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The life history parameters and stock status of Jinga shrimp, Metapenaeus affinis was assessed by collecting length
frequency, catch and effort data for the species during January 2012 to December 2015 from the commercial trawlers operating
from Veraval fish landing centres in Gujarat. Growth parameters i.e., L∞, K and t0 were estimated as 185.5 mm, 1.9 yr-1
and -0.001 yr, respectively for male and 204.75 mm, 1.7 yr-1 and -0.001 yr, respectively for the female Metapenaeus affinis.
The growth performance of female was found to be higher than male shrimp. Mortality parameters i.e., Z, M and F estimated
were 8.37 yr-1, 2.926 yr-1, 5.45 yr-1 for male and 6.76 yr-1, 2.61 yr-1and 4.15 yr-1 for females, respectively. Current exploitation
ratio (Ecur) for the male was found to be higher than that of the female shrimp. Length at capture (LC50) for shrimp was higher
than the length at maturity (LM50). Relative yield per recruit (Y/R’) model projected the Emax of 0.75 for the species, which
implies that the current exploitation (Ecur) could be increased to maximize the yield. Thompson and Bell bio-economic model
indicates that an increase of current fishing level by 5.2 and 3.8 times could maximize the yield (MSY) for male and female
shrimp respectively. However, this increase could decimate the virgin spawning stock biomass (SSB0) to 12 and 15% that could
be dangerous for stock regeneration. Considering the high resilient nature of the species, the current fishing pressure could be
increased by 1.8 times while maintaining the biomass at a comparatively safer level of 25%.
[Keywords: Precautionary approach, spawning stock biomass, stock assessment, fisheries management]
have been made till date to study the biology and calculated from formula suggested by Pauly and
fishery of the species from the Gujarat waters of Munro26, i.e., φ=log10 K+ 2log10 L∞. Longevity was
India. Present study is to generate information on the estimated from the equation suggested by Pauly27, i.e.,
life-history parameters, population dynamics and tmax= 3/K+ t0. The TL-weight relationship of M. affinis
stock status of M. affinis so that some management was established following the formula suggested by
plans can be proposed for the sustainable exploitation Le Cren28, i.e., W=aLb. Analysis of covariance
of the resource. (ANCOVA) test was performed to check the
similarity of regression line between male and female.
Materials and Methods The instantaneous total mortality rate (Z) was
Data on catch, effort and size composition were estimated by FiSAT II package using the length
collected at fortnight interval for a period of 4 years converted catch curve method29. The natural mortality
from January 2012 to December 2015 from the rate (M) was estimated by Alagaraja method30, i.e.,
commercial trawlers operating from Veraval fish M=-Ln (0.01)/tmax, where M is the natural mortality
landing centres in Gujarat (Figure1). Individual total and tmax is the longevity of the species. Fishing
body length (TL) between anterior tip of the rostrum mortality rate (F) was obtained as F= Z-M. Current
to the posterior tip of telson was measured to the exploitation ratio (Ecur) was calculated by following
nearest mm using a standard measuring scale and the the equation suggested by Ricker31, i.e., E= F/Z.
individual body weight was recorded to the nearest Length structured virtual population analysis (VPA)
mg using an electronic weighing machine (Scale- of FiSAT II was used to obtain fishing mortalities at
TecTM, India). Fortnightly collected length frequency each length class. Midpoint of the smallest length
data were raised by the raising factor derived by group in the catch during the four year period was
dividing the sample weight with the actual M. affinis taken as length at recruitment (Lr). Length at capture
catch of the observation day at the fish landing centre i.e., length at which 50% of the shrimps in the
obtained from the fisheries resource assessment population becomes vulnerable to the gear (LC50) was
division (FRAD) of Central marine fisheries research estimated by probability of capture routine in the
institute (CMFRI), India. The Von Bertalanffy’s FiSAT-II package. The probability of capture was
growth parameters viz. asymptotic length (L∞) and approximated by backward extrapolation of the
growth co-efficient (K) were estimated using monthly regression line of descending limb of length converted
