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Impacts of Water Regulation On Tenualosa Ilisha in The Narmada Estuary, Gujarat, India

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Impacts of water regulation on Tenualosa ilisha in the Narmada Estuary,

Gujarat, India

Article in Journal of Fisheries · February 2018

DOI: 10.17017/jfish.v6i1.2018.254


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5 authors, including:

Dibakar Bhakta Wakambam Anand

ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute


G. Vaisakh Sanjoy Kumar Das

Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute


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Journal of Fisheries eISSN 2311-3111
Volume 6 Issue 1 Pages 563–568 April 2018 pISSN 2311-729X
Peer Reviewed | Open Access | Online First
Original Article
DOI: 10.17017/jfish.v6i1.2018.254

Impacts of water regulation on Tenualosa ilisha in the Narmada Estuary,

Gujarat, India
1 1 1 2 3
Dibakar Bhakta Wakamban Anand Meetei Gopinathan Vaisakh Sanjoy Kumar Das Ranjan Kumar Manna

Regional Research Centre, ICAR-CIFRI, Vadodara 390 022, Gujarat, India.
Regional Research Centre, ICAR-CIFRI, Kolkata 700 064, West Bengal, India.
ICAR-CIFRI, Barrackpore 700 120, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

Mr Dibakar Bhakta; Regional Research Centre, ICAR-CIFRI, Vadodara 390 022, Gujarat, India.
[email protected]

Manuscript history
Received 29 March 2017 | Revised 29 January 2018 | Accepted 2 February 2018 | Published online 5 February 2018
Bhakta D, Meetei WA, Vaisakh G, Das SK and Manna RK (2018) Impacts of water regulation on Tenualosa ilisha in the Narmada Estuary,
Gujarat, India. Journal of Fisheries 6(1): 563–568. DOI: 10.17017/jfish.v6i1.2018.254

Hilsa, Tenualosa ilisha is a highly prestigious fish for esteemed delicious taste, high market demand and price.
It forms an important fishery of funnel-shaped 72 km long Narmada Estuary. Rapid decline in hilsa catch has
been recorded in the Narmada Estuary over last few decades. Hilsa catch was recorded 5180 ton in 2006–07
that reduced to only 419 ton in 2014–15. Pre-impoundment of dam showed that T. ilisha contributed to the
tune of 977.1 to 3727 ton from 1974–75 to 1982–83 and the highest catch of hilsa was 15319 ton during 1993–
94. Sardar Sarovar Dam started functional in the year 1994 which has impacted natural water flow of the river
and resulted in a reduction of freshwater availability in the estuary; the development of sand bars at the
mouth of the estuary also reduced the tidal ingress into the system; low depth, loss of breeding, nursery and
feeding grounds, over fishing may be the most important factors affecting hilsa fishery in Narmada estuary.
Catching of juvenile hilsa during winter by ‘Golava’ net (small meshed bag net) also led to a rapid decline in
hilsa catch. To maintain the sustainable yield of hilsa, selective fishing and control of juvenile catch are the
prerequisites along with maintaining regular flow from the dam.

Keywords: Sardar Sarovar Dam; Tenualosa ilisha; fishing season; Narmada estuary

1 | INTRODUCTION Hilsa (Tenuaslosa ilisha) is a very popular fish for es-

teemed delicious taste and preferred by a wide range of
The Narmada River is one of the largest rivers in India consumers (e.g. Galib et al. 2013). It inhabits a wide
which originates from Amarkantak under Shahdol District, range of habitats and common in coastal shelf, estuaries
Madhya Pradesh and culminates into the Arabian Sea and freshwater rivers of the Indo-Pacific region extends
through Gulf of Cambay in Gujarat covering distances of from Iran and Iraq in the Persian Gulf to the west coast of
1312 km. Out of 30 major dams planned on river Narma- India in the Arabian Sea, and the Bay of Bengal in marine
da, Sardar Sarovar Dam is the largest, located in Navagam distribution. This species has also been recorded from the
(21°49′49″N 73°44′50″E) of Gujarat. The construction of coastal waters of Sri Lanka (Preston 2004). Hilsa is capa-
this dam started in April 1987 for the purpose of irrigation ble of withstanding a wide range of salinity and travel
and generation of hydro electric supply. great distances upstream as far as 1287 km (Amin et al.

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Impacts of water regulation on hilsa in Narmada Estuary
J Fish 6(1): 563–568, Apr 2018; Bhakta et al.

