Grade5 Eng Reading - Catch Up Friday
Grade5 Eng Reading - Catch Up Friday
Grade5 Eng Reading - Catch Up Friday
I. General Overview
Catch-up Grade Level: 5
Quarterly Reading Intervention Date: February 16, 2024
(refer to Enclosure No. 3 of DM
001, s. 2024, Quarter 3)
Sub-theme: Duration: 90 mins
(time allotment as
per DO 21, s.
II. General Overview
Session Title: “AR” Words(/AR/sounds) Subject and Time: English
Story with /AR/ PM Session
(schedule as per
existing Class
Session The learners demonstrate their expanding vocabulary knowledge as used in
Objectives: formal and informal situations: growing knowledge of grammatical structures;
literal, literal, inferential, and critical comprehension of literary and
informational texts; and developing skills in composing and creating text in
order to produce culture-appropriate texts based on ones’ purpose, context
and target audience.
Key Concepts The learners apply literal, inferential, and critical comprehension of literary
and informational texts and produce culture-appropriate texts: narrative and
expository texts (explanation, news report) based on their purpose, context
(Chinese New Year), and target audience using simple, compound, and
complex sentences, and age-appropriate and gender-sensitive language.
arm farm
Comprehension Questions:
1. Who marched down the barn?
2. What are the things inside the barn?
3. What project can you make or create if you have
jar and yarn?
4. How will you make it?
5. What will you feel if you finish your project? Why?
Activity 5:
Reflective Complete the sentence.
5 mins
Journaling 1. I have learned _________.
2. I enjoyed the activity ________ because ___________.
Key Concepts The learners apply literal, inferential, and critical comprehension of literary
and informational texts and produce culture-appropriate texts:narrative and
expository texts (explanation, news report) based on their purpose, context
(Chinese New Year), and target audience using simple, compound, and
complex sentences, and age-appropriate and gender-sensitive language.
20 mins
Reading Time
Wrap Up 10 mins
Activity 5:
Reflective Complete the sentence.
10 mins
Journaling I have learned _________.
I enjoyed the activity ________ because ___________.