raised data in the ELEFAN 1 module of FiSAT II24. catch curve. Probability of capture of sequential
Age at zero length (t0) was back calculated using length classes were regressed using a logit curve for
equation derived from von Bertalanffy growth the estimation of LC50. For determining length at
equation i.e., t0=1/K loge [1-(Lt=0/L∞)], where Lt=0 is maturity i.e., length at which 50% of the shrimps in
length at birth. For the calculation of to, 0.25 mm was the population matures (LM50), females of M. affinis
used as length at birth (Lt=0) which is the usual size of (TL=88.5-198 mm, n=2824) collected during the study
the nauplius-116,25. Growth performance index (φ) was period were used for the analysis. Maturity stages of
the females were determined by the size and appearance
of the ovary and were classified into 5 stages
following the method described by King32 as follows:
Stage I: undeveloped-ovaries small and translucent;
Stage II: developing-ovaries larger, opaque, and
yellowish, with scattered melanophores over the
surface; Stage III: nearly ripe-ovaries larger and
yellow to greenish; Stage IV: ripe-ovaries green,
filling virtually the whole space among other organs
and Stage V: spent-spawned ovaries flabby and mud
colored. Spent and the proportion of female shrimps
those have completed stage-3 in sequential length
classes (10 mm) were used for the logistic regression
analysis as described by Ashton33, i.e., P(TL) = ea+b(TL)
Fig. 1 — Map showing fishing area and sampling locations for the
/ 1+ ea+b(TL) where P is the predicted mature proportion
present study around Gujarat, India at length TL, a and b are the estimated coefficients of
the logistic equation and TL the total length of the Metapenaeus spp. (22.55%) followed by meager
shrimp. LM50 was estimated as the negative ratio of landings from Metapenaeopsis spp. (3.50%) and Penaeus
the coefficients (-a/b). The SOLVER routine in spp. (3.22%)5. Despite its meager contribution to the
Microsoft™ Excel was used to obtain maximum total fishery, M. affinis is however, considered as an
likelihood estimates of the parameters. important Metapenaeus sp. that contributes about
The relative yield per recruit (Y’/R) and relative 7.5% of the annual average penaeid shrimp landings
Biomass per recruit (B’/R) at different fishing levels of the state (Table-1). The species is mainly exploited
were estimated by FiSAT II package using Beverton by multiday trawlers (68%), followed by dol netters
& Holt relative yield per recruit analysis method34. (15%) and singleday mechanized trawlers (3%)
The yield (Y), total biomass (B) and spawning (Figure 2). Miscellaneous gears like motorized and
stock biomass (SSB) at different fishing levels were mechanized gill netters, bag netters etc. with sporadic
predicted using length based Thompson and Bell landings together contribute nearly 14% of the M.
bio-economic (TBEM) model35. affinis catch of the state. During the study period,
higher landings for the species were recorded in the
Results and Discussion last quarter of the year (i.e., October to December)
The annual catch and effort data for M. affinis (Figure 3).
along Gujarat coast during 2012-2015 is shown in the The samples obtained from the stock showed a
Table-1. During the study period an average quantity normal distribution (Figure 4). A total of 4,972
of about 2628 tonnes of M. affinis was harvested per shrimps were collected for the study of which male
annum with an average catch rate (CPUE) of 0.21 and constituted 43.20% (n=2148) and female constituted
0.18 Kg per hr using trawlers and dol netters as the 56.80% (n=2824) with an overall sex ratio (Male:
major fishing gears. Analysis of 4 years catch data Female) of 1.3. In the stock, the male shrimps size
revealed that the contribution of the species to the varied from 82.0 to 176.0 mm (TL) whereas, the
total fishery is very less (0.37%). In Gujarat, the female size was in the range of 88.5 to 198.0 mm
commercial fishery usually targets ribbon fishes, (TL). The annual length frequency distribution
threadfin breams, squids and shrimps. However, revealed that the abundant size group in the
contrary to other maritime states, a huge portion of population is mainly consisted of shrimps with a size
the shrimp landing is mainly contributed by non- range of 130 to 140 mm (Mode= 135 mm TL) with a
penaeid shrimps such as Acetes spp., Exhippolysmata mean of 136.7 ± 16.7 (SD).
