a. Define propaganda techniques such as testimonial and plain folks and explain its purpose in influencing public
b. Differentiate testimonials and plain folks as propaganda techniques.
c. Create their own commercial and create their own tagline for their chosen brand.
The learner demonstrates understanding of: African literature as a means of exploring forces that human beings contend
with; various reading styles vis – à-vis purposes of reading; prosodic features that serve as carriers of meaning; ways by
A. Content Standards:
which information may be organized, related, and delivered orally; and parallel structures and cohesive devices in presenting
The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative
B. Performance Standards: essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making,
persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and behavior.
Recognize propaganda techniques used in a given text. EN8RC-IIIa-12.1
C. Learning Competencies/
Objectives: (Write the LC Code for each)
II. CONTENT Propaganda Techniques (Testimonial and Plain Folks)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages English CG
2. Learner’s Materials Pages English Quarter 3 – Module 2: Using Propaganda Techniques pp. 7-12
3. Textbook Pages N/A
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Visual aids and Laptop
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or
The teacher will introduce the topic propaganda techniques.
Presenting the New Lesson
The teacher will present a couple of pictures containing screenshots of famous TV commercials of different brands and the
students will guess what the brand/business is and guess the tagline of the TV commercial.
2. Presenting Examples/ Instances The teacher will start the discussion with asking the students what they have noticed from the pictures the teacher has
of the Lesson shown.
What is Propaganda?
3. Discussing New Concepts and Propaganda is the spreading of information with the purpose of influencing the feelings or actions. It’s not so important
Practicing New Skills #1
whether the information is true or false or if the cause is just or not.
The teacher will present two of the seven propaganda techniques, the testimonials and plain folks.
Testimonial is applied when a famous person recommends a product or a political endorsement. When some respected or
famous personalities claims that an idea or product is good.
4. Discussing New Concepts and
Practicing New Skills #2
The teacher will present the definition of plain folks.
The plain folks appeal is a way to use ordinary people to promote a product or service by showing that everyday people use
and find value in the product. By portraying it this way, advertisers are showing that it can appeal to anyone.
5. Developing Mastery The teacher will show two videos and the students will tell whether it is TESTIMONIAL or PLAIN FOLKS and explain why
(Leads to Formative Assessment they think it is testimonial or plain folks.
The teacher will divide the students into four groups. Each group needs to have a representative to pick the kind of
propaganda technique from the box. Then the group will be given 1 minute each to prepare for their chosen propaganda
6. Finding Practical Applications of
Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
The students must vividly show the characteristics of testimonial and plain folks, by creating a commercial skit.
Propaganda, often employing techniques like testimonials and plain folks, manipulates public opinion by appealing to
emotions rather than logic.
7. Making Generalizations and
Propaganda leverages techniques such as testimonials and plain folks.
Abstractions about the Lesson
Testimonials use endorsements from trusted figures to sway opinions.
Plain folk’s technique creates relatability by portraying speakers as ordinary individuals.
These methods are commonly employed in advertising, politics, and other contexts.
True or False. Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write PROPAGANDA if the answer is true and write TECHNIQUE if
the answer is false.
1. Testimonial Propaganda is a technique when a celebrity supports an idea or product as good or bad, to influence
people's opinions
8. Evaluating Learning 2. The plain folks appeal is a way to use ordinary people to promote a product or service by showing that everyday
people use and find value in the product.
3. If Vice Ganda is the endorser of the product, then it is called plain folks.
4. Propaganda techniques are methods used in propaganda to convince an audience to believe what the propagandist
wants them to believe.
5. If an ordinary person, just like a nurse, endorses the brand Bear Brand, then it is called testimonial.
Directions: Create your own Testimonial and Plain Folks commercial using your own chosen business/product to endorse.
9. Additional Activities for
Choose your own well-known personality that you think will fit the best for the role. Create your own tagline. Write it in a ½
Application or Remediation
sheet of pad paper.
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