2004) which feeds and grows mainly in the sea, but mi- middle and upper stretch of the river. The present study
grates to freshwater for spawning (Haroon 1998). The was carried out aimed at describing the status of hilsa
hilsa is an anadromous fish which enters into the fresh- fishery and associated issues in relation to the construc-
water stretch of rivers from inshore areas of sea for tion of Sardar Sarovar Dam.
breeding (De and Saigal 1989). According to Nasir (2014),
this species migrates from the Bay of Bengal to the inland 2 | METHODOLOGY
freshwater rivers of Myanmar, Bangladesh and east coast 2.1 | Study area
of India like Hooghly-Bhagirathi estuary to spawn. Pillay
(1958) observed two distinct spawning seasons in the Narmada estuarine region is located at geographical co-
River Hooghly, one starting in the monsoon season and ordinates of 21°40′05.19″N and 72°34′26.90″E. Narmada
extending up to November, and the other one during win- Estuary is primarily a freshwater estuary under the tidal
ter from January to February. effect which mainly influences the salinity regimes. The
funnel-shaped 72 km long estuarine zone occupies an
Migration is a natural phenomenon for fishes for spawn- area of 6346 km . The entire estuarine system is estimat-
ing and obstruction in spawning routes can affect the ed to be about 14250 ha. Four sampling stations were
recruitment process (Lucas and Baras 2001). Construction selected for the present investigation (2014–15):
of dams and other water regulatory structures have a Bharuch, Bhadbhut, Mehgam and Ambetha (10–20 km
major impact on fish migration and their population (Ga- distance between two landing sites) covering 72 km with
lib et al. 2016, 2018). According to World Commission on the true estuarine area (Figure 1).
Dams Report 2000, substantial losses to downstream
fishery production have occurred as a result of dam con-
struction around the world. Construction of dam has both
positive and negative impacts (Sugunan 1995). Dam and
consequent impoundment bring a sudden transformation
of a lotic environment to a lentic one. A number of organ-
isms perish, some migrate to the more hospitable envi-
ronment, and the more hardy ones adapt themselves to
the changed habitat (Sugunan 2000). Wilson (1988) men-
tioned that dam formation limited the migration of lotic
fish fauna to the upstream of the river stretches only. The
negative impacts on limnology and fishery in the Beas
FIGURE 1 Study areas in Narmada Estuary
River due to Beas project are well-documented (Sehgal et
al. 1986). Construction of Mettur Dam in the Cauvery 2.2 | Sampling and identification of the species
River collapsed the hilsa and Puntius fishery (Sugunan
1995). Tehri Dam in Bhagirathi River; Sardar Sarovar, Monthly sampling was carried out to observe the catches
Narmada Sagar, Omkareshwar, Maheshwar, Tawa, Bargi of hilsa at four local landing sites (Bharuch, Bhadbhut,
dams etc. in Narmada River has already impacted mah- Mehgam and Ambetha) of Narmada Estuary. To study
seer migration (Nath and Shrivastava 1999). Farkaka Bar- physicochemical characters of water surface water was
rage at the river Ganga highly affected the migration of collected from four sampling sites on monthly basis dur-
carps and hilsa (Sinha et al. 1996). The declining trend of ing morning hours for a period of one year (2014–2015).
hilsa fishery in the inland waters, particularly from the The water quality parameters such as temperatures, pH,
river Padma in Bangladesh has also been reported (Haldar salinity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO) and trans-
and Amin 2005). Both habitats and fish species can badly parency were estimated following standard methods
be affected by water regulatory structures (e.g. Mohsin et (APHA 2005).
al. 2009; Samad et al. 2010; Galib 2015).
2.3 | Statistical analysis
Various studies have described declining fish biodiversity Mean values of water quality parameters with their re-
in the Narmada River (e.g. Rao et al. 1991; Tuli and Pande spective standard deviations (± SD) were calculated using
1992; Singh 1993; Arya et al. 2001). The breeding grounds standard statistical methods in Microsoft Excel.
of some species like Ompok bimaculatus, Labeo fimbraia-
tus, Labeo calbasu, Puntius spp., mahseer and major 3 | RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
carps of Narmada Estuary have disappeared due to dam
3.1 | Water quality parameters
construction (Arya et al. 2001). However, limited works
have been carried out on fish and fisheries of estuarine The physicochemical parameters of water were found to
region of the Narmada River, primarily conducted in the be moderately productive for fish growth (Table 1). The