ensirostris and Nematopalaemon tenuipes which Length restructured frequency distribution and
together constitute nearly about 76.5% of the total growth performance of sex-segregated data is given in
shrimp landings of the state5. Among the penaeid the Figure 5. Growth estimated by Von Bertalanffy
shrimps, the catch is dominated by Parapenaeopsis growth equation revealed that the male shrimp grows
spp. (40.63%), Solenocera spp. (30.10%) and to 113.86 mm (TL) in 6 months, 157.79 mm (TL) in 1
Table 1 — Catch and effort of Metapenaeus affinis landed along Gujarat coast during 2012 to 2015
Years 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average
Total fish landings (t) 690396 705945 712794 721549 707671
Total crustacean landings (t) 136849 151046 158286 150664 149211
Total penaeids and non-penaeids shrimp landings (t) 116687 135276 145384 138361 133927
Total penaeid shrimp landings (t) 33066 36461 38540 32453 35130
M. affinis dol netter catch (t) 621 464 498 307 472
M. affinis trawler catch (t) 1457 2033 1998 1943 1858
M. affinis catch by other gears (t) 416 541 236 398
M. affinis total catch (t) 2078 2912 3036 2487 2628
Dol netter effort (Actual fishing hours) 2394808 2035216 2316811 3930714 2669387
Trawler effort (Actual fishing hours) 7557969 9825813 9533324 9040391
CPUE of dol netter (kg h-1) 0.26 0.23 0.21 0.08 0.18
CPUE of trawler (kg h-1) 0.19 0.22 0.20 0.20 0.21
% to total fish landings 0.30 0.41 0.43 0.34 0.37
% to total crustacean landings 1.52 1.93 1.92 1.65 1.76
% to total shrimp landings 1.78 2.15 2.09 1.80 1.96
% to total penaeid shrimp landings 6.29 7.99 7.88 7.66 7.48
2270 INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 47, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2018
Table 2 — Stock parameters of Metapenaeus affinis from Gujarat waters during 2012 and 2015
Sex Von Bertalanffy’s growth parameters Longevity Growth Mortality rates Exploitation
L∞ K t0 t max performance M Z F rate
(mm) (yr-1) (yr) (yr) index (φ) (yr-1) (yr-1) (yr-1) Ecur
Male 185.5 1.9 -0.001 1.58 2.82 2.92 5.45 8.37 0.65
Female 204.75 1.7 -0.001 1.76 2.85 2.61 4.15 6.76 0.61
L∞: asymptotic length; K: growth co-efficient; t0: Age at zero length; φ: growth performance index; M: Natural mortality rate; F: Fishing
mortality rate; Z: Total mortality rate and E: Exploitation ratio; mm: millimetre and yr: Year
Table 3 — A summary of the earlier reports on growth parameters of Metapenaeus affinis from Gujarat waters
Sex Von Bertalanffy’s growth parameters Location Ref
L∞ (mm) K (yr-1) t0 (yr) Φ
Male 185.5 1.9 -0.001 2.82 Gujarat Present study
Female 204.75 1.7 -0.001 2.85 Gujarat Present study
Male 174.3 0.84 1.7 1.33 Mangalore waters 19
Female 188.0 0.72 0.17 1.33 Mangalore waters 19
Male 156.0 1.73 1.7 0.99 Goa waters 20
Female 202.0 0.89 0.17 1.12 Goa waters 20
Male 193.0 0.6 2.35 Mumbai waters 22
Female 235.0 0.56 2.49 Mumbai waters 22
Male 188.8 1.47 2.72 Maharashtra waters 23
Female 155.0 1.5 2.56 Maharashtra waters 23
Male 160.0 2.0 0.009 2.71 Mumbai waters 21
Female 198.0 2.5 0.013 2.99 Mumbai waters 21
Male 150.0 0.85 2.28 Gulf of Thailand 6
Female 174.0 0.84 2.40 Gulf of Thailand 6
Male 162.0 1.09 1.19 Kuwait waters 7
Female 182.0 1.22 1.45 Kuwait waters 7
unsexed 119.0 1.55 2.34 Pakistan waters 9
unsexed 190.00 1.00 2.56 Viet Nam waters 12
Male 35.00 1.2 0.76 Iran waters 13
Female 47.00 1.1 0.69 Iran waters 13
Male 35.42 1.33 -0.05 Turkey waters 10
Female 49.75 0.68 -0.99 Turkey waters 10
higher than the earlier reports except for the report This is found to be shorter compared to the earlier
by Leena and Deshmukh from the same Mumbai studies, where tmax has been reported to be 2 yrs39
waters21. Growth parameters may vary for different or even 3 yrs17. The tmax of a species implies that 99%
stocks of the same species depending on the of the animals in stock (in the unexploited state)
geographic locations37. Moreover, the estimation of die when they reach Lmax which is approximately
L∞ is greatly influenced by Lmax i.e., the maximum 95% of L∞30 and therefore, should be shorter for a
length of the species in the sample38 and therefore, fast growing species. Growth performance index (φ)
varies with location depending on the fishing obtained in the present study for both the sexes
pressure. The gestation period or hatching times (to) (table 2) are found to be in the reasonable range
derived in the present study were found to be more (2φ3) within the same family26.
