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But for each of those successes, there are blemishes such as Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, his struggle with inflation and the chaotic situation at the southern border.

Two-time world champion Fury has only ever lost to Usyk, his two defeats the major blemishes on a record consisting of 34 wins and one draw.

From BBC

On Saturday though, the blemishes were obvious and plentiful - and this autumn they seem to be setting in, rather than shifting.

From BBC

Then, a general dermatologist performed a physical exam using the visual appearance of the blemishes and a dermatoscope to make a diagnosis, and if needed, performed a biopsy.

Here’s betting the Bills put a first blemish on that gaudy KC record.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