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Impacts of water regulation on hilsa in Narmada Estuary
J Fish 6(1): 563–568, Apr 2018; Bhakta et al.

daily mean water temperature was ranged from 28.22 ± and varied from 3.75 ± 3.33 to 20.86 ± 16.99 cm, the sa-
4.37 to 30.40 ± 1.34 °C, pH value was found within the linity of the estuary varied between 0.40 ± 0.15 and 23.64
range of 7.9 ± 0.24 to 8.32 ± 0.26, DO was moderately in ± 8.62 ppt and total alkalinity ranged from 110.5 ± 10.30
the higher side and found within ranged from 6.14 ± 0.28 to 124.0 ± 8.12 mg L .
to 7.09 ± 0.56 mg L . Transparency level was quite low

TABLE 1 Physicochemical parameters of water (Mean ± SD [range]) in Narmada Estuary

Sampling station
Bharuch Bhadbhut Mehgam Ambetha
Water temperature (°C) 30.01 ± 3.32 (24–32.5) 28.22 ± 4.37 (23.6–31) 28.64 ± 2.82 (23.5–30.5) 30.4 ± 1.34 (26 – 32)
pH 8.32 ± 0.26 (7.83–8.58) 8.05 ± 0.23 (7.79–8.44) 8.07 ± 0.22 (7.7–8.28) 7.9 ± 0.24 (7.6–8.28)
DO (mg L ) 7.09 ± 0.56 (6.4–8) 7.05 ± 0.48 (6.38-7.61) 6.69 ± 0.68 (5.84–7.5) 6.14 ± 0.28 (5.68–6.4)
Transparency (cm) 20.86 ± 16.99 (5–60) 17.5 ± 3.12 (5–35) 10.17 ± 8.56 (3–30) 3.75 ± 3.33 (1.5–15)
Salinity (ppt) 0.4 ± 0.15 (0.13–0.57) 3.67 ± 3.29 (0.14–9.25) 8.52 ± 6.66 (0.31–17.6) 23.64 ± 8.62 (11–32.5)
Total alkalinity (mg L ) 110.5 ± 10.3 (98–122) 119.14 ± 9.12 (107–132) 124 ± 8.12 (115–136) 123.88 ± 22.77 (86.4–144)

Nath (2001) studied water and soil characteristics of Constructing of the Sardar Sarovar Dam resulted in a re-
Narmada Estuary before commissioning of Sardar Sarovar duction of freshwater flow from upstream and uncertain
Dam (1989–1991) and he reported different water quality water flow badly affected the migration of hilsa in lower
parameters as follows water temperature (17.5–31 °C), stretches of Narmada estuarine region. Data pertaining to
pH (7.4–8.7), DO (5.6–10.8 mg L ), transparency (3–140 pre-impoundment of dam showed that T. ilisha contrib-
cm), salinity (44.04 – 3189 mg L ) and alkalinity (78–190 uted to the tune of 977.1 and 3727 ton during the year
mg L ). In comparison with present study with Nath 1974–75 and 1982–83 respectively. The highest catch of
(2001), water temperature and salinity were found higher hilsa was recorded 15319 ton in 1993–94. After construc-
with similar pH but lower DO, total alkalinity and trans- tion of dam steady decline in hilsa catch was observed
parency. Similar water quality is also reported in the Atrai (from 3448 ton [2004-05] to 419 ton [2014-15]). The total
River (Chaki et al. 2014). estuarine production also reduced drastically from 4463
ton (2000–01) to 1618 ton (2014–15) during this period.
3.2 | Hilsa production trend
The yearly production trend of hilsa in Narmada Estuary Before construction of the dam (1958–66) carp fishery
revealed a massive decline in hilsa catch over a decade was dominated (60.4%) in the middle stretches of the
(Figure 2). During the year 2014-2015 only 419 ton catch river which replaced by catfishes (43.3%) after the con-
of hilsa was recorded. Two commercial fishing season of struction of the dam. Decline in carp fishery (from 60.4%
hilsa were observed in Narmada Estuary: first one is from [before dam construction] to 31.29% [after dam construc-
June–October and another one from January–March and tion]) in the Narmada in the context of the construction
more than 90% of hilsa catch was observed during mon- of the dam on the river and its tributaries has already
soon months (June–September). A variety of fishing been stated by Nath et al. (1999).
methods are being used for different fish species (Galib et
al. 2009; Parvez et al. 2017). The commercial catch of
hilsa in the Narmada Estuary was done by mono filaments
gill net of 50–130 mm mesh size (Figure 3). Catching of
juvenile hilsa using bag net, cast net and stake net were
also observed. As hilsa is a migratory species and always
remains in shoal wide ranges of catch per unit effort
(CPUE) was observed during the study period (1–150 kg
–1 –1
boat day ). The group wise catch composition of fish
and shellfish in the Narmada Estuary in 2014–15 showed
that hilsa contributed 20% of the total catch (Figure 4). It
was observed that before construction of dam carps, cat-
fish and prawns (Anon 1983) dominated the catch where-
as mullets and mudskippers dominated the catch after FIGURE 2 Production trend of hilsa in Narmada Estuary
the construction of dam (Figure 5). (source: Department of Fishery, Bharuch district, Gujarat)