realistic compared to most of the earlier studies. The The relationships between total body length (TL)
to obtained in the present study using 0.25 mm as the and body weight for different groups (male and
body length of nauplius-1 and the estimated growth female) are given in Figure 7 and mentioned below as
parameters was about 0.001 yr-1 (about 9 hr) which is equations.
in agreement with earlier reports where the hatching Male: W= 0.009 (TL) 2.86 (r2=0.86, n=2148)
time for the species has been mentioned as 8 to 10 hrs Female: W= 0.004 (TL) 3.13 (r2=0.93, n=2824)
after fertilization16. Longevity (tmax) of the shrimp, in Where, W is weight in g and TL is total body
the present study, was found to be less than 2 yr. length in cm. The slope of the female was found to be
2272 INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 47, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2018
significantly higher (p ≤ 0.01) than that of the male The mortality rates for different groups (male,
shrimps. On the contrary, the intercept of the male female and pooled data) are given in table 2. Natural
was found to be significantly higher than that of mortality rate (M), fishing mortality rate (F), total
female shrimp. It was found out that in the present mortality rate (Z) and current exploitation rate (Ecur)
stock, the males are initially heavier than the female were found to be higher in the case of males
shrimps of similar sizes. But later, as the shrimps compared to the female shrimps (Figure 8).
mature, females become heavier than the male Virtual population analysis showed that F increased
shrimps of similar sizes. This is found to be in with the increase in the size of shrimps and attained a
agreement with the observations of Chu, who reported maximum value of 5.60 yr-1 at TL range of 130 to 140
similar relationship in the length weight relationship mm for male and 4.62 yr-1 at TL range of 150-160
of M. affinis from the Zhujiang estuary of China8. The mm for female shrimps, respectively (Figure 9). At
higher body weight of mature female shrimps LM50, the F on the stock of shrimp was lower than M,
compared to the immature females as well as the but it exceeded when the shrimps grew larger.
male shrimps could be due to the higher energy Estimation of natural mortality rate (M) is
requirement for the reproduction which warrant a important to understand rate of stock decay. Widely
noticeable change in feeding behaviour and accumulation used Pauly’s empirical formula40 though provides a
of the energy reserves for the metabolism during reasonable estimate of ‘M’ for slow growing,
temperate finfishes it could be erroneous for the fast The length at recruitment (Lr) for M. affinis was
growing, tropical species41. found to be 82 mm (TL). Logistic regression of the
Therefore, Alagaraja method30 was used for the probability of capture for sequential length classes
estimation of natural mortality which assumes that obtained from length converted catch curve analysis
99% of the animals in stock in the unexploited state using trawl type selection revealed that 50% of the
die by the time they reach tmax. High growth rate and shrimps in stock become vulnerable to gear (LC50%)
short lifespan clearly indicates that the species is a at the TL of 123.75 mm for males and 135.55 mm for
typical r-selected species which suffers tremendous female shrimps (Figure 10). Mature females were
mortality due to natural causes which is capable of recorded throughout the entire fishing period.
decimating the stocks of male and female shrimps by Maturity study revealed that, 50% of the shrimps in
nearly 94.6% and 92.6%, respectively just within one stock become mature (LM50) at TL of 120.67 mm
year. Therefore, the stock of the species could be (Figure 11). The LM50 observed in the present study
subjected to higher exploitation to improve the yield was found to be in agreement with the earlier report
which otherwise would be simply wasted due to by Subrahmanyan who reported 120 mm as the length
higher mortality from natural causes. However, at first maturity for the species from the Malabar coast
optimum care should be taken not to decrease the of India17. However, the present LM50 was higher
spawning stock biomass to a critical level which compared to the earlier reports such as 94 from the
could result unsustainable recruitment overfishing.
In the present stock the F was found to be lower than
M till the shrimp attained LM50 which is a good
indicator of the fishery.
Fig. 9 — Length structured VPA for Metapenaeus affinis (a. male Fig. 10 — Length at capture (L50) of Metapenaeus affinis (a. male
and b. female) from Gujarat waters and b. female) from Gujarat waters
2274 INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 47, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2018
south west coast of India18, 116 from Mangalore coast growing, low fecund k-selected species43,44. Though r-
of India19 and 113 mm from the Pakistan waters11. selected species can sustain higher fishing mortalities,
Age at maturity estimated using derived growth precautionary approach should be taken while
parameters revealed that 50% shrimps in the stock arriving at the management reference point mainly
matures at the age of about 6 month after birth because of following two limitations of the relative
(TM50). The present estimate of TM50 appears to be Y/R analysis i.e. (1) the analysis tends to overestimate
quite earlier compared to the previous reports where the Emax unrealistically high in the case small tropical
TM50 has been estimated to be about 1 year from species with high natural mortality45,46 and (2) it does
Mangalore waters19 and even more than 1 year from not give any consideration for the spawning stock
Malabar waters17. It is interesting to observe that, biomass (SSB) which is essential for the regeneration
despite a lesser LM50 compared to the present study, of the stock47.
