Biodiversity Assessment of Kodar Reservoir of Chhattisgarh: SS Mishra, S Mohanty, MS Chari and HK Vardia
Biodiversity Assessment of Kodar Reservoir of Chhattisgarh: SS Mishra, S Mohanty, MS Chari and HK Vardia
Biodiversity Assessment of Kodar Reservoir of Chhattisgarh: SS Mishra, S Mohanty, MS Chari and HK Vardia
E-ISSN: 2347-5129
P-ISSN: 2394-0506
(ICV-Poland) Impact Value: 5.62 Biodiversity assessment of Kodar reservoir of
(GIF) Impact Factor: 0.549
IJFAS 2017; 5(2): 425-429 Chhattisgarh
© 2017 IJFAS
Received: 15-01-2017 SS Mishra, S Mohanty, MS Chari and HK Vardia
Accepted: 16-02-2017
SS Mishra Abstract
DADF, Ministry of Agriculture, In the context of massive loss of biodiversity, conservation of freshwater fauna has received increasing
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi, attention in recent times. Hence, assessment of the aquatic biodiversity and potential for the exploitation
India of natural resource of Chhattisgarh was attempted. Freshwater fish biodiversity in Kodar reservoir has
been represented about 44 sps. Belonging to 14 families. Some of the important fish species found in the
S Mohanty reservoir were viz Catla, Rohu, Mrigal, Grass carp, Silver carp, Common Carp, Olive barb, Pangasius
Division of Livestock and and Mystus species etc. Along the stretch of the reservoir, 29 dominant phytoplankton species
Fisheries Management, ICAR representing 9 families under 4 major divisions were enlisted along-with their distinct quantitative
Research Complex for Eastern variations. Likewise, Zooplankton comprised of 11 species representing 8 families under three major
Region, Patna, Bihar, India
phyla, along-with a great quantitative variation in different seasons at different study stations.
MS Chari
Indira Gandhi Krishi Keywords: Reservoir, diversity indices, fish fauna, planktonic biomass, abundance
Viswavidyalaya, Raipur,
Chhattisgarh, India 1. Introduction
Biodiversity in inland waters is important to sustain health of the ecosystem as well as the
HK Vardia
prosperity of our society. It is also significant for its economic value as a habitat for
Dean, College of Fisheries,
Kawardha, Chhattisgarh, India commercially important species and plays an important role in food and nutritional security of
people, especially in the rural areas. India is well known for its mega biodiversity of biological
wealth, harbouring over 12 percent of the shell fish and fin fishes (Kapoor and Sarkar, 2003)
. The diversity of fish fauna has its own importance like other aquatic and terrestrial
animals. They constitute very important trophic link in water bodies. Some of them are
commercially important species with good economic value.
Biodiversity, the variety and variability of life, is found on every continent and in every ocean
worldwide. The central India has enormous potential in terms of diverse water resources in the
form of stream, rivers, reservoirs, subterranean aquatic systems, traditional lakes and domestic
ponds with a wide variety of fresh water fishes. Chhattisgarh in particular is blessed with a
number of natural resources and lies in the catchment of the rivers, the Mahanadi, Godavari,
Ganga and Narmada. Their main tributaries are Kharun, Tandula, Arpa, Hasdeo, Shivnath,
Sabari, Indrawati, Sone and Tanda. Some Reservoirs are also there, which helps to improve
the fish production of the state; they are Gangrel, Hasdeo bang, Sondur, Dud, Kodar and
Kumhari etc.
Fish and fisheries are dispensable part in the life cycle and livelihood of this country and is the
part of our cultural heritage. Reservoirs provide significant contributions to the global
fisheries. In many parts of the world, a reservoir fishery is essential and often represent an
irreplaceable resource of low cost animal protein providing balanced human diet. No fish
biodiversity study has been conducted in Kodar reservoir of Mahasamund district so far. With
the aim of conducting biodiversity study of the district a small effort has been made to
understand the ichthyobiodiversity.