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Impacts of water regulation on hilsa in Narmada Estuary
J Fish 6(1): 563–568, Apr 2018; Bhakta et al.

tion and rising of the river basins disturbed, displaced or

even destroyed the migratory routes as well as spawning
grounds of hilsa (Miah 2015). During the last two decades
in Bangladesh hilsa production from inland waters de-
clined by about 20% whereas, marine water yield in-
creased by about 3 times (Miah 2015).

3.3 | Fishing season

Hilsa is a migratory species and the time and duration of
availability of hilsa in certain regions also depend upon its
migration. Two distinct fishing seasons observed at Nar-
mada estuary, viz., June – October and January – March,
though the bulk of the harvest comes from monsoon sea-
son (July – September).

FIGURE 3 Fishermen with mono filament gill nets for hilsa Pillay and Rosa (1963) found a year-round fishing activity
catching the Narmada Estuary with two peak periods, monsoon and winter, in the river
Ganga and Chilika Lake. Mitra and Ghosh (1979) reported
winter season (November – December) has brought rich-
er fishery than monsoon in the Hooghly-Matlah estuarine
system. In the river Jamuna Ghosh (1967) described win-
ter season (November – February) as peak hilsa fishing
season. In Bangladesh Shafi et al. (1978) described that in
the Padma River hilsa fishery exists throughout the year
with two peaks in October and January.

3.4 | Factors affecting hilsa fishery

Several researchers (e.g. Hora and Nair 1940; Mitra and
FIGURE 4 Group wise catch composition of fish and shellfish
Ghosh 1979; Raja 1985) have reported that variability of
in Narmada Estuary in 2014–15.
the monsoon causes considerable fluctuations in the
catches of hilsa. Ecological factors like rainfall, flow rates
and water turbidity, sediment and nutrition load, the ex-
tent of flooding, levels of primary production and availa-
bility of planktonic food, and fishing pressures especially
on juveniles determines the hilsa fishery (Dunn 1982).
Ghosh (1967) observed that due to more share of juve-
niles in the catch the hilsa fishery in Jamuna River has
been declined. Other than annual fluctuations of hilsa
catch five-year cycle of hilsa fishery (majority of the hilsa
obtain maturity at the end of five years and the stock en-
FIGURE 5 Comparative fish catch (before vs. after) in the ter into the river for breeding) also plays a key role (Hora
downstream of Sardar Sarovar Dam in Narmada Estuary and Nair 1940; Hora 1941; Biswas 1954; Dunn 1982). The
migration of hilsa and consequently the abundance of the
The fishery like carangids, mullets and the penaied fish in the estuaries are correlated with the floods in Chil-
shrimps were drastically declined from the Nile Delta ba- ka Lake and Mahanadi River as reported by Sujansingani
sin due to the construction of dams (Pandian 1980). (1951).
Agostinho et al. (2008) mentioned that in Paraná River of
Brazil overall fish diversity declined in the areas influ- 4 | CONCLUSION
enced by dams. A decreasing trend in T. ilisha catch has Dam significantly reduces the flow of water especially
been reported at Indus River at Sindh of Pakistan and a during post monsoon, winter and summer seasons. For-
major factor affecting the fishery was a low flow of mation of the sand bars in the mouth of the estuary also
freshwater to the sea which directly affects the natural restricts migration of fishes to the estuary. Due to the
migration of the species (Panhwar and Liu 2013). Various absence of adequate head water discharge into the estu-
anthropogenic activities, climate change, increased silta- ary, deposition of silt has occurred, which reduced the

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Impacts of water regulation on hilsa in Narmada Estuary
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