verb as in receive something given physically
verb as in believe the goodness, realness of something
Weak matches
verb as in put up with
Weak matches
bear with, defer to, don't make waves, don't rock the boat, fit in, go along with, live with, play the game, sit still for, stand for, submit to, yield to
Example Sentences
"This is a troubling trend if only one political party will accept electoral losses gracefully," she told Salon.
They will be accessed on a new government smartphone app and could be accepted as a form of ID when buying alcohol, voting, or boarding domestic flights.
"This is never going to go away for us, I think we've just got to accept that."
"There was one apology, publicly, on a podcast. But my phone didn't ring and I don't accept anything other than a phone call because what they said about me is totally unacceptable and disrespectful."
It wasn’t clear from the indictment whether Guzman accepted — or would even need — the alleged offer.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.