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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
19 Channa marulius (Ham.) - - + + - + + -
20 Channa orientalis (Bloch and Schn.) - - - - + - + -
21 Channa punctatus (Bloch) + + + + - + + -
22 Channa striatus (Bloch) - + + + + + + -
23 Chanda nama (Ham.) - + + + + + + +
24 Chanda ranga (Ham.) + + + + + + + +
25 Clarias batrachus (Linn) + - + + - + + +
26 Clarias gariepinus (Bloch) - - + - - + + +
27 Clupisoma bastari (Datta and Karmakar) - - - - + - - -
28 Clupisoma garua(Ham.-Buch) - + - - - - - -
29 Colisa faciatus(Bl. &Schn.) - - + + - + + +
30 Cyprinus carpio (Linn.) - - + + - + + +
31 Denio devario (Ham.) - - + + + + + +
32 Danio aequipinnatus (Ham.) + - - - - - - -
33 Denio (Brachydenio) rerio (Ham.) + + - - - - - -
34 Garra annandalei - - + + - - - -
35 Esomos danricus (Ham.) + + - - + - - -
36 Eriethistes hara (Ham.) + - - - - - - -
37 Eutropiichthysvacha (Ham.-Buch) - + + + - + + +
38 Gagata cenia (Ham.) - + - - - - - -
39 Garra gotyla gotyla (Gray) - - - - + - - -
40 Garra mullya (Sykes) + - - - - - - -
41 Glossogobius giuris (Ham.) + + + + + + + +
42 Gonialossa manmina (Ham.) - + - - - - - -
43 Gudusia chapra(Ham.) - - + + + + + -
44 Gonoproktopterus kolus - - + + - + - -
45 Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch) + - + + - + + +
46 Hypophthalmichthys molitrix(Val.) - - + + - + + +
47 Arichtisthys nobilis (Rich.) - - + + - + + +
48 Labeo angra (Ham. ) - - + + - + - -
49 Labeo bata (Ham. ) - + + + + + + +
50 Labeo boga (Bloch) - - + + - + + +
51 Labeo boggut (Sykes) + - + + - + - -
52 Labeo calbasu (Ham.) - - + + + - + +
53 Labeo fimbriatus (Bloch) - - - - + - +N -
54 Labeo gonius (Ham.) - - + + + + + -
55 Labeo rohita (Ham.) - + + + + + + +
56 Lepidocephalichthys guntea (Ham.) + + + + + + - -
57 Macrognathus aculeatus (Bloch) + + + + - - + -
58 Mastacembelus pancalus (Ham.) + + + + + - + -
59 Mastacembelusarmatus (Lacepede) + + + + + - + +
60 Mystus aor (Ham.) + - + + + - + +
61 Mystus seenghala (Sykes) - + + + + - + +
62 Mystus bleekeri (Day) - - + + + + + +
63 Mystus tengara (Ham.) + + + + - - + +
64 Mystus vittatus (Bloch) + + + + + - + +
65 Mystus cavassius (Ham.) + + + + + - + +
66 Nandus nandus (Ham.) + - + + + + + +
67 Noemacheilus botia (Ham.) + - + + - - - -
68 Noemacheilus denisonnii (Day) + - - - + + - -
69 Notopterus chitala (Ham.) - - + + - + + +
70 Notopterus notopterus (Pallas) - + + + + + + +
71 Ompok bimaculatus (Bloch) - + + + + + + +
72 Oreochromis mossambica (Peters) - - + + - + + +
73 Oreochromis niloticus (Linn.) - - + + - + + +
74 Orichthys cosuatus (Ham.) + - - - - - - -
75 Osteobrama cotio (Ham.) - + + + + + + -
76 Osteobrama vigorsii (Sykes) - - - - + - - -
77 Pangasius pangasius (Ham.) - - + + - + + +
78 Pseudeotropius atherinoides (Bloch) + - + + - - + -
79 Parluciosoma daniconius(Ham.- Buch.) + + + + + + - +
80 Puntius chola(Ham.) - - + + - + + +
81 Puntius dorsalis (Jerdon) + - + + + + - -
82 Puntius gelius(Ham.) + + - - - - - -
83 Puntius guganio(Ham.) + - - - + - - -
84 Puntius phutunio(Ham.-Buch.) - - - - + - + -
85 Puntius sarana (Ham.) + + + + + + + +
86 Puntius sophore (Ham.) + + + + + + + +
~ 427 ~
International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
87 Puntius tetrarupagus (McClelland) + - - - - - - -
88 Puntius ticto (Ham.) + + + + + + + +
89 Rita rita (Ham.) - - + + - + - -
90 Rita chrysea (Day) - + - - - - - -
91 Rhinomugil corsula (Ham.) - + + + + - - -
92 Salmostoma bacaila (Ham.) + + + + + + - +
93 Salmostoma phulo (Ham.- Bush) - - - - + - - -
94 Tor tor(Ham.- Bush) - - - - - +N +N -
95 Wallago attu (Bl. And Schn.) - + + + + + + +
96 Xenentoden cancila (Ham.) + + + + + + + -
Recorded = (+); Not recorded = (-); New record = (N)
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International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies
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