

Definition for book

noun as in account; diary

Strongest matches

album, list, notebook, record

Strong matches

agenda, pad, register, roster

verb as in register, arrange for

verb as in arrest

Strong matches

accuse, charge

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Example Sentences

She bought children's books and read to her father every day.

From BBC

She died aged 46 on 18 December 2024, but will be remembered for "rewriting the book" on how to survive with cystic fibrosis, said her father, David John.

From BBC

"They've always been pushing the boundaries, going into miniatures, paints as well as books, magazines and even digitising their games."

From BBC

Leinster, meanwhile, extended their winning run to 13 matches, booking top spot in the pool and a home last-16 tie.

From BBC

It’s a familiar story, said Nora Kenworthy, a professor at the University of Washington Bothell School of Nursing and Health Studies who wrote a book about the rise of crowdfunding to cover healthcare costs.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


