mr Kiziak used his signature without his knowledge to allow him to continue issuing safety certificates.
Vaccinating poultry against avian influenza is currently not allowed in the UK.
This allows a specific gene to be pinpointed and very precise editing to take place.
When To Use
What are other ways to say allow?
Allow and permit are often interchangeable as terms that imply granting or conceding the right of someone to do something, but permit is the more positive of the two. Allow implies complete absence of an attempt, or even an intent, to hinder. Permit suggests formal or implied assent or authorization. Let is the familiar, conversational term for both allow and permit.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.