the TM50 estimated by these earlier studies were found Due to the principle of uncertainty in the stock
to be too late possibly due to the under estimation of assessment, it is advisable to use precautionary
growth parameters. However, the present estimate of management reference points such as spawning stock
TM50 is found to be more realistic and close to the biomass (SSB) to prevent recruitment overfishing48.
established penaeid shrimps growth model that A theoretical value of 20-30 % of virgin spawning
predicts an age of about 4 to 5 months for the maturity stock biomass (SSB0) is considered safe for the
after which the adult shrimps show very slow increase regeneration of stock49. Thompson and Bell bio-
in size and attain asymptotic length in 6 to 8 months economic analysis was conducted to simulate the
after birth36,42. The LM50 obtained in the present study impact of increase in effort (F) on total biomass (B),
was also found to be less than the LC50 which spawning stock biomass (SSB) and economy
indicates that the half of the shrimps in the stock gets (Figure 13). Analysis showed that the SSB0 for both
the opportunity to breed and regenerate the stock prior
to entering the peak phase of exploitation.
The relative Y/R and B/R analysis of M. affinis
were estimated using selection ogive procedure of
FiSAT II (Figure 12). LC50/L∞ and M/K ratio of 0.667
and 1.537 for male and 0.662 and 1.535 for female
shrimps were used as the input parameter for the
analysis. Analysis indicated that, the exploitation rate
which maximizes yield per recruit (Emax) is 0.75 for
both the male as well as female stocks. Since shrimp
is a short living, fast growing, high fecund r-selected
species, maximum yield is achieved at higher rates of
exploitation compared to the long living, slow
Fig. 11 — Size at maturity (LM50) of Metapenaeus affinis Fig. 12 — Relative yield per recruit analysis of Metapenaeus
(female) from Gujarat waters affinis (a. male and b. female) from Gujarat waters
Fig. 13 — Length based Thompson and Bell analysis of Metapenaeus affinis from Gujarat waters
the sexes is getting depleted to about 37% by the increased by 1.8 times on both the sexes while
present fishing pressure which could be considered maintaining the biomass at a comparatively safer level
safer for a high fecund species like the shrimp. The of 25%. This exploitation level would decrease the
analysis revealed that the current fishing pressure overall yield marginally by 52 t from male stock and
needs to be increased by 5.2 and 3.8 times for the 60 t from female stock as well as economic yield by
male and female shrimps, respectively to maximize 1.8 million INR from male stock and 0.1 million INR
the sustainable yield (MSY) which would deplete from female stock that otherwise could have been
the SSB0 of male and female shrimps to 12 and gained by running the fishery at MSY and MEY,
15% respectively that could be risky for the respectively. Despite this marginal decrease, the
regeneration of stock. adequate SSB level of 25% (SSB0.25) would probably
Similarly, in order to maximum economic return in help in regeneration of the stocks for a sustainable
a sustainable manner (MEY), the current fishing shrimp fishery. However, due to the multi-species and
pressure needs to be increased by 2.6 and 2.0 times multi-gear nature of the tropical fishery50, the stock
for the male and female shrimps, respectively that status of the other species should be carefully considered
would also consequently deplete the SSB0 to 19 and while arriving at the appropriate management reference
23%, but could be considered safer compared to the point as it could potentially influence the fishing
SSB that would have been resulted from the increase pressure on the other species.
in fishing pressure for MSY (Figure 13). However,
it would be impracticable to increase the fishing Conclusion
pressure separately for male and female shrimps as Present fishery, though showed a high overall
they inhabit the same fishing area and are exploited exploitation ratio, appears to be sustainable as 50% of
by similar gear. Therefore, it is necessary to arrive the shrimps are getting the opportunity to reproduce
at a suitable management reference point that is before reaching peak phase of exploitation. At present
mutually beneficial and appropriate for both the fishing level, the SSB was found to be at a much safer
sexes. Considering the high resilient nature of the level of 37% which also indicates a scope for the
species, the current fishing pressure could be expansion of the fishery. Since the increase in fishing
2276 INDIAN J. MAR. SCI., VOL. 47, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